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Chic, IL What is your # 1 movie of 2001?

Discussion in 'MidWest Regional Discussion' started by Rex_Karrde, Dec 28, 2001.

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  1. Bosh_Talk

    Bosh_Talk Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 29, 2000
    I can only judge those I saw (of course).

    1-Fellowship Of The Ring
    2-Monsters Inc.
    4-Harry Potter
    6-Pearl Harbor
    7-Jurassic Park III
    8-Final Fantasy

    I have a strong suspicion that after I see them: Sexy Beast, Ghost World, Ali, American Pie II & Rush Hour II my list will dramatically change (below Monsters Inc.)
  2. Le_Penguin

    Le_Penguin Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 26, 2000
    I mentioned in the "movie reviews" thread that Fellowship of the Ring and Memento were both high on my lsit of films, but "Mulholland Drive" and "A.I." were my two favorite films of 2001. I also mentioned that the two films are so different that I couldn't possibly choose which was the best of the year. Well, I'm going to have to amend that statement. There is one clear Best Picture of 2001, and it's "Gosford Park." I've only seen it once so far, and that was just a few days ago, so I'm not going to write too much about it until I get a second viewing, but I will say this: not only was it the best film of last year (it got limited release in December for awards consideration and opened last Friday) but if I see a better film in 2002, I'll be very pleasantly surprised. Go see it, and see it soon. You'll want to make sure it's still in theaters when you decide you need to see it again.

    -Le Penguin
    "Sorry, love. I'm booked for someone else."
  3. JodoKast74

    JodoKast74 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 10, 2001
    Besides the huge blockbuster "Harry Potter", I also enjoyed "A Beautiful Mind". Russell Crowe is just a great all-around actor and does his roles well.


    P.S. Does the 'Forbidden Love' trailer count?
  4. Rex_Karrde

    Rex_Karrde Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 7, 2001
    I just had to ad Rush Hour 2 to position #5 in my top 5 for 2001. This movie was better than part 1. Reminds me of Lethal Weapon, now that is improvement. So, bye-bye Jurassic Park 3. (Good action, even doe there is no plot or story)
  5. darthgoat

    darthgoat Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 6, 2001
    Fellowship of the Ring

    period, that is all.
  6. JediGemini

    JediGemini Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 28, 2000
    I feel as if I will be slapped if I don't see this movie! Why are the powers that be against me!? I really must see LOTR and probably am the last person here who will.

  7. Bosh_Talk

    Bosh_Talk Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 29, 2000
    Well, we're all going to see it this be there and be square.

    Oh, Bob reminded me in his above post about A.I. I'd forgotten I'd seen that (or at least I tried to forget). A.I. sucked ass as far as I'm concerned. It had some cool parts and Jude Law gets Mad Props Yo! However, overall I felt it sucked...however it does come in just above Final Fantasy.
  8. Stymi

    Stymi Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 10, 2002
    And the nominees are:

    1. LOTR (amazing, best movie adaptation ever!)
    2. Harry Potter- was good too.
    3. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (and who doesn't like to see Asian people jumping incredibly unlikely distance?)
    4. Mummy 2 -was surprisingly good
    5. High Fidelty- rounding out the top five, with a bullet, unless it was a 2000 movie, then nevermind.
  9. Mos_Eisleian_Radio

    Mos_Eisleian_Radio Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2000
    I haven't seen enough of the movies that I wanted to see last year to have a Top Five yet. My top two right now, however, would be A.I. and Memento.

  10. Le_Penguin

    Le_Penguin Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 26, 2000
    High Fidelity was very much a 2000 movie, but that's ok... it was the best movie of 2000 (John Cusack and Jack Black got totally ripped off on their lack of acting nominations) and if you didn't see it until '01... well, better late than never.

    CT,HD was also a '00 film (and the second best film of that year) although it was released late in the year, so the vast majority of the viewing pubilc saw it in '01 (not unlike Gosford Park this year.)

    Oh, and Bosh: A.I. didn't suck. You're thinking of you... _you_ suck, not A.I. I really hope I don't have to tell you again, ok babe?

    -Le Penguin
    "Who threw that!?"

    EATATMUNDI Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 2, 2001
    mine would probably be

    1 The Score
    2 lord of the Rings
    3 Shallow Hal
    4 the Castle
    5 Gladiator
  12. JediJeff13

    JediJeff13 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2000
    Finally I'm not the object of Penguin's assaults.

    Feel the love, folks. Feel the love.....
  13. Le_Penguin

    Le_Penguin Jedi Youngling star 4

    Nov 26, 2000
    That's not love, JJ. You just spilled EZ-Cheez there last night and forgot to clean it up.

    -Le Penguin
    "Now who's the dean?"
  14. JediGemini

    JediGemini Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 28, 2000
    Lord of the Rings: Finally saw it, loved it, and now worship it.
    Pretty much all there is to say, except that they got shafted at the Golden Globes.
  15. Rex_Karrde

    Rex_Karrde Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 7, 2001
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