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there is a shot of a digital yoda in phantom menace...

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by matrix_dark_jedi, Jul 24, 2005.

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  1. matrix_dark_jedi

    matrix_dark_jedi Jedi Youngling

    May 8, 2005
    may be many of you know this, but i am going to tell you:

    the other day i buy episode I in DVD, i see it with the commentary, so, in the scene where yoda said to obi wan "your apprentice skywalker, will be" there is a digital yoda, because in other way the crew of yoda pupet will be on the shot, i never notice that. then i see the outtakes in the computer and i see a digital yoda in the scene of "there always two...", is a little shot, did that mean something?

    tell me you...
  2. poof-the-magic-jedi

    poof-the-magic-jedi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 3, 2005
    What you say?
  3. Super_Battle_Droid

    Super_Battle_Droid Jedi Master star 5

    May 8, 2002
    There's also a digital Yoda walking out of the ship that's takes him to Naboo.
  4. zombie

    zombie Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 1999
    As far as i know, the "digital" Yoda that is walking across the floor as he says "confer on you the council does" at the opening of the Yoda-Obi Wan scene is not a CGI yoda or anything but a re-comp'ed puppet. If you look at the photos from the shooting of the scene, the floor was cut away where Yoda would be walking, with a walkway for Frank Oz to walk alongside the puppet as he moved him forward; the floor was then filled-in in post production and it looks like Yoda is moving independently. That was as i understood it.
  5. Go-Mer-Tonic

    Go-Mer-Tonic Jedi Youngling star 6

    Aug 22, 1999
    There is a long shot of Yoda walking in that "confer on you the level of Jedi Knight the council does..."
    scene, but it's only from the back. The close ups were all puppet in the theatrical and DVD release, but I hear they are replacing the puppet with a digital Yoda at some point in the future, if they haven't done so already.
  6. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    The shot of Yoda walking and saying he confers the level of Jedi Knight upon Obi-Wan is a completely digital Yoda. It is not a comp'd in puppet or anything.

  7. Bacon164

    Bacon164 Chosen One star 8

    Mar 22, 2005
    I think there are three digital Yoda shots in TPM. One where he lands with the cruiser, one in that scene, and one in the funeral.
  8. Eddie

    Eddie Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 16, 2001
    Check out the link in my sig. Mental looking Yoda is out of a job!
    Edit : Don't bother, the links dead!
  9. Tyranus22

    Tyranus22 Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 3, 2005
    Yeah, this was the only CG Yoda shot in TPM, as far as i know. It was nowhere near the standard they reached with CG Yoda in AOTC and ROTS and IMO just highlighted further how rubbish the puppet yoda, in TPM, was! Hopefully TPM puppet will be replaced for the next DVD release of the film, which will hopefully be as part of a PT DVD Boxset, hopefully, released around Christmas!
  10. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    I have never heard anything about a digital shot at the funeral.
  11. Bacon164

    Bacon164 Chosen One star 8

    Mar 22, 2005

    Establishing shot of the funeral in production. Yoda is not there. [face_thinking]

    I've heard it somewhere, but I can't remember where... [face_thinking]
  12. AnakinSkywalker082

    AnakinSkywalker082 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 13, 2005
    the only one that i know of is when he's talking to obi wan at the end
  13. YodaJeff

    YodaJeff Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 18, 2001
    The only CG Yoda that I've ever heard of in TPM was the one when he was talking to Obi-Wan near the end.

    At the funeral scene, he could have simply been filmed separately and added in during post-production.
  14. MyMomIsAnEwok

    MyMomIsAnEwok Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 26, 2005
    Does anyone here agree with me when i say i really dont like to see yoda fight...with all those flips and just isnt the say yoda...i would nt mind as much if he fought on the slowly
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