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Was Anakin cleaned before he was put in the suit?

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith' started by Lord_Darth, May 28, 2005.

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  1. Lord_Darth

    Lord_Darth Jedi Youngling

    May 28, 2005
    I've watched it twice and it really bothers me that it looked like he wasn't cleaned before they put him in the suit. Am I wrong?

    DARK_HELMET_05 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 27, 2005
    he might be, but it does not show the scene. when the mask is being lowered, anakin face does seem cleaner, so perhaps he was put into bacta for a while.
  3. G-FETT

    G-FETT Chosen One star 7

    Aug 10, 2001
    I'm sure he would have been. We only saw a tiny amount of the actual procedure. :)
  4. Lord_Darth

    Lord_Darth Jedi Youngling

    May 28, 2005
    To me, it looked like he still had dirt on him when they were putting him in the suit.
  5. MandalorianKid

    MandalorianKid Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 16, 2004
    Im pretty sure the first thing they did was clean the wounded area just like all meidcal proceduers. And seeing as he was 100% wounded area.
  6. G-FETT

    G-FETT Chosen One star 7

    Aug 10, 2001
    He looked like he had a lot of charred skin to me.... Which of course, he would have, having been set on fire! [face_laugh]
  7. DarthSakroc

    DarthSakroc Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 10, 2001
    Maybe what looks like dirt is burn scarring?
  8. Naberrie_SkyWalker

    Naberrie_SkyWalker Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 30, 2002
    well, you can see a medical droid start to pick off the burnt peices of fabric..though it appears they attached the legs before doing so :(


    Oct 24, 2003
    Yeah I bet Sidious had a bath and some shower gel near by to clean up his new aprrentice, lol! You don't know the power of the clean side :p!
  10. ROTS_Obi1

    ROTS_Obi1 Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 16, 2005
    Wouldn't Vader stink very very horrible? With burn't skin and metal on him! I mean no wonder his officers are arraid of him...
  11. DarthBerzerker

    DarthBerzerker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 23, 2004
    I remember GL talking about this kind of thing in the OT commentary for ANH. A fatal flaw of science fiction is that writers often attempt to explain too much. "You don't need to know how a teleporter works"(paraphrasing).

    Was Anakin cleaned before he was put in the suit? This is insignifigant data and the way it was shown on screen, as many things in the SW films, is done so to impy certain things. The true gift of this type of editing and cinematography is that it allows the viewer to fill in the blank and in fact, infer from the situations what they want. It is a very interactive style in that the viewer is part of the film in a fashion akin to a role-playing game. For example: do a search for threads on the cave on Dagobah. How many different opinions do people have on what it really was, or what really happened? Was it all in Luke's head? Was there a Dark Jedi killed there? Ect. The point is that GL left that particular piece of exposition out because it was going to slow down the story, and instead left it up to our imaginations to figure out. In the case of Anakin getting cleaned up prior to being placed in the suit, maybe he did, and maybe he didn't. Infer what you will. But for those of you who have never smelled burnt flesh, I am sure that even if he was cleaned up, he didn't smell good.
  12. DarthShemp

    DarthShemp Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 28, 2005
    He had to be cleaned. They showed the start of the process, but since Lucas had to cram 5 hrs of material into a 2hr. movie, it was sped up (edited) a bit. Lucas, please take a page from Peter Jackson and make a 5 hr Ep. 3 DVD
  13. ManoWan

    ManoWan Jedi Youngling star 4

    Sep 19, 2002
    What I don't understand is how he was breathing before they applied the suit, since his lungs were supposed to be damaged beyond use. When he is lying on the table moaning in agony, I don't see anything assisting his breathing.
  14. DARK_HELMET_05

    DARK_HELMET_05 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 27, 2005
    some people have come up with a theory that the operations room had a breathin assisting generator that was also present in vader's capsule chamber that can be seen in ESB
  15. hotanguish

    hotanguish Jedi Master star 1

    May 24, 2002
    I suspect that his lungs were not burned beyond use, but that they were damaged or his diaphram or some other part of the breathing process and that without the breathing apparatus to assist him, he would be able to breath for a little while but not long. After all he's breathing after Luke takes the mask off in ROTJ.
  16. jedi no sensei

    jedi no sensei Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 8, 1999
    This has got to be the funny thread here! I couldn?ft stop laughing when I read the title. Nice one.


    I think the operating room was pressurized, the air in the room looked a little misty.

    I like the lights around the table. The placement of the lights and the dark spots between the lights made the Empire's symbol.

    Jedi no Sensei
  17. Holocron_Collector

    Holocron_Collector Moderator Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 22, 2001
    He had to be cleaned. They showed the start of the process, but since Lucas had to cram 5 hrs of material into a 2hr. movie, it was sped up (edited) a bit. Lucas, please take a page from Peter Jackson and make a 5 hr Ep. 3 DVD

    So you're saying they filmed the entire cleaning/reconstruction process but it was just cut out? Did they film them actually sewing the suit and building the circuitry for the chest and belt boxes too?

    And if they did, you think we want to see all of that on the DVD?


  18. Thena

    Thena Chosen One star 7

    May 10, 2001
    I am sure Palpatine personally gave him a nice sponge bath... ;)
  19. The Flying Dutchman

    The Flying Dutchman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 4, 2000
    So you're saying they filmed the entire cleaning/reconstruction process but it was just cut out

    That and obvious the actual buying of the products at coruscant has just missed the final cut - bummer [face_frustrated] [face_laugh]
  20. DarthShemp

    DarthShemp Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 28, 2005
    The cleaning process would just too boring to watch and drag the film. There are many scenes that can be expanded, but the cleaning process is not one of them. Lets hope the other good stuff will be expanded for the DVD and not the cleaning of people (or cyborgs?)
  21. jackdaniels

    jackdaniels Jedi Youngling

    May 19, 2005

    i think not..

    but.. mmm
    his cinda robotik and stuff so mybe they cleaned him with oyl or something (?)

    the topic is very
  22. christuffer

    christuffer Jedi Youngling

    Nov 21, 2002
    I'm concerned that he also wasn't given much chance to recover before the suit was put on. Surely a few days in hospital first? Give the guy a break. Also, couldn't he a least be given a sedative, if not a general anaesthetic?
  23. joebuck

    joebuck Jedi Youngling

    Oct 27, 2000
    the stupied part was that he screamed at one point in pain, well well, my friends. if you've gotten third degree burns like anakin, you would be in such shock and you would not feel any pain at all because your nerves would be burned away. No pain at all. thats the problem. you'll break your hand off with out you even knowing it or feeling it.

    Like a tooth that's time has come. you would not really feel anything, but you would feel it pulling out from pressure.
  24. Darth_Sideous

    Darth_Sideous Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 24, 2004
    well, you can see a medical droid start to pick off the burnt peices of fabric..though it appears they attached the legs before doing so

    Yeah, if you watch, he starts screaming on the table the instant the droid starts pulling a piece of fabric out of his skin. That's what sets him off.
  25. Darth_Thammuz

    Darth_Thammuz Jedi Youngling

    May 28, 2005
    I agree with what Darth Berzerker was saying.

    Not every single little detail in any movie is put on the screen. Some things, many things rather, are placed upon the audience to take as a given.

    Lapses in time may happen from scene to scene as well. Characters may do or say things that wouldn't add up if you were going by what you see from one moment to the next. It is for the viewer to take into common sense that obvious events take place.

    They don't show the audience the detailed process of wiring mechanical arms and legs to inidividual nerves and tissue of Anakin just briefly showed them doing a little work on it as well as when they are pulling away burnt skin and clothing and not actually show the entire process, but you are meant to know that they did so. They didn't just slab it down on the table with him and they just magically pop into place a start working.
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