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ST The New Rumor Intellectual Thread of Seriousness for Sophisticated Discourse

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Blazer-Smith, Dec 4, 2014.

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  1. ThreeDeathstickProblem

    ThreeDeathstickProblem Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 25, 2014
    EHT, El_Machete12, Krueger and 7 others like this.
  2. Luke02

    Luke02 Chosen One star 6

    Sep 19, 2002

    And if it's the Spidey reboot he was referring to in terms of his "hot Marvel news", then he has been beaten to the punch:
    starocean90 and Skaddix like this.
  3. ledzepfilm

    ledzepfilm Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 30, 2015
    I'm currently whipping up a synopsis based on the new articles MSW posted and some bullet point stuff from a few months back.
  4. turnip white

    turnip white Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 3, 2014
    Do you want to pull it together with me and Darth_Voider
    ledzepfilm likes this.
  5. ledzepfilm

    ledzepfilm Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 30, 2015
    ^^ Sure!
    turnip white likes this.
  6. MakingStarWars

    MakingStarWars Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 20, 2008

    First, thank you for taking that seriously! Here you can post spoilers. But people on Twitter will publicly say "So blank dies, huh?" And then someone that didn't want to know sees it and they're mad at me. I do my best to obscure everything in titles and so on and then someone just ruins it. But we should all be careful to not ruin the movie for some people. For some of us it enhances the experience and for others it ruins it.
  7. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    is he Ematt's real name Luuke?[face_laugh]
    Trebor Sabreon likes this.
  8. Baron_Papanerd

    Baron_Papanerd Jedi Master star 4

    May 1, 2014
    I am beginning to wonder if Maz Kanata is just a code name for Ahsoka Tano. [face_thinking] Sure, she didn't show up in the OT; but we still don't know her fate. And didn't they say that there would be some link between Rebels(in which Ahsoka appears) and TFA? Maybe she came out of hiding after the Rebels defeated Vader and Palpatine, and helped Luke start a new Jedi Order. At this point, it wouldn't surprise me.
  9. HL&S

    HL&S Magistrate Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 2001
    This is the one with the updated Rey traveling.
    Star Wars: The Force Awakens and how Tasu Leech and the Kanjiklub gang may tie in! | Making Star Wars

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Happenings at Kanata’s Castle Part 1! | Making Star Wars

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the Happening at Kanata’s Castle Part 2! | Making Star Wars

    HUGE SPOILERS: Star Wars: The Force Awakens: One Sleeps and One Awakens! |
    turnip white and Darth_Voider like this.
  10. Darth Dookacas

    Darth Dookacas Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 29, 2014
    Has that Umberto guy ever drop a confirmed rumor yet? [​IMG]
  11. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    for non SW sure, his last SW scoop was the whole Collin Trevorrow for IX.:)
    or as the fans call him Eh Maybe.[face_laugh]
  12. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    Why was ROTJ afraid of TFA?

    Because TFA VIII IX.

    I'll see myself out.
  13. Blazer-Smith

    Blazer-Smith Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 28, 2004
    I'm going to shoot straight here... whoever writes the new recaps might need to:
    • Be prepared to be challenged on the facts vs substantiated rumors vs crap rumors
    • Write really well. If it doesn't feel like you're telling a great story, then the comments may get a little opinionated
    • Own it like you're calling in to the Jim Rome sports talk radio show. For those that don't listen, he will hang up or screen out 99% of the callers because they're not talented, they didn't do the prep work, etc.
    I never entered a beauty contest because, well, I didn't think I could win.
    El_Machete12, sterling3763 and Satipo like this.
  14. turnip white

    turnip white Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 3, 2014
    I understand but from my view point this process in my mind is just providing details in order. I know personally am not looking for any fights or brownie points it will just be ignored. Am sure if anything goes wrong or if we have been massively trolled and have to stop there will be others willing to pick up the batten and carry on. You can silence one individual but there will probably someone else / another to step into the shoes.
    Blazer-Smith likes this.
  15. Blazer-Smith

    Blazer-Smith Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 28, 2004
    Please don't take this as I'm wanting to personally go after folks if it sucks. DLB did an awesome job and set the bar high. Folks will naturally judge this based on that, so if it feels sloppy...
  16. MotherNature's SilverSeed

    MotherNature's SilverSeed Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 4, 2013
  17. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014
    As we have thought before, the flashback and Kylo´s interrogation scene are going to be key for the story. The latter could really mean anything. Kylo is probably sensing Rey will end up with Luke and him killing her would only make Luke remain hidden. With the flashback, as MSW puts it, it does not sound like Han thinks Rey is his daughter. But I still believe it is more or less clear that Rey was at the academy when it was attacked.
  18. turnip white

    turnip white Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 3, 2014
    Christ, stop scaring me. Do you want to be involved, the more the merrier. :)Send us a private message / convo tell us what you would like. If there is anyone outthere who is good at proof reading that would be ideal because like I have said in the past I am dyslexic.
    Blazer-Smith likes this.
  19. Blazer-Smith

    Blazer-Smith Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 28, 2004
    lol. Honestly, I don't think I can keep up with the rumors. I would screw that up.
  20. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    I hope DLB is okay!!!!:(
  21. Darth Dookacas

    Darth Dookacas Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 29, 2014
    Act1 Jakku We get introduced to the new hero's and villains/ villains chase hero's. Act2 Unknown Planet Maz Kananta explains everything/ hero's must face their destiny/ Villains win a battle and capture one of the hero's/ Yavin? hero's regroup and plan attack. Act3 Snow planet Final battle hero's suffer losses but save the day. Villains flee and lose the battle. Hero's celebrate victory. Rey says goodbye and leaves to meet the legendary Jedi Luke Skywalker. The End. I think Act 2 will sink or make this movie fly. That flashback is the key and Maz's explaining Luke's importance is so critical. Act 2 has the old cast reuniting and explains Luke's backstory. I like what we know so far about Act1 and Act3 really sounds like a crowd pleaser. Act2 has to hit that right mystical force tone without feeling shoehorned in.
  22. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014
    I would like MSW to post his conclusions about his latest reports:

    - Who does he think the seven are? And the clan?
    - Why Rey runs away from Maz pub?
    - Does Han seems worried about Rey after the flashback? And when kidnapped?
    - What does Kylo see in Rey after the interrogation?
  23. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    Ok I'm going to ask a very stupid question.

    What does MSW stand for?
  24. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    Max Sydow Won, I think.
    Luukeskywalker and LANDO_ROCKS like this.
  25. MakingStarWars

    MakingStarWars Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 20, 2008

    A part of me questions the importance of it to the film and thinks it will mostly be some deep lore stuff. I've seen concept art for 5 (not 7) dudes that look like Sith in black robes and all that. I've wondered if they're these guys. The clan appears to be the people that bought the saber to me.

    At the very least, I think Rey rejects and runs from the saber because she doesn't want that kind of responsibility. She was nobody that morning and now she's being given the sword to save the galaxy. Luke kind of ran from it too, he had to stay on the farm (until rejecting the call to adventure had his Aunt and Uncle killed). So that's my take of the situation at the very least. At the most, she remembers her past and runs from that and she was always destined to be a Jedi.

    Han does not seem worried bout Rey. That's not to say he doesn't care. I don't know if he does. But it does appear when they go to the snow planet, they are there for the mission, not Rey.

    I don't know what Kylo sees. I don't believe it will be shown visually unless they double up with the FB scenes from Maz's and continue a take from those sequences then.
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