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ST The symbolism of the Falcon’s golden dice

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Birkendoc, Apr 8, 2018.

  1. Dragon Jedi

    Dragon Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 2, 2018
    They do, yes they do!
    Han is no more, but he is still so very present. The dices took over where Han left.
    But the dices are closely related to the Millenium Falcon and we should not separate the two (two dices connected by a chain).

    Dice as in gambler = Han Solo's very soul
    Gambler, scoudrel, thief... he heard them all. He'd agree with all of that. But there so much more that meet the eye, just like the Millenium Falcon. Just look closer.

    Dice as the keys to the Millennium Falcon
    They won Han Solo his home. Of course he'd honour them incased in pure gold. Like Han's heart.
    The dices are hung inside, like the keys of your home, once you're safely inside.

    Millenium Falcon as home
    If Han and Leia ever had a home of their own, that would be the Falcon. Han rescued her on it, that ship has a language (and a personality) of its own. Ask Threepio or Artoo.

    Millenium Falcon as the mother's womb
    To Han it's a she. It is like a mother's womb, always protecting its children from evil: porgs nest inside, exhausted heroes are nurtured (Luke after Bespin, Rey, Finn and BB8 to flee from Jakku, Rose and the rebels after Crait) or find sanctuary.
    It has been under Rey's nose for a very long time in Jakku and now it looks like she took up residence in it (with Chewie's blessing).

    For Leia it has a special meaning: this is where Ben was conceived.
    So it is the womb where Ben will return to.

    So the dices are the soul of the gambler (=Han) - the symbol of the MF (=home) and the key to get there.

    I did not interpret the disappearing of the dices from Kylo's hand as warning of what he could loose. He lost it all already.
    To me they are Leia's last message to her son: "Remember who you are and where you belong" (Lor San Tekka's words in TFA).

    In the TFA novelisation Kylo dismissively calls his father "a small-time thief and smuggler” before killing him, so I think the dices, who takes over Han's place in the story, may even predict Kylo's future once Kylo will return to the womb of the mother to be reborn Ben Solo again: He may reconsider his dislike for gamblers and smugglers and honour his father's memory somehow.
  2. miasma

    miasma Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 29, 2013
    I have to admit, despite having been a SW fan since 1977, I never noticed the dice before they showed up in TLJ. It didn't bother me at all, as it was perfectly obvious from TLJ alone that they had some sentimental value to Han, but I do think including a shot of Han hanging them up in TFA would have been a nice touch, and would have made them feel a bit less "out of the blue" to those of us who hadn't noticed them before (I'm sure I'm not the only one who didn't notice them in the previous films.)
    Roosterq likes this.
  3. TheEvilQueen

    TheEvilQueen Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2018
    I've honestly thought since TFA that if Ben is redeemed (I believe he will be), then it's likely he will end up with the Falcon, and I think all the emphasis on his connection with Han (whether he currently wants it or not) in the movies and the supplementary material with finding out he wanted to be more like Han than either Luke or Leia as a child just makes it even more likely.
    Rancor Keeper, milena and Birkendoc like this.
  4. Birkendoc

    Birkendoc Chosen One star 4

    Sep 20, 2001
    I think they were there more as an inside joke (the hidden fuzzy dice) that were placed by the set dressers and not much more than that. If you see the above ANH photos, they were there. It wasn't until the EU where they started to evolve meaning.
  5. ScreamingWoman2019

    ScreamingWoman2019 Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2018
    Victoria Mahoney's moodboard in her Star Wars IX offices at Pinewood in London.




    Hmm...whatever their symbolism is, they seem to be back.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
    Wildcatbarry likes this.