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Austin,TX To Collect or not to Collect?

Discussion in 'MidSouth Regional Discussion' started by neumera, Aug 23, 2002.

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  1. neumera

    neumera Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 26, 2000
    That is the question. I'd like to open discussion about a personal conflict of mine. Here is my problem:

    1. When I started collecting in 1999 I went totally nuts buying everything. I was spurred on by a quote I read by Steve Sansweet. He said something about having the opportunity today to collect at the release of new products, instead of hunting for them afterward like we have to for vintage stuff today.

    2. I've realized that I'll never have it all.

    3. Some things that I have don't excite me. Some things do. I've always heard the suggestion that one should focus their Star Wars collection.

    4. It seems that today's world is different in regard to Hasbro. Things that are rare at first begin to show up in mass quantities on the discount shelf. Like Mom Mothma from POTF, then Darth Maul from PM, and Tattooine Jar Jar from POTJ. It's so frustrating.

    5. On the other hand, I've already got all this stuff, why stop now?

  2. Kimbote

    Kimbote Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 15, 2002
    Very poignant comments.

    Now this might sound like part of some therapy session, buuuuuuuuuut ...

    a) You're not alone. I know several collectors including myself who have either asked these questions and continued on to collect or they gave up the hobby (or this particular collection) entirely.

    b) The first step in recovery is recognizing that you feel this way ("... I'll never have it all.") in the first place. :)

    In direct reply to some of your points:
    1. Steve Sansweet, whatever collector he might have been in the past, can now be considered a Sith Lord ... a member of the "the man". As an employee of Lucasfilm, I suspect that Steve gets one-offs of "everything" official. So what kind of collecting is that? Sure, as a collector, I've compared my collection with others. I've had more occasion to do this recently since joining AFF. At times, I've been inspired by collections. And at other times, I've felt small and inferior compared to those same collections. That's where #2 comes in.

    2. Hasbro is evil ... it is the physical embodiment of the Dark Side! They sell many seductive products. They'll lure you into the collecting hobby with pretty good products like Super Battle Droid, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Saga Landspeeder). Then they'll release some great looking products (Toy Fair Vader, Naboo Royal Starship) that make you proud to be a collector. And then, they'll just shovel poop (Acklay, Cold Weather Kenobi, Hologram Qui-Gon). But still you buy it. And then while you're basking in the glow of successful collection domination ("I have them all!"), they ship things that they call new releases ... like Tusken Raider with Massiff and Red Battle Droid. And they'll improve their product offerings with repackages like Jedi Starfighter with Obi Pilot. Hasbro is looking out for one thing - the bottom profit line. Somewhere you have to find your balance of power against such corporate greed and target marketing. I found that strength below.

    3."The COLLECTOR is the one who defines their collection." Ken Lilly, chief public relations guy at Palisades Toys, recently wrote those words in response to collectors bitching about the difficulty in obtaining so-called Muppet Show exclusives and the toy industry's increased usage of "chase figures" to stimulate interest. The quote was the best line I had ever heard. It puts the power in MY hands ... not Hasbro, not Lucasfilm, and certainly not George Lucas.

    With these absolutes in mind, I'm able to feel good about my hobby, my collection and the investment in both time and money that I've made.

    I could probably go on with more thoughts in about 2000 more words but I'll wrap with this.

    1. My collection does have focus. Four inch basic figures.

    2. 90% of the time, when I purchase things outside of my focus, I do so because it compliments my collection well. Padme Unleased is the only one from that series that I want. The Yoda bust is the only Gentle Giant product that I want. And those times when I was weak and I had a chance to sober up and say "why on earth did I buy that?", I resell the item. At least I can recupe some of my expense and the rest is chalked up to lessons learned. What about those things that I missed? Like the purple gown Amidala 12"? Well, that's another part of collecting that is fun ... the thrill of the hunt.

    3. I display my collection. This is only something that I've learned recently. It became harder and harder for me to keep pouring money into this hobby when I wasn't getting as much enjoyment out of it as I thought I should. So I became a kid again, I fulfilled a dream ... pulling all of my figures out and putting them on display. Since I have focus, I'm inspired to arrange my display in creative diorama ways. As I've set things up and tweak the displays, I've been humming music or taking a quick moment when no one is looking to recreate a scene with dialogue and sound effects.

    I get so much enjoyment now from my collection, it is worth every penny IMHO. I guess you have to ask yourself -
  3. BigChris

    BigChris Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 11, 2000
    I have already decided, when I get the space, everything I have is coming out of the box for display. :)

    Big Chris
  4. britt1

    britt1 Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 10, 2001
    Since I have limited funds for my hobby I just buy whatever I think is cool that I can afford. I don't want or need every figure although I admit that would be nice but not realistic. Focus your collecting on the characters you really like, your absolute favorites ie Han Solo, Leia, R2D2, Yoda and sometimes Luke. Those are my favorites. Buying things I like related to them is priority over the alien of the week figure. If that makes sense. Anyway you might give that a try.
  5. neumera

    neumera Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 26, 2000

    Your remarks are right on. I think that I have made the decision to sell most of what I have, keep the things I really like, and display what I have in my new official Star Wars room.

    But, before I do all that I will be cataloging and taking pictures of everything. A lot of what drives me to get everything is the hope that one day I will put the greatest and most complete Star Wars collector database on the web. My goal is to be better than Cargo Bay at (they should have hired me in the first place, damn it). Having complete data on the item will make up for not having the item at all.

    So, sometime I will offer up what I want to sell to the Fan Force first, and then I will get a table at a collector expo and let em fly.

    You mentioned focus. I'll be keeping things like:
    - vintage figures
    - signed carded figures
    - carded figures that I like
    - other odd things that I love (watches, bookmarks, mugs, backpacks, etc.)

    I'll most likely get rid of:
    - Hasbro ships & beasts
    - Tiger electronic stuff
    - models, rockets
    - other oddities

    When? It's all in storage. It's in the BACK of storage. When we can move some things into our new house as it gets renovated. Winter? Spring?

    I feel good about this decision. I feel good about the support I get from you guys. I know that if I had NOTHING, I would still be a Star Wars fan and I would be proud of that and I would still enjoy our get togethers.


  6. Tandeer

    Tandeer Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 7, 2001
    I understand and applaud all the wonderful words and advice and I agree fully. It's funny that you posted this Anne, just as I was looking around at my collection too, wondering what in the hell possesed me to buy some of this! *L* I'm taking parts of it to Dragon Con for the swap there and to donate them as prizes in the raffle.

    I'm glad that Anne mentioned selling some of her stuff. I've talked to Elizabeth, the CR for Waco about an idea my Killeen group had. Seems that there are allot of folks in this boat and we were talking about finding a place halfway between Waco and Austin and holding a Swap/Shop kind of thing. *S* I have one member that has allot of stuff he wants to get rid of, as he has decided to concentrate on just movie props. He has vintage stuff as well as store displays.

    Ya'll let me know that you think about this and when would be a good time, if at all.

    As for me... I think I'm going to concentrate my collection on the small figures and any vechiles/animals that go with them and the 12 inch female dolls. I want to get at least one of each of the principal players, but not every single version in 12 inch they have. And of course... my books! *S*

  7. neumera

    neumera Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 26, 2000

    Interesting stuff that compliments our recent discussion
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