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Challenge 2023 Reading Challenge!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Kit', Jan 3, 2023.

  1. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Reader Extraordinaire star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    15. A fic whose main character is an OC: The Sad, Sad Story of Porfozald Marballees! by @Findswoman – I have four words for you: chauvinistic Lasat shaman initiate. No, really, that's all I'm going to say, because there's no way I can do justice to this story without writing a PhD dissertation about it. Go and read it. (...) Why are you still here? Seriously, I mean it. Go and read it NOW.
  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Reader Extraordinaire star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
  3. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Reader Extraordinaire star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title: The Gods Who Love the Sky by @GregMcP – This has to be one of the most unusual stories you can hope to read on the boards. It features a regular Joe archivist who is trying to figure out what his father was up to during the Clone Wars and who is stopped in his effort by a primitive civilisation of small rodents, the latter being the main POV characters. A really unexpected look at what can happen with the wreckage of war!
  4. Kahara

    Kahara Reader Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 3, 2001
    Just updated/added the recs for some of the fics that I've read and reviewed so far since signing up! :D

    3. A short story/one shot
    Better with Sauce by @Seldes_Katne
    This short but substantial Sequel-era adventure is just plain fun all the way through. Hondo Ohnaka and a fabulous collection of OC's thwart the First Order on Baatu. (For those of us like me who tend to forget some newer canon stuff, that is the planet featured in the Disney Star Wars park thingamajig). And they do it with inimitable style! :cool:

    5. A fic starring a non-human character
    The Silence of the Frogs by @Findswoman
    An alien POV story about the granddaughter of the "Frog Woman" from the Mandalorian TV series meeting an unexpected guest at her beloved grandmother's funeral. There are wonderful cultural details, bittersweet character moments, a beautiful setting, and of course the previously mentioned guest; it's just wonderfully done on so many levels. @};-

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title
    Burden of the Past by @TheProphetOfSullust
    This is a really fun ensemble fic following the end of TROS, where we get to see some of the rebuilding -- and sometimes re-messing-it-up-again-must-we-really -- that comes after the film storyline ended. Features conflict within the former Resistance thanks to Rey's Palpatine-ness being made public, a really lovely Finn/Rose established relationship romance, and lots of Rose Tico saving the day. [face_dancing]

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show
    Ashaa's Memory by @Mechalich
    This one is well outside my usual eras, though I'm somewhat aware of the SW:TOR game and a few broad outlines. But this particular corner of the time period was a total surprise. The "Ashaa" from the title is an artificial intelligence, a minor canon character who is also known as the Mother Machine and has the capability to genetically engineer life forms. It was really fascinating to get an inside perspective on how she perceives herself, the beings that invented her, and the tension between her programming and her nearly unlimited potential abilities. She can definitely be creepy, but it's an interesting and unpredictable kind of creepy which makes her narration very entertaining. [face_skull]

    14. A fic with a great first line
    Once a Pirate by @Raissa Baiard
    A phenomenal first line that sets the whole story into motion -- and it's even more hilarious once you find out the context. [face_laugh] Mostly retired pirate Hondo (who will NOT admit to being retired) and his adoptive nephew (aka Jacen Syndulla, aka the skeptic) are such a fantastic pair and their dialogue is side-splitting. The asides from Hondo (first-person POV) are delightful too.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC
    The Emperors Shadow: Diary of old Sheevs Cousin by @Mira Grau
    This diary tells the story of Max, Palpatine's singular surviving (OC) cousin, starting with the invasion of Naboo. The perspective of this character who is so very connected to Sidious's story and manipulations but knows nothing of that yet, is really suspenseful and tragic. [face_nail_biting] (Also, somewhat spoilery but this character does appear in other stories and it's really cool to see more of his origin story!)
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2023
  5. TheProphetOfSullust

    TheProphetOfSullust Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 10, 2003
    Thank you for the shoutout, @Kahara ! Glad you enjoyed that one. I really hope to see Rose in the new post-TROS film.
  6. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Reader Extraordinaire star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
  7. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Slowly making some progress, as well as coming across some great stories. :)

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title
    Die Alone, Live Together by @TheProphetOfSullust
    A fascinating look at the last part of TROS and what would have happened if things had played out a bit differently, namely Ben surrendering to the Resistance and not going alone to Exegol.

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided
    Interregnum by @Bel505
    "Intimidating" only in terms of its length and the time I expected to need to read through it. Even though I love sinking my teeth into an in-depth story, I hadn't done it yet for this one because of my own time management issues. But now I have, and I'm very glad I did, because this felt like the most natural continuation of the Legends EU after TTT. (Plus extra bonus points for including the Rogues. :p )

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title
    Gifts of Love by @Hopefulwriter
    A very touching story about gifts that Han had given Leia during their time together, and we see what they mean to Leia in the time after Han's death.

    23. A fic that's written from a villain's perspective
    FACPOV: A New Hope - Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Yavin by @JABoomer
    An interesting exploration of Palpatine's thoughts and actions during ANH and specifically the Battle of Yavin while he's back on Coruscant. We get a glimpse into his plans and manipulations for things that have already come and things he wants to do.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Reader Extraordinaire star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
  9. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    3. A short story/one shot
    The Talk by @UltramassiveUbersue
    A sweet and funny story with Luke and his son Ben, and some things they learn about each other during a camping trip.

    4. A fic whose chapters have titles
    Refugee by @PlanetSmasher
    A fascinating look at refugees from a destroyed world and how they learn to live in a different society under the Sith Empire in TOR.

    10. A fic with only canon characters
    Drabble Scum by @brodiew
    Excellent drabbles exploring some of the characters from Andor.

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention
    An Exercise in Precise Terminology by @rktho
    It did, and it kept my attention throughout. :p An enjoyable story about Jabba that's exactly what the title states.
  10. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Reader Extraordinaire star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    4. A fic whose chapters have titles: The Book of Boba's Cat Part 2: Peculiar Tails by @gizkaspice – In which Boba Fett runs an ice cream parlour whose star product is the Mangolorian sorbet, Mando sells a bunch of cat stickers to little Armitage Hux and Luke carries around a Mara doll. I'm barely scratching the surface of the insanity here, so you'll have to read it to understand how crazy this story really is.

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else: Twin Suns Bed & Breakfast and Other Stories by @Kahara – This UDC IX entry was recommended to me by Findswoman (among a bunch of other stories) and I finally got around to reading it now that Kahara announced that she'd be writing in this 'verse for the Olympics. And it's vintage Kahara: one drabble is hilarious, another is deeply moving, the next one is all melty-feel-goody, and more generally it covers an amazing range of styles, genres and emotions with amazing worldbuilding and aliens, aliens everywhere! Highly recommended :)

    And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I've completed the challenge [face_party] I may go for round 2 after the Olympics if that's okay @Kit', and in any case I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for more ideas of stories I could read :D
  11. UltramassiveUbersue

    UltramassiveUbersue Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 7, 2022
    Congrats on completing the challenge, @Chyntuck! [face_party]
  12. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Half way through the year! You guys have done amazingly so far.

    Also congrats @Chyntuck!
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2023
  13. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    So the Summer Olympics is a great opportunity for me to continue to chip away at this reader's challenge[face_dancing]

    1. A fic by your favourite* author: The Best is Yet to Be by one of my favorite authors @Mira_Jade. In this Sense and Sensibility fanfic, Mira does a fabulous job of evoking the language and vibes of the Regency era as well as capturing the clever wit and social commentary of Jane Austen. It is a perfect read for Jane Austen fans like myself, and even if you aren't a Jane Austen fan, Mira will probably turn you into one with her fantastic writing@};-

    2. A fic with two or more authors

    3. A short story/one shot

    4. A fic whose chapters have titles

    5. A fic starring a non-human character: Career Exploration (with Gungans) by @Seldes_Katne follows the adventures of a Gungan family with wit and clever worldbuilding details like Gungans developing quicker than humans that I really appreciated.

    6. A challenge winner

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title: Collage of Memorable Scenes by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is a heartwarming collection of stories focusing on two of my all-time favorite Star Wars couples, Han and Leia, and Luke and Mara respectively[face_love]

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided

    10. A fic with only canon characters

    11. A fic by a new^ author: The Talk by @UltramassiveUbersue is a wonderfully humorous and heartwarming fic featuring Luke and his sassy teenage son Ben with bonus appearances from Han and Leia to add even more to the enjoyment factor.

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show: We Shall All Hang Separately by @DarthIshtar is set during the OT and the Beyond the Saga-Legends eras when the PT and Before the Saga are more my comfort zones, but with this fic I am richly rewarded for stepping outside my comfort zone with some beautiful moments of brother and sister bonding as the Skywalker twins take center stage and are celebrated as they deserve to be.

    14. A fic with a great first line: In the Shade of the Wroshyr-Tales of the People of the Trees by @Chyntuck has a breathtaking first line that captures all the power of the best creation myths in our world and in a galaxy far, far away.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention: Ten Reasons Why Qui-Gon Jinn Is Not On The Jedi Council by @UltramassiveUbersue drew me in with promises of humor it totally delivered upon[face_laugh]

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2022

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title

    21. A fic with a five-syllable title

    22. A fic with an 'author's note' at the start: A Strange and Dazzling Array by @ViariSkywalker begins with an author's note that she will be treating us to a Decathlon of Delight, and the delight starts in the very first entry with an adorable and moving perspective on Ben Skywalker's birth from the point of view of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. My heart was just a puddle of mush in the best possible way at the end of reading that.

    23. A fic that's written from a villain's perspective
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    Kit', Mira_Jade , Kahara and 5 others like this.
  14. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Finally can add one to my list! :D

    4. A fic whose chapters have titles—Beneath the Gods of the Bright Sky by @ViariSkywalker. As the long-awaited origin story of the darker of Vi’s Chaos Twins, Veeran Starskip / Darth Ferrus, this is the counterpart to her Lands of the Dead. Both tell of the torture of the young Starskip brothers at the hands of a Mengele-like Sith doctor, but Veeran responds to it very differently than does Dorian: where the latter withdrew into himself, the former lashes out. It makes for a very different species of angst from what we see in The Lands of the Dead, and it’s a tribute to Vi’s versatility and angst expertise that she can write both kinds so skillfully! The most recent chapter was titled “Jedi Brat,” which is not only one of the many insults the torturers hurl at the twins but also—and even more painfully—something Veeran calls himself in his own subconscious self-doubts. Another dark gem from Vi!
  15. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Reader Extraordinaire star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
  16. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Working my way through the prompts:

    5. A fic starring a non-human character: "Fathoms," by Thumper09.
    A Mon Calamari female experiences generational trauma at a young age, but learns to overcome it in order to reconnect with her daughter and family.

    6. A challenge winner: (Not) the Ballad of Ronen Syndulla-Jarrus, by Raisa Baiard.
    I’m generally not a romance fan, but this piece had plenty of other themes – coming of age, life as a teen, moving out of the comfort zone, redemption, and some cool world-building. I’m certainly on board with Kanan surviving the events of Rebels, and it was interesting to see the three different children of his union with Hera. Creative interplay of genetics, indeed. I like all of the protagonists, but I think my marginal favorite was Maatko, who seems to be channeling Mr. Spock from That Other Franchise. And of course I also love Spots.

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title: The Dark Forces Saga, by whiskers. Even as a non-gamer, I could follow the events set out in this piece. Kyle Katarn and his associate Jan Ors get themselves in and out of scrapes while tooling around the galaxy.

    10. A fic with only canon characters: The Way of the Sword, by devilinthedetails. Piandao is one of my favorite characters from Avatar: the Last Airbender, and here he and Zuko interact as Zuko receives lessons in swordplay – and life in general.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC: "Intruders," by Kit' Really enjoyed this short piece, between the environmental protection theme and meeting a non-human native species. I appreciate the respect the Jedi immediately show the Fosh, asking permission to travel the forest and thanking them for assigning a guide. Even though I'm not familiar with the OCs, there was more than enough character development and background given. Here's hoping Padawan Tara Tarindae succeeds in her new mission with the Senate.

    21. A fic with a five-syllable title: "Acquisition Cost," by Thumper09.
    One of the few fanfic pieces I’ve seen starring a Gotal character, this “heist gone wrong” story explores both the Gotals’ experiences with the world (sensing emotions and electrical fields) and the outlier’s feeling of loneliness. Peteck acquires supplies for the Rebellion, sometimes through honest means, sometimes… not. When a Rebel team shows up and asks for an unusual list of supplies (a jet pack? A B1 battle droid? Really?!), Peteck is dragged into an off-the-wall plan and a follow-up rescue mission. And Gotals do tend to stand out….

    22. A fic with an 'author's note' at the start: Song of Fate, by Chyntuck.
    Hosting at least three separate story threads, this is set in a AU where Palpatine was defeated and the Empire never happened. One thread follows Jedi Knight Quinlon Vos on a rescue mission, his attendance at a wedding, and an investigation in Zygerrian space. Another thread follows Jesse and Ayesha, a pair of artists. And a third follows a variety of artists and art-related tales.

    23. A fic that's written from a villain's perspective: FACPOV: A New Hope – Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Yavin, by JABoomer. An intense and well-written read. The author successfully captures Palpatine's ability to plan years ahead and manipulate everyone around him, playing officers and administrators against one another while he hovers in the background and pursues a separate agenda.
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Reader Extraordinaire star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2023
  18. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Update time! :D

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided—Once again, the issue here is not so much that this story is INTIMIDATING per se and that I’ve AVOIDED it, but more that I’ve put off reading it for a while because it is long and takes a lot of concentration to take in all the details. But now I’ve caught up! It’s @divapilot ’s stunning Breha Organa diary from this year, Palace, Forest, Stars, set during the events of Kenobi, where we see from the lively viewpoint of a Queen who’s also a Mom the tribulations of Leia’s kidnapping and the joy (and wistfulness) of her return. A real tour de force by one of this sites true grandes dames. (And possibly one of the last she’ll share here, :_| so I especially wanted to give it its due!)

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention—my last comment on this one was a few months ago now, but this category without a doubt goes to @vader_incarnate 's excellent Vader-centered series Certain Dark Things, whose title comes from a line from Pablo Neruda's Sonnet XVII: "I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, / in secret, between the shadow and the soul." As always, Ms. Elli is spot-on in her Vader/Anakin characterization at every turn, the angst cuts deep, and she's got some really keen and thought-provoking interpretations of the prompts. Her chosen title for this series is a perfect fit not only for Anakin and his brand of love, but also for her own love of the character. :vader:

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2022—The Tale of Canderous Ordo and How It Is Past Wren's Bedtime by my good friend @Kahara. I really and truly thought I had commented on this last year, but I hadn’t—d’oh! [face_blush] It was written as a holiday fic-gift for @Raissa Baiard using some of Raissa's OC Wren/Ordo descendants, and in fact Wren Ordo (daughter of Sabine Wren Ordo) is the main character. A keen limmie player, she is laid up with a broken leg after a game-related injury (an honorable one, I might add!), and her dad, Raissa’s OC Maximus Ordo, tells her a bedtime story. Kahara did a great job on so many counts: humor and repartee, Mando language and lore, working with someone else’s OCs, the list goes on. Definitely a #CrushedThatChallenge!

    22. A fic with an "author's note" at the start—I have two for this category, both recent OTP challenge entries: The Fair and the First Flame by @devilinthedetails, and The Dead Lovers of Myrkr by @Mira Grau. Mira G's note situates her story in the context of others that she's written about these two characters, two participants in the Myrkr mission from the Legends continuity, and devil's note introduces one of her story's main characters—Aika, first wife of Cliegg Lars—describing how she, devil, imagines the personality of this little-known, little-described character from both Legends and NuCanon continuities. Both stories blended of warmth, wistfulness, and joy in ways well-suited to the "old flames" theme of the challenge for which they were written.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
  19. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Yesterday night and this morning I went on a bit of a read and review binge, which is the best kind of binge;) So here is my updated 2023 Reading Challenge:

    1. A fic by your favourite* author: The Best is Yet to Be by one of my favorite authors @Mira_Jade. In this Sense and Sensibility fanfic, Mira does a fabulous job of evoking the language and vibes of the Regency era as well as capturing the clever wit and social commentary of Jane Austen. It is a perfect read for Jane Austen fans like myself, and even if you aren't a Jane Austen fan, Mira will probably turn you into one with her fantastic writing.

    2. A fic with two or more authors

    3. A short story/one shot: Nostalgic Keepsakes by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is a nostalgic (as the title promises) and poignant one shot focusing on Leia's touching memories and mementos from Alderaan with a sweet Han/Leia romance moment at the end!

    4. A fic whose chapters have titles

    5. A fic starring a non-human character: Career Exploration (with Gungans) by @Seldes_Katne follows the adventures of a Gungan family with wit and clever worldbuilding details like Gungans developing quicker than humans that I really appreciated.

    6. A challenge winner: Pull Me Home by @Gabri_Jade is the winner of the OTP Challenge #23. It focuses on Luke and Mara overcoming obstacles in their relationship and features some excellent dialogue that rings so true to the characters and can be heartbreaking, humorous, and adorably romantic by turns!

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title: Collage of Memorable Scenes by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is a heartwarming collection of stories focusing on two of my all-time favorite Star Wars couples, Han and Leia, and Luke and Mara respectively.

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided

    10. A fic with only canon characters

    11. A fic by a new^ author: The Talk by @UltramassiveUbersue is a wonderfully humorous and heartwarming fic featuring Luke and his sassy teenage son Ben with bonus appearances from Han and Leia to add even more to the enjoyment factor.

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show: We Shall All Hang Separately by @DarthIshtar is set during the OT and the Beyond the Saga-Legends eras when the PT and Before the Saga are more my comfort zones, but with this fic I am richly rewarded for stepping outside my comfort zone with some beautiful moments of brother and sister bonding as the Skywalker twins take center stage and are celebrated as they deserve to be.

    14. A fic with a great first line: In the Shade of the Wroshyr-Tales of the People of the Trees by @Chyntuck has a breathtaking first line that captures all the power of the best creation myths in our world and in a galaxy far, far away.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention: Ten Reasons Why Qui-Gon Jinn Is Not On The Jedi Council by @UltramassiveUbersue drew me in with promises of humor it totally delivered upon.

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2022

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title: Lunch with Tahl by @earlybird-obi-wan is centered around the relationship between Qui-Gon and Tahl, which is one of my favorite Star Wars relationships both as a friendship and later a romance. There is a lot of humor in this story and a glimpse of Dooku being a food critic as well which is sure to draw many laughs from readers!

    21. A fic with a five-syllable title

    22. A fic with an 'author's note' at the start: A Strange and Dazzling Array by @ViariSkywalker begins with an author's note that she will be treating us to a Decathlon of Delight, and the delight starts in the very first entry with an adorable and moving perspective on Ben Skywalker's birth from the point of view of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. My heart was just a puddle of mush in the best possible way at the end of reading that.

    23. A fic that's written from a villain's perspective
  20. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Updates to my reading list:

    16.A fic whose title catches your attention Then the Dreadful Night Shall Break by @Blue_Daddys_Girl

    To say this is a deep dive into Obi-Wan's broken psyche after his experience with the Zygerrians is an understatement. The author tackles all of the emotions and perceived shortcomings of Obi-Wan as he falls, even briefly, and embraces the darkness as he escapes the clutches of the slavers. This fic features wonderful characterization of both Obi-Wan, Mace and Anakin.

    Definitely a must-read for any Obi-Wan Kenobi fan.

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title Love Is All You Need by @Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Written for the 2021 Fanfic Olympics, these two stories (of a planned triathlon) are the wonderful beginnings of a Mace Windu-centered romance. I was so intrigued by that idea to start with that I had to stop in a read. The first story in only 110 words, but it captures perfectly Mace's calm desperation to make his way off Coruscant right after his fall from Palpatine's office window and the determination of the woman who finds him to assist in that escape.

    The second is just a single sentence, but in those few words the entirety of Mace's immediate and future feelings are on display. Just a wonderful beginning to one of the most intriguing ideas I've ever come across in all my years on these boards. I would love to see this idea continued. Masterful job.

    21. A fic with a five-syllable title Coruscant Sunset by @devilinthedetails

    This little gem is a wonderful snapshot of a serene moment between Anakin and Obi-Wan early in their master/padawan relationship. It brilliantly showcases Anakin's natural curiosity as well as Obi-Wan's often dry wit.

    More Updates:

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided Enter the Foreign by @ViariSkywalker

    I have read bits and pieces of this story; enough to know that it is a brilliantly crafted narrative. I usually stay away from time travel fics, but this is so gorgeous in terms of characterization, pacing, imagery and...just everything that I had to dive in. If you are a fan of Anakin Skywalker and Ben Skywalker and so many other, it is a must read.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023
  21. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I continue to "double dip" by chipping away at this Reading Challenge and enjoying some of the many wonderful stories written for the Fanfiction Summer Olympics this year[face_dancing]

    1. A fic by your favourite* author: The Best is Yet to Be by one of my favorite authors @Mira_Jade. In this Sense and Sensibility fanfic, Mira does a fabulous job of evoking the language and vibes of the Regency era as well as capturing the clever wit and social commentary of Jane Austen. It is a perfect read for Jane Austen fans like myself, and even if you aren't a Jane Austen fan, Mira will probably turn you into one with her fantastic writing.

    2. A fic with two or more authors

    3. A short story/one shot: Nostalgic Keepsakes by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is a nostalgic (as the title promises) and poignant one shot focusing on Leia's touching memories and mementos from Alderaan with a sweet Han/Leia romance moment at the end!

    4. A fic whose chapters have titles

    5. A fic starring a non-human character: Career Exploration (with Gungans) by @Seldes_Katne follows the adventures of a Gungan family with wit and clever worldbuilding details like Gungans developing quicker than humans that I really appreciated.

    6. A challenge winner: Pull Me Home by @Gabri_Jade is the winner of the OTP Challenge #23. It focuses on Luke and Mara overcoming obstacles in their relationship and features some excellent dialogue that rings so true to the characters and can be heartbreaking, humorous, and adorably romantic by turns!

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title: Collage of Memorable Scenes by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is a heartwarming collection of stories focusing on two of my all-time favorite Star Wars couples, Han and Leia, and Luke and Mara respectively.

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided

    10. A fic with only canon characters: In On a Sea of Sand, @JediMaster_Jen brings to life Beru, Owen, Luke, and Ben Kenobi during the early days following Beru and Owen taking young Luke into their family. The characters are all portrayed very realistically, and there is much poignant emotion and drama to be found here. Readers will chuckle and get tears in their eyes as they make their way through this triumph of a Summer Olympics Triathlon.

    11. A fic by a new^ author: The Talk by @UltramassiveUbersue is a wonderfully humorous and heartwarming fic featuring Luke and his sassy teenage son Ben with bonus appearances from Han and Leia to add even more to the enjoyment factor.

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show: We Shall All Hang Separately by @DarthIshtar is set during the OT and the Beyond the Saga-Legends eras when the PT and Before the Saga are more my comfort zones, but with this fic I am richly rewarded for stepping outside my comfort zone with some beautiful moments of brother and sister bonding as the Skywalker twins take center stage and are celebrated as they deserve to be.

    14. A fic with a great first line: In the Shade of the Wroshyr-Tales of the People of the Trees by @Chyntuck has a breathtaking first line that captures all the power of the best creation myths in our world and in a galaxy far, far away.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC: Night and Night by @Pandora focuses on her vividly drawn OC's Amilia and Florian while providing fascinating insights into Naboo culture and politics all in very poetic prose.

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention: Ten Reasons Why Qui-Gon Jinn Is Not On The Jedi Council by @UltramassiveUbersue drew me in with promises of humor it totally delivered upon.

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2022

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title: Lunch with Tahl by @earlybird-obi-wan is centered around the relationship between Qui-Gon and Tahl, which is one of my favorite Star Wars relationships both as a friendship and later a romance. There is a lot of humor in this story and a glimpse of Dooku being a food critic as well which is sure to draw many laughs from readers!

    21. A fic with a five-syllable title

    22. A fic with an 'author's note' at the start: A Strange and Dazzling Array by @ViariSkywalker begins with an author's note that she will be treating us to a Decathlon of Delight, and the delight starts in the very first entry with an adorable and moving perspective on Ben Skywalker's birth from the point of view of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. My heart was just a puddle of mush in the best possible way at the end of reading that.

    23. A fic that's written from a villain's perspective
  22. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Updates to my List:

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title Foundations of the Force by @Ridley Solo

    This is an amazing story which begins the morning following the Battle of Endor and quickly sees Luke off on his journey to discover as much about the Jedi of old as he can while also searching for other Force-sensitives.

    It is a wonderful tale of adventure as well as heart-warming moments with the Skywalker-Solo family. Ben Solo features in this story and the author brings the character to life in a way I haven't seen in many other stories. Definitely recommend reading this story. It's a great read.
    Kit', Chyntuck , Kahara and 3 others like this.
  23. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday
    Twin Suns at the Door of Night by @Cynda . This is an AU set before ROTJ when Han is still in carbonite. Luke is grappling with the events on Bespin and what it means for him that Vader is his father, while Vader discovers a medical record showing that Anakin also had a daughter. Excellent characterization as Luke's, Leia's, and Vader's thoughts and development are explored.

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2022
    A World of Strange Wonders by @devilinthedetails . When I read Padawan last year and then saw this story posted about a character I liked from that book, I'd intended to read it but didn't get to it until now. This is a very poignant look at a Jedi Wayseeker and her connection to the Force and the Force's will, and how that influences a certain young padawan centuries later.
    Kit', Kahara , Cynda and 5 others like this.
  24. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    WIP month is excellent for getting me to make further progress on my 2023 Reading Challenge[face_dancing]

    1. A fic by your favourite* author: The Best is Yet to Be by one of my favorite authors @Mira_Jade. In this Sense and Sensibility fanfic, Mira does a fabulous job of evoking the language and vibes of the Regency era as well as capturing the clever wit and social commentary of Jane Austen. It is a perfect read for Jane Austen fans like myself, and even if you aren't a Jane Austen fan, Mira will probably turn you into one with her fantastic writing.

    2. A fic with two or more authors

    3. A short story/one shot: Nostalgic Keepsakes by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is a nostalgic (as the title promises) and poignant one shot focusing on Leia's touching memories and mementos from Alderaan with a sweet Han/Leia romance moment at the end!

    4. A fic whose chapters have titles

    5. A fic starring a non-human character: Career Exploration (with Gungans) by @Seldes_Katne follows the adventures of a Gungan family with wit and clever worldbuilding details like Gungans developing quicker than humans that I really appreciated.

    6. A challenge winner: Pull Me Home by @Gabri_Jade is the winner of the OTP Challenge #23. It focuses on Luke and Mara overcoming obstacles in their relationship and features some excellent dialogue that rings so true to the characters and can be heartbreaking, humorous, and adorably romantic by turns!

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title: Collage of Memorable Scenes by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is a heartwarming collection of stories focusing on two of my all-time favorite Star Wars couples, Han and Leia, and Luke and Mara respectively.

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided

    10. A fic with only canon characters: In On a Sea of Sand, @JediMaster_Jen brings to life Beru, Owen, Luke, and Ben Kenobi during the early days following Beru and Owen taking young Luke into their family. The characters are all portrayed very realistically, and there is much poignant emotion and drama to be found here. Readers will chuckle and get tears in their eyes as they make their way through this triumph of a Summer Olympics Triathlon.

    11. A fic by a new^ author: The Talk by @UltramassiveUbersue is a wonderfully humorous and heartwarming fic featuring Luke and his sassy teenage son Ben with bonus appearances from Han and Leia to add even more to the enjoyment factor.

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show: We Shall All Hang Separately by @DarthIshtar is set during the OT and the Beyond the Saga-Legends eras when the PT and Before the Saga are more my comfort zones, but with this fic I am richly rewarded for stepping outside my comfort zone with some beautiful moments of brother and sister bonding as the Skywalker twins take center stage and are celebrated as they deserve to be.

    14. A fic with a great first line: In the Shade of the Wroshyr-Tales of the People of the Trees by @Chyntuck has a breathtaking first line that captures all the power of the best creation myths in our world and in a galaxy far, far away.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC: Night and Night by @Pandora focuses on her vividly drawn OC's Amilia and Florian while providing fascinating insights into Naboo culture and politics all in very poetic prose.

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention: Ten Reasons Why Qui-Gon Jinn Is Not On The Jedi Council by @UltramassiveUbersue drew me in with promises of humor it totally delivered upon.

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2022

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title: A Kingdom Where My Love Can Stand by @Mira_Jade transports the reader back to the Victorian era and features an in-depth exploration of what it means for Victoria to be girl, woman, and queen as well as references and memories of Tudor England that will thrill the heart of any history buff like myself. Highly recommended.

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title: Lunch with Tahl by @earlybird-obi-wan is centered around the relationship between Qui-Gon and Tahl, which is one of my favorite Star Wars relationships both as a friendship and later a romance. There is a lot of humor in this story and a glimpse of Dooku being a food critic as well which is sure to draw many laughs from readers!

    21. A fic with a five-syllable title: A Lovely Night by @DarthIshtar does an excellent job delving into the nuances and nitty-gritty details of Leia's life in politics following the OT and the development of her swoon-worthy romance with Han. Complete with teasing about nerf-herders and slightly scraggly-looking scoundrels, this is not to be missed by any fan of the iconic Han/Leia couple.

    22. A fic with an 'author's note' at the start: A Strange and Dazzling Array by @ViariSkywalker begins with an author's note that she will be treating us to a Decathlon of Delight, and the delight starts in the very first entry with an adorable and moving perspective on Ben Skywalker's birth from the point of view of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. My heart was just a puddle of mush in the best possible way at the end of reading that.

    23. A fic that's written from a villain's perspective: Our Hearts Were Never Meant to Kneel by @Mira_Jade does a compelling job evolving Maul from the bestial villain he is in TPM to a sympathetic, well-fleshed-out character on a journey to overcome his guilt, find redemption, and claim an independent identity. Characters like Madame Nu are also wonderfully and humorously portrayed.
  25. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Reader Extraordinaire star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    Kit', Kahara , Mira_Jade and 5 others like this.