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Saga The Dark Clouds

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by sword_of_raditz, Nov 19, 2005.

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  1. sword_of_raditz

    sword_of_raditz Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 2, 2005
    Title: The Dark Clouds
    Author(s): Me, myself, and I (all of which are sword_of_raditz)
    Timeframe: Between AOTC and ROTS
    Characters: Azoku Kirai, Jun Kirai, and Solin Kirai
    Genre: Action
    Keywords: Fight, sky, starfighters, PT
    Summary: Three brothers are sent on a mission to scout out CIS hidden bases on Aven Baah, a remote planet with a lot of mixed cultures. The three brothers must search and destroy the CIS bases before terror befalls them.
    Notes: Aven Baah is something I just made up, don't go looking for it on SW databases.:p
  2. sword_of_raditz

    sword_of_raditz Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 2, 2005
    Chapter I: The Brothers

    "You!" cried a voice.

    Jun Kirai, a twenty-one yearold star fighter, turned.

    "Yes, sir?" he asked.

    The voice was a man in the door way. Sergeant Vam, tall and strong, was well respected. He turned to Jun. "Follow me."

    Jun quickly did as was bidden. "What's this all about?" Jun asked. The tall man averted his gaze. "Just follow me." he said.

    The two walked silently for a while and reached Naboo Central Headquarters of Republic Forces, or NCHR. It was a tall black building with it's windows shaded. They walked in the door to find thousands of security checkpoints.

    "This could take a whi-AZOKU!"

    Instantly, Azoku recognized his brothers voice. "Jun!" he cried, running to him. "Where'va ya been?"

    "Fixing up my ship," answered the brother. "Lost my right wing in a training exercise."

    "That could be a problem," Azoku laughed. "Here, follow me."

    "What of Vam and the checkpoints?"

    Azoku's eyes went dark with mischief. "He'll handle it." Jun shrugged and followed Azoku. He knew where he was going almost instantly. Solin's office.

    The last of the brothers, Solin, stood standing at the door. He waved somewhat cheerily.

    "Hello," quoth Solin, "did you hear the news?"

    Jun and Azoku looked at each other.

    "Not recently..."

    Solin jumped from his chair. "Follow me, then!"
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