  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

Saga Where it all Began: ANH AU; Leia, Han, Luke, Chewie, etc. COMPLETED

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by leapylion3, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. PadmeMarie

    PadmeMarie Jedi Knight

    Aug 20, 2011
    Good Post
    Good job threepio
    Go mush
  2. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    How enthusiastic. :p
    Shank ya! [:D]
  3. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Time for the famous scene! :D
    Left you guys on a cliffie (not really, actually, since you guys know what happens, but...) :p
    Enjoy! [:D]

    Chapter Eleven

    ?See-Threepio, do you copy?? I spoke softly into my comlink as Chewie, Han, Luke and I rounded the corner. We stopped dead in our tracks upon seeing the Millennium Falcon in the hangar bay. I never thought I?d be so happy and relieved to see that hunk of junk.
    ?I read you, mistress,? The protocol droid acknowledged after a burst of static. ?We had to abandon our hideout,?
    ?Are you two safe?? I asked, crossing my fingers behind behind my back. If the information on Artoo was as vital as I heard, I wanted the droids to be as safe as possible.
    ?For the moment, yes,? He answered, making me sigh in relief. ?We?re in the main hangar across from the ship,?
    I searched for the golden body of Threepio and the blue-white one of Artoo, but they were nowhere in sight. ?I can?t seem to find you two; we must be above you. We?ll join you as soon as we can,?
    ?Good luck, Mistress Skywalker,? He replied before ending the connection.
    ?We?re gonna need it,? I muttered under by breath, hooking the comlink back onto my belt. I turned to the three males. ?C?mon, let?s get going,?
    ?Let?s just hope the old fossil managed to knock out the tractor beam,? Han grunted, pulling his blaster out of his holster. The four of us jogged towards the freighter, trying to be as quiet and stealthy as possible. Since Han and I changed back into our regular outfits, it was much easier; no more stinking Stormie boots.
    I hadn?t noticed Luke was still gaping at the ship, until he turned to Solo and blurted out; ?You came in that thing?!?
    ?She?s got it where it counts, kid,? The smuggler defended his prized possession, his eyebrows furrowing.
    ?What a hunk of junk!? Organa cried, still mesmerized by the freighter.
    ?Okay, we get it!? Han sighed with a roll of his hazel eyes. Suddenly, twenty-something Stormtroopers rounded the corner, practically bumping into us. I muttered a blue-streak of curses in every language I knew; Basic, with a hint of Corellian and even some Twi?leki and Huttese thrown in there. Before I could even pull out my blaster, I saw Han charge forward, shooting in random directions and yelling at the top of his lungs.
    ?What the hell does he think he?s doing?!? Luke watched in amazement as the pirate rounded the corner, the troops panicking. Chewie ran after his friend, howling and roaring loudly.
    ?You never know with him,? I shook my head, a small smile etched on my face. Luke looked at me quizzically, yet slightly amused. ?What?? I asked him, confusion apparent on my face.
    ?You really like him, don?t you??
    I felt my cheeks heat up. ?He?s?he?s alright, I suppose?? I quickly grabbed hold of the prince?s hand and gesture to the opposite corridor with my blaster. ?C?mon, let?s find another way to the hangars. Solo and Chewie can take care of themselves.?

    ?I think we took a wrong turn,? My voice echoed throughout the shaft as I stared in disbelief at the wide gap below us. I tried desperately to regain my balance, my arms flailing around.
    Luke pulled me back, a snort escaping him. ?Ya think?? His voice dripped with sarcasm. He turned away for a moment and shot the control panel, the door sliding down from above and blocking the Stormtrooper?s way of getting to us. ?This won?t hold them long; got any ideas, Leia?? He raised an eyebrow at me expectantly.
    ?Not at the moment,? I said slowly, holstering my blaster. ?Why are you asking? You?re the so-called military genius here, are you not??
    ?But you?re the so-called brains, are you not?? He mocked playfully, winking at me. His good mood vanished instantly after the words left his mouth. ?Dammit, we?ve got company,? He muttered darkly, lifting his rifle up and aiming it at the Stormtroopers on the small platform across from us. A vile curse escaped me as a blaste
  4. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Super ANH-ish feel =D=

    Quite intriguing how easily Leia and Luke's roles can be flipped [face_laugh]

  5. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    That's what I'm going for! [face_laugh] ;)
    Haha, thank you! [:D]
  6. Ocelotl_Nesto

    Ocelotl_Nesto Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 29, 2004
    Fun use of the same fun dialogue... before George made all his lines corny and campy.
  7. dm1

    dm1 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 9, 2004
    Yes, indeed... they are twins, though. I wonder if Leia's going to come to her realization about Han a little earlier though, since she doesn't have that royal persona to get in her way.
    Luke seems to recognize it, a good thing!
  8. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Thank you both! :*
  9. LeiaAndHan

    LeiaAndHan Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 22, 2011
    This proves you can do Luke/Leia as well as Han/Leia! Love the typical brother and sister tension. =D=
  10. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Thanks so much! [face_love]
  11. HxLlover

    HxLlover Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 7, 2011
    That was totally epic. I know you are not very *used to* writing these type of scenes, but it was fantastic! I love how the Alderaanian knows that she likes Han before she even knows that she likes him herself! Can NOT wait for the best post (but I can wait for when Obi Wan dies :_|)!
  12. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Awwww! Thanks so much, Kate! :*
  13. PadmeMarie

    PadmeMarie Jedi Knight

    Aug 20, 2011
    Great Writing, Cass! I'm sitll long the inverted roles or Luke and Leia! So sad about Obes about do go bye bye though :_| But it sounds like HxL is progressing nicely @};- Keep up the good work! =D=
  14. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Thank ya, Chloe! [:D]
  15. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Almost done this one, too!
    Man, I love you guys! Forcing me to write! [face_laugh]
    Enjoy! @};-

    Chapter Twelve

    Obi-Wan Kenobi?s blue lightsaber ignited and clashed with a red one. Holding it was a tall, dark, cloaked figure, his face covered by an intimidating mask. The fight attracted not only us four, but most of the others in the hangar bay; pilots, Stormtroopers, guards?the duel was truly a sight to be seen. Although I couldn?t help but feel it would end badly for a certain sand hermit.
    ?Good, now?s our chance,? Solo declared, gesturing to the Falcon with his blaster. He led the way, Chewbacca, Luke and I following closely behind. Our boots clicked quietly on the polished floor, while Chewie?s furry, padded feet slid silently.
    I stopped dead in my tracks as Kenobi closed his lightsaber, and Vader- I assumed it was him- brought his up and over, slicing straight through the old general. His body disappeared instantly, leaving behind only a lightsaber and a cloak. My throat became dry, my eyes widening more than I thought possible. I drew in a silent gasp, feeling as if an invisible hand squeezed my lungs and heart, as if they?d burst at any second. He was gone. My mentor, my father-figure?my best friend. Gone. Just like that. And I didn?t do anything.
    ?No!? A voice that sounded oddly like mine screamed loudly. ?Ben!? I realized it was me who screamed. All of a sudden, every eye in the hangar was on me. The Imperials quickly recovered from the shock and began shooting at the four of us. Han pulled me out of the way just as a blaster bolt sizzled past where my head once was.
    ?Why the hell did you do that?!? The smuggler hissed angrily, raising his blaster and firing rapidly at the approaching Stormtroopers.
    ?I?m sorry!? I shouted back, nailing a pilot in the chest.
    ?Sorry?? Han mocked bitterly, his lips twisting into a grimace.
    ?Stop arguing and get to the damn ship!? Luke commanded, bolting to the freighter.
    ?Leia?listen to him! Go!? A voice inside my head cried. It sounded vaguely familiar?I decided to listen to the voice. I ran as fast as I could towards the ship, grabbing Han in the process.
    By the time Han and I reached the cockpit, Chewie and Luke were already seated and preparing for take-off. I heard Organa mutter, ?Hopefully this piece of junk will work.?
    I sulked to the living area, ignoring Han and Luke?s questions and comments directed at me. I bumped into several things on the way, but it was as if I didn?t feel it at all. I felt?numb. I?d probably wake up with bruises all over my body and wonder how the hell I got them.
    I practically fell onto the holochess table, yet somehow managed to slip into the plush bench. I stared vacantly ahead, wondering why in the seven hells Ben just let that happen. He just let himself die. My thoughts we interrupted by the prince, who gently placed a thick blanket over my shoulders. ?Hey,? He murmured. ?You okay??
    ?I miss him,? I replied softly, leaning into his warm embrace.
    ?It?ll be okay,? He stroked my hair, placing a light kiss on my cheek.
    ?Organa, Skywalker,? Han?s voice boomed. ?I need one of you to come with me to the turrets; we got company,? Luke automatically bolted up and out of the seat, his warmth leaving my side. Han nodded once at the prince, then rushed to the turrets, Luke right on his heels. ?Leia, go to the cockpit!? I heard Solo?s voice from down the hall.
    I reluctantly obliged, my feet barely leaving the floor with each step. The grief seemed to weigh me down. I sat down next to Chewbacca, who growled softly at me in acknowledgement. I nodded back, turning on the comm. I watched in awe as the wave of TIE Fighters came towards us, the small domes flying with such speed and grace. ?Here they come,? I croaked into the comm.
    ?They?re coming in too fast!? Luke shrieked, just missing a fighter. Han quickly shot it, making it explode into millions of tiny pieces. The cockpit suddenly shuddered and groaned, al
  16. HxLlover

    HxLlover Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 7, 2011
    OH, HOW I LOVE HAN'S COMFORTING WORDS! And I also love how Han Solo... is JEALOUS!BWAHAHAHA. Awesome post! It seemed to me that this chapter was longer then others. Was it? Can NOT wait for my favourite story's new chapter to come out![face_love]
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Fun post!

    hahaha! Han is fun in denial "Who me?" [face_laugh]

  18. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Nope! It was about the same length as the others :)
    Thanks, Kate! [:D]

    Haha, thank you! :D
  19. LeiaAndHan

    LeiaAndHan Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 22, 2011
    Han's jealous! Han's jealous! Love is the air... du du du du du du, love is in the air... Great post!
  20. Ocelotl_Nesto

    Ocelotl_Nesto Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 29, 2004
    Jealous Han... and a shy Leia... all rather odd.
  21. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Thanks! [face_love]
  22. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    And so this one is almost over! Well, not quite.
    But kinda.
    Enjoy! @};-

    Chapter Thirteen

    The briefing room was rather cramped and stuffy, packed with members of the Rebellion. I still didn?t consider myself one at the time, since I had just arrived on base to drop off the prince. Of course, he convinced me to fly in the battle, but I wanted to hear the attack plan, first. No way was I going out there to die as soon as I reached the Death Star.
    Everyone turned their attention to the man at the front of the room, the indistinct chatter fading away. General Jan Dodonna, I thought. With his amazing posture and confident aura, he was obviously a man full of experience and wisdom. He cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of every single person in the room. A technician hooked Artoo up to the computer, the technical readouts appearing on a small screen at the front of the room.
    ?The battle station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half the Starfleet,? He began, pacing back and forth. ?Its defences are designed around a direct large scale assault,? The general points to the diagram onscreen. ?A small, one-man-fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defence,? I glanced behind me, catching Solo?s eye for a second. He waved his hand dismissively as Chewbacca quietly roared a question.
    ?Pardon me for asking, sir,? A pilot at the front of the room interrupted. ?But what good are snub-fighters going to be against that?? Murmurs echo throughout the room as people take in his statement.
    ?Well, the Empire doesn?t consider a small, one-man-fighter to be any threat,? Dodonna admitted. ?Or, they?d have a tighter defence,? He looked around the room before returning his gaze to the screen. ?An analysis of the plans provided by Prince Luke has demonstrated a weakness in the battle station,? Artoo beeped in disapproval, but Jan carried on. ?Approach will not be easy. You will be required to manoeuvre straight down this trench and skim the surface to this point,? The onscreen animation stopped at a small gap. ?The target area is only two meters wide; it?s a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port,? Luke gave me a funny look, and I returned it in kind. ?The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction, which should destroy the station. Only a precise hit will set off a chain reaction,? Almost as an afterthought, he added, ?The shaft is ray-shielded, so you?ll have to use proton torpedoes,?
    ?That?s impossible, even for a computer!? Corellian Rogue Squadron pilot, Wedge Antilles blurted out.
    ?It?s not impossible,? I assured him, leaning closer to the pilot. ?I used to bulls eye womp rats back home in my T-16, and they?re not much more than two meters,?
    ?Then man your ships,? Dodonna commanded, ending the meeting. ?And may the Force be with you.?

    On my way to my X-wing, I found Han and Chewbacca loading boxes and crates into the Falcon. Suspicious, I walked over to them, holding on tightly to my helmet under my arm. ?So, you get your reward and you?re just gonna leave?? I said coolly, raising an eyebrow at the smuggler.
    ?That?s right, yeah,? He avoided my accusing gaze. ?I got some old debts I gotta pay off with this stuff,? I could tell he held back a sharp retort. He loaded one more box into the freighter, before staring into my eyes, his expression slightly softening. ?Why don?t you come with us? You?re pretty good in a fight. We could use you,?
    ?You have got to be kidding me!? I gaped at the pilot, hot on his tail as he went up the ramp to load another crate. ?Take a look around, dammit! You know what?s about to happen here!? My tone sweetened, a small part of me hoping he?d stay. ?We could use a good pilot like you,?
    ?What good?s a reward if you ain?t around to use it?? Solo sneered, slamming his fist on a crate for emphasis. ??Sides, attacking that battle station ain?t my idea of courage. More like?suicide,?
    ?Han, we need you
  23. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Cool post and great snarky banter =D= :D
  24. LeiaAndHan

    LeiaAndHan Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 22, 2011
    Awww... Han doesn't want to leave Leia, Leia doesn't want to leave Han, simple solution?

    He can go and save her by almost killing Darth Vader. And the bonus? He almost kills Darth Vader! [face_idea]
  25. leapylion3

    leapylion3 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 26, 2011
    Thank you both! [face_love]