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Story [Multi-Fandom] Greasing the Wheels| Kessel Run Challenge 2023

Discussion in 'Non Star Wars Fan Fiction' started by brodiew, Apr 6, 2023.

  1. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Kessel Run Challenge

    Week 1 | January 9-16

    Stranger Things

    He had not been courageous. Not even close. At least that was what he told himself. It had been cold that night. Steve Harrington hated the cold. The ice. The fricking SNOW. Winter was the bane of his existence. Treacherous driving, slip-sliding on the sidewalk, heavy snow bending branches and tearing leaves from trees. Gutters crashing to ground. He hated it all.

    Leave it to a cruel universe to bring a beautiful woman into his store to grace him with the proposition of a lifetime, if only he were willing to withstand the elements...

    Steve shrugged off his coat, after rounding the counter at Family Video, and replaced the broom in the office. It would have been nice to have a snow shovel to clear the entrance, but Keith was cheap and probably had residual resentment, causing passive aggressive actions such as leaving a broom to clear four inches of snow.

    Steve looked out across the empty store. Not a single customer. It was the antidote the weather's hostility. When the store was empty, he could play whatever he wanted on the TV/VCR player that hung from the wall behind the counter. Though he despised being cold, he liked movies with hot chicks and cool dudes skiing and getting into other mischief. Case in point: Hot Dog: The Movie. He tried to sell Robin on it's virtues, but she rolled her eyes and countered with a suicide comedy about a guys who wants to kill himself, but can't quite get it done. She said there was some skiing and an annoying kid who wants his two dollars! She would laugh hysterically when quoting it. Steve asked if there were boobs in it and Robin punched him in the gut. Guess not. Leaning against the counter, arms folded over his chest, Steve watched as a bodacious babe exited a hot tub.

    "I'm not sure that's appropriate for a family video store," a melodic voice said from behind him. He turned and nearly jumped out of his skin, fumbling with the remote control, stammering gibberish, and all the while knowing exactly why he hadn't heard the door chime of someone entering the store.

    "Definitely not appropriate," he replied, finally punching the right button to turn off the tv.

    It did not ease his discomfort one bit to see Brenda Barnes standing in front of him. She was alone and she looked just as hot as he remembered. High School came rushing back to his consciousness like a flood. Steve 'The Hair' Harrington. That had gone down in flames and his image took a further beating at Scoops Ahoy. That was all tunnels under the desiccated pumpkin patch at this point. But Brenda was smiling at him. Why was she smiling?

    The small talk that ensued was awkward. She had shunned him, as had many of his classmates, after his implosion. But she was here, with a peace offering; an offer than only a debutante could make. She wanted him to come on a ski trip to Aspen. There was a small group of his former classmates who were going. Hell yes he would go. Where did she want him to sign? As the two of them became cozier over the counter, Steve noticed a pair of headlights pulling into a spot in front of the store. He knew those headlights.

    Nancy Wheeler emerged from her car and entered the store. She saw Steve and smiled brightly. She saw Brenda and her smile tightened.

    "Hey Steve," Nancy said. "Brenda. What's going on?"

    Brenda smiled, devilishly and said. "Steve and I were just discussing him coming with me to Aspen next weekend. Ski Lodge, hot tubs, booze, and more. Maybe even some skiing. Right, Steve?"

    Steve looked from Brenda to Nancy and did not say a word.

    "Steve hates snow and has no idea how to ski," Nancy said, directly.

    "Who are you? His mother?" Brenda snapped.

    "Maybe a ski trip isn't such a good idea after all," Steve said, sheepishly. Kicking himself for backing out of an almost sure thing. But also knowing he would kick himself just as hard when he got back. His feelings for Nancy had never gone away. He still loved her even though she was with Jonathan. He sensed their relationship was on hard times, but he was not going to be the one bring it up.

    Brenda huffed in disdain and left the store with her nose turned up.

    Had he been courageous after all?
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  2. UltramassiveUbersue

    UltramassiveUbersue Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 7, 2022
    Welcome to the challenge, @brodiew ! Great start with a fun fic, and I love your use of the prompt phrase as Steve reflects on his night. :)
    Kahara, amidalachick and brodiew like this.
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    A great piece with Steve hating the snow and not going with Brenda
    Kahara, amidalachick and brodiew like this.
  4. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    UltramassiveUbersue: Thank you for the welcome, Ubersue. I'm hoping to see this through. The bottom line, however, that I'm writing again. It was fun pounding this one out last night.
    Earlybird-obi-wan: Thanks for coming by earlybird. I appreciate the comment. Steve has become a favorite character of mine to write. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Week 2 | January 16-23
    • Write a story between 400 and 800 words using second-person POV in which a character is lost.
    • Word limit = 400-800 words

    Star Trek: Picard


    You've never spoken to him like that before. Ever. Sure you've had your share of disagreements, even fits of pique, but never like that. Never blaming Jean-Luc Picard for failing. Failing so spectacularly that you all are doomed. The words reverberate in your mind. Remove yourself from the bridge. You have doomed us all! You watch as your friend and mentor virtually slinks from the bridge, shoulders hunched and head hung low.

    You are angry. Hurting. Ashamed. You made the decision. You were in command. You listened to him though your gut told you to wait. Your gut told you there was a way out this Catch-22 that did not involve certain annihilation. Fight meant imminent death. Flight meant that much more time to find a way out. But that time was running short as well. How long could you hide in a place that was killing you slowly.

    Will! It is time to turn and fight!

    You had listened to your former captain. You had turned and fought. And what you feared had become a reality. The Titan was a sinking ship with no new solutions. No new answers. The remaining time was being used waiting to die with a whimper. Waiting to suffocate literally and figuratively.

    What would Worf say?

    It is not an honorable death. It would have been better to die in battle against Vadic and The Shrike

    Perhaps so. But what was there to do now, but wait to die. NO! You wanted to save them. Save the crew. You were waiting, hoping for an way out that was not going to come. You think about Thad. About the loss of your son. About his wasting away while you were powerless to stop it. Powerless to save him. Powerless to be with your wife and daughter in their grief. All you could do was shut down. You didn't want to feel. And, you didn't want her to have to be your support. You realize now how foolish that was. That is love. Part of love, anyway. Sharing pain. Knowing how to be with each other. How to help each other heal. You want to talk to Deanna. You need to talk to her. To apologize. To love her and let her love you. But she wasn't here. She wasn't available. You decide that this will not be the place you are going to die. There has to be another answer. The person that can help find that answer is the man you just tossed out like yesterday's trash.

    You would find Admiral Picard and apologize to your friend. You would explain that he was right. You were afraid. Afraid to fight and lose as you had with Thad. Perhaps, the Admiral had another trick up his sleeve. Hope had come back to William Riker.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  5. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    Great to see you back and writing again, @brodiew! :)

    Week 1:

    Yay, a new Stranger Things fic from you!

    SAME, Steve! :p This is so relatable.

    [face_laugh][face_laugh] I can totally see this.

    I could easily visualize this whole scene, actually, because you have such a great grasp on the characters, as always.

    Awww, I really felt for him here. Having this chance with someone new, but still having feelings for Nancy and knowing himself well enough to know he'd regret it. Making a decision like that is courageous!

    (On a sidenote: I haven't actually watched S4 but I will say I really hope that next season they bring in two new awesome female characters because both Steve and Robin deserve to have awesome new girlfriends in canon).

    Amazing job with this, I really enjoyed it!

    Week 2:

    Fantastic job with the 2nd-person POV! This was a really intense piece with a lot of powerful lines.

    This is incredibly well-written and says so much about this character. And I love the last line, about hope coming back to him. Fantastic work!

    Great start to your Run, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next. =D=:)
    Kahara and brodiew like this.
  6. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Riker, my favorite character in the show. You are showing him here at his most vulnerable but with hope shining through in the end. Great work
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Fantastic week two! =D= Riker is shown with the full range of emotions and the self-honesty that allows him to make amends and proactively try to salvage the situation. The second person point of view makes it even more compelling!
    Kahara, earlybird-obi-wan and brodiew like this.
  8. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Yay, glad to see you're back again and off to a great start on your thread here. [face_dancing] And it's always great to see late entries for challenges, wishing you luck with the rest of the prompts!

    [face_laugh] The dry humor here (much like a desiccated pumpkin patch) is really entertaining; you've captured so much about Steve's character and how he sees the tragically woeful deterioration of his social standing. :p But somehow, I don't think it'll stay that way, Brenda or no Brenda.

    Ouch, that's just difficult all around and he has a point about waiting on a relationship with Nancy that might never be. But he himself isn't truly ready to move on and that's not the kind of thing that happens without time and effort. And that's perhaps just how it is, neither courageous nor not.

    I know nothing of this character, but you've done a great job of distilling why he is having The Worst Day Ever here and the despair of his situation is really well-portrayed.

    A really nice moment of realization here; sometimes it takes really trying times to bring forward what someone knew all along and that seems to be the case with Riker -- hopefully he will get to have that much-needed conversation with Deanna. @};-

    Having to face and admit when you're wrong is really truly one of the most difficult things, especially in what seems to be a situation where all the possible choices were bad in one way or another. It shows a lot of courage that he is able to see where he went wrong and what he needs to do to, with any luck, fix it. =D=
    brodiew likes this.
  9. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    I know this is a long time coming, but here we are. Thank you to @Kahara, @warmNyotaSweet Ayesha, @earlybirdobiwan, and @amidalachick for comments on the previous chapter.

    Week 3 | January 23-30
    • Write a story between 500 and 1,000 words in which you make up a new OC (original character). Your OC must interact with at least one EC (established character), and your story must include the following line of dialogue: “Something was bound to go right sometime today.”
    • Word limit = 500-1,000 words
    Truth or Share

    Ensign Lindsay McElraney stood outside main engineering and chewed her nails to near bleeding. It was a terrible habit made worse by the anxiety she she about facing Boz. Boz was her boss(ha!),. Well, shift leader and a Vulcan and heavy weight micro manager. He was also dreamy and had a rich, low voice that made her insides quiver. It was maddening to want to strangle him and kiss him at the same time. All of that was business as usual. What was not business as usual was a subspace fold making everyone break into song, telling their truths for all to hear.

    Lindsay's song, 'My Love is Logical', was received with a straight face and folded arms. By the time her involuntary melody had concluded, the intensity in Boz's eyes bordered on anger. She had run from sick bay as fast as she could. Now, her shift was about to start and she had nowhere to run.


    "What?" McElraney exclaimed, both shocked and instantly irritated by the intrusion into her thoughts. A quick pivot had her sandy brown ponytail lashing the arm of of Captain Christopher Pike. Lindsay immediately covered her mouth as her eyes widened in shock.

    Pike took a step back, realizing he had been too close, and straightened his command tunic. "Ensign? Are you ok?"

    "C-Captain!" the Ensign said, coming to attention and straightening her own uniform. "Sir!"

    "At ease, McElraney," Pike said, suppressing a smile and raising a hand, magnanimously. "Why are you wearing a path in my deck plating with such rigorous pacing?"

    If she had been blushing the moment before, Lindsay was in a full blow meltdown. Should she tell the Captain the truth or make up a lie and send him on his way. He is a nice Captain and might have some good advice. On the other hand he could think you overshare by choice and not when compelled by hand over heart confessions of the Pon Farr persuasion.

    "I sang something monumentally mortifying," the ensign said sheepishly. Something so egregious that I need to request a transfer to the Outer Rim."

    Pike chuckled at that and said: "Why would you want to hang out with the Hutts they're kind of gross, don't you think?"

    Lindsay's near mask of death cracked at that. "The Romulan Border, then. Anything, Captain, not have to face Boz."

    "Ah, so this is a about Lieutenant Bozruk?" Pike inquired gently. "Did he do any singing?"

    "I didn't wait around to find out, Sir," Lindsay replied.

    "Well, it couldn't have been worse than Captain Batel and I sharing secrets on the bridge over the viewscreen? Could it?"

    Lindsay's eyes darted left and right before landing on her boots. "Worse," she said to the floor.

    "Oh, I see-"

    "-Nakedness, Captain. Mine. His. Sonic showers. Baseball analogies, and-"

    "Okay, then," Pike agreed. "Worse."

    "What am I going to to do, Captain?" she asked, desperately.

    "Whew," Pike exhaled. "Unfortunately the musical episode has played havoc with crew all over the ship. Have you been to sickbay?"

    "No, I'm not having any symptoms," she replied.

    "Ensign," Pike observed, patiently. "Your right index finger is bleeding."

    Lindsay looked the finger immediately and saw the nail was red rimmed with blood. Small, but noticeable for the keened eyed Captain.

    "Yes, sir."

    "Ensign McElraney, Captain's orders are that you are not feeling well and need a...mental health day. Return to quarters and actively relax. I'll let 'Boz' know you wont' be present."

    Lindsay took a deep breath and exhaled generously. "Thank you, Captain! Thank you. Something was bound to go right sometime today."

    Lindsay practically skipped down the corridor toward her quarters.


    The door to Main Engineering swished open as Pike entered. He found Lieutenant Bozrik leaning over a console near the warp core. Without details, he advised the Vulcan of McElraney's absence.

    Standing at attention despite Pike's 'at ease', Bozrik responded: "It is fortunate that the ensign encountered you outside the door, Captain. If she had arrived early, as she often does, I would have felt compelled to regale her with an encore of-"

    "Stop right there, Lieutenant!" Pike ordered. "We destroyed the fold. Secrets like this you can, once again, keep to yourself."

    "Of course you are right, Captain," Bozrik said, matter of fact. "But the fall out cannot be ignored."
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellent new entry where we find the Ensign totally flummoxed [face_laugh] =D=
    earlybird-obi-wan and brodiew like this.
  11. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Great to see these arrivals!
    Excellent soul searching here through such devastation ... but he's turned a corner from his grief, it seems?

    [:D] This must have been some episode. Funny thoughts you have, brodiew.[face_rofl]
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    love your new OC and her interactions with the captain
  13. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha:Thanks, Nyota. It's taking me some time to find inspiration these days.
    @pronker: Thank you for taking time to respond, pronker. I'm proud of the Riker piece. AS for the the outer rim that seemed like the right spot and captain Pike got the reference. :)
    @earlybird-obi-wan: I appreciate it. Thanks, earlybird.

    Week 4 | January 30-February 6
    • Write a story between 100 and 1,000 words that is predominantly action. You can have as many characters interacting as you want, and you can include introspection as long as it doesn't outweigh the action.
    • Word limit = 100-1,000 words

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
    Dealing Death on a Dime

    When the Klingon materialized, in her quarters, with no warning, Lt. Erica Ortegas had just changed into her pajamas. The warrior was a mere two paces away and raising his Bat'leth into an attack position. Without a second thought, she rushed her intruder and struck hard with a front kick to the chest. Though her bare feet might have lessened the impact, the warrior staggered back, suitably surprised, as Erica continued past him into the entry alcove. Leaning against the wall by the door was the broadsword she had been given when the doctor's daughter turned the Enterprise crew into fairy tale characters. She kept it because it was cool, and even planned to name it when the right one came to mind.

    Grabbing the hilt, she pivoted, elbowing the oncoming Klingon in the ribs, as his curved blade struck the wall where her had been a moment ago. The warrior grunted and careened into the wall of the small enclosure. Without losing momentum, the Starfleet office swung around, slicing her sword across the warriors. He creamed in pain and rage turning to face her. Before he could taunt her with biting words and bravado, she lunged forward, more quickly than he could block, and plunged the her blade into his chest. She twisted the blade to ensure the death blow and pushed the dying warrior into the corner.

    Taking her communication from the bedside table, she dashed from her quarters, already dialing La'an to find out what the hell was going on.

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  14. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    That's a nasty encounter and what will happen next?
    brodiew likes this.
  15. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Week 5 | February 6-13
    • Write a set of 3 double drabbles with the following prompts: juggernaut, shepherd, undertaker
    • Each double drabble must be exactly 200 words, for a total of 600 words
    Stranger Things



    Jim Hopper hadn’t liked it when Hawkins Lab trolls skulked around his town, and he liked it even less as he watched a military juggernaut roll into his jurisdiction. They were not just infringing on the town of which he was Chief of Police; or had been. They were moving in on his daughter. Moving in on his family. They thought they knew better in a situation that beyond their understanding. A situation in which their tactics and weapons would be useless. Hopper knew well how military brass could fubar a situation without really trying.

    “Is this really necessary, Sam?” Hopper said, tossing a cigarette but into the grass while fishing the dwindling pack from his front shirt pocket. “None of it will work.”

    “You’re kidding, right?” replied Dr. Owens from his left as they both leaned against the police Bronco. “Overkill is their business.”

    “Your business,” replied the former Russian prisoner.

    “Different department,” Owens said, with a knowing wink. “How is El?”

    “Pissed,” Hopper said. “But glad to have the family back together. Happy to be back with Mike”

    “Of Course,” Owens said, folding his arms, and turning to Hopper. “She’ll need to stay pissed, Jim.”

    “Oh, I know.”


    El never thought of herself as a leader. That was Mike’s job. She was what Dustin called ‘the muscle’. She knew it meant she was strong. That she had power that others didn’t. Mike was ‘the brains’. He was smart. Even with brains and muscle, El wondered if she, or any of them, would be enough this time. She had already heard of demodog attacks as far as Ft. Wayne and Indianapolis. Though Vecna had been quiet, his minions were not. Who was in charge in the Upside Down? The Mind Flayer? At the moment, she didn’t care. She was with Mike. He loved her. He finally said it with words. Would he be a leader again?

    She was tired. Even as she and Mike dozed on the bed in her new house, her thoughts drifter to her dad. He was alive. It was a miracle. It was meant to be. Like she and Mike. Hopper was meant to be her dad. He was a dad to all over them. He was the leader. Her thoughts were jumping as she got sleepy. They were safe now. But not for long. Her dad would protect her. He would protect them all.


    Preparing for death was not an easy thing to do. Even if he had been courting it for years. The question that occupied his mind, now was whose death he was he preparing. For himself, he had escaped the Grim Reaper’s scythe more times that he could count. Most recently in Russia. There was no explanation other than dumb luck for their escape. They should be among the many corpses shredded by the Demogorgon. But they are not. How many times is one allowed to cheat fate? Hopper died in the mall. But, he didn’t. Bob died at Hawkins Lab, and stayed dead. Whose turn would it be next? Murray wondered if it would be him. Maybe. He was ready. Had been for years. But perhaps he would be one those who lived, yet again, one who would stand over the caskets of children who died bravely, answering a call that never should have been made. There was a time when he had been content to sit in his hidden shelter and feed his own neuroses. But the call had come to him as well. It was the call of a lifetime. A call that may yet end them all.