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Vampire Diaries

Discussion in 'Denver, CO' started by Taeriel, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Does anyone else here watch the Vampire Diaries? I read the books when I was younger so I figured I would check out the show when it came out last year. I admit I was skeptical at first. I wasn't sure they'd do a good job with it. And then I was disconcerted by all the changes from the book. But in the end the show completely won me over. Personally I think it is way better than the books and can't wait for season 2 to start shortly.
  2. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    I watch it. I agree with it being first but by the end of the show i was totally hooked. I only started because Boone was on it.

    I like the mythology of is like True Blood light.
  3. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Oh, yes, he looks soooo good, doesn't he? Especially with the darker hair, and I love his character personality with all the smart alec remarks. Actually, beyond that I've got to say that seriously he's a main part of what has hooked me. I think they did a really, really good job at developing his character and showing the journey from being an uncaring evil SOB (or so he said) to the person at the end of the finale. Oh, remember the scene at the Miss Mystic Falls selection thing, with the dancing... how he stepped up smoothly to save things when Stefan was a no-show? That scene was just perfect. I love the music they picked for the dancing. It's one of my favorite groups, and the lyrics fit to a tee.

  4. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    that's it the Darker hair...with those BLUE eyes..i am like yes please. :)

    i have to agree the character development has been good with Damian. i have to say i enjoyed seeing stefan going dark side...gave his character a little more depth.

    Ok i didn't read the books, but the mayor's son, i think he is something supernatural of some sort.
  5. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Hahah. Ok, I have an unfair advantage because I've read the books plus I've read an interview comment on this storyline. I will just say that your suspicion is valid :) However, having read the books only takes you so far. They've changed a lot of stuff; even in the case of having a character from the book, characterizations and fates have changed.

    I agree, it's nice to see something more interesting with Stefans character. More than the whole blood binge, I found interesting the fact that he was the first to turn all the way and was in fact responsible for tempting Damon over. What a twist, that Damon wasn't origionally going to finish turning but was pulled into it by steffan.
  6. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    watching last night's episode again...hmmm damian is looking pretty darn hot.

    SO did you know that there is a movement to bring back anna? i actually kinda liked her...sadness
  7. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Well, that doesn't narrow it down! He's pretty darn hot in every single episode. :p

    I haven't checked out any of the online community stuff for the show, so I didn't know there was a movement to bring her back. I would so totally go for that, though. I was so so so sad when she was killed! Not fair. Not good at all. :_| I see why, it was to push Jeremy to what he did at the end, but oy... I'd want to have her back, if they could come up with a way to do it.
  8. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002

    Ok way to start the season. Seriously, i though eh another teenie bopper show and this one just HAPPENS to be about vampires. Dude this show ROCKS. i admit it started out that way...guy longs for girl you know teen stuff...then it got into supernatural stuff and last nite...HOLY YOU KNOW WHAT!

    i literally screamed i was so shocked.
  9. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    I know!!!

    Just when I thought "OMG, how could they DO that??!?" - thinking event #1 was the cliffhanger for the premiere - then they go and drop the second cliffhanger for the premiere. :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  10. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    it will be interested to see how Alana and Damian interact now that he 'killed' her brother.

    I will say Caroline was a SHOCK....soooo it will be interesting to see if they kill her off. I was already mad about killing off of the other vampire gal...drawing a blank.
  11. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Names aren't your strong point on this show, huh? :p It's Elena, Damon and Anna.

    Since we're the only two people who appear to be posting here so far, how do you want to handle spoilers? Shall we agree not to come into the thread until we've seen the current week's episode? That way we can post current show spoilers without highlighting. Though obviously if one of us finds something out ahead of time that would still count as a spoiler that would need to be hidden.

    Yeah, I am not sure what to expect with Caroline. I like her character here in the show. It would be a shame if she leaves. And seriously, if they keep killing off characters, how many will be left??? :eek: OTOH, it would be a major character shift if they leave her as she is right now. It might be interesting depending on how they do it, but I can also picture them deciding not to keep her. Either way they go... major tragedy for her mom, given who she is. I can already tell I'm going to end up upset over this one. [face_plain]
  12. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    agreed as i won't be able to watch i will wait.

    thanks I know Stefan. :) ha ha ha ha

    looks like they will be diving into the issue with the mayor's family. i want to say OH so warewolves are ok but vampires are not...please....LOL

    i am assuming there is no way to go BACK from being a vampire to a human in this mythology is there? I haven't read the books so i do not know.

  13. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    First, I would say that they are waaaay off the books by this point. Really. This time it is a good thing, though - personally I think the show story is much better than the books. But having said that... er, typically the answer is no, there isn't normally a way to go back. There was one very special case in the books, but I would utterly discount that here. So I can't point to any loophole option for Caroline.

    I've got to say, I really liked last night's episode. I was worried about how they would handle the new Caroline storyline and where they would take it, but I think they did an excellent job. I also think the actress did a fine job with the scenes. Hah. I cracked up when she shoved Damon down and said "you suck". Excellent! And the scenes later, starting to deal with everything, were really really good.

    Did you notice the added sound effect at the end screen? Haha.
  14. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    I almost went into the thread not having seen it. hehehe

    I have to agree Caroline all of a sudden got interesting. It was very sweet the way Stefan just took care of her and i LOVED how she shoved Damon down the hall...that was awesome. She did a great job. She was very empowered.

    I am very glad they didn't' just kill her off. I am wondering if Katherine will use her as a minion later....
  15. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    I agree, the scene with Caroline and steffan in the bathroom was great. I liked that we got to see steffan being supportive and caring about someone otherthsn just elena for once. This went beyond 'here's how you don't kill people and here us how to blend in'- he understood that this was devistating emotionally and gave her support that way too. In a way, it's a nice counter point to Elena's friendship with Damon last season.

    In any case, I'm looking forward to carolines character development as she goes forward with this. I just hope they dint end her storyline too soon. Like Damon pointed out, there is so much potential for things to go wrong. Even if Caroline controls herself from now on, there is the issue of her mom. We've seen all these examples of parents who couldn't see beyond a stereotypen I really hope the sheriff turns out to be the xception.

    So I wonder, will she be stuck inside during the day? Or will they find or make her an amulet?

    Interesting development with Jeremy and Damon. It'll be kind of ironic if Jeremy forgives him and becomes friends before Elena forgives him.
  16. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    I was honestly scared they were going to kill caroline off last nite. the wolf thing was pretty i am curious if the lockwood jr. is a wolf or can just control them...hmmmmmm

    yeah Damon is hot...yeah yeah he is.
  17. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    I think indications are that Tyler is a wolf too- just not quite there yet. He has the temper and strength, both of which black-sheep-guy implied were wolf traits. So why hasn't he transformed? Well, either he just hasn't hit that point yet (I mean, he didn't before now so maybe it just hadn't activated yet) or maybe it is something to do with the moonstone. There weren't stories of a wolf inning around last season, so maybe the mayor having the stone kept him from transforming on the full moon? We know the uncle wanted it. And now Tyler has it. As for why Tyler was able to stop the wolf... We don't know know much awareness they keep. Maybe his uncle was simply 'ah crap, junior is here'. :p Gotta wonder - Steffan implied he took care if Tylers memory. But Tyler remembered the thing with the wolf. So did steffan just erase the vampire part? Or was Tyler not sucesseptible to the Jedi mind trick?
  18. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    oh i don't remember steffan saying that about tyler, i will go back and rewatch. I totally thought caroline was going to bite it. ha ha ha no pun intended.

    I really like that this isn't about high school anyst. it is a pretty darn good show.
  19. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    Ok have to say was a bit surprised they killed off the were-lockwood. should be interesting to see if oh the blond kid, tyler, caroline's man, is compelled to pick a fight.

    I will say the scene with caroline and her mom was touching.....

    ok what is that guys name...ok i am watching too many shows and i can't remember names!
  20. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Carolyn's boyfriend is Matt.

    This show doesn't shy from killing people off, that's for sure. (and how many of those ate by Damon? We should keep a count.) I think they let things go just long enough for the average viewer to forget the writers are trigger happy... and then bam! I was a little surprised, but not too shocked by Masons death.

    I think the big question is- why does Katharine need a werewolf? The obvious answer is because their bite is deadly to vampires... But think about it further. Katherine is already really strong. In this mythos, vampires become stronger as they age. Older camps will be stronger than younger. Tge fact that Katherine feels she needs a werewolf implies she is afraid of a vampire older and more powerful than her. This ties into her faked death in the 1800s- she gave up a lot, which implies she was threatened pretty badly. We also know she has changed her name prior to the 1800s, again implying she is hiding from something in her past.

    So is there a big bad out there more scary than Katherine? And when will the characters on the dhow start to deduce this possibility?
  21. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002

    you are correct in all vampire lore as i understand it the older you are the stronger you are and if you are the sire you cannot be over taken by your 'off-spring'.

    hhmmmmmm i am curious about the bigger bad. well there has to be something AFTER the Catherine story line...because that can only go on so long. I MIGHT not get to watch tonite...going to rifftrax so i will stay out of the thread until then.

    I have been telling people...yes the first 4 episodes were classic teen drama show, however after slams ya and gets really good. :)
  22. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    T if you like VD, you really should check out is even better IMO. aaaannnd more hot guys to watch. ;)
  23. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    I watched one episode of Supernatural once way back towards the beginning, when "Fred" from Angel was on it. It was ok, but didn't quite grab me. I probably just didn't give it enough of a chance, and I've occasionally considered going back and checking it out again. But I'd have to get a hold of the first season to start. Too bad we're 1000miles apart, I'm sure I'd have been assimilated long ago if we were in driving distance of each other. :p

    Hmmm. Last night's episode... will have to think about this some more. I have to admit, this was not quite the outcome I expected for everything.
  24. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    hehehe...about supernatural.

    I liked last nite's episode...interesting about the witch and the family thing. I was AGAIN shocked about the girl who just was "collateral damage" i know i know i shouldn't be shocked.

    I did like the fact that catherine was STUCK in the tomb...didn't kill her but she will be around for later IF needed. ;)
  25. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Yeah, I didn't expect them to wind down th Katharine storyline so soon. On the other hand, they do move the plot along fairly quickly on this show. And maybe she is not it yet, this might be just another direction for the plotline.

    I did start to feel a small bit of empathy for her when we learned about her backstory. Not a lot, but the part where she was crying ove her family was sad, not to mention it showed that she wasn't entirely devoid of feeling. Back several episodes when she tried claiming to love Steffan, I was as skeptical as he was. Now... I'm not quite as sure.

    But speaking of Klauskilling off Katharine's family ... Um, is it just me, or is that tad bit shortsighted? Sure, you've got the vampire revenge thing - but if you need a descendant from that bloodlines, why kill them? It's like shooting yourself in the foot. Unless for some reason the doppleganger line went solely thru Katharine at that point. (but why would it? She herself must have been descended from the line, which means any siblings should carry it as well)