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San Joaquin, CA To The Group:

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by xdarthsmithiousx, Oct 21, 2005.

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  1. xdarthsmithiousx

    xdarthsmithiousx Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 18, 2005
    Liz just told me that there are 10,000 people expected to be at the con. I just want everyone to know that you'll ALL do excellent. I've seen your progress and have definately noticed how much time and effort you've put into it. I'm proud of all of you, and I really wish I could be there to share it with you, but I will have to settle for being there on your holograms, hahah.

    My prayers will be with all of you for a safe trip, a fun time, and for excellent performances. Our group I think is the best around, and will do awesome tomorrow and Sunday. Have a GREAT time!!-Jerry
  2. Cruzer_Fett

    Cruzer_Fett Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 31, 2005
    Hey xdarthsmithiousx, Sat. was a good time(even though I showed up late). I wish you could have been there. The group looked good. Barry looked dashing in his Dooku with his fresh haircut and neatly trimmed beard. Now I know why he's considered the ladies man when he dons that count's cape. Good Wills gotta go if they keep holding you back from being alive.JK.
  3. xdarthsmithiousx

    xdarthsmithiousx Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 18, 2005
    The ladies can't deny Barry, that's for sure. Yeah, I wish I could've gone too, but I had a great time hanging out with the Toad, and reading the awesomness that is The Nocturnals. I think the highlight of my weekend was definately watching Batman Begins with Ariel, and out of nowhere when Liam Neeson's character came on the screen, she said,"Hey dad, that guy looks like Qui Gon Jin", hahah, that and all day and night after that she called me Batman. People kept looking at us weird, because she's say,"Hey Batman, can I have a drink??" HAHAH

    I am glad that everyone had fun though, and I am looking forward to Wondercon.
  4. mileniumhanandshrimp

    mileniumhanandshrimp Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 13, 2005
    missed you, jerry. so very very sorry you couldn't be there.

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