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What Is Your Dream Job?

Discussion in 'Archive: Cleveland, OH' started by TheRandomMenace, Feb 2, 2003.

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  1. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    In light of what "Mom" posted in the Astronaut thread, I was just wondering what everyone's dream jobs would be. If you could have any profession... what would it be? This could also be another "get to know you."

    My dream job would be a professional musician. I'm doing my best to pursue it right now... I just hope that I can start getting somewhere soon.
  2. Jedi_BMack

    Jedi_BMack Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 2002
    That's easy.

    All-Star Second Baseman, playing right next to my roommate at First.

  3. Bobafemme

    Bobafemme FF Jedi Council Member, Chicago IL RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 25, 2000
    Mine would be teaching anthropology at a community college. I used to be able to (as a second job, the pay is peanuts), but now there are so many PhDs that MAs can't get work. Sadly, these PhDs are paid the same amout MAs were. I don't know how you can live on $9,800/yr when you just spent $40-50,000 getting a PhD.

    I like the CC crowd better because they usually seemed more interested in actually being in the class. Many university students seem like they go to class because it's required, not because they want to be there. Teaching adults was the best job I've had for feeling rewarded in non-monetary sense.
  4. Darth-Zod

    Darth-Zod Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 9, 2001
    Hey Bobafemme, I started out college as anthropology major also. You just stated the reason why I changed my major after my first year. Although my dream was to be out in the field excavating sites, and those types of jobs are even tougher to get. So I just do it as a hobby now.
  5. Bobafemme

    Bobafemme FF Jedi Council Member, Chicago IL RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 25, 2000
    Plus it's very seasonal where we live. :) I do go on classroom visits for elementary schools and do the Dig! program. You might want to look into doing something like that. Also, if you like archaeology and scifi, check out the book Snow Crash. I'm just now reading it, and it has lots of tech, future stuff but relating it to Sumerian culture and religion.
  6. GrnJalera

    GrnJalera Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 3, 2001
    Either writing comics for DC (I'd settle for Marvel ;)) or writing screenplays for Hollywood.

  7. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    For a while, I got to live my dream job during college...television and radio sports reporter. I even got a chance to work a high school radio broadcast (with my friend from Kent) over at Gund Arena!
  8. skyedancer

    skyedancer Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2002
    If we are strictly dreaming here, I've always wished I could be a dancer like on Broadway or in the ballet--just so you know what type of dancer I mean! ;) That's where my screen name comes from. But I'm not tall and pencil-thin. :( Or I've wished I could be a professional ice skater specifically a pairs girl. I'm petite enough for that but can't skate that well. :( BTW, Sale and Pelletier are going to be at Gund Friday night with Stars on Ice.
  9. DarthZome

    DarthZome Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 17, 2000
    I would love to be a filmmaker.

    More specifically, I want to turn Japanese RPGs into movies.
  10. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Another dream job of mine would STILL be an astronaut; despite the risks (which alot of people forgot until Saturday)...these select few seem to have not only a wonderful opportunity, but a sense of their work having a greater purpose!

    EDIT: Nice one Emily...not that I haven't done this myself [face_laugh] Just be glad I know both our passwords, and can cut and paste these into their intended order.
  11. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    EDIT: by Krash
    Well I have a few...

    first one would be a pro musican in a band playing oboe mostly now because there are fewer oboe players.

    second would be a NHL hockey player...that would be the best in the world however the most unlikey.

    and last would be a college teacher in a very well know college like Harvard or Princeton!
  12. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    Yeah me too! :D :D

    Now we are even!
  13. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    I am actually in my dream job right now(acting in movies), but my dream acting gig would be either as a superhero movie or doing a gig where I can just play a really crazy person, something along the lines of Jack Nicelson(spell?) in The Shining. The closest I have gotten was the Springer character(he was a little crazy).
  14. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Um, you were portraying a character on Springer? I thought you really do wear purple... um, yeah...

    Anyways, I need to find a hook up in Cleveland. I'm doing my best to find clubs that are holding MC competitions. If anybody happens to find out about any battles, just lemme know... it will be much appreciated.
  15. JediCandii

    JediCandii Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 23, 2002
    I wonder how many people could guess this one. A special education teacher. (Big suprise to most people, I'm sure) Another job that I would love to have is as a forensic scientist. The TV show CSI fascinates me, but I get woozy at the sight of blood.
  16. drugsAREgood

    drugsAREgood Jedi Youngling

    Feb 7, 2003
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