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Time travel

Discussion in 'Archive: The Senate Floor' started by Jedi_Master_Anakin, Aug 28, 2002.

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  1. Talon_Karrde_

    Talon_Karrde_ Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 13, 2000
    :) We may never know.

    D-'-,-'-,'-,-- Karrde

  2. Jarik

    Jarik Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 21, 2000
    The below statement is true.
    The above statement is false.

    The Back to the Future movies rule.
  3. Jedi_Master_Anakin

    Jedi_Master_Anakin Jedi Master star 4

    May 25, 2002
    With the entire killing grandpa thing. Yes I believe that you could kill him. But then, one of a few things would happen because of it. The first being, that the two actions would cross cancel eachother out, making you first not exist, and then in return your granfather was never killed.

    Second, would probably be that after you killed your grandfather, you then would do something to the effect of dissapearing out of the earth, because of the fact that your grandfather died, and thus you were never born.

    And possibly third. Because you are traveling from a different time. It would also be in a different dimension as well. If you don't agree I will try to explain it. Because of the fact that you left from one time to another. They cannot exist in the same dimension at the same time. So there would have to be some form of another dimension or some other non-material area in which the two time "zones" can seperately exist.

    Anyway back to grandpa. Because you are in different dimensions, possibly you would never exist in that dimension, but you would still exist in your times dimension. So then it kind of deals with a bit of "The One" kind of mindset.
  4. Talon_Karrde_

    Talon_Karrde_ Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 13, 2000
    Ya, I've heard that "different dimensions" explanation before...I don't buy it, but that's just me. :D

    D-'-,-'-,'-,-- Karrde
  5. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Although certain models of blackholes and wormholes might allow for travel to another universe, the theory of another universe actually existing is very shaking and without a true basis other than, "If it is not forbidden, then it is required."

    As far as time travel in this universe, It doesn't seem logical to me that if you travel back and change something you enter a new universe according to that new timeline. Mess up your past and you mess up your future.

    The paradox of going back to kill your father, yet if you kill him you would not have lived yet if you had not lived you could not have gone back.......honestly it just sounds like you stuck yourself in a time loop you will never get out, you would ave taken your future from yourself.

    But as I posted on the previous page, Hawking and Thorne believe the creation of a time machine would only allow travel back as far as the day the time machine were created.

    Moral of the story: Even if you could go back to kill your father, 1. Just don't and 2. Why would you?

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    In order to travel through time we only need a Flux Capacitor and a Delorian. I know someone who has the second. All I need is the previous...

    [face_laugh] That was pure comedy gold, jedimaster5615. [face_laugh]

    Alright, I waded through your theories, Jedi_Master_Anakin. They were quite fascinating. Without a doubt, this has been one of the most theoretical thread that I've encountered thus far in the JC. So, well done. ;)

    IMHO, I believe your theories on causality and destiny were very sound. From my perspective though, the element of pre-destination, which is inherent within both the concepts of causality and destiny, makes it impossible to affect change through temporal divergence. Thus, even if an individual were to be able to travel through time in the formal sense (E.g.: an individual being able to travel back and forth through time at will), their actions in the divergent time-frame would merely be part of a "causality loop" that was pre-destined to occur (and has been occurring in future temporal dimensions).

    Probably the best pop-culture example that I can provide, which encapsulates my beliefs on time travel, would the film: 12 Monkeys. In this film, Bruce Willis' character can travel through time, but he cannot affect change as he is caught within an ever-repeating "causality-loop" that was pre-destined to occur from the very beginning of time.


    Edit: Temporal Mechanics is not my forté.
  7. Jedi_Master_Anakin

    Jedi_Master_Anakin Jedi Master star 4

    May 25, 2002
    You are absolutely right OBI-DAN. I completely agree with you. The 12 monkeys thing is actually a weird kind of analogy, but it applies, in the sense that whatever you do, it would have already been pre-destined to happen, so you can't really change your past, because then what happens becomes your past. Genious I say!
  8. stevo

    stevo Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 14, 2001
    There's some article here on the senate floor that talks about the universe being a hologram. I believe that if thta were to be true-- time travel could occur.
  9. Vaderbait

    Vaderbait Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 26, 2001
    Time travel is possible. I've heard that astronauts in orbit can go back in time as much as two seconds.

    Of course, that's a big "whoopdie do [face_plain]" to those who want days, years, centuries. :p
  10. Padawan_Learner_Yoda

    Padawan_Learner_Yoda Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 3, 2002
    Interesting topic JMA

    Working within the concept of the multiple dimension divergence theory:
    If Cartman starting from his original dimension 'A' jumps to another dimension 'B' what replaces his matter in dimension 'A'? Matter can neither be created nor destroyed so would matter be displaced from dimension 'B'? And/or would the time shift distort the perceptions of the matter to the inhabitants of dimension 'B'?
  11. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    To elaborate on Vaderbaits comment:

    The Mir station orbits at 7700 meters per second. This is only .0000257 times lightspeed, the time dilation factor is 1.00000000033=for every second that passes on Earth 1.00000000033 seconds pass on Mir, they are actually going forward in time. After a year our clocks on Earth will be 3.8 seconds behind the clocks on Mir.

    MASTER_OBI-DAN Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 30, 2002
    Thanks so much for your kind comments, JMA. Also, its very heartening to see that we both agree and share common ground on such a complex topic as Time Travel. Lastly, let me say again that this is an absolutely fantabulous concept for a thread. Thus, well done, JMA! :D

    Also, I forgot to mention in my last post that I really enjoyed reading your research paper, Talon_Karrde_. It was clear, concise and definitely deserving of the excellent mark that it received. ;)

    Also, thank you for the links, VadersLaMent. :D
  13. Aanix_Durray

    Aanix_Durray Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 29, 2001
    Dude, I travel through time on a regular basis.

    Watch .....

    :: sits still for several seconds ::

    I just went from 11:36 to 11:37 ! :eek:

    I can go even further but it takes to long. :p

  14. Vaderize03

    Vaderize03 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 25, 1999
    LOL Aanix!

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