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Index The Prolific Writers' Index | Updates on the 1st & 16th of every month

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by ProlificWritersSock, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in January 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title "fic promotion for User in January 2021". If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PMing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is December 31, 2020. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on January 1.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
  2. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—January 2021

    No submissions.

    SAGA-PT and OT
    Love Spoken and Unspoken by @devilinthedetails
    No submissions.

    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index's rules, please PM this sock.
  3. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in February 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title "fic promotion for User in February 2021". If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PMing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is January 31, 2021. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on [/B]February 1.[/B]
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  4. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    Well, this was a trip down memory lane. Figured I might as well get these organized.

    Stories in each section are listed with the newest and/or most recently updated ones first. Most of my recent fics are in Beyond (Legends), so those are listed first, followed by stories set during the Saga. Stories that take place during multiple eras are listed in the section where most of the action occurs.

    Beyond – Legends

    All These Broken Pieces
    Timeframe: 61 ABY, ten years after Enter the Foreign
    Genre: AU, drama, dark romance, angst, action
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: epic/multi-chapter
    Characters: Allana Djo Solo, Darth Festus (OC), Ben Skywalker, Darth Ferrus (OC), other OCs, and a few EC cameos
    Summary: It’s been ten years since the decisive Battle of Bakura. The once mighty Sith Empire is no more, and lawlessness is rampant across many of its former territories. As the fledgling Republic government works to bring unity to the galaxy, the resurgent Jedi Order offers what help it can, sending its few Knights out across the stars in an attempt to bring peace and justice. It is during one such mission that Jedi Knight Allana Djo has an unexpected encounter with her old nemesis, Darth Festus, a Sith Lord who was once apprenticed to her father, and who has long harbored a personal grudge against her. When they find themselves trapped together, Allana discovers the secret Festus has kept from her all this time, and sets in motion events that will change both their lives forever.
    Last Updated: May 2024
    Status: in progress
    Other relevant information: Sequel to Enter the Foreign. Part of my Enter!verse, with ties to just about everything I've written for it.

    Title: Fire in Our Bones
    Timeframe: 48 ABY & beyond, in the many AUs of my Enter!verse
    Genre: AU, angst, drama, romance, dark romance, weirdness, etc.
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette collection
    Characters: Allana Djo Solo, Darth Festus|Dorian Starskip (OC), Darth Ferrus|Veeran Starskip (OC), other OCs & ECs
    Summary: If it feels right, it’s probably wrong.
    Last Updated: June 2024
    Status: in progress
    Other relevant information: A collection of stories that take place in the various AUs of my Enter!verse. Written in response to the 2023 Angstober Challenge. Serves as a companion series to Lover, Hunter, Friend, and Enemy.

    Title: Lover, Hunter, Friend, and Enemy
    Timeframe: 43-61 ABY, in the many AUs of my Enter!verse
    Genre: AU, romance, dark romance, drama, angst, introspection
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: series of vignettes, ficlets, short stories
    Characters: Allana Djo Solo, Darth Festus|Dorian Starskip (OC), Darth Ferrus|Veeran Starskip (OC), Leia Organa Solo, Jacen Solo|Darth Caedus, and several other ECs and OCs
    Summary: Nothing’s fair in love and war.
    Last Updated: April 2024
    Status: in progress
    Other relevant information: This is a vignette/ficlet thread dedicated to the various AU offshoots of my Enter!verse, with occasional forays into the events of the main ‘verse. The main focus is Allana/Festus, with a hearty helping of Chaos Twins (Festus & Ferrus) to balance things out. I’ll continue to post stories in this thread as inspiration strikes.

    Title: Stardust and Steel
    Timeframe: 44 ABY & beyond (mostly)
    Genre: all of them?
    Canonicity: AU (canon/Legends)
    Type: series of vignettes, poetry, and one very long short story
    Characters: Hondo Ohnaka, Dorian Starskip (OC), Veeran Starskip (OC), other OCs, Allana Djo Solo, Ben Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, plus a surprise EC or two
    Summary: Hondo Ohnaka rescues a bunch of Force-sensitive kids from the One Sith and adopts them into his pirate gang. (Or, the Super Evil Chaos Twins of Evil become pirates instead of Sith Lords, because Hondo)
    Last Updated: April 2024
    Status: in progress
    Other relevant information: The (space) pirate AU! A one-off AU of my Enter!verse that blends a little bit with new canon, written for the 2024 Kessel Run Challenge (and beyond).

    Title: A Strange and Dazzling Array
    Timeframe: post-RotS and beyond
    Genre: AU, family, humor, romance, tooth-rotting fluff
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: series of vignettes, ficlets, drabbles
    Characters: the Skywalkers, the Solos, and their many relatives and friends
    Summary: Anakin Skywalker makes a different choice, and his family flourishes in a world unmarred by the atrocities of the Sith.
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: in progress, maybe
    Other relevant information: A decathlon of stories written for the 2023 Fanfiction Summer Olympics. Takes place in the happy AU that branched off at the end of Enter the Foreign.

    Title: Beneath the Gods of the Bright Sky
    Timeframe: 41-49 ABY
    Genre: AU, drama, angst, coming-of-age, psychological trauma, action
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: novella/multi-part
    Characters: Veeran Starskip (OC), Dorian Starskip (OC), Sith & Jedi OCs, Jacen Solo|Darth Caedus, Tionne Solusar, Darth Krayt, Allana Djo Solo (cameo)
    Summary: Problem child, worthless Jedi brat, dumb brute… Veeran Starskip has been called a lot of things in his life, but there’s one name he’ll make sure they never forget.
    Last Updated: June 2023
    Status: in-progress
    Other relevant information: Companion piece of sorts to The Lands of the Dead and Here There Be Monsters. Written in response to the Lore Olympus Quote Roulette mini-games challenge. Part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: A Sick One With a Smile
    Timeframe: 54 ABY, soon after Where the Waves Shatter
    Genre: AU, weirdness, action
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A serial killer challenges a bounty hunter to a knife fight, and one of them dies.
    Last Updated: March 2023
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the OC Revolution's Janus/"When a door closes..." Challenge. Part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: Futures and Dreams
    Timeframe: 51 ABY & beyond
    Genre: AU, family, romance, humor, drama, angst, dark romance, introspection, horror, some fluff
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: series of vignettes, ficlets, poetry
    Characters: Ben Skywalker, Allana Djo Solo, Tahiri Veila, Darth Festus (OC), Darth Ferrus (OC), Roan Solo (OC), Davin Solo (OC), Dolan Solo (OC), Demetrius Ulin (OC), R2-D2, Myri Antilles, Syal Antilles, and other characters from Enter the Foreign
    Summary: It was time for all of them to live... (a series of ficlets picking up after the events of Enter the Foreign, in which our heroes – and villains – adjust to life after the war)
    Last Updated: April 2023
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge. Part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: The Steel in Our Hearts Will Be Monuments
    Timeframe: 53 ABY
    Genre: AU, humor, action, drama, angst
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette/short story
    Characters: Darth Ferrus (OC), Darth Festus (OC), HK-47, other OCs
    Summary: HK-47 and the Super Evil Chaos Twins of Evil take on an unusual assignment, and things do not go as planned...
    Last Updated: November 2022
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Something Borrowed, Something New Mod!Challenge. Part of my Enter!verse.

    Timeframe: 55-61 ABY
    Genre: AU, introspection, family, background dark romance
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Ben Skywalker, Allana Djo Solo, Darth Festus (OC), other ECs & OCs
    Summary: If there’s one thing he knows with absolute certainty, it’s that he will do anything to protect her. (Or, Allana attracts the wrong kind of attention, and Ben notices.)
    Last Updated: September 2022
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Part of my Enter!verse. Written in response to the Latin Phrase Roulette mini-games challenge.

    Timeframe: 43 ABY
    Genre: AU, angst, drama, introspection
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo
    Summary: The battle isn’t between dark and light, or shield and sword, or the slayer and the trickster – the battle is between Jacen and Jaina, and this is how it ends.
    Last Updated: September 2022
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: Enter the Drabble
    Timeframe: Saga & Beyond
    Genre: everything
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: drabble collection
    Characters: Skywalkers, Solos, the cast of EtF, and a bunch of OCs
    Summary: A collection of drabbles written in response to Ultimate Drabble Challenge X
    Last Updated: October 2022
    Status: in progress
    Other relevant information: Takes place mostly in my Enter!verse and its other AU off-shoots, with forays into straight-up Legends-canon and unrelated AUs.

    We Make Our Own Luck
    Timeframe: 44 ABY
    Genre: AU, humor, romance, general
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Tahiri Veila, Demetrius Ulin (OC)
    Summary: Tahiri is asked to break a stranger out of prison.
    Last Updated: June 2022
    Status: in progress
    Other relevant information: Written for OTP Challenge #25 and part of my Enter!verse. Planning to eventually turn this into a series of vignettes.

    Found You
    Timeframe: 31 ABY
    Genre: fluff, family, general, canon-compliant
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, Ben Skywalker
    Summary: In which Luke tries to be an adult, and Mara does not.
    Last Updated: June 2022
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Legends canon compliant, but can also technically slot right into my Enter!verse as well.

    There Is Nothing Lost
    Timeframe: A long time ago
    Genre: AU, romance, drama, family, angst, fluff, humor, introspection, horror
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: series of short stories, vignettes, ficlets, drabbles, and poetry
    Characters: Allana Djo Solo, Dorian Starskip (OC), Veeran Starskip (OC), Leia Solo, Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Skywalker, Jacen Solo, Luke Skywalker, Mara Skywalker, several other ECs and OCs
    Summary: For whatsoever from one place doth fall / Is with the tyde unto another brought… (a series of stories written for the Kessel Run challenge and beyond)
    Last Updated: June 2022
    Status: in progress
    Other relevant information: This is a Regency AU. Yep, apparently I write those sorts of AUs now. I can't even be sorry, because it's been a blast. Planning to expand this beyond the initial parameters of the 2022 Kessel Run.

    Title: Metamorphosis
    Timeframe: 47 ABY, a few weeks after Here There Be Monsters
    Genre: AU, introspection, mild angst, vignette/one-shot
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Jacen Solo, Vergere, mentions of OCs & ECs
    Summary: Jacen Solo thinks about being a shadowmoth.
    Last Updated: October 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Part of my Enter!verse. Written in response to the Haiku Poetry Roulette mini-games challenge.

    Title: Turn Ourselves Into These Ashes
    Timeframe: 51 ABY, during Chapter Eighteen of Enter the Foreign
    Genre: AU, angst, introspection, action, psychological horror
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Darth Festus (OC), Darth Ferrus (OC), Sith and Jedi OCs from EtF
    Summary: In the wake of their humiliating defeat on Vjun, Darth Festus and Darth Ferrus lead a surprise attack on a hidden Jedi enclave.
    Last Updated: October 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Missing moment/alternate POV from chapter 18 of Enter the Foreign. Written in response to two mini-games challenges (the Remembering Romanticism Roulette and Apocalyptica challenges); part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: Our Weakness Is the Same
    Timeframe: 43-61 ABY
    Genre: AU, dark romance, drama, introspection, angst
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: series of vignettes, ficlets, drabbles
    Characters: Allana Djo Solo, Darth Festus (OC)
    Summary: She can’t escape his orbit, and he can’t escape hers. (Or, Allana Djo and Darth Festus spend ten years trying to kill each other and/or falling in love, maybe.)
    Last Updated: August 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: A decathlon of stories written for the 2021 Fanfiction Summer Olympics; part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: Thunderbolt and Lightning
    Timeframe: 33-58 ABY
    Genre: AU, drama, angst, introspection, action, family, horror
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: series of vignettes, ficlets, drabbles
    Characters: Darth Festus (OC), Darth Ferrus (OC)
    Summary: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a pair of twins. Nope, not those twins. Or those ones either.
    Last Updated: August 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: A decathlon of stories written for the 2021 Fanfiction Summer Olympics, featuring the Chaos Twins; part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: The Way Out Is Through
    Timeframe: 42-52 ABY
    Genre: AU, angst, drama, introspection, action, horror
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: series of vignettes, ficlets, drabbles
    Characters: Ben Skywalker, several Skywalker/Solo family members, canon/Legends ECs, and OCs
    Summary: Ben Skywalker has lost so many people to war, and still he survives.
    Last Updated: August 2022
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Part of my Enter!verse. A decathlon of stories written for the 2021 Fanfiction Summer Olympics.

    In Dreams We Dwell
    Timeframe: 59 ABY
    Genre: AU, dark romance, drama, introspection, angst, short story
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: short story
    Characters: Allana Djo Solo, Darth Festus (OC), Darth Ferrus (OC), other OCs, Ben Skywalker
    Summary: After finishing up an assignment on the idyllic planet Kurin, Jedi Knight Allana Djo finds herself attending a lavish masquerade ball… and dealing with a dangerous uninvited guest.
    Last updated: April 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Written in response to two mini-games challenges (the Pretty, Dream, Yet Wistfully Sad Classical Piano and Much Ado About Nothing challenges); part of my Enter!verse.

    Forces of Gravity
    Timeframe: 55 ABY
    Genre: AU, drama, introspection, dark romance, unrequited love, angst, action, one-shot
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Allana Djo Solo, Darth Festus (OC), Darth Ferrus (OC), Geridan Ames (OC)
    Summary: No matter how hard you fight it, gravity always wins. (Or, Allana Djo is supposed to protect a guy, and Darth Festus is supposed to kill him. This is probably not going to end well.)
    Last updated: February 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Written for OTP Challenge #19; part of my Enter!verse.

    HK-47 and the Super Evil Chaos Twins of Evil
    Timeframe: approx. 52-53 ABY
    Genre: AU, humor, general, one-shot, day-in-the-life vignettes
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Darth Ferrus (OC), Darth Festus (OC), HK-47
    Summary: Darth Ferrus asks his brother to buy a maintenance droid for their ship, but Darth Festus has a slightly different idea.
    Last updated: February 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the OC Revolution 1st Quarter 2021 comedy challenge; part of my Enter!verse; this is a bit of a crack!fic written for amusement.

    Here There Be Monsters
    Timeframe: 47 ABY
    Genre: AU, introspection, angst, drama, action, one-shot
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Dorian Starskip (OC), Veeran Starskip (OC), Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus, Sith OCs
    Summary: Several months after earning a place among the Sith initiates, fourteen-year-old Dorian Starskip encounters monsters on the grave world of Korriban. One tries to eat him, one is possibly mentoring him, and a few just really hate his guts. Which of these is most to be feared?
    Last updated: January 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the OC Revolution Winter 2020-21 Challenge; takes place during the events of The Lands of the Dead; part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: What If This Storm Ends?
    Timeframe: 43-61 ABY
    Genre: AU, drama, angst, introspection, dark romance, unrequited love, one-shot, 5+1 vignettes
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Darth Festus (OC), Allana Djo Solo, Darth Ferrus (OC)
    Summary: Five times Darth Festus definitely wasn’t in love with a Jedi princess, and one time she definitely wasn’t in love with him.
    Last updated: December 2020
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Response to OTP Challenge #18 (5+1 times/things); part of my Enter!verse; the second vignette (54 ABY) follows directly after the events of Where the Waves Shatter.

    Title: Where the Waves Shatter
    Timeframe: 54 ABY
    Genre: AU, angst, dark romance, unrequited love, one-shot
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Darth Festus (OC), Allana Djo Solo, Darth Ferrus (OC)
    Summary: Feelings are hard, especially for a not-quite-former Sith Lord. (Or, Darth Festus and Allana Djo face off in combat for the first time since Vjun.)
    Last updated: December 2020
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Romantic Quotes Roulette challenge; part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: The Lands of the Dead
    Timeframe: 43-49 ABY
    Genre: AU, angst, psychological horror
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: short story/novelette
    Characters: Dorian Starskip (OC), Veeran Starskip (OC), Sith OCs, Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus, Ben Skywalker cameo
    Summary: When two brothers are kidnapped by the Sith, they fight to survive and eventually come to a grim realization: their old lives are gone, the bright fields of day forever past. There are no Jedi here.
    Last updated: October 2020
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Monster Challenge (October 2020); prequel-of-sorts to Enter the Foreign; concurrent with Here There Be Monsters; part of my Enter!verse.

    Title: Enter the Foreign
    Timeframe: 51 ABY and 19 BBY (during RotS)
    Genre: time travel, AU, drama, adventure, angst, action, some romance
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: epic
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, Allana Djo Solo, Tahiri Veila, OCs (Jedi, Sith, and otherwise), Valin Horn, Myri Antilles, Syal Antilles, Jacen Solo, and various canon/Legends characters
    Summary: Just before his fateful turn to the dark side, Anakin Skywalker is transported 70 years into the future, where he meets the ragtag remainder of the Jedi Order and becomes engulfed in their struggle against the new Sith Empire. Leading this fractured band of Jedi is Anakin’s grandson, Ben Skywalker, a young Knight still haunted by the deaths of his loved ones and by the betrayal of his former master, Darth Caedus. But the One Sith have not been idle in the years following the defeat of Caedus. Previously hidden in the shadows, they now stand on the brink of galactic domination, led there by the powerful and enigmatic Darth Krayt. As the two sides hurtle toward a final confrontation, will Anakin be able to separate himself from the shadow of Darth Vader? Or is it simply a matter of destiny – perhaps even the will of the Force – that the Chosen One and his scions should fall…?
    Last updated: July 2022
    Status: complete (finally!)
    Other relevant information: This is the genesis of my Enter!verse. I posted the first eleven chapters from 2010-2012 before taking an unintentional eight-year hiatus and then finally finishing it up between 2020-2022. This AU has spawned several other stories (see above), and I don't see that stopping any time soon. For more detailed info regarding this AU, check out my comprehensive Enter!verse Readers' Guide.

    Title: Blood Is Thicker
    Timeframe: Beyond the Saga (with frequent dabbling in the Saga era)
    Genre: drabbles; various genres, some AU
    Canonicity: canon, Legends, AU
    Type: series of drabbles
    Characters: Skywalkers, Solos, and more
    Summary: Response to the Fourth Ultimate Drabble Challenge
    Last updated: 2009 (fixed truncation 2020)
    Status: unfinished
    Other relevant information: My second attempt at drabbles, for UDC IV; there are a few that connect to my Enter!verse.

    Title: The Noble Dead
    Timeframe: 27 ABY, during the mission to Myrkr
    Genre: drama, angst
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jaina and Jacen Solo
    Summary: While watching his grandson and namesake battle the Yuuzhan Vong over Myrkr, Anakin Skywalker decides to give the young Jedi a helping hand.
    Last updated: 2008 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Vignette Challenge for March 2008

    Title: What Must Be Done
    Timeframe: 62 ABY, a few weeks after The Last Skywalkers
    Genre: AU, angst, introspection
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Ben Skywalker, Allana Djo Solo
    Summary: After a conversation with his cousin, Allana, Ben Skywalker realizes what must be done.
    Last updated: 2008 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Sequel to The Last Skywalkers; same AU as Faithful Padawans and My Father.

    Title: Your Father’s Lightsaber
    Timeframe: 13 ABY
    Genre: general, friendship, introspection, missing scene
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: Mara Jade takes an unwanted vacation and reflects upon the gift Luke Skywalker gave her four years ago.
    Last updated: 2007 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Also in the TF.N Fanfic Archive

    Title: As You Wish
    Timeframe: several years after LOTF
    Genre: AU, introspection
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: a new Imperial Ruler and an admiral
    Summary: The new ruler of the Galactic Empire has a conversation with a trusted admiral.
    Last updated: 2007 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: That other time I tried out second-person POV. Came from way out in left field and is very AU.

    Title: My Father
    Timeframe: approx. 60 ABY
    Genre: AU, introspection
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Allana Djo Solo, Darth Caedus
    Summary: Allana reflects on the father she never had and the man he once was.
    Last updated: 2007 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Prequel to Faithful Padawans and The Last Skywalkers. Same AU as What Must Be Done. One of my only forays into first-person POV.

    Title: Vi’s Drabble Thread
    drabbles, various genres, some AU
    Canonicity: canon, Legends, AU
    Type: series of drabbles
    Characters: Skywalkers, Solos, OCs, and more
    Summary: This is a response to the Ultimate Drabble Challenge
    Last updated: 2007 (fixed truncation 2020)
    Status: unfinished
    Other relevant information: My first attempt at drabbles, for the first Ultimate Drabble Challenge; a few of these are somewhat connected to my Enter!verse.

    Title: Faithful Padawans
    Timeframe: 62 ABY
    Genre: AU, introspection, vignette
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Ben Skywalker, Tahiri Veila
    Summary: Ben Skywalker has lost much to war, but can the Force really ask him to give up the Padawans he's supposed to protect?
    Last updated: 2007 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Prequel to The Last Skywalkers. Same AU as My Father and What Must Be Done.

    Title: The Last Skywalkers
    Timeframe: 62 ABY
    Genre: AU, introspection, vignette
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Ben Skywalker, Allana Djo Solo
    Summary: Two of the last Skywalkers have a private conversation about family and fate.
    Last updated: 2006 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Same AU as Faithful Padawans, My Father, and What Must Be Done

    Title: Only A Dream
    Timeframe: after ROTJ
    Genre: angst
    Canonicity: canon and/or Legends
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: Sometime after the Battle of Endor, the two sides of Anakin Skywalker must be reconciled in a dream.
    Last updated: 2006 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: That time I tried out second-person POV.


    Title: Daybreak
    Timeframe: during ANH (0 BBY)
    Genre: introspection
    Canonicity: compatible with canon and Legends
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa
    Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi has endured the long, dark night, waiting for twin suns to rise.
    Last Updated: July 2022
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Written shortly after I finished watching the finale of the Obi-Wan show, but is compatible with old and new canons.

    Title: Those Three Words
    Timeframe: approx. 1 BBY
    Genre: romance, fluff, family
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Padmé, Leia, Anakin
    Summary: Padawans Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade take some time off from Jedi training to attend a high-end art gallery exhibition. It also happens to be their so-very-secret first date.
    Last updated: May 2021
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: This 'verse is basically one where Anakin wasn’t an idiot and didn’t turn to the dark side; same one as my unfinished, first draft fancy dress story. Written for OTP Challenge #20.

    The Boy in the Red Room
    Timeframe: 29 BBY
    Genre: angst, introspection
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: One day he will destroy the Jedi. For now, he lives in the red room.
    Last updated: 2010 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Same AU-verse as The Darkest of Shadows

    Title: The Darkest of Shadows
    Timeframe: approx. 18 BBY
    Genre: angst
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Darth Vader
    Summary: The former senator from Naboo awaits her mysterious benefactor, the one who has been keeping her alive since the fall of the Republic.
    Last updated: 2010 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: 2010 Dare Challenge co-winner. Same AU-verse as The Boy in the Red Room. Planning to return to this AU one day...

    Title: Veil of Shadows
    Timeframe: OT, around time of ANH
    Genre: AU, angst, romance
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: short story
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Leia, Darth Vader, Palpatine & more
    Summary: A strange tale where the good guys are bad, the Empire has won, and a Sith adept pursues the girl of his nightmares.
    Last updated: 2008 (fixed truncation 2020)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the SJRS Wordless Romance Challenge. Also in the TF.N Fanfic Archive. I have plans for a sequel and am hoping to finish it one of these days.

    Title: The Dark Fire Chronicles
    Timeframe: OT
    Genre: AU, drama, adventure, angst, romance
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: epic
    Characters: Luke, Leia, Darth Vader, Han Solo, Mara Jade, OCs, Palpatine & more
    Summary: Darth Vader escaped his final battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi unscathed and discovered his twin children. Nineteen years later, the hope of a galaxy has all but died. Will the Imperial Prince and Princess fight for freedom... or the dark side?
    Last updated: 2010 (fixed truncation & added new author's note in 2024)
    Status: unfinished – permanent hiatus
    Other relevant information: This was started without much planning when I was sixteen, so there’s some less than stellar writing, especially in the first half of Part One. Will most likely remain unfinished.

    Title: Bittersweet
    Timeframe: PT
    Genre: angst, romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: One-shot speculation on Padmé and Anakin’s relationship near the end of the Clone Wars and the beginning of ROTS.
    Last updated: 2005 (fixed truncation 2015)
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Inspired by a Van Gogh painting. I can't remember the one.

    Title: The Journal of Zavra Phelar, Jedi Padawan
    Timeframe: PT
    Genre: drama, journal
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: short story
    Characters: OCs, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: Shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, an older Jedi Padawan discovers an ancient record containing a series of prophecies that foretell the coming of a destroyer. As he delves deeper into the mystery of the old texts, he makes an astonishing revelation which has the potential to alter the course of the future.
    Last updated: 2004
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: Also in the TF.N Fanfic Archive

    Title: Angel of the Forest
    Timeframe: Inter-trilogy (middle) and post-NJO, somewhat far-future (beginning & ending)
    Genre: vignette, drama, AU
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: vignette
    Characters: Darth Vader, OCs
    Summary: An old man tells the children of his village a curious story about angels, dark lords, hope, and love.
    Last updated: 2003
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: I was sixteen when I posted this. Not sure why I feel the need to say that, but I do. Also in the TF.N Fanfic Archive

    **I wrote a couple of stories in Before long ago, and my first fic on the boards was in Saga, but I'm not sure it's worth it to list them here. (Yikes.) I also have a few stories in the TF.N Fanfic Archive that aren’t listed.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
  5. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—February 2021

    The Ground Quakes and Trembles by @devilinthedetails
    No submissions.

    Agharta by @madman007
    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index's rules, please PM this sock.
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  6. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in March 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title "fic promotion for User in March 2021". If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PMing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is February 28, 2021. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on March 1.
  7. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—March 2021

    No submissions.

    Saltnut Butter Sandwiches by @devilinthedetails
    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index's rules, please PM this sock.
  8. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in April 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title "fic promotion for User in April 2021". If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PMing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is March 31, 2021. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on April 1.
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  9. Bel505

    Bel505 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Jul 4, 2006
    Saga — Legends

    : Survivors
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Angst/Drama
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: Vignette
    Characters: Kam Solusar, Ranik Solusar
    Summary: Order 66
    Last updated: April 2021
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Belongs to the same chronology as Interregnum.

    Beyond – Legends

    Title: High Hopes
    Co-Authors: n/a
    Timeframe: Fifty years after the Battle of Endor (54 ABY)
    Genre: Angst/Romance
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: Vignette
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
    Summary: An old Luke Skywalker mourns the deaths of some equally old dreams.
    Last updated: October 2020
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for OTP #17, Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade.

    Title: Interregnum
    Co-Authors: DrMckay
    Timeframe: New Republic Era (10 ABY)
    Genre: Action/Adventure/Drama/Romance
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: Novel
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Wedge Antilles, Iella Wessiri, Talon Karrde, Teren Rogriss, Gilad Pellaeon, Fliry Vorru
    Summary: With the death of GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN, COUNCILOR LEIA ORGANA SOLO guides the NEW REPUBLIC as it takes the offensive. The EMPIRE tries frantically to hold on to its remaining territory, while the FRINGE elements of the galaxy take stock of the new reality. Some have sided with the New Republic, forming the SMUGGLERS’ ALLIANCE, while others plot to exploit the tattered vestiges of Imperial might. On Coruscant LUKE SKYWALKER, the galaxy’s only Jedi Knight, and MARA JADE, a former Imperial agent with a troubled past, reunite while subtle foes plot from the safety of the shadows...
    Last updated: April 2021
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Approximately 200,000 words long. Ensemble cast. Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade.

    Title: Return to Coruscant I: Han
    Co-Authors: DrMckay
    Timeframe: Between Chapters 33 and 34 of Interregnum
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: Vignette
    Characters: Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo,
    Kyp Durron
    Summary: Han Solo is coming home from a brief adventure around the galaxy, and he's bringing unexpected company...
    Last updated: April 2021
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: An Interregnum Missing Moment. Han Solo/Leia Organa

    Title: Return to Coruscant II
    Co-Authors: DrMckay
    Timeframe: Between Chapters 33 and 34 of Interregnum
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: Vignette
    Characters: Luke Skywalker,
    Kam Solusar
    Summary: Luke Skywalker recruits for the Jedi Order.
    Last updated: April 2021
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: An Interregnum Missing Moment.

    Title: Return to Coruscant III: Mara
    Co-Authors: DrMckay
    Timeframe: Between Chapters 33 and 34 of Interregnum
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: AU (Legends)
    Type: Vignette
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
    Mara kissed Luke, then they each found their own ride back to Coruscant.
    What happened next?
    Last updated: April 2021
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: An Interregnum Missing Moment. Luke/Mara.

    Title: A Profusion of Palpatines
    Co-Authors: DrMckay (Snubjockey)
    Timeframe: Variable
    Genre: Comedy
    Canonicity: AU (Legends with hints of Disney canon)
    Type: Short Story (10k words)
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Palpatine, Palpatine, Palpatine, and Palpatine
    Summary: Palpatine had taken every precaution to ensure that he would return even after his defeat. He succeeded. Kind of.
    Last updated: April 1st, 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for April Fools. Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2024
  10. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—April 2021

    No submissions.

    No submissions.

    Interregnum by @Bel505
    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index's rules, please PM this sock.
    Kahara and Bel505 like this.
  11. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in May 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title “fic promotion for User in May 2021.” If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PM-ing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is April 30. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on May 1.
  12. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—May 2021

    No submissions this month.​

    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index's rules, please PM this sock.
    Last edited: May 1, 2021
  13. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in June 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title “fic promotion for User in June 2021.” If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PM-ing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is May 31. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on June 1.
  14. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—June 2021

    No submissions.

    No submissions.

    Hocquet Night by @devilinthedetails
    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index's rules, please PM this sock.
    devilinthedetails likes this.
  15. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in July 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title “fic promotion for User in July 2021.” If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PM-ing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is June 30. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on July 1.
  16. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—July 2021

    No submissions this month.

    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index's rules, please PM this sock.
  17. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in August 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title “fic promotion for User in August 2021.” If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PM-ing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is July 31. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on August 1.
    Kahara likes this.
  18. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—August 2021

    No submissions this month.

    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index’s rules, please PM this sock.
  19. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in September 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title “fic promotion for USERNAME in September 2021.” If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PM-ing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is August 31. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on September 1.
  20. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—September 2021

    No submissions.

    Seven Fatal Flaws by @devilinthedetails
    No submissions.

    Quick Announcement: For this month only, the promotion reminder will be posted on the 17th instead of the 16th as usual. I’ll be back to the normal update schedule in October.

    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index’s rules, please PM this sock.
    devilinthedetails and Kahara like this.
  21. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in October 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title “fic promotion for USERNAME in October 2021.” If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PM-ing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is September 30. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on October 1.
    devilinthedetails likes this.
  22. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—October 2021

    No submissions this month.

    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index’s rules, please PM this sock.
  23. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in November 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title “fic promotion for USERNAME in November 2021.” If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PM-ing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is October 31. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on November 1.
  24. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted fics—November 2021

    No submissions this month.

    This is an index-only thread.
    To comment on the promoted fics, please go to the story threads.
    If you have any questions on this index’s rules, please PM this sock.
  25. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The sock is now accepting fics for promotion in December 2021.

    A reminder of the PROMOTION RULES:

    Only authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock.

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title “fic promotion for USERNAME in December 2021.” If you already promoted a fic last month, please keep your new PMs to this convo and update the convo title using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. You may promote only ONE fic at a time. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    3. You cannot promote a fic that you already promoted last month.

    4. You can only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics.

    5. When PM-ing your promoted fic to the sock, please follow this template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story" etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    The deadline to send your fics for promotion is November 30. The new list of promoted fics will be posted on December 1.