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ST The Even More Magniloquent New Rumor Intellectual Thread of Seriousness for Sophisticated Discourse

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by A Chorus of Disapproval , Dec 15, 2015.

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  1. ManaByte

    ManaByte Chosen One star 5

    Aug 20, 1998

    MSW didn't start posting the real meaty stuff about TFA until February of 2015.
    Baron_Papanerd likes this.
  2. weezer

    weezer Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 16, 2001
    Yeah but the production schedules have been different. VIII has been moving along at the same pace as if they had they kept the May date. Principal photography ended four months earlier on VIII than it did on VII
  3. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Whammageddon Survivor star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Jan 8, 2005
    Soooo, what you're saying is... only one more week to wait for spoilers! [face_dancing]
    Baron_Papanerd and What Girl like this.
  4. ManaByte

    ManaByte Chosen One star 5

    Aug 20, 1998

    I believe VIII still has reshoots scheduled. That's why the Hamill beard is back. They'll do reshoots and then go right into IX a couple of months later.
    Baron_Papanerd likes this.
  5. Gigoran Monk

    Gigoran Monk Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 2, 2016
    Which reinforces the point that they are reliable. They always give a clear sense of their confidence levels regarding rumors, much as good intelligence analysts do. And when further evidence comes to light shaking that confidence further, or the other way around, they say it. That's the mark of honesty and reliability, not the opposite.

    Fans can be such frustrating beasts. Stick to something, and you're unreasonable. Be honest and flexible, and you're unreliable. A no win situation.
  6. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014
    Yeh I know, but don´t you feel everything is quieter this time around?
  7. ManaByte

    ManaByte Chosen One star 5

    Aug 20, 1998

    This time around it's even easier to filter out the stuff that's bogus. But then the more legitimate stuff doesn't come out quick enough to satisfy people because you still have to protect sources.
    iluvkoalas and Darth_Bertie like this.
  8. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014
    So do you think more info will leak before SWCO?
  9. ManaByte

    ManaByte Chosen One star 5

    Aug 20, 1998

    I don't know.
  10. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002

    Manabyte, you seem to have quality sources. Is there truth to the rumors that most of the time Luke and Rey spend together is on Ah-ch To?
    What Girl likes this.
  11. ManaByte

    ManaByte Chosen One star 5

    Aug 20, 1998

    Sounds like it.

    If that's how it is that's a cool lead-in to IX honestly. They spend most of their time on that island until word gets to them of things going down with the Resistance and they decide to leave and join up with everyone else. And that's Episode IX.
  12. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    Do you have any insight on the Luke saber question, or his costume? Regal and Dooku-like or more muddy and dirty like Yoda? Thanks for sharing as much as you have already!
  13. ThreeDeathstickProblem

    ThreeDeathstickProblem Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2014
    If Rey and Luke stay on Ahch-To for most of VIII, then IX must be a very epic story that covers a long period of time. Otherwise the whole ST will cover a very a short amount of time in Rey's life, from a few days in TFA to a few days to months in TLJ.

    Perhaps it will be like the Dark Knight trilogy in that respect. The first two parts are closely connected and cover the first year+ of the heroes journeys, then the third part time jumps years later to pick up the story in the waning days of the FO/Resistance war.
  14. ManaByte

    ManaByte Chosen One star 5

    Aug 20, 1998

    I don't see why there won't be a two-year jump between VIII and IX. Only reason there wasn't between VII and VIII is because of how they ended TFA.
  15. sls062286

    sls062286 Jedi Master star 4

    May 10, 2016
    Wasnt the goal for Luke to help the Resistance from the start and thats why they were looking for him to begin with? Why do they need to wait to hear about things "going down?" Rey already knows they need Luke.
  16. ManaByte

    ManaByte Chosen One star 5

    Aug 20, 1998

    Luke probably wants her to train and not let her leave the way he left Yoda in ESB.
  17. sls062286

    sls062286 Jedi Master star 4

    May 10, 2016
    So Luke has no sense of urgency when he knows his sister needs him?
  18. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002

    I think anyone expecting the Luke we see in VIII at the start to feel very much the same as the happy, optimistic Luke we saw at the end of VI needs to reconsider just how much hardship he's endured along with how difficult it would have been to have so much power and still see so much pain and suffering occurring around him. Every time he tries to do right and help the cause of the Light, including training an entirely new generation, he has to endure pushback from the Dark Side. He's been gone for years because he wanted to be gone for years. He's changed in some ways. How could he not be over the course of so many decades and so much struggle?

    People can call it cliched, or too close to Yoda all they want but I definitely think it makes sense for Luke to seem a little off initially in much the same way a soldier with PTSD might seem a little off. He's been through so much and he's been isolated for so long. How could he possibly be exactly the same as he was following what he perceived to be the defeat of the Empire, some resolution with his father, and end of the Emperor?

    Maybe it's time somebody helped Luke after all the times he's helped others. Everyone has periods in their life when they aren't at their best. I think Rey will be the one to help him rediscover himself.
    robot_3, SaintKenobi1322 and oncafar like this.
  19. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    And hope people can handle it, because I have a suspicion you are right, that she is going to at least partially help him. She's either the sign he has been waiting for, or she gives him a new purpose.
  20. MotherNature's SilverSeed

    MotherNature's SilverSeed Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 4, 2013
  21. hana_solo

    hana_solo Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 4, 2016
    I'm not worried about "crazy" Luke even one bit because that spells show stealer. Luke was the stoic, straight guy in OT and those characters are always bound to be a bit upstaged by colorful ones. Even though, IMO, he was the trilogy's MVP in general when all is said and done, ANH, ESB and ROTJ had their own share of scene stealers who ranged from roguish to nutty on the surface to deliciously evil. So now it's Luke's time to steal the thunder from straight-forward heroes by evolving into one type of character that stole scenes from him when he was the straight-forward hero. And you just know that Mark will kill it.
  22. Shadojoker

    Shadojoker Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 15, 2000
    ManaByte...can you confirmed there were scenes of Finn using the lightsaber cut? Or Changed so he would be less of a badass and more of a coward sort of speak?

    We know MSW had a ton of synopsis of it MULTIPLE times but were they true,changed, or false altogether?

    Example articles:

    Urban Acolyte Youtube video does a good job mentioning this but Im very curious about your opinion ManaByte . Thanks
  23. Jim Ryalto

    Jim Ryalto Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Aug 21, 1998

    Hi, I don't support the deadest of dead theories. I don't even really have a Rey parentage theory, and I could care less who Spoke is because he's boring. I call them like I see them, and MSW is nowhere near the 100 percent accuracy mark that some around here insist that they are. They got lucky when Indie Revolver passed them the shot list. Other than that, they are all over the place when it comes to rumors. And, I don't like the way they report. They were responsible for a lot of hand-wringing during the TFA run-up, even with the shot list, because they mix their own spec with the rumors and try to drive fandom in the direction they want. Other than the shot list, a lot of their rumors come from leaks in merchandising or other ancillary products like YA novels, so they end up building up something as a huge deal (Poe is quasi-adopted by Leia, who is dating another Resistance leader) when it's nowhere in the movie at all.
  24. hana_solo

    hana_solo Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 4, 2016
    Nobody's ever said that MSW hits 100% accuracy mark or that they are always correct. MSW doesn't say that either.
    Satipo and iluvkoalas like this.
  25. cerealbox

    cerealbox Force Ghost star 6

    May 5, 2016
    I think we should start comparing the amount of spoilers to Rogue One last year, rather than TFA from 2 years ago.
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