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SWRPF Archive The Galactic Civil War

Discussion in 'Star Wars Role Playing Archive' started by Ornen, Mar 2, 2003.

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  1. Admiral_JasterMereel

    Admiral_JasterMereel Tucson FF Founding Member star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Up! :mad:

    You Rebel Scum!
    ~Bôba Fe++
  2. Ultima_1

    Ultima_1 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 16, 2001
    "Boss, I need to head back into town for a while. I need to buy some armor for if this job keeps going like it has been."
  3. Admiral_JasterMereel

    Admiral_JasterMereel Tucson FF Founding Member star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    If this RPG doesn't stay up like it was for a while, I'm giving up!

    You Rebel Scum!
    ~Bôba Fe++

    And you have a horrible day :D
  4. Ornen

    Ornen Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 22, 2003
    Silver Shadows Base

    "Fine with me."
  5. Ultima_1

    Ultima_1 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 16, 2001
    {OOC: I calculate that, counting this post, Renn has 1450 credits}

    "I hope your security officer doesn't have a problem with me using one of your speeders. I don't need any more problems with him."

    Drev'Starn Army Surplus

    "What can I do for you today, kind sentient?" asked the Bothan proprioter.

    "I'd like to buy some light plastic armor," responded Renn.

    "That'll be 1000 credits, sir."

    Renn handed over the money and walked back to the Rebel speeder with his package.

    "Talon should be there by now. Good thing he owes me a favor."

    The Bothan Place

    Renn walked back into the tavern, and spotted Talon Karrde nursing a Whyren's Reserve at a back table.

    "I want to call in the favor you owe me, Karrde. Could you get me some information on the smuggler Fet Dobal? He claims to fly the freighter Sabacc's Luck."

    TAG: Ornen
  6. Winged_Jedi

    Winged_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 28, 2003
    Jaak stepped into the tavern, attracting suspicious stares and glances from the locals. He'd been told he'd find the mercenary Renn here, who might take him to Pra'tat. Jaak kept one hand on his blaster. He didn't trust smugglers, and he'd could have sworn it was Talon Karrde he saw in the shadows there...
    His attention was drawn back to his task in hand as he spotted a young man with strawberry blond hair, a blaster pistol by his side...Renn. Jaak approached him, and took a deep breath.
    "Excuse me. I'm Jaak Gray. I'm looking for a Bothan by the name of Pra'tat and I've been told you can take me to him...I have urgent information for him."
  7. Ultima_1

    Ultima_1 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 16, 2001
    "I can try to get in touch with him from my speeder, but he isn't available for a face-to-face meeting at this time. I have to wait a while to get what I came here for. My speeder's out back."

    TAG: Winged_Jedi
  8. Ultima_1

    Ultima_1 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 16, 2001
    (OOC: UP)
  9. Admiral_JasterMereel

    Admiral_JasterMereel Tucson FF Founding Member star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Ornen, have you orphaned your RPG?

    You Rebel Scum!
    ~Bôba Fe++
  10. Stridarious

    Stridarious Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 27, 2002
    I am sorry to interrupt your current game, but another member has brought it to my attention, that I mis-placed a word. The word is ?Besiege? and it means to basically not keep me informed in which is the opposite of what I asked. The word I meant was ?beseech? [face_laugh] now I feel bad?Sorry for my mis-communication :) .
    Your Pal,
  11. Ornen

    Ornen Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 22, 2003
    Yeah, pretty much, this thread didn't turn out as planned. I say leave it for the dead, we only have a couple members who post here.
  12. Ultima_1

    Ultima_1 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 16, 2001
    Guess I'm OK with that
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