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ST Your predictions about the reception of the ST

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Seagoat, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. Ganger

    Ganger Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 1999
    I don't doubt the effort that was put into it. For me, it has that feel of sterile environment throughout most of the movie, specially Kamino. We're really going off on a tangent here!

    Now back on topic, I hope Episode VII is better received than TPM. I think in many ways it's a smaller challenge than the one Lucas had with TPM. In a way he had to create a story with all new characters (few exceptions, but different actors and timeline), a story that everybody had imagined in their heads. Also, expectations were higher than ever. It had been 16 years since the last installment of the most awesome thing ever was released. People were anxious and probably un.pleasable (is that a word?). Add to that the fact that Lucas probably didn't have anyone who really questioned him, everybody just went along with it.

    Now people are going crazy with rumors but in reality no one knows anything and opportunities are flying all over the place. This is not a story that has to be forced according to public story lines about the rise of power of this or that, the birth of whoever, etc. It could go anywhere. This for me, turns the anxiety into excitement. AND we have the biggest plus ever to push this trilogy into safer territory reception-wise. There's a huge chance the most beloved good guys in the whole saga are teaming up again and, personally, I think it's great to show them at old age. Star Wars is perfect territory for a legitimate, fun and intelligent pass the torch story.

    So, in a way, these new professionals in charge, whose credentials speak for themselves have amazing opportunities and people in general are probably more receptive to something fresh without preconceived notions of what will happen or how obvious events (like the rise of Darth Vader in the PT) will unfold. The mystery makes it more fun and its an opportunity in itself.
  2. Darth PJ

    Darth PJ Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2013
    As per TPM, I think general audiences will like Episode VII... but it will split the fan community. I believe Ep VII has more potential to upset certain fans because they'll be expecting it to be 'just like the originals' even more so than the prequels. Expect Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull type reaction from some fans... and I'm sure it won't be long before someone claims that Star Wars has 'jumped the shark'.
  3. Ganger

    Ganger Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 1999
    That's a bit pessimistic given how early in process we're discussing this. Still, given the track record of these type of releases, it's a very real scenario.
  4. Carbon1985

    Carbon1985 Jedi Knight star 3

    Apr 23, 2013
    I actually think it will be the opposite, as I think the fans that will be the toughest will be the Pro-PT fans. In a sense, there will be a total 180 among the fanbase when the ST comes out:

    -OT fans who hated the PT will go soft on the ST essentially because they had no expectations to begin with (because they were let down by the PT) and are happy to see Han, Luke and Leia again not expecting it to be as good as the OT.

    -PT fans who will be the ones who will critique the ST the most as they feel that the ST deserves the same microscope as the PT got.

    -Middle of the road fans like myself who enjoyed the PT, but didn't love it as much as the OT will probably be the most fair towards the ST and give an honest reception either good or bad.
    Darth PJ likes this.
  5. miasma

    miasma Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 29, 2013
    4 8 15 16 23 42

    (hmmm... that didn't work.... the countdown clock is still going.)
    ScorpionJedi likes this.
  6. Darth PJ

    Darth PJ Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2013
    It is pessimistic agreed... but I think it is, unfortunately, likely.
  7. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    Or... Pro-PT fans who will give the ST a fair chance because they love the OT just as much as anyone and are excited to see the original heroes return. Why should we try to put SW fans into a box? ;)
    StoneRiver, Lee_ and FRAGWAGON like this.
  8. Darth PJ

    Darth PJ Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2013
    I see your logic... but saying that I'm not sure how many hard case PT fans there are. You sound like me i.e. pragmatic and able to find the positives. I see what you mean about OT fans, but I think if Ep VII doesnt knock it out of the park they will be bitterly dissappointed and give up completely.
  9. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    Are we seriously debating what the critics will give the film when there haven't been any official casting/plot announcements nor have there been any stills? Really guys?
    StoneRiver and Dra--- like this.
  10. Darth Claire

    Darth Claire Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2012
    Oh this is NOTHING. I remember before TDKR came out, Nolanites were discussing what oscars the film would win before they even shot the first scene.

    DARTH_BELO Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 25, 2003
    I believe that as a movie in its own right, episode VII will be rated well-probably in the 80s somewhere is my guess...but that will not be the representation of hard-core fans reactions. All of us here have much higher expectations for this sequel trilogy. and you know what happens with such expectations once the episode comes out!!

    This could be the ultimate fan-hated, but public-loved Star Wars film!

    Personally, I think it will be great!! a lot of the blockbuster movies are being done very well these days. it seems they have figured out what makes a great movie now, and are cutting back on the cheese that was all too obvious in previous years...I am just Concerned about the movies not fitting well visually with the Saga as a whole... Not "feeling like Star Wars", as it were...

    We will see, I guess!
  12. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    I'm pretty sure it'll be rated -578% Fahrenheit.
  13. ScorpionJedi

    ScorpionJedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 19, 2013
    I for one want it to be a trilogy both fans from all walks and general audiences can both eat up and enjoy. I hope J.J. learns from Star Trek and does not cater the films for the general public and audiences and leave fans on the side walk. Speaking from the perspective from someone who likes the EU, the only way I see EU fans warm up to the sequel trilogy is if Lucasfilm/Dark Horse/whoever writes Star Wars fiction ends the current post-ROTJ EU somehow by ending all character arcs are finished and everything is reset. I'll be mighty ticked off if they abruptly end everything without proper closure or that they continue to write stories about book characters concurrently with this new trilogy or even worse Lucasfilm/the higher-up powers mishandle the categorization of the EU.

    Anyways, as for my predicted reception of the movies, I think in this current day & age of youtube movie critics a lot of people will be turning to freelance people like SchmoesKnow, JeremyJahns etc for general ideas of how good the new movies would be, not so much people who work for newspapers and big corporations who contribute to RT(ie people who sold out). I've lost faith in Rotten Tomatoes a long time ago the minute they gave Sharknado(an Asylum movie) 90%. If those freelance youtube critics like it, then I see a good future. As for my predicted reception, I'll just be too happy to be alive in a time where good Star Wars movies as well as tentpole films from studios like Marvel(Avengers 2) and DC(Superman/Batman) are all co-existing! :D I've been dreaming of an age like this since I was a kid.
  14. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    As it stands for me the NJO is the continuation of the saga, regardless of what came after. I do hope a trilogy or something is written to wrap-up the post NJO timeline but am not holding my breath. Especially after Crucible. I will try to give the ST a chance as the continuation of the Saga but the NJO wins out for the moment.
    ScorpionJedi likes this.
  15. Seagoat

    Seagoat Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 25, 2013
    Now what about saga fans like me or many others on the board? The ones who love not the PT or the OT, but just the Star Wars saga? I'm going in with practically no expectations, and I feel that's the optimal way to go about this ^_^
  16. JediKnightOB1

    JediKnightOB1 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 26, 2003
    Some are going to hate it. Those who grew up seeing the Original Trilogy are going to probably like seeing the original cast, but probably hate the plot...
    The ones who grew up watching the "Anakin Era" are probably going to have a love of hate opinion. And those who are watching for the first time are probably going to love it.
  17. ezekiel22x

    ezekiel22x Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2002
    Similar reception to the latest Trek movies. General audiences will say "oh what fun!", while more-than-casual fans will have the full range of opinions. And through it all, I'll go ahead and bet that the Episode VII cast/crew will be able to handle criticism in a more adult manner than some of those responsible for Into Darkness.
    Vthuil likes this.
  18. TheMDOSS1313

    TheMDOSS1313 Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 8, 2013
    I think it will be like the prequels. Younger gens will love it because it's what they grew up with and older fans will bash it with a minority(?) who enjoy it.
    It's the cycle of this sorta thing.
    El Jedi Colombiano likes this.
  19. El Jedi Colombiano

    El Jedi Colombiano Chosen One star 6

    Jun 24, 2013
    I think it's going to have a similar reception to the PT. In all honesty, I could not care less what Rotten Tomatoes, (or the haters) think about the films, because to me, all six Star Wars films will always be special. That's all that really matters, the rest is bull.
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  20. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    It's difficult to determine exactly what the reception will be. I'd imagine, at the very least, that there will be food, socializing and possibly a band.
    Darth Chiznuk and SuperPersch like this.
  21. Hardware

    Hardware Jedi Youngling

    Aug 27, 2013
    As the saying goes. You can please some of the people some of the time. But you cant please all the people all the time.
  22. JediKnightOB1

    JediKnightOB1 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 26, 2003
    I predict that people will needlessly camp out for months on end waiting in tents, not bathing and having poor dental hygiene. Just a hunch. [face_batting]
  23. Dra---

    Dra--- Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 30, 2012
    The magic of the OT will be recaptured, as well as the spectacle of the PT.
    Nenim Chela likes this.
  24. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    I suspect, but am not positive, that it's going to be something like this. General public will love it, hardcore fans will be all over the place - although I think the dynamics will be a little different from Abramsverse Trek because of the existing factions within the fandom.

    FRAGWAGON Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    The narrative is already in place, and the predictable outlets will follow it exactly line by line.
    Dasan and Jedi Comedian like this.
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