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Beyond - Legends "Where doesn't it hurt?" - Han/Leia romance vignette

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by SkalenFehl, Nov 23, 2004.

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  1. SkalenFehl

    SkalenFehl Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2003
    Title: "Where doesn't it hurt?"
    Author: SkalenFehl
    Genre: EU Romance
    Characters: Han and Leia

    Notes: This is in response to the November mush challenge. The majority of my stories are posted in the Saga boards and are thick with angst and intrigue. I decided to challenge myself to write a mushy romantic short story. I've never written anything mushy so I hope I pulled it off convincingly. Please let me know what you think, whether good or bad. My main influence in writing this came from watching 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' a long time ago as a boy.


    Han Solo poured the last drop of his favorite caf into his cup and made his way back to the lounge dejaric table aboard the Millennium Falcon, humming an old Corellian tune that he had learned as a youth before his days at the Academy. He was in an especially good mood. Chewie was on Kashyyyk visiting family and Han had insisted that Leia take a break from all her political mumbo jumbo and fly away with him. She always said her schedule was too full and it would take a miracle to have some time to get away. A nice little privy chat with Mon Mothma remedied that. She was even kind enough to suggest he take Leia on a nice picnic to Dathomir. After all, he had won the planet in a game of sabacc and it was a beautiful world, or so many had said.

    He had arranged to have the finest wines and delicatessens displayed in an open, yet private and remote setting at the top of a high mesa overlooking grand vistas of mountain ranges, forests and a great lake which cast a beautiful reflection of the sunset. At night the panoramic view of the constellations and shooting stars was enough to take the breath away of even some of the more calloused smugglers that he had known. It would be perfect. He owed Lando big time for arranging it.

    Han decided that he wasn?t romantic enough and vowed to improve even if it meant making a fool of himself. He began to do a little dance, stepping back and forth, crossing his feet as Leia watched from the table where she sat sipping her own herbal tea. He felt a little foolish as he sauntered but the whimsical smile on her face and the sparkle in her eyes made every second worth it.

    ?You?re so debonair,? Leia said with a bit of a giggle, as she playfully complimented him, appealing to his ego. She felt at ease, able to let her hair down, as it were, away from the eyes of politicians who watched her every move and took note of every word she spoke.

    ?Debonair is my middle name,? he replied, raising his eyebrows, then displaying his best lop-sided grin. She made him feel like a schoolboy again and he decided to perform a little twirl to finish off his moves and no sooner had he done so than he stubbed his bare toes against the corner of the corridor bordering the lounge. He jerked his foot backwards in excruciating pain as the steaming caf spilt across his forearm, bicep and on the right side of his chest, staining his new blue satin pajamas that Leia had given him for a wedding gift several months prior.

    Han fell to the floor, hurting his knee. He gritted his teeth, trying to decide which hurt more, his knee, his toes or the burns. He couldn?t decided if he wanted to laugh or cry. It hurt everywhere.

    ?Han!? Leia exclaimed, as she jumped from the table to help him to his feet. She stooped to give him a hand and he held onto her as he stood up on one leg, hopping slightly from the pain in his toes. With her help he hobbled back to his cabin where he lay down on the nearest bunk. She sat down at his side, accidentally bumping into his injured knee.

    ?Oww!? he howled in pain and she quickly moved forward closer to his side, apologizing. She began unbuttoning his shirt to tend to his burns as he lay there, grimacing. She reached the top button and unfastened it, scraping it against his chest where the caf had burned it.

    ?Aah!? Han yelled, trying not to sound too irritated.

    ?Well where doesn?t it hurt?? Leia retorted a bit edgy.

    Han creased his brow, considering her question. ?Her
  2. Amithyst_Blade

    Amithyst_Blade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 14, 2001

    that was so eloquently written!!!

    you get hugs, muffins, and cupcakes in your stocking this year!
  3. green_eyes

    green_eyes Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 20, 2004
    As soon as I read the title, I thought of that scene in Raders of the Lost Ark. I guess great minds think alike. That was apparently your inspiration.
    I think you did quite well for never having written romance and mush before.

    Great H/L mush.
    I will have to check out your work at The Saga.

  4. KnightedRogue

    KnightedRogue Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 11, 2004
    Ahh. Mush.

    And memories of Indy.


    Great job, SkalenFehl!

  5. Starrunner

    Starrunner Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 29, 2003
    Aw, sweet H/L mush.
    Great Job!
    I'll have to go check out you story in The Saga, I haven't seen it yet.
  6. Kazzy

    Kazzy Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 17, 2002
    If you're going to get hurt, it's best to have somewhere there to kiss you better.

    Very cute.
  7. rxchiquita

    rxchiquita Jedi Youngling star 2

    Apr 21, 2003
    Wonderful vignette, SkalenFehl! So sweet and romantic! {That is one of my favorite scenes from Raiders!}


    :) H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G !!!

  8. GreatOne

    GreatOne Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 22, 2003
    A BIG GIANT AWWWWW!!!! Great work. I loved it! :D
  9. starwarsfan68

    starwarsfan68 Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 25, 2003
    I love mush!!!!
  10. Smuggler_Shidakis

    Smuggler_Shidakis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 26, 2004
    Awww! That's so cute!
  11. Alaneia

    Alaneia Jedi Youngling star 2

    Apr 13, 1999
    Awwwwww! That was wonderful :)

    I too thought of Raiders of the Lost Ark when I first read the title.

    WILFBIRD Jedi Master star 1

    Jan 15, 2001
    That was so, so, so cute.

    I love mush!!!
  13. princess_meg

    princess_meg Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 22, 2004
    *melts into little puddle*

    That was so nice!
  14. Maggy

    Maggy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 2, 2004
    Me like it
    That was soooo sweet!

  15. Jaina_Solo_59

    Jaina_Solo_59 Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 30, 2004
    How sweet!
  16. SarkaVrae

    SarkaVrae Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 3, 2004
    Great job, master!! what a sweet & cute bunch of mush! lol
    that was one of the few scenes in Raiders that I liked--the girl kinda ruined it for me (screamed way too much). :)

    anyway, great idea, and good work! you did well for a guy that loves the dramatic and angst so much! :)
  17. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    So indiana Jones! So cute!
  18. jade_saber8000

    jade_saber8000 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 18, 2004
    That's so cute!!!!! It is nice to have someone there to kiss it and make it better. DON'T ANYONE DARE ASK HOW I KNOW THIS!!! [face_laugh] [face_blush]
    *Gabby giggles and runs away*
  19. Vongchild

    Vongchild Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2004
  20. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I'm glad no one tried to kiss my latest owie better because it involved my waistline, 15 staples, and a lot of pain...
  21. SkalenFehl

    SkalenFehl Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2003
    Wow, thank you all for the responses. I wasn't sure if I could do it. I really wanted it to be very romantic and mushy but not cheesy. I think there can be a fine line between mush and cheese.

    I actually took out a scene and I think I'll reserve it for another story. I'm glad I left it out because it would have been too much mush. This scene can stand on it's own so I'll work on it. I have to make sure I have the right, mood, setting, and delivery for it to work.

    Anyway. Thank you all again for your compliments and the boost that it gave me to go forward with the next story.

    If I may shamelessly plug in another vignette check out I Remember Now

    You get to very briefly read about Princess Leia, my favorite :D. It's a sad, angst filled, dark tragedy.

    *Waves Jedi hand* You will click the link and read it! [face_batting]
  22. Amidala_Skywalker

    Amidala_Skywalker Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 2001
    Very sweet! :) I haven?t seen IJ (don?t kill me! :p). I had one of the PC games, though!

    I agree with you. There?s a very fine line between mush and cheesy. It all depends on the writer?s ability and the writer?s perceptions.

    This is the second Jedi Mind Trick I?ve encountered today. Something is starting to smell fishy ;).

    Ams [face_love]

  23. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I'm glad that you DO understand the fine line between mush and cheesy. It's what I've been struggling with all month.
  24. SkalenFehl

    SkalenFehl Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2003
    You know, I thought that making Han do a little dancing for Leia would be out of character and cross the cheese line, but I decided to qualify it early by saying that Han wanted to change. He wanted to be romantic if it killed him because he doesn't know how to be romantic. So by making him do something that he would normally never do, it shows his inexperience and I think (hope!) that it worked. By Leia's reaction and the reader's comments, by George (Lucas?) I pulled it off. Whew! :p

    Thanks again everyone for your kind words.
  25. FelsGoddess

    FelsGoddess Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 5, 2004
    That was awesome! Yay Raiders!
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