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Saga Career Exploration (with Gungans)|2023 Summer Fanfiction Olympics Decathlon

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Seldes_Katne, May 31, 2023.

  1. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Everyone should experience storytimes like this, at least once in a while. Thank you for commenting!

    I had a Gungan tell it many years back in a novella I wrote. I'll have to see if I can dig it up and re-use it somewhere.

    There apparently was a ready-made supply of 'zine pictures. Hopefully he was less irritable after that. :)

    Thank you for commenting!


    Everyone needs storytime, at least once in a while.

    An excellent question. I have an unfinished, not-for-publication piece for this decathlon where Professor Krull meets the kids, but nothing with Professor Harch. I might have to rectify that.... [face_thinking]

    I must confess, this was one of my favorite bits of this whole story. Seriously, what's wrong with the place that they don't have storytimes?

    Thank you. I think this and my upcoming AU Archery event are my favorites of the lot. I'm glad people like these stories. Thank you for commenting! I always enjoy your posts.

    Thank you. Vestri has an interesting group of children, that's for sure.

    Oh, that would be amusing. I wonder if something like that could work in reverse in the future, where Reezel goes all-out-lawyering for fun. It would certainly surprise her siblings, who sometimes wish she’d lighten up a little. (Reezel tends to be quite serious about everything. It’s hard being the oldest, sometimes.)

    Well, I’m wondering how many people in the greater galaxy know what a Gungan is, or have ever seen one, as the Gungans have mostly been confined to Naboo for most of their history. So perhaps it was just a clarification?

    Yes, that’s the saying, as in “You see that guy? Don’t be that guy.”

    I’m curious as to whether Reezel stays in contact with R-128 or reconnects with him/it in the future. (I honestly don’t know at this point.)

    The clapping sequence is based on storytime at my library, where we have a rhyme with hand gestures (and some clapping) so everyone knows it's time to settle down and get ready for stories. Also, the five-clap sequence really is a good way to get people's attention, no matter their age.

    I guess we never know what's really going on with people. Maybe Assistant Director Vickle just need some play time.

    Thank you. And thank you for commenting!

    I’m not sure it’s possible for the world to have too many librarians….

    The story of the peko-peko was actually told in a novella I wrote years ago. I’ll have to track the other two stories down.

    Really, who among us hasn’t done this?

    Thank you! Glad you’re enjoying them. There’s more to come.

    The next installment, which is an ensemble piece featuring the entire Fel-Dain family, will be up tomorrow.
  2. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    "Think of the Children," Part 4
    Rugby 7's: Write a story of 7x 7 sentences.

    Draff is actually the second child we adopted, between Reezel and Gritsi, and he’s often the outlier, no matter who he’s around. He’s always been fascinated by science and engineering, and we have to watch carefully to make certain he hasn’t taken apart some vital component of someone’s toy, or vehicle, or, on one supremely memorable occasion, a house maintenance system. (Don’t ask. Just… don’t.) Draff is a bright kid, but he’s also rather impatient with anyone who isn’t a scientist or engineer, or can’t quickly understand whatever topic he’s talking about at any given time. This makes him seem arrogant and stand-offish. I think he genuinely cares about people in his own way, and he isn’t deliberately trying to harm anyone, but he sometimes doesn’t interact well with those around him.

    • Beginning with this story, we’re jumping ahead about 4 years.
    • Among themselves, Gungans speak their own language (High Gungan), which is here translated into standard American English.

    Chance Meeting
    Prime Time Coverage: Minimum 500 words of action, adventure, or excitement with your chosen character, friendship, family or couple as the star.

    Draff studied the holo-image and considered, not for the first time, whether it would be worth taking the little emitter apart to see how it worked. The technology differed from anything his people had developed and –

    Movement to his right derailed his train of thought. A small Gungan, dressed in a worn leather coverall, darted into a storage area packed with containers waiting for the afternoon shuttle. A few moments later, three larger Gungans ran up and stood looking around.

    “Hey! You! Did you see a little kid come this way?”

    Draff considered a moment. Finally, he answered, “No. No kids here.”

    The tallest of the three hissed at him; he and his companions began looking through the containers.

    Draff’s Clan Mother was due back from her job on Sanbra, and the entire family was waiting for the afternoon shuttle from shore to Otoh Dinistallis to dock. Draff had wandered away from the crowd into the baggage/storage area of the terminal. The area butted up against the dome’s bubble wall; scaffolding surrounded one part of the area, which apparently was being expanded.

    Something squeaked among the containers – the small Gungan Draff had seen earlier scuttled out from his hiding place and made a break for the terminal. One of the three larger Gungans grabbed him and picked him up.

    “You are in so much trouble!” crowed the leader, who then rounded on Draff. “And you -- you lied to us!”

    “Not really. Since the word ‘kid’ could refer to a calf of any number of herd animals, and since there are obviously no herd animals present –”

    The largest Gungan teen punched his fist into the palm of his other hand. “I’m gonna pound you!”

    Draff scrambled to his feet, snapping off the emitter and stuffing it into a pocket on his long vest. From another pocket, he pulled a small energy ball (a “boomah” in Gunganese) and stepped away from the storage containers. “Better not.”

    All three of older Gungans laughed and sneered. “You’re gonna stop all three of us with that?”

    Draff sneered back; he glanced around at his surroundings, calculated, then took aim and flung the orb.

    The biggest bully watched the ball whizz past his face and burst out laughing. “You missed!” he jeered, turning back to Draff. “I’m standing right in front of you, and you missed! That’s – “

    WHUD! The ball had bounced off the nearby bubble dome wall, picked up speed, and slammed into the side of the bully’s head, stunning him. It then rebounded to smack the second bully in the nose; he howled and clapped both hands to his face, dropping the youngster, who bolted back into the storage area.

    “Physics!” Draff shouted. “That’s physics, you dolt!” He charged the second tormenter, who turned to flee and ran face-first into the scaffolding. Spare tools and other objects rained down on the second and third bully. “And that’s gravity!”

    The two standing opponents fled; the third finally stumbled to his feet, shook himself, looked at Draff and then past him, and staggered after his compatriots.

    “Was that some kind of science experiment, Draff?” asked his sister Gritsi and she and Reezel approached. Reezel, the oldest, had almost reached her full growth and was as tall as the three bullies; Gritsi, like their Clan Mother, openly carried a pair of fighting sticks slung on her back.

    “Nah. More like an exercise in military tactics,” Draff replied. He paused, then added, “and, yeah, maybe a science experiment.”

    “So you’re experimenting on random passersby now?” Reezel asked.

    “They were hassling some kid a lot smaller than them. I just thought I’d help out.” Draff pointed to the containers off to one side. “I think he’s still hiding in there.”

    Reezel and Gritsi exchanged glances. “Mom’s shuttle has docked, and Dad sent us to find you,” Reezel said. “Let’s make sure the kid’s okay before we go meet them.”

    Gritsi nodded and padded among the containers. “Hello? Are you there? Those three bullies are gone. It’s safe to come out now.”

    Finally, a small Gungan face peered out from behind a large container. “Are you sure?”

    “Yes. Draff chased them off. Why were they picking on you?” asked Gritsi.

    The smaller Gungan stood shivering for a moment, then answered, “Because I’m weird.”

    “‘Weird’ how?”

    “I hear voices. And sometimes I see things or people who aren’t really there.”

    Gritsi’s face lit up. “Oh! Maybe the gods are talking to you!”

    “There’s no such thing as gods,” Draff muttered.

    “Draff!” chorused Reezel and Gritsi. The latter looked up at the bubble ceiling. “He didn’t mean that!” she called.

    Draff rolled his eyes. “Of course I meant it. If the gods exist, they’d know that. If they don’t, it doesn’t matter.”

    Reezel shook her head. “Let’s get moving. Mom will be disembarking, and we need to meet her and Dad.” She glanced at the Gungan child. “What’s your name?”

    The child shrank into himself a little. “Zodath.”

    “Is your family around?”

    Zodath shook his head. “I don’t have a family. I ran away.”

    All three young Gungans eyed Zodath solemnly; running away was a serious business – family was important. Finally, Reezel said, “Come with us while we meet our parents. You can probably stay with us for a few days while we sort this out. Come on.” She led the way toward the shuttle terminal. “I’m Reezel, and this is Gritsi and Draff.”

    “If you really consider yourself weird, you’ll fit right in with us,” Draff said. “My family is the living, breathing example of weird. For starters, our parents come from two completely different species.”

    “Dad is one of the People,” Gritsi explained. “Mom is a Naaboo.”

    Draff continued, “My older sister memorizes rules for fun.”

    “I’m apprenticing with the Speakers of Law,” Reezel explained. “So of course there’s a lot of memorization.”

    “My younger sister collects languages.”

    “I can read and understand four,” Gritsi stated proudly. “Soon to be five – Trognu said she’d start teaching me Gamorrean the next time we visit Mom on Sanbra.”

    Before anyone could explain anything further, Zodath halted. “Oh, no.” Three Gungans were pushing through the crowd – two were the bullies Draff had chased off, and the third was an adult male. Zodath shrank back against Reezel. “They found me.”

    Reezel drew herself up to full height. “Draff, find Mom and Dad,” she ordered. Draff darted away toward the crowd. Turning her attention to the three newcomers, Reezel asked, “Who are you, and what do you want?”

    “I’m here for him,” the adult male stated, pointing at Zodath. “We’ve been looking for you. I am going to tan your hide -- you get yourself back home right now.”

    Reezel stepped in front of Zodath. “If he ran away from you, there’s clearly something wrong in your family.”

    The big male strode up to Reezel and looked down at her. “This is none of your business, girl. I’m his Clan Father and I’m telling him to get home now!” Zodath flinched, but before he could move, Gritsi unslung her fighting sticks and stepped beside Reezel.

    Reezel arched her neck, spreading her haillu to make herself look bigger. “I am Reezel Fel-Dain, Speaker of Law! By law and by custom, it is required that all adults care for whatever children they encounter. It is clear that you have abused this child, and for that you shall answer to – “

    The male slapped her across the face. “Don’t you lecture me, you—“ He howled in pain as Gritsi swung both her fighting sticks like a baseball bat into the side of his knee. Reezel straightened and slammed the heel of her hand into his chin.

    All Gungans over a certain age received regular military and defense training, as all adults where considered part of the Gungan militia, expected to serve in times of natural disasters or other need. Reezel had no weapons, but was far from helpless.

    “Gritsi, protect Zodath!” Gritsi backed up, rapped one stick against the other, and took up a defensive stance. Zodath crouched behind her, arms shielding his head.

    Reezel and her attacker traded blows – male and female Gungans were typically the same size and strength; Reezel slapped aside punches, directing her own punches at eyes and knees. One of the other Gungans approached Gritsi carefully; she bared her teeth and began tapping her sticks rhythmically. The third Gungan seemed unsure about whether to back up the adult male, or his other companion.

    Someone uttered a piercing whistle; the adult male turned, and a thrown fighting stick struck him squarely in the face. Vestri Dain-Fel charged him, her other stick in hand, and backhanded him across the muzzle. “You don’t touch my children, you – “and she launched into a stream of Ugnaught curses as she and Reezel pummeled him from two sides. Vestri had received the same training as the Gungans did, and despite being smaller and less muscular than her opponent, she had the advantage of knowing Gungan anatomy and several off-world fighting techniques.

    “You might want to sit the rest of this one out,” Adrick Fel suggested to the undecided third Gungan. Draff hissed at him, sprinting past to kick the second fellow in the back of the knees, giving Gritsi the opening to smack him between the eyes. The bully retreated.

    By the time security arrived, the adult male was on the ground, with Vestri pointing both sticks at his face, and the two younger bullies sitting subdued, with Reezel, Gritsi, Draff and Adrick around them.

    <<This was quite the ‘welcome home’ party,>> Vestri remarked in Basic as she surrendered her fighting sticks to security. Gritsi did the same. The three bullies were wrestled to their feet and led away. <<But it looks like you did a good thing here.>> She nodded at Zodath. <<Let’s go get this straightened out and then, with luck, find my luggage.>>


    Four days later, a small procession walked into the center of the city’s main gathering place – the Speaker of Law, accompanied by the local constabulary. Reezel stood beside him, clad in formal leathers. She handed him the muudabok horn and a fish-skin scroll. The Speaker of Law put the horn to his lips and blew three blasts. Once the sound died away, he intoned, “I am Tal Jar Shi, Speaker of Law. Hear me, dwellers of Otoh Dinistallis! By law and by custom, it is required that all adults care for whatever children they encounter, to the best of their abilities. Any adult failing this will answer to a tribunal of elders.

    “Any child so neglected may be taken in by another family. I hereby announce the intention of the Fel-Dain family, of Muudabok Clan, to adopt the child known as Zodath, currently of no clan. Any who wish to contest this adoption are required to appear in the main dome’s Circle of Law in three days’ time. Let all heed my words!”

    “Given the beating the last ‘objecting’ bunch got, I’m guessing there won’t be any takers,” Draff muttered to Gritsi as their family watched the proceedings from the sidelines.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Draff and those bullies Great action and helping Zodath. The kid has now a new and nice family
    gizkaspice, Seldes_Katne and Kahara like this.
  4. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Great work! It was sad to see that Zodath's family abused him for being different and that he needed to run away from them, but at least he fell in with a loving group now. Good on the Fel-Dains to include Zodath in their family and care for him. I imagine that's a big change to make in their lives so quickly and unexpectedly.

    I liked seeing how the Fel-Dain children came together without question and held their own when they saw something happening that was wrong. Also, note to self: do not get between Vestri and her kids! :cool:

    I loved these lines, LOL. The gravity part was the icing on the cake. :p

    Awesome work! Looking forward to more! =D=
  5. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Impeccable logic!

    Reezel did so well here. What a fine law. =D=
  6. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    It was lovely meeting the third of the Fel-Dain children and getting a glimpse of the fourth :) I'm sure we'll get to read a lot more about Zodath in the next stories, so for now I'm just going to note that this:
    ... makes him extra interesting, and I'm very curious to see what it actually means.

    But for now, Draff! Draff who "isn’t deliberately trying to harm anyone, but he sometimes doesn’t interact well with those around him". Well, in this case he certainly and most deliberately tried to harm those three bullies, but they had it coming.
    I just loved this: for the visual of the ball bouncing around the three bullies, for Draff's mad aiming skillz and most importantly for the bit of (useless, in this situation) scientific information that he gave them.

    And I also loved how casual Reezel and Gritsi were about Draff knocking out three random dudes:
    [face_laugh] And look at Reezel and Gritsi, all grown up! (Although those mentions of dismantled items in Vestri's opening lines tell me that there are some of Draff's childhood stories that deserve to be written.)
    Hmmm. Has Draff heard of Pascal's wager, I wonder?
    Well, that was quite the introduction for Zodath. And I guess that it's true that the Fel-Dains are weird or, shall we say, unconventional, but that isn't the scary kind of weird that would make a small child run away.
    Go Reezel and Gritsi! That male had no idea who he was messing with, both verbally and physically. And it was nice to see details of your Gungan fanon at work, such as the way Gungans use their haillu, the military training all receive and most importantly the way child-rearing is handled codified into law.
    Oh Vestri, never change! But yes, why would Ugnaught curses not be appropriate to this situation? But it was great to see her go into full mother-bear mode.
    And Adrick, never change either [face_laugh] I can just imagine him, the epitome of nonchalance and phlegm, tapping the third bully on the shoulder and telling him to stay put.
    Well, I certainly hope that the horrible, no-good, very bad ex-Clan Father of little Zodath was dragged before one such tribunal by the haillu, and that they cast him into a dungeon pit from which he will never return. Meanwhile, Zodath is joining the Fel-Dain family and...
    Yeah, I don't think so either.

    I'm really liking this family. They're not just siblings, they're a team :D
  7. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Draff may be a little "rough around the edges," but he's basically a good kid. We'll see how the family and Zodath adapt to each other in the next installment. Thank you for commenting!

    We'll see how the family and Zodath adapt to each other in the next installment. I think we're about to acquire the Gungan equivalent of a dog.....

    Probably for the best. I certainly don't.

    That segment was inspired by Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, who was calling out some hip-hop artist for spreading the flat-Earth "theory." Tyson corrected him, reamed him out for misusing his fame to spread misinformation, then did a literal mic drop and walked away. It was epic!

    Thank you!

    In my fanon version of Gungan society, the Gungans are quite choosy about who is allowed to produce offspring, and one has to earn the right either by specific competition or by being very good at valued arts or sciences or by have other desirable traits. So yes, they're also particular about how children are raised.

    Thank you for commenting!

    Zodath will indeed feature prominently in the next three pieces, when we'll get some indication of what he meant by "“I hear voices. And sometimes I see things or people who aren’t really there.”

    Yes, they did. I know we're supposed to have some sympathy for bullies and at the very least get them help for the root cause of their personality disorders, but that's not really Draff's style. Maybe now that they're all in custody, the younger ones will get the help they need. Once someone's an adult and still behaving like that, however, I'm done giving them a pass.

    As I mentioned to Thumper09 above, that segment was inspired by Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, who was calling out some hip-hop artist for spreading the flat-Earth "theory." Tyson corrected him, reamed him out for misusing his fame to spread misinformation, then did a literal mic drop and walked away.

    [face_laugh]Apparently, that's just something Draff does on occasion?

    Draff actually gets a story all to himself later in this decathlon.

    Likely not, although it sounds like something Draff might debate for the fun of it. It reminds me of Klingon society in John M. Ford's Star Trek novel The Final Reflection, where the Klingons believe that life is a massive live-action war game, everyone is a piece on the board, etc. One character comments that he doesn't believe that and that life is just life and war is just war; his gaming opponent remarks that that's a popular strategy.

    Also, Draff is clearly unaware of his mother's previous meeting with a mysterious being who might or might not confirm the existence of the gods.... O:)

    At one time the military training idea was actually canon, but I'm not sure if it is anymore. I use it for my stories, regardless. But my fanon includes the idea that the Gungans are fussy about who produces children -- individuals have to earn that right, either through competition or by excelling in a desirable field (the arts, sciences, storytelling, spirituality, etc.). Partially because amphibian reproduction, at least on Earth, produces an unsustainably huge number of offspring, and partly because the Gungans really prefer that the best and brightest produce the children.

    These two are an interesting contrast -- the woman from a peace-loving society who's a fighter, and the fellow from a military culture who does his two-weeks-a-year reservist training and focuses on his arts and craftwork the rest of the time. Maybe that's why this relationship works.

    Not to be a downer, but I wonder how often these kids are hassled, about their mixed-race parentage if nothing else. Gungans are a preferred race for me, but they have all the same kinds of prejudices opinion variances as Humans do. These kids may generally band together because they kind of have to, and in this case may well have recognized a kindred spirit. Regardless, they seem to be thriving, so good on 'em!

    Thank you for commenting!

    Next installment is up tomorrow!
  8. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    "Think of the Children," Part 5
    Rugby 7's: Write a story of 7x 7 sentences.

    Adopting Zodath was a surprise, although not an unwelcome one. His situation posed several challenges: for starters, he was a nervous youngster, afraid of being shouted at or struck. In addition, I don’t think he’d ever seen a Human up close before, so getting him used to me was a project in and of itself. Thankfully, Gritsi took him under her wing, so to speak, and helped him settle in.

    Of more concern was Zodath’s claim to “hear voices and see people who weren’t there.” Most Gungans have an active spiritual life, and would readily believe the gods spoke to him, but there might be some psychological explanations as well -- and one other possibility that would have to be investigated with the utmost care. We’ve begun exploring options, in case Zodath’s “personality quirks” put him (and the rest of the family) at risk – but I sometimes wonder what future he could have had under better circumstances.

    4x100 Relay: 4x100 word drabbles of exactly 100 words each on the four types of love (affection, intimacy, friendship, and charity)
    as experienced by your character, family, friendship or couple in one post.

    Gritsi opened the storage box. “This is where we keep food. You can help yourself any time. We only eat together when Mom’s home –it’s a Naaboo custom.”


    “Stuff in here is color-coded, because Mom’s a mammal, and we’re amphibians, with different physiologies,” Gritsi continued. “Red tag is for food we can eat, but Mom can’t. Yellow tag is for food Mom can eat, but we can’t.” She grimaced. “Unless you’re Draff, trying to prove rules don’t apply to you.” At Zodath’s puzzled look, she added,” He just had to try ice cream. He was sick for three days.”


    Jeesha Rin said, “Zodath, this is Splotch.” A blarth sat, tongue lolling and tail tip thumping on the floor. “She was a therapy animal, but she’s retiring.”

    Zodath peered around Jeesha’s leg at Splotch.

    “She still needs companionship, so if you’ll agree to sit and read with her every day, that would be helpful.”

    “I can’t read good,” Zodath whispered. He carefully approached Splotch.

    “She won’t care. She just wants some company. Will you do that?”

    Zodath patted Splotch. “Okay.”

    When Adrick came to pick Zodath up, he found youngster and blarth reading together, Sploch’s tail wrapped around Zodath’s waist.


    “Daaaaad!” exclaimed Vestri, hugging her father. “Welcome back!”

    Parlin Dain released his daughter and turned to his son-in-law, hand out to shake. “Daaaaad!” repeated Adrick, also hugging him.

    “Adrick, I need to breathe,” Parlin gasped finally. Adrick released him.

    Vestri led the way across the bubble dome. “Glad you could make it. We’ll be teaching languages and storytelling at the communal school this month. And while you’re here, I want to get some family holopics. You can meet Zodath…”

    Adrick draped one arm over Vestri’s shoulders and the other over Parlin’s and squeezed.

    “Hey! I need to breathe too, Adrick!”


    Parlin Dain’s holopics of the Fel-Dain family revealed:

    Reezel in her formal Speaker of Law apprentice robes, Draff with his multi-pocket lab coat and latest incomprehensible science project, Gritsi with an armload of holobooks (fighting sticks propped on her shoulder), Zodath (smiling!) flanked by Splotch (blarth) and Shimmer (otta), Adrick holding his crafting tools and latest creation, and Vestri with one of her journals.

    “Our children are the best children,” Vestri remarked fondly.

    <<That’s because their parents are the best parents,>> Adrick said. He uttered a derisive sound. <<And that for those who said we couldn’t make this family work.>>

    Behold the lovely blarth (pretty much what you’d expect for a Gungan version of a dog)


    Parental Discretion Advised
    Tennis Match: Write a story of 100 or more words that is dialogue-only to create a true volley of words.

    “Adrick, I’m concerned about Zodath. I think we need to make some decisions.”

    <<You suddenly don’t want him in our family?>>

    “Of course I do. I’m just concerned about this apparent ability of his to see and hear things no one else can. I think he may be Force-sensitive.”

    <<You mean like the Zhedi who came here during the invasion?>>

    “Exactly. And under other circumstances, I’d be contacting the nearest Jedi outpost or temple to have someone come and test him, or at least give us some guidance.”

    <<But the Zhedi are all gone.>>

    “For all intents and purposes, yes. It’s dangerous to even talk about them these days. There’s a nasty rumor on the Sanbra campus that some ‘Very Bad People’ are looking for Force-sensitives, whether to kill them or recruit them, I don’t know.”

    <<Do you think he will be safe here? Otoh Dinistallis doesn’t cater to tsourists the way Otoh Gunga does. The few visitors we have come here for wildlife viewing and wilderness camping, and most of them stay outside the city.>>

    “I think this is going to be the safest place for him, at least for now. Isolation may turn out to be our best defense.”

    <<We should contact the local Shrine Keeper. Priests often see and hear things no one else does.>>

    “I agree that’s our best bet right now. A Shrine Keeper might be able to help Zodath learn to control this ability, or even get rid of it altogether if he wants to.”

    <<Or turn it to a greater purpose. He might become a great spiritual leader in time.>>

    “Or a poet, storyteller, musician, or artist of some sort. That would be great. But first, we need to help him deal with this ability of his. Do you want to contact the local Shrine Keeper, or should I?

    <<I will do that. In the meantime, you should talk to Jeesha Rin, one of the Clan adults doing the group child care and teaching now. She trains various animals, and sometimes uses them for therapy. Gritsi and I both like her. We want you to meet her and see if you think Zodath would benefit from her work. And if perhaps we should add another adult to our family.>>
  9. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Behind on reading but back now!

    I've always been curious about Gungan scientists and engineers so super happy Draff is on that path already.

    Gungan teen bullies is totally not something I expected given that (at least according to the Wook) that Gungans are generally a peaceful and nature loving species, but I like this addition because, in any species, there are going to be exceptions and conflicts (that's totally expected in social animal communities) just like in humans.

    As someone who loves science, I agree :p

    I just love this line--the whole situation is relatable to a human audience, but it's also alien how the characters response given their respectful anatomy!

    Go Vestri! You show'em who's boss :D

    [face_laugh] Now I want to learn more about Gungan diets and human food.

    Animals are such healers---so happy to see Sploch and poor Zodath bonding.

    LOL. The image of this is absolutely hilarious and I wish this was animated of Adrick just hugging his father-in-law :p

    I had to quote the whole thing because this is the most unique take on "intimacy" I have ever seen without the typical mushy stuff. And what a beautiful family picture with all their Gungan kids and their great accomplishments with the addition of the family pets.

    I can't get over this title--how appropriate [face_rofl]

    I am looking forward to learning more about this potential talent of Zodath's--it would be cool to have a Force sensitive Gungan!
  10. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    love the differences between the Gungan and human in this family and pet.
    Intimacy: the whole family hugging. Sweet
    The discussion about Zodath. Keep him safe!
    Kahara and Seldes_Katne like this.
  11. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Well done, engineering a bonding experience with one who sorely needs one, well they both do.[face_good_luck]

    :-B:-BExcellent setting of the era here ... plus, [face_bleh] to VBP.
  12. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Catching up with the Fel-Dain's latest shenanigans...

    I was wonderful seeing little Zodath setting in through the four drabbles in Adjustments. I can't say I was surprised he turned out to be best friends with Gritsi – she just has it in her – nor was I surprised that Draff would try the ice cream to see what it would do to him.
    This was a perfect awwww moment, but I have to wonder, between this relationship with the blarth and the otta that is mentioned later, as well as Zodath's implied Force-sensitivity, if he's a beastwarden of some sort, which would fit very well with the idea of a Gungan Jedi.

    And we finally got to meet Vestri's father in the flesh! It seems that Adrik has something of a Jar-Jar streak to him, if he hugs people and half-strangles them in the process.

    I absolutely loved your take on the "intimacy" prompt, with Parlin Dain's holos of the Fel-Dains revealing them in the intimacy of their household, each one wielding the symbols that make his or her identity, a little like Athena with her aegis or Zeus with the lightning.

    Meanwhile, in Parental Discretion Advised, we got a look at the anxious parents wondering how to handle their new child's special abilities, and between the mention of "the Zhedi who came here during the invasion" and the "nasty rumor on the Sanbra campus that some ‘Very Bad People’ are looking for Force-sensitives", we're fully reconnected to the wider SW universe now. Another aspect of that was of course the idea that Gungan cities are hidden, although I loved the idea that Otoh Gunga now has tsourists :p which makes sense, since it probably became famous after the events of TPM.

    Given the way you have expanded on Gungan spirituality throughout your stories, I fully expect that we'll get to see the Shrine Keeper at work, or, at the very least, the impact of their lessons. However, this:
    ... is what intrigued me most. Is it a hook for the next story?
  13. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    I think a lot of us are behind on reading. (I certainly am!) There's just so much good stuff being posted right now!

    Draff gets his very own "science guy" story in a couple of weeks, when he's applying to Theed University.

    True. Any race that can choose between doing good and doing evil will likely have a variety of personality types and behaviors among its members. Also, Adrick comments that Zodath may become a Shrine Keeper someday, which is one of the mostly highly respected callings in Gungan society. It's quite possible that Zodath's ex-Clan Father suspected the same thing, and wanted to maintain some kind of influence over the son in the future. (Dude, seriously, that's not how this works. Like, at all.)

    Vestri frequently reminds her students that biology plays a huge roll in how culture is expressed. Many races have the same needs and kinds of relationships, but how they display them can diverge widely.

    Briefly, since Gungans are amphibians and don't nurse their young, they would likely have no way to digest milk products and might actually be lactose-intolerant -- in Draff's case, painfully so. On the flip side, Gungans appear to eat all their food raw, which is not always healthy for humans. Hence the color-coding.

    What can I say? Adrick likes people. And these are family members.

    If you're looking at "intimacy" as people (or otherwise) who know you best and vice versa, I guess this fits. To be honest, the mushy stuff puzzles me, so I tend to go with emotional closeness on different levels. People seem to like it.

    The next installment might just work for you, then. ;)

    Thank you for commenting!

    Yes, family does matter. I don't know if you're familiar with the Garfield the Cat comics, but at one point, he comments that, "Home is where they feed you!" Among other things, of course.

    Thank you for commenting!

    Thank you. I'm going to add a paragraph to my author's note/link list after this story, but: I work in a public library, and we have a group of folks in the area who keep therapy dogs. The dogs are specially trained and have to be certified, etc. They make the rounds of the libraries, and have evenings were children can actually come and read to dogs -- which sounds silly, but the kids get the reading practice, the dogs get the attention, and everyone goes away happier. The dogs also go to senior centers and nursing homes (where possible) and various other places to spread the love.

    Thank you! :D As much as we're involved with Vestri's family for this Olympic event, there are things going on in the wider galaxy, and people have good reason to be wary. The next installment will offer a look at an alternative version of the galaxy, but the rest of this thread will continue the family focus.

    Thank you for commenting!

    The thought had occurred to me as well. The next installment, coming up Wednesday, explores some of the Jedi potential.

    The idea of a beastwarden has been growing on me, although Zodath is unlikely to get any kind of Jedi teaching (in this universe, at least), but he does seem to be developing an affinity with working with animals. I have a nebulous story idea featuring Marta (Anthon Suval's older daughter), joining the residents of an Ithorian herdship and doing environmental reclamation during the early years of the New Republic, restoring habitat on worlds damaged by the Empire. Zodath might well fit in there, as he will be old enough to leave home and travel. (This all depends on how much time, energy and imagination I can muster. We'll see....)

    What can I say? Adrick likes people. And he's known Vestri's father as long as he's known Vestri (they met during the Trade Federation invasion and kept in touch afterwards).

    I have to confess that I generally avoid this particular prompt, as the "Intimacy" section is... puzzling. However, I guess emotional intimacy counts, and who knows you better than your loving family? So, thank you -- I'm glad you liked this one.

    I think it was Captain Tarpals (who appeared in TPM and a couple of Clone Wars episodes) who first used the word "tsourists." It's kind of based on the word "tsuris," which of course is Yiddish for "trouble, distress and aggravation." Which I'm sure was an accurate description of "tourists" for him, since he was responsible for keeping the peace, despite all of these (effectively clueless) off-worlders. The idea that Otoh Gunga is open to tourists is now listed as a "Legends" fact on Wookieepedia, but I don't see why it couldn't be canon -- I'd certainly want to visit! :cool:

    At some point, possibly -- the effect of the lessons will be mentioned later, without a lot of detail.

    Not the next story, but it does come up again in passing later on. Gungans are allowed multiple spouses, as long as all the adults in the family agree, and why wouldn't Vestri agree? The members of her family who have met Jeesha Rin like her, she's a responsible member of society, and it wouldn't hurt to have another adult around the house.

    Thank you for reading and commenting!
  14. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Note: Because this takes place in an Alternate Universe, there will be no "Mom Commentary" ("Mom-Comm?") this week.

    As It Might Have Been

    AU Archery: A story of at least 100 words set in an alternate universe with your character, family, friendship, or couple.

    The scene before his mind’s eye faded. Zodath uttered a huff of surprise and blinked at the abrupt change of location. His fellow Jedi Knight stirred beside him and opened her eyes as well.

    “You’ve had the vision again?” asked Shirer Wiamga, his former Master and now colleague. “If it has disturbed you, we can do a warm-water meditation instead.”

    “I’ve had a vision,” Zodath replied. “It’s not the same as most of the others.” The Gungan gazed thoughtfully around the Room of a Thousand Fountains, one of his favorite places to meditate. “It became much more… positive near the end.”

    His Nautolan companion tilted her head.. “Do you wish to share it? Or would you prefer to think on it for a while?”

    “I would prefer to think on it for a while,” Zodath replied. “But thank you for offering to listen.” Wiamga nodded, rose to her feet and bowed before walking sedately away.

    The Room of a Thousand Fountains held several pools that aided meditation for members of aquatic species, and Zodath sought one out now. Stripping off his robe, tabard and tunic, he slid into the pool, took a deep breath, and dipped under the water.

    This vision had started the same way most of his previous visions had. He had seen a different past for the galaxy – a past in which Palpatine had survived, in which his plans came to fruition, destroying the Republic, decimating the Jedi Order, and saddling Known Space with a cruel and despotic Empire. A vision in which the Clone War soldiers, instead of being the honored veterans of today, were experimented upon, hounded, and disposed of. A vision that saw the erasure of whole civilizations, enslavement of non-Humans, the loss of so much art and music and tradition. A dark time that stole hope and shattered dreams.

    But in this newest vision, tiny lights of change had begun to twinkle in the darkness. People across cultures who banded together to resist the Empire’s power. Mon Calamari cruisers, ostensibly built as passenger liners, then retrofitted to transform them into warships, to hold Empire’s Star Destroyers at bay. And in the midst of this, the emergence of the last of the Jedi, the brother and sister who might yet destroy the Empire and win the galaxy’s freedom.

    Zodath hadn’t seen the end of that struggle – the vision had faded too soon. But it was the first time in the many months since the visions began that he had felt a possible victory over the darkness.

    Floating on his back in the meditation pool, Zodath mentally contrasted the vision with reality. At the end of the Separatist War, the Jedi had realized that a Sith Lord occupied the Chancellor’s office. Mace Windu had led a team to confront him; all but one had perished, but Palpatine had been stopped.

    The War ended; the Banking Guild, Techno Union, and Trade Federation had been dismantled; planets across the Republic had held elections to “clean house” in the Senate. Some of the corruption still remained, but much of the old guard of Senators had been retired (forcibly or otherwise). Many of the Separatist systems and worlds had reapplied for Republic membership.

    The Jedi Order, struggling to rebuild after the war, had begun changing some of its policies. The Council accepted older children, and even a handful of adults with Force abilities. Zodath himself had been admitted to the Order as an eight-year-old, the first Gungan to earn the title of Jedi Knight. Younglings were no longer cut off from families or homeworlds. A few members had even been allowed to marry (including war hero Anakin Skywalker, who could now openly acknowledge his marriage to Padmé Amidala).

    Zodath smiled; he would have to write his sister Gritsi, a storyteller and author like their Naboo Human Clan Mother. Perhaps Gritsi would turn his vision into two or three books. Depending on how the story went, it could well become a popular fiction series – epic space battles, larger than life heroes and villains, breath-taking scenes, great victories snatched from the jaws of defeat….
  15. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007


    Perfect! Wonderful use of the visions, dark in their beginning, now shot through with light ... [:D]
  16. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    I soooo wish we had a "canon" Gungan Jedi... (the stuff I found was only in role playing supplements). Zodath really is a great addition even though this is technically an AU!

    An amazing accomplishment!!

    You can tell this is an AU because this is exactly what Luke was trying to do in Legends with the New Jedi Order :_|

    I guess this means Luke and Leia get to be raised by them? Yeah! the amount of fanart I could post as illustrations for this [face_laugh]

    And I love how you end this with a book/library scene!
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Love his vision and this alternate universe where a Gungan has made it to Jedi-knight. Gritsi sure can write stories about this vision
    Kahara, Seldes_Katne and gizkaspice like this.
  18. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Oh, oh, OH! I just loved this self-aware AU, and it was a great way to explore Zodath's Force talents in a more comprehensive way than what would have been possible in the prime universe. Here he got to benefit from a reformed Jedi Order that was able to overcome its own challenges in the aftermath of the Clone Wars and to reach his full potential – and it's quite an honour to his species that he became the first Jedi of their kind!

    As a side note, the idea that his former master would also be from an aquatic species and the detail about special pools to help meditation for beings like them was a really nice touch.
    And THIS! This was such a zoochberry on the cake of a wonderful story, meta aspect and all, down to the idea that it could be "two or three books" – or possibly more, now that we know that Gritsi is George Lucas in disguise!
  19. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Thank you! While I realized that the warfare angle helps tell a certain kind of story, it's also fun to explore what would happen if the fighting had been avoided and the Empire's threat stopped much earlier. And of course I love the idea of a Gungan Jedi.

    Thank you for commenting!

    Oh, I agree, of course. (And "Darth Jar Jar" doesn't count, being neither canon nor Jedi.)

    Not bad for a kid who came out of a pretty bad home life....

    It always made sense to me that Luke would try something different. He wasn't raised in a Jedi Temple, knew almost nothing of the training methods, and as I recall, had to find a way to identify Force-sensitives that didn't involve midichlorians (which hadn't been invented during the early novels anyway).

    Well, you know, we all love fanart. :D

    But of course! Maybe they'll make a holomovie out of Gritsi's novels. ;)

    Thank you for commenting!

    I would imagine that Gritsi will do the vision justice. It might turn out to be quite popular -- maybe inspire a holomovie or something. :)

    Thank you for commenting!

    I see the Gungans as being fairly isolated from the rest of the galaxy until after the Trade Federation invasion. So it's possible that the Jedi Order wouldn't have been testing anyone outside the Human population. Now that they have access to space travel, however, anything goes for the Gungans. :)

    As I recall, Jedi Knight Kit Fisto (Nautolan) had a padawan who was also an aquatic (Mon Calamari). I would think that there might be some differences in training for different kinds of beings -- not all Jedi perceive the Force in the same way (according to some of the information in the High Republic books).

    And although I'm not an aquatic species myself, I do enjoy being on and around the water, so I can see where the Room of a Thousand Fountains would appeal to a wide range of Jedi.

    I ... never thought of that. Wow! Maybe she could get or nine books out of this vision. And some holomovies, too! I wonder how George Lucas would feel about a Gungan being his Star Wars avatar. [face_laugh]

    Thank you for commenting!

    The next story, coming out on Wednesday, is a bit AU-ish too, although I guess it could happen in our version of the GFFA. Thank you for reading, everyone!
  20. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    "Think of the Children: Part 6"
    Rugby 7's: Write a story of 7x 7 sentences.
    The children grew older, as children do. Jeesha eventually joined our family, while Reezel achieved her Senior Apprentice level with the Speakers of Law. Gritsi expressed a desire to travel the galaxy, as I had as a younger woman, to work on her writing; fortunately, she often could get away with travelling to Theed, and setting up a holo-call with someone. Zodath developed an interest in writing poems and in training animals. (He had calmed considerably, now that he had a stable home and could control the onset of “the voices” with meditation techniques.)

    Draff settled on continuing his studies in engineering. And of course, he went about it in a way that only he could have done.

    Draff – Future Engineer
    Fantastical Fencing: A story of at least 100 words involving your character, family, friendship or couple in which something fantastical happens.

    Early 12 BBY
    The curator at the Theed University Museum led the way into a storage area in the museum’s basement. “My colleague Neshu Larkyl tells me you’re looking for an unusual engineering item,” she said.

    Draff nodded. “I’m applying to the university’s engineering program, and I want something out of the ordinary for my practicum project.”

    “You’re the first Gungan I’ve heard speak Basic fluently,” the curator said.

    “My Clan Mother is a native speaker. She made me practice.” And practice, and practice, and practice….

    The curator slid a storage crate door open. “I think this might interest you. It’s on loan to us from The Antiquities Institute in the Tion Hegemony. It was found by explorer Amicas Clinall about four centuries ago, in a cache of objects on Dathomir. He also found some rather wild claims and stories about it from the locals.”

    “So, what’s it supposed to do?”

    The curator checked her notes. “It allegedly alters time.”

    “Meaning what? It makes someone’s chrono count backwards or something?”

    “No. Clinall referred to it as a time skipper. Apparently he thought someone could use it to go back and forth in time – visit the past and return, or step ahead into the future. Its construction is similar to that of the Infinity Gates used by the ancient Kwa, although it’s much smaller.” She shrugged. “There’s no indication Clinall ever got it to work, though.”

    Draff walked around the device, which resembled a round doorway. “Where’s the power source?”

    “As far as we know, there isn’t one. We don’t have any proof that it does what Clinall claimed.”

    The young Gungan folded his arms and squinted at the device. “So, we would need some way to turn it on –”

    “—And off,” the curator interjected.

    “—before we could try anything else.” Draff nodded slowly. “All right. Let me see what I can do with it.”

    Mid 12 BBY
    Background research wasn’t really Draff’s strongest ability, but he understood its importance. For the next three weeks he researched the Kwa, the Infinity Gates, and whatever information he could find about the engineering principles of their time. He also requested access to a school lab so he could experiment on the holographic version of the “time skipper” the Theed University Museum curator had provided. (They certainly weren’t going to loan him the actual device.) He placed calls to The Antiquities Institute, the Engineering Guild of Otoh Gunga, and Theed University’s Science and Engineering Library. Neshu, a respected historian and Sanbra University researcher, added his professional weight to the requests.

    Draff then began two months of experimentation with Gungan power sources, combining them with batteries and generators (small ones) supplied by Theed University. He eventually dropped the Human technology in favor of Gungan, and designed a way to channel energy into (actually through) the hologram.

    Finally, he requested permission to use the actual “time skipper.” The first test generated a current and some lights on the machine, but failed to do more. Draff made four attempts, altering his approach and equipment after each. On the fifth try, he scheduled his experiment in the evening on the last day of the week, when the small security staff was busy locking up campus buildings and closing everything down for the weekend.

    Draff turned on his generator. The “time skipper” lit up, and images began to form in the open “doorway.” It was like watching history happen before his eyes. He got the flow of time to stop by inserting a long stick into the doorway; he had reasoned that anything “straddling” two different points in time would cause the “skipper” to halt.

    After a couple more experiments, Draff placed his hands on the machine’s “doorway,” thought about when he wanted to visit, inserted his stick at the opportune time, and stepped through.

    Late 12 BBY
    Draff knocked on the office door and, when told to enter, pushed it open. Historian Neshu Larkyl looked up from the paper he was dictating and smiled. “Draff! Welcome! To what do I owe the pleasure?”

    “I am pleased to announce that I was accepted into the Theed University’s Engineering Program – I’m the youngest Gungan ever be enrolled.” Draff rummaged in his carrying bag and pulled out a dagger sheath, complete with dagger. He held it out to Neshu. “I brought you something. To thank you for your help on my project.”

    The Togruta examined the dagger, half-smiling. “What project? And what’s this?”

    “You remember that display at the Theed University Museum a few months back? The curator showed me an artifact. It turned out to be a time-altering device, and I got it to work. I figured no one would believe me, so I brought back a souvenir. This is one of Bluebrow’s daggers.”

    “Bluebrow the Ithorian pirate? Wait. The Sanbra Museum of Weaponry has a dagger on display that was rumored to be his.”

    “The rumor is true, and the dagger’s still there.” Draff pointed to the weapon in Neshu’s hands. “It just happened to have been one of a set.”

    3635 BBY
    Bluebrow stormed onto his ship’s bridge. “Lock down the ship! No one disembarks until I give leave!” He glared around the room.

    “Someone has stolen one of my daggers!”

    Amicas Clinall is an OC. However, some of the other items mentioned here are part of Legends lore:

    Antiquities Institute

    Infinity Gates


    And Bluebrow is mentioned in a canonical novel, although there's no mention of when s/he might have lived, so the date assigned could be completely off.

    Inspiration for this story came from suggestions made on this thread: What Would Seem Fantastical?
  21. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Great work by Draff and what he has discovered and working through his tinkering.
    gizkaspice and Seldes_Katne like this.
  22. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    I'm so happy for him to discover the techniques.

    [face_clown] Also, nice link to the 'what would entertain in the GFFA?' thread.:)
  23. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    A bit late to this party, but I'm finally here!
    :( After last week's uplifting story about Zodath in a better, alternate universe, it was sad to see that, in the "real world" Gritsi won't be able to reach her full potential as she has to keep a relatively low profile in the age of the Empire.

    But Draff! This was all so Draff!
    I just love the idea that he decided to work with Gungan tech only. I'm assuming that it worked better for him because it was what he was most familiar with and knew how to manipulate better, but also because the potential of Gungan tech was overlooked by anyone else who tried to activate the time-skipper.
    That's sneaky!
    Why am I not surprised he'd do that?
    Yeah, just an itsy-bitsy souvenir from a few thousand years ago!
    [face_laugh] And now we know why the museum has only one! It was a wonderful twist at the end, seeing Bluebrow in a tizzy.

    Now I wonder if Draff used the time-skipper more than once and brought about last week's AU!
  24. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    So many inventions throughout Human history have come about because of tinkering and straight-up accident, so why not Gungans? Thank you for commenting!

    Yes, I'm glad someone asked that question, as there are so many "fantastic" elements to Star Wars that it's hard to tell what's meant to be real and what would be considered as outside reality. Thank you for commenting.

    True. But the Empire won't last forever. [face_relieved]

    I remember when TPM was released that a lot of people complained that the Gungans were a primitive society (like Ewoks), and I wondered if we had all seen the same movie. Submarines! Energy shields! Underwater housing that squeegee-d a person dry on the way through the door! Clearly the Gungans were a fairly advanced species technologically.

    That's Draff!

    That's an intriguing thought that I may have to consider in the future. I'm personally hoping Draff went back to the early years of the Empire and rescued Tech from that disastrous mission on Eriadu. (I am so very NOT a happy camper about that episode. [face_not_talking] ) Thank you for commenting!

    The final Decathlon event is up tomorrow, with some Bonus Material to follow!
  25. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    "Think of the Children -- Part 7"
    Rugby 7's: Write a story of 7x 7 sentences.

    Life continues on – I teach classes, travel for research, write articles, and watch my children mature. Their adventures are just beginning, and mine are not yet done. My friends come and go: Querth Enon has left Sanbra and joined a herdship, collecting and dispensing his botanical knowledge; Neshu Larkyl has become a respected author of history texts; Daggeri Hekoth has opened a school of self-defense; Aonda Sirabi has started her own practice and begun accepting partners and interns. Zeta still works for the university library; my fellow professors write, teach, and generally get on with things.

    But events in the greater galaxy beyond Sanbra continue to unfold, and we know full well one day Imperial representatives will turn their gaze toward us. When that happens, our diversity will make us a target, but may also become our greatest strength. We hope for the best, as we plan for the worst.

    Winter Comes to Sanbra
    Water Polo Poetry: A piece of poetry written about your character, couple, family, friendship, etc., in any style.

    In the long twilight before the darkness descends,
    So many have come here,
    To better themselves, their families, their worlds.

    The air of this place vibrates with the same feeling one finds
    In places of worship
    In fields dedicated to sport competitions
    In wilderness places of survival
    In any location where people have pitted themselves against themselves,
    Or against the world around them,
    To become more than they were before.

    We have found new friends,
    We have overcome new challenges,
    We have forged our future paths.
    But have we done enough?

    Will our past endeavors carry us through the darkness?
    Our Springtime season of sharing, finding our similarities and celebrating our differences,
    Our Summer season of friendly competitions,
    But can even our Autumn season of harvests and horror stories prepare us for what follows?
    For Winter has come to Sanbra.

    The Empire has noticed us at last.