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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Correct film, correct line, but remember that Yavinelf / Lord Nelf is a half-elf, so Elven.

    I don't think that I fill my fanon with references; my prose, sure. Although, in the face of a lack of competing data, my versions of the Bulwark-class cruisers for the SPAGETTI organisation, do draw on the opening nose configurations of the SPECTRE rocket from You Only Live Twice, and the supertanker from The Spy Who Loved Me.

    Apart from your slang lists, Gamiel , I almost never know what you are talking about. Remember asking us for Star Wars translations for apparently English terms, then one person amongst us recognising that you were using actual Warhammer orc clan names without clueing anybody in?

    You are more opaque than Captain Black, Mysteron agent.

    EDIT: FanonSock - STANG vest picture added to the Law Enforcement article.
    Gamiel likes this.
  2. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    FanonSock I have added some new planets to The Lahara Sector, I think Chyntuck will find some of the new world interesting since many of them are agri-worlds

    Aha, missunderstod your answer. [face_beatup]


    Chyntuck likes this.
  3. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
  4. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Organisations of note in the Lahara Sector
    My previus fanon regarding the Lahara Sector

    7FA – Sju familj alliansen: (in basic: ‘the Seven Families Alliance’) was before the Clone Wars the major shipping and trading company in the Lahra sector, a part of the Great Hydra (see the Great Hydra below), but lost most of their contracts and also saw many of their ships confiscate during the first years of the Empire. To survive they had to sell of many of their investments and also take up smuggling and even small time piracy. They see themselves as victims of circumstances and have animosity toward all the trade houses and shipping companies that have taken over the contracts 7FA see as theirs. This has led to them hiring freelancers to harass their competitors and even attack their perceived enemies’ ships if they think they can get away with it. As for now they have been able to keep their actions hidden.


    Alpharius Trading: A bothan owned trading company, that ships from Bothawui to the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads and seems to want to expand. It is an open secret that they are a front for the Bothan Spynet.


    The Buru-Buru: A ryn great-clan makes a living as mercenaries (they are part of the Caravan Guard Guild, see below), bodyguards, small time traders and as performers (mostly musicians and noh-theatre). They have an ancient agreement with the Han Saa trade-clan (see below) which give them right to travel with the Han Saa’s ship and give the trade-clan’s leaders and scions the Buru-Buru’s demon-masked elite-warriors as bodyguards.


    Caravan Guard Guild: As long as people have had goods transported from one place to another there have been others who have wanted to take the goods being transported for themselves. The Lahara sector is no exception to this rule, to protect the transporters and the items they carry traders and travellers hire others to protect them. Usually the protection took the shape of either fighters and/or smaller battleships travelling with the ships they were protecting or as people on-board, defending against any attacker, saboteur or thief that comes on-board, or in some cases both.
    In time those protectors, both the ones permanently employed by captains or trade-houses and the ones who hire out their service on a more short term basis, begun to organise. By the time the Clone Wars begun those organisations had merged into the Caravan Guard Guild.


    Dagnys fik: Interstellar cafhouse chain, it offers caf, tea and sometime regional specialities but don’t expect anything comparable to espresso, café-latte, cappuccino or similar. They also serve pastries, cookies and sandwiches.


    Deckard’s: Interstellar noodle based fast food restaurant. Cheap, fast, overall okey taste and not poisonous, it is the easy meal for uncountable people all over the sector.


    Elkbro Trading inc.: (Originally Elkord Brothers Space Shipping) the main trading company in the fon Sjternberg’s moffate. Since they are trading with planets controlled by the fon Sjternberg are they only allowed to trade certain things in Republic space and any goods from the fon Sjternberg’s moffate is notably taxed. This has made them involved in black market trading and smuggling in Republic space.


    The Great Hydra: Nine great trade houses that had practical monopoly on big trade in Lahara before the Clone Wars and it was an open secret that they were in cartel with each other. The houses not just dismantled for their part on the Separatists side in the Clone Wars, lost most of their contracts and also saw many of their ships confiscate during the first years of the Empire.


    The Han Saa trade-clan: A mainly duros trade-clan that have control of a majority of all the major shipping going on in the Lahara sector and its near area. They actually accept anybody, including non-duros, into the trade-clan that have shown themselves worthy, the downsides are that the Han Saa don’t like it when family members try to leave or try to marry outside of the trade-clan (just having a partner from outside the clan is something different and fully allowed). Colours are green with yellow highlights

    Have an ancient agreement with the Buru-Buru ryn (see abow) who travel with them and whose demon-masked elite-warriors function as bodyguards to the trade-clan’s leaders and scions.


    The Honourable Society for the Return of the Righteous and True Way: The Clone War and the Empire lead to many planets old ruling elite was ousted from their position. With the End of the empire many of them thought that it was only right that their old domains and position was returned to them. To many their surprise not all planets did welcome their old lords with open arms or even at all. To help eachother to regain what they was as rightfully their those exile nobles, oligarchs and similar created the Honourable Society for the Return of the Righteous and True Way, or just the Honourable Society (their political enemies often call them “the Snubbed Society of Silver Spoons”).


    Jade Lotus: The largest criminal organisation in the Lahara sector, which leader, the green human Black-Pink-Fish Mountain-Entrance, is the underlord of the sector.

    Their mon is a stylised green lotus flower; they are notable for the high amount of females members and that nearly all members of importance are women.

    They have a large presence on Pelekay (where also Black-Pink-Fish Mountain-Entrance lives) and on [TBC]


    Keiyuki Clan: The Keiyuki Clan is a smaller pirate band that is well organised, well equipped and all too often seems to be highly well informed about their targets. Keiyuki Clan is actually the personal fleet for the Jade Lotus crime syndicate that use it to strike at competitors, smugglers working for others, assassinations hidden as pirate attacks and similar. They also gather information on other pirates in the sector so they can be taken care of when they become too big of a nuisance.


    The Lotus Dragon: a teahouse chain that is famous for its high quality products and service. They offer small refreshments to take with the tea but no real food.


    Lahara’s Honourable Spice Merchant Guild: as the name suggest, an organisation that deals with buying and selling of spices (they have also branched out into drink items like chocolate and caff beans and tea leafs). To bear the mark of Lahara’s Honourable Spice Merchant Guild, or as they are commonly known ‘the Spice Guild’, is to declare that the items you sell are of high quality and acquired in an honourable way (fair payment to the workers, minimal use of poisons, no landgrabbing or destruction of important ecologies involved). The Spice Guild has an army of inspectors to make certain that anybody and anything bearing the Spice Guild’s mark deserve it. Members of the Spice Guild are often recognised by the many spice filled pomanders they carry.


    Lahara Sector Defence Force: used for roles similar to United Nations peacekeeping forces and for discourage and hunting pirates. Their uniforms are a in practise recoloured versions of the Imperial Army troopers' – right side yellow, left side green, with the helmet and body armour in republic blue – and they carry similar equipment. Their also all carry a harvesting sickle, as a symbol for the agriculture that is the Lahara sector’s lifeblood.


    The Nexie Clans: The Nexie clans are descendant of the Nessie of the Stenness Node that emigrated (some sources say exiled) to the Lahara sector, shortly after the Banite Sith War. They are space nomads, which each clan formed around one to five ancient Ithullian wasp ships, who have somehow learned how to travel alongside the purrgil without any larger risk. How they do this is a well-kept secret but they use it to follow the large purrgil flocks that exist in the Lahara sector’s void. Like planetary animal herders do Nexie clans take care of and protect their animal companions as well as slaughtering some of them during specific time for their meat and other parts.


    Obed & Marsh Shipping: shipping company that work along the Celanon Spur and some of its side lance. Notable for only recruiting from species who are amphibious and that many employees have strange gold jewellery with aquatic motives.


    Order the Hospital of Saint Tabbas: a religious order whose main mission is to offer hospitality and help to the pilgrims travelling the Seven Steps of Saint Tabbas pilgrim trail. They also offer hospitality and help on many planets and space stations outside of the Seven Steps of Saint Tabbas pilgrim trail.


    OrHosViOcci: Was originally formed to protect travellers across the path that would become the Celanon Spur. In time they begun to function as a bank for travellers, then to financial back undertakings of exploration and trade across or near the Celanon Spur and in time it become one of the mightiest trade houses across the Celanon Spur. Thought out the centuries after the term was coined so was OrHosViOcci always among the three mightiest of the Great Hydra (see The Great Hydra above).
    Was completely dismantled for their part on the Separatists side in the Clone Wars during the first years of the Empire.


    Omegon Syndicate: a shadowy organisation that functions as a captains’ guild, merchant bank and interstellar shipping company, which has a reputation for ruthlessness and underhanded tactics.


    Oyama-Kortes Shipping: A shipping company that operate along both Celanon Spur and the Braxant Run. They are in an corporate agreement with Pierce Cybernetics, making them the main shippers of Pierce Cybernetics goods and personal in their area of the Galaxy. Because of this agreement so are all of Oyama-Kortes Shipping’s freighter equipped for handling all manners of medicines, cybernetics and even patients.

    Many of Oyama-Kortes' employees are cyborgs.

    There is a rumour that one of Oyama-Kortes’ mayor shareholders is actually the criminal syndicate Lazenby’s Specters that use the company for their own ends, but nothing has ever been proven.


    The Sorority of the Blade: Begun as a Separatists militia group on Oorn Tchis, that fled into space when the Clone Wars ended and begun to sell their services as mercenaries. Most of their equipment are hand-me-downs, foraged or looted which gives the members a rather ramshackle appearance; they create a superficial look of uniformity be all using the same blue-n'-purple coloured hooded cloaks or ponchos. Many of them also use coats, jackets, tabards, sashes and other pieces of clothing in the same colour. Jewellery, fasteners and trinkets made out of brass, bronze and copper are also common.

    The only item the all have that is the same is the slender bladed katar with wooden hilt that’s given to each member when becoming a full member in the Sorority.


    The Teräs Käsi masters of Tengil: An martial arts Force tradition mostly found in the Lahara sector whose origin is shrouded in mystery. It is thought that they once were an elite fighting force to Tengil, but what exactly what Tengil was – a man, a title, a city, a planet, a system – is unknown.

    Now a-days (a.k.a. the movies-era) there only seem to exist a couple of dozens masters of Tengil in the galaxy, most of them found in the Lahara sector, but then again there is much space in Lahara that is seldom visited and the galaxy is a big place so there could be hundreds of masters out there.

    They know the Force as Virtaus (meaning ca. the Flow) and divided between “the inner Virtaus” and “the outer Virtaus”. The inner Virtaus means the part of the Force that flow through the body and the outer Virtaus is the part of the Force that is, well, outside the body. The Teräs Käsi masters of Tengil focus on the inner Virtaus and use it to enhance their fighting abilities.

    Unlike most versions of Teräs Käsi do the style that the masters of Tengil teach the use of weapons. Mostly truncheon, side-handle baton, knife, short-sword and short range guns.

    The masters don’t seem to have any real cause to fight for and have been known to hire out themselves to whoever is paying best or even act as bandits and warlords. A good example of the later was Årlin of Karmanjaka who terrorised the Lahara sector before being brought to justice by the jedi knights Jon-Tan and Skorpan.
    * They look like


    The Wongkeiying order: a travelling monk order who are masters of natural medicine and martial arts. They are also known as black umbrellas for the black umbrellas they all carry.


    Xand-Nxor: One of the larger shipping houses that operate along the Braxant Run, their entrepreneur-emissaries seen on all planets across the Run. Something many find strange is that all employees of Xand-Nxor, from the loves deckhand to the highest board member-admiral are robed and masked, shoving neither skin nor hair. Why they do this is something that possibly not even they themselves know but people across Braxant Run have long ago accepted as just one of the facts of trade-life.

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    Sith-I-5 likes this.
  5. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Common Serenity Slang And Other Words

    Ku'honés - Figure of speech meaning "courage, guts" (Example: "He has some ku'honés.") Also slang for a certain male body part. (Adapted from Spanish)

    Derphead - Slang for an adult being who is acting stupid and/or childish.
    Derpheaded - Adjective. Stupid and/or childish. (Example: "That's the most derpheaded thing I've ever heard.") (Both of the above Inspired by YouTuber Koffee's use of the word "derp" when her Sims do something stupid.)
    Derp - Noun. Abbreviated form of derphead.
    Derpy - Adjective. Abbreviated form of derpheaded. Superlative form: derpiest.

    Shiny - Great, awesome.
    Hundan - An insult, but not always, depending on context.
    Pi gu - [Butt]
    Go sé - [Excrement]
    Wo dé tian - Oh my God
    Feng le - Crazy.
    Dong Mah - Shortened form of dong lé mah. Depending on context, it can mean either "Do you understand?", or "I understand." The two forms are often used in tandem, with one person asking "Dong mah?", and the other answering "Dong lé mah.", or vice versa.
    Mei mei - An endearment. Little Sister.
    Swai - Handsome, good looking.
    The Black - Space. (All of these are stolen from Firefly. Most are actual Chinese phrases.)
    Foramm - Force damned
    Forammit - Force damn it (Suggested by @Gamiel, inspired by Firefly)

    Cheep - Noun: Something posted on Chirpee. Verb: To post something on Chirpee.

    Backpfengscheit - Derived from Old Correllian. No direct equivalent in Basic. Literal translation is "a face in need of slapping". (This is an actual German word. I just can't spell it.)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
    Gamiel and Ewok Poet like this.
  6. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  7. DarthKov

    DarthKov Jedi Youngling

    Sep 13, 2017
    please note tmd, translated above as an exclamation, is one or two degrees from M____F____er in English. Please do not use in fanfics here.
    Okay, so it is an exclamation. [face_plain]
  8. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    I was going to edit this post today anyway. The phrase in question will be exchanged for something milder.
  9. Gahmah Raan

    Gahmah Raan Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 2, 2015
    Well, it's been ages since I posted any new entries here.

    List of magnificent/deadly flora and fauna - These are just general creatures that featured in Paranormalities that haven't been explicitly possessed by Forceless. All are native to the GFFA so far. List may be updated with time.

    Homeworld: Yavin IV
    Habitat: Aquatic
    Diet: Carnivore

    A massive, predatory crustacean that lives in deep water throughout the jungle moon. Their preferred methods of hunting is hiding themselves in mud before chasing after other fish or ambushing land-dwelling prey. While they can move and survive on land, they are much faster in water. Their main methods of attack are their claws and their fangs. While their exoskeletons can resist blaster bolts, their fleshy underbellies are vulnerable. They nest in caves under waterfalls and reproduce by laying eggs in clusters.

    They were often hunted for food when the Massassi inhabited the moon. Since lobranhas preferred to stay near water when hunting due to the mobility advantages, Massassi hunters would attack in groups to capture a single one by luring it on land. A single adult lobranha is enough to feed an entire village for a day. However, because lobranhas are shellfish, their meat spoils very quickly upon death, to the point that consumption of raw lobranha meat is toxic to most sentient beings. As such, lobranhas have to be captured and cooked alive before consumption and their meat needs to be consumed within the day it is cooked. Capturing and preparing an adult lobranha for a feast was a major achievement for Massassi hunters, but few were successful at it due to the lobranha's general ferocity and their demanding meal-prep requirements.

    Mutant Garbage Worm
    Homeworld: Unknown (known locations include Vjun)
    Habitat: Aquatic
    Diet: Omnivore

    Not much is currently about these large, lamprey-mouthed worms, except they inhabited the same types of environments as dianogas: swamps and waste disposal sites. However, toxic materials have mutated these creatures to grow a second head on their tails, and both heads share a single brain located near its stomach. Because of their size, they are much more difficult to cultivate than dianogas.

    The garbage worm is not normally carnivorous, but will attempt to eat other creatures if sufficiently starved or forced to conserve its detritus supply.

    In addition to trying to swallow their prey whole, they will defecate out of the head opposite of the one they last ate with and use their own feces or urine as projectiles. Due to a defect in their digestive system, their body waste contains leftover stomach acid.

    Homeworld: Kratzar
    Habitat: Volcanic
    Diet: Carnivore

    Kratzar is one of several notable planets in the galaxy to have been formed during the Old Republic era. In its current primordial state, the planet is easy to mistake for a post-cataclysmic volcanic world with two asteroid rings due to a planet-wide sea of lava. Among that sea are a few small islands.

    One of the few creatures to call Kratzar in its undeveloped state home is the pyron, a blind, lava-dwelling serpent with a pair of tusks of protruding from both jaws. It uses sonar, hearing and smell to track prey, such as swarms of lava plankton and imported Mustafarian lava fleas. They have nests and lay eggs on land.

    For the Mustafarian miners that have colonized the planet, pyrons are pests that are known to unexpectedly pop out of siphons in the material-rich magma mines (which the Valkoran Empire also used for their plasma weapon technology). Thankfully, the Mustafarians' own kinetic blasters are perfectly suited for penetrating the pyron's otherwise heatproof skin.

    Homeworld: Krantisi
    Habitat: Grassland
    Diet: Herbivore
    Status: Extinct

    These colossal, quadrupedal, shelled reptiles that almost equaled the size of a warship roamed Krantisi before the Infinite Empire conquered the planet. Their size meant that Krantisi's carnivorous predators were almost no threat to them, unless they were similar in size or the smaller predators made a coordinated attack. What predators that were foolish enough to try to prey on the gigantoise without a plan were simply crushed to death under its mass or swatted away like flies (even stepping on a vykle wouldn't hurt them much). Even though the gigantoise was an herbivore, they have no problem chewing up would-be-predators that try to eat them from the inside.

    When the Rakata caused a planetary cataclysm of unknown detail, a large percentage of Krantisi's plant life was decimated, so much that there was not enough of it to sustain herbivores as large as the gigantoise. The species starved to extinction, gigantoise fossils are littered throughout Krantisi's now barren environment, with even tribes of the native sapient population building settlements in their shells.

    Side note: The Gigantoise-class Mobile Fortress, better known as the Valkoran Fortress Tank, is named and modeled after these creatures.

    Blood Cactus
    Homeworld: Krantisi
    Habitat: Arid
    Diet: Carnivore

    A sentient desert plant that has adapted to Krantisi's post-Rakata environment. Being exactly that, they are mobile, but prefer to blend in with visually similar, but non-sentient cacti to increase their chances of successfully catching prey. What are usually decorative marks between the needles on the regular cacti are eye-spots on the blood cacti. Their methods of subduing prey for capture include binding unsuspecting prey with their roots or firing paralyzing needles at them if they try to run away.

    Contrary to their namesake, blood cacti don't just suck prey's blood through the mouth on their top. They suck out all of their prey's body fluids until they've been reduced to a brittle, statue-like husk that can easily collapse into dust with a poke of a finger. (For Metroid fans, think of what the titular creatures do to their prey) Individual blood cacti avoided preying on Krantisi's megafauna (such as the gigantoise before it went extinct) unless assisted, as their size meant that they had more body fluids than the cactus could consume, would survive being preyed upon and easily fight back.

    When not on the move, they root themselves down like any other plant for secondary nutrients.

    Maugra (note: Legends creature; known there only as Sand Burrower)
    Homeworld: Blenjeel
    Habitat: Desert
    Diet: Carnivore

    Maugra were giant sand worms with multiple rows of teeth. They tracked their prey through vibrations in the sand since they didn't have eyes.

    Almost nothing was known about the maugra (let alone that Blenjeel was inhabited at all) until a Jedi escaped from Blenjeel with his life. Since then, zoologists have only studied them from afar in ships protected against Blenjeel's electromagnetic storm clouds (another contributing factor to the planet's previous lack of information).

    Fossil evidence suggests that Blenjeel was once inhabited by other creatures, but were overhunted by the maugra. Following the planet being listed as dangerous in public databanks, fewer ships have gone near Blenjeel, cutting off a steady food source for the giant worms. On the brink of starvation, many have resorted to cannibalism or trying to eat the wreckage of the starships that came before. Maugra also reproduce asexually; so even if someone were to bombard the entire planet from orbit just to make it safer before setting up a base of operations, the surviving maugra would be able to repopulate the planet in a few decades if they don't starve to extinction first.

    Zoologists have also discovered that the maugra are distantly related to creatures such as the sarlacc, vixus and rathtar despite lacking tentacles.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
    Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  10. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Hello all! It's been a bit, I know—I've had some very busy RL times of late. But I'm pleased to be back today to present you first with some recent updates, then with our next challenge, and finally with a brief poll concerning challenges.

    First, some updates:

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 has added, and updated, a new fanon post: Slang Words Common on Serenity.

    Gahmah Raan has added a new fanon post: List of Magnificent/Deadly Flora and Fauna.

    Next, I am pleased to present our next challenge, chosen by our very own Gamiel in anticipation of Halloween...

    [face_pumpkin] ...the FANON HORROR CHALLENGE! [face_pumpkin]

    As usual, when you’ve written your story, post a link here in the thread and I’ll index it. Stories for this challenge will be due Saturday, December 27, 2017, at which point we’ll take a week to vote. The winning author, once again, will (1) get their story name in the title of the thread for a week, and (2) get to come up with the next challenge.

    (Unless there's overwhelming demand, I hope no one will be disappointed if I do not check with the mods about awarding colors for this one, given as both of them are currently away and won't be back till this challenge is well under way anyway.)

    And finally, as usual: if you're writing a multichapter story, please be sure that at least the first chapter is up by the December 30 deadline.

    All right, have at it! And as always, let me know if you have any questions. Happy horror-ing! [face_pumpkin]

    Challenge Index
    The Mists of Mehr by Chyntuck
    The Vaults of Cromm-Crúaich by Gamiel
    S.R.A.K.—Serpent-Related Ass Kicking by Sith-I-5

    Finally, I have a couple of general poll questions for you all about challenges. I’d be glad of your input:

    1. Topics/themes: I’d be curious to know people’s thoughts about the themes and topics of the challenges that have been offered thus far (the index post will have a list). Too hard? Too easy? Just right? Anything you’d like done differently? Anything you’d like to see or try?

    2. Time limits and deadlines: I usually give 3–4 months for challenges in this thread, with voting for a week following. Do you prefer more time? Less time? Or is this time frame all right?

    3. Prizes: So far, here’s what I’ve been giving as prizes to winners of challenges: (a) advertisement of the winning story in the Fanon Thread title for a week and (b) the opportunity to come up with the next Fanon Thread challenge. With the OK of the mods, I’ve also been able to offer colors occasionally, though of course not always; it depends on what the mods already have underway. What do you think of these prizes Are they all right? Are there others you would prefer or would like to suggest?

    4. Any other comments, suggestions, or thoughts you have about the challenges hosted in this thread?

    Thanks so much, and I look forward to hearing from you. :)

  11. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    1. A couple of previous challenges were hard, but this is a demanding thread and that's the way it should be. Keep it up. :)

    2. All fine.

    3. All fine.

    4. Nothing else, just keep up!
    Gahmah Raan and Findswoman like this.
  12. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I'll agree with Ewok Poet on this one.

    Although I will add that for 1., the difficulty of a previous challenge came from the specific result of my perverse dice-rolling skillz, rather than anything from the thread sock.
    Findswoman likes this.
  13. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    1. About the challenges themselves, I think they're fine the way they are. They're challenges, they should be challenging ;)

    2. I would suggest adjusting the deadlines a little so as not to overlap with other recurring challenges. There was always an issue of timing for me when I tried to come up with something, e.g. I was in the process of writing an OC challenge entry at the same time as my fanon entry, so I inevitably dropped out of the most demanding one (and the fanon story I had outlined ended up on the list of things I still need to write). I also think that two weeks for voting instead of one would be helpful.

    3. I'm perfectly happy with the prizes as they are. I could make or ask Mr Chyn to make winner badges or even cover art if that helps; the problem is that we can work only from existing images, and that may be an issue for the fanon elements.

    4. Nothing to add here.
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  14. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002

    Please can you give me a link to your snake-worshipping sect post?
    Findswoman likes this.
  15. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I think you mean one of the traditions in this post: Lost Force Traditions
  16. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Yep, that Eye of the Serpent is probably it.

    Thank you.

    EDIT: *That moment when you can't think of any snake-related Force Powers*
  17. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    FanonSock regarding the current challenge is it ok to self-promote by pointing out the parts of your fanon that you think could work well in a horror story?
  18. Gahmah Raan

    Gahmah Raan Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 2, 2015
    I'm probably going to sit this one out since I'm still preoccupied with two stories, one of them being a carryover from a contest from last year and my other story is already a horror story in some places.
    Findswoman likes this.
  19. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Oh, I don't have time for all these challenges.

    I'm deep into an NSWFF offering, when the OTP challenge launches, then a couple days later, the OC Thread does the same, then maybe a week later, yours.

    What to do. What to do.

    Write one very quickly?

    Okay then: S.R.A.K. - Serpent Related Ass Kicking

    Based on Gamiel 's 'Eye of the Serpent' sect.
    Findswoman , Gamiel and Chyntuck like this.
  20. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Findswoman to ask it in another way: is it ok to ask each other what parts of our fanon that we think could work well in a horror story?
    If you ever have this problem again I think I can help.
  21. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Well, I have shot my bolt, so it is a bit late now.

    Thanks though.
  22. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Planets of the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads, in the Lahara sectorn

    The Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads is the intersection of the Braxant Run and Celanon Spur hyperlanes that lay in the Lahara sectorn (canon info / my fanon on it).


    Axos: One of the main transshipment worlds at the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads. Axos is an ice world where microorganisms lives in the water, getting energy from the sun, they are sturdy enough to survive being frozen for long periods of times and colour the snow and ice red. They are eaten by cold resistant slug-like animals, that can grow quite large.

    Spaceports on Axos are built out of and dug into the mountain sides all across the planets which cave networks surrounding them, where habitations, storages, etc. lay. A spaceport and its surrounding cave networks are together known in the local lingo as a mitshang, and all the different mitshang in a mountain are connected through great tunnel systems.

    Axos' culture is based around the different mitshang, with each mitshang acting as its own small society within the larger collection. It is an anarchy borne of constantly shifting alliances between the various mitshang, three different ruling diets (with different election systems and criteria for who can be allowed in) and administrative organizations that keep the society functional (barely if you ask outsiders).

    Something many returning captains learn is that the strange politics of Axos means that many of the mitshang are in conflict with each other and by landing in one mitshang they make themself persona-non-grata in the mitshang/s that consider their chose of landing an enemy.

    Tauntauns and some other cold weather animals have been imported to function as riding and meat animals.

    The Axoish people are mostly made up by pale and blue skinned humans, talz, ortolans and whiphids, but are not divided after species line, they all share the same culture and an advanced system of marriages, adaptations and artificial insemination means that a family unit can be made up by three or more species, all who consider each other kin.

    Thanks to its position as a main transshipment word you can usually find any item or food you are looking for on Axos, even if it might not exist in the mitshang you are in. The native cuisine have been highly influenced by all the other cultures that comes to Axos but some foodstuff and cooking traditions are considered traditionally Axoish.
    Among them is the tendency to use tauntaun butter in nearly everything, even the traditional Axoish algae tea is taken with butter instead of milk or cream.


    Glom is an old and dying world circulating an old and dying star that spit out more heat than light. Most of Glom’s native life has long ago dyed out with main survivors being algae and lichen that grow in and near the shallow inland seas, transforming sunheat, not sunlight, into energy they can live off and creating just enough oxygen for a breathable, if thin, air.

    In normal cases a world like Glom would never been considered for colonisation, lacking anything of interest but one: its location. Laying within the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads Glom quickly become a transit-port planet when trade begun to flow and once the Lahara sectorn entered the Republic it was decided that Glom would be the main base for the sector’s fleet and then the security navy during the post-Russan-era and was turned once again into a fleet base during the Clone wars and onward. Now a-day Glom is surrounded by 15 spaceport-stations – 11 belonging to the fleet and 4 to the security navy, with both sides thinking that the other side could do with less – and many parts of the surface is covered in ports, hab-blocks, administrative and educational institution buildings. Glom’s role as the sector’s main port for its military and security fleet has also made it the main education facility for the space services.

    Traders still stop at Glom but only the once with good ships and nothing to hide since Glom’s port authority take pride in always inspecting ships that are mooring at their port and doing the inspection by the whole book.

    The native people of Glom (mostly humans, arkanian, duros and [undecided]) are pale in skin, hair and eye with a calm temperament. They are a law-abiding people who believe that rules and laws are there for a good reason, therefor they dislike lawbreakers like pirates and smugglers. Glomish people usually dress in practical, simple clothing in bright colours and gaudy pattern.

    Glom has a dislike for people from Anaxes which the Glomers find self-important and living on old glories and merits (“What threat against the Core have you actually guarded against the last thousand years?”). That many of the new officers (both military and political) that got positions on Glom and it’s ships during the New Order were from Anaxes is probably part of the problem.


    Malakut: One of the main transshipment planets at the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads. The surface of Malakut is mostly semi-desert, large portions which are covered in cacti forests.
    The Malakuti harvest parts of the cacti forest to create food and drink, both for themselves and for export.

    They are ruled by a council of queens who are protected by all-female bodyguard units.


    Satarla: Gas giant, with seven moons, four which are inhabited and are surrounded by orbital docks. One of the main transshipment planets at the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads.

    The inhabited moons are Satarla-II, Satarla-III, Satarla-V and Satarla-VII, even if only administrators and outsiders call them that, the natives and returning spacers call them Dva, Tri, Pyat and Sem respectively. The native Satarlans are mostly made up by duros, with a notable minority of ishi tib.

    Dva is covered by a thick layer of ice with liquid water beneath it where mollusc-like animals live, the moon’s surface is completely lacking in oxygen. Beside the orbital docks do there exists sealed docks and habitations built on and into Dva’s ice crust, some of those bases have actually drilled thought the crust into the ocean beneath. Those bases that are in contact with the ocean capture the native molluscs for food and animal collectors.

    Tri is a dead rock, completely lacking in any kind of tectonics activities. As with Dva so has people built docks and habitations on and into the moon. Unlike Dva so are all those bases connected by great tunnels and trains.

    Pyat is similar to Tri but the majority of the orbital docks are specialised for repair works and space vehicle inspections.

    Sem is mostly covered by a cold, shallow salt sea with only a few natural islands sticking up, even if many artificial docks, habitations, workshops and similar have been built all across Sem. The moon has an breathable atmosphere but it is thin and most species need breathing masks to be able to do anything more physically taxing then slowly walking around. Sem’s water is also lacking in enough oxygen and to salty for most water breathers to live in it.

    Satarla is governed by a senate made up by representatives of the guilds, unions, priests, and larger companies based in Satarla’s system. The senate is based on Pyat.

    There exist an overall Satarla culture but each of the moons have their own culture. It's a bit like how US have an overall US culture but each of the states have their own culture.


    Valorum: One of the main transshipment worlds at the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads; specialise in the transhipment of people from one passenger ship to another.

    A waterworld without any natural land, the original submerged cities have been built upon over the millennia until the tops of the cities rose above the sea.

    Last edited: May 1, 2019
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  23. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Dropping by this thread to say that this time, I *will* manage an entry for the challenge. I have a complete outline, I already wrote ~1500 words and the deadline is still three months away. I should be able to finish it, right? Right?
    Findswoman and Gamiel like this.
  24. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Just post your ~1500 words as chapter 1 and you are in.
    Findswoman and Chyntuck like this.
  25. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Hahaha :) I'll do that in a pinch, but I'm hoping to finish the whole thing by the end of this month and post it as a long-ish one-shot.
    Findswoman likes this.