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Discussion The Scribble Pad (Fanfic Writing Discussions)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Briannakin , Jun 18, 2017.

  1. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    Apologies in advance for what became a bit of a ramble, but...

    For me personally, this is where I'd invert my usual approach to characters and focus on what they do, their job, its role in relation to the story, their interests, hobbies, pursuits, etc. rather than their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Normally I'm all "what you do doesn't matter, it's who you are that counts" but with Vulcans (and others) you have to latch on to something to distinguish them, and if it can't be their emotional core or personality, then it's gotta be something else, something tangible. Which is why I reckon Tuvok felt fresh, because he was a security officer who could use his logic to get tactical, and apply that specific skillset when teaching and advising others. We'd never really seen that before.

    Additionally, you could use their interactions with other, more distinct characters to introduce brief flashes of sub-surface personality (or its equivalent). Have others around them poke, prod, and occasionally peel back the layers, if you ever feel the need to. Some of Tuvok's best moments were in reaction to things like Paris pulling pranks on him, or Neelix trying to befriend him, or Janeway seeking insight on a tricky moral issue.

    The best thing about writing is that you can address what's going on in somebody's head without having to "show" it. You can present their thoughts on a subject or situation without dwelling on a reaction; just have 'em thinking things like, "this makes sense" or even, "if I had emotions, then I think I'd be angry" and it'll convey plenty.
  2. Dark Ferus

    Dark Ferus Chosen One star 8

    Jul 29, 2016
    I am torn between finishing the story I am writing and rebooting the trilogy it is a part of. The story would fundamentally be the same, but I want to change some creative choices I regret. has anybody ever restarted a story near the end, or is it better to see through what you’ve already done? (My story is the final installment of a trilogy I’ve been working on for four plus years)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
  3. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I think in the situation you describe, I might finish the story I started, and then I could always go back and create an AU of that story. Diverging from the original story wherever I want to make changes.
  4. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    I have pretty much completed an entire story, then decided "this is rubbish." and in a moment of self irritation, I deleted it.
    But a week later, the story was still in my head and I wrote it all down again from scratch, pretty much as it was before.
  5. Dark Ferus

    Dark Ferus Chosen One star 8

    Jul 29, 2016
    My thought is that, even with the redo, my general trajectory is leading to the same place, and the creative decisions that annoy me are present to the end. I think I am going to reboot it. I have a good head start already and more room to plan everything in advance before I publish any of it.
    Thanks for the advice everyone, really appreciate it and all of you.
  6. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    Sticking the landing can be so tough.
    You can have characters and a stage and an drama, but how do you stop your runaway train in a satisfying way?

    The screenwriters for Game of Thrones (and it seems like G.R.R. Martin too) know that crisis well.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
  7. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    Above anything else, all I'll add is that you should never, ever delete anything you write. If you don't like something you've produced, put it in another document, start a new notepad, whatever you need to do to get away from it... so long as you stop short of destroying your own hard work. Because trust me, it's either A: better than you think (and you just need a little distance to recognise that) or 2: gonna be useful again someday, as a reminder of progress or to compare with your second draft.
    GregMcP, DarthIshtar, Kahara and 6 others like this.
  8. Death Ray

    Death Ray Jedi Youngling

    Feb 21, 2024
    I've had a notion of creating a fan fic in the form of a comic strip, but I don't see anyone else telling their stories with pictures. Maybe no one has wanted to, but is it verböten?
  9. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hello and welcome, Death Ray! I moved your question to our writing advice thread. You’re right that we don’t have a lot of fancomics here, but they aren’t verboten at all; we have at least one member here, @Starith , who has posted some awesome ones. So I say go for it! You may post them in either our Fan Fiction—Before, Saga, and Beyond forum as you would any other story (just be sure you label it as a fancomic in the thread title, just because it’s so different from our usual fare) or our excellent Fan Art forum—or even cross-post in both. Hope that helps, and good luck! :)
    Starith, Tarsier, Happy Sando and 5 others like this.
  10. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    We're three months into 2024 and to give myself a post-KR kick in the pants I thought I'd check my progress on my 2024 resolutions. So:
    1. I haven't even opened any of my multi-chapter WIPs since I wrote my goals. I definitely need to start looking into it if I want to get anywhere near achieving this goal :p
    2. I made substantial progress on a story for one of my one-shot threads, I mapped out a second one and I have a fairly good idea for a third one. Writing and posting these three one-shots is my mini-goal until the end of June.
    3. Goal achieved! I wrote my entire Kessel Run in NSWFF, and that includes a crossover which is something I hadn't even considered trying before. I do have an idea for another NSWFF series for the Olympics this summer, but I may set it aside until next year in order to make progress on my other goals.
    4. There's, ahem, a Mini-Game I signed up for fully knowing that it would take me out on a tangent, but it should (hopefully) be a short tangent. There's also the Dare Challenge, which always takes me out on a tangent I can't resist following to the very end. I need to stop signing up for prompts that demand to jump to the top of my list [face_blush]
    5. About reviews, I could have done better, but I could have done worse too. I have a fair few reviews to catch up on, but with the KR going on I didn't fall too far behind, so I'm giving myself a pat on the back and saying "keep it up."
    What about the rest of you, how have you been doing? (The discussion about 2024 resolutions begins here if you want to find your post).
  11. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Let's see... I haven't posted any fics yet this year but it's still the first half and I've got some plans. Definitely haven't done a review every week, though I have reviewed a bunch of things some weeks. Overall, I'd say it's a work in progress. :p
  12. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Greetings all.
    Some may remember me in here for my stories since as far back as 2007. Had a few trilogies and epics here and there as well as several small stories and vignettes. Mostly set in the EU (Legends now) and focusing on Luke and Mara. I even have a few Non SW fics. Fun times!

    Well, I haven't written anything new in close to 3 years. Strangely, I seemed to write better when I had less time on my hands with jobs. My situation has changed now. I'm on disability due to a medical condition that requires me to attend a facility 3x a week. No job except for caretaking for my mother still. And all the free time a writer can want.

    Except my Muse has flown away in all that time. I've tried to write originals but can't seem to get the flow anymore. My writing ability of any kind, I fear, has been lost. My last story in here I couldn't finish because since I started it before TROS, and by the time that came out, the story conflicted with canon. I know, I know, I can write it as AU. But it wouldn't have made sense if I went that route. Besides, I had exactly ZERO reviews for any of it. So, I thought What's the use? and stopped it. Had a great title, too (What You Have Learned)

    Fast forward to a few days ago when I thought of another situation in a SW fan fic. And it would be connected to one of my earlier more famous works named The Mary Jane Skyler Trilogy. Some in here may remember it. The short version was that after Mara Jade died from the events in Sacrifice, instead of fading into the Force, her soul was transferred into the body of a woman living on Earth in Mobile, AL. The problem was that the woman was in a coma due to an accident. Crazy, huh? There's more to it all than that obviously, but no details now.

    My thinking is that Mara herself is in a coma, but she enters an AU that we on the other side of the 4th Wall know as the Disney-canon. The one where Mara Jade does not exist. This would be set some time after the events of TROS. Luke and Leia have died. Han has too. There is no Ben Skywalker but a Ben Solo (who is also dead). And through all her realization of this, she meets Rey Skywalker. I see this as a SW version of It's A Wonderful Life. Mara gets to see a world where she never existed. BTW, if such a fic is to be written, which ff forum would I put it in? Legends or SW sequels?

    My point (and I do have one) is that for the first time in 3 years, I'm excited to write. Anticipating the outlines. I'm thinking that maybe this will bring my Muse back.

    So....thoughts, comments, advice, insults?
    brodiew, Tarsier, Happy Sando and 2 others like this.
  13. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Welcome back @madman007! I'm sorry to hear that you had issues with your health, I hope you're on the mend now @};-

    My only advice would be: grab the muse while she's there and don't let her go. Just write your story the way you envision it and revel in the pleasure of the words!

    As for how to prefix your story, we have the option to add as many era prefixes as we want now, so (given your description) you'd want to to use both "Beyond the Saga" (which is for New Canon stories set after the ST) and "Beyond-Legends" (which is for Legends stories set after RotJ). You can also add tags as described HERE to make your story easier to find.

    Happy writing!
  14. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    @madman007 sorry to hear about your health issues and I hope you're doing okay!

    I've also been struggling with writing the past few years and I have to echo Chyntuck's advice. If you have an idea that you're excited about, lean into it and write! I don't know if perfectionism is an issue for you, but just try to get the words down while that initial excitement and drive is there and don't worry about making it 'good' yet. Just tell your story and have fun!

    Also, try not to get discouraged if the muse comes and goes. There have been so many times when I've had a burst of inspiration and thought "yay, the muse is back! I can write again!" and then it's gone again a few days later. It can be really frustrating and discouraging, and I'm trying to learn to accept that and just enjoy it while it lasts. Beating yourself up about not writing really doesn't help anything.

    Your concept sounds really cool and I'm glad to hear you're excited to write it! Have fun with it, enjoy the process, and happy writing!
  15. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    @madman007 , glad to see you are back and have ideas for more stories! :) I hear you on it being hard to hold on to that inspiration long enough to get the thing written (am trying to do the same right now). Wishing you the best with your health situation too. For what it's worth, it makes perfect sense to me that it would be hard to write with that going on.
  16. LLL

    LLL Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    Having been absent from fanfic for something like twenty years, I wonder about the merits of various sites these days. Chiefly because I have been engaged in reposting Midnight and other fics on, and I. Am. Ready. To. Scream.

    The reason for this is that I have made all my stories all one long file. Now, SAYS that you can simply copy-paste to create chapters, but apparently one cannot. Because when one does, the chapter comes up as ONE HUGE MESS with all this html in it.

    If you hear anybody screaming in the distance, that's me. BECAUSE IT'S TAKEN ME ALL DAY AND PART OF LAST NIGHT TO UPLOAD MIDNIGHT AND WLB. (Thank god it's a holiday.)

    Now there's this one called AO3 that wasn't around back when I was, and I'm like, Is it worth it crossposting over there?? Because getting noticed on Wattpad is no longer a thing. I could do well over there when they had their message boards and even got shortlisted for the Wattys with two novels in one year ... but it's crickets for me over there now. Sheesh. Yet it bugs me that, try as I might, I CANNOT post photos on here, even though there is a way that is supposed to work, and only allows one tiny thumbnail per story.

    Ai, ai, ai. What are your experiences posting on different fan fic forums?
  17. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    @LLL since mod permission is needed to open new discussion threads, I’ve merged your new discussion thread to our thread for all our general writing discussions. Any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks! :)

    Now, in answer to your question: I haven’t had a lot of experience with FF.N, but I’m sorry to hear (though in a way not surprised) that it’s been difficult for you to use. I have to say I definitely much prefer AO3; it’s got a much nicer interface than FF.N and is, in my opinion on, much easier to use. But of course this place is very close to my heart as a fanfic home, too!

    In terms of posting photos, I have no idea how it’s done on FF.N, but here on these forums you can use the tags [ img ] [ /img ] (without the spaces, of course), with the URL of the picture in question in between. Just make sure the picture in question is hosted on an image hosting site like Imgur, Photobucket, ImageShack or similar rather than hotlinking it. You can practice with that code in our Practice Markup Codes thread.

    On AO3, you should be able to use the HTML img tag to insert pictures, like so:
    <img src=‘’></img>
    That’s just an example I made up based on what said URLs often look like, so it won’t actually post an image; sorry! But I hope it helps to begin with; good luck. [face_good_luck]
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  18. Force of Light

    Force of Light Jedi Master star 1

    Jan 5, 2016
    I've had that happen on when I tried to recover a deleted story (I change my mind a lot, so sometimes I think deleting it is easier than continuing on with it, but then end up changing my mind again so I try to recover it). The best thing to do is just go into the saved document and clean it up (that's what I do), before you post it, or else like you said, it can be a jumbled mess and hard for anyone to read. After you save the document, you have to go into the Manage Stories section and replace the chapter with the updated one.

    I'm also on Ao3, but I don't crosspost my stories (too much work). For starters, I don't have the same username (since I signed up for in 2011 and Ao3 in 2015), so I'd have to state this is a note, and it takes me long enough to update on one, so having to update it on two sites would be even more of a hassle. What I like about Ao3 is that you can filter stories. If you don't like slash (M/M or F/F stories), you can filter it out so that it doesn't even show up when you're browsing through stories. doesn't do this, so I have to look through the pairings which can be a bit of a nuisance.
    LLL likes this.
  19. LLL

    LLL Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    So basically, if an image isn't hosted on a website somewhere you can't post it on here? I don't know how to use these things and I don't want to use one, so that's why they're on substack. Interesting about AO3, thanks.
  20. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Yes, our current site policy is that an image posted here should be hosted on an image hosting platforms like the ones Findswoman mentioned. This is to preserve our site's bandwidth for all of our users and to prevent a linked image being swapped with another image that might be inappropriate for our site. This doesn't happen when an image is hosted through one of the platforms that Findswoman listed.

    If you are interested in learning how to host an image so that you can post it here, I've created a post with instructions here outlining how to do so through a free to use image hosting site called Imgbb.

    In terms of the merits of different fanfic sites, I feel like every site will have its own strengths and weaknesses. was the first one I posted to when I was in high school (under a completely different username than the one I have on this site). I never had a problem getting reviews on that site but I also mainly wrote for large fandoms like Star Wars and Harry Potter. I also remember since I wrote Tamora Pierce fanfic back then and there was a pretty big group of Tamora Pierce fans active then. I think a lot of those people don't really write fanfic any more. Or maybe they do under different usernames on different sites just like me.

    Searching on the site could be a bit wonky, and it wasn't like AO3 where you could tag your story with a lot of characters and pairings. You were pretty limited in the ones you could use for your story. Which again impacted searching in both positive and negative ways. Positive in that if you were looking for a particular pairing or character and you saw them come up in the search results for a particular story, you knew that there were pretty high odds of them playing a big role in the story and not just being minor characters. But it could also mean that you wouldn't get as many results for pairings and characters when you searched.

    I also remember there being a pretty big backlash among the Tamora Pierce community when the site decided to separate fanfic about her books from just being one "Tamora Pierce" category to different categories for each of her series since there was so much overlap between the series, and most people who were fans of one series were fans of all of them. So it felt like a needless change imposed on authors from on high that just made it more confusing to categorize stories. I think that began a gradual exodus of Tamora Pierce fans to other fanfic platforms.

    I remember just uploading my completed documents from Word to the Document Manager on during those days and not running into any significant issues. The Document Manager also made it fairly straightforward to swap chapters with other authors for beta reading through the platform.

    I do feel the site is a bit dated now, though, and I have moved onto using other platforms instead.

    I find it very easy to post to AO3 (especially using the copy and paste function). I love how detailed tagging can be on that site, which is great for giving potential readers information about my stories and helping them find my stories. It's also helpful for me as a reader since I can get so much information about stories based on the tags.

    It's also nice how the site is open to stories from all fandoms. It truly feels like a big tent platform for fanfic.

    Though it is also something of the Wild West of Fanfic in that almost anything can be posted there content-wise. Even if it usually is warned and tagged appropriately, that is still something to be aware of when entering that site.

    A03 does allow for the uploading of images and other media (such as sound recordings for podfic), and I think that is a great feature of the site.

    I seem more likely to get reviews on my longer works there than on my one shots, but the amount of kudos, bookmarks, and subscriptions I get there can be encouraging as well. Plus I've had some people there who have translated my works, written stories inspired by mine, and created podfics of my stories. That is all really cool when it happens.

    But I find our Jedi Council Forums to be the best one overall for supportive reviews, fun challenge that inspire fresh writing from me, good discussions, and a community where it genuinely feels like people know and care about each other.
    Kahara, DarthIshtar, LLL and 3 others like this.
  21. LLL

    LLL Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    Gosh, that was really informative!! Maybe I will post over on AO3. (Once I've recovered from the all-day chore of getting all my stories into the document manager.) And thanks for clearing up the mystery of photo sharing over here. I think I'll just stick with my Substack ... I don't want another site membership to deal with.

    Thanks a mil!!
    Last edited: May 28, 2024
    Kahara and devilinthedetails like this.
  22. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Not to mention, it’s Hugo Award-winning and therefore (and I got the words from their site guidelines) I am a “contributor to the Hugo Award-Winning AO3 website.”
  23. LLL

    LLL Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    Here's another one: How YOUR background shows up in your fics. For instance, I've done tons and tons and TONS of reading on relationships and on psychopathy and other mental/emotional problems, which is why my OC has an easier time with Palpatine than some others might.
    Last edited: May 28, 2024
  24. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    *Hides her quasi-prophetic dynamic with a princess and a goddess.*

    What do you mean have I heard of Moses?
  25. LLL

    LLL Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 16, 2000