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**X3i TV Spot/Commercial**

Discussion in 'Fan Films, Fan Audio & SciFi 3D' started by RivenX3i, Apr 22, 2005.

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  1. RivenX3i

    RivenX3i Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 31, 2004
    This is a commercial I did for X3i that I'm taking down to the station right now actually ha. Figured I'd show you all too. The plan is to make two of these introducing more characters. Comments and criticisms always appreciated.

  2. durbnpoisn

    durbnpoisn TFN Staff Cast & Crew Database star 5 VIP

    May 20, 2002
    I'm assuming that we're supposed to know what "X3i" is before watching the ad right? :p

    Really, I get it, I guess... If it's supposed to be some sort of X-Men kinda thing.

    Visually, it's pretty awesome. Good looking people beating each other up. Can't go wrong there. Some nice special FX going on...

    But, the audio, while intended to be mechanical, comes across a little too garbled to understand. It doesn't help that the resolution is too low for the font to be read. So, other than the fighting, I gathered nothing from watching...

    It's still some pretty cool stuff, though.
  3. RivenX3i

    RivenX3i Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 31, 2004
    Nah don't assume that. I'm was just assuming the people that knew what X3i was already would check this out. As I have been posting the episodes on here and other places. It's really made for TV, therefore the script is readable. X3i is a marvel "based" television show I'm running up in Columbus. This promo was just to give the audience a little more info about the characters they've been seeing and also about some characters to come. Also to grab peoples attention that have never seen this and they happen to catch this on tv to think "What was that? looked pretty cool, i might watch a lil of it on tues then." Thats all.
  4. DVeditor

    DVeditor Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2001
    Looks nice - I like some of the effects you were able to pull off. I concur with Durb on the audio, and I found the characters in the lower-left corner to be a little distracting at times but otherwise it's a great clip. Keep it up!
  5. JediTAC

    JediTAC Jedi Knight star 5

    Nov 30, 2000
    So wait ... That's an actual television show in Canada?

  6. GrgurMG

    GrgurMG Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 11, 2003
    "Nah don't assume that. I'm was just assuming the people that knew what X3i was already would check this out.

    Mission accomplished, I sure know what it is and I'll check out the promo once I get home from work. ;)

    What's this about episodes though? I've only see what I believe is the first episode you posted here.. you got more online? :)

  7. RivenX3i

    RivenX3i Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 31, 2004
    JediTAC - No man, haha it Columbus, OH. It's just a show in the city. Nothing world wide.

    GrgurMG - Haha, yeah man. I posted Ep 2 about 3 weeks ago I'd say. It still has nothing on episodes 3 and on because that's when we got our good equipment and a pretty talented cast. But heres the link for the 2nd episode.


    p.s. Heres a small scene **spoiler** (ha for those who care) of episode 3.
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