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The unofficial non-spoiler LETS MAKE A STORY Version Episode II.0

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by Ice Jedi, May 16, 2001.

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  1. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    it rolled and rolled (Palpy ran after it) until it went over a cliff, and down into a GIANT pot filled with boiling water...

    "NOOOOOOOOO..." Palpy screamed as the spud fell towards the pot.

    The spud finally hit the water. After it had boiled for a while, it started to shift it's shape. It became Kimball again. He screamed in pain. Palpy looked away.

    Suddenly Kimball felt that something was lifting him out of the water. It was Darth Sidious. He force-lifted him out of the water and onto the ground.

    Sidious came up beside Kimball. The apprentice was badly burned. Luckily Sidious had this big, black armor which could also be used as life support, so he gave that to Kimball.

    "With that new armor, he doesn't look like a "Kimball" anymore!!!" Palpatine said to Sidious.

    "You're right my dear brother, he doesn't..." Sidious said "From this day on, he shall be known as: "Darth Va...
  2. k kanos

    k kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 1, 2000
    "Darth Vagabond" It is a name that will strike fear in all landlords so that you will never be able to get a room at the Marriott. Now go, and do my bidding.

    "Yes, my sugar daddy" Darth Vagabond groaned.

    But wait, how will I know the bad side from the good?
  3. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Darth Sidious didn't answer...
  4. k kanos

    k kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 1, 2000
    Instead, he lifted his hands as if to put them on Darth Vagabond's shoulders like a father would to a son, but instead gave him a zap of force lightning.

    OOOOOOWWWW!!! Darth Vagabond shook his head as if to clear the cob webs. Now I understand! I have to dig within and let my hate go. Only then will I get a headache and truly understand the power of the dark-side. Thank you Master for that electrifying lesson.

    No go Darth Vagabond and don't you dare look back. Don't look back.

    Darth Vagabond strode off with hate in his heart, his lightsaber and a...
  5. JediLynx

    JediLynx Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 2, 2000
    ...strange taste of potato in his mouth. He was ready for anything.

    Meanwhile on Naboo, Ric and Jar Jar were...
  6. Ice Jedi

    Ice Jedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 3, 2000
    making faces at Joe behind his back, while Joe flew the Super Bombad Bongo and landed it on Naboo. Obi Wan came out and greeted them.

    "Where is Anakin? Isn'the comming with us on our journey?" Joe asked.

    " Not really. He got tickets to see George Thurogood and the Delewhere Destroyers. The people who sing Bad to the Bone."

    They all broke into song sining BAD TO THE BONE. Just then...

    --Ice Jedi--
    Are You A Freak?

  7. Son of the Suns

    Son of the Suns Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 6, 1999
    ...Lord McCallum came and told everyone to shut up.

    "Rick told us to shut up!" said Olie.

    "How wude!" said Binks.

    The Producer/Sith Lord.....
  8. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    screamed to Jar Jar: Learn how to speak proper English, or I will kill you!!!

    Joe and Ric thought that wasn't very nice so
  9. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    They taped the evil producer's mouth shut with duct-tape.

    (sorry if this isn't spelled right)

  10. k kanos

    k kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 1, 2000
    Tied him to the stalls where they keep the kadus and left him to suffer the stench of Kadu poo poo. "Peee uuussaaa!" Jar Jar whined. "Dat be da only ting meesa no like about kadu. Dey smell so badly usa pass out if stay to long in der stalls. Yousa not so bombad now, eh der Lord McCullum."

    The evil producers eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fainted.

    "Let's go get that sorry excuse for a padwan now." Obi Wan said. "
    We've got work to do. If we don't complete our mission...

  11. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    We will never be able to get the magic mouse droid in time to stop Darth Kimball (they didn't know of his name-change... yet).

    meanwhile on the planet AAAAHHHH!!!

    Darth Vagabond's ship touched the ground. He went out into the woods to look for the mouse droid, he wanted it as much as the Jedi. He didn't know that the jedi were on their way to stop him...

    meanwhile on Coruscant

    "You bring shame to the family", Palpy told his twin brother. "You can't just take over the universe you know??? it's illegal!!!".

    Sidious just looked on his brother and said: "You underestimate the power of the...
  12. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998

    That was true because Palpy had never been allowed to take those dancinglessons when he was younger...
  13. emilsson

    emilsson Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 5, 1998
    ...and a rather handsome Sith apprentice. For them there was only time for...
  14. k kanos

    k kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 1, 2000
    the debate classes he took. In order to become the well versed Senator he was aclaimed to be, took many long arduos hours of debating with others and with himself in front of a mirror. Besides, because of his brother Sidious, Palpatine hated polka music, it was like limburger cheese to him, rotten and smelly. He much preferred techno music, especially while he was doing his Tae-Na-boe. That is how he stayed in shape all these years. In fact, he tried using it on his brother once while he was distracted by the polka music and...
  15. Ice Jedi

    Ice Jedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 3, 2000
    instead he blurted out that his secret girlfriend's name was Jababy the Hutt!! When Sidious found out he laughed for days. This forced Palpatine to break up with her. But that was a long time ago.

    Darth McCallum was still screaming his head off at Jar Jar. So much that it ripped the tape.

    Obi Wan cut in, "You know we really should be going to planet AAAAHHHH!!!!"

    McCallum said "Fine. But the rude insignificant annoying one stays."

    "Thats not fair" Obi pleaded. "I want to go also."

    Rick whispred "Not You! Jar Jar!"

    As quick as a gundark thay all ran onto the ship leaving McCallum behind. Anakin was in the palace with his tickets when...

    --Ice Jedi--
    Are You A Freak?
  16. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    he realised that he had given one of his shoes to Darth McCallum, and since he didn't want to touch the ground he had to jump on one leg...
  17. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    ...back to Theed-Palace where he had last seen McCullum.

    (meanwhile on AAAAHHHH!!!!)

    Darth Vagabond was looking through the giant forests of AAAAHHHH!!!!. He had to find some sort of clue, how to find the mouse droid. Suddenly he saw it... It was awesome... It was the all powerful man of polka... The bounty hunter who went by the name of "Weird Al".

    He looked at Darth Vagabond and said: "You seem lost my friend. Is there anyway that I can help you?"

    Vagabond didn't know what to say...

    "I'll play you a polka then..." Weird Al said before he started playing his accordian in an awesome way!!!

    (meanwhile in the Super Bombad Bongo 3000)

    Obi-Wan: "McCullum is on our trace, we've got to find Anakin or else we won't be strong enough to resist the combined powers of Kimball & McCullum!!!"

    Joe: "Do not worry my old friend... We'll pick him up"

    Obi-Wan: "Perhaps...
  18. k kanos

    k kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 1, 2000
    if we leave some cookies for Rick, it will slow him down. He can't resist "the Power of the Cookie". That's why he has gained so much weight recently.

    "Dat be a pretty bombad idear der Obi Wan", squealed Jar Jar.

    They left some chocolate chip & macadamia nut cookies (they were McCullum's favorite) and proceeded to Theed Palace where they suspected Anakin might be to pick up Padme for the concert.

    Not long afterward, McCullum came upon the cookies, still wearing the stench of Kadu poo poo. "Oh my, what's this?", McCullum exclaimed. "COOOOOKIES! and they're chocolate chip with Macadamia nuts. My favorites! Maybe I should save a few for George. Naaaah!"

    As McCullum began to dig into the cookies, Darth Vagabond's ship appeared out of no where...
  19. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    but in fact Darth Vagabond wasn't aboard his own ship because...
  20. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    "Weird Al" had killed him and stolen the ship.

    "Weird Al" knew the TRUE power of polka, therefore HE wanted to take Vagabond's place by Sidious' side.

    He had the mouse droid, and was on his way to slay the clueless jedi...
  21. k kanos

    k kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 1, 2000
    when he saw McCullum below making a pig of himself. Weird Al scanned the mysterious food source below. The computer told him that they were Chocolate chip & Macadamia nut cookies. He couldn't resist "The power of the cookie" either, so he had to stop.

    When he deboarded his ship, McCullum looked up with chocolate all over his mouth. He siad, "Who the hell are you?"

    Weird Al, accordian in hand looked up at McCullum, pulled back his hood and proclaimed "You're worst nightmare! Now give me those cookies."

    McCullum laughed and said whith crumbs flying out of his mouth, "No way freak. They're mine. Try to take them, and I'll tell George on you."

    Weird Al ignited his accoridan converted saber...
  22. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    and prepared to fry Darth McCallum when suddenly Anakin appeared.

    "Hey, can I toast my marshmallows on your lightsabre?" Anakin said to Weird Al.
  23. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    "Well... SURE you can..." Weird Al said with a freaky smile on his face.

    meanwhile in the BONGO

    "I sense a great disturbance in the force" Obi-Wan said to Ric Olie, "It's coming from the place we left McCullum. We got to go back!!!!"

    "I feel it to" Joe said...

    "Meesa also feel somethinga" Jar Jar said, but it wasn't a disturbance in the force he felt... it was...
  24. Padawan07

    Padawan07 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2001
    sith infiltrators...
  25. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    tiny miniature ones. They...
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