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The Sith, dual identities and a problem with Dooku/Tyrannus

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by Darth_Lear, Jun 19, 2003.

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  1. Darth_Lear

    Darth_Lear Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 21, 2003
    In the SW saga, we have so far met 4 Sith: Darths Sidious, Maul, Tyrannus and Vader. We know that duplicity is a hallmark of the Sith and indeed it is explicitly shown (I think so anyway) that two of these Sith Lords, Sidious and Tyrannus, simultaneously maintain dual identities (resp. Palpatine and Dooku.)

    To maintain a dual identity undetected, it certainly helps to appear different in both guises. We see this with Sidious/Palpatine but not with Dooku/Tyrannus. In transit from Geonosis to Coruscant, shouldn't Christopher Lee's character have changed into an even most Sithly costume given that he was going to meet his master, Darth Sidious, in his role as another Sith, Darth Tyrannus? Alternatively, if the costume we see Christopher Lee's character wearing *is* his Sith costume, then shouldn't he, in his guise as Count Dooku, have worn something less dark and thus less likely to provoke suspicions?

    Edit: I tend to go for the first option (i.e. that the costume we see him wearing is anomalous for a Sith) because all of the other Sith we see in the SW saga wear only black. Dooku/Tyrannus has a brown cloak. Also, I'm aware that some Jedi also wear dark or all black clothes but this misses the point, in case anyone was going to bring this up.

  2. Aunecah_Skywalker

    Aunecah_Skywalker Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 25, 2002
    I'm confused about what you're saying. I don't think "dual identity" is a necessity for all Sith. Maul didn't have one and neither did Vader. The only reason Sidious goes around parading as Palpatine is because politics is his arena and hence decided to get power via becoming the Chancellor, which he probably wouldn't have become if he went in like a Sith Lord.

  3. Darth_Lear

    Darth_Lear Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 21, 2003
    It's not necessary for all Sith but it is for Sidious and Tyrannus, because achieving their specific goals requires deception and duplicity. Maybe I shouldn't have given the impression that this is a hallmark of all Sith, but it certainly is for these two.

  4. ObidioJuan

    ObidioJuan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 1, 2002
    For Dooku there are two possibilities I see:

    1) He didn't have his Sith clothes in the ship to change into.

    2) Being a former Jedi, he would attract attention if he still used the robes. The "sith uniform" that Maul used (and Luke in ROTJ) is similar to the Jedi garb.
  5. effortless_skill

    effortless_skill Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2003
    i feel there was no need for dooku to change apperence ,1 every one already knew he was not good anymore he only really delt with the trade federation and the sepratist so there was no need to put a front or act other than ,

    with sidious he got all that he wanted from using his alter ego because he was at the forefron of the republic he needed an alter ego to further his goal he could not accomplish all that he did as the emperor it would not worked ,

    and i am not sure dooku was in jedi clothes i mean to me he was in a sith uniform, it was all black basically i doubt dooku dressed that way when he was in the order ,he had no reason to change or have an ego its not like he was in the order and doing what he did at the same time ,and plus the only ones that still called him dooku was the the jedi who did not know he was a sith lord
  6. starwars6554

    starwars6554 Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 9, 2002
    Maul didn't have one and neither did Vader.

    But even with a disguise of some sort, you couldn't really miss those two in a crowd. ;)
  7. qui-gon-kim

    qui-gon-kim Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    In AOTC, Dooku's uniform is that of the Count of Serrano.

    I'm sure in Episode III, we'll see Dooku in his Sith robes when he's revealed as Tyranus.
  8. Darth Kruel

    Darth Kruel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 3, 2000
    Count Dooku has his own style. Next question!
  9. LORDeron_MAULer

    LORDeron_MAULer Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 6, 2003
    I think there a definatly distinction, but far more subtle than Darth Sidious, its in his personality. Dooku seemed very polite gentelmenly and even nice. He somehow managed this despite being a villian trying to kill the heros; Tyrannus' persona seems seems to surface soemtimes and is distict from Dooku's normal mannerism. During his fights, right at the moment when he activated his lightsabers he became Tyrannus, he began to grinn evilly lost his distaste for bloodshed, compared to Dooku who offered Master Mace Windu and chance to surrender,and seemed sad when he turned it down and was truly horrified at Jango's decapitation by Mace. Tyrannus on the other hand didin't hesitate when attempting to cut the grounded obi wan in 2 in the hanger. I'm not saying he has multiple personalities he just has a far more sith lord like attitude at times when he is obviously playing a sith. When i frist saw the movie, i thought "hey why is he about to kill defeated obi wan when he offered the Jedi a chance to surrender earlier?" Count Tyrannus does have his own style though. and Dooku persona and Tyrannus persona have elements of each other in them that are sometimes appear when Dooku's affiliantion with evil is undeniably obvious despite attempts to hide it with his charm , i see glimces of Tyrannus. And when Tyrannnus fights, Dooku's distinctive fighting style quite different than that of Vader and or Maul. That's my view of lord Darth Dooku, Christopher Lee did a very good job of playing him.
  10. qui-gon-kim

    qui-gon-kim Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    I hope in Episode 3 we see Tyranus wearing long flowing robes for his Sith outfit, as a tribute to Christopher Lee's roles as Count Dracula and Saruman.
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