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The EU: Where are they Now ? Thread

Discussion in 'EU Community' started by WRAITH_LEADER, Sep 18, 2003.

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    WRAITH_LEADER Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2002
    Okay. We all now about the mystical place known to all as the EU limbo. It appears and swallows perfectly good characters and some are never heard from again. Althought Everynow and then there is a rip in the time space continuim and it spits one character out for a short while before swallowing them again.

    This thread is a speculation of where are these characters and what are they doing?

    Example- Myn Donos. Was in the Wraith squadron books and IR. after appearing in four books he has yet to be seen from again?

    Yes, he might be in Mexico building churchs for the orphans but we may never know. Feel free to put any spin you want to on where they are. Is Lobot pushing junk in Brooklyn? just maybe. I want to hear ya'lls thoughts on where the characters are now and what they might be doing.
  2. no_krakana

    no_krakana Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 5, 2003
    Boba Fett disappers during the NJO series so far....maybe he's looking for a wife?;)
  3. Evil Incarnate

    Evil Incarnate Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Aug 18, 2003
    I want to know where Kir Kanos whent
  4. alpha_red

    alpha_red Jedi Youngling star 5

    Aug 24, 2003

    How about Nym, Vana Sage, Kasan Moor, any of the underused Rogue Squadron people, or Maarek Stele?

    For that matter, we don't see much of Keyan Farlander or Kyle Katarn, two of my favorites, very much in the NJO. Kyle doesn't even get any lines--just a mention. At least Farlander gets a fleet to command, but they seem to have forgotten completely that he was Force-sensitive. I'd like to see some others from the X-wing series come back.

    And Boba Fett's in the final NJO book, so I sense we'll be finding out what he was doing. They'll probably make some comics about it.
  5. A-WingsRule

    A-WingsRule Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 9, 2002
    Gavyn Sykes! Wade Vox! Vedd Deviss! Borvo the Hutt!

    ~Clear skies
  6. alpha_red

    alpha_red Jedi Youngling star 5

    Aug 24, 2003
    Yeah, that was a SWEET game. I loved Battle for Naboo--even more than the original Rogue Squadron. Rogue Leader was the very DEFINITION of l33t. I can't frieking WAIT for Rebel Strike...It looks like it'll combine the best elements of all the Rogue Squadron games.

    Ah, those were some good times...I used the cluster torpedoes on the N-1 and tried to blow up every single gun emplacement on the Federation command ship. I wish they'd give the X-wings cluster missiles as an upgrade in Rogue Leader. Rebel Strike comes out in like 2 weeks. I'm still saving my money for it. If I have enough left, I'll get F-Zero GX.
    You forgot about Kol Kotha.

    Also, we rarely ever see the Neimoidians in the post-ROTJ EU, and never in the NJO. What's up with that? The Federation ship was a good design. Slap some upgraded weapons and newer shields on it and it'd be almost as effective as newer ships.

    I also wonder what happened to the KOTOR characters. How long they all lived, what they did for the rest of their lives--whether any of them survived the attack on Taris.
  7. A-WingsRule

    A-WingsRule Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 9, 2002
    Man, Kol Kotha owned everybody in that game! :D

    If you shot him down he says "Bury me in the swamp!"

    Battle for Naboo just rocks. So does Star Wars Demolition.

    Whatever happened to Hoar and the Gamorrean from MoTK?

    ~Clear skies
  8. Master_Y-wing

    Master_Y-wing Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2003
    General Horton Salm? He must be dead by now or something. I bet hes as old as Bel Iblis, or younger. o well, w/e. I still think hes dead or on mon calamari after the whole Yuuzie thing.
  9. Protege-of-Thrawn

    Protege-of-Thrawn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 14, 2001
    The lack of military characters in the New Jedi Order series is hardly strange in my mind, simply something that can be filled in later.

    Think once the NJO arc has finished. We'll have X-Wing novels to fill in the gaps, we'll have BFC style descriptions of various "barely mentioned" battles, we'll probably have some Computer Games for the strangely popular Kyle Katarn.

    Mon Mothma died I seem to remember, not sure if it was covered too comprehensively. I'd like to of read her funeral etc.

    Kyp Durron seems to have gone the way of the Corran Horn in the NJO, and I'd like him to once again feature in the finale considering his power and character development thus far.
  10. A-WingsRule

    A-WingsRule Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 9, 2002
    Kyp should return. He's cool.

    I have not read TFP yet but...

    Corran is in it, or so I'm told

    ~Clear skies

    JACEN-THE-NEW-GUY Jedi Youngling

    Oct 4, 2003
    The Neimoidians do appear in NJO with the appearance of Vale as Jaina Solo's wingmate in DW. But as to the rest of them Kyp makes a brief appearence in both DW and many of the newer ones even though his pages have been cut to almost nill. Bobba Fett I have no clue on. But I want to know when they will say anything more about Zekk.
  12. DVader316

    DVader316 Jedi Knight star 7

    Feb 18, 2000
    What about Cole Farlander, the mechanic who gets in involved with the droids in The New Rebellion ?
  13. Iron_Fist

    Iron_Fist Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 30, 2003
    He hasn't been mentioned since, IIRC.
  14. alpha_red

    alpha_red Jedi Youngling star 5

    Aug 24, 2003
    Actually, it's Cole Fardreamer.

    And why is it strange that Kyle Katarn is popular? He kicks ass, and has an incredibly deep story behind him.

    But yeah, I'd like to see more of Kyp.
  15. DVader316

    DVader316 Jedi Knight star 7

    Feb 18, 2000
    Oops, I meant Fardreamer. Thanks for catching that.
  16. Lank_Pavail

    Lank_Pavail Jedi Knight star 7

    Sep 26, 2002
    Myn became a Rogue, IIRC.

    Kyle got a mention in the NJO, but it was only a brief one, Luke wondering where the heck he is. My guess: on a planet overrun by the Vong, teaching them new levels of fear and respect for the 'jeedai' :cool:
  17. Guinastasia

    Guinastasia Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 9, 2002
    Hobbie Klivian. MY theory is that he's helping defend Thyferra, because of his dependence on bacta.
  18. Protege-of-Thrawn

    Protege-of-Thrawn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 14, 2001
    And why is it strange that Kyle Katarn is popular? He kicks ass, and has an incredibly deep story behind him.

    Because he originated from a video game, usually not the domain of literature buffs. If not for the cross-over in these two areas of fandom, he wouldn't warrant a mention in the novels I'd imagine.
  19. Jedi_Commander_Faofa

    Jedi_Commander_Faofa Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2003
    While we're on video game characters, whatever happened to Ace and the Otana from X-Wing Alliance? There were mentioned in the New Essential Guide to Characters, but they haven't been in any novel! I was hoping they would be in the NJO and get killed honorably or something, not totally ignored. Same with Boba Fett.
  20. Handmaiden Yané

    Handmaiden Yané Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2002
    I'd like to see more of Zekk. I was really pushing for a Jaina/Zekk pairing, but since it didn't happen, whatever. I can deal.

    I was at a Michael A. Stackpole convention and he mentioned that the editors and the authors were under tremendous pressure to reinstate old characters and such, and I have to admit, once I thought about it from their point of view, I felt sympathy for them. I mean, say you're a great author and you have a fantastic series and your millions upon millions of readers are all like, "Oh put in this and this, or that and that!" For the author, it would be extremely hard to pleae everyone.

    WRAITH_LEADER Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2002
    Is there any Lit. on the guys from KOTOR? I didn't think there was yet. Any How. What about Fen Nabon and Ghista dogder. From the Tales of the New Republic. They had two short stories and were never heard from again. I mean after one story you could forget about them. But throw in a second and pow. you got potential.

    And what happened to Fable Astin. Where did she go. I was totally digging here character and then she fades away..... not with a bang but a whimper mind you. She was a jedi so destened to die and all that but I want to know how. By the Way here story in TFTNR Is great. I suggest every one check it out.

    And last but not least what happened to Harkness and jai raventhorn from kathy burdette story.I guess we may never know. In fact They probably all bought it before the NJO.
  22. CallistaRieekan

    CallistaRieekan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 7, 2000
    Callista. Boy, did she ever disappear into the void. I know just about everyone hates her and takes unholy glee in her absence, but she's my favorite character, and what with all the recent philosophizing over other planes of the Force and such, I think she'd be relevant in the NJO. Sure, she's blind to the Force, but maybe she's just blind to the level of the Force that Jedi operate on. (Or something like that.)

    I'd be curious to know about Triv Pothman, another COTJ character, too. I know Tomla El, the Ithorian healer, actually got a few mentions in the NJO.

    I agree about Myn Donos, and other notable Rogues/Wraiths.

  23. bowieslefteye

    bowieslefteye Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2003
    thok! what happens to him?
  24. trianiigirl

    trianiigirl Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 21, 2002
    I wanna know where the Trianii are.

    [TUF spoiler?]
    At the end of the book Han mentions wanting to go back to the Corporate Sector...

    *crosses fingers and hopes*
  25. Genghis12

    Genghis12 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 18, 1999
    While there's no disputing the fact that Kyle originated in a computer game, he is one of the few Star Wars characters to have an his own literature trilogy in the form of the Dark Forces trilogy, something only a small handful of Star Wars (and EU) characters can claim to have.
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