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Before - Legends To Have And To Hold (Book II in DLT series) Author Replies 10/1 Completed!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Force_Triad, Jun 5, 2006.

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  1. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    Like the new Virote. He's quite a slimy character, his snake-skin hiding a mean-spirited heart. Plus I think Qui-Gon should tell Dooku and his bondmates what Virote was doing when they weren't around - threatening him.

    Loved the way he kept circling Qui-Gon, separating him from the other two, and making awful insinuations.

    Good job.
  2. Aya-Na_Bashu

    Aya-Na_Bashu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 14, 2005
    Grrrrr! Virote would a wonderful purse or three.
  3. Ara-gon

    Ara-gon Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 31, 2005
    Virote's a bully. A particularly nasty one. And a padawan of a council member? Oy! Not good.

    The boys did well. I liked how they stood their ground with Virote. You're showing the emergence of the men and Jedi they will become. Well done!
  4. Force_Triad

    Force_Triad Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2006
    Diane Virote is a slimy one. He's gotten to think too highly of himself too as you can see ;) Qui-Gon though doesn't want to be seen as weak, running to them whenever he has a problem.

    Aya-Na_Bashu Hey that is a really good idea. I've been needing a new purse anyway my old one has a hole in it :D ;)

    Ara-gon Yep, he's got a high horse now. They tried hard and so do we :D We look forward to showing more of the men they become :D

    Will have the post ready in a little while :D
  5. Alethia

    Alethia Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 13, 2005
    Ryu is annoying. And Ky really should have thrown him. Though I guess the consequences probably wouldn't have been very good, so I guess it's better that he didn't...

    Shane jumping in and splashing Ky and Qui was quite amusing. *grins* Go, Shane.

    In a way, I think it's almost good that Ryu was such a pain to Qui, because it does address issues. And you always have to wonder what the rest of the Temple does thing. Because even if the three of them don't care, it still does play a certain role in allowances and whatnot. And it's just another proof that the future is going to be very interesting for them...
  6. Force_Triad

    Force_Triad Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2006
    Alethia Well Ky wanted to throw him, but Sehan probably woudn't have liked it if his padawan had gotten beaten up so ;) But you're right Ryu, while annoying and a bully, does have his uses ;) He also goes to show how unadaptive to change the rest of the Order is.

    Chapter Eight: Part II

    Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh!" he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you." ~A.A. Milne

    Darkness... nothing existed anywhere except blackness waiting until it could pounce and swallow everything in it's path.

    If he didn't get out of the way, he would be consumed in the darkness along with the rest of the galaxy. The boy tried to move, tried to open his mouth to scream- but it was swallowed by darkness.

    Lightsabers of red, blue and green flashed in front his eyes before they, too, were consumed by the Darkness. The scene changed again -- blue against blue this time.

    A crack of thunder sounded. The Darkness was mocking, laughing as he fell into the pit of blackness. It had won -- it had won.

    Because of you, this is because of you, the Darkness mocked. They're all dead -- because of you...

    No, that can't be, Qui-Gon pleaded.

    Oh, but it can -- all of this and more...because of you.

    With a whimper of fear, Qui-Gon awoke, and sat up, breathing hard and trembling. The rainstorm that had been brewing all day finally let loose with a crack of thunder and the sound of a torrential downpour. He wrapped himself in his robe. He wasn't going to run to his bondmates for comfort -- no. He would not be the cause of their death. Not if he could help it. Maybe he should run away. That might solve the problem, wouldn?t it? At least they couldn't die for him if he wasn't there. He left his room and went to the living room to watch the storm through the main balcony.

    Shane woke to feeling something wrong. Surrounding himself in the bond before he even opened his eyes, his mind traced both paths. Kyran was sleeping soundly. Not even the roaring thunder outside was enough to wake him. Yet, Qui-Gon seemed to tremble, with fear- and something more. He rose, not bothering to find his sleep robe in the dark, and padded out into the common room, to find his youngest bondmate at the large balcony windows. He approached, careful not to startle him. "Qui?"

    Qui-Gon seemed to hunch down further in his robes. Great -- the last one he wanted to talk to right now. Nissan would be able to drag everything out of him -- he didn't want them to die -- he wasn't going to help it along. He didn't answer.

    Kneeling beside him, Shane studied him, "Something's bothering you isn't it, Nihan."

    Qui-Gon nodded a little, wrapping his robe tighter around him. He rocked slightly. He didn't want to tell Shane -- he wasn't sure he wanted the answers -- but at the same time, his soul was hurting.

    Reaching out, Shane gently rubbed his back soothingly, "please tell me what's troubling you, Qui. I can feel it's hurting you."

    Qui-Gon was on the verge of giving in, when Shane rubbed his back and he sniffled slightly. In a very small voice he said, "would you die to protect me, Nissan?"

    Shane was silent, almost hesitant, though his hand never stilled, "why do you ask that?"

    "I had the same dream again," he confessed. "But the lightsabers were a different color this time -- it was yours and Ky's. The Darkness said it was all my fault that everyone was dead," he said, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

    "Qui..." Shane tucked his arm around him, pulling him close, while sending comfort over their bond, "such a thing would never be your fault."

    Qui-Gon pushed him away. "That's not answering my question, Nissan."

    Shane sighed, releasing him, "I know its not. But I also know you will take my answer wrongly, and use it against yourself. Yet, it won't change. Yes, I would."

    Qui-Gon seemed to freeze at Shane's answer and he curled into the smallest ball he possibly could and his silent sobs shook him. It wa
  7. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    Poor kid. Having force visions at such a young age and then thinking that it was Kyran and Shane's blades instead of his own and Obi-Wan's. Dooku should have been comforting him or at least explaining things to him in a way that he would understand.

    Good job. Looking forward to more.
  8. Force_Triad

    Force_Triad Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2006
    Diane Poor Qui-Gon has no idea what to do about them. Most of the Living Force don't get visions -- but he is because of the bond he has with Kyran and Shane, which makes him extra special. :)

    Where'd everybody else go?

    Chapter Nine: Fortunes of Fate

    Live simply that others might simply live. ~Elizabeth Seaton

    Journal Entry Seventy

    The new Order is steadily coming into being. Our Head Master is optimistic about the fate of the Jedi, as more representatives come from other systems to speak with him, before joining us. As of now, we have nearly a thousand members, and have begun training in earnest for the younglings, as well as older gifted that have not had the chance to come forward for proper training before. Soon, we will see if the idea of this becoming something of a school will work. As it is, each successful Master, has three to five apprentices, due to the increase of learners verses the amount of Masters available. It was the same way with our teaching, my brother Jerric and I were trained with four other students, under Master Sati.

    Besides, we can't afford to turn away anyone that needs our aid. The blessing can become a curse, if one is not trained to understand and listen to the Force.

    Besides the good news, I've had that dream again. It troubles me, how often I have it now, and how clear it has become. I fear the meaning of it, in some ways, though Master Sati is working hard to find the answer to it. Jerric is beginning to worry as well, though I have tried hard not to reveal how much it is bothering me, or how little sleep I'm getting.

    He has far too much to worry about by himself, to make himself sick over his foolish twin. I shall have to solve this myself. I am almost certain that the elements I see in my dreams, that twisting triangle, is the symbol of a person, or three persons. I can never tell. The elements are separate, but constantly twisting into each other...

    And the being within that triangle, the triad of power, is becoming clearer. I can almost make out the features of a child now. A child of frightening power, but sadly little wisdom in those burning eyes. I find that if the darkness were to come, and if this child were to be born, all that we lay here will be for nothing.

    Qui-Gon was deep in the book, reading in his Nissan's room. Nissan was out but he would be back soon. He and Ky were in classes but Qui-Gon had finished up early and had thus taken the time to read what his friend Zamir had given him.

    There was a faint knock on the door, before it opened a little, to reveal the slightly wild haired, brilliant green eyed face of Zamir, "Hello, Qui-Gon, mind if I come in? Your Master let me in."

    Qui-Gon jumped at the knock and turned on his side to see who had entered. "Oh hello Zamir," he said politely.

    Taking that as his answer, Zamir entered, smiling, "I see you're enjoying what I gave you."

    "Oh yes," he said happily. "I was just reading while Nissan and Ky are in class."

    Zamir glanced around, "I guess this is your Nissan's room," it wasn't a question, as Zamir settled himself on the edge of the bed, putting the small stake of data chips beside him, "I'm glad you like it. Find anything interesting?"

    "Oh yes, I'm just curious as to Knight Tryphen's dreams," he said perusing the book again. "Very interesting."

    Something flickered in Zamir's eyes, "They are rather strange dreams. He never managed to find the answer to it before he disappeared."

    "Never?" Qui-Gon's brow furrowed at that. "I wonder what it means," he said thoughtfully.

    "Well, they later figured that it was a prophecy of the Chosen One, by Damas's time. They have yet to figure out what the triangle meant, as no one of the Jedi have had such visions of it."

    "The possibility of salvation or destruction, and the child of light, have all been the same."

    Qui-Gon pondered what they could mean. "I should meditate on it," he said, his brow furrowing.
    Zamir nodded, "Perhaps you should," he agreed, then remembered something, "I bro
  9. Aya-Na_Bashu

    Aya-Na_Bashu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 14, 2005
    [face_dancing] Yes! I knew Zamir wasn't mortal. I just didn't know how old he was or how he tied into Merrick.
  10. Force_Triad

    Force_Triad Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2006
    Aya-Na_Bashu Well you were right ;) :D Here is more for you! I think everyone else is on vacation but you ;) We start delving into an entirely uncharted territory today, beginning to tell the Master's past. I hope you enjoy :D

    Chapter 10: Laying to Rest

    Sorrow you can hold, however desolating, if nobody speaks to you. If they speak, you break down. ~Bede Jarrett

    Shane suppressed a violent shiver that tried to pass through, pulling his thick cloak tighter around him as they trudged on in the deepening snow. This was not how he had thought their supposed, much needed break was to be like. For one, he had never expected their snow speeder to break down when the storm hit, and for the other, he didn't expect to be with his ke'en's Master. But before they had left the docking bay to ride into the city, several miles away from the landing field, Zephir had propositioned that it might be nice if Kyran rode with him, and Shane with Drex. Shane hadn't protested at the time, nor would he want Kyran in his place at the moment, battling the elements seeking some unknown shelter, But he couldn't help but wish for his Master, faintly, and the man's warm reassurance. But he kept up his pace, and kept his emotions locked down tight. He couldn't show weakness to Rixar and it was only cold. He would manage.

    Drex however was feeling as cold as the ice and snow around him, wishing he could stand there and let it freeze him to death. What in the galaxy had made him suggest coming here, to Ren's home planet when he had not been here in years? It had dredged up too many things that ought to have been buried permanently but that were still as raw as if the wounds had been opened up yesterday. He barely felt the cold, seeping through him. However he knew one was feeling it, though he had never complained. He knew Sora'sa were not meant for the cold and their body temperatures dropped far too quickly. He removed his outermost jacket. He still had two extra layers, and draped it around the freezing apprentice following him dutifully. "Here," he said, his tone somewhat gruff. He tried to soften it, but thoughts of Ren were whirring through his mind and he swallowed thickly. "Use that, there's a special insulator that will help."

    Shane blinked up at him in surprise, gloved fingers instinctively clutching the jacket for a moment, glad for the extra warmth. But then he considered the Master's own lack of protection, even with two layers, and he almost moved to protest, if not for the odd look he saw in Rixar's eyes. Something very dark, and very painful, lurked in those orbs, something he had off handedly notice growing since before they had landed... He nodded a little, "Thank you."

    "I have extra heating protection if that's not enough," he said finally after awhile. "Will you be warm enough or do you need extra?"

    At that, Shane shook his head, gaze flickering away, "I'm fine. And you need it for yourself." He didn't like what he was seeing there, "How much further to shelter?"

    Drex's eyes darkened, if possible, even further. He wanted to just stop walking to crawl in a hole and never come out again. "Not much further now," he encouraged. If it wasn't for his promise to Zephir ...he would have gladly given the padawan all the warm clothing he had and just let the planet do it's work., but he knew he couldn't. Zephir would kill him again, even if he managed to die properly. "We ought to be there within a day or so."

    Shane nodded, eyes flickering to him again, watchful, almost worried despite the his usually almost indifference to the other Master. He straightened his shoulders, pulling up what energy the cold had left him, and moved up a little, to snag Drex's wrist. "Then we better keep going. This storm isn't going to go away anytime soon."

    Drex didn't move even as Shane grabbed his arm. "Must we?" he said softly.

    Staring up at him, Shane's jaw tightened, as did his grip on Drex's wrist, "We've got to make it to a cave, before the temperature drops further."

    Drex opened up his
  11. Fluff-Slayer

    Fluff-Slayer Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 12, 2005
    Grrrr. I'm constantly falling behind here, but it isn't for lack of interest. There's just too much noise in my head at the moment!!! *Taps aforementioned thing on the wall*

    I like the dynamics in this last post. It's a bit of a switch-up, sending Shane with Drex and Kyran with Zephir. Very nice. Gotta love all this banter-ish stuff. :p And as Grams always said, variety is the spice of life.

    I'm sorry for being sluggish, kids.

    I'll try to do a better job of keeping up.

    So while I'm at it, you guys keep up your awesome work!
  12. Force_Triad

    Force_Triad Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2006
    Fluff-Slayer Falling behind is okay so long as you eventually get caught up :D We decided to shake things up a bit by pairing them with different masters ;) Thanks for reading! Glad you're still with us!

    Chapter 11: Warmth of Light

    Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light. ~Norman B. Rice

    Ja'thernen stared up into the bright sky above, eyes absent-mindedly tracking the clouds that drifted by. Even though it was warm within the gardens, almost to the comfortable level for him, he still shivered, as he lay, back to the trunk of the tree, legs stretched over the limb, as his wings hung down, nearly brushing the ground at the base of the tree. There were few others there, it being mid day, and the few that were there, left him alone. Just what he wanted, his thoughts being distant, centered on that cold piece within himself, as he toyed with the collar in one hand.

    Sighing, he turned his eyes to the piece of paper in his other hand. Right before Me' had left with Sala'ne' and their Masters, he had left him that note: in Basic. Ja'thernen knew Me'telnen knew he couldn't read Basic, but he understood a prompt to try. Probably as a way to distract him while they were gone.

    Qui-Gon had his books under his arms as he was going to the lake to do his homework. Being near the lake always made him feel closer to his bondmates when they were away. He missed them. He came upon Ja'thernen holding a note in his hands looking a bit lost. "Is something wrong Ja'thernen?" he asked shyly, uncertain about how welcome his intrusion would be.

    Looking down, Ja'thernen spared a look to Qui-Gon, before folding his wings, and he shifted till he was sitting on the branch he had been resting on, "Not really, kid." Just that cold feeling in his soul, and the frustration of far too little patience for the game his ke'nite' wanted to play.

    Qui-Gon looked up at him with large eyes. "Something is. You're sad. And cold. Maybe you should come to our apartment and get warm by the fire?" he suggested helpfully.

    Studying the boy below, Ja'thernen sighed a little, "I don't seem to be the only one sad, kid." Leaping down, he landed in a crouch beside Qui-Gon, and stood. "And I don't think a fire will help this chill. I think I'm just getting used to being alone for once."

    Qui-Gon looked down at his boots. "I'm just lonely. It's too quiet without Ky and Nissan." He peered at the note in Ja'thernen's hand. "Did Nissan leave you a message?"

    Ja'thernen glanced down at it, and nodded, "That Me' did." He wasn't about to admit he couldn't understand it.

    Qui-Gon stared at it more. "What did he say? Didn't he at least tell you he would only be gone for a little while?"

    Ja'thernen should have known the kid would be persistent, just like his bondmates, "I..." it was rather damaging to the pride. But how had he known he would need such a useless skill? "I wouldn't know."

    Qui-Gon glanced up in surprise. "You can't read it?" He took the note from him. "Nissan's handwriting is kind of messy."

    "That wouldn't be the reason why I can't," though, Ja'thernen could agree. Me' had always had bad form when writing his runes, why should Basic be any different?

    Qui-Gon frowned a little in understanding. "You can't read Basic, can you?"

    After a moment, Ja'thernen shook his head, "No. I never thought to learn."

    Qui-Gon looked down at the note. "Nissan said he'll be home in two weeks and that you can use the note to practice with and he wants you to meditate with me while they're gone."

    Raising an eyebrow at that, Ja'thernen held his tongue. He had never meditated with the boy alone. It was rare he had ever meditated with him at all, and only with Sala'ne' and Me'telnen. Qui-Gon had only been there one time. To imagine his ke' trusted him to do so when it was just those two...

    Qui-Gon looked away as if sensing Ja'thernen's thoughts. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

    Pausing a little, Ja'thernen sighed, "It's not that. I just don't trust myself. The
  13. Ara-gon

    Ara-gon Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 31, 2005
    Ch. 8 Part II

    Nasty visions Qui's having. Very cruel and manipulative of the dark to blame him entirely, but then, what else is to be expected? Poor kid.

    Ch. 9

    Now, why would Zamir choose this opportunity to reveal himself to Ky and Shane? Interesting. I'm still wary about him.

    No, Shane, don't let it rest. You need to figure this out.

    Whoa! I didn't see the immortal part coming. I thought maybe Zamir was a force ghost. But not an immortal. What would Dooku do if he knew? Ha! I think he'd freak!

    Ch. 10

    The opening quote is so true.

    A breathtaking chapter--your best yet. It's so rich with history and meaning and beautiful phrases and wounds to be healed. Well done! =D=

    Ch. 11

    Lovely interaction between Qui and Ja'. Very witty of Shane to leave a "puzzle" for Ja'.

    Would it be terribly and horribly presumptious of me to say that I'd really love to read an exchange between Ja' and Yoda? [face_praying]

    Whew! It's hotter than blazes today where I live, but I still wanted those two to get a fire going. I'm relieved. Thanks for not leaving us with a cliffie this time.

    Edit: Forgot to leave a review for a chapter.

  14. Aya-Na_Bashu

    Aya-Na_Bashu Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 14, 2005
    Another great post y'all. =D=

    It's good to see Qui-Gon and Ja' getting along so well. And that Ja' was able to put aside his pride to admit that he couldn't read Basic says alot for how far he has come.

    If the boys have recovered enough, could you ask them to send some of their cold this way, I'd gladly trade some of this heat. I never thought I'd look forward to 96 degrees as a cool down.
  15. stormqueen874

    stormqueen874 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 7, 2005
    *sheepishly pokes head in*

    Hey, Layren and Neon- it's been a while, hasn't it? Forgive me for not getting to this sooner- I have been swamped!

    Anyway, lovely beginning! I sat down today and read the whole thing, and it just keeps getting better and better. Your portrayals of the characters are lovely and your plot just sucks me right in. I can't wait to find out what happens next, and hopefully I'll have the time I need to devote to the boards again! *crosses fingers*

    Again, great job!

  16. Force_Triad

    Force_Triad Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2006

    Chapter 8 - Of course! What else do you expect? Little Qui has to blame himself, because Virote said it was his fault after all :)

    Chapter 9 - Of Course Dooku would freak if he knew his padawan was consorting with an immortal ;) Then again at the same time he might be rather honored to think his apprentice is worthy enough of an immortal's attention, one never can tell with Dooku ;)

    Chapter 10 - There's plenty more where that came from we hope :D Glad you enjoyed it so much!

    Chapter 11 - Sha wants Ja to be learned and have an education and better himself just like Ky does :) As for Ja and Yoda we'll have to see :) Thanks so much for taking the time to review each indivual chapter! That means so much to the both of us :)
    Glad you're back from vacation and thanks for reading!

    Aya-Na_Bashu Glad you caught on to that. Ja'thernen is doing so well now, we're so proud of him :D He has come a long way from how he was the last year if he can admit it without anger. As for sending you some of the cold, Ky said you can have his. Thanks so much for reading!

    stormqueen874 Well there you are! We were both wondering what happened to you. Wow you read the whole thing in one go?? You get a cookie! Or a plateful of cookies! We're both so thrilled you like it that much and we hope to see you around more often :) You've been added to our PM list, per your request on the other thread :D

    Chapter Twelve: Between A Rock And A Hard Place

    Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break. ~William Shakespeare

    "It's beautiful out there, isn't it?" bright green eyes looked at him through a mess of deep brown hair, the well loved, gentle face illuminated by the white glow coming outside as the other sat near the entrance of the cave.

    "It is very pretty, padawan," Drex replied, tweaking the other's braid gently.

    Ren smiled at him, eyes twinkling as if they kept the secrets of the world, "I haven't been home in a long time, Master. I'm surprised you came here of all places."

    Drex looked away. "It wasn't my idea," he mumbled. "Zephir thought of it. He thought I'd like to try some snow gliding."

    Ren reached over, lightly turning Drex's face back to him, "It doesn't matter. Though, I should be thankful to Master Zephir, for a great many things. But I'm just glad you're here now, for a little while."

    "How are you here? I thought...don't we embrace the Force when we die? Where are we? Am I?" he asked wonderingly.

    Ren shook his head, "At the brink, but no, you're not dead. And I explained that once before, Master, I am here because of the Force, and because of your memories. Though, I think this is will be my last time, until it truly is your time."

    "You mean I won't ever see you again until..." Drex's throat tightened. "I don't want to go back. "

    "You say that, not truly realizing what you're leaving behind. There is more to live for, then just my memory, Master, even if you do not believe it. But you've blinded yourself so much with your own grief, that you fail to see it," pain marked itself in Ren's eyes, pain for his beloved Master.

    "When I lost you my son, I lost half of myself. I...just don't know how to move on," Drex looked lost then and embraced him as tightly as he could.

    Ren held on just as tight, "I know. But you must live, even with half a heart. You have to move on, if not for your own sake, for mine. Live because I didn't get the chance. You alone carry my memory in your soul, and you alone can carry on the destiny that might have been mine."

    "Only you can love that child, those children, like I might have, Master. So much depends upon you now, so you must live."

    Drex let out a slow breath even as he clung to him. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again, tears were in his eyes. "How can I love him when I might lose him too? I could not bear to lose you and him both."

    "You will always fear that, but you must not let it get in the way. Fear is not of
  17. Kynstar

    Kynstar Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 2, 2004
    Oh great vision/dream there! :) Poor Drex... one has to feel for the guy! Shane is such a sweetie!!

    You guys are doing great on this!! Finally catching up on the tale! :D :D Keep up the great work! Hopefully they'll be found soon!
  18. stormqueen874

    stormqueen874 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 7, 2005
    Woo hoo, another update! Aw, *sniffles* I love Drex, and I hope things turn all right for them. [face_worried] My heart goes out to them all, and I hope you update soon so I can find out what happens! :D

  19. Force_Triad

    Force_Triad Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2006
    Kynstar Great to see you're finally catching up! I've wondered what was taking you so long to get here :D Shane is adorable isn't he? I love him to death :D Thanks for reading!

    stormqueen I'm glad you like Drex, he's having it really rough right now and of course I'll update, we do have a schedule to keep on, though it may slow down a bit, since I think we're caught up with posting material, but we'll do our best to keep on schedule :D

    Author's Note: Everyone, we were way ahead until this weekend, when we discovered a gaping plot hole in our next arch. We've figured out how to escape out of it, but it means we have to write our entire next arch over again, and that might take a bit of time. Also, for those interested, at some point we are going to be going back and rewriting the first half of book one, due to more plot holes that we discovered and need to tighten up. Would you guys be interested in us reposting the entire first book at a later date, or would you prefer us to send indiviual chapters via pm? We are going to end up writing about 100 pages of the first Book again.

    Chapter Thirteen: Warmth At Last

    It is as well for cheerfulness as for warmth and dryness. ~Henry David Thoreau

    Zephir stepped into the cave, somewhat fearful about what he would find inside. As soon as the storm had let up, he had woken Kyran, and raced to town, to find aid. As soon as he had gotten that, he had led them straight to here, where he could feel his old friend, and his apprentice were. Stepping in further, he called out, "Drex? Shane?"

    Drex's eyes fluttered open from their light doze. The fire had died down long ago and he had no more wood left to keep it going. "Over here," he said softly. "Watch out for the ash pile, don't trip in it."

    Zephir ignited the glow lamp he had with him, and stepped further within, eyes catching first the pile Drex had mentioned, then the two figures cuddled on the far side of it. He restrained his first impulse to rush forward and embrace both, instead calling back, "Get some aid in here," He then approached, to kneel beside him, warm, gloved fingers lightly touching Drex's face, "You feel like ice."

    "I imagine so," he said neutrally. "Ran out of wood for the fire an hour ago."

    Alarm settled in Zephir's eyes at that, and he looked down to the pale, lifeless seeming form of his child, his fingers leaving Drex to run across that ghostly flesh. "Force, we need to get you both out of here."

    "He's alive," Drex replied. "He's still deep in the healing trance I put him in."

    "He hasn't stirred?" lighter worry there. It wasn't like Shane to stay in a healing trance. He had an odd habit of fighting them, unless his bondmates were with him.

    "He stirred once. I put him deeper under," he said glancing at his padawan who was just behind Zephir looking at the scene with obvious worry in his eyes.

    Zephir looked to Kyran, moving out of the way, "Get Shane back to the transport. I'll help your Master."

    Kyran bit his lip and nodded as he gently collected his bondmate from Drex's arms. He glanced at Drex, something unreadable in his eyes, before looking at his bondmate in his arms, pouring his life force and healing light into him.

    Shane stirred the barest bit, too cold to even tremble, as his dark eyes flickered open just a little. A faded smile came to his lips as glazed orbs tried to focus on him, "Ke'en..."

    Kyran smiled at him as he opened his eyes, imparting more light to him. "Shhh. It's alright, I've got you now."

    Shane's sense reached out to him, wrapping weakly around his, reassured by his touch, inward and out. For a moment, his hand struggled to raise, to cling to Kyran's braid, only to fall again, as Shane's eyes slid shut once more.

    Kyran's eyes misted some, seeing how weak his bondmate was. He couldn't even raise his hand to grab his braid. He began pouring more energy into him. /Stay with me ke'en./

    Having shouldered Drex's weight, and now seeing if the other man could stand, Zephir glanced to him, "He'l
  20. stormqueen874

    stormqueen874 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 7, 2005
    Woo hoo, yet another update! At the rate you ladies go, it's no wonder I fell behind!

    Anyway, lovely update! I'm happy to see Kyran and Drex and Shane get rescued; they're safe and sound! (For now, right? ;) ) And poor Drex... the more I read of him, the more my heart goes out to him.

    How could someone so ice hard and cold as he was, possibly warm again?

    Awww... :_|:_|

    Hope you update again soon! And as for the question you posted, I think it'd be less work on you to repost the first book, but that's just my own opinion, and honestly, I don't mind either way.

    Talk to you later!

  21. Kynstar

    Kynstar Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 2, 2004
    Poor least they're on the mend physically! :D Saved and warm and getting the treatment they need! Having each other helps as well!

    Great update :D
  22. Ara-gon

    Ara-gon Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 31, 2005
    Ch. 12

    Lovely exchange between Ren and Drex. Ren is probably the only one Drex would heed on this topic. Hopefully Drex will start to heal now.

    Ch. 13

    Poor Drex. I hope he learns that he can love again. Please?

    I'm sorry you have some rewriting to do. I don't have a preference as to PMs or reposting. I'll defer to the group consensus.
  23. Fluff-Slayer

    Fluff-Slayer Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 12, 2005
    You know, it's kind of nice playing catch up, 'cause I'm able to read several posts at one time. Can't say how long I'll be allowed to continue this pattern, though--Master's threatened to add me to the PM list to ensure speedy reading. [face_laugh]

    Very interesting. Shane's reaction to the bacta was really something. That's something I've always wondered about: after having been beaten, injured, and/or sedated, wouldn't a person be kind of freaked out to wake up suspended in fluid?

    Lovely posts, ladies. And that quote, about pulling another hand into the light. [face_love] It's nice that you begin the chapters with quotes. It sets the pace for the update.
  24. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    Stormqueen Well we do have a schedule to keep on you know :D We find you get read more if you keep to a schedule :p so we're trying to keep up, though finding time to write this week has been insane, since my partner has been working really late nights. As for Drex, yes, losing his first padawan devastated him, poor dear, but Kyran is helping him heal again :) and reposting is probably what we're going to end up doing at some point, but not now, first we need to finish book II :p Thanks for reading!

    Kynstar Yep, they're finally on the mend ;) and some warmth for his soul is definetely what Drex needs :) Thanks for reading!

    Ara-gon You're definetely right, Ren is the only one who could get through that thick skull of his and the icey layers he has built around his heart over the years. As far as letting him love again, we'll think about it ;) but it will take time as any healing does. :) Thanks for reading!

    Fluff-Slayer Now padawan you didn't have to go snitch on me :p [face_shame_on_you] I can see where reading several posts at once is good, cause then you don't have to wait as long for updates, rest assured we won't be sending any unsoliticed pm's :p

    Post coming in a minute, I forgot I wasn't logged into the sock, d'oh!
  25. Force_Triad

    Force_Triad Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2006

    Chapter 14: To Have And To Hold

    I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. ~Mother Teresa

    Shane groaned a little as he woke slowly, clinging tight to the warm figure in his arms. Pulling him a little closer, he sighed, eyes cracking open a little to gaze over to see the Master now settled in the bed opposite him. Blinking, he studied the brooding look on the man's face intently, though, kept his peace for a few moments, noting the sadness in those dark eyes.

    Drex never even noticed the other padawan was awake. He knew he would have to decide what to do soon. They could not continue in the route they were in, that much was certain. If he could not love the boy, giving him a Master who could would be another solution. Biting his lip, Drex buried himself deeper in the covers.

    "You should guard your thoughts better, Rixar. You don't want Ky sensing them," Shane whispered soft enough for only Drex to hear, while his senses kept watch to make sure Kyran didn't awaken soon.

    Drex tensed at that, his muscles tightening. "I didn't know anyone was awake. I didn't wake you did I?"

    Shane shook his head a little, "No. I just don't sleep well in ward beds."

    Drex sighed heavily, the fight seeming to drain out of him. "I know. I don't either," he turned over to face him. "Is he sleeping peacefully?" he asked glancing to his apprentice.

    Shane glanced down to his bondmate, half laying on him, face pressed into his chest, "Yes. He needed it... He's been really worried for most of this trip."

    Drex seemed to brace himself before he asked, "You really don't care for me much at all do you?"

    Looking up, Shane looked at him for a few moments, "It never mattered before what I thought of you. Though, I wouldn't say that."

    Drex stared at him for several long minutes. "The wall has been up so long, I'm not sure if I can bring it down," he admitted reluctantly.

    Shane glanced down at Kyran again, "You've got the best one to help you bring it down, right by your side. You've just got to let him help you, even though it hurts," he said softly.

    "I'm only half of myself," Drex whispered. "Why does he care?"

    "Because that's how he is," Shane shrugged a little, careful not to wake the figure in his arms, "He cares because he does. You're not the only one having to live with half a heart, but Ky tends to make a new space for himself in you. It doesn't make the empty part go away, but he helps bear the pain."

    He held on a little tighter to him, "Even when he doesn't understand the pain itself."

    "I know," he said softly. "I'll need help," he confessed. "It won't happen overnight. But I'll try."

    "He'll give you all the help he can...As will I, but only if you accept it," Shane said softly, watching him again. "We don't expect it to be quick, healing takes time."

    "It's taken too long as is. I should have healed long ago," he sighed.

    "You haven't allowed yourself to. You kept opening the wound every time it tried to attempt to heal," Shane pointed out. "I know," Drex replied, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "It..." he trailed off unsure of what to say. "It's hard. You don't want to forget the person. And if you heal, you're afraid you'll lose them," Shane said softly, guessing at his thoughts. Drex nodded. "Unfortunately so, " he admitted.

    "We just have to remember, we can't lose them," Shane smiled a little, "Once you love, you never forget the person, even when the pain stops."

    Drex let out a deep breath at that. "I know. " He had holos of his padawan that he kept locked in a trunk because it had been too painful to look at them for so long. But now...maybe putting them out would help him never to forget, but to still move on.

    Seeing the decision in those brown eyes. Shane smiled a little, sighing a little as his hold lightened a little around in his bondma
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