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The Jedi Council Movie Script

Discussion in 'Archive: Your Jedi Council Community' started by Tellesto, Feb 22, 2001.

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  1. jadesaber2

    jadesaber2 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    What page WAS this thread on when I came upon it?

    And what page is it on now?

    And what page should it STAY on??

    In other words... UP!!!
  2. eaglejedi

    eaglejedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 2, 2001
    ( EUDF Base system, the Starbucks ships are moving closer to the planets, they include Nebulon Frigate, two Corvettes, one Gunship, a few fighters and Skiprays )
    ( Bridge of the Rogue Defender, a Nebulon-class Frigate )
    Taramidala: Okay, there's definitely somebody down there at that base.
    Jeditrace: No wonder they weren't responding, their hyperwave radio system's been deactivated somehow.
    Commander Antilles: Try to contact them through HoloNet.
    ( Quarter-size holo of ArtCore appears )
    Commander Antilles: I am Commander Antilles of the Star Wars Starbucks. We wish to cooperate with the E-U Defense Force against the trolls and their allies.
    [ Somebody continue that part later? )
    Meanwhile, at the Borderlands...
    Eaglejedi: There it is. Choirmail getting into an argument with Wormie, and threatening to get her back later, with the help of powerful friends.
    Master Omaj-Kadub: But look at this. Crimsonking said he was going to the Community Forum to do something with the Dark Side Council, and he said something about altering a movie script, and trying to get somebody or other banned.
    Eaglejedi: Oh no. Can we record that choirmail stuff permanently?
    Master Omaj-Kadub: I'll try- No, it's slipping into Deleted Space too fast.
    Eaglejedi: In any case, we've got to get over to the Community forum A-S-A-P.
    Master Omaj-Kadub: Yes, we do. Plotting coordinates... I'm gonna make the jump.
    Eaglejedi: Oh ********! There's something big coming in from the TPM Forum!
    Master Omaj-Kadub: Here goes nothing!
    ( Huge pile of trash, containing broken Star Destroyers, normal trash, and sewage, flies out of nowhere, seemingly, the YT-1300 Freighter Queen of Tara hyperdrives out, scraping against its mass shadow. )
    ( The Queen of Tara approaches the Communications Forum )
    Eaglejedi: What the heck was that?
    Master Omaj-Kadub: That's why that place is dangerous. I think we stayed at the Borderlands too long.
    Eaglejedi: But we're coming up on the Community Forum!
    Kadub: The navicomputer must've been damaged in the collision. I'm going to cut in the main drive... Woah! Holy...
    ( Queen of Tara comes out of hyperspace, keeps going fast as it continues towards the hangar bay of an Eclipse-class command ship )
    Master Omaj-Kadub: I can't reverse!
    To Be Continued, possibly by somebody who knows what is supposed to be happening in the part of the story that has admins and communications forum in it.
  3. sharkdawg

    sharkdawg Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    I believe that this is my 1000th: up!

  4. Ewan-Kenobi

    Ewan-Kenobi Jedi Knight star 6

    Oct 21, 2000
    ****cut to*****

    *A grate falls off the side of the Moderator building revealing the Beardi and Sith climbing out*

    EK: Guys, I've got to leave, the Princess was saved, well sort of, but I've got to go help Lara.

    Shoe: Sorry to lose you.

    Keo: I thought you said if it was her fate then you couldn't stop it.

    EK: Yes, but if I can help, then I must go now, I can no longer stay with you. Goodbye.

    *The Sith get in a swoop bike and takes off*

    *EK activates the communicator on the bike*

    EK: Master, can you hear me?!

    /DarthBoba: I hear you Ewan, where have you been?/

    EK: Uhhh, I got caught up with helping the Beardi, long story. There is a very serious problem with the forums.

    /DB: What kind of problems?/

    EK: I can't talk about it over PM's, meet in the jamesdrax posting thread. I need your help, I fell Lara may be in danger.

    /DB: Danger?! I will be there, on my way, Darth Boba out./

    *his PM comlink on his belt beeps*

    EK: Ewan here.

    /EJ: This is eaglejedi, i need to talk to you./

    EK: What do you need?

    /EJ: I have just recieved information that a known troll named crimsonking has been in contact with your Sith council./

    EK: WHAT?! No, that's rediculous. Crimsonking is banned, been banned for a month./

    /EJ: Yes I know, but it seems he's not anymore./

    EK: I've been gone from the council for awhile, been working on this mission. I can't say they didn't talk to him, but we don't deal with trolls, we've even turned down memebership to reformed trolls. But, I'll look into the matter further, may the force be with you.

    /EJ: And with you. Eagle out./

    EK: I have an unsure feeling about this.

    *His swoop angles down as he reaches Community and starts flying near the Darkside Temple*

    ****Fade to****
  5. eaglejedi

    eaglejedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 2, 2001
    [ EU Base person please continue that storyline ]
    ( Queen of Tara continues to approach hangar bay in Communications Forum )
    Eaglejedi: I just talked to the Dark Knight. He's gonna check out what's going on with the Sith Council.
    Master Omaj-Kadub: Full reverse.
    Eaglejedi: We're still moving towards it.
    MOK: Lock in the auxiliary power.
    EJ: It's locked in. We're caught in a tractor beam.
    MOK: Who are these people?
    EJ: I don't know. I'll have to get a message to GAT.
    ( Fools with comm. systems. )
    EJ: They're jamming us.
    ( Queen of Tara bridge, Eclipse hangar bay guns can be seen, TIE Fighters swarm past on patrol and stuff. )
    ( Imperial March is heard throughout this scene )
    To Be Continued...
  6. sharkdawg

    sharkdawg Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    ***cut to Shoeless & Sharky***

    Shoeless: You sure that the others are gonna be alright?

    Sharky: Sure, and besides, someone has to stay behind and pretend to be captured...

    Shoeless: Ok then. :)

    Sharky: Hey! How'd you get that smiley face? :(

    shoeless: *throws a shoe at sharky- no, wait, that can't happen...*

    {{{Cut to}}}

  7. Ewan-Kenobi

    Ewan-Kenobi Jedi Knight star 6

    Oct 21, 2000
    *******cut to*********

    *EK Rushes down the hall leading to the darkside council*

    *AleinAcid and Jedi Crazy walk out of the council chamber*

    JC: Ewan! Where have you been?!

    EK: Preocupied.

    AA: MT's pissed at you. You haven't checked in for 3 days.

    EK: Heh heh, I've been....following some leads. What's going on?

    JC: Master AA and I were just about to go meditate.

    AA: Yes, there is a difficult decision to be made, and the vote takes place in two hours.

    EK: Vote? About what?

    AA: Well Crimsonking....

    EK: CRIMSONKING?!! It's true?!

    JC: Ewan...

    *EK storms into the council*

    EK: What the hell are you doing?!

    *The sith in the room all dart there heads back to Ewan*

    MT: I think that's my line!! Everyone out! OUT!!

    *All sith file out quickly*

    MT: You want to tell me where the hell you have been?!

    EK: I took up a mission, secrecy was important, I cound leads that pointed to troll of massive power. They have socks, a fleet, a droid army, and they even have control of the Moderator building.

    MT: What?

    EK: You heard me. What is this of you dealing with that troll Crimsonking?

    MT: Don't forget yourself apprentice. This news of trolls has not reached us, I will dispatch the knights on this matter. And Crimsonking was here to discuss minor matter, it is of no concern.

    *EK flashes a surprised look, it quickly disappears*

    EK: My Lord, with your permission, I've sensed Lara Notsil in danger, I wish for Darth Boba and I to go to help her.

    MT: Granted, tell no one of what has been spoken here.

    EK: Yes my Lord, and thankyou.

    *EK turns and leaves the chamber*

    Sithie: Hey Ewan, still alive I see, that's good news.

    EK: Yes, I am happy for that M'Lady. *kisses hand*

    SithLadyMara: Oh knock it off Sir Ivonhoe.

    *they all share a laugh*

    EL: I have to go, Boba and I have a mission. Which reminds me, I'm late to meet him. Goodbye all.

    *EK runs down the hallway to the balcony with his swoop parked*

    ********FADE TO**********
  8. jadesaber2

    jadesaber2 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
  9. Ganner

    Ganner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2000
    [Back at the EUDF Base]

    Art-Core: Interesting. Well, you're going to want to talk to Commodore Ganner then. He's aboard his flagship, the Vigilance.

    CA: Alright, where can we find him then?

    A-C: Right behi-

    [Alarms start sounding on the Star Wars Starbucks]

    CA: What the hel-

    JediTrace: Commander, something BIG is decloaking behind us.

    CA: Onscreen. Raise Sheilds.

    [A Super-Mon Cal Battlecruiser appears on the screen before them. It's size easily equal to an SSD.]

    JediTrace: It's hailing us.

    CA: Go ahead.

    [Image of Commodore Ganner appears on the screen]

    Ganner: Greetings! [a smile on his face] Sorry for the alarm our appearance must have caused you.... Aw, hell, actually I LOVE doing that to people! HA! But anyway, We weren't sure of your intent when we picked you up on our hyper-proximity senors, so we were planning for trouble. If you are who you say you are - meanig not trolls - then YES we'd be interested in the team-up. All able hands are welcome. Can you PROVE that you are not trolls and that we can trust you?

    [OK eaglejedi. You take it at this point.]

  10. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    Scene: INT. EU-XECUTOR Rogue1-and-a-half runs down the hall. Jedi Merkurian is hauling Darth_Holliday along.

    Merkurian: Rogue!! It's your turn to carry Holliday.

    Rogue: No, it's not.

    Merkurian: We said we were going to take turns.

    Rogue: Well, yeah, we did say that but I was thinking . . .

    Merkurian: Uh oh. I have a bad feeling about this.

    Rogue: Well, since you've been carrying him, you're already tired. I'm not. Now, since you are tired it really doesn't make sense for me to get tired too, does it?

    Merkurian: So much in this world depends on who is writing the post.

    Rogue: And you just learned a very valuable life lesson. Has Holliday stirred yet?

    Merkurian: Not since we left the med facility. I fear for his life.

    Rogue: Shhh! I hear footsteps.

    Rogue and Merkurian melt into the shadows. Three guards come around the corner. They pass by the EUDF members since Merkurian is cloaking them with the Force.

    Guard 1: Sue says the EUDF are trying to sabotage us.

    Guard 2: Yeah, and they shot Holliday.

    Guard 3: Judging from that, I really can't blame Sue for wanting to attack the EUDF. I just hope we are up to it.

    Guard 1: Yeah, I mean we were basically formed as a joke in that EU satire thread, right?

    Guard 3: Well, not really a joke.

    The three pass from sight.

    Rogue: They are going after the EUDF, just as I thought.

    Merkurian: Yeah, but did you notice they didn't say anything about Sue being injured? That proves she is a sock. Socks are very resilient you know.

    Rogue: Right. That gives me an idea. Come on, to the bridge.

    Rogue leads the way. Merkurian brings up the rear, still breathing hard.

    Merkurian: Wait a minute.

    Rogue: Yes?

    Merkurian: (waving hand) You will carry Darth Holliday.

    Cut to . . .
  11. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    (Farraday emerges from the shadows. With some applesauce.)

    PK: Farraday, I should of known. So how did you get the admins on your side.

    Farraday: Well that was easy. Applesauce, I gave them all applesauce and I set up some trolls to come in and take over. While the prescious hero admin, Vertical was over at the SC.

    Queeq: Did he?

    PK: Yes he did. He said the SC. I'm not shocked at this at all. And what good are we to you.

    Farraday: Everything. You will show the others everything is fine.

    PK: I don't think so!

    ~Fade to Epic in a hospital room~

    Epic: Where am I?

    Nurse: The hospital, you were shot.

    Epic: I thought I....
  12. yodaboy

    yodaboy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 5, 2001
    yodaboy is on the viligance. he is twidling his finger waiting for an assignment, or for one of the sims onboard to free up.
    just then ___ganner___ and ____ganner____ walk into the room,

    ___ganner___: join us or die!

    yodaboy nervusly looks arond, hoping they are talking to someone else. seeing every one else is there, he gulps.

    ____ganner____: yes, we are talking to you, join us or die

    yodaboy: this is too corny for me, _ganner_ wasn't bad, the __ganner__ was horrible but ___ganner___ and ____ganner____ are just plain.........come on! have SOMe orrigionality.

    ___ganner___: you insult us!

    yodaboy: DUH!

    ____ganner____: i guess we'll have to kill you now!

    yodaboy: yah, right

    yodaboy whips out his lightsabre and quickly kills the socks.

    yodaboy: glad that's over

    just then _____ganner_____, ______ganner______, _______ganner_______, and ________ganner________ enter the room


    ________ganner________: yes! and there are reinforcements on the way!

    yodaboy desperatly wishes someone will here him in one of the simulators, but realizes they can't hear him. he brings his lightsabre up in a position to block the guns that are now pointed at him

    yodaboy: bring it on.
  13. eaglejedi

    eaglejedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 2, 2001
    ( On the Bridge of the ROGUE DEFENDER )
    Commander Antilles: We will try the best we can to prove that we're not trolls. If you scan our past actions and communications, you will see that no Starbuckian has ever trolled. I was being considered for a promotion to VIP before this happened, and have been a citizen for years without being banned by the admins. I hope that some of you may have been to the Starbucks or heard of Commander Antilles of London before. I'm afraid the only other proof I can personally offer is that we don't know where Wormie2 is; we are searching for her and trying to find out how and why she was banned, although we know that an admin named choirmail was involved. If we were trolls, we would know her location.
    Ganner: That's... interesting. But how do I know you didn't kill the real Commander Antilles? How can you prove that you are who you say you are?
    taramidala: OK, buster, the Jedi Knight Eaglejedi trusts us, so that should be good enough for some pumped up soldier boy like you!
    JediTrace: Don't mind her, she thinks she's the Drama Queen. We can only answer this to you: if we had killed the real Starbuckians, which would include Grand Admiral's Command Ship, we would be powerful enough to kill YOU, right now.
    ( Tense moment )
    JediTrace: But we didn't. I am the real JediTrace. You can tell this is the real Commander Antilles by his authentic Starbucks Master badge. If we can help fight the troll invasion, we will.
    Katriel: That's probably not the best way to tell who he is. If you like you can scan our Starbucks ID cards, or scan our ship ID, but I think in the end it comes down to trust.
    thxDarth: Would a troll advertise being a pain in -ouch! ( Hunter of Winds pokes him )
    ( Queen of Tara approaching Super Star Destroyer at Communications Forum- Imperial March playing )
    Master Kadub: There's nothing we can do. We'll have to shut the power down and pull some sort of Han Solo maneuver.
    Eaglejedi: I'm with you.
    ( The Queen of Tara is pulled into the hangar bay, comes to rest )
    ( Clone stormtroopers in Nazi uniforms file out to surround the ship )
    Background voice: Close all outboard shields, close all outboard shields.
    ( Clone stormtroopers enter ship, are shown leaving after searching it )
    ( Master Omaj-Kadub and Eaglejedi emerge from compartment in floor )
    Eaglejedi: It's lucky they have these compartments.
    Kadub: Yeah. Do any of your friends do any smuggling under the noses of the admins?
    Eaglejedi: Actually, I'm not sure. So now what do we do?
    Kadub: Let's find out where the tractor beam is and put it out of commission.
    Eaglejedi: Unfortunately, unlike Han, Luke, and company, we didn't bring an astromech droid with us.
    Kadub: We'll just have to steal an Imperial droid then.
    Clone Officer 2: Report.
    Clone Officer 1: There were no lifeforms on board. According to the logs, the crew abandoned ship shortly after takeoff.
    Clone Officer 2: What about droids?
    Clone Officer 1: If there were any, they must also have jettisoned.
    Clone Officer 2: Get a scanning crew aboard and check every part of the ship.
    ( Fade to throne room on Eclipse-class CS )
    Cloaked Figure One: What has transpired?
    Generaloberst Beal: We have captured a freighter entering the Communications Forum, although its log indicates the ship was headed for the Community Forum. Its markings match those of a known Starbucks ship. The Starbucks crowd appears to have increased their activity lately, so I thought we'd interrogate them a little. We believe that some of the Light Side Jedi may have been on board this ship. I am continuing with Operation Niebelungen as planned.
    Cloaked Figure Two: Perhaps the Jedi have begun to trace... us. Lord Khamul?
    CF1 ( Khamul ): Yes, this is an interesting development. My masters at the... well, you know, will not be pleased. Continue with your work, Beal.
    ( Generaloberst Beal exits )
    CF2: I sense s
  14. Ewan-Kenobi

    Ewan-Kenobi Jedi Knight star 6

    Oct 21, 2000
    [I'm going to take care of the instagator of the trolls, but there is the droids, the fleet, and numerous trolls, so you all can end those things yourself]
  15. Kadue

    Kadue Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 20, 2000
    [On the bridge of the Rogue Defender]
    Kadue- Commodore Ganner, White 10 reporting.

    Ganner- What is it Captain?

    Kadue- Sir, I can personally vouch for the entire Staruckian crew. I am a part of their force on duty here with the EUDF. Request permission to transfer over to their fleet to act as a liason.

    [Back to you Ganner]
  16. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    ( I think it would be a good idea to let some trolls escape. I'm going to take care of getting me and Merkurian back to the EUDF and that's as far as I have scoped out. I think we should have one last tremendous battle, but some trolls escape [don't they always]. Then someone can start the sequel if they like. Only an opinion)

    Scene: INT. EU-XECUTOR HALLWAY. Rogue1-and-a-half and Jedi Merkurian have reached the bridge. They are preparing to enter.

    Rogue: Boy, Holiday is heavy.

    Merkurian: Quit griping. Let's go.

    Rogue sets Holliday down and the two burst into the bridge. Rogue is brandishing two blasters and Merkurian has his lightsaber out. The guards jump and aim at the intruders. SueAsideRide is standing at the controls.

    Sue: Kill them.

    Rogue: Not so fast. We have Holliday. He has something to say.

    Holliday: Sue shot me. She's a troll.

    Sue: It's a lie. Holliday is obviously a troll.

    Merkurian: How do we argue that, Rogue?

    Rogue: Like this.

    Rogue aims and fires. The bolt hits Sue, knocking her backwards.

    Guard 1: You are the enemy.

    Merkurian: What was the point of that, Rogue?

    Rogue: Wait, look.

    Sue is staggering to her feet. She is completely unharmed.

    Rogue: That proves she is a sock.

    Holliday: Sustained fire can destroy a sock. Open fire.

    Everyone fires on Sue, killing her instantly. Suddenly, a warning light flashes.

    Holliday: We are under attack. Trolls! Everyone to your ships.

    Everyone, including Rogue and Merkurian rush to their ships. The Eu-xecutor releases it's ships. They engage the troll army. Rogue and Merkurian charge a line of twenty trolls. Due to sustained fire and evasive flying they destroy them all.

    Rogue: The Eu-xecutor is recalling their ships.

    Merkurian: We are cut off.

    A line of seventy trolls heads at Rogue and Merkurian firing wildly.

    Holliday: (over the intercom) EUDF members, we must go to hyperspace immediatly or be destroyed. Can you fend for yourselves?

    Merkurian: Go, Holliday, go. We'll head for EUDF headquarters. Rendevouz with us there.

    Eu-xector jumps to hyperspace. Rogue and Merkurian turn and jump at random.

    Cut to:

    Black and Delta flights are heading toward Ep. II and III in search of Rogue and Merkurian.

    Bib Fortuna, Twilik: Form up on me, Delta flight. We will be reverting to real space in II and III in a few moments. Black squad will lead the way. Get ready, five four three two one . . .

    Black and Delta revert to real space.

    Bubba: Trolls incoming. Break by pairs and prepare to engage.

    cut to . . .

    (so anyway, I'll take care of getting Black, Delta, me and Merkurian back to EUDF headquarters.)
  17. sharkdawg

    sharkdawg Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 16, 2000

    oh, and, up ;)

  18. yodaboy

    yodaboy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 5, 2001

    BTW i'm thinking of finishing up on the TPMDF stuff
  19. Ewan-Kenobi

    Ewan-Kenobi Jedi Knight star 6

    Oct 21, 2000
    (I will be making my post tomarrow)
  20. Rogue1-and-a-half

    Rogue1-and-a-half Manager Emeritus who is writing his masterpiece star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 2, 2000
    (works for me, yodaboy)

    Rogue and Merkurian come out of hyperspace. They land in a town square. Buildings rise all about them, but it is deathly silent. They exit their ships.

    Rogue: My hyperdrive is blown.

    Merkurian: I check out okay. Where are we?

    Rogue: It looks deserted.

    The two walk to the nearest building. It is filled with musical instruments.

    Rogue: I know! We're in the Music Forum.

    Merkurian: No wonder it seems to dead. I think the trolls steer clear of here.

    Rogue: Steer clear? I don't think they know it exists.

    Merkurian: I'll go see if I can scrounge up some supplies to fix your hyperdrive.

    Merkurian exits the building. A sound startles him. Menacing music feels the air. The hair on the back of his neck stands on end.

    Merkurian: Blast it, Rogue. Get off the piano! You're scaring me.

    Rogue: Sorry.

    Cut to . . .
  21. Tellesto

    Tellesto Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 7, 1999
    Post soon, I shall.
  22. sharkdawg

    sharkdawg Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    No, you...uh, shalln't

  23. Ewan-Kenobi

    Ewan-Kenobi Jedi Knight star 6

    Oct 21, 2000
    ******CUT TO*********

    *EK's swoop lowers as it reaches The jamesdrax posting thread, it lands and Ewan turns the power off*

    DB: You're late.

    *DarthBoba says walking out of the shadows*

    EK: I'm sorry master, I recieved soom very disturbing news after we spoke.

    DB: Great.

    EK: The jedi informed me that a known and banned troll named Crimsonking had audience with our Council.

    DB: That's ridiculous, we do not have dealings with trolls.

    EK: I went to the temple, it's true. He was there and he met with them. It gets even worse.

    DB: Great, more good news.

    EK: Lord MT is a sock.

    *DB looks shocked*

    EK: I'm sure of it, he rushed off the other Sith to vote, he said they had bussiness with him, and did not specify. He told me to go on our mission and not speak to the others. He wants me out of the way. He's misleading our brothers.

    DB: We've got to warn them.

    EK: No, he will have them do nothing, I feel he wants to keep the Sith out of this.

    DB: Well apprentice, you are skilled enough, and you are very close to this mission. What do you suggest?

    EK: We should try to help Lara, rescue the real MT, and help bring down these trolls.

    DB: That's a lot to do at once apprentice. We should pick up Lara first then go rescue MT and stop the trolls at once I think.

    EK: When I was at the Administrator building I sensed something, I feel the key is there. And we will need Lara and MT's help.

    DB: Then lets be on our way.

    *Just then gang of swoops fly out of nowhere firing blasters*

    DB: Raiders!!! *DB ignites his green saber and sends blasts back knocking 3 riders off dead*

    EK: There's ten more!! *EK slashes the other two off as the fly by*

    DB: They've got missles!

    EK: My swoop!

    *EK jumps onto his swoop activating it, DB jumps on the back as it starts up*

    EK: Hang on!

    *The bike blasts off towards the wall of the thread*

    DB: Uhmm Ewan?!

    EK: Trust me!

    *Ewan fires a folly of missles at the walls and the speeder bike dissappears into to smoke and fire, the raiders send there missles into the thread destroying it*

    ********FADE TO*********
  24. sharkdawg

    sharkdawg Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    *****fade to*****

    {Tellesto picking his nose}

    Tellesto: Hey! Get outta here!

    *****cut to*****

  25. yodaboy

    yodaboy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 5, 2001
    yodaboy is sleeping, the camera is picking up his loud snoring and embarrasing secrets he's telling.
    the cameraman accedently bumps a table,

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