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Mod!Challenge Something Borrowed, Something New Mod!Challenge - Congrats to our Winners!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Mira_Jade , Sep 30, 2022.

  1. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    This really isn't mine to answer, so preemptive apologies all around, but since the deadline is so close and it's hit or miss to have any of our mods on at this hour, I just thought I'd say that if no time zone is specified for a board event/deadline, I always just assume that we're using board time, and I believe the boards are on Pacific Standard Time. If I'm wrong and a mod logs on before the deadline, please by all means correct me!
  2. Pandora

    Pandora Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    @Gabri_Jade: You're probably right about the deadline being on board time. I certainly hope you are, because it's after midnight here in Mountain Time, and it isn't there.


    On that note, my story is all posted--at 11:05 PM Pacific Time/12:05 AM Mountain Time: Death and the Maiden

    Also: I know it's hard for me to be objective about my stories, especially in the midnight hours, but I really think I alleviated my initial fear that I wasn't using my prompts in sufficiently original ways by then writing the most unlikeable, unpopular thing I could manage under the TOS. This is definitely all out NOT HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS writing on my part.

    So if you decide to quit reading this one, to never begin reading it in the first place, or to refrain from commenting--oh trust me, I understand.
  3. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2022
  4. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
  5. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Good (for many of us) morning, everyone! @Gabri_Jade is absolutely right that if no time zone is specified in a challenge deadline, it is implied to be measured by the default boards time, which is Pacific Time. So I do believe you folks are all good to go! Give me a bit and I shall index your contributions. Way to go and good show by all! =D=
  6. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004

    And with that, the official deadline for the Something Borrowed, Something New Challenge has passed! We've had a wonderful crop of submissions, so much so that we mods now have quite the task ahead of us, trying to figure out our faves! [face_mischief]

    (Also, I have to give a round of applause to all of you absolute rockstars, pulling it off in the eleventh hour! =D= As for your question, @Pandora, @Gabri_Jade was absolutely right about using Pacific Standard Time, which you posted right in time of! :D My apologies for not including that very relevant detail in the initial instructions! :oops:)

    EDIT: Ninja'd again! [face_mischief] :p [:D]
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2022
  7. clone commander bossk

    clone commander bossk Ostrich Velocity Expert star 5

    Nov 5, 2019
    And i was just about to start on chapter 2 [face_laugh]

    Eh, I'll finish it anyway.
  8. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I want to say that I am super impressed by the caliber and creativity of all the stories written for this challenge!=D=

    We have some truly talented writers sharing their fanfic with us here, and it is always such a joy to read it. Well done all![face_party]
  9. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    All right, folks! While the mods are busy with the near impossible task of deciding the winners, we have this nifty bonus challenge to share! Way back in the original post, we stated that this challenge was an opportunity for everyone to get to know your new (and old) mods a little bit better. Now, we welcome you to guess which prompt came from which mod! (Please note that we only included the prompts from the numbers that were claimed. As for the unclaimed prompts, we also would like to mention that they will always be up for grabs if anyone is ever searching for inspiration. ;))The winner with the most correct guesses will receive 48 hours of colors!

    To participate, we've set up a multiple-choice test for your convenience. Please copy and paste this form into a PM with any of the mods, and BOLD YOUR ANSWERS in the text!

    Have fun, and good luck! [face_dancing]

    1. Which mod did these tropes come from?

    Alternate Timeline
    Fake Relationship
    Moment Killer
    The Matchmaker

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    2. Which mod did these tropes come from?

    Silly Reason for War
    Like an Old Married Couple
    Benched Hero
    Directionless Driver

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    3. Which mod did these tropes come from?

    Oracular Urchin
    Magical Girl
    People in Rubber Suits
    Wig, Dress, Accent
    "As you know..."

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    4. Which mod did these tropes come from?

    All Just a Dream
    Preserve your Gays
    Generational Saga

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    5. Which mod provided the following words?

    Caustic, Marginalia, Mitigate, Presumptuous, Reconnaissance, Arboreal, Attar, Effusively, Facetious, Glyph, Lambent, Pastille, Petrichor, Plangent, Primordial, Satchel, Slipcover, Tractate, Upholstery, Widdershins

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    6. Which mod provided the following words?

    Remember, Crisp, Radiated, Veranda, Artisan, Haunt, Orphans, Atoned, Dust, Breathe, Rage, Destroy, Forget, Eternity, Rest

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    7. Which mod provided the following words?

    Opalescent, Ecdysis, Serendipitously, Vivification, Crest, Shiny, Threshold, Chevron, Ordnance, Senseless, Nascent, Prismatic, Traceries, Confection, Vitriol, Sickle, Simmer, Tactile, Swoop, Eschew, Precipice

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    8. Which mod provided the following words?

    Parody, Aesthetics, Temptation, Aversion, Instrument, Charred, Condo, Purple, Acoustic, Profane, Taxes, Verdant, Musician, Financial, Nightmare, Commentary, Hypocrite, Vengeance, Burden, Impulse, Shrewd

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    9. Which mod provided the following lines of dialogue?

    “Thanks, ungrateful offspring”
    "Smarmy bastard."
    “Why can’t some kriffing windbags watch where they are going!?”

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    10. Which mod provided the following lines of dialogue?

    "Or maybe it was just my imagination."
    "I look like a corpse in this."
    "My daring rescue of your glorious person."
    “You’ll make us crash!”
    "I can't hear you over the sound of my music."

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    11. Which mod provided the following lines of dialogue?

    "We were all casualties of a war that we didn’t even know we were waging."
    "You belong to no one but yourself."
    "I would only say that there is something agreeable to be found in a happy ending after so much struggle."
    "For, if there is peace – real, lasting peace – what need is there then for peacekeepers?"
    "I can tell you from experience, that doesn't always work."

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    12. Which mod provided the following lines of dialogue?

    “You’re way too tough and stringy.”
    “Oh, shut off, you perambulating scrap heap.”
    “We have among us a new gem, a new flower, a new star.”
    “Even the deepest fears and troubles can become a source of strength when channeled properly.”

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    13. Which mod provided the following random elements?

    Perfect Memory
    Chronically Late

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    14. Which mod provided the following random elements?

    A Misquote
    A Dance
    A Bad Feeling

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    15. Which mod provided the following random elements?

    Distant voices singing
    Unexpected arrival by jet pack
    Meticulous hot beverage preparation

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    16. Which mod provided the following random elements?

    Budget Cuts
    Woefully incompatible housemates

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    17. Which mod provided the following pictures?





    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    18. Which mod provided the following pictures?



    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    19. Which mod provided the following pictures?



    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    20. Which mod provided the following pictures?





    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    21. Which mod provided Mists as a scenery element?

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    22. Which mod provided a Silent Hospital Room as a scenery element?

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    23. Which mod provided a Geothermal Spring as a scenery element?

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    24. Which mod provided Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, A Cobblestone Pathway Across a Verdant Lawn and An Invisible Woman Reading on a Bench as scenery elements?

    A. Briannakin
    B. devilinthedetails
    C. Findswoman
    D. Mira_Jade

    25. Which mod provided the new mod elements of Library and Lake?

    A. devilinthedetails
    B. Findswoman

    26. Which mod provided the new mod elements of Music and Mother?

    A. devilinthedetails
    B. Findswoman

    27. Which mod provided the old mod elements of Mohawk, Sass, and Pride?

    A. Briannakin
    B. Mira_Jade

    28. Which mod provided the old mod elements of Flight and Mitten?
    A. Briannakin
    B. Mira_Jade

  10. Tarsier

    Tarsier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    Guesses submitted! That was really fun! :D

    Thanks so much for hosting the challenge! I do hope to get to my prompts eventually, but in the meantime if anyone is interested in claiming them, you are more than welcome to :)
  11. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    This was fun and the challenge too. With all those prompts you could write anything from fun to serious to heartbreaking. Thanks for all the good work
  12. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    We have received some fun and fascinating answers so far! Would anyone else like to try their hand at taking a guess? [face_mischief]

    The deadline for turning this in will be this coming Friday. Then, on Saturday, it will be our great pleasure to share the winners of this challenge! :D
  13. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Okay, just sent mine in. I had to think on my answers and come back to it, but I'm pretty confident with most of them now. (So if I am wrong, I am wrong with confidence! :D)
  14. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004

    It is now our pleasure to announce the winners of the Something Borrowed, Something New mod!challenge!

    For Tier 1, we are happy to announce a tie between And They Danced by @Gabri_Jade and I Ship It! by @Raissa Baiard!

    For Tier 2, our winner is Death and the Maiden by @Pandora!

    For Tier 3, our winner is The Steel in Our Hearts Will Be Monuments by @ViariSkywalker!

    Our Bonus Challenge winner is also @ViariSkywalker, with a stellar 24 correct out of 28!​

    (For those of you who are curious, we've included the answers to the quiz underneath the spoiler tag. [face_mischief])

    1. Which mod did these tropes come from?
    Alternate Timeline, from An Old Song Re-Sung
    Fake Relationship, from So Few Things
    Moment Killer, from Now You're a Home
    The Matchmaker, from All Fools in Love

    D. Mira_Jade

    2. Which mod did these tropes come from?
    Silly Reason for War, from Demarche
    Like an Old Married Couple, from Bumping Elbows with Aristocrats
    Benched Hero, from Abducted
    Directionless Driver, from Directionless

    B. devilinthedetails

    3. Which mod did these tropes come from?
    Oracular Urchin, from The Book of Gand and Sparks
    Magical Girl, from The Book of Gand and Sparks
    People in Rubber Suits, from Sure Looks Strange to Me
    Wig, Dress, Accent, from Artoo, Myself, and the Little Shiny Blue Thing
    "As you know..." from The Book of Gand

    C. Findswoman

    4. Which mod did these tropes come from?
    All Just a Dream, from Dawning
    Preserve your Gays, from Pan and Teilo
    Generational Saga, from Dynasty

    A. Briannakin

    5. Which mod provided the following words?
    Caustic, Marginalia, Mitigate, Presumptuous, Reconnaissance, Arboreal, Attar, Effusively, Facetious, Glyph, Lambent, Pastille, Petrichor, Plangent, Primordial, Satchel, Slipcover, Tractate, Upholstery, Widdershins -- all from Shaman, Traveler, Oracle

    C. Findswoman

    6. Which mod provided the following words?
    Remember, Crisp, Radiated, Veranda, Artisan, Haunt, Orphans, Atoned, Dust, Breathe, Rage, Destroy, Forget, Eternity, Rest -- all from The Lonely Goddess

    A. Briannakin

    7. Which mod provided the following words?
    Opalescent, Ecdysis, Serendipitously, Vivification, Crest, Shiny, Threshold, Chevron, Ordnance, Senseless, Nascent, Prismatic, Traceries, Confection, Vitriol, Sickle, Simmer, Tactile, Swoop, Eschew, Precipice -- all from Now You're a Home

    D. Mira_Jade

    8. Which mod provided the following words?
    Parody, Aesthetics, Temptation, Aversion, Instrument, Charred, Condo, Purple, Acoustic, Profane, Taxes, Verdant, Musician, Financial, Nightmare, Commentary, Hypocrite, Vengeance, Burden, Impulse, Shrewd -- all from An Imperial Parody

    B. devilinthedetails

    9. Which mod provided the following lines of dialogue?

    “Thanks, ungrateful offspring” from Dynasty
    "Smarmy bastard." from Dawning
    “Why can’t some kriffing windbags watch where they are going!?” from So Much More Than Fairytales

    A. Briannakin

    10. Which mod provided the following lines of dialogue?
    "Or maybe it was just my imagination." from Bumping Elbows with Aristocrats
    "I look like a corpse in this." from Bumping Elbows with Aristocrats
    "My daring rescue of your glorious person." from Abducted
    “You’ll make us crash!” from Directionless
    "I can't hear you over the sound of my music." An Imperial Parody

    B. devilinthedetails

    11. Which mod provided the following lines of dialogue?
    "We were all casualties of a war that we didn’t even know we were waging." from Now You're a Home
    "You belong to no one but yourself." from Now You're a Home
    "I would only say that there is something agreeable to be found in a happy ending after so much struggle." from All Fools in Love
    "For, if there is peace – real, lasting peace – what need is there then for peacekeepers?" from An Old Song Re-Sung
    "I can tell you from experience, that doesn't always work." from So Few Things

    D. Mira_Jade

    12. Which mod provided the following lines of dialogue?
    “You’re way too tough and stringy.” from Sure Looks Strange to Me
    “Oh, shut off, you perambulating scrap heap.” from Artoo, Myself, and the Little Shiny Blue Thing
    “We have among us a new gem, a new flower, a new star.” from Sparks
    “Even the deepest fears and troubles can become a source of strength when channeled properly.” from The Book of Gand

    C. Findswoman

    13. Which mod provided the following random elements?

    Perfect Memory, from The Lonely Goddess
    Chronically Late, from So Much More Than Fairytales

    A. Briannakin

    14. Which mod provided the following random elements?
    A Misquote, from All Fools in Love
    A Dance, from So Few Things
    A Bad Feeling, from An Old Song, Re-Sung

    D. Mira_Jade

    15. Which mod provided the following random elements?
    Distant voices singing, from The Book of Gand
    Unexpected arrival by jet pack, from Artoo, Myself, and the Little Shiny Blue Thing
    Meticulous hot beverage preparation, from The Book of Gand
    Sparks, from Sparks

    C. Findswoman

    16. Which mod provided the following random elements?
    Budget Cuts, from An Imperial Parody
    Woefully incompatible housemates, from An Imperial Parody
    Kidnapping, from Abducted

    B. devilinthedetails

    17. Which mod provided the following pictures?

    C. Findswoman

    18. Which mod provided the following pictures?

    B. devilinthedetails

    19. Which mod provided the following pictures?

    A. Briannakin

    20. Which mod provided the following pictures?

    D. Mira_Jade

    21. Which mod provided Mists as a scenery element?

    C. Findswoman, from The Book of Gand

    22. Which mod provided a Silent Hospital Room as a scenery element?

    A. Briannakin, from Dawning

    23. Which mod provided a Geothermal Spring as a scenery element?

    D. Mira_Jade, from Now You're a Home and We'll Take a Cup of Kindness Yet

    24. Which mod provided Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, A Cobblestone Pathway Across a Verdant Lawn and An Invisible Woman Reading on a Bench as scenery elements?

    B. devilinthedetails, from Demarche and An Imperial Parody

    25. Which mod provided the new mod elements of Library and Lake?

    A. devilinthedetails

    26. Which mod provided the new mod elements of Music and Mother?

    B. Findswoman

    27. Which mod provided the old mod elements of Mohawk, Sass, and Pride?

    A. Briannakin

    28. Which mod provided the old mod elements of Flight and Mitten?

    B. Mira_Jade

    Please give a round of applause to all of our winners and participants! This challenge generated a wonderful outpouring of creativity, and every story was a success in its own right. Well done, all! =D= [face_party] [face_dancing]

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2022
  15. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
  16. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    The challenge was set and met with panache, congrats all around to writers and mods! 'Twas fun.:amidala:
  17. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
  18. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    Congrats, all. You've made this place far more colorful and also literate.
  19. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
  20. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Congratulations to all our winners, who have chosen some very beautiful colors[face_party]

    Big thanks once again to all who participated in this challenge as writers, readers, and reviewers[:D]
  21. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2022
  22. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Well done by all! [face_dancing] We reaped a truly impressive crop of stories from this challenge—you can (and should) all be very, very proud! =D=
    pronker, Mira_Jade , Kahara and 3 others like this.
  23. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Congrats to everyone! Many much deserved wins!!!
  24. Pandora

    Pandora Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    I know this is late, but since I'm here: Congratulations, everyone!


  25. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Yes, yes, it's been forever and a day, I know, but you can't keep a good plot bunny down indefinitely. :p

    With that, I am more than pleased to present my response to this challenge: Your Heart Will Catch Its Breath Again - a Song!verse short story featuring Darth Maul, Mara Jade, and a bee funeral. [face_mischief] [face_love]

    So . . . are there any more belated challenge entries in the works? [face_batting]