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Pittsburgh, PA What Is There To Do In Pittsburgh?

Discussion in 'NorthEast Regional Discussion' started by Mara_Jade_Fan, Feb 11, 2003.

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  1. Dark_Jedi_Kam

    Dark_Jedi_Kam Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 12, 2002
    thank you, Big Yellow box
  2. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Here are two links to view my lightsaber:

    It will be a little time before I can get GOOD pictures of my collection as I don't have any more room for all of my stuff. Right now besides taking up a whole room I have nine, 12gallon tubs (I think they are 12 gallon they could be more) and three clothes hampers full of stuff. Much of which is still unopened that still has to be displayed. I haven't even begun to display all of my "Clones" stuff.
  3. strawbary

    strawbary Syracuse CR, RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 11, 2002
    trying to stay on topic ;).......does anyone have any suggestions on a restaurant to have a regional meeting/dinner?

  4. Rox

    Rox Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 24, 2000
    Chris, greencat has been looking for places that it. She is done looking and the next time she is on the computer she hopefully can post it.
  5. Mara_Jade_Fan

    Mara_Jade_Fan Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 1, 2002
    I was asked what food I like... basically I like anything, I like seafood, italian, Mexican (obviously since I can see Mexico from my house) ;) But yeah... anything sounds good. I am looking forward to going to PA, so far the farthest east I have been is Indianapolis for Celebration II.
  6. Fluke_Groundrunner

    Fluke_Groundrunner Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 1, 2001
    The is a good Mexican restaurante near the ComicCon called El Campasinos. The Best Mexican restaurante is about a 10 minuite drive to Oakland and it's called La Fiesta. It's the most authentic in the area.

    There is a good seafood place near the ComicCon called Monterey Bay, but it's slightly pricey as in $15-20 per meal.

    As far as italian goes, well, the best place is called Marianis, but would probably be diffucult for you to find. Maybe someone else knows of good Italian places near the Monrowville area.

    Now of course, these are my opinions but when I say something is good you'd better believe it!

  7. Mrs_jedi_1966

    Mrs_jedi_1966 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 14, 2002
    olive garden :D
  8. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Let's get some more ideas for a place to eat and meet for the "regional meeting" and then we'll run a poll.

    Please post the following:

    Name of restaraunt
    Primary type of food they specialize in
    Where in Pittsburgh it's located

    These things will all help in factoring your vote as to were we go. All members going to this are welcome to vote including fanforce members from other groups. Just please post that you voted once we put that poll up. This helps in deterring false votes (those not coming to the event in this case)

  9. Jedigirl514

    Jedigirl514 Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 22, 2002
    The Franklin Inn is Mexican, amazing Mexican food too
  10. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Where is it? (Please post as asked so that this will give people a better idea of what they might want to vote for)

    Also, if the place has any particular redeeming qualitites or you've had an especially exceptional visit there please state so.

    Example, there are tons of Italian restaraunts, why should we vote on your (general your not anyone specifc) suggestion?

    I'm partial to Gullifty's in Squirrel Hill.

    It's been voted "Best Dessert in Pittsburgh" for the last 20 years, no joke!

    I've had their key lime pie and "turtle" pie. Great stuff. Funny enough, I've never had a main course there but I here it's good as well.

    In fact during this post I called them and talked with someone there. They are faxing a menu over now and stated that besides their award winning desserts they have an International menu.
    Sandwiches and Appetizers run from $5-8 and main courses $11-15. Those are fantastic prices for a place of quality like this. Here's the neat thing that I forgot, they have two balconies that they seat people in. Depending on the size of our group for this we would either sit in the mid balcony (smaller group up to 25 ) or the Grand balcony (which is higher up than the mid) for groups up to 40.

    Give this place serious consideration. For locals it's generally center to where we all live and the price is great!

    EDIT: I also forgot to mention that they have 15 different salads and a create your own pasta dish as well. YUM!
  11. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Besides posting restaraunt her are some other places you folks might enjoy:

    Canegie Museum: this place has the largest collection of dinosaur bones in the world. Seriously. Great sculpture/ancient architecture exhibits, paintings and the bug room, don't forget the bug room. There you can litterally watch the entomologists at work pinning the bugs to board and identifying species. (BTW, they will identify a bug for you if you bring it in, it must be an intact though)

    Kennywood Park:
    This is our premiere amusement park. The oldest or maybe second oldest in the country. Great WOODEN roller coasters! This place is reasonably inexpensive. Admittance is $29 (I can get tickets for cheaper but those don't go on sale for me until the end of May) Once in the park, you ride for free. The food is cheap but good for a park.

    Carnegie Science Center/Imax:
    This place has fun science exhibits. Usually there's a great robotics demonstration there and of course it's the scene of where we had our big AOTC Imax premiere.

    UPMC sports center:
    This place boasts the biggest sports activities center in the country. I don't know too much about the place other than I've heard it's alot of fun and there's lots to do.

    Mount Washington (Grand Avenue lookouts):
    This is THE place for a photo OP in Pittsburgh. It has a fantastic panoramic view of our skyline and there are some good restaraunt not far from the lookouts.

    PNC Park:
    Catch a Pirates ball game there. It's one of the newest baseball venues in the country and is quite impressive.

    Okay that's enough for me. Hopefully this will give you out-of-towners a good glimpse into the variety we have to offer.
  12. Fluke_Groundrunner

    Fluke_Groundrunner Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 1, 2001
    What do you mean by regional meeting?
  13. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    This is just in the planning stage at the moment but it looks good for us (Pittsburgh Fanforce) to host a meeting between all of the FanForce members in attendance of the Relaxicon.

    My hopes are that it's more than just a BS session and that maybe we can get somethings talked about for regional and national events and ideas.

    I'd love to see something like an annual regional fanforce event where Pennsylvania/Ohio/West Virginia/Washington D.C./Maryland Fanforces come together and then an Annual National Fanforce Convention.

    Since we will be having in attendance members from California, Washington D.C., Cleveland (I think) and of course Pittsburgh (there will undoubtedly be more out-of-towners in attendance) this would be a great time to talk about these ideas. We can all BS on the net. This would be the time to really get stuff done on a regional/national level in person.

    (hope that explains it well enough)
  14. Fluke_Groundrunner

    Fluke_Groundrunner Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 1, 2001
    Well, if enough people are going to attend then I suggest reserving La Fiesta in Oakland. Have you ever been there Sal? If that's too far then I guess something closer to Monroeville like the Olive Garden would work.
  15. Noble_Kale

    Noble_Kale Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 15, 2002
    The Spaghetti Warehouse
    Strip District
  16. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    These are good ideas, let's keep them coming. Also,let's consider that this is our time to shine and show other members what we have to offer. Let's make this special so they'll remember it.

    No offense to chain restaraunts but you can find them in any major city. let's go for something unique to Pittsburgh or the region.
  17. Rox

    Rox Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 24, 2000
    Any further talk about the Regional Meeting we are holding can be sent to this thread.

    Chris (greencat336), strawbary and myself have been trying to plan this for sometime now. So if your idea is shot down please do not feel discouraged. We are looking for somewhere close to the hotel and Expo Mart to hold the REgional Dinner. It will be on saturday the 26th. Chris has been looking for places that will fit our needs for the past couple of weeks. Once a restraunt has been picked we will let you know. Originally we wanted to have somekind of Star Wars Family Fued, but it is just not in the cards. We can't get eh room nessacary to do it. And the palces that would let us charge $20 per person. Like I said though, go to the above thread for talks on a regional meeting.
  18. Oreckel

    Oreckel Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
    You should go to Hidden Valley or Laurel Mountain - it's a little out of the way but they have some great skiing hills.

    If you're coming here (espicially if this is your first time visiting us), make sure to bring a good map. I've never driven in Pittsburgh (I'm 13 years old), but I hear Pittsburgh has terrible road signs. If you're living here you can memorize various routes, and then it's a great place to live, but if you're visiting for the first time, be sure to memorize your map or something.

    There's some odd places where you have to left to go right, etc...
  19. corran_16201

    corran_16201 Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 28, 2000
    The Villa
    Italian food

    (Yeah that may be a tad far outta the way but it is good :) )
  20. Dark_Jedi_Kam

    Dark_Jedi_Kam Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 12, 2002
    What is the weather going to be like during the con? Hot, warm Freezing?
  21. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Who knows. We've had such unpredictabel weather this season.

    It should be spring weather that time.

    Around 50-60 degrees.
  22. Dark_Jedi_Kam

    Dark_Jedi_Kam Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 12, 2002
    ok so long sleeves and pants, not shorts
  23. Mrs_jedi_1966

    Mrs_jedi_1966 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 14, 2002
    end of April is usually starting to look pretty nice - USUALLY ~ obviously this year will be hard to predict until closer to the time.
  24. SithTahiri

    SithTahiri Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 22, 2003
    One of the best places I think are Hard Rock Cafe it is located in Station Square.

    Sport Stadiums! Heinze (sp?) Field is the Steelers home, PNC Park is the Pirate's home and Mellon Arena is the Penguin's home. It is in Downtown Pittsburgh.

  25. Rox

    Rox Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 24, 2000
    I haven't been to the Hard Rock yet, how is it?
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