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Which books??

Discussion in 'Literature' started by chippyste, Mar 23, 2005.

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  1. chippyste

    chippyste Jedi Youngling

    Mar 23, 2005
    Ive just started reading the recent clonewars novels and im interested in reading the novels set after rotj.Can you please tell me which book luke discovers the palpatines base on corsucant and which novel luke speaks to obi wan in his ghoast form for the last time.
  2. Jort

    Jort Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 2, 2004
    Luke speaks to Obi-Wan for the last time in Heir to the Empire I think.
  3. jedishilo

    jedishilo Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 10, 2004
    I'm not sure about Luke finding any base anywhere, but if you want to read about what happened after ROTJ I recommend starting with Truce At Bakura. It takes place only several hours after ROTJ and isn't a half bad story. You could check out the timeline for books here on TFN to see what order the other books come in. If you only want the basic story, though, stick with these.

    Heir To The Empire
    The Dark Force Rising
    The Last Command

    Jedi Search
    Dark Apprentice
    Champions Of The Force

    Specter Of The Past
    Vision Of The Future

    This gives you an accurate account of the formation of the New Republic, the beggining of Luke's new Jedi Academy, and the end of the war between the Empire and the New Republic. I also very much enjoyed the entire X Wing Novel series and I absolutely loved the New Jedi Order with a few minor exceptions. I hope you like the books and enjoy reading. I'd be happy to answer any questions as I am a pretty big geek and have read almost every EU book numerous times.
  4. Baun

    Baun Jedi Youngling

    Mar 20, 2005
    I think my advice would be a great help to you, i was in the same predicament but a week ago. I would advise you to either start at Star wars X-Wing:Rogue Squadren and read through the X-Wing series of books...then move on the the Thrawn Series and after that their is pleanty to choose from
  5. ClonedEmperor

    ClonedEmperor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 12, 2005
    Base om Coruscant? If you mean when he discovers the evidence of cloning in ther Imperial Palace, thats Dark Empire, which is a comic series. Palpatine sets up a new base on Byss, which i belive (correct me if im wrong) is in the unknown regions, or outside the outer rim.
  6. Dinner_Squadron

    Dinner_Squadron Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 16, 2004
    Actually, it's in the deep core.
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