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Challenge April is WIP Month! (Finish WIPs, Get Prizes!)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Findswoman , Mar 23, 2021.

  1. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hey, everybody!
    (Previous WIP months: WIPuary, February 2020 | June 2020)

    So, what is it?
    A challenge for finishing (or at least making progress on) WIPs, of course! The concept is adapted from the WIPtober challenge hosted each October by Participants commit to getting a certain amount done on their WIPs, report regularly on their progress, and then share their completed work at the end of the month so we all can enjoy it! Plus, in JCF's WIP Months, you can also support your fellow writers by committing to review a certain number of the WIPs being worked on. And you get rewarded for either!

    Our past two WIP Months have offered writers either a finishing option (commit to finishing works) or a word-count option (commit to writing a certain word count on works, going in multiples of 1000). However, in response to some of the very thoughtful and helpful feedback I got last time, I've decided to try something a little different this time around. Writers will be able to choose any combination of small goals, medium goals, and/or large goals from the list below, depending on what they feel they can manage.

    Small Goals
    100: Write 100 words on a given WIP.
    300: Write 300 words on a given WIP.
    500: Write 500 words on a given WIP.
    Scene: Finish a certain scene in a given WIP.

    Medium Goals
    1000: Write 1000 words on a given WIP.
    2000: Write 2000 words on a given WIP.
    Finish Chapter: Finish a chapter, post, or other major section's worth of writing in a given WIP.
    Finish One-Shot: Finish a given single-chapter WIP.

    Large Goals
    5000+: Write 5000 or more words on a given WIP.
    Finish Multiple One-Shots: Finish more than one single-chapter WIP.
    Finish Multi: Finish a given multichapter WIP!

    Sounds good... how do I take part?
    Easy-peasy! First, post in this thread before 11:59 pm (23:59) PST on March 31 specifying which small, medium, or large goals you choose to take on for WIP Month. You may choose any number of goals, and they can be from more than one of the size categories! For example...
    • Writer1 chooses a Scene in order to finish the cantina scene of "Story1." They also take a 200 for "Story2."
    • Writer2 opts for a 100 on "Tale1," another 100 on "Tale2," and a Finish One-Shot on "Tale3."
    • Writer3 takes a Chapter to finish chapter 10 of "Epic1" and a Finish Multi on "Epic2."
    • And Writer4 goes with a 300 on “Triple-Drabble-O-Rama."
    I’ll add the relevant to the challenge index below. After that, it’s kind of like a word race: you can report on your progress throughout the month, and I’ll update the challenge index with that information accordingly. As you go, you may share links to the works or chapters of works you finish. Links of works whose goals have been achieved will be shown in bold in the index.

    How do I take part as a reviewer?
    That's easy-peasy, too. Simply post in this thread before March 31 specifying how many of your fellow participants' WIP stories you commit to reviewing during the month of April. (You don't need to specify which specific WIPs, just a number.) I'll add you to the reviewers’ portion of the challenge index. Then, when you post one of your reviews, share the link in this thread, and I’ll record it in the list.

    (Please note: your review has to be on one of the stories from the writers’ challenge index for it to count. Also, you’re committing to reviewing a certain number of individual stories, not to writing a certain number of reviews. Reviewing different chapters of the same story doesn’t count.)

    Are there prizes?
    Yes, most definitely! They are, of course, different depending on which type of goal you take on.
    • For each small or medium goal you achieve, the relevant story will be promoted in a special edition of the Reader’s Choice thread at the beginning of May 2021, in celebration of the wonderful work that I know will be done during this WIP Month! :D
    • For each large goal you achieve, you will receive 72 hours of colors! (Thank you mods for allowing this once again!)
    • If you participate as a reviewer, you will receive 24 hours of colors for every five (5) reviews you write.

    Please Note:
    1. The deadline for signing up, for both writers and reviewers, is March 31. (So you have a little over a week from the posting of this OP.)
    2. Any member of JCF may sign up, but please don’t sign up both yourself and a sock. Honor system, and all that.
    3. You may sign up as a writer, a reviewer, or both.
    4. Those signing up as writers may sign up for any number of goals, of any type. (E.g., “I commit to writing 300 words on ‘Meet Padawan McGillicuddy,’ writing 500 on ‘Padawan McGilicuddy’s Bad Day,’” and finishing “Padawan McGillicuddy’s Epic Multichapter Adventure.”)
    5. This challenge only counts work done on WIPs during the month of April. Again, honor system.
    6. MOOIE, MOOIE IMPORTANT: If you are participating as a writer, whichever goals you choose, you may NOT add WIPs to the challenge index after March 31. (This is to encourage people to stick with the stories they commit to at the beginning of the challenge. It kind of defeats the purpose if people can just add whatever extra plot bunnies happen to pop into their minds during the month of April.)
    7. The maximum amount of colors anyone can win is one week’s worth, whether you are signed up as a writer, a reviewer, or both.
    8. If you end up not being able to keep your full commitment for any reason at all, don’t worry! Just do what you can, because you can still win and be recognized—and have a good time while you’re at it, which is the main thing! :)
    9. Any further questions, feel free to ask right here in the thread!

    Now good luck, and may the WIPs be with you!
    Index of Participants
    • Medium: Finish and post Chapter 18 of Enter the Foreign
    • Medium: Finish unnamed one-shot response to the Lore Olympus Quote Roulette (Mini-Games): 7000+
    • Medium: Finish unnamed one-shot response to the Latin Quote Roulette (Mini-Games)
    • Large: 5000+ words on Enter the Foreign: 1936
    • Large/Medium: Finish unnamed response to the Much Ado About Nothing & Wistful Piano Mini-Games challenges: In Dreams We Dwell
    • Large: Finish multiple one-shots: two or more unnamed WIPs in response to Mini-Games prompts (the Latin, Much Ado About Nothing, and Lore Olympus quote roulettes, as well as the Wistful Piano challenge)
    • Large: 5000 on Destiny Lies (upgraded from smaller goals that were achieved)
    • Small: 500 on Something Wicked
    • Medium: 1000 on USJS
    • √Medium: 1000 on Latin Challenge story: Hollow
    • Medium: 2000 on unpublished Kit/Namia Fic (How It Ends)
    • √Medium: Finish one chapter of Paramour 54
    • √Large: Finish multiple chapters of Snips and Snails: 2 chapters done (4453)
    Raissa Baiard
    • Small: 100 on Happier
    • Medium: 1000 on Temple Tang (college AU)
    • Medium: 2000 on Bucephalus
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    I commit as a reviewer: 10.
  3. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    I have a question! Can you have multiple goals that pertain to the same story, (e.g., 5000+ words for "Epic1" and finish a chapter of "Epic1",) or do you have to pick just one goal for each WIP?
  4. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Yes, it's totally fine for multiple goals to pertain to the same story! The only restriction I would make in this area is that a person may not have more than one large goal connected with the same story. (For example, both 5000+ for Epic1 and Finish Multi for Epic1--though more than one large goal connected with different stories is OK, so you could do 5000+ on Epic1 and Finish Multi for Epic2). But your example scenario is a medium goal and a large goal, so that's just fine.

    And @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha , I've got you in my index! Yay! :D
  5. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Oh, yay, we are doing WIP month again with some exciting new changes to spice things up a bit![face_dancing]


    WIP month is always good for my motivation. Going with my usual "shoot for the moon and even if I miss, I'll still land among the stars" mentality, I'll lay out the following goals for myself.

    Small Goal:
    -500 words on Adrift in an Ocean of Love

    Medium Goals:
    -Finish a chapter on Cold Harvest
    -1000 words on The Ground Quakes and Trembles

    Large Goals:
    -5000 words on Everywhere Peace, Everywhere Serenity
    -Finish An Awkward Addition to the Family
    -Finish two or more as yet unnamed oneshots

    Review Goal:
    -5 reviews

    So I think this just shows that I take on too many projects at once. Now let's see if I can actually finish any of them:p
  6. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    Sweet, thanks @Findswoman :D

    Guess I'd better do what I do best and set a whole bunch of goals that I'm unlikely to achieve! ;)

    Medium Goals:
    1. Finish & post Chapter 18 of Enter the Foreign
    2. Finish unnamed one-shot response to the Lore Olympus Quote Roulette (Mini-Games)
    3. Finish unnamed one-shot response to the Latin Quote Roulette (Mini-Games)

    Large Goals:
    1. 5,000+ words for Enter the Foreign
    2. Finish multiple one-shots: two unnamed WIPs in response to the Latin and Lore Olympus quote roulette

    Large/Medium Goal:
    1. Finish unnamed response to the Much Ado About Nothing & Wistful Piano Mini-Games challenges

    Edited for changes mentioned below
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  7. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
  8. Bel505

    Bel505 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2006
    Oh... would it be cheating to claim Interregnum for this when other than final edits the story is already done? I'd just have to post one chapter early to get it done by the end of April...
  9. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021
  10. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Me, WIPs, what WIPs? :p [face_laugh] [face_blush]

    As always, I can't say enough for how much I appreciate and enjoy this thread every time it comes around! Thank-you so much for hosting WIP Month again, @Findswoman. You are a true gem amongst gems :D [face_dancing] [:D]

    I am going to roll up my sleeves and try to be ambitious. What was that @devilinthedetails said about landing amongst the stars? ;) [face_love] My goals are all for the large category:

    5000+: Write 5,000 or more words on Now You're a Home, and This Soft Season Will Come. (I had to pick just one NSWFF bunny to resurrect, and this one won the coin toss. :p)

    Finish Multiple One-Shots
    : Finish as of yet untitled Indiana Jones and Much Ado About Nothing mini-challenge one-shots.

    Finish Multi
    : Finish So Few Things.

    I would also like to sign up for 10 reviews. [face_love]

    All right, then! The gauntlet is thrown, April. Game on. [face_mischief] [face_dancing]
  11. Starith

    Starith Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 5, 2020
    I'll play it safe for now and go with a Small Goal of 500 words for Destiny Lies.
  12. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Luckily I just finished all my marking and reporting for the term, which means three glorious weeks of doing what I want for myself - which means writing!

    Small Goals
    : Write 500 words on Something Wicked

    Medium Goals
    : Write 1000 words on a given USJS.
    2000: Write 2000 words on a unpublished Kit/Namia Fic (How It Ends) .
    Finish One-Shot: Finish a given single-chapter of Paramour 54. (This means that story will actually, finally be finished!)
    1000: Write 1000 words on a the Latin Challenge from the mini-challenges

    Large Goals
    Finish Multiple One-Shots
    : Finish more than one single-chapter of Snips and Snails.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  13. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    All righty! Index updated--I think that should be everyone! So great to see so many folks ponying up. [face_dancing]

    I've joined in, too, with a Reviewer commitment of 10 reviews and a Large goal of finishing the story I began for the OTP challenge (which for now is just going to be designated "the voorpak story"). Now, here is the thing: while I think it is likely to end up being multiple chapters, I don't actually know that yet--so this is what I plan to do, and am willing to do for anyone else who might be in a similar situation: if I finish it, and it turns out to be just a one-shot, I won't request colors for it--I'll just treat it as if it were a Medium win, and put it in the special Reader's Choice post. But note that that only goes for if you take the Large category to begin with! The whole "shoot for the moon, end up among the stars" thing. ;)

    And to answer your question, @Bel505 :

    That is a good question. I have no objection to your treating that as a Large: Finish Multi, though if you're concerned, you could also treat it as a Medium: Finish Chapter--that's the approach @Kit' is taking with her final chapter of Paramour 54 (see her post just above mine). Or, if Kit' would like to treat her completion of Paramour 54 as a Large: Finish Multi, she would be welcome to do that, too. Of course, since the two of you are in similar situations, it would make sense for both situations to be handled the same way--so I'll let the two of you talk it out. :D

    And, incidentally, anyone may make additions, subtractions, or adjustments of any kind to their entry/commitment before the 31st! :)
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  14. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    @Findswoman I was wondering about that as well! One of the one-shots I listed as a medium goal might actually turn out to be a multi-chapter story, but I haven't fully decided yet. Should I add that to my large goals and take it off of my medium goals for now? And then only claim it as a medium goal if it ends up being a one-shot after all?
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  15. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    I have so many to figure out what I can reasonably do on them.
  16. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Sure, you are totally welcome to change that to Large and see how it goes, and then if it turns out to be a one-shot, we can count it as Medium instead. If you let me know which one it is, I can mark it Large/Medium in your index list.

    Whatever you choose, it would be definitely wonderful to have you on board! :)
  17. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    Great! Then I'd like to add "Large: Finish unnamed multi-chapter response to the Much Ado About Nothing & Wistful Piano Mini-Games challenges" and remove the corresponding one-shot from Medium. :) (I'll also edit my original post to reflect the changes)
  18. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    All right, you got it! :)
  19. Bel505

    Bel505 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2006
    I'm not really going to be doing much new writing... Barring discovering serious issues, it should just be re-reading and correcting issues like sentence and paragraph structure, removing repeated words, and generally improving my distribution of commas.

    Small Goals
    : take another shot at fixing The Ossus Excavation and Archaeology Project

    Medium Goals
    Finish Chapter(s)
    : finish editing and post Chapters 31-36 of Interregnum. I have just written up a release schedule with one scene every two days starting April 1st and going through April 27th, and then it will be done! [face_party]
    Finish One-Shot: get my OTP Challenge #19 finished and posted before the deadline

    Large Goals
    Finish Multiple One-Shots
    : Finish writing/editing multiple (2-3) "Missing Moments" one-shots for Interregnum, to be posted April 28th-30th

    And this one is just for myself, because I won't be posting it until much more of the story is done (it'll be at least six months, probably more, before I'm ready to share it with anyone but my coauthor), but:

    5000+: Write 5000 or more words on the as-yet unnamed Interregnum II.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  20. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    @Bel505 -- to say I'm eager for the sequel would be too much of a duh thing. [face_dancing] ^:)^
  21. Bel505

    Bel505 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2006
    It's gonna be a long wait! I won't start posting it until it's at least half written, probably more! The plot is being more difficult to map cleanly than Interregnum was, and I'll definitely want the flexibility to go back and do rewrites.

    The outline is finally starting to come together though... after three months... but then Interregnum arguably took ten years, so.
  22. amidalachick

    amidalachick Reviewer Extraordinaire star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 3, 2003
    I'm so excited to see this again, and I love the new format of small/medium/large goals! Thank you so much for hosting and organizing it all @Findswoman! [face_love]

    This is just me overthinking as usual, but would completing the second chapter of a two-part story count for the "Finish Multi" goal? Personally I consider 'multi-chapter' to mean three or more chapters but I also selfishly want to try for the large goal and colors. :p
  23. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    I added the following

    1000: Write 1000 words on a the Latin Challenge from the mini-challenges to the Medium Challenges

    As for Paramour 54, I had/have grand plans of writing some of Namia's other 'conquests' (there are 54 of them after all), so I'm happy to leave it where it is.
  24. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    OK, index updated, folks! Thanks so much, and woohoo! :D

    You are so welcome, @amidalachick , great to have you on board, as always! :)

    Oh gosh, well, as I said above to @Bel505 and @Kit' , it's really up to you. It looks like they are both using Medium: Finish Chapter for such situations, though it could also depend on the situation. I know Bel505 mentioned only having small edits left to do (for example), but if in your case, you are starting the chapter from the beginning or almost from the beginning, it's a different kind of thing, and I would be glad to count that as Large: Finish Multi. Again, it's really up to you, and I'm mainly just glad to have people on board working on WIPs! :D
  25. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    All right, going with the “shoot for the moon” theory...

    Medium Goals
    Small Goals
    I know I’m not going to complete all these, but they can be, as they used to say at annual review time at the Major Insurance Company, “stretch goals”. :p