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Before - Legends The Lost Temple (Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon) - Completed 21 February

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Sabe126, Mar 16, 2003.

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  1. ForceAchtungBaby

    ForceAchtungBaby Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 18, 2002
    A copy??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Knight-Ander

    Knight-Ander Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 19, 2002
    Palpatine is interested in religious artefacts, not just from Naboo. He has quite a collection if I remember rightly.?

    Hmmm... Reminds me of the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Feds tell Indy that Hitler is obsessed with the occult.

    Another fantastic post Sabe. :)
  3. forever_jedi

    forever_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 5, 2002
    Holy Force! A copy of the tablet? In the Archives? As in the JEDI Archives? If so, Qui-Gon must have sneaked in and read it. Why didn't Obi-Wan know?

    And Palpatine, as befits a Sith of his stature, has interests in both the past and present!

    Great post!
  4. PadawanKitara

    PadawanKitara Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    If a certain chancellor finds out, things could get really interesting- really fast
  5. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    FAB - A copy??????!!!!!!!!!!!!! ? Yes!!!!!

    KA- Thanks! I had forgotten about the Ark connection. Read in the visual dictionary that Palpatine has interesting statutes in his office on Coruscant, so the idea came from there.

    FJ - A copy of the tablet? ? Yes! In the Archives? ? Yes! As in the JEDI Archives? ? Yes! :) There is a copy of the tablet in the Jedi Archives!

    If so, Qui-Gon must have sneaked in and read it. Why didn't Obi-Wan know? ? Very good questions but I can?t answer them yet! Will soon!

    PK - If a certain chancellor finds out, things could get really interesting- really fast - Very true! ;)
  6. forever_jedi

    forever_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 5, 2002
    I am somewhat confused. Why did Marissa not tell Obi-Wan of this copy of the tablet? And if she did make a copy, why did she give it away to the Jedi??
  7. Jedi_Nifet

    Jedi_Nifet Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2002
    And here we go again, it seems. Marissa vs Council :D And poor Obi-Wan in between.
  8. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    FJ - Why did Marissa not tell Obi-Wan of this copy of the tablet? And if she did make a copy, why did she give it away to the Jedi??- I am sorry that you are confused! These are questions that Obi-Wan will be asking in the next 2 instalments so you will find out soon! :)

    JN - And here we go again, it seems. Marissa vs Council And poor Obi-Wan in between. - It might not necessarily be Marissa vs the Council, events have led to changes of points of view and we don't know how Obi-Wan is going to react to the news yet! ;)
  9. ca_tron

    ca_tron Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 6, 2002
    A copy???? Sneaky, sneaky.
  10. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    ca-tron - Yes, very sneaky. You can be sure that the Council weren't exactly pleased when they found out! :)
  11. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    Part 38

    Anakin followed Marissa and Ben up the steps of the Governor?s residence. His Master and Bail Organa walked beside him to where Chancellor Palpatine and Governor Lias of Nubia, waited.

    ?Ben, Marissa.? Palpatine smiled warmly as they approached.

    ?Chancellor, it has been far too long.? Marissa replied. Anakin looked around him; the governor?s residence was modest by Coruscant standards.

    ?Thank you for hosting this evening.? Ben shook hands with both men.

    ?I just wish it was under different circumstances.? Palpatine sighed, ?I blame myself for his death.?

    ?You mustn?t!? Marissa began.

    ?Oh, but I do. If he hadn?t been carrying out that work for me.?

    ?Chancellor, please.? Ben glanced anxiously at his wife. ?My father would not have wanted this,? he insisted.

    An uneasy silence settled over the group. Anakin sensed Ben?s worry over Palpatine?s statement and saw that Marissa was close to tears. He expected Obi-Wan to step in but it was Governor Lias who came forward to greet his other guests.

    ?Welcome to Nubia.?

    Regaining her composure, Marissa introduced them. ?Governor, may I present Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Bail Organa.?

    ?If you?d like to come this way.? Lias led them inside, through the grand entrance hall, past the red guards, to the banqueting room.

    As Marissa talked to the governor about the opening ceremony, Palpatine turned his attention to the rest of the group. ?Master Kenobi, Anakin it is good to see you again.? He smiled broadly at Organa, ?Congratulations on your election. I look forward to seeing you in the Senate very soon.?

    ?Thank you Chancellor.?

    ?So, young Skywalker, how is your training progressing?" Palpatine asked kindly.

    Anakin grinned up at him, ?Ok, I think.?

    ?Master Kenobi?? The Chancellor asked the silent Jedi who walked beside him.

    ?He is making steady progress,? Obi-Wan replied as they were shown to their seats.

    ?Good, good.?

    Two hours later Anakin looked up from his almost empty plate. Although he had enjoyed talking to the Chancellor, he had been relieved when the conversation had shifted to politics and he was allowed to concentrate on his food. Kanali Wafers had been followed by Shim-bay Crispa and then Anakin?s favourite course. The Pyollian Cake was disappearing fast.

    Palpatine was still in deep discussion with Bail over an upcoming debate in the Senate and Obi-Wan was talking to Lias and Ben. Glancing at Marissa, who sat next to him, he saw that although she was listening to the Chancellor, her eyes kept flickering in Obi-Wan?s direction. What puzzled Anakin was that although his Master had joined in the various conversations throughout the evening, he had not talked to Marissa.

    ?Is everything ok Anakin?? Marissa whispered.

    ?Yes, thank you.? Her next comment surprised him.

    ?We?ll miss you Anakin. I hope you?ll visit us again one day.?

    He nodded, ?I?d like that and Master Obi-Wan would too.?

    ?I hope so,? Marissa told him as he went back to his dessert, but she doubted that the Jedi Master would. She had known from his behaviour on Anobis how he would react if her ever found out what she had done. Thought, that she would never see him again, that when he found out she would not know if he felt betrayed.


    He had stared at her for a moment before responding. ?The Temple Archives??


    ?You went against the Council.?

    ?I know.?

    ?You said you respected their decision.? His voice was tinged with hurt and betrayal but no anger. ?You lied to me.?

    ?I?m sorry Obi-Wan.? She was sorry that she had lied to him but at the time she believed that she had been doing the right thing and from what he had told her of Naboo, she still believed this. Ever since his arrival on Nubia, Marissa had waited for Obi-Wan to mention it, she had assumed, wrongly, that he knew. Soon he would be lost to her again anyway, so did it matter what he thought of her?


    Of course it mattered. She had been about to explain, to remind him tha
  12. Knight-Ander

    Knight-Ander Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 19, 2002
    ?Why did you?? This time he looked at her.

    ?For the same reason as you. Qui-Gon asked me to.?

    Ah, very clever of Qui-Gon. I didn't expect that. And I think I have an idea why the Council wants to talk to Marissa about it, especially if it has something to do with the Chosen One prophecy.

    Well done, Sabe. :)
  13. forever_jedi

    forever_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 5, 2002
    Yes, Qui-Gon's involvement did come as a surprise. I really liked the parallel ways in which he had influenced both Marissa and Obi-Wan to his way of thinking as far as the Chosen One prophecy was concerned.

    Obi-Wan IS a rather different person in this segment of the story - I keep feeling surprised by him. But he is quite the AotC Obi-Wan. Very controlled, serene and perceptive.

    Palpatine seemed unusually mild, but his insistence on bringing up the Professor was slightly disturbing.
  14. PadawanKitara

    PadawanKitara Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    Did she already give the copy to the council?
  15. Arwen-Jade_Kenobi

    Arwen-Jade_Kenobi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 9, 2002
    I love the way you're portraying Obi here. Much more like he is AOTC as previously mentioned. Bravo!

    More soon!!
  16. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    KA - Ah, very clever of Qui-Gon. I didn't expect that ? Good, I?m glad it was a surprise! And I think I have an idea why the Council wants to talk to Marissa about it, especially if it has something to do with the Chosen One prophecy. ? You will have to wait and see! ;)

    FJ ? I really liked the parallel ways in which he had influenced both Marissa and Obi-Wan to his way of thinking as far as the Chosen One prophecy was concerned. ? Thanks! Actually that hadn?t occurred to me! Opps! :) He thought that Marissa might be willing to help as he knew that she disagreed with the Council. But he is quite the AotC Obi-Wan. Very controlled, serene and perceptive. ? Thanks! Palpatine seemed unusually mild, but his insistence on bringing up the Professor was slightly disturbing. ? A guilty conscience maybe but then again, does he have a conscience?

    PK ? Did she already give the copy to the council? ? Yes. Six months after Qui-Gon?s death she contacted the Council and Mace went to Nubia, under the pretence of testing Lillie. He took the copy back to the Temple and it has been in the Archives ever since.

    AJK ? I love the way you're portraying Obi here. - Thank you! I am glad he is coming across well. :)

  17. ForceAchtungBaby

    ForceAchtungBaby Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 18, 2002
    Leave it to Qui to ask Marissa to go against the Council....Is Obi serious? or does this really change things between him and Marissa?
    Great add Sabe!!
  18. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    FAB - Is Obi serious? or does this really change things between him and Marissa? - Thanks! :) Only time will answer that question.
  19. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    Part 39

    ??and it is an honour to be invited here to help commemorate his memory.? Palpatine looked at those gathered in the new wing of the museum for the opening ceremony. Among the various dignitaries he found Organa, Skywalker, Kenobi, Lillie and Ben, before his gaze finally rested on Marissa, who stood next to him.

    Obi-Wan watched as Marissa stepped forward to reply. ?On behalf of the Nubia Museum of Artefacts I would like to thank the Supreme Chancellor, Governor Lias, those who have donated the artefacts that you see on display here today and all of you gathered here to mark the occasion. We know that Professor Milovy would be honoured by your kind remembrance.? While the crowd applauded the Chancellor and those involved, Obi-Wan noticed that Marissa sought out Ben who nodded briefly and squeezed his daughter?s hand gently. Lillie stood between him and Ben and halfway through the ceremony, the Jedi had been surprised when she had taken his hand as well. On seeing this, Anakin had given his Master an amused grin.

    Palpatine nodded, accepting the crowd?s response and turning his head, smiled kindly at Marissa but she was looking, not at her husband, he noted with curiosity but at Kenobi who held her daughter?s hand.

    As the applause died down, Marissa continued. ?I would just like to add my own personal thanks to the staff at the museum and I hope that you will all stay for the reception.?

    After further applause the dignitaries dispersed, heading for the museum grounds where the reception was being held. Taking a glass for Nubian wine from one of the serving droids, Obi-Wan watched as Lillie, who had stood silently all the way through the speeches, ran across the lawn to where a R2 unit was serving drinks. It was good to have the chance to relax for one afternoon. The following day he, Marissa and Anakin would return to Coruscant. Anakin, to his studies and he and Marissa would find out what the Council wanted.

    ?I thought that went well,? Bail commented.

    Ben nodded, ?All the hard work was worth it. My father would have been so pleased to know how much he and his work were respected.? He turned to the Jedi, ?I wish Master Jinn could have been here. I know how highly my father thought of him.?

    ?Yes, they had a lot in common.? Obi-Wan replied with a smile, which grew even wider as Marissa crossed the lawn towards them. He remembered her sarcastic comment at the Alderaan reception that she did not go round covered in mud all the time. In her blue velvet dress and with her hair loosely pinned, he would not have recognised her. Everyone was dressed in their finest, and even Anakin he noted had managed to keep clean and tidy for the longest time on record.

    ?Well done.? Ben told her.

    ?Thanks. My hands were shaking.?

    ?We didn?t notice.? Bail assured her.

    ?Where?s Lillie?? She asked, looking round for her daughter.

    ?Torturing that poor R2 unit,? Bail laughed.

    ?I?ll take her to get some food,? Anakin spoke up.

    ?Thank you Anakin.?

    ?I?ll go with you.? Bail held up his empty glass and he and Anakin headed over to where Lillie was running in circles round and round the poor serving droid who was beeping something unintelligible at her.

    ?Well that?s over.? Marissa pushed her hair out of her eyes. ?When I looked over and saw you, Ben and Lillie.? She shook her head. ?I don?t want to lose you Obi-Wan.?

    ?You haven?t.? He repeated his promise from the night before. ?You won?t.?

    ?Thank you.?

    The Chancellor walked towards them, ?I promised I would give him a tour.? Marissa explained, ?I had better go.?

    ?Have fun.? Obi-Wan responded, his expression serious but his amusement showed in his eyes.

    ?Thank you.? She turned to go, ?If I need rescuing I will let you know!?

    ?Rescuing from whom?? Ben returned carrying another round of drinks.

    ?The Chancellor,? Obi-Wan told him what had happened on Alderaan. They both watched as she and Palpatine disappeared inside the museum.

    ?Marissa told me that she will be returning to Coruscant with you. I kno
  20. Knight-Ander

    Knight-Ander Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 19, 2002
    Oh, no! :eek: That was a terrible place to end the post, Sabe.

    Well done. ;)
  21. PadawanKitara

    PadawanKitara Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    That was cruel!
  22. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    KA - That was a terrible place to end the post - Sorry! ;)

    PK - That was cruel! - Yes, it was a bit! ;)
  23. Arwen-Jade_Kenobi

    Arwen-Jade_Kenobi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 9, 2002
    Cruel indeed!! The action gets started, and then it ends.

    *taps foot* I'm waiting!
  24. forever_jedi

    forever_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 5, 2002
    and even Anakin he noted had managed to keep clean and tidy for the longest time on record.

    Ah, the trials and tribulations of a young Master trying to keep his padawan tidy! [face_laugh]

    I wonder if the explosion was meant for Ben, and/or Marissa. I noticed that Palpatine had already started walking towards them. Another convenient "accident"?
  25. Sabe126

    Sabe126 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    AJK - Cruel indeed!! The action gets started, and then it ends - Sorry! Next instalment Saturday.

    FJ - I wonder if the explosion was meant for Ben, and/or Marissa. I noticed that Palpatine had already started walking towards them. Another convenient "accident"? - Very good questions :)
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