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San Joaquin, CA Weather for Celebration III, Indianapolis 2005

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by Jorg_Sacul_from_C3, Feb 18, 2005.

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  1. Jorg_Sacul_from_C3

    Jorg_Sacul_from_C3 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 26, 2004
    April weather stats for those coming to C III...

    52.4 avg. Temp.(ºF)
    79% Relative Humidity(Percentage)
    3.7 Rain(Inches)
    Cloudiness (Days Per Month)Average
    6 Clear
    7 Partly Cloudy
    17 Cloudy

    Now, all this may be out the window, if the weather is as fluctuating as it has been. the above are only averages, take them with a grain of salt. From my experience, mid to late April is a very changeable time for weather. You will probably see a thunderstorm or two while here. You will probably see bright sunshine, too, and some beautiful weather.

    To my town, I bid you, "Welcome!"
  2. Master--Kenobi

    Master--Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 8, 2003
    Thanks for the info. Sounds like our heavy capes will be useful this time. (Instead of frying in the CA heat!)

    Looking forward to seeing your town.

    Master K

    P.S. Like the screen name! Good Job!
  3. GreyJedi

    GreyJedi Jedi Master star 4

    May 16, 2002
    This isn't weather-related because it's inside, but I wanted C3 attendees to know that there is a party on Saturday night called "Celebration at Celebration III" and according to sources at LFL it is the party to attend at the con.

    Here is a link to the information. It's $15 per person, runs from 7pm to 11pm and costumes are encouraged. I have my ticket so hopefully you guys will get yours too. :D
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