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Phx Workin' on our website...

Discussion in 'SouthWest Region Discussion' started by kreleia, Nov 13, 2001.

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  1. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    And I'm wondering - does anyone have any suggestions for what to include? This is what will go in as of now:

    Who we are
    Where we are
    Activities (or events or gatherings - whatever)
    SW Hobbies - i.e., fanfiction, costuming, roleplaying, video games, etc
    SW-related Links

    If you have a webpage - SW-themed or otherwise - tell me so that I can add it to the site.

    What else?

    kreleia ^.^
  2. Anwelei

    Anwelei Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 26, 2001
    I think what you have is definitely a good start and that's plenty to work with so far :-D
  3. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    Anwelei, you beat me to the punch! **laugh** Actually, I kinda posted this prematurely - I wanted everyone to see the layout idea too. :) Click on the link:

    It's a 50%-size pic of the layout (which ended up being a lot easier to design than I thought). It also makes me very thirsty. **laugh**

    It also reminds me, I was watching the Episode 1 documentary (The Beginning) today, and everyone on the set was groaning about 135° temperatures. Yes, that's *very* hot, but I think we Phoenicians have a certain advantage. Hot? Yes. Bearable? Absolutely. As long as there's water and air-conditioning somewhere in the area. [face_laugh]

    EDIT: Jeez, you'd think I'd actually remember to put the link in...
  4. Anwelei

    Anwelei Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 26, 2001
    Hey, that pic looks niiice. It makes me thirsty too... <slams down more Dr Pepper>
  5. Emperor_Dan

    Emperor_Dan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 21, 1999
    Ah, yes. But temperatures have cooled down now, I think :)
  6. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    True. The weather is beautiful now. Still, when people think Phoenix, they think hot. "Tatooine" just seemed to fit.

    kreleia ^.^

    P.S. I'm outta town right now, which is why I haven't added more to the website layout yet. I'll be back in a week (it's *cold* here in Salt Lake!! YUCK!)
  7. Emperor_Dan

    Emperor_Dan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 21, 1999
    Ick. I don't paticuarly care for Salt Lake :(

    Too salty ;)
  8. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    hee hee! Neither do I Emperor_Dan. :D But, my family lives there, and until I can convince them that Phoenix is the place to be (I'm working on it, I really am), I'll be making occassional trips. Just wish it didn't have to be s'darn cold.

    That and the Great Salt Lake just stinks... literally. [face_plain]

    kreleia ^.^
  9. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    Okay... I have the "preliminary" website up. Right now, it's on my personal webspace, and I'm thinking that's not where I'd like it to permanently reside. Does anyone know of any good small-ads free servers (besides Tripod)? Or will TF.N give us webspace once we're official? If they give us space, I'll leave it on my account until our FanForce chapter is for real. :)

    If you'd like to see it, follow the link:

    All I've done so far is take the original graphic and code it into a frameset. I have a few questions for everyone...

    Do you want the categories (who, where, activities, hobbies, and links) in the sidebar, or should I put them in the main window?

    And, do you like having the scrollbar in colors, or should I change it back to standard gray? (note: the colored scrollbar is only visible using IE)

    Yes, there will be an official disclaimer about LucasFilm, TF.N, etc, etc, etc.

    Suggestions for graphics and changes are always welcome - either here or through my e-mail.

    kreleia ^.^

    P.S. I have a very large screen setting (1068 x 764), and I've tried to be mindful of those with 600 x 800 settings. If you have a smaller setting (640 x 480), then the layout is going to look huge and really weird. I suggest re-sizing to 600 x 800 to get the right look. If you use Netscape, I would *especially* appreciate hearing from you. My Netscape 6.0 refuses to work, so I can't test it and have no idea how the setup looks. Thanks!
  10. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    And what about us 1280x960 users?? ;)

    I like the colored scroll bars, I think they should stay. As for the categories, my advice is to put them in the side bar. The graphic is good, but it's a bit plain. I a few links would be perfect there. All in all I think it's a good start. :)

    And I'm not sure about TF.N giving us webspace. Elan-Rai? Care to take this one?

    EDIT: I'm using IE, btw.
  11. Elan-Rai

    Elan-Rai RSA Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 11, 2001
    I don't think TFN will allow hosting on its servers. I will do some more digging though.

    Check around. Here is what I would do if you want to save money. Go to Namezero.Com and see what the going rate is on a domain name. Register it. Split it between all your members. Find a free hosting site like: geocities, etc. and have your domain point towards it. Now, there are definitely more alternatives but this WILL get you up and running.

    As for 1280x960 users, one of your backgrounds needs to be a pattern. Then, no matter what resolution the user has, the pattern will replicate for them. Make any sense? :D
  12. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    Jeez, IA!! What, do you have a 19-inch screen?? ^.^ (If you do, don't ever say anything to Rob about it - he's still in a huff that I made him stick with a 15-inch - even though it's a flat-screen.) BTW, IA, I have to thank you for the address to the Talon Intel Squad page - it's been the main source of help for me to get the frames to finally work. :)

    Yeah, the layout is kinda dull without something in the sidebar, isn't it? I'll work on that tomorrow... maybe. [face_laugh] I'm trying to do holiday stuff too.

    That's a good idea about the domain name too, Elan_Rai - although I have a hunch that "" is taken... **looks** Ah yes. Lucasfilm has bought the .com (it bounces directly to, the .org is actually some kind of email client server (say what!?)... but, what's this? is actually available??? Hmmmm.... :D Actually, no, I wouldn't do that just because Lucasfilm has been after all the folks using SW-related domain names. We'll have to see what other domain name options there are.

    Any other ideas? Comments? Suggestions?

    kreleia ^.^
  13. Elan-Rai

    Elan-Rai RSA Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 11, 2001
    You might want to try something along the lines of..

    We here in Nashville decided that NashvilleAfterDarth.Com was just too darned long. SO, we decided on

    Although we are known as NAD, is our site. :D

    EDIT: By the way, if you are going to register this site, I'd do it soon. The .COM and .ORG is already taken, and .NET is it.
  14. skywalkersound

    skywalkersound Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 16, 2001
    What is the web address?
  15. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    kreleia: no, it's a 21" monitor. :D

    I really like the idea of our website being, but I can understand if Lucas doesn't share my enthusiasm. :( Phoenixforce or phoenixfanforce will probably do just as well.
  16. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    Welcome skywalkersound!! Currently we don't have an official website address, but you can see the site-in-progress here:

    There's not much to it yet, I'm afraid - just the layout. I'm a bit busy right now with holidays and whatnot, but I *do* work on it. Yesterday was no doubt the largest effort since I got all the framing set up. The rest is just adding pages, really. Got anything you'd like to add? (I'll be asking everyone for personal bio info in the near future)

    IA, you have a 21" screen!?!? **falls over twitching** Are you optically challenged? [face_mischief] (kidding)

    **sigh** Must return to current duties. I'm trying to finish up some Christmas quilts for kids in New York - but Jacob decided to scream. I had to leave the room so he could fall asleep. Perfect excuse to check e-mail and the boards, eh?

    kreleia ^.^
  17. Mirax H

    Mirax H TFN Costumes Staff star 3 VIP

    Aug 16, 1999
    I like the color scheme you have. Very reminiscent of the Episode I one sheet with Anakin and hsi shadow cast in the image of Vader. Definitely has a desert with our always bulue sky feel to it.
  18. Subjugator

    Subjugator Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 29, 2001
    I am a graphic designer who lives in PHX. I would be glad to help with a website. Let me know.

  19. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    That would be great! Have you gotten to look at it yet? (the address is posted a couple of messages up from here) Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    kreleia ^.^

    P.S. WELCOME!!
  20. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    What about using the same layout and graphics for the website as the banner we're making here at the JC? Would that be feasible?
  21. Subjugator

    Subjugator Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 29, 2001
    Yes, I have seen the website and the color scheme looks great. I have the necessary tools and the server space to create the best city fan site out there. Let's talk some more if you really want to do this.
  22. Bria

    Bria Manager Emeritus, -MNFF Council star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 15, 1999
    Hey kreleia. Hope you don't mind I waltzed in here... I might be visiting the Phoenix area in June and thought perhaps I could check out the fanforce thread (I'm a member of my local MN Fanfoce). :)

    Your prelimany site looks great. I've visited several city fansites, and personally, I think they look best with buttons on the left, and not right below the banner. ;)

  23. kreleia

    kreleia Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 14, 2000
    Subjugator, YES!! Let's definitely talk about the website. Glad you like the design, too! (and it's nice to hear that from a graphic artist!) If you want to play with it, I'd be more than happy to let you run wild. It seems that lately I have less and less time to devote to designing and messing with it (Jacob - my infant son - absolutely hates it if I'm not with him at all his waking hours. Kinda makes it hard to fiddle around with the site. o_O;)

    The directory for the site is here: The images are just stored in the "images" subdirectory listed there.

    I've been meaning to ask you too - would it possible for you to come up with a cool Phoenix FF logo? I've been playing with putting the Phoenix City logo together with maybe the Rebel insignia or the Imperial insignia - either way (or both). I have a fairly good scan of the City logo if you need one. :)

    BRIA!! Welcome to our humble board!! :D Thanks for the suggestion on the website design - that's actually what I was thinking of doing. I've played with it a little too, but so far I hadn't come up with anything that I was happy with. Hopefully Subjugator will be able to help out, or even solve this problem (if he wants).

    As for visiting in June - WOW! You picked quite a time to visit! [face_laugh] Just a forewarning - it'll be HOT!! Bring your swimsuit - you'll be wearing it instead of your clothes. **laugh** (which is perfectly acceptable here) We'll have to see if we can get a meeting together for our FF group - and of course you'd be invited (as would *any* FF member visiting from out-of-town).

    Thanks for dropping by!
    kreleia ^.^
  24. Bria

    Bria Manager Emeritus, -MNFF Council star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 15, 1999
    Yeah, I've been to AZ before. I know how it goes. ;)

    I'm not *positive* I'm going yet. If I do it'll be a family thing, because I have relatives that live there. It'll probably depend on if I can get the time off of work... lots of ppl graduating in early June, so I may not be allowed to, especially after taking off time for Celebration II (4 days) and Ep.2(3 days)... I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed though. ;)

    Thanks for the nice invite. If I'd make it down, I'd love to meet more fans. :) I'm sure you'd all be welcome over at the MN board. :)

  25. Emperor_Dan

    Emperor_Dan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 21, 1999
    Cool! One thing, the sidebar on the left looks more like chrome rather than a desert. So.. as for a domain name, would be cool, but I think it'd be funny to call us "Luke Skywalker Air Force Base" :D
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