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Discussion will the ST restore Star Wars legendary glory, or will the LOTR stay on top???

Discussion in 'Archive: Disney Era Films' started by StarWars2015, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. Arawn_Fenn

    Arawn_Fenn Chosen One star 7

    Jul 2, 2004
    No, Gollum's material from the book is finished. But they could always show him leaving the mountains in search of the Ring or something.
    Jarren_Lee-Saber likes this.
  2. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    You could make a 4 hour long movie centering on Gollum's activities in between Hobbit and LOTR.
    Jarren_Lee-Saber likes this.
  3. Robimus

    Robimus Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 6, 2007
    Lets get serious here :p

    Star Wars is a life long obsession for a lot of folks, and I mean a lot.

    For me Star Wars will always be superior. I enjoyed the LOTR films and parts of the novels, but there is a lot of walking, a lot about cerebral non sense involving lineage and language. Like I care who Aragon's great, great, great aunt twice removed on his mothers side is?

    Gilad Pellaeon's family, now thats completely different.

    My biased vote goes to Star Wars.
  4. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    Yes! Show them no quarter! Pop culture shootout!
    LawJedi likes this.
  5. Episode Swag

    Episode Swag Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 9, 2013
    Now let me start by saying that this is all just my personal opinion on how I view both franchises.

    It will be extraordinarily difficult for any movie series to top Rings. Thing is, the acting was phenomenal at all times, the effects were a perfect blend of cgi and practical, and to top it all off the story was just that damn good! It's very much literally the most epic trilogy ever made.

    Yes the first one is slow, but the others arent. But the thing is at times they had to be slow to show us as much as they did. And it works out perfectly fine! Hell, Empire Strikes Back's second act is also pretty slow. Does that stop it from being a platinum movie masterpiece? Of course not. Slowness is not a bad thing at all when it is needed to further explain things going on in the story and world, something that Rings needed to do a lot.

    Personally I can't see the ST overtaking Rings in my eyes unless they have this:

    -Actors that act phenomenally throughout every second they are on screen. Plus the lines they are given are just plain gold.
    -We go to worlds that are so rich in detail that they feel as if they are almost real. Star Wars never really accomplished this to the extent that rings did.
    -A damn good story full of amazing character interaction. Plus give us some talks of moralities that are touching, some things that stick with us afterwards that we look back on in fondness thinking "wow, those characters are so inspiring."

    If they could pull all of these off to an absolute T, then it may just rival Rings. But man that bar is set so high, I wouldn't be surprised if decades went by before a better trilogy was made.
    Blazer-Smith likes this.
  6. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    Just want to take a moment to say how ridiculous this thread is and ask if the OP is really expecting everyone to just accept his opinion as fact. Probably but I also suspect he might be trolling us. Believe me OP I certainly don't take anyone's opinion (especially those who arrogantly present them as the only right one and then bash those who would disagree) as fact and then base my own opinion on them. I can form my own opinion thanks and I don't need to tell anyone who feels differently that theirs is wrong. I guess I'll throw my hat in with the group that loves a variety of different franchises. Game of Thrones, The Godfather, Harry Potter, Indy, and yes even LOTR would be some of my favorites. But Star Wars is and probably always will be my absolute favorite and that includes those prequels that you so arrogantly said no one worth their salt could enjoy (or at least I believe that's what you were trying to say.)
  7. Big Bad Yoda Daddy

    Big Bad Yoda Daddy Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 8, 2000
    OH SNAP!

    Actually, and I say this having grown up with the OT (I saw TPM after graduating HS), there are times when.... I agree with you!
    Jarren_Lee-Saber likes this.
  8. Big Bad Yoda Daddy

    Big Bad Yoda Daddy Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 8, 2000
    I remember seeing it at the midnight showing, and people actually groaned the third time it faded back in. You know how loud people can get when they cheer for an ending? That loud, but a groan. One guy actually said, "Screw it - I gotta pee!" (That got more laughs than any part of the movie.)

    I actually like the ending, but I'm one of those internet people, and more of a book guy myself. I will agree with a previous poster - I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen each movie. I couldn't count the number of times I've seen Star Wars on the fingers of five generations of ancestors. Who cares which movie is better - Star Wars is more fun.
    Lord TW likes this.
  9. Blazer-Smith

    Blazer-Smith Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 28, 2004
    Different time frames from a technology stand point. I can't even rank rots in my top 25 of all time movies. ANH is there. All of the Lotr are I the list.
  10. jedimikey

    jedimikey Jedi Padawan star 2

    Oct 21, 2012
    I liked the LotR movies, and I thought that the amount of work going into their production was astounding (I can't get past the fact that they actually BUILT Hobbiton, or the staggering amount of of REAL actors playing orcs). The films are beautiful, as well. However, I have problems with some of it. But the length of the films are not among them (my friends that enjoyed them didn't have that problem, either).

    Are the LotR films better than Star Wars? STANG, NO!! Don't get me I said, I liked the LotR films just fine, and my issues with them are minimal, and The Hobbit is one of the first "serious" novels I read as a child. I also play Dungeons and Dragons on a regular basis, and as we all know, the Game is based on Tolkiens books. But the films cannot even be compared to the phenomenon that is Star Wars. That's like comparing vibro-blades to lightsabers; there is absolutely NO CONTEST.

    For starters, Star Wars isn't based on a book. The LotR films aren't even that faithful to the books they're based on!
  11. Blue_Jedi33

    Blue_Jedi33 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 12, 2003
    I enjoyed the LOTR series and I was happy that ROTK won awards and did very well.
    It is a great trilogy, one of the best ever made.

    But the pinnacle of trilogies is Star Wars, firstly the OT and secondly the PT, we all hope the ST will land there too, once made.
    But even within culture, Star Wars is more prominent than LOTR, even with music & famous phrases.

    The music of Star Wars is on par with famous symphonies of the past, no other movies has been able to pull that off.
    Check this it out.
    The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra perform a program that introduces listeners young and old to the various instruments and sections of the orchestra. This is John Williams' Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) from Star Wars. Conductor Bramwell Tovey.

    After watching and listening to this, you understand that while LOTR is a very good movie series, they aren't in the same league for cultural impact as Star Wars in it's totality.
    DarthApprentice likes this.
  12. Darth Xalfrea

    Darth Xalfrea Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 2, 2013
    Not that I hate it, but why compare Star Wars and Lord of the Rings? Was it ever stated that Lord of the Rings was threatening Star Wars?
  13. EviL_eLF

    EviL_eLF Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    I like LOTR... A LOT... but when I list my 10 all-time favorite films, Star Wars is at the top of the list (I list all of the Star Wars movies one time at #1, they are a complete story IMO), LOTR is just outside of my top 10.

    1 - Star Wars
    2 - Inception
    3 - The Dark Knight
    4 - Band of Brothers (ok, this is an HBO mini-series, but these are theatrical quality!)
    5 - Memento
    6 - The Machinist
    7 - Empire of the Sun
    8 - The God Father
    9 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind
    10 - Reservoir Dogs
  14. johnrain39

    johnrain39 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Oct 30, 2012
    Both the Baggins and the Skywalkers are dear to my heart.
  15. DarthMak

    DarthMak Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 4, 2001
    What is LOTR? Is it some EU book or something?
  16. Jarren_Lee-Saber

    Jarren_Lee-Saber Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 16, 2008
    I find this thread to be pretty disgusting with a LOT of hate! I know this is a Star Wars forum, but is it really necessary to bash so much? There are SO many things wrong with the original post as well as many of the proceeding comments.....I just don't have time to argue all of it. Instead...

    Here's my favorite film franchises:
    01. The Matrix
    02. The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
    03. Star Wars (as you can see, not at the top!)
    04. The Dark Knight
    05. Chronicles of Narnia
    06. Pirates of the Carribean
    07. Underworld
    08. X-Men
    09. The Transporter
    10. The Mummy/Scorpion King
  17. Avnar

    Avnar Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 20, 2007
    The original Star Wars trilogy is awesome. The Lord of the rings trilogy is awesome.

    The Hobbit is just below the Rings films. The Star Wars prequel trilogy are some of the worst films ever made!
    Doug625 likes this.
  18. Doug625

    Doug625 Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 9, 2012
    Don't get me wrong, I love The Lord of The Rings films, I believe "The Return of The King" may be the greatest masterpiece ever filmed, but they will never be more "epic" than Star Wars(at least the OT) Even Peter Jackson called "The Two Towers" his "Empire Strikes Back" of his trilogy. LOTR is more recent, so if that is what you mean then the ST has its work cut out, but i think it's gonna pull it off!
    Jarren_Lee-Saber likes this.
  19. Doug625

    Doug625 Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 9, 2012
    I agree with most of those. Star Wars was my favorite for many years until LOTR came out...I'd throw in Terminator and James Bond as well....
    Jarren_Lee-Saber likes this.
  20. Jarren_Lee-Saber

    Jarren_Lee-Saber Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 16, 2008
    Crap, I forgot the Terminator! That would be 11

    RAZORBLADE Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 13, 2013
    look there is no doubt that LOTR are better films, but it just does not have that magical quality that star wars had. i think it is because it explains every little element, where as star wars tends to leave things to the people's imagination.
  22. KED12345

    KED12345 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 10, 2012
    None of the LOTR movies are as good as ANH and ESB. They're consistently rated higher.
  23. Jedsithor

    Jedsithor Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 2005
    There's only one "Return" my friend and it's not of the King, it's of the Jedi. :D

    I really like Lord Of The Rings. Jackson took some liberties, had a little too much false conflict in the films but overall he did a damn fine job in adapting the book for the masses. Whenever I watch those films, I watch the extended editions, I also really enjoyed The Hobbit.

    But Star Wars is...well...Star Wars. A New Hope is my favourite film ever and the only films that have come close to knocking it off the top spot are other Star Wars movies. I love film in general but no film has given me the pure cinematic joy that Star Wars has. I first saw A New Hope in 1997, when the Special Editions came out. Keep in mind, this is after seeing Jurassic Park and Independence Day. So I'd seen great special effects and aerial dog fights with spaceships. I was sick when the SE's came out so I missed them in the cinema. My first time seeing ANH was on the small screen. And that opening shot still blew me away.

    Empire might be more technically advanced and have a deeper story but A New Hope, for me, is the perfect movie. Lord Of The Rings, as good as it is, as entertaining as it is and as big an achievement as it is, doesn't come close and the Star Wars saga as a whole, yes including the prequels, is by far the best cinematic saga there is in my opinion.

    Gollum is great. Yoda is better. The battles of Helms Deep and Pelennor Fields are great to watch, but they don't match the excitement of the trench run, the Battle Of Hoth, the asteroid chase, the attack on the second Death Star. In The Lord Of The Rings movies, nobody loses. Boromir and Theoden are the only people of any consequence who suffer...well...Frodo too but I'll get to that. In Star Wars, we have two movies that are all about the villains winning, three if you count Attack Of The Clones which can be considered a victory for the villain in the grand scheme of things. In Star Wars we have two mass genocides with Order 66 and the destruction of Alderaan.

    Star Wars has more depth than Lord of the Rings. Yeah, I said it. You can argue about the book but for the movies, Star Wars wins. As high as the stakes are in Lord Of The Rings, the heroes are always saved at the last second by an army. The elves at Helm's Deep plus Eomer's return, Theoden showing up at Gondor, then the army of the dead, even the Eagles show up to help. Yes, in Return Of The Jedi, the Ewoks help out but after all the crap the characters have been through, they deserve to catch a break.

    And then there's Frodo and Luke. Why is Star Wars better? Because in the end, Frodo failed. In the end, he succumbed to the lure of the ring whereas Luke threw his lightsaber away. Why is this important? Because Lord Of The Rings suggests that deep down, we'll all give in to the promise of power, even the most innocent of us will be seduced by the Dark Side, whereas Star Wars suggests that no, we don't have to. We have a choice. We can choose to let go of our hate and lust for power at all costs. And for me, that's a better way to end a saga that's all about corruption and fighting evil around us and within us. You may say that Frodo's failure was more realistic, that in real life, power does corrupt, but this isn't real life, it's a movie and at the end of a saga, going out on a message of hope is infinitely better than a message of despair.

    But still, I do like Rings...but it's no Star Wars.

    RAZORBLADE Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 13, 2013
    LOTR won oscars, let the facts decide. no matter how good a star wars movie is it will never win a best picture oscar. however it will grab more fans than LOTR ever will i am sure about that

    RAZORBLADE Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 13, 2013
    very true and well said
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