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Index OC Index Thread | Index updated 03 Feb 2017

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by OCIndexSock, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. OCIndexSock

    OCIndexSock Jedi Padawan

    Jan 22, 2015
    Welcome to the OC index!

    An original character, or OC, is a character created by a fanfic author or roleplayer for an established canon storyline.
    - Wikipedia

    The purpose of this thread is to complement the Bring Back the OC Revolution thread by enabling authors and readers to keep track of OCs in fics and RPGs posted on these boards.

    The OC index thread is exclusively an index,not a discussion thread. To discuss specific OCs, issues with writing OCs or anything else pertaining to OCs, please go to the OC Revolution thread.

    Specific rules of this thread:
    1. One post per user. Please list all your OCs in a single post and, if you create more OCs at a later date, return to your original post and update it.
    2. Both SWFF and NSWFF OCs are eligible, as well as RPG characters, but we do not accept original fiction characters.
    3. Characters listed on this thread should appear in fanfics or RPGs posted on the JCF. Characters from fics or RPGs posted on other websites are not eligible.
    4. The sock will maintain an index of authors.
    5. Please PM the sock when you add a new character to an existing post, so that we can signal new entries to readers.
    6. Please keep in mind the ToS and fanfic rules when posting here.
    Suggested entry format:
    You may of course adjust this to the particulars of your OC (e.g. if writing Harry Potter fanfic, you'd probably replace "species" with "Wizard/Muggle/Squib").
    • Character name:
    • Fandom:
    • Era:
    • Species:
    • Gender:
    • Age:
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences)
    • Stories where the character appears (please include title and link)
    As of 22 January 2015, the sock is managed by Chyntuck.


    A Blind Prophet
    Cowgirl Jedi 1701
    Cushing's Admirer
    Ewok Poet
    Gahmah Raan
    Ink. Knight
    K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku
    Raissa Baiard
  2. jcgoble3

    jcgoble3 Chosen One star 6

    Nov 7, 2010
    Nobody yet? OK, I'll break the ice.

    Unless noted otherwise, all characters are Star Wars and part of the Elite League Limmie RPG, which takes place in what the fanfic forum considers Beyond. The RPG takes place well over 200 years after ROTJ, and so the ABY suffix is commonly dropped from dates (similar to how “A.D.” is rarely used in real life); therefore, dates without a BBY/ABY suffix should be assumed to be ABY.

    • Name: Marte Nalo
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Date/place of birth: 223, Frego
    • Date/place of death: 278, Euceron (age 55)
    • Bio: Marte went from star limmie player and prized recruit in high school to flop on the college field. Graduating with a degree in criminal justice, he nevertheless got a contract offer to play limmie at the highest professional level, the Elite League. There, it was soon realized that his skills lay more in coaching than playing, and he became an assistant coach after one year. Three years later, in 250, he signed with the Euceron Storm of the Premier League, where he would be head coach for the next 19 seasons, seeing them through five Premiership championships and a promotion to the Elite League before retiring in 268. He later put his college degree to work as a police officer on Euceron, responsible for overseeing security at the home stadium of the Storm. This would be his downfall, as he was inside the stadium when terrorist Rosty Bassell blew it up, killing over 300,000 people including Marte. He was survived by a wife, Jaria, and two children, Jado and Tendra, and preceded in death by his oldest child, Marte Jr., who was killed in a speeder crash over a decade earlier.

    • Name: Dr. Aebatt Zargana
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
    • Date/place of birth: 239, Euceron
    • Bio: Aebatt (don't call her Doctor; she doesn't like that) succeeded Mellena Loia as General Manager of the Euceron Storm prior to the 267 season. She was responsible for building the Storm into championship contenders in the Elite League, but her work went to waste in 278 when Rosty Bassell blew up the stadium, killing practically the entire team, and also drained the Storm's bank accounts. Forced to rebuild from scratch on limited funds, she signed a team of rookie misfits for league minimum salary and agreed to an all-road schedule in attempts to save money, but the bank refused to work with them on the stadium mortgage and forced the team into liquidation in the middle of the 279 season, making Aebatt the last GM ever for the Storm. She would later be hired by the Coruscant Senators, another Elite League team, as an assistant GM.

    • Name: Zay Antilles
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Date/place of birth: 253, Corellia
    • Date/place of death: 278, Euceron (age 25)
    • Bio: A Jedi, as well as a tenth-generation descendant of Wedge Antilles, Zay was introduced to the world of limmie by his Master, Palla Quelkin, and quickly became a fan. The problem was that he was such a fanatic that the Council saw it as an unhealthy attachment, and delayed his Trials of Knighthood because of it. Eventually, he managed to tamp down his enthusiasm for the sport and the Council allowed his Trials to proceed. The first attempt in 275 left him minus one arm and nearly drove him to suicide, but after a lightsaber duel with terrorist and wannabe Sith Lord Rosty Bassell in the Jedi Temple Hangar in one year later, the Council granted him the rank of Jedi Knight. However, the attachment to limmie had never really gone away. Tasked to hunt down Rosty Bassell, who had attacked the Jedi before as well as Zay's beloved Euceron Storm, Zay took Jado Nalo as his first apprentice, and together with Palla, captured Rosty only to have him escape from police custody. They finally tracked him down again during a fan rally put on by the Storm, and the confrontation would be deadly: Palla died rushing to the stadium in an attempt to keep it from blowing up, and, when it did, Zay's buried attachment to the Storm led him to fall to the dark side. The resulting duel with his Padawan, Jado, ended in Zay's death by sai cha (decapitation).

    • Name: Jado Nalo
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Date/place of birth: 264, Euceron
    • Bio: The youngest child of Marte Nalo, it was discovered that he was Force-sensitive at the age of seven. He left home to train as a Jedi, becoming Zay Antilles's apprentice five years later. He assisted in the first capture of Rosty Bassell, and when Rosty escaped, he helped track him down again. In a fateful confrontation in an abandoned building during a Storm fan rally in 278, Jado could only watch as Rosty Bassell blew up the stadium, killing Palla and over 300,000 others. He was then forced to leap to the defense of his most hated enemy when a dark side–fueled Zay tried to kill the unarmed Rosty Bassell. Zay then turned on Jado, and Jado fought for his life, finally being forced to behead his own Master to protect the unarmed prisoner. Later that night, working rescue at the stadium, his own father, Marte, died in his arms. With Rosty having escaped again, Jado—now with a new Master—was part of a task force that tracked down Rosty's main base in the Unknown Regions. Rosty invited Jado, and only Jado, into his fortress under the premise of allowing the thousand-plus Jedi present to learn the layout of the base. But once inside, Rosty revealed his true intentions, as the fortress converted into a small capital ship and took off with Jado inside. It took all of Jado’s wits, as well as a secret direct comlink line to his sister Tendra, to masquerade as Rosty’s Sith apprentice without breaking the Jedi Code for two years until the Jedi Order was able to mount a rescue mission. He has now returned to the ordinary life of a Jedi apprentice, but not without first spending some time with his sister.

    • Name: Rosty Bassell
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Date/place of birth: Unknown
    • Date/place of death: 281, nameless planet in Unknown Regions
    • Bio: The one word that can unequivocally be used to describe Rosty Bassell is “insane”. When the Euceron Storm bought their stadium in 218, they bought it off of Rosty's grandparents—or at least that's what the Storm said. Rosty claimed that the Storm owners conned his grandparents out of the property; that Euceron Stadium, as it was called, was therefore his; and that the Storm were illegal squatters. Rather than resolve the dispute through the courts like a sane being would, Rosty used force. With the help of his twin brother, Rondy, he staged several attacks on Euceron, trying to drive the Storm out of the stadium, and threw in a few attacks on the Jedi to try to scare them away. But when neither the Storm nor Jedi would give in, quite possibly because he never properly expressed his wishes to either of them, he decided that if he couldn't have what was rightfully his, no one could have it. The result was a Euceron Stadium “existence failure”, as Rosty likes to put it. Rosty, who is Force-sensitive, also fancies himself as a Sith Lord and desires an apprentice. He originally targeted Zay for conversion, first during an attack on the Jedi Temple on Ossus in 276 and again in 278 when he blew up the stadium, but although Zay did fall to the dark, the fall was short-lived when he was killed minutes later by Jado. Through trickery, Rosty lured his new target, Jado, into his fortress, then took off in the fortress that was actually a starship, trapping Jado with him. Rosty converted Jado to the dark side, making him his new Sith apprentice—or so he thought. Jado in fact stayed true to the Jedi, and secretly helped the Jedi orchestrate an attack on the fortress that ended in Rosty’s death.

    • Name: Tendra Nalo
    • Species: Hapan (Hapan mother, baseline Human father)
    • Gender: Female
    • Date/place of birth: 259, Euceron
    • Bio: The middle child and only daughter of Marte Nalo, it was only natural that she would play limmie, and what a player she was. However, she was far from a “dumb jock”, as her brain was perhaps the only thing more impressive than her limmie skills. In elementary school, she attended a program for unusually gifted students once a week, and she graduated high school at the age of 16, two years ahead of her peers. Desiring a break from the classroom, and feeling that she was too young to go pro as a limmie player right then (even though she had been scouted by the Euceron Storm), she signed with the Shedu Maad Knights of the Hapes Consortium Juniors League to work on her game some more. Four years later, she entered the ranks of Elite League players in 280 by signing with the Hapes Consortium Buccaneers, choosing them over four other offers after her homeworld Storm, which would have been her first choice, folded. But even as she was considering contract offers from Elite League teams, her Jedi brother had been abducted by a madman, filling her with worry and dread and negatively impacting her on-field performance during her rookie season. After that season, she finally established contact over her direct comlink line with Jado, after which she acted as the liaison between Jado and the Jedi Order as they planned the rescue mission. Knowing that her brother was alive and (relatively) safe boosted her mood and on-field performance in her sophomore season, but even as she played a season that would garner a nomination for league MVP, she took three weeks’ leave from the C-Bucs to personally go on the mission to rescue her brother. Her participation would prove to be crucial, as it was Tendra’s sniper shot that ended the battle and the threat of Rosty Bassell forever.
  3. TrakNar

    TrakNar Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 4, 2011
    Since I finally got an OC on here for something recent...
    • Character name: Prof. Hypno

    • Image:

    • Fandom: Pokemon

    • Era: Team Rocket era

    • Species: Hypno

    • Gender: Male

    • Age: 5 Standard years

    • Short bio: Prof. Hypno is a Hoenn-bred Hypno who was bought by Team Rocket for his mechanical engineering prowess. Born with spastic hemiplegia cerebral palsy, he was unable to battle and spent his days studying mechanical engineering and tinkering; building small devices and robots to assist him with various tasks. In Team Rocket's possession, he works with their scientists in robotics.

    • Stories where the character appears: Trak's Tangents: DWB Response
  4. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    This index entry is being rebuilt, as of December 20th, 2017. Stay tuned!

    Principal OCs in my microuniverse are listed first. I am trying to properly identify the stories the characters first appeared in, but I might fail at it. :p

    Characters mentioned in DDCs are listed as if they had appeared proper.

    Character name: Doria Vorr
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Born: 14 BBY, Saccorata, Sacorria
    Appearance: About 164 cm tall, long brown hair and hazel eyes, of slender build at her first appearance, somewhat tomboyish. Often confused for a non-Sacorrian, until she speaks.
    Short bio: Born under dictatorship on the planet that was never truly independent, Doria Vorr had a seemingly decent childhood. Once Elesandre Vorr passed away, many things changed and before the events of The Black Star, Doria is angry with the world, more or less.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star (first appearance), Letters Never Sent (mentioned in the epilogue), The Brightest of the Stars (When Teebo Met Latara), Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette, The Blind Chart the Stars, A Stranger in Someone Else's Dream, You See Me As A Bed of Nails (narrator)

    Character name: Anjie Mencuri
    Species: Near-Human (Hapan mother and baseline Human father)
    Gender: Male
    Born: 24 BBY, Keren, Naboo
    Appearance: About 175 cm tall, dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Thin, but muscular. Hair length varies from bald to long.
    Short bio: Anjie spent most of his on Corellia, where he became the youngest member of a racy, raunchy band Steamy Wasaka Stew (SWS), fronted by Antonio Nokaarbe. He quickly became famous for his skills on quetarra and his voice. Then the poodoo hit the fan...
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star (mentioned only), Radiophonic Heart (first appearance), Before the Fall, Letters Never Sent, Chancellor & I, The Brightest of the Stars (When Teebo Met Latara), Not Just Talking Body, Death, Life and Other Goals, After the Climb, The Blind Chart the Stars, A Stranger in Someone Else's Dream, You See Me As A Bed of Nails (addressed to)

    Character name: Maris Inesedam Vorr
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Born: 42 BBY, Keren, Naboo
    Appearance: About 155 cm tall, reddish hair (dyed, likely grey), blue eyes, thin. Think a redhead Brigitte Bardot type when it comes to hair and mannerisms.
    Short bio: Maris claims that she's lost the will to live after the death of her husband, Elesandre. She is constantly angry, but has a softer side, though it is rarely seen. She has many unwanted suitors, due to unusual youthful looks. She works for the Museum of Corellian Sector History.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star, Midday Darkness // The Light is Me, I Am the Light, Letters Never Sent, Quite a Handful, Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette, The Blind Chart the Stars

    Character name: Charon San Valorum
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Born: 20 BBY, Ronto, Nubia
    Appearance: About 168 cm tall short, eyes of an undefined light colour and, in most cases jet black spikey hair. He looks silly, he acts silly, but is he silly?
    Short bio: This individual shares the last name with many famous figures of the recent Galactic history, for no apparent reason. Officially, frontman of Deeply Religious and rarely praised for his skills on the Zabrak instrument, quetarra, because his style is simple. Unofficially...
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star, Letters Never Sent, Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette (indirect mention only), The Blind Chart the Stars

    Character name: Deeina Ferry
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Born: 14 BBY, Kammas, Aurea
    Appearance: About 172 cm tall, eclectic fashion sense, BIG curly dark brown hair.
    Short bio: Deeina is a young artist working for the Aurean Glassworkers Guild with her hippie-esque family. There is, however, much more to her than meets the eye.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star (first appearance), Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette, The Blind Chart the Stars.

    Character name: Gredda
    Species: Drall
    Gender: Female
    Born: 23 BBY, Saccorata, Sacorria
    Appearance: About 1.3m tall, blondish-brown fur and yellowish-brown eyes, wears a large pendant on a thick necklace, a black star.
    Short bio: Gredda is a young engineer working for AARIS (Agricultural Appliances Research Institute of Sacorrata), building complex machinery for effective work on fields. She is considered to be the smartest person in Duchess Branna's family. She is close friends with the Human teenager Doria Vorr and one of the rare people whom Maris Inesedam Vorr can stand.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star (first appearance), Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette, The Blind Chart the Stars (mentioned only)

    Character name: Duchess Branna of R'vanye
    Species: Drall
    Gender: Female
    Born: 60 BBY, Saccorata, Sacorria
    Appearance: About 1.5m tall, busty, light fur and a necklace with twelve little black stars.
    Short bio: Duchess Branna is the leader of the R'vanye Drall clan in the northern buroughs of Sacorrata, and one of the rare powerful people in the city.

    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star (first appearance), Midday Darkness // The Light is Me, I Am the Light, Letters Never Sent, Quite a Handful (mentioned in pasted text only), Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette, The Blind Chart the Stars

    Character name: Larax Antilless
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Born: 60 BBY, Sacorrata, Sacorria
    Appearance: About 150 cm tall, white hair, brown eyes. Loves pink.
    Short bio: Larax lives in Abatore, Vagran where she emigrated to with her husband, Denaro.
    Stories where the character appears: Midday Darkness // The Light is Me, I Am the Light, (first appearance), The Black Star, Letters Never Sent, Quite a Handful, Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette, The Blind Chart the Stars

    Character name: Elesandre Vorr
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Born: 44 BBY, Sacorrata, Sacorria
    Died: 2 ABY, Sacorrata, Sacorria
    Appearance: About 185 cm tall, blondeish-brown hair (later grey), brown eyes.
    Short bio: Elesandre Vorr worked at AARIS, first as Gredda's mentor and then under her leadership, and it eventually took a toll on his physical health.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star (mentioned only), Letters Never Sent (first appearance), Quite a Handful, Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette (mentioned only), The Blind Chart the Stars (mentioned only)

    Character name: Code:Blue (full name Joak Bluestar Shykrill Glisse)
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Born: 33 BBY, Saccorata, Sacorria
    Appearance: About 178cm tall, jet black hair, black eyes, slender, unusually small feet for a person of average height.
    Short bio: A former limmie player turned politician, Code:Blue once won the Galactic Cup partnered with Code:Red. As a politician, he is a bitter rival to his former team mate. Outside of the Sacorrian sockpuppetry joke of politics, he's a family man, a lover of animals (some of his pets are downright disturbing) and relatively gullible.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star (first appearance), Death, Life and Other Goals, Pets, Of Course!, Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette, Nolevorution, Of Course!

    Character name: Pollo Dorks
    Species: Otolla Gungan
    Gender: Male
    Born: 51 BBY, Otoh Gunga, Naboo
    Appearance: Always wearing bowties.
    Short bio: Pollo Dorks makes his living as a journalist for various publications. In an alternate universe where Jar Jar is more or less God himself, he serves as his most faithful minion
    Stories where the character appears: The Galactic Correspondent (first appearance), MESA, JAR JAR!!!, Pets, Of Course!

    Character name: Yilda Lami
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Family: Yilda Lami Jr. (daughter)
    Born: 49 BBY, Byblos City, Byblos
    Appearance: Of average height, looked a lot like Tendra Risant in her youth (which will undoubtedly freak Tendra out at some point)
    Short bio: Yilda Lami dropped out of the studies at the famed University of Byblos to become a "sludgenews" journalist. With 38 hours in a day, she has a lot of time to write about things that may have not happened at all.
    Stories where the character appears: The Galactic Correspondent (first appearance), Pets, Of Course, Raissa Baiard Loses Them All! Juicy Blabber Exclusive by Yilda Lami

    Character name: Ahyolu
    Species: Astraal
    Gender: Female
    Born: 54 BBY, Araradam, Astrea
    Appearance: Furry robe, skin colour of a slightly paler human, thick black hair with fringe and a slightly pointy nose, reddish circles around her black pupils
    Short bio: A former Jedi Padawan who somehow escaped Order 66, Ahyolu lives in exile on the Chiro Mountain on Vagran. Her ways are strange, her powers are odd.
    Stories where the character appears: Death, Life and Other Goals (first appearance), Letters Never Sent (mistaken for a different character)



    Character name: Code:Red (real name Red Karnaal Zhoorka)
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Family: Estranged wife and two children, one of whom is disabled, numerous mistresses.
    Born: 31 BBY, Dorthus Tal City, Sacorria
    Appearance: About 168cm tall, darker complexion, natural jet black hair, black eyes, stocky, a flashy dresser, to the point of bad taste.
    Short bio: A former limmie player turned politician, Code:Red once won the Galactic Cup partnered with Code:Blue. As a politician, he is a bitter rival to his former team mate. Outside of the Sacorrian sockpuppetry joke of politics, he is known as a party animal. Has signs of OCD and a strange obsession with round numbers.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star, Nolevorution (indirect mention only)

    Character name: Jax Novo
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Born: 25 BBY, the taiga region of Corfai
    Appearance: About the same height as Charon, stocky like Code:Red. Balding brown hair, blue eyes.
    Short bio: A former podracing champion (the Corellian sector variant, under the Empire, featuring mostly humans), now a smuggler, since he was sacked.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star (mentioned in chapter 3)

    Character name: Antonio Nokaarbe
    Species: Human, who may have had a Kiffar great-grandmother
    Gender: Male
    Born: 34 BBY, he gives a different answer each time when asked where
    Appearance: About 173 cm tall, chunky, stocky, shiny black hair, black eyes, lots of tattoos. For some reason, women find him attractive.
    Short bio: Antonio Nokaarbe is a known womanizer and the frontman of the raunchy pronk-jizz fusion band, Steamy Hot Wasaka Stew. His lyrics are of questionable quality and content, as they all seem to chronicle two things - his love for partying and (much younger) women.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star, Radiophonic Heart, Before the Fall (mentioned only)

    Character name: Con Brochet, commonly known as Wompy
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Born: 34 BBY, a village on Talus
    Appearance: About 165 cm tall, sky blue eyes, natural dark blonde hair,though often dyed
    Short bio: The explosive, exhibitionist bassoon player of SWS. He does not know the number of the times he had to be stunned.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star, Radiophonic Heart, Before the Fall (mentioned only)

    Character name: Dandelion Roba "Dale" Pavan
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Born: 35 BBY, Tyrena, Corellia
    Appearance: About 190 cm tall, dark blue eyes, barely any hair on the head, extremely hairy everywhere else.
    Short bio: The percussionist of Steamy Wasaka Stew - the normal guy who has to put up with the rest of the band.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star, Radiophonic Heart, Before the Fall (mentioned only), Letters Never Sent

    Character name: Sassvar Graba
    Species: Zabrak
    Gender: Male
    Born: 29 BBY, Coronet City, Corellia
    Appearance: About 180 cm tall. A decent quetarra player and a replacement for the missing Anjie Mencuri
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star, Before the Fall (mentioned only)

    Character name: Yilda Lami Jr.
    Species: Near-Human
    Gender: Female
    Born: 16 BBY, Coruscant
    Appearance: An attractive female wearing risky clothes in her favourite colour, violet.
    Short bio: Yilda Jr. has some certain advantages that might as well make her more dangerous than her mother...
    Stories where the character appears: About a Boy (mentioned only)

    Character name: Luufi ("Flower" in Ewokese)
    Species: Ewok
    Gender: Female
    Born: 11 ABY
    Appearance: About 90 cm tall, grey with a single black stripe up her back going to the front of her face, black forelock, green eyes, wears a green hood with a pink lantern bird feather and two flower-shaped decorations.
    Short bio (2-3 sentences): Luufi is living through her early adolescence on post-Empire Endor. Her previous life all around the galaxy, due to her parents being in the right place at the right time, also makes her a target. Add her Force sensitivity to it and you'll get a mix of unpredictable emotions, doings and ideas.
    Stories where the character appears: Nuv, About a Boy (non-speaking role)

    Character name: Yehan ("Peace")
    Species: Ewok
    Gender: Male
    Born: Around 8 ABY, somewhere on Endor
    Short bio (2-3 sentences): While young Yehan's exact origins remain a mystery, his appearance in his adoptive parents' life influenced their subsequent decisions. He also picked his own first name, as he was previously known just as "the boy".
    Stories where the character appears: Nuv, About a Boy

    Character name: Talthuk ("Firerock")
    Species: Ewok
    Gender: Male
    Born: 11.5 ABY, Bright Tree Village, Endor
    Short bio: Fierce like his father at his age, intelligent but not as compassionate and reasonable like his mother, Talthuk is getting away with a lot of mischief for being a royal bratling. He's somewhat obsessed with the myth of his grandfather and wants to be like him and chronicle his life. Before he can manage to do such a thing, he'll be bullying those around him. His favourite target? Luufi.
    Stories where the character appears: Nuv, About a Boy (non-speaking role)

    Character name: Grael
    Species: Ewok
    Gender: Male
    Born: 9 ABY (subject to change), Bright Tree Village, Endor
    Short bio: Bright Tree Village's heir to the throne. Unlike his younger brother, Grael is reluctant when it comes to it and he does not feel like he would ever be able to live to his parents' expectations. He has dreams of becoming a pilot, though each interaction with any sort of an advanced vehicle so far resulted in others mocking him. This does not stop him from plotting crazy schemes with his uncle Paploo, a known kamikaze fan of advanced vehicles. He's got a slight crush on Theesa, but just like Talthuk, he doesn't like Luufi, though he's far more jealous of her exposure to technology in early life than anything else.
    Stories where the character appears: Nuv (mentioned only), About a Boy (non-speaking role)

    * Has nothing to do with Grael from Escape from Balis-Bragh.

    Character name: Theesa
    Species: Ewok
    Gender: Female
    Born: 11 ABY, Bright Tree Village, Endor
    Short bio: Theesa was born in the family at the same time her much older brother and sister-in-law had a daughter named Luufi and has thus spent most of her life inseparable with her sister-niece, under care of her unmarried older sister. Lacking her much older brother's and niece's strong and her sister's minor Force sensitivity, she often cannot understand them, but she is always there to provide help, guidance and love.
    Stories where the character appears: Nuv (mentioned only), About a Boy (non-speaking role)

    Character name: Luufi, nicknamed Lurdii*
    Species: Ewok
    Gender: Female
    Born: Presumably 18 BBY
    Short bio:
    Stories where the character appears:
    The Other Moon. And she is not to be confused with the other Luufi. It will make sense, I promise.

    Character name: Gunlaag
    Species: Ewok
    Gender: Female
    Born: Around 100 BBY, Mountain Springs Village, Endor
    Died: Late 2 ABY, Bright Tree Village, Endor

    Short bio: Many snows ago, Gunlaag, the then-young shaman of the Mountain Springs Village became a worshipper of the Night Spirit, which led her to training animals to become her personal assasins. She was banished from her village, thanks to an intervention from a then-not-much trusted Logray. Many snows later, she seeks her revenge.
    Stories where the character appears: Snowed In

    Character name: Ebe
    Species: Drall
    Gender: Male
    Born: 5 BBY, Saccorata, Sacorria
    Short bio: Ebe is Gredda's much younger brother.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star

    Character name: Soleo
    Species: Selonian
    Gender: Male
    Born: 25 BBY, somewhere on Selonia
    Appearance: About 1.8m tall
    Short bio: [face_whistling]
    Stories where the character appears:
    The Black Star

    Character Name: Kaalwar
    Species: Dulok
    Gender: Male
    Born: around 20 BBY, an unnamed Dulok settlement on Endor
    Appearance: Nose ring (of the septum piercing style), yellow horizontal lines painted on both arms, wears an Ewok fur vest.
    Short bio: Kaalwar was an adolescent Dulok when he lost his father, Ulgo, to an Ewok war party led by Warok. Years later, at the time when Snowed In takes place, he seeks revenge.
    Stories where the character appears: Snowed In, The Other Moon

    Name: Patrash
    Species: Dulok
    Gender: Male
    Born: around 35 BBY, an unnamed Dulok settlement on Endor
    Died: Late 2 ABY, Unknown location, Endor
    Appearance: Notably, he has a disturbing symbol painted on his stomach.
    Short bio: Just like Kaalwar, Patrash is seeking to revenge his father, who was stepped on by the Grudakk. He is the king of his faction.
    Stories where the character appears: Snowed In

    Name: The Wanderer
    Species: Yuzzum
    Gender: Male
    Born: Unknown
    Died: Late 2 ABY, Unknown location, Endor
    Appearance: Is almost completely hooded, has a single red "eye" and gnarly arms with just one hand.
    Short bio: The Wanderer's magic is strong, he is capable of so much that the only being on Endor who can match his powers is Logray. At the same time, he is not aware where he has come from and what his life used to be like.
    Stories where the character appears: Snowed In

    Character name: Anra Renek
    Species: Duros
    Gender: Male
    Born: 20 BBY, unknown
    Appearance: to be determined
    Short bio: Bassoon player in Deeply Religious, adopted by Humans on Nubia, a Clone Wars orphan with no memory of his earliest years. Charon's best childhood friend and the straight man to his and Koobs' occasional shenanigans.
    Stories where the character appears:The Black Star

    Character name: Koobalt Nubes, nicknamed Master Koobs
    Species: Ortolan
    Gender: Male
    Born: 20 BBY, Ronto, Nubia
    Appearance: 172 cm tall, yellow.
    Short bio: Drummer in Deeply Religious, whose family has lived on Nubia for as long as they can remember. Even more prone to accidents than Charon. His parents gifted an old ship to the band to use as their tour vehicle.
    Stories where the character appears: The Black Star
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
  5. Goodwood

    Goodwood Jedi Master star 5

    May 11, 2011
    I'll take a stab at it...

    All of my OCs are Star Wars, as that's the fandom I feel most comfortable writing for. While most of my stories take place during the Old Republic, specifically the Old Sith Wars (c. 4000 BBY—3951 BBY), one of my stories does take place in Beyond and features an "imported" alien species... ;) I won't post them all at first...

    • Name: Laera Reyolé
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 45 (at latest appearance)
    • Bio: Born on the (at the time) young colony world of Agamar two years before the Great Sith War, her family survived a Krath raid on their town that destroyed the Reyolés' home. At the age of sixteen with joint parental consent, she enlisted in the Republic Marines and trained under the infamous Gand drill instructor Tuffass. Proving herself a capable leader as well as a crack shot with sniping blasters, she steadily climbed the enlisted ranks, serving for three years as a drill instructor alongside her former mentor at the Marine Recruit Training Depot on Carida. At the urging of the depot's commanding officer, she accepted a posting to Officer Candidate School and, two years later, emerged as a junior lieutenant, first going through a number of inter-service training exercises before serving for several years on the outpost world of Bad Alshir. She served with distinction during the Mandalorian Wars, rising to the rank of commander before her death in combat during the effort to liberate the planet of Onderon.
    • Appearances: Star Wars: Death and Life, A Marine Went to Jedi Camp, Tales from the Corps Vol. 1, Rapid Redeployment, Saber Battalion, The Last Full Measure, The Great Leap Forward
    • Name: Tuffass
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Gand
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: Died at 98 on Corulag
    • Bio: Hailing from his species' homeworld, the Gand who would later be called Tuffass underwent Findsman training like many of his kind, only to find it an unsatisfactory path at a time when Gands were first venturing forth into the galaxy and making contact with other species. Unsure where to go or what path to follow after having determined that he would leave Gand behind, he asked the Mists to show him a sign—only to be shown the crest of what he would soon learn was that of the Republic Marines. As soon as he could manage it, he journeyed to Coruscant to enlist in the Marine Corps, though this came with no small amount of culture shock both for him and the organization which he wished to become part of. Nevertheless, he learned to speak and understand Basic during his training, graduating from boot camp near the top of his class of recruits and earning a posting as a recon scout. When the Great Sith War broke out some time later, he underwent training to serve as a fire coordinator between Republic Navy ships in orbit and Marines on the ground, and it was in this capacity that he experienced the Battle of Yavin 4 that saw the defeat of Exar Kun. He went on to teach many thousands of recruits in nearly fifty years of service as a drill instructor.
    • Appearances: Tales from the Corps, Vol. 1, A Marine Went to Jedi Camp (mentioned only), Rapid Redeployment
    • Name: Thedus Bimm
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 31 (at latest appearance)
    • Bio: A native of Corulag, he was born the second of four children into a family with strong ties to the military. As was expected of him, he entered the Republic Military Academy's preparatory courses at the age of twelve, where he was able to earn decent marks despite a cavalier attitude that failed to impress his instructors. He graduated from the academy and went into the Republic Army, eventually earning the rank of senior lieutenant before receiving a recommendation to transfer to the Republic Marines through the ISTS (Inter-Service Training School) system, completing the nine-week course shortly after the start of the Mandalorian Wars. Posted to Besh Company, 3rd Marine Battalion, he began his combat career serving as executive officer to LTCMDR Reyolé, the company commander. Though hardly a spit-and-polish type of officer, he nevertheless possessed a keen understanding of people, both in the military and out, and how to approach and defuse tense situations.
    • Appearances: Star Wars: Death and Life (mentioned only), Tales from the Corps Vol. 1, Saber Battalion, The Last Full Measure
    • Name: Silas Dan'kre
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Bothan
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 25 (at latest appearance)
    • Bio: Growing up on Bothawui, he loved everything to do with computers and electronics, and was already a self-taught slicer by the time he entered secondary school. He also loved holodramas and the ancient holoplays, the writings of Rickard Whipstaff being among his favorites. Inspired by the ancient tales of warfare and the colorful cast of characters within, his excellent grades and well-developed slicing skills earned him a billet as an officer cadet at the Marine Corps Academy on Corulag. He graduated in the upper third of his class just in time to hear of the opening moves in what would come to be known as the Jedi Civil War. After passing his post-academic field training course, he was assigned to the 3rd Marine Battalion, under the overall command of Laera Reyolé, who took the young ensign under her wing during his first live engagement against an enemy of the Republic. Not long afterward, he was recruited by Republic Intelligence, where he eventually rose to head up its cyber warfare division after having revitalized how that department operated.
    • Appearances: Saber Battalion, The Last Full Measure, The Great Leap Forward
    • Name: Reeka Chorizzo
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Rodian
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: Died at 90 on Corulag
    • Bio: The older of two children raised by a single mother, she was recruited by the Republic Marines after taking the military examinations required of all Rodians living on the homeworld. Assigned to the same training platoon as Laera Reyolé, the two became friends after enduring the shared hardships of basic training under GySgt Tuffass, taking a number of advanced courses alongside her Human companion and earning a billet as a recon scout while Reyolé went on to become a sniper. After several postings on frontier worlds, she learned how to pilot speeder bikes, demonstrating considerable native skill with the craft that further training solidified and strengthened. She served with distinction during the Mandalorian Wars, enduring the intense jungle warfare on Dxun for some weeks before being evacuated after receiving a serious abdominal wound. During her recovery, she accepted an invitation to Officer Candidate School, graduating barely a week prior to the start of the Jedi Civil War. A very social being, she possessed a strong command of Galactic Basic and a talent for writing and journalism, earning awards and promotions that eventually saw her as the head of the Republic Marines' Public Relations Bureau.
    • Appearances: Tales from the Corps Vol. 1, Rapid Redeployment
    • Name: Miranda Cenchu
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 41 (at latest appearance)
    • Bio: The second-youngest of a large brood, she proved a cantankerous child who tended to dislike her homeworld of Alderaan's laid-back ethos and emphasis on culture, which manifested in disciplinary problems at school and a craving during her teen years to strike out as a shock-boxer. Denied the chance to enter a league, she instead enlisted in the Republic Marines, being assigned to the same training platoon as Laera Reyolé and Reeka Chorizzo, with the former of the two becoming a rather fierce rival during the course of boot camp. After a somewhat lackluster career that ended in her unceremonious dismissal from the Corps at the hands of its future commandant, she instead fell back on her teenage dream, though she never managed to get any decent action in that regard either. Eventually, she wound up running with a group of smugglers working the Kuat system, working as security for all sorts of illegal, if hardly offensive, operations. This eventually came to an abrupt end when a mysterious contact known only as "Lord So-and-so" hired her to essentially fulfill the same job she had been doing before, though she would be partnered up with another of his erstwhile minions.
    • Appearances: Tales from the Corps Vol. 1, Rapid Redeployment
    • Name: Palo (alias)
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Wroonian
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 28
    • Bio: A certifiable scoundrel whose occupations included slicing, weapons smuggling, and minor acts of espionage, his biggest mistake—and biggest success—was agreeing to help funnel weapons for a clan of Mandalorians during the early months of their invasion of the Republic. Upon learning what he was doing and what was at stake, he surrendered to the first Republic vessel he came across, its captain confiscating the weapons but sending him on to meet yet another warship. It was aboard this second ship that he received a brand-new freighter to continue his work, but this time as an agent of the Republic and a contact he knew to be an alias of some kind. Eventually he was partnered up with Miranda Cenchu, whom he knew as Kimba, and the two continued performing errands for Lord So-and-so during the brief spell of peace between the end of the Mandalorian Wars and the beginning of the Jedi Civil War.
    • Appearances: Rapid Redeployment
    • Name: Voskel Dun'vei
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Bothan
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 67
    • Bio: Born on Bothawui to a well-connected clan of interstellar merchants that occasionally dabbled in espionage, he defied all expectations and applied for—and accepted—an appointment to the Marine Corps Academy on Carida. Graduating near the head of his class, he went on to lead the First Marine Regiment's Second Battalion during the Republic's involvement and ultimate resolution of the Beast Wars, an intermittent but intense conflict between the city-dwellers of Onderon and those who inhabited the jungles beyond. His service then and later, during the Great Sith War that resulted, led to his steady ascendance of the ranks, ultimately commanding the Sixth Marine Division. When Oluth Par'fey retired after a twenty-three year tenure as Commandant of the Marine Corps, he was promoted to vice admiral and tapped to take her place. Four years into the position, he oversaw Marine operations and deployments during the Mandalorian Wars, and later the Jedi Civil War.
    • Appearances: A Marine Went to Jedi Camp, Rapid Redeployment
    • Name: Chak Ravartin
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 24 (at latest appearance)
    • Bio: Brought up on Coruscant by a respectably well-off and supportive family, he learned to ride swoops at the age of ten. A competitive rider by the age of thirteen, he regularly took top prizes in junior championships in his region of the capital world before graduating to the planetary youth circuit. Recruited into the Republic Marines' Aerospace Wings not long before turning eighteen, he received high marks throughout pilot training, graduating in time to be deployed to an active squadron during the first months of the Jedi Civil War. As a junior flyer with the 23rd Marines, he demonstrated pronounced aptitudes for aerospace combat maneuvering (ACM), situational awareness, and tactical doctrine as well as leadership potential. His skills in these realms—and seeming good luck during his first battles—would enable him to climb the ranks fairly quickly, though he was determined not to let any such benefits go to his head.
    • Appearances: Silver Swarms of Ships, the Diary of a Fighter Pilot,Ghosts of Korriban
    • Name: Teish'ala
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Twi'lek
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 23
    • Bio: Born on Ryloth to a politically well-connected darkside family, she was the third of four children and grew up amongst the various intrigues of Twi'lek society. Dissatisfied with the cutthroat nature of the different clans and unofficial castes of her homeworld, she instead sought to explore the possibilities of spending her life out in the galaxy. Unwilling to take the easy route that most of her kind seemed to follow, such as joining criminal gangs or hiring on with mercenary bands, she sought to join the Republic military having known of the devastation caused by the Mandalorian Wars and their need for more soldiers. Enlisting with the Republic Navy, she tested well with flight simulators and was recruited into the starfighter forces as a pilot candidate. At graduation she was posted to the 52nd Fighter Squadron, which at the time was deployed to Metallos, and was one of the first naval units to respond to the Sith attack at Foerost. Though outwardly gruff and somewhat withdrawn, she nevertheless did make friends, and was extremely loyal to those whom she considered worthy of friendship.
    • Appearances: Silver Swarms of Ships, the Diary of a Fighter Pilot
    • Name: Seela Dar
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 23 {at latest appearance)
    • Bio: The second child of Core World natives working with Czerka Corporation's effort to colonize Tatooine for its mineral potential, she was raised primarily within the Anchorhead settlement. While her father, mother and elder brother focused on running the family land and airspeeder repair business, she was more interested in exploring the lands beyond the company outpost and the outlying moisture farms than in any technical pursuits. By her early teens, she was ranging as far afield as the near edges of the Jundland Wastes, and had killed her first Sand Person by the age of fourteen. When the Jedi Civil War broke out, she at eighteen years of age used this latest conflict as an excuse to get offworld, joining the Republic Army as soon as possible. She emerged from training in time to participate in the Republic's first counteroffensive six months into the war, earning a promotion to corporal soon thereafter. Two years later, she participated in the mission to capture Darth Revan, receiving a promotion to sergeant while en route and accepting a transfer to the Republic Marines in its aftermath. Another two years after the war's conclusion and her having finished training as a Marine, she was part of a force sent to scout the Sith homeworld of Korriban.
    • Appearances: The Last Full Measure, Ghosts of Korriban
    • Name: Nor Melao
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 46 (at latest appearance)
    • Bio: A career officer from a long lineage of career officers, Nor was the first of five siblings who all joined the Republic Military prior to the Mandalorian Wars. Though his marks were generally high, he did little to distinguish himself during his time at the Naval Academy on Corulag, only coming into his own after being assigned to an Axehead-class cruiser as its assistant navigation officer. During the years leading up to the conflict with the Mandalorians, Nor steadily climbed the ranks during a steady stream of tours along the Outer Rim, interrupted only by two years spent as an instructor at his alma mater. After a single tour as executive officer of the brand-new interdictor-class cruiser Eros, his leadership and organizational abilities attracted the attention of then-Captain Kedlis Hetton, who was to be placed in command of the newly-built Centurion-class battlecruiser Stalwart Defender. During the Mandalorian Wars, he and his captain patrolled the borders of the Unknown Regions, on the alert for anyone looking to take advantage of the situation while the Republic fought off the invaders. At the end of the war, Captain Hetton was promoted to rear admiral, leaving him in a prime position to assume command. During the Jedi Civil War that followed, the two officers remained close, with Hetton using Stalwart Defender as his flagship throughout the course of that conflict.
    • Appearances: Saber Battalion, Ghosts of Korriban, Silver Swarms of Ships, the Diary of a Fighter Pilot (mentioned only)
    • Name: Kedlis Hetton
    • Era: Old Republic (Old Sith Wars)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 57 (at latest appearance)
    • Bio: The scion of a wealthy family with deep ties to the Aratech Corporation, Kedlis Hetton left his homeworld of Freisa and used his familial connections to wrangle a posting to the Republic Naval Academy on Corulag just in time to see the end of the Great Sith War. This would be the last time he would ever depend on the influence of others, vowing to make his own way forward in life and to work for everything he got. His industrious attitude and organizational skill were soon recognized by his instructors, and though he graduated in the second quarter of his class, he applied himself to whatever posting he was assigned to. After a long succession of duty assignments aboard just about every class of warship in the Republic arsenal, he finally earned a command of his own five years prior to the outbreak of hostilities with the Mandalorians. His determined, if somewhat unimaginative stint as commander of an old and decrepit Praetorian-class frigate, during which he butted heads with raiders on numerous occasions, earned him respect among the admiralty. As a result, he was short-listed for command of one of the new Centurion-class battlecruisers being built, taking the third ship in line as his own. After spending the Mandalorian Wars patrolling the other side of the galaxy from the primary battleplanes, his quiet competence earned him a promotion to rear admiral. Remaining loyal to the Republic in the wake of Revan and Malak's betrayal, he rose to the rank of vice admiral after proving his worth as a task force commander on a number of occasions.
    • Appearances: Saber Battalion, Ghosts of Korriban, Silver Swarms of Ships, the Diary of a Fighter Pilot (mentioned only)
  6. Cushing's Admirer

    Cushing's Admirer Chosen One star 7

    Jun 8, 2006
    Cushy give this a try! :D

    Name: Thimen Kolor'tharas

    Pronunciation: Thim-EE-on

    Gender: Male

    Species: Chiss

    Age: 81

    Template: Christopher Plummer

    Appearance: 5'10, fit but stocky, thin mustache, snow-streaked navy hair, cerulean flesh, luminescent pupiless ruby eyes

    Bio: A pupil of Toru Fireheart, Thimen is a Force-Sensitive Chiss that is found on Csilla within the Unknown Regions but he relocates to Kaladron in the Outer Rim for training. He is wed to Vomkor, a Bothan he meets at the sanctuary. They will have at least one son, Shiveki. Toru and Thimen would be seen as rouge Sensitives as they do not believe the Force is Light and Dark but instead a manifestation of Great One Above aka Fashioner of Stars. Thimen is very affectionate and unique for his kind. Rather an outcast until he meets his Mentor. Thimen loves literature and fellow sapients. Acutely tactile.

    Sometimes called Cha'labar a Kaladroni term meaning: Treasured One by his Mentor.

    Ability: Force Lightning

    Toru Fireheart

    Gender: Male

    Species: Kaladroni (Near-Human)

    Age: 74

    Template: Jeremy Irons

    Appearance: 6'3, sinewy, silver and platinum hair and matching goatee, chocolate pupiless eyes, retractable claws on fingers and toes, sandstone flesh; ridged bone fins growing from the outer underside of both forearms, a bony ridge along the spine. Outfit: Royal blue cape, geaves, bracers, with dark grey robes and leggings. Black leather boots.

    Bio: Toru lost his original family in a fire due to a Noghori friend seeking revenge for a perceived slight. He has had a rough path. He began as a Grey Jedi, became Sith, then was redeemed by Great One Above and granted the understanding that sapients are to seek inner balance and promote harmony in the galaxy.

    Toru meets Thimen during his Path of Balance, the stage where he is neither Jedi or Sith. He and his Pupil will help reforge the galaxy.

    Gleeful One 'Beloved Pup'

    Gender: Male

    Species: Nomilar (Humanoid possessing canid traits)

    Age: 47

    Template: Jeremy Brett

    Vomkor—Female Bothan: Thimen's wife

    Appearance: 5'6, slender and sinewy, lustrous alabaster fur, lavender eyes, long erect pointed ears, elongated muzzle, canine features

    Bio: Due to widespread suspicion and distrust erupting as the Clone Wars closed, this female Bothan went on the run. Restless and high strung initially, she continually hopped about the galaxy. Inexplicably, five years later, she found herself in the Outer Rim. Drawn to Kaladron, she located a small sanctuary there that is home to beings of myriad ancestry.

    She was alarmed to discover that a tall blue-skinned Humanoid dwelt there that possessed a crimson lightsabre. Even so, gradually she grew curious of the loner as only the Kaladroni Mentor and a faithful wolf-like Ice Hound kept association with him.

    She discovered he—Thimen--likewise has been ostracised and cast aside. Appreciating his honesty including informing her that when greatly disturbed he instintivelly channels Force Lightening, the Bothan determines to learn more and grows to befriend him.

    She gains the affectionate name Vomkor: Kumazarite for 'Jewelled Eyes'.

    Shiveki Kolor'tharas—Chiss/Bothan hybrid

    Shiveki is the eldest male cubling of Thimen and Vomkor. He is shy and studious.

    Appearance: In form, Shiveki is Bothan but his fur is a blue, black, and white swirling brindle. Luminescent scarlet pupiless eyes.

    Lady Hannah Tarkin—Female Human: Wilhuff's wife

    Appearance: 5'8, full-figured but trim, pale beige flesh, bright forest green eyes, silken, wavy ebony and ashen tresses.

    The rock of Wilhuff's life that understands his true nature more than anyone else. His counsel. She enjoys embroidery and other simple crafts (as in they don't rely on modern technology; like her husband, Hannah prefers simplicity).

    Rookery Tarkin—Male Human native of Endor: Wilhuff and Hannah's eldest son

    Executed by Rebels at 21 to make a statement.

    Leilani Tarkin--Female Human: Wilhuff and Hannah's granddaughter

    Wilhuff calls her his 'Playful Acklay'

    Has a nerf plushie 'Cuddly'

    Isaac Tarkin--Male Human native to Kaladron: Wilhuff and Hannah's younger son

    Blue Fin: Wilhuff's Pupil that will become an adopted son

    These OCs first appeared in the Before Saga tale: Love in the Shades of Grey, (Toru), Thimen, Vomkor, and Shiveki were intended to appear in the sequel but he and Toru have been RP'd by me a bit here usually in CCC or the Dueling Thread. They will soon appear in my Emerging from Shadows Saga AU. :)
  7. JadeLotus

    JadeLotus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2005
    Great idea! All of my OCs are in the Star Wars fandom and from my AU Episode VII fic The Shadow of Fate, which takes place 30 years after Return of the Jedi. I like the idea of using a template, Cushing's Admirer! I will do the same here since these characters were based on a "cast" developed for my fic.
    • Character name: Zebula "Zeb" Pavish
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 19
    • Template: John Boyega
    • Physical description: Dark-skinned, brown eyes, black hair
    • Short bio: Orphaned at a young age, he grew up on the lower levels of Coruscant, was once affiliated with the street gang Denizens of Chaos. Attempted to rob Leia Organa at the age of 13, but instead she gave him a choice to leave the lower levels behind. Was quasi-adopted by the SkySolos, lived at the Jedi Academy in his teens but did not train there despite Force sensitivity. Current protege of Leia Organa, official role of Special Aide to the Chancellor. In a relationship with Jaina Solo. Best friends with Micah Skywalker. Speaks with an Coruscanti accent but occassionally his lower-leveller accent slips through, especially when he's comfortable around people.
    • Character name: Micah Skywalker
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 21
    • Template: Rupert Grint
    • Physical description: Pale-skinned, auburn hair, hazel eyes.
    • Short bio: Second-born son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, he dropped out of the Jedi Academy at 15 to join New Republic Intelligence. Currently on sabbatical and working for Talon Karrde's organisation. Chafes under the Skywalker name and responsibilities and frequently goes by the name Micah Jade. He's got a good sense of humour and excels at undercover work. Like to wear expensive, fashionable clothes. Best friends with Zebula Pavish. Tempered Coruscanti accent due to frequent undercover work.
      • Character name: Cilla Skywalker
      • Species: Human
      • Gender: Female
      • Age: 14
      • Template: Elle Fanning
      • Physical description: Pale-skinned, curly blonde hair, blue eyes
      • Short bio: Youngest child and only daughter of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, currently attending the Jedi Academy. Full of youthful exuberance that can often tire those around her. Compassionate and outgoing. Coruscanti accent.

    • Character name: Kara Ravenlok
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 29
    • Template: Lupita Nyong'o
    • Physical description: Dark-skinned, willowy, brown eyes, short, practically shorn hair
    • Short bio: The daughter of prominent Coruscanti aristocrat Sidel Ravenlok and X-Wing pilot and Rebel Oren Ravenlok, both deceased. Raised by her grandfather Trevin Ravenlok. Former apprentice to Luke Skywalker and current Jedi Knight. Yearns for a connection to her parents, but generally friendly and easy-going and yet can be reserved and formal. Skilled at lightsaber combat and telekenisis. High Coruscant accent.
    • Character name: Eren Pax
    • Species: Humanoid with Pau'an ancestry
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 33
    • Template: Gwendoline Christie
    • Physical description: Pale-skinned, short blonde hair, dark blue eyes, Pau'an-like cheekbones.
    • Short bio: One of the first students enrolled in Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy, current Jedi Master. Former Master to Ben Skywalker, with whom she has a close, sibling-like relationship. Sees the Jedi as her clan and drawn to the ways of the Old Republic Jedi. Skilled at mind manipulation. Utapuan accent.
    • Character name: Fin Delrond
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 27
    • Template: Adam Driver
    • Physical description: Pale-skinned, dark brown hair, brown eyes, tall.
    • Short bio: Son of Svel Delron, former Imperial Commander, and Lalia Tjio, Dathomiri witch (died in childbirth). Raised by his father to revere and study the ways of the Empire and the Sith, they have spent decades searching the galaxy for Sith relics. Strong in the Force, especially in psychomentry. 'Rim accent.
    • Character name: Petar Sillow
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 35
    • Template: Oscar Isacc
    • Physical description: Olive-skinned, brown curly hair, brown eyes.
    • Short bio: Smuggler and criminal, lives in the lower levels of Coruscant but originally from Corellia. Works freelance with Quiz Treelaj. Corellian accent.
    • Character name: Quix Treelaj
    • Species: Lasat
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 40
    • Template: Andy Serkis (motion capture)
    • Physical description: Light purple skin, yellow eyes, tall.
    • Short bio: Smuggler and criminal, lives in the lower levels of Coruscant. Knew Zeb as a boy. Works freelance with Petar Sillow. Lower-leveller accent.
    • Character name: Toula
    • Species: Zabrak
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 18
    • Template: Crystal Clarke
    • Physical description: Dark-skinned, facial horns, tattoos
    • Short bio: Half-sister to Whit, raised in their father's harem, forced into slavery when he was killed. Escaped and vowed revenge, trained by a Sith. Hates the Jedi and the New Republic. Excellent speaker and manipulator, Force strengths include mind tricks. Core accent.
    • Character name: Whit
    • Species: Zabrak
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 18
    • Template: Pip Anderson
    • Physical description: Pale-skinned, facial horns, tattoos, bionic implants in the head and arms.
    • Short bio: Half-brother to Toula, raised in their father's harem, forced into slavery when he was killed. Follows Toula's lead. Skilled at mechanics and hacking, excellent gymnast abilities. Core accent.
    Sith-I-5, Kahara, Chyntuck and 4 others like this.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    • Most of my characters are Dunai elder and Dunai. The following characters appear in many stories
    • Character name: Kaag Adin
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai elder
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 24 melona 128 BBY Aarga Moniron
    • Date/place of death: 20 kelona 860 ANH Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Kaagi was found as a 2 year old in the wilderness of Rhova on Moniron by his future master Glinis Ra-Ond and padawan Aaqu Maerhin and taken to the Jeditemple where he became a healer. At 22 years of age he is essential in saving slaves on Hamalk and gets injured. During the purge he fled the Jeditemple and ended up on his homeplanet Moniron where he married Aranella Neral. A son Marhin and a daughter Arianna were born. On 18 selona 41 ANH Kaagi saves the life of a child with a donation of his stemcells and is saved by his friends when the old Hamalk injury causes a permanent paralysis in his left foot. After recovery he used a cane and a wheelchair to move around and do his usual duties ending up in Noranan and working there in the hospital.
    • Stories where the character appears Almost all my stories
    • Character name: Aaqu Maerhin
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai (99% Dunai elder 1% human)
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 23 velona 142 BBY Rhova Moniron
    • Date/place of death: 27 welona 831 ANH Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Aaqu Maerhin was found by Yoda and given by his parents to the Jedi to train. Under the guidance of Glinis Ra-Ond he became a healer. He left the Jeditemple after advice from Yoda a month before the purge to go to Moniron. He ended up in Noranan where he married nurse Lynne Er-Smia and worked in the hospital
    • Stories where the character appears Almost all my stories
    • Character name: Jadin Finn
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai elder
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 30 helona 109 BBY Eljajon
    • Date/place of death: 23 relona 855 ABY Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Jadin Finn was born on Eljajon and found as the sole survivor of a crash when he was 2 by Kaagi and his master Glinis. He became a Jedi-healer and served as a general on New Holstice during the clone wars defending that planet. He got romantically involved with Arisha Er-Denal on Moniron when he was saving one of his clone medics and returned to New Holstice unaware that Arisha was expecting. He was injured saving the crew of the Coronet Enterprise and was drawn to Moniron where he married Arisha and became a healer in Noranan hospital
    • Stories where the character appears most of my stories
    • Character name: Mick Kerebuy
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai (99% Dunai elder 1% human)
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 28 selona 52 BBY Bor Rhimmol
    • Date/place of death: 10 telona 839 ABY Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Mick Kerebuy travelled with his parents to New Holstice. He lost his parents when he was 3 and was adopted. During the Clone wars he formed hospital squadron and saved Jedi during the purge. He escaped with his squadron to Lingala where he stayed until moving to Moniron where he became a surgeon in Noranan hospital.
    Stories where the character appears Most of my stories and the recent]Mick’s[/url] notes

    • Character name: Tarko (Sanek) Shellan
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai elder
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 14 velona 33 BBY Bor-Rhimmol capital
    • Date/place of death: 21 welona 932 ABY Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Tarko was the second twin born to Ragno and Irisa Shellan and taken away by a midwife who saw him as a bad omen. The midwife told the parents that their second born had died. A nurse took pity of the baby and brought him to an orphanage where he was discovered by Jedi. Tarko became a Jedi-knight, fought in the clone-wars and was injured and brought to Lingala to recover. There he escaped the purge, lived as a doctor until a message had him travelling to Moniron where he was united with his family.
    Stories where the character appears most of my stories and]Lost[/url] and found

    • Character name: Jehna Er-San
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai elder
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 16 helona 29 BBY Rhova Moniron
    • Date/place of death: 30 relona 950 ABY Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Jehna was a student at Tarmenel Eled-Hir ‘s house of healing before he moved to work in Monir university hospital. He got involved in the rescue of Marhin Adin and Aaqu Maerhin and stayed in Noranan after that rescue. He saved children from a factory.]inferno[/url]
    • Stories where the character appears Most of my stories
    • Character name: Marhin Adin
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: saga - beyond
    • Species: Dunai elder
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 10 relona 12 BBY Rhova Moniron
    • Date/place of death: 20 selona 952 ABY Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Marhin is the son of Kaagi and Aranella and became a doctor like his parents. He saved his father in Monir. He was essential to keep Aaqu alive after the crash in a lake where he lost all his midi-chlorians. His father helped him to regain his powers.
    • Stories where the character appears Most of my stories and diaries.
    • Character name: Ivano Arvedai
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai elder
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 10 relona 350 BBY Noranan Moniron
    • Date/place of death: 8 welona 633 ABY Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Ivano was a firefighter who left Moniron to do some exploring. He stayed on Alderaan and moved to Coruscant where he stayed before and during the clone-wars. He saved a Jedi padawan and helped Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi to uncover a separatist plot to develop a bio-weapon. He was injured and treated at the Jeditemple and left to live on Lingala. Before the purge he was back on Moniron and became a chief.
    Stories where the character appears]The[/url] SONIM threat]inferno[/url]

    • Character name: Steve Magaron
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai elder
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 25 helona 350 BBY Noranan Moniron
    • Date/place of death: 4 selona 638 ABY Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Steve was a police-officer with many changes in jobs before he explored the galaxy and ended up on Corellia where he joined CorSec and trained Rostek Horn. He got involved in a CSI-case helping Rostek and Jono Bel Hana and was back on Moniron before the Jedi-purge. He joined the Noranan-policedept.
    Stories where the character appears]Kerebuy[/url] hawk down]C.S.I[/url]. Corellia

    • Character name: Jono Bel Hana
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 6 selona 365 BBY Coronet city Corellia
    • Date/place of death: 1 helona 24 ABY Firwood Corellia
    • Short bio: Jono Bel Hana was a CorSec captain and helped Rostek Horn and Steve Magaron to solve the death of an artist.
    Stories where the character appears]C.S.I[/url]. Corellia

    • Character name: Jason Guyet
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Dunai
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 26 elona 19 BBY Ingal Lingala
    • Date/place of death: 14 telona 543 ABY Noranan Moniron
    • Short bio: Jason Guyet left after graduating as a doctor and reparing an X-wing (with astromech Iffy) Lingala to join the alliance. He served with Blade squadron and interacted with TIS. More ships and squadrons followed until he joined Spider squadron on the cruiser Taranak. Daala’s rise to power had him deciding to leave the military and head home to Lingala where he decided to go with his parents to Moniron
    Stories where the character appears]Refuge[/url]]Spider[/url] moments for the Shakespeare roulette challenge

    • Character name: Rob Spanish
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - beyond
    • Species: Varankonin
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 19 telona 1 ABY Kiran city Varanko
    • Date/place of death: 18 helona 282 ABY Kiran city Varanko
    • Short bio: Rob Spanish and his friend Kevin Beltaine went to Corellia where they became members of Spider squadron. Rob became the commander and was also a skilled medic helping the surgeons on the Taranak. He left the military to return to Varanko after Daala rose to power
    Stories where the character appears]Refuge[/url]]Spanish[/url] pranks]Spider[/url] moments for the Shakespeare roulette challenge

    • Character name: Dave d’Lorrion
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: before - saga
    • Species: human
    • Gender: male
    • Date/place of birth: 30 telona 93 BBY
    • Date/place of death: 7 relona 4 BBY
    • Short bio: Dave d’Lorrion was in the republic navy and served as an admiral during the clone wars. He commanded the Coronet Enterprise and was saved by Jadin Finn during a battle near New Holstice. He served on the stardestroyer Indefatigable and helped Jedi general Assa Olinde and returned to New Holstice to help Jadin Finn to get better treatment for the clone soldiers. During the purge he made it possible for a padawan and her attending healers to escape to Lingala. He and members of hospital squadron went shortly after the purge to Lingala, a planet that was deemed inhospitable after a devastating plague.
    • Stories where the character appears Reunion and Mick’s notes
    Kahara, Chyntuck and Ewok Poet like this.
  9. NightWatcher91

    NightWatcher91 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 7, 2014
    • Character name: Cort Leon
    • Fandom: Star Wars
    • Era: Post ROTJ
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 24
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences) - Cort was born to a New Republic General who defected to the Imperial Remnant. His name being black listed Cort took a life of speeder bike racing and occasionally running errands for a Devorian named Vex.
    • Stories where the character appears: To Be Announced

    • Character name: Rictor
    • Fandom: Star Wars
    • Era: Post ROTJ
    • Species: Selkath
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: Unknown
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Rictor is a mechanic who owes many a debts in her life. She works now with Cort Leon to make some big paydays.
    • Stories where the character appear: Again TBA.
  10. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Character name: Lydia Shelvay

    Fandom: Star Wars (Legends/Expanded Universe)

    Era: Beyond the Saga

    Species: Human

    Gender: Female

    Age: Born in 4 ABY (soon after ROTJ)

    Short bio: Lydia Shelvay was raised in the isolated Imperial region of the Nebula Command. As the daughter of Imperial agent Elena Shelvay and Inquisitor Antinnis Tremayne (Legends canon characters), Lydia has been brought up with a fierce pride in her allegiance to the Empire. As the child of a world that is clearly not the bright center of the universe, she also has an uneasy sense of how little influence the remnants of the Empire really wield in a galaxy dominated by the New Republic.

    Stories where the character appears: Shark Kibble: The Datapad of Student ISBTECH 815761 (diary narrated by Lydia; in-progress), Notes for When You Are Older (diary narrated by Elena; in-progress; prequel to Shark Kibble)
  11. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    My turn!

    A quick opening note: I'd be honoured if anyone chose to use any of my OCs for any story you may want to write, so this is a blanket permission to do so :) Please PM me the link if you do, I want to read it!


    Characters created for the fic Ἀνάγκη – Necessity beyond sway and its various spin-offs

    Characters are listed in order of appearance, with the number of the chapter where they first appear (you will find a table of contents with links to the various chapters in post 1 of the story thread above). "Other appearances" refers to appearances in other stories.
    Ἀνάγκη takes place in the Star Wars universe. It starts a few months before the Battle of Yavin and will end at some point during the Thrawn campaign. Unless otherwise specified, all ages are given as of the Battle of Yavin.

    Character name: Ayesha Eskari
    Species: Near-Human (Human father, Kiffar mother)
    Gender: female
    Age: 27
    Homeworld: Kashyyyk
    Bio: Ayesha is an exceedingly talented sculptress working in the Imperial Palace at the start of Ἀνάγκη. She grew up during the last years of the Old Republic and the Clone Wars and thus had a turbulent childhood. The fic follows her life from the Battle of Yavin to the Thrawn campaign.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 1 - The modified Demahl
    Other appearances: A tree-dweller in Imperial City, The Hairdo, The Family Holos

    Character name: Namajib Eskari
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Passed away in 22 BBY
    Homeworld: Corellia
    Bio: A Corellian poet of extraordinary talent, Namajib Eskari was captured by Zygerrian slavers in 28 BBY. He is the author of at least two poetry collections, The Vortex and Silences from the Edge of Life. He passed away when his daughter Ayesha was 5 years old.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 1 - The modified Demahl (mentioned only)
    Other appearances: A tree-dweller in Imperial City (mentioned only)

    Character name: Makh Vrill
    Species: Nautolan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 32
    Homeworld: Glee Anselm
    Bio: Makh Vrill is a successful philosopher and writer despite the fact that he is not Human. He is the author of Lesser citizens: the place of non-human sentients in Imperial society. At the beginning of the story, he's Ayesha's boyfriend.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 3 - Lesser citizens

    Character name: Thriyé Vos
    Species: Kiffar
    Gender: Female
    Age: Passed away in 25 BBY.
    Homeworld: Kiffu
    Bio: Thriyé Vos was a Kiffu Guardian and Ayesha's mother. Together with her lifemate Namajib Eskari, she was captured by Zygerrian slavers in 28 BBY. She passed away when Ayesha was 2 years old.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 3 - Lesser citizens (mentioned only)

    Character name: Yakooboo
    Species: Wookiee
    Gender: Male
    Age: Several hundred years.
    Homeworld: Kashyyyk
    Bio: Yakooboo is the chieftain of his ancestral village on the outskirts of the Wookiee capital city of Rwookrrorro. His blood family consists of his lifemate Messiri and his two sons Rabarruk and Rumpacharet. He had a life-debt to Quinlan Vos and adopted Ayesha when she was 11 years old.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 4 - The raid (mentioned only), Part I, chapter 28 - Nuso Esva
    Other appearances: The Family Holos

    Character name: Messiri
    Species: Wookiee
    Gender: Female
    Age: Several hundred years.
    Homeworld: Kashyyyk
    Bio: Messiri is the healer of her home village on the outskirts of the Wookiee capital city of Rwookrrorro. Her blood family consists of her lifemate Yakooboo and her two sons Rabarruk and Rumpacharet. Together with Yakooboo, she adopted Ayesha when she was 11 years old.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 4 - The raid (mentioned only)
    Other appearances: The Family Holos

    Character name: Rabarruk
    Species: Wookiee
    Gender: Male
    Age: 30
    Homeworld: Kashyyyk
    Bio: Rabarruk is the elder son of Yakooboo and Messiri and Ayesha's and Rumpacharet's big brother. He is a skilled hunter and mechanic. He was captured in a Trandoshan slaving raid on Kashyyyk in 3 BBY and hasn't been heard from ever since.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 4 - The raid (mentioned only)
    Other appearances: The Family Holos

    Character name: Rumpacharet (Rumpy)
    Species: Wookiee
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Homeworld: Kashyyyk
    Bio: Rumpacharet is the younger son of Yakooboo and Messiri and Rabarruk's younger brother. He was born when Ayesha was 13 years old and she has a special affection for him.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 4 - The raid (mentioned only)
    Other appearances: The Family Holos

    Character name: Kchak Pr'ollerg
    Species: Zygerrian
    Gender: Male
    Age: 57
    Homeworld: Zygerria
    Bio: Kchak Pr'ollerg is a prominent member of the Zygerrian Slavers' Guild and as such has close ties to Emperor Palpatine. He was the one who captured (among others) Namajib Eskari and a pregnant Thriyé Vos in 28 BBY.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 8 - The owner

    Character name: Ted
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Late twenties.
    Homeworld: unspecified
    Bio: Ted is a Human supremacist who flirts briefly with Ayesha in the Imperial Gardens on Coruscant.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 9 - Ted

    Character name: Matthias "Matt" Ruud
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 32
    Homeworld: Kuat
    Bio: Matt Ruud is an officer of the Imperial Navy who reached the rank of captain at age 29 and the rank of senior captain at the age of 33. His successful career has earned him the Emperor's favour. He was Thrawn's student in the Imperial Academy in Carida during his training as a cadet and becomes one of Ayesha's close friends.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 10 - Captain Ruud

    Character name: (TBD) Vos
    Species: Kiffar
    Gender: Male
    Age: Passed away in 19 BBY.
    Homeworld: Kiffu
    Bio: Ayesha's grandfather.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 15 - The colour of sunshine

    Character name: Nazmat Koch
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: 91
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Bio: Nazmat Koch is a famous artist, renowned for her Coruscant cityscape paintings, and a professor in the Galactic (later Imperial) Academy of Fine Arts, where she was a mentor to Ayesha and her group of friends. She's Mira Stramnig's grandmother and Tam's great-grandmother.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 16 - Desire
    Other appearances: A tree-dweller in Imperial City

    Character name: Tashi Marath
    Species: Sullustan
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Homeworld: Sullust
    Bio: A distant relative of the Sullustan singer and dancer Eyar Marath, Tashi is a talented sculptress whose work is distinguished by the use of recycled industrial materials. She was Ayesha's classmate in the Academy of Fine Arts and became close friends with her during their student years.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 18 - Tam
    Other appearances: A tree-dweller in Imperial City

    Character name: Mabalsa "Onion"
    Species: Dug
    Gender: Male
    Age: 42
    Homeworld: Malastare
    Bio: Onion is a self-taught artist, a highly unusual profession for a Dug. His art is characterised by the use of rubbish as raw material. He meets Ayesha, Tashi and Lamtee when they come to visit one of his exhibitions together with Nazmat Koch and becomes close friends with them.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 18 - Tam
    Other appearances: A tree-dweller in Imperial City (indirect mention only)

    Character name: Lamtee Plohwell
    Species: Zeltron
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Homeworld: Zeltros
    Bio: Lamtee was a student in the Academy of Fine Arts, where he became friends with Ayesha and Tashi, and later with the rest of their group of friends. He specialises in creating holofriezes and holopaintings together with his partner Dacco.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 18 - Tam
    Other appearances: A tree-dweller in Imperial City

    Character name: Dacco
    Species: Zeltron
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Homeworld: Zeltros
    Bio: Dacco was accepted in the Academy of Fine Arts one year after Ayesha. He is romantically involved with Lamtee and they specialise in creating holofriezes and holopaintings together.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 18 - Tam

    Character name: Kal Stramnig
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 28
    Homeworld: TBD
    Bio: Kal was a third-year student in the Academy of Fine Arts when Ayesha was accepted and met his future wife, Mira, through her grandmother Nazmat Koch. He is an artist and an activist for aliens' rights. He is close friends with Ayesha, who is the namegiver to his son Tam.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 18 - Tam

    Character name: Mira Stramnig
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: 30
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Bio: Mira is Nazmat Koch's granddaughter, Kal's wife and Tam's mother. She is an engineer by profession but found herself part of a group of artist friends after marrying Kal and befriending Ayesha, whom she both met through her grandmother.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 18 - Tam

    Character name: Tam "Tammy" Stramnig
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 5 months
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Bio: Tam is the son of Kal and Mira. Ayesha is his namegiver.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 18 - Tam

    Character name: Simon Kerević
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 39
    Homeworld: Sacorria
    Bio: Simon is a medical doctor and xenobiologist and an anti-slavery activist. He is married to Uumana and tries to treat her for the damage to her brain after her mysterious disappearance in 3 BBY.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 26 - Qumawarat

    Character name: Uumana Kerević
    Species: Twi'lek
    Gender: Female
    Age: 36
    Homeworld: Ryloth
    Bio: Uumana was a talented dancer before her mysterious disappearance for a few months in 3 BBY. She is now alive but entirely unresponsive to her surroundings. She was Ayesha's model and friend when Ayesha was a student in the Academy of Fine Arts and introduced her to her husband Simon.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 26 - Qumawarat

    Character name: Qumawarat
    Species: Wookiee
    Gender: Female
    Age: Several hundred years.
    Homeworld: Kashyyyk
    Bio: Qumawarat was taken into slavery in 1 BBY from her home city of Palsaang on Kashyyyk and sold to the Empire together with her son Chemayyano. They were being transferred from one of the Coruscant orbital defence platforms to another labour camp when they managed to escape.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 26 - Qumawarat

    Character name: Chemayyano
    Species: Wookiee
    Gender: Male
    Age: 7
    Homeworld: Kashyyyk
    Bio: Chemayyano is Qumawarat's son and was sold into Imperial slavery together with her. They were being transferred from one of the Coruscant orbital defence platforms to another station when they managed to escape.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 26 - Qumawarat

    Character name: (TBD) Jayo
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: 68
    Homeworld: TBD
    Bio: Master Jayo is a professor in the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 35 - The Admiral

    Character name: (TBD) Detrell
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 88
    Homeworld: TBD
    Bio: Master Detrell is a professor in the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. He has a research project focusing on the existence of Muun artists in the early years of the Old Republic.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 35 - The Admiral
    Other appearances: A tree-dweller in Imperial City (mentioned only)

    Character name: Valeria Dalissis
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: 33
    Homeworld: TBD
    Bio: Valeria became a xenosociologist out of interest for alien species and cultures. However, the only job she could find was in Sate Pestage's office, which she is rather unhappy about. She meets Matt Ruud while working in the Imperial Palace and gets romantically involved with him.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 35 - The Admiral

    Character name: Paraseel Malki
    Species: Kiffar
    Gender: Male
    Age: 58
    Homeworld: Kiffu
    Bio: Paraseel Malki is a Force-sensitive Kiffar who was recruited by Count Dooku as a Sith Acolyte during the Clone Wars. He was the leader of the pro-Separatist faction in the Azurbani system after the assassination of Tinté Vos and as such became the cause of many of Ayesha's troubles.
    First appearance: Part I, chapter 38 - The new ambassador (mentioned only), Part II, chapter 3 - The death mark

    Character name: Eliskandro Fasolia Faké
    Species: Hutt
    Gender: Transgender.
    Age: Several hundred years
    Homeworld: Nal Hutta
    Bio: Eliskandro is the owner of Shazam!, a posh grooming salon on Coruscant that caters for Humans and aliens alike. He has been Nazmat Koch's hairdresser for decades. He has an unrequited crush on Findswoman's mahvelous Bonvika and changed his personality from female to male to be able to court her.
    First appearance: Part II, Chapter 10 - The Plebeian Exhibition
    Other appearances: The Hairdo

    Character name: Marika Vandron
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Homeworld: Karfeddion
    Bio: Marika is the daughter of Crueya Vandron and was a student in the Academy of Fine Arts in the same class as Ayesha.
    First appearance: A tree-dweller in Imperial City

    Character name: Boric Griff
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Homeworld: TBD
    Bio: Boric is a nephew of Admiral Amise Griff and was a student in the Academy of Fine Arts with Ayesha.
    First appearance: A tree-dweller in Imperial City


    Characters created for other fics
    Character name: Maneas
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Saga
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Bio: Crewman Maneas is a conscript in the Imperial Navy and Admiral Ozzel's orderly aboard the Executor at the beginning of TESB. He was in charge, among other things, of looking after the Admiral's cat.
    Stories where the character appears: Feline trouble
    Findswoman , Ewok Poet and Kahara like this.
  12. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    Raissa Baiard
    Date of Birth: approx. 44 BBY (note that Raissa and Doran's birth dates are rough, as they were originally created on a timeline that had Anakin born 55 BBY and the Clone Wars ending 35 BBY)
    Species: human, from the (fanon) Outer Rim planet of Bel Luar
    Bio: Raissa is the Vice-Prefect (later Prefect) of the Imperial Garrison on the planet Merkesh. She has a strong moral compass, and a desire to serve and protect the Empire's citizens. This led her to attend the academy on Carida, despite the rampant sexism. Though she did well at the Academy, she was shunted off to the Merkesh garrison on the Hydian Way in the Outer Rim, which had become a dumping ground for slackers, malcontents and other "undesirables." The garrison's amoral prefect, Ari Renault, recognized her competence, and quickly promoted Raissa to second in command, content to let her do all the actual work while he pursued his vices.

    Raissa is the owner of a pygmy roba named Frugly, who she rescued from slythmonger Gertris Magrivray.
    Appearances: "Raissa Baiard Solves Them All"
    "Everyone Comes to Doran's Place"
    "Not Exactly an Old-Fashioned Life Day"

    Doran Blayne
    Age: 35
    Date of birth: 52 BBY
    Species: human (Corellian)
    Bio: Owner of the Cafe Alderaan in Merkesh City. Doran is a fugitive Jedi who escaped Darth Vader's assault on the Jedi Temple. He disassembled his lightsaber to buy a new identity and a new life as the proprietor of the cantina, taking up his father's trade. He's outwardly cynical after his time on the run and betrayals by those he trusted. Though he professes not to stick his neck out for anyone, Doran still has an idealistic spark beneath his jaded exterior.

    Doran is based on the character Rick Blaine from Casablanca portrayed by Humphrey Bogart.
    Appearances: "Everyone Comes to Doran's Place"
    "Not Exactly an Old-Fashioned Life Day"

    Princess Clarys Antilles
    Date of Birth:/ 2 BBY
    Species: human (Alderaanian)
    Bio: Clarys is the princess of Alderaan in an alternate universe where Darth Vader locates and reclaims Luke and Leia shortly after their birth. He murders Bail and Breha Organa, and Breha' brother, Raymus Antilles, becomes Viceroy. The youngest child of Raymus and Nola Antilles, Clarys is a kind and compassionate, though very sheltered young woman. Her late mother volunteered and ministered to the sick at the Refugees' Memorial Hospital, and Clarys follows in her footsteps. While volunteering at the hospital, she becomes involved in the Rebellion, treating fugitives, runaway slaves, and others whose lives have been destroyed by the Empire.
    Appearances: Under a Dark Sky
  13. OCIndexSock

    OCIndexSock Jedi Padawan

    Jan 22, 2015
    Sock update: Cushing's Admirer and earlybird-obi-wan have added new characters to their posts since they first listed them here.

    Also, I (Chyntuck) will be on a work trip for the next couple of weeks, so don't worry if you post and the index isn't updated to include you -- I'll add any updates in the first week of March.
  14. K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku

    K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Apr 18, 2000
    All of my characters belong to the SW universe.
    AN: T'lor was developed for a round robin and has been written by a few of other authors (with permission) because she was part of the larger fanon that developed around USJS, so not all links where she appears were written by me.

    Character name: K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku abn Kenobi
    Era: Before through Beyond
    Species: M'ban
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14 when she is first introduced to 80+
    Short bio: K'Tai is a Tal'shari (a sect of Force-users related to the Jedi who are almost universally Healers) and member of the House Guard for the major House of Healing on Kress. A chance encounter with an injured Obi-Wan Kenobi leads to a Force-forged life-bond between the two that links K'Tai to the Jedi and sets her up to be the personal body guard of Leia Organa until Leia heads to the Imperial Senate. K'Tai spends several years at the Jedi Temple as a Padawan under the tutelage T'lor Kaden.
    Bits and Pieces
    Getting to Know You
    Interludes (AU Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and OCs)-Chapter 4, 4/10/16

    Character name: T'lor Kaden aka Laren Deboisnesque
    Era: Before through Saga
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Anywhere from 11 to 60. She's about 25 when she's first introduced in the Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students
    Short bio: T'lor is a Jedi Shadow. Her master is Gi'den Dway and she had a sister, Kel, who was also a Padawan but killed in an accident. T'lor shares a Force-bond with fellow Jedi, Rani Veko Kern (created by Rani Veko for USJS), that rivals the strongest Master-Padawan bonds. The two are often referred to as the "Disorderly Duo" for their hijinks as padawans, which included using games of Truth or Dare to collect blackmail material on their fellow Jedi and a plan to spike the punch at the dance during the student exchange program. T'lor's missions often involve her cover, Laren Deboisnesque, a punk technology mogul with a passion for electronics and trouble.
    Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students
    Repost: The Continuing Saga of the USJS
    Part III of The Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students
    The Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students Part IV
    The USJS Play Truth or Dare
    The Continuing USJS Truth or Dare Thread
    Braid Boy does the Full Jedi...(A Daphne comedy)
    Bits and Pieces
    Getting to Know You

    Character name: Gi'den Dway aka Jordon Tyroth
    Era:Before to Saga
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age:Mid-40s when he is introduced
    Short bio: Gi'den Dway is a Jedi Shadow. His padawan is T'lor Kaden. Gi'den's most used cover is Jordon Tyroth, a successful businessman with both legitimate and not-so-legitimate business ventures. Jordon is Laren's uncle and her benefactor initially.
    Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students
    Repost: The Continuing Saga of the USJS
    Part III of The Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students
    The Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students Part IV
    The USJS Play Truth or Dare
    The Continuing USJS Truth or Dare Thread
    Bits and Pieces
    Getting to Know You

    Character name: Kur-Cot qel Tanku-Beden
    Era: Before through Beyond
    Species: M'ban
    Gender: Male
    Age: Late 30s when he is introduced
    Short bio: Kur-Cot is K'Tai's uncle on her father's side and the Head Adept at the primary House of Healing on Kress. He is the first to suspect a life-bond between Obi-Wan and K'Tai. It is at his insistence that K'Tai goes to the Temple to train with the Jedi (and solidify the life-bond).
    Bits and Pieces
    Getting to Know You
    Interludes (AU Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and OCs)-Chapter 4, 4/10/16

    Character name: Bus'cai qel Letta-Fromen abn Tanku
    Era: Before through Beyond
    Species: M'ban
    Gender: Female
    Age: Early 40s when first introduced
    Short bio (2-3 sentences): Bus'cai is the head of the Tal'shari Council of Elders and K'Tai's mother. In an attempt to maintain civil peace on Kress, Bus'cai accepts a betrothal offer for K'Tai from the Crown Prince after the K'Tai saves the Crown Prince from an assassination attempt. This is determined to be a mistake by the Council. Bus'cai never quite comes to accept Obi-Wan as her son-in-law because he is from an "unknown matriarch."
    Bits and Pieces
    Getting to Know You

    Character name: De'vona qel Letta-Tanku abn Gromaldi
    Era: Before through Beyond
    Species: M'ban
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20 when we first meet K'Tai at 14
    Short bio (2-3 sentences) : De'vona is K'Tai's older sister who falls in love with Donal, the Crown Prince, after Donal is betrothed to K'Tai. She eventually ends up becoming Donal's wife once it is discovered that K'Tai is sesench'ai to Obi-Wan. She serves as Donal's representative to the government and Royal Court when he is unavailable.
    Bits and Pieces
    Getting to Know You

    Character name: Jordon Yrondonal Prespin qel Gromaldi-Friedelim
    Era: Before
    Species: M'ban
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Short bio (2-3 sentences): Donal is the Crown Prince of Kress. He becomes engaged to K'Tai as part of a political alliance between the ruling family and the Tal'shari after she saves him from an assassination attempt. He falls in love with K'Tai's sister, De'vona, after his betrothal of K'Tai is accepted by Bus'cai.
    Bits and Pieces
    Getting to Know You

    Character name: Dax Jesper
    Era: Before
    Age:Late 40s
    Short bio (2-3 sentences): Dax is the head of Jedi Temple intelligence and a Jedi Shadow. He is responsible for assigning T'lor to her long term undercover mission as Laren investigating the trafficking of Force-sensitives.
    Bits and Pieces

    Character name: Jen'sai desa Fromen-Letta abn Briol
    Era: Before
    Species: M'Ban
    Gender: Female
    Age: Early 30's when first introduced
    Short bio (2-3 sentences): Jen'asi is a Tal'shari Adept and K'Tai's maternal aunt. Jen'sai chose to align with her father's clan causing a riff with Bus'cai that is only exacerbated by her work with K'Tai after Unagin. Jen'sai is charged by the Council of Elders with figuring out how K'Tai and Obi-Wan are bound to one another.
    Getting to Know You
    Interludes (AU Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and OCs)-Chapter 4, 4/10/16
  15. Gahmah Raan

    Gahmah Raan Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 2, 2015
    All characters listed here were created for the Star Wars: Paranormalities Trilogy which takes place beyond the saga. However, some characters may date back thousands of years earlier. Listed in order of appearance. And warning, contains spoilers and since the story they come from is mostly OC-dominant, this is a big list that will get updated every now and then.
    • Character name: Zolph Vaelor
    • Homeworld: None (born on Coruscant, adopted Ossus)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 19 (as of Episode II)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): The son of two adventurers and heroes of the Galactic Civil War, Zolph lost both of his parents to a group of pirates when he was on his way to join Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy shortly before the beginning of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong. Five years later, when that war had ended, the pirates - in actuality, a previously unknown occultic government known as the Valkoran Empire - resurfaced to take on the galaxy, and their Maesterus, has taken peculiar interest Zolph. The Forceless Collective considers him a major threat.
    • Character Name: Maesterus (Real Name: Seferin Vaelor)
    • Homeworld: Corellia
    • Species: Human (Forceless-possessed)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: Mid 40s (Chronological Age: 3500+ years)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): For the first year of the war, Maesterus was the public face of the Valkoran Empire, and the closest person to be viewed as their leader aside from Emperor Valkor. Despite his dark and menacing appearance, Maesterus is neither a Sith nor does he wield the Dark Side of the Force. He has developed a very peculiar interest in Jedi Knight, Zolph Vaelor.
    • Character Name: Dynn Manthis
    • Homeworld: Coruscant
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 18
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A long-time friend of Zolph's from around the time he joined the Academy. She went missing during the Battle of Ossus one week after the beginning of the Valkoran War, and one month later, Zolph learned she had joined the Valkoran Empire under Maesterus's guidance. Unfortunately, Emperor Valkor had other plans for her, one that involved grafting a sentient Forceless arm onto her after she lost her right arm.
    • Character Name: Private/Sergeant/Lieutenant Will "Phoenix" Helms
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 28
    • Short Bio (2-3 sentences): This once-low-ranking Valkoran Trooper is one of the galaxy's biggest enigmas, as he is one of the only people to have died more than once (and out of those people, he's died more times than them). How he keeps coming back regardless of the circumstances of his deaths remains a mystery, but some suspect that there was a witch living somewhere outside Ockla Prime's capital city that cursed the first-born sons of the Helms bloodline to die over and over again until they died naturally, while some Force users simply suspect that the Force has a twisted sense of humor at times and keeps him from becoming one with it.
    • Character Name: Admiral Marx Gravlek
    • Homeworld: Anaxes
    • Species: Human (cyborg later)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 55
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A former officer and weapons developer with Imperial Remnant, Marx Gravlek went missing sometime before the treaty that created peace between the Remnant and New Republic and joined the Valkoran Empire due to resentment towards the ambitious Imperial warlords and psychopathic Dark Jedi. Serving the Valkoran, he remained specifically loyal to Maesterus. He was supposedly killed at the beginning of the Valkoran War when his flagship, the Conqueror, crashed into Ithor's ravaged surface, but resurfaced later with extensive cybernetic modifications and now in command of Maesterus's personal warship (and the largest ship in the Valkoran fleet), the Doomsayer.
    • Character Name: Va'Za the Hutt
    • Homeworld: Tatooine
    • Species: Hutt
    • Gender: Hermaphrodite (Identifies as male)
    • Age: 400+
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): After the Yuuzhan Vong devastated most of Hutt Space, a lot of Hutts adopted Tatooine as their new homeworld. One particular Hutt, Va'Za, started a very ruthless criminal operation in the first month of the Valkoran War, receiving some funds from the Valkoran Empire in exchange for the location of some ancient alien ruins in the Eastern Dune Sea. However, he easily submits to threats of violence, and his crime ring fell apart for good when Jedi Knight Zolph Vaelor fatally injured him for stupidly ignoring one of his warnings: he swallowed one of his own slave girls whole while he wasn't around, and Zolph cut his stomach open to get her out after sensing she was still alive in there.
    • Character Name: Terraris
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoning site: Tatooine)
    • Species: Planara Manos (Forceless Archfiend)
    • Gender: Unknown (typically referred to by masculine pronouns)
    • Age: 25,000+
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A unusually powerful member of the massive, worm-like Planara Manos race, Terraris willingly joined the Forceless Collective and became an Archfiend while the rest of his species served as soldiers for the Collective (willingly or unwillingly). Like all Planara Manos, Terraris to capable of digging through terrain at rapid speed and crushing foes with his finger-like mandibles, but unlike the lesser members of his race, he is capable of some sorcery that allows him weaponize earth elements. He was the first Archfiend to be encountered by Zolph Vaelor, and killed shortly after being summoned by the Valkoran Empire on Tatooine.
    • Character Name: Ze'grein'aradi (Grein)
    • Homeworld: Sleheyron (born on Csilla)
    • Species: Chiss (Purple-eyed)
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 41 (Chronological Age: 3500+ years)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): No one initially knows much about this curious purple-eyed Chiss and why she carries around a lightsaber (with a four-bladed cross-guard) despite her not being a Jedi or Dark Jedi. She also has the unusual ability to liquefy and freeze her own body parts. She carries some extensive knowledge on the Valkoran Empire as well as the monstrosities known as the Forceless Collective, which proves invaluable to Zolph after the Collective invades Sleheyron.
    • Character Name: Girdretto
    • Homeworld: Sleheyron
    • Species: Toydarian (later: synthetic Black Matter body)
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Despite not being a Hutt, Girdretto rose to prominence as a criminal kingpin when Sleheyron was the most-active part of Hutt Space after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. An associate of Va'Za the Hutt on Tatooine, Zolph Vaelor was led to him after learning Girdretto sold the information on Terraris's temple to Va'Za, but in truth Grein - posing as a rare purple-eyed Chiss slave bartering for her freedom - gave this information to him as part of a complex gambit to subtly alert the Jedi Order to the threat of the Forceless Collective. When the Collective invaded Sleheyron, he was one of the first victims to be possessed, and was killed by Grein shortly after possession.
    • Character Name: General Ven Choi
    • Homeworld: Dorin
    • Species: Kel Dor
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 57-58
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Only 9 years old when the Jedi Purge began, Ven Choi had very little Jedi training and used what little he had learned to aid the Rebel Alliance as a tactician, using a vibrosword in lieu of the lightsaber he never got to construct. Sometime after the fall of the Empire, he was promoted to General, but even with the rebuilding of the Jedi Order, he felt he was too old to continue his training and was the product of a time when the Order was compromising its values (however, that didn't stop him from passing on some of his knowledge to the new generation). Amusingly, some Jedi can go years without knowing he's Force-sensitive and just assume he's a naturally-gifted tactician.
    • Character Name: The Forceless Arm
    • Homeworld: Created on Ockla Prime
    • Species: Black Matter Construct (original arm was of human origin)
    • Gender: N/A
    • Age: At least 7 months at time of death
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Created by Valkor using a harvested human arm from Masochus's laboratory and injecting it with a sleeper symbiote from his own blood, what initially seemed like a normal arm from a donor grafted onto where Dynn's right arm used to be later revealed itself to be a sentient being. Over time, this cruel-minded prosthesis embedded itself deeper into her body, eventually taking over it (while forcing her to remain conscious) and horrifically altering her anatomy in a way that ensures that it is the only thing keeping her alive. This was all part of greater plot on Emperor Valkor's part to break Zolph Vaelor: If she didn't kill him, Zolph would be left traumatized from being forced to kill her.
    • Character Name: Gahmah Raan
    • Homeworld: Krishar
    • Species: Krishari
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 32
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A very eccentric but surprisingly successful bounty hunter hailing from an almost-as-eccentric species on an underdeveloped world. However, he's not all that intelligent, because if not for his amazing regenerative abilities, he would have died several times throughout his career. Some suspect his odd behavior to be the result of a spice addiction, but the truth is his sanity was impaired at an early age by Xixixix, a creature his people designated the "Mad God".
    • Character Name: Menbar Mun
    • Homeworld: Sullust
    • Species: Sullustan
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A Galactic Alliance scout sent to find out the locations of potential Valkoran bases, Maesterus posted a bounty on his head, with Zolph Vaelor assigned as his bodyguard. After being protected from several bounty hunters, he was eventually captured by Gahmah Raan. Even though he was successfully interrogated and had his memory cleaned of the Valkoran base locations, the true purpose of his capture was to lead Zolph into a trap.
    • Character Name: Bom Pintor
    • Homeworld: Skako
    • Species: Skakoan
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A bounty hunter and former member of the Skakoan Commandos, a culture of unusually courageous Skakoans that originated as a rebel cell in the Galactic Civil War, but after that war, most of the Commandos became mercenaries, a good number of them now working with the Valkoran Empire. Bom Pintor, however, is looked upon by the other Commandos with disdain, as he usually tries to get his targets to surrender to him by threatening to explode if they attacked him. This did him no good when he tried to pull this on Zolph Vaelor, as not only did Gahmah Raan have no qualms about shooting him, Zolph was able to shield him and Menbar Mun from the explosion.
    • Character Name: Maushh
    • Homeworld: Ubertica
    • Species: Ubese
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Along with Gahmah Raan, Bom Pintor and a few others, this Ubese bounty hunter was involved in the mission to capture Menbar Mun. Very quiet for the most part and wearing black armor of a design non-standard for his people, he prefers to attack from a distance and sometimes uses tranquilizer darts to weaken his more powerful enemies, proving to almost be a match for Zolph Vaelor. Before he could strike a killing blow, Gahmah Raan shattered his head to pieces with a charged blaster shot.
    • Character Name: Doctor Thilid
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Quarren
    • Gender: Female
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): No one knows much about this insane Quarren interrogator operating at the prison/mining facility on Kratzar, except that she has habit of removing prisoners' brains with her mouth tentacles and then eating them after she's extracted necessary information from them. This behavior disturbs and disgusts nearly everyone (including Maesterus) stationed on Kratzar, having even some suspect she was brainwashed prodigy of the equally (if not moreso) insane Masochus. However, she was killed by a disguised Zolph Vaelor just before she could remove and devour Menbar Mun's brain.
    • Character Name: Hydrojus
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoning site: Manaan)
    • Species: Cranaquia (Forceless Archfiend)
    • Gender: Unknown
    • Age: 25,000+
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): This Forceless Archfiend resembles a large brain with a fin-tipped tail, crab-like legs and stalked eyes. Despite being the smallest Archfiend, Hydrojus is able to manipulate water to not only make himself look more imposing, but can manipulate an entire planet's worth of it, and most disturbingly, the water that makes up most carbon-based lifeforms. However, he must be making physical contact with a body of water to manipulate, and he can chain up even more bodies to control more of it.
    • Character Name: Captain Xadisall Varessi
    • Homeworld: Mirial
    • Species: Mirialan
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): The leader of the Galactic Alliance commando group, Besh Squad. He's the squad's tactician and the only member without a codename. One of the more normal members of the squad.
    • Character Name: Bad Kitty (Real Name: Banir Keeti)
    • Homeworld: Cathar
    • Species: Cathar
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): This hulking Cathar is Besh Squad's heavy weapons specialist, favoring the use of a heavy repeating rifle. He really loves causing chaos and bickering with his own squad mates, especially Patcher. For some reason, he does not like to be called by his real name.
    • Character Name: Patcher
    • Homeworld: Glee Anselm
    • Species: Nautolan
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Besh Squad's combat medic. Despite specializing in treating injuries on the field, he's also trained to perform in a firefight. He shows a lot of concern for the health of the people he works with, even over supposedly minor health issues.
    • Character Name: Boltz
    • Homeworld: Gand
    • Species: Gand
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Besh Squad's combat engineer with a fascination for all sorts of technology and a former Findsman, an occupation which provided him some combat training before joining the squad. Despite being his codename, "Boltz" ended up becoming part of his real name due to how the Gand naming system works. Despite being a lungless Gand, he wears a breath mask most of the time to remain anonymous and when it comes down to it, use it as a makeshift ammonia bomb.
    • Character Name: Admiral Cephal
    • Homeworld: Mon Calamari/Dac/Mon Cala
    • Species: Mon Calamari
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: Mid 40-50s
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Veteran of the Galactic Civil War and Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Commander of the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Harmony, and a frequent ally of Zolph Vaelor in his fight against the Valkoran Empire starting with the Battle of Krantisi. A long-time friend of General Ven Choi.
    • Character Name: Belluzub
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoning site: "Death Star Forge" in orbit over Krantisi)
    • Species: Golubrum (Forceless Archfiend)
    • Gender: Male (now hermaphroditic)
    • Age: 25,000+
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): One of Valkor's two highest-ranking Archfiends and rival to Facadma. Once an insane warlord from another galaxy that wielded the Dark Side of the Force to oppress his fellow Golubrum, Belluzub willingly joined the Forceless Collective as an opportunity to satisfy his lust for pain and destruction. However, his own sadism can sometimes be counterproductive to his and Valkor's goals, and this was ultimately his undoing.
    • Character Name: Arcidus (Real Name: Aiken Cremas)
    • Homeworld: Saleucami
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 25 (Chronological Age: 3500+ years)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Maesterus's apprentice from back when they were part of the Jedi Order and his most-trusted agent in the Valkoran Empire, exhibiting loyalty only to Maesterus. His most unusual Force power is the ability to cause anything to combust into flames, which can be incredibly dangerous if not properly tamed and has caused him a deal of early childhood trauma.
    • Character Name: R9-C4
    • Manufacturer: Industrial Automata
    • Droid model: R9-series Astromech Droid
    • Gender: Feminine programming
    • Age: 1
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Originally commissioned illegally for the late Toydarian crime lord Girdretto, Zolph Vaelor bought R9-C4 when he purchased his own prototype for a new model of X-Wing from Incom Corporation. However, he bought her because he didn't want her falling into less savory hands. Seefor has a degree of bloodlust comparable to the most psychotic assassin droids in galactic history, exhibiting childish glee whilst murdering people, and she can prove lethal in a fight both in and out of the astromech socket.
    • Character Name: Colonel Birik G'Jan
    • Homeworld: Dantooine
    • Species: Bith
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 39
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A prodigy and subordinate of General Ven Choi. If General Choi is not available on certain battlefronts, those usually serving under him will find themselves serving under G'Jan. Despite the stereotypes towards his species and being a former communications officer, G'Jan does not see himself as a talented musician despite having an appreciation for music.
    • Character Name: Gestroma (Codename: Project GESTROMA; Birth name: Unknown)
    • Homeworld: Despayre
    • Species: Unknown (now mutated beyond recognition)
    • Gender: Unknown (presumed male)
    • Age: 50 years at minimum
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): This psychotic mercenary was once an inmate from Despayre before being brought and mutated at the Imperial bio-weapon laboratory on Nelvaan. After taking over the lab for himself, he went into his bounty hunting career, usually killing human targets for his own amusement or kidnapping them so he can experiment on them later. However, this job is merely a means to supply the funding to create his own army of similarly-altered mutants.
    • Character Name: Hiriss Moraana
    • Homeworld: Coruscant
    • Species: Mirialan-Human hybrid
    • Gender: Female (intersex)
    • Age: 21
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Dynn Manthis's cousin, born from a Mirialan father and a Human mother. She also helped her younger cousin join the Jedi Order just prior to the Yuuzhan Vong war after saving her from the criminals who orphaned her. After Zolph Vaelor confesses her cousin's fate to her in the last year of the Valkoran War, she worked as a frequent ally of Zolph's in his missions to eliminate the Forceless Collective's Archfiends.
    • Character Name: Juganak (Real name: Argem Nylek)
    • Homeworld: Alpheridies
    • Species: Miraluka
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: Mid 50s (Chronological age: 3500+ years)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): One of the Valkoran Empire's Force-sensitive commanders, former Jedi Council member and Maesterus's mentor. Now, he loyally serves Maesterus, having followed him to Ockla Prime and wary of the wound in the Force Emperor Valkor presents. Possesses superhuman strength, but whether this is Force-enhanced or he's naturally that strong remains a mystery.
    • Character Name: Doctor Cham Beneska
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Twi'lek
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 40
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): This red-skinned Twi'lek is a medical officer in the Valkoran army, and as such, he's rarely been involved in direct combat. He is known to be hospitable even to captured Galactic Alliance soldiers. As a medical doctor - and this is commonly-shared opinion among Maesterus's supporters - he absolutely despises Masochus due to his various biological perversions.
    • Character Name: Mandoculus the Destroyer
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoning location: Dagobah)
    • Species: Unknown
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Despite his somewhat nightmarish appearance (and his given title), Mandoculus is only designated as an Archfiend because the Forceless Collective wanted to use his natural strength and resilience to its ends. In fact, the only reason this massive beast is serving them willingly is so he won't be fully possessed and subject to more torture, and he'd rather they just leave him in peace. For how superficially strong he is, he's internally very fragile.
    • Character Name: Lord Azath
    • Homeworld: Korriban (alternatively known as Moraband present-day)
    • Species: Sith
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: Deceased
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): After the Rakata were forced to flee from Korriban during the fall of the Infinite Empire, the Ancient Sith tried to censor as much of the invaders' influence on the planet as they could. One particular Sith Lord, Azath went into self-imposed exile to explore an overlooked region of the planet beyond the Valley of the Dark Lords, eventually discovering the temple of the Forceless Archfiend Cinydra and the wound in the Force his temple created. Seeking to emulate this power, Azath created his own Forceless symbiote through a massive sacrificial ritual, became a Forceless Herald and now leads his own Forceless Collective even in death.
    • Character Name: Neur
    • Homeworld: Dathomir
    • Species: Human-Twi'lek hybrid (cyborg)
    • Gender: Female (transgender, AMAB)
    • Age: 21 (Chronological age: 400+ years)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Born when the Nightsister Clan was still new and cross-breeding was initially considered taboo, Neur was subject to having her lekku lobotomized at an early age (with her "sisters" believing them to be tumors and resulting in brain-damage) and having hexes placed on her among other things. Eventually, she was found by the Valkoran leader Machinus, who adopted her as a surrogate daughter and replaced her lost lekku with cybernetics. However, she seems to have two personalities: when her lekku is functioning, she's very gleeful and outgoing; if her lekku gets damaged, she's like a violently insane child.
    • Character Name: Machinus (Real Name: Cid Geero)
    • Homeworld: Glee Anselm
    • Species: Combat Droid (Formerly: Nautolan)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 3500+ (age of original body at time of death: 28)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Once a Jedi mechanic, inventor and an old friend of Seferin Vaelor, Cid Geero lost his original body in an attack on his lab from enemies. To save his own life, he somehow transferred his own life-force over to a combat droid he designed himself, later reunited with Seferin (now codenamed Maesterus) and became the head director of the Valkoran Empire's R&D department. His new body has various mechanical functions to compensate for his lost Force connection, including some that imitate common Force powers. Dislikes discrimination against droids of any class and any threats to Neur's well-being.
    • Character Name: Cinydra
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoning location: Korriban/Moraband)
    • Species: Unknown (Forceless Archfiend)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Even though this odd but terrifying fire-breathing creature looks like he has three heads coming out of his skull-shaped torso's sockets, his one brain is in said torso, making it his main head of sorts. He sought revenge against Zolph Vaelor for killing his sister and fellow Archfiend Orotice on Belsavis. And similar to Mandoculus, it seems the dragon siblings were forced into the Forceless Collective's service.
    • Character Name: Spectre
    • Homeworld: Phatrong
    • Species: Kyuzo
    • Gender: Female
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Besh Squad's sniper and stealth specialist. Because it's very rare to find Kyuzo in military occupations like hers, she does not participate in missions where the rest of the squad would need physical disguises. Even though she's been part of the squad since its formation, her lack of presence causes even those who knew Besh Squad for some time to wonder if she just joined the squad, earning her nickname.
    • Character Name: Fafniros
    • Homeworld: Forceless bio-labs (Summoning site: Dxun)
    • Species: Cyber-dragon (Forceless Archfiend and synthetic lifeform)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Unlike most Archfiends, Fafniros has been serving the Forceless Collective since birth. Despite this bio-mechanical creature's origins, Fafniros has developed an unusual warrior's code that contrasts with the rest of the Collective's cold pragmatism.
    • Character Name: Harphscor
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoning site: Kashyyyk)
    • Species: Unknown (Forceless Archfiend)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Resembling a pale human with wings for arms and an elongated stinger tail for a lower body, Harphscor is shamelessly sadistic. He prefers to attack either with strong winds, a corrosive acid to slowly to dissolve his enemies to death or have an army of Forceless Newborns do his dirty work for him. He also has the unusual ability to rearrange his own internal organs.
    • Character Name: Emperor Valkor
    • Homeworld: Unknown
    • Species: N/A
    • Gender: Male?
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): The enigmatic being under which the Valkoran Empire was named after and the leader of the Forceless Collective. Located in another galaxy, Valkor controls the places he's conquered through avatars (whether organic or robotic shells) infused with his own Forceless symbiote. Is Valkor or his symbiote really running the Empire and Collective?
    • Character Name: Mursama Kur'Ada
    • Homeworld: Alpheridies
    • Species: Miraluka
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 59
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): At the time of the Valkoran War, Mursama was the monarch of the Kur'Ada Equalists - a cult of Force-blind Miraluka warriors with optical implants and a purpose to purge the galaxy of the Force dating back to the days of the Ancient Republic. Until the Battle of Kashyyyk, the Kur'Ada sided with the Valkoran Empire despite their leaders being Force users. However, Mursama eventually realized the hypocrisy behind their generations-long grudge, as not only did she learn to reconnect herself and some of her own people with the Force, the Force comes from all life itself.
    • Character Name: Varzos
    • Homeworld: Nelvaan
    • Species: Nelvaanian
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Varzos had not yet been born at the time his people were subject to the Techno Union's horrors. However, many years after the Clone Wars had ended, the Techno Union's laboratory was reconstructed under the Galactic Empire's banner and was eventually taken over by the bounty hunter, Gestroma. Gestroma may not have taken to experimenting on the Nelvaanians, but the return of the seemingly-perpetual winter that came with the first laboratory and the reactivation of several CIS battle droids (as well as the importation of models that weren't present on Nelvaan during the war) have made Varzos and his people wary that history was repeating itself.
    • Character Name: Captain Shiera Hond
    • Homeworld: Chandrilla
    • Species: Human (formerly)
    • Gender: Female
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Once a soldier in the Galactic Alliance army, Captain Shiera Hond served as an ally to Jedi Knight Hiriss Moraana during the Battle of Metalorn, but was captured by Gestroma. Like many humans the deranged mercenary had captured, she was experimented on in his laboratory on Nelvaan for his army of brainwashed mutants. However, because the mutagens used on her misshaped her into a fleshy blob barely more complex than a single-celled organism and made her incapable of staying alive on her own, she was relegated to being a test specimen for other mutagens.
    • Character Name: Stythanyx
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoning site: Guaymar)
    • Species: N/A (sole member and Forceless Archfiend)
    • Gender: None (referred to by masculine pronouns)
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): In some religions, Stythanyx was viewed as a god of death, as he was capable of reanimating the dead on an entire planet just with his presence alone. Before the fall of the Infinite Empire, Stythanyx already partially made his presence on Guaymar in advance by stationing the Hands of Stythanyx - four identical creatures psychically linked to him - aboard the crashed colony ship that would serve as his temple, leading some to believe that Hands were the hateful ghosts of the ship's inhabitants. Despite carrying a fatalistic view on life and being willing to serve the Forceless Collective out of curiosity since they originated from death, he is surprisingly humble and does not think himself as a god like most do.
    • Character Name: The Hands of Stythanyx
    • Homeworld: Unknown (reside on Guaymar)
    • Species: N/A
    • Gender: None
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Their name would imply they are a cult that worships Stythanyx, but in the truth, these four strange identical creatures are actually psychic extensions of Stythanyx himself, even somewhat resembling him. In addition to ambushing their prey and sucking out their body fluids, they have another horrifying method of killing their victims: If one were to have met all four of them and survived (either directly or through photographic images), they would die in four days while experiencing bouts of hysteria and paranoia that Hands are coming for them. It's because of this "curse" that the Forceless Collective didn't risk possessing the Hands and just let Stythanyx control them.
    • Character Name: Masochus (Former title: Darth Masochus)
    • Homeworld: Dromund Kaas
    • Species: Sith Pureblood (inbred)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 3,500+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): The end product of a eugenics program to preserve the blood purity of the Sith species and a depraved, undisputed sociopath, Masochus was considered insane even by Sith standards, enough for them to order his exile. Even in the Valkoran Empire, he's very unpopular due to not only being in an empire run mostly by former Jedi, but his habits of killing or experimenting on its people for whatever reason (whether for his own amusement or they angered him over something trivial). In addition to inflicting pain on others, he enjoys receiving, having somehow flayed himself down to the bone and still alive through the power of his compulsive hatred; however, the shortage of muscles means he has to use the Force to move his body around like a marionette.
    • Character Name: Nazeen Dym Raan
    • Homeworld: Krishar
    • Species: Krishari
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 31
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Not much is currently known about Gahmah Raan's mate. Of note, not only is she a hunter, she's surprisingly level-headed for a Krishari despite the effects of Xixixix on her homeworld. Despite her husband being away from home a lot of the time (and Gahmah can sometimes be gone for almost a year or so), she always looks forward to the times he comes back and hopes to one day get off Krishar with him and their son.
    • Character Name: Armogeist (Real name: Balos Oiren)
    • Homeworld: Dromund Kaas
    • Species: Human (formerly)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 3,500+ years (20 at time of losing his body)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): The former Sith apprentice of Masochus, he was absolutely nothing like his master and just as much a victim of him as everyone else. In addition being forced to flay his own parents alive and being exiled solely on the merits of being Masochus's apprentice, Masochus destroyed his body and bound his spirit to figurine to keep him from escaping or committing suicide. Once Masochus made it to the Valkoran Empire with Balos in tow, its leaders of Jedi-origin liberated Balos from his psychotic master (to an extent, since Emperor Valkor wouldn't let him simply become one with the Force) by granting him the next-closest thing to living: binding his spirit to a much more mobile suit of Ocklanite battle armor.
    • Character Name: Xixixix
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoning site: Krishar)
    • Species: N/A (sole member and Forceless Archfiend)
    • Gender: None
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Also known as the Mad God in Krishari mythology, Xixixix has been in the galaxy a lot longer than most other Archfiends and its power not only drove the inhabitants of Krishar insane for generations, but also itself and the Black Matter possessing it, turning itself into a feral animal incapable of intelligent thought (even though its capable of speech and telepathy, it does not have any idea what it's saying). To prevent this madness from telepathically worming itself to the rest of the Forceless Collective, Valkor severed it from the Forceless hive mind. As a result, Xixixix is little more than a glorified Forceless psychological bio-weapon.
    • Character Name: Senator Bal Mophula
    • Homeworld: Coruscant
    • Species: Twi'lek
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 65
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Near the end of the Valkoran War, this corrupt and very unpopular green-skinned, four-lekku Twi'lek took bribes from the New Trade Federation to pass a bill that would put the HoloNet under the control of corporate groups. This bill ultimately didn't pass due to enough public pressure, the Senate's overall standing on HoloNet security and a self-inflicted embarrassment during a feigned assassination attempt from Arcidus. He was shortly impeached for taking bribes to pass an unconstitutional bill.
    • Character Name: Rakan the Devourer (Real Name: Vill Rakan)
    • Homeworld: Coruscant, Ord Mantell (Born on Karkaris)
    • Species: Karkarodon
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A notorious serial killer living in the Coruscant Underworld, Rakan the Devourer perpetuated a negative stereotype against the shark-like Karkarodons: being unsophisticated cannibals (By normal galactic standards, cannibalism is defined as not merely eating your own species, but sentients eating other sentients regardless of species). Years prior on Ord Mantell, he lost his tongue to a drunken Gahmah Raan when the Krishari flirted with him and Rakan "kissed" him (read: bit his face off), but unfortunately for Rakan, he did not realize Gahmah would eventually regenerate his lost face and losing skin is considered a minor injury to Krishari. The last and most foolish mistake he made was attempting to cannibalize Jedi Knight Zolph Vaelor under the fallacy that eating their midi-chlorians would give him Force powers, which resulted in him being incinerated by Arcidus.
    • Character Name: Ratter
    • Homeworld: Coruscant
    • Species: Anacondan
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): This snake-like Anacondan was a partner-in-crime to Rakan the Devourer, and like his associate, he also partook in cannibalism of sentient beings. He usually lets Rakan do most of the work for killing larger humanoid prey while he keeps them restricted, but on his own, Ratter could only efficiently prey on smaller creatures such as nunas and tookas.
    • Character Name: General Ilen Kosar
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Zabrak
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 44
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A devoted father and husband, and a loyal soldier of the Valkoran Empire, General Kosar cared deeply for the men serving under him, but despised lethal in-fighting among his ranks. After bearing witness to the sudden annihilation of nearly all life on Christophsis and Valkor threatening to devour his family if he didn't follow his orders to kill Zolph Vaelor, Kosar became disillusioned with the morality of his Emperor's cause and chose to face death at Zolph's blade to spare his men and family rather than continue serving an unjust cause.
    • Character Name: Private Saul Varson
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 24
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): This Valkoran Trooper - who once served under General Kosar - became disillusioned with his Empire when he bore witness to the massacre of Christophsis, and would have taken his own life had Zolph Vaelor not intervened. Seeing a chance to redeem himself, Varson immediately sided with Maesterus when the Valkoran Empire split into two factions. Now, Varson serves under the undying Lieutenant Will Helms.
    • Character Name: Mortaqa (Real Name: Ze'emilin'asana, or Emilin)
    • Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
    • Species: Chiss (purple-eyed)
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 35 at time of possession (Chronological age: 3,500+ years)
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Grein's long-lost younger sister, Emilin was imprisoned for learning of Valkor's true plans and possessed by the Forceless Archfiend Facadma in the form of an inhuman-looking mask embedded in her face. Under Facadma's possession (and under the alias of Mortaqa), Emilin endured several life-time's worth of physical and psychological torture, some of which included being used as a life-force draining superweapon. Grein extended her own life to ensure that some day, Emilin would be free of Facadma's torment.
    • Character Name: Facadma
    • Homeworld: Unknown (Summoned on Chilades)
    • Species: Unknown (Forceless Archfiend)
    • Gender: Female (self-reproducing)
    • Age: 25,000+ years
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Emperor Valkor's right-hand Archfiend, Belluzub's rival and one of the only two Archfiends to have been summoned before the fall of the Infinite Empire, Facadma has the power to drain the living Force from creatures (and on a planetary scale if possessing another Force user) and use it as a fuel source for her other powers, similar to magic used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. Also known as a Force Vampire, Forceless possession and overuse of this power has caused Facadma to become dependent on it to keep herself alive. Taking on the form of a mask somewhat resembling her hollow skull, she can potentially possess creatures that are otherwise immune to Forceless possession.
    • Character Name: Ascana Vaso
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Togruta
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 27
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A member of the Valkoran Black Guard, a unit personally trained by Maesterus to be able to combat Force users despite not being Force sensitive themselves. After the Valkoran Empire split into factions, the Black Guard naturally sided with Maesterus's faction, and two of the Guard, the Togruta Ascana Vaso and the Ithorian Yanto Eko were stationed on Ockla Prime as scouts to monitor Valkor's faction. Unfortunately, Valkor knew where their loyalties lied and had them both possessed to serve the Forceless Collective.
    • Character Name: Yanto Eko
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Ithorian
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 30
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Despite their military's overall uniformity, the Valkoran Empire will accept members of any gender (or lack of in some cases) and any species into any positions. A member of the usually pacifistic Ithorian race, Yanto Eko was trained by Maesterus as a Black Guard and given armor to accommodate his unusual anatomy, and like the rest of the Guard, it stayed loyal to him after the Empire split following the annihilation of Christophsis. Like fellow Black Guard and frequent partner (and suspected lover despite their drastically different anatomies) Ascana Vaso, Yanto ended up suffering Forceless possession and had his powerful limbs and lungs weaponized by the symbiote possessing him.
    • Character Name: Tey Hasha
    • Homeworld: Skako
    • Species: Skakoan
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 38
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A commander of a group of Skakoan Commandos frequently hired by the Valkoran Empire, Tey Hasha and that group sided with Maesterus's faction after the annihilation of Christophsis, realizing that Valkor's actions on that world were very similar to the Galactic Empire that enslaved some of her people decades ago. Hasha was only 5 years old when the Empire forced her parents to be unwilling suicide bombers (due to the explosively unstable methane in their pressure suits, something that the Commandos learned to exploit only on their own volition), but both she and her parents were spared from that fate when Commando founder Sol Takis killed the overseer behind the bombings and liberated her, inspiring her to become a Commando when she grew up. Because of the Skakoans' dependence on gender-obscuring pressure suits away from home (and Skakoan sexual dimorphism not being quite as clear to most other beings), Hasha sometimes has to clarify to members of other species that she's a woman.
    • Character Name: The Ragnirathan
    • Homeworld: Unknown (suspected to have been created in another dimension)
    • Species: Forceless construct
    • Gender: None
    • Age: Unknown but very lengthy development time
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): A colossal artificial monster created by Emperor Valkor over the course of centuries, the Ragnirathan is a grim reminder of not only why superweapons are to be feared and what happens when they are built without any major design oversights, but the potential consequences of causing damage to the Force. With every quick, large-scale genocide throughout galactic history, a new Forceless symbiote has been unknowingly created within the vicinity of that genocide's location, and with every potential rival symbiote assimilated into his Collective, Valkor had more resources for the Ragnirathan's creation and his own army. If Admiral Marx Gravlek hadn't sacrificed himself and the Doomsayer to kill it at the Battle of Ockla Prime (and the creature's first and only instance of action), the Ragnirathan could have become nearly invincible in time due to creating more Forceless through the planets it would have destroyed with its fiery breath and more dreadfully remembered than any superweapon the Empire or Imperial Remnant developed.
    • Character Name: Matra Kee
    • Homeworld: Abednedo
    • Species: Abednedo
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 32
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): The son of two Rebel Alliance veterans, Matra Kee was serving as a scout for the Galactic Alliance when the Forceless Collective invaded Sleheyron. After being eaten alive by a Silicth, he was resurrected on the distant world of Muriga and imprisoned in the Darksand Correctional Facility to be brainwashed into serving the Collective more willingly. After less than a Galactic Standard year of resistance, he was saved along with several other prisoners by Dynn Manthis and joined Admon Onae's Murigan resistance movement.
    • Character Name: Veeaba
    • Homeworld: Sleheyron
    • Species: Rodian
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 26
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Formerly a club dancer on Sleheyron, her life was ended and resumed anew when a Forceless symbiote possessed her and she was killed by two Jedi in an act of self-defense and mercy. After being resurrected in the Darksand Correctional Facility on Muriga, she was liberated by Dynn Manthis and Admon Onae. Despite her previous occupation not involving any violence, growing up in crime-ridden Hutt Space has forced her to develop necessary self-defense skills such as knowing how to properly handle a blaster.
    • Character Name: Vahn Tahkna
    • Homeworld: Sleheyron
    • Species: Weequay
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 33
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): An enforcer once in the employ of Girdretto, Vahn Tahkna has done plenty of immoral things just to keep his family fed and sheltered. Another victim of the Forceless invasion of Sleheyron and an inmate in Muriga's Darksand Correctional Facility, he too was liberated by Dynn Manthis before he could be brainwashed. Despite his shady past and the stress that may come from being trapped on an unfamiliar world, Vahn knows there is nothing to be gained from giving into the Forceless Collective's promises.
    • Character Name: Bethlerot
    • Homeworld: Unknown
    • Species: Py'Ko'Ra (Forceless possessed)
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): He is the warden of the Darksand Correctional Facility on Muriga. A fanatical zealot of the Forceless Collective, he is very adamant about maintaining the brainwashing clinic's reputation as an inescapable prison for those who have yet to be brainwashed into serving the Collective or possessed.
    • Character Name: Admon Onae
    • Homeworld: Muriga
    • Species: Unknown
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 25,000+
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): One of the last Paladins of the Plamora, Admon Onae has cheated death for several lifetimes just to see the liberation of Muriga from the Forceless Collective while vindicating his old friend and comrade in arms, Valkor Vangeli, of the crimes committed by Hazral Vangeli and the symbiote, Yalbdalaoth. However, he knows he is likely to die at any moment and seeks a successor to carry on his fight.
    • Character Name: Cina Onae
    • Homeworld: Muriga
    • Species: Unknown (Forceless host)
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 25,000+
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): An elite warrior from a world in another galaxy in service to the Forceless Collective, Cina Onae has known Valkor since before the Collective's creation. Following the Battle of Ockla Prime, she has taken an interest in Zolph Vaelor's abilities and will try to bring out his full potential by any means necessary.
    • Character Name: Agnasur
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Lindorm (Forceless host) (original species by Gamiel)
    • Gender: Male
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): Once a lowly acolyte in the Church of the Forceless, Agnasur quickly achieved a rank of authority after the Valkoran Empire declined from a sovereign power in the Unknown Regions to a mere cult of the Forceless Collective. Despite his species' stereotype for hedonism and love of poison in other parts of the galaxy, Agnasur is an overzealous fanatic motivated by pride and a pragmatic fighter. He is unique even by the standards of Lindorms raised in the Valkoran Empire.
    • Character Name: Barabo Desilijic Veuro
    • Homeworld: Ockla Prime
    • Species: Hutt
    • Gender: Male (hermaphrodite)
    • Age: 300+
    • Short bio (2-3 sentences): One of the oldest living members of Maesterus's (and later, Arcidus's) Black Guard. Strongly contrasts with Hutt stereotypes by not being a crime lord and being in unusually good shape and surprisingly mobile despite his size, appetite and lack of legs. Suspected to be descended from a Clan Desilijic outcast.
    • Character Name: Cordycia
    • Homeworld: Unknown
    • Species: Unknown (Forceless host; allegedly a Flower Siren)
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: Unknown
    • Short Bio (2-3 sentences): One of the relatively newer Archfiends in the Forceless Collective and a prodigy of Hydrojus. She is capable of parasitically controlling mega-fauna. Exhibits a high degree of sadism.
    • Character Name: Elscorsef
    • Homeworld: Felucia (born), Ossus (adopted)
    • Species: Forceless symbiote
    • Gender: Female (sexless)
    • Age: 0 (born during story)
    • Short Bio (2-3 sentences): A Forceless symbiote born as a byproduct of Zolph mercy-killing the Mega Sarlacc known as the Ancient Abyss (as well as its countless once-still-living digestion victims). Shortly after birth, she resonated with Hiriss Moraana, turning her into the first known Jedi Forceless Herald.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    Kahara and Chyntuck like this.
  16. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Character name: Alida Maritin (Alida’navarth)
    Homeworld: Ryloth
    Species: Twi’lek
    Gender: Female
    Family: younger sister, Tisa; Mother (on Ryloth), Father (on Coruscant)
    Age: 19 (first appearance), 35 (last appearance)
    Template: NA
    Physical description: green-skinned, curvy, pleasant face
    Short bio: Alida is the owner of Alida’s, the finest restaurant in the former Imperial Center. She is generous and loyal to her loved ones. Twileki accent, sometimes confuses her words as Basic is not her first language.
    Appearances: An Alliance at Alida’s; The Keeper of Memories

    Character name: Bruno Maritin
    Homeworld: Fondor
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Family: Mother, Father, younger sister at home on Fondor
    Age: 23 (first appearance), 39 (last appearance)
    Template: NA
    Physical description: mid-tone skin, short dark hair, very muscular
    Short bio: Bruno is the bartender at Alida’s Restaurant and he is Alida’s husband. He is devoted to his wife but must often interpret the confusing customs of humans for her. A former psychologist, he becomes a trusted sounding board for many important figures in the GFFA. Coruscanti accent, but can understand Lekku.
    Appearances: An Alliance at Alida’s; The Keeper of Memories

    Character name: Breha Amidala Solo
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19 (first appearance), 22 (next appearance)
    Family: Mother, Leia Organa Solo; Father, Han Solo, twin siblings Jaina and Jacen Solo, brother Anakin (2 years older)
    Template: Nina Dobrev
    Physical description: Fair-skinned, medium-length brown hair, deep brown eyes. Petite. She resembles her grandmother, Padmé Amidala.
    Short bio: The youngest of Han and Leia’s four children. Bree is headstrong but deeply caring. She can be overprotective, but her heart is in the right place. Occasionally snarky, often emotional. Coruscant accent.
    Appearances: True Blue;The God of Second Chances

    Character name: Blue (or Doc Blue)
    Homeworld: Baroli
    Species: Human (Barolian)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26 (first appearance), 29 (last appearance)
    Family: mother and father on Baroli. Father is a surgeon at a metropolitan hospital; mother is a businesswoman. His sister Khori is seven years younger.
    Template: Takeshi Kaneshiro
    Physical description: mid-tone skin, long cobalt-blue hair, indigo (deep bluish-purple) eyes. Slender build.
    Short bio: Medic on the cargo ship Alisander where he tends to refugees displaced by the Vong. Highly intelligent, he is very reserved at first but can be playful and snarky when he opens up. Slow to trust but once he trusts you he is devoted to you. Deeply ethical. Core accent.
    Appearances: True Blue;The God of Second Chances

    Character name: Captain Bel Sia
    Homeworld: Unknown
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: in her mid to late 30’s
    Family: Married with two sons.
    Template: Solange Knowles
    Physical description: dark skin, curly black hair, dark eyes. Slender and tall, often described as “regal.”
    Short bio: Captain of the Alisander, the cargo ship named for her son. She is intelligent and perceptive, a born leader who always considers the needs of her crew first. Because she is willing to take a chance on people and let them prove themselves, her crew are fiercely loyal to her and respectful of her. Core accent.
    Appearances: True Blue;The God of Second Chances

    Character Name: Derek
    Homeworld: Unknown
    Species: human
    Gender: male
    Age: mid 30s
    Template: Jeremy Renner
    Physical description: not classically handsome but still considered attractive. Brown hair and eyes, rough features. Medium height and athletically muscular build.
    Short bio: Derek is the first mate of the Alisander.. He is loyal to Captain Sia and sees his job to be the running of the ship as efficiently and crisis -free as possible. He is aware of issues on the ship between Blue and Wells but is frustrated that he cannot do anything much about them, although he supports Blue without question. Later, he continues to support Blue in subtle ways, such as making sure there is no alcohol left out in the open anywhere on the ship.
    Appearances:True Blue;The God of Second Chances

    Character Name: Wells
    Homeworld: Unknown
    Species: human
    Gender: male
    Age: early 30s
    Template: None
    Physical features. Average height and weight, somewhat muscular. Dark hair, dark eyes.
    Short bio: Wells is aboard the Alisander as a representative of the shipping company that has contracted the ship. He has determined that Captain Sia's decision to ferry refugees instead of straight cargo costs the shipping company money. He has no sympathy for the refugees. He is arrogant and prone to violence. A racist, he finds ways to discriminate between baseline humans like himself and variant humans like Blue.
    Appearances: True Blue

    Character Name: Zara
    Homeworld: Zeltros
    Species: Zeltron
    Gender: Female
    Age: early 20s
    Template: Saoirse Ronan
    Physical Features: short statured, average weight, pink hair, blue eyes.
    Short Bio: Zara is a caring and thoughtful young woman who sacrifices her own comfort for others. She has tremendous enthusiasm for life and wears her emotions on her sleeve. She first appears as a escapee from a human traffiking gang, and is quickly taken under Blue and Bree's protection. Their kindness to her is remembered and reciprocated.
    Appearance: The God of Second Chances
  17. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Character name: Jedi Knight (retired) Mark Tantiss
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Beyond
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: He is a clone, but in the first story he had a physical age of around 25-30 years old. In the latest story he is around 60 years old.
    Short bio: He is a genetically altered Luke Skywalker clone found on Wayland and saved by Luke and Han. It is believed he was altered to be huge Imperial Sentinel under the command of the crazy dark Jedi C’baoth. He no longer looks like Luke because he grew to be around 2.15 meters in height, is extremely muscular, dyed his hair red, grew a beard and changed his eye color to green.

    Stories where the character appears:

    Second to None
    The Journal of Mark Tantiss
    Second to None-Sacrifices
    Also seen in:
    The Journal of Talon Tantiss
    The Journal of a Very Married Talon Tantiss
    The Journal of Talon Tantiss:Jedi Knight and Reluctant Vornskr Owner

    Character name: Kira Starkos Tantiss
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Beyond
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Late 50s
    Short bio: She was a top chef kidnapped by the Imperials to be the Emperor Reborn’s chef on Byss. She was saved by Mark Tantiss during his mission to help Luke Skywalker kill the Emperor. Mark and Kira fall in love and marry having two sons.
    Stories where the character appears: She is seen or mentioned in all of the stories listed under Mark Tantiss.
    Character name: Jedi Healer Jaden Tantiss
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Beyond
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Early thirties
    Short bio: Eldest son of Mark and Kira Tantiss. He is a Jedi healer married to Jysella Horn and has one daughter named Jessa.
    Stories where the character appears: He is seen or mentioned in all the stories listed under Mark Tantiss.

    Character name: Jedi Knight Talon Tantiss
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Beyond
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Early thirties
    Short bio: Youngest son of Mark and Kira Tantiss and named after Talon Karrde (he even married the smuggler’s youngest daughter-Zyle Karrde). He has a son named Marcus from a previous relationship.
    Stories where the character appears: He appears or is mentioned in all the stories listed under Mark Tantiss.


    Character name: Zylie Karrde
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Beyond
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Mid-twenties
    Short bio: Youngest daughter of Talon and Zara Karrde and works for her father’s trading/shipping company. She married family friend Talon Tantiss. They have no kids together but they do have a pet Vornskr.
    Stories where the character appears:

    Second to None-Sacrifices
    The Journal of Talon Tantiss
    The Journal of a Very Married Talon Tantiss
    The Journal of Talon Tantiss Jedi Knight and Reluctant Vornskr Owner


    Character name: Valla Karrde
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Beyond
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Late twenties
    Short bio: Oldest daughter of Talon Karrde. She is the second in command of his shipping company. She married Ben Skywalker.
    Stories where the character appears: Seen in the same stories listed for Zylie Karrde above.

    Character name: Marcus Odaj Indupar
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Beyond
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Currently 13 years old, but he is seen in various stories since his birth.
    Short bio: Son of Talon Tantiss and Ema Aiti and usurper to the throne of the Indupar Crown Worlds. Ema Aiti is the identical twin sister to Queen Kaie Indupar. Both women were pregnant when the King died and the Queen miscarried. The two women switched places for a year and Ema’s child was passed off as the prince.
    Stories where the character appears:

    The Journal of Talon Tantiss
    The Journal of a Very Married Talon Tantiss
    Journal of Talon Tantiss:Jedi Knight and Reluctant Vornskr Owner
  18. SabyneAmberle

    SabyneAmberle Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 16, 2004
  19. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Character Name: Mitch Nifesta
    Star Wars
    Era: Thirty Years before The Phantom Menace to 1ABY
    Species: Originally Twi'lek. Now a 2000-year-old Force Vampire. EPE (Extra-ordinary Powered Entity)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 2000
    Short Bio: A Galactic Republic security agent, pre-Clone Wars, he continues to fight for truth, justice, Republic values, during the Imperial era.
    That and keeping his friends and family safe, eating Sith, and looking to avenge Order 66.

    The newest addition to his family is Baille Harte, an Imperial female V-Wing pilot that he rescued from Imperial custody on Christophsis, convinced that she was a captured Rebel Alliance pilot.

    Mitch grounds his little girl.

    While, of course, keen to be rescued, Ms Harte is not yet ready to become anyone's little girl.

    After at least five standard years together, Mitch sets about this, whilst also satisfying his own desire to be a parent. After Baille's starfighter is shot down by New Republic forces over Yavin IV, Mitch takes his unconscious daughter to Kamino, has a much younger version of her cloned, with the original's memories and consciousness, for himself to look after; and releases the older original Baille into the care of her cousin.
    He then cuts ties with the SGIS family, and heads to parts unknown, where he can continue to raise Baille in peace.

    Ship: Consular-class Republic cruiser, the Darth Unlucky.

    Stories, or material in Fan Fic, featuring Mitch
    Sith-I-5's RP post rescue, and eventual fic - Lt. Baille Harte
    Unlikely Parenthood (Dear Diary 2007 Challenge)
    Island Surprise [TFA - Luke, Mara, Rey] (mention, only)
    Night of, well, a fair bit of consternation
    Vacation on Ibrix
    Get Carter

    Roleplaying Games where Agent Nifesta featured
    The Machine Wars - (a Star Wars/Terminator crossover) (2006)
    Licence to Clone (Star Wars...007 Style)
    Ktala's Gravels. The Pub At The End... A Holiday Tale (Christmas 2016)

    Character Name: Baille Harte
    Star Wars
    Era: 0-1ABY
    Species: Corellian
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Short Bio: Created as a short term nrc (non-repeating character) in an RP game, Baille started out as an Imperial fighter pilot at Commenor. Her all-femme squadron were called the Ravens, and they were ambushed by four squadrons of their male colleagues, destroyed almost to a woman.
    Baille escaped, but was framed as a Rebel traitor. She was caught, tried, and scheduled to be terminated on Christophsis.


    As such a long-lived entity, Mitch's typical attitude to non-Force Sensitives with a normal lifespan, is to treat them as kids, and can be friendly but patronising, even to nominal enemies.

    Baille met Nifesta on one of her worst days. Normally a very capable pilot and officer within the Imperial forces, she had to be rescued by the Twi'lek once, during which he adopted her, immediately accepting that she could be capable, and enrolled her in an SGIS mission.

    Appalled by his attitude, Baille flew away at the first opportunity, which he did not really mind, but she was almost immediately captured by slavers.

    Nifesta rescued her a second time, but unfortunately, decided that she was unable to look after herself, and the best way to keep her safe was to keep her under close care and supervision, as his baby girl.

    As the months pass, she becomes desperate for adventure.

    Her desire for freedom and adventures, is answered, when, after at least five standard years of being treated as a clumsy child, Baille wakes to find herself fully clothed and on a bench in the sterile whiteness of a corridor on the Rainy Planet. She has a bad haircut, a bulging valise, and a note from Mitch saying that he has released her from his care, and that he has signalled her cousin, Irisa, to come pick her up.

    Additional data: Flight Lieutenant Baille Harte was a graduate of the Vensenor Flight Academy, based aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer, Vensenor at Arkanis.

    Stories, or material in Fan Fic, featuring Baille
    Sith-I-5's RP post rescue, and eventual fic - Lt. Baille Harte
    New Kids on the Block
    DANL - Dead Agents, New Lives
    Night of, well, a fair bit of consternation
    Sooo....what about that Death Star Ram, then?
    Vacation on Ibrix

    Rolelaying Games where Ms Harte, featured
    STAR WARS: INTERVENTION (A story-telling style OT starfighter game)---Always taking new players!
    Ktala's Gravels. The Pub At The End... A Holiday Tale (Christmas 2016)
    Creatures of the Dark - Cousins, Baille Harte and Samantha Irisa, team up for high adventure.

    Character Name: Mary Formal
    Torchwood, Star Wars, Necroscope / E-Branch, 007
    Star Wars Era: 1BBY-1ABY
    Species: Arcateenian shapeshifter
    Gender: Female
    Age: 242
    Traits: A Man From U.N.C.L.E. fangirl since the 1960s TV series and films, upon becoming an E-Branch operative, a hobby of hers is to self-identify as an U.N.C.L.E. agent seconded to E-Branch as a liaison, and to convince selected others of that. Without being asked, some of her colleagues are willing to corroborate the falsehood.
    Short Bio: Created as a short term one-shot character in a Torchwood episode, 'Greeks Bearing Gifts', she was apparently killed, being teleported into the Sun. Face claim actress, is Daniela Denby-Ashe.


    Mary Formal enters Torchwood to recover her teleporter

    I had planned to use the character as a spell effect in a card-playing Role Playing Forum game, but the game ended pre-maturely after I made up the card.

    Already invested in the character, I introduced her into the Star Wars universe, in my RPs.

    Semi-established timeline:
    - Born on planet Arca, teleported away as a political refugee;
    - Arrived on Earth, in 1812. in what I assumed to be Victorian times, but have recently learned was Georgian, spending about two hundred years, either eating a human heart a month to survive, or five in one go, to hibernate for fifty years at a time.
    - 1962. Living on the outskirts of civilised society, finds her in Istanbul, Turkey. A case of mistaken identity has her impersonate a defecting Russian cypher clerk, in a SMERSH (Russian for "Death to spies") operation to allow the British Secret Service to steal a Lektor decoding device. Though she never becomes aware, the op' is really being run by SPECTRE, who want to steal the Lektor, and assassinate the British agent, James Bond.
    - Either late 1990s, or early 2000s, emerged from hibernation to get her next five hearts, and was detected and captured by a British government organisation called E-Branch.
    E-Branch, staffed by ESP-powered staff (telepaths, pre-cogs, etc.) had been in inter-agency conflict with their Russian counterparts; and to their own surprise, discovered that historical vampire legends were in fact, real!
    Needing whatever esoterically-powered operatives they can get their hands on, to help with this new threat, and not realising that Mary is in fact an extra-terrestrial, E-Branch threaten her with prison over her monthly feeds, and recruit her.
    - 2003, participates in a joint E-Branch / Australian SAS vampire-hunting operation in Australia's Gibson Desert and Brisbane. Seconded for a day to the Royal Australian Navy.
    - 2004, seconded, along with Liz Merrick to join S.H.I.E.L.D. at Triskellion Island in New York. An alternate angle in the hunt for the Wamphyri who are hiding out on Earth.
    - 2006?, reluctant Necroscope, Jake Cutter does a runner to the French Riviera. Mary Formal is sent to get him back.

    - Unknown year, on the run from both Vampires and E-Branch, a desperate Mary Formal decides it could be time to leave this planet too, and finds that in a timely coincidence, her buried teleportation device has been excavated, and taken into the hands of Torchwood Cardiff.
    - 1BBY Arrived in the Star Wars universe to be promptly captured by pirates; within a short time, rescued by the Rebel Alliance, and placed on one of their safe factory worlds, Flitter, just before it gets discovered, bombarded, poisoned and blockaded by the Empire. Did I mention that she answers to the name of 'Lucky'?
    - 0ABY Mary gets a break when she spots a starfighter in the Flitter skies, being chased by a missile, and uses a handy shoulder-launched Sorosuub Equaliser to take out the missile. Having earned the pilot's trust, Mary punches her hand through the pilot's ribcage for her heart, and steals the V-Wing, much to the chagrin of the pilot's Q7 astromech.
    She takes the snubship to the smuggler hideout, Port Haven, just as a three-way Empire vs Pirates, Mercenaries and Smugglers vs Kingdom of Jod battle breaks out, and while she decides not to land, the Q7 strands her there, in retaliation for her killing its owner.
    Formal acquits herself well, and ends up joining the mercenary group, The Mercs, aboard their Marauder-class corvette, The Johnny Boy as a Jacqui-of-all-trades crewmember.
    She has recently been promoted to Pilot Officer, allowing her to join the elite starfighter pilots, regarded as the most important members of the Mercs' crew.

    Stories, or material in Fan Fic, featuring Mary Formal
    Mary Formal attends SMERSH Interview (OC Revolution challenge)
    Mary Formal and E-Branch (establishing background for the RP character)
    The Dark Tower: Choices
    [Necroscope] Three Days of the Toucan (OTP Challenge - COMPLETE)
    [SHIELD, E-Branch] Alright, who have we got left?

    Rolelaying Games where Ms Formal, featured
    STAR WARS: INTERVENTION (A story-telling style OT starfighter game)---Always taking new players! - From Flitter, to the Battle of Port Haven
    Intervention: Echoes in Eternity (An Original Trilogy Game; Always taking new players!!!) - Main RP, with The Mercs
    Marvel Heroes: Resurgence - with her E-Branch counterpart, Liz Merrick, Mary is seconded to S.H.I.E.L.D.
    in all my dreams i DROWN - Masquerading as an UNCLE agent, Mary teams up with the LAPD on a serial murder case.


    Ilya Kuryakin and Mary Formal, U.N.C.L.E. agents

    Character Name: Liz Merrick
    Necroscope / E-Branch, Marvel Universe
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26.
    -- 2019 Now that I have chosen F1's Natalie Pinkham, I am anchoring some details. DoB 17/09/1980. I wanted her joining the Oz mission straight out of University at age 22, but in Britain, the September birthday gives you an extra year in junior school. So she was 23 in 2003, during the events of E-Branch: Invaders.
    Hair: Brunette, straight hair down to shoulder blades
    Eyes: Brown
    Short Bio: CC (commandeered character) more than an OC, Liz was created by author Brian Lumley as a tomboy, rookie telepath; but I am expanding on her appearance and adventures, bringing her along with Mary.
    -- Junior School, unknown. September birthday meant she repeated her last year.
    -- Secondary School - Ashfield Girls, Battersea, London.
    -- University - studied Psychology.
    -- Recruited by E-Branch in 2003. Didn't go to "The Farm" (Special Branch-run training centre).
    15/07/2017 - The Photobucket incident (banning hotlinking / third party hosting, overnight), has given me the opportunity to try to finalise her face-claim, and it has come down to British actress Claire Cage. She was selected for having the longer hair, and quite expressive eyes. Liz White was the other finalist.
    20/04/2019 - As much as I enjoy doing pics of my characters, there is hardly enough Claire Cage material online, so I am switching to Amy Acker as my new Liz. Not sure whether to completely retcon the image, or just on newer projects.
    3/09/2019 - Curious. I clearly forgot that I had done an Amy Acker version, as I have started to develop another British girl for Liz, and settled on Formula One pit reporter, Natalie Pinkham, only finding the Amy version when I returned here.

    As I cannot abide doing images of Liz in trousers, I shall have to retcon some scenes for her in skirts.

    [​IMG] | [​IMG] | [​IMG]

    E-Branch operative, Liz Merrick, and the 2019 version (Amy Acker)

    Stories, or material in Fan Fic, featuring Liz Merrick
    Mary Formal and E-Branch (establishing background for the Mary Formal OC)
    [SHIELD, E-Branch] Alright, who have we got left?

    Rolelaying Games where Ms Merrick, features
    Marvel Heroes: Resurgence - with her E-Branch counterpart, Mary Formal, Liz is seconded to S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Character Name: Samantha Irisa
    by pashatemur.
    All development: by me
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: 16BBY - 3ABY, and still going
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Oh boy, this'll get complicated. See bio
    Short Bio: Created as a named (possibly, can't recall) jedi padawan npc (non-player character) in the RP game, Galaxy at War III: Schism of the Sith, by the GM, pashatemur.

    When I was the Co-GM for the Jedi Faction, pash gave the character to me to develop. So:
    After escaping Order 66 as a jedi padawan, and hanging around with other survivors for four years, she was aged 15 when an Imperial blockade meant that she had to be abandoned on the leisure waterworld of Pantolomin.
    Baille's cousin in the SGIS family
    She was taken in by another Order 66 fugitive, former Secret Galactic Intelligence Service mission supervisor, Angeo Lim, who enrolled her in school on that world, and raised Irisa as her own. To separate her from Imperial age records for jedi, and to give her a proper childhood, Irisa was treated as if starting at age eight, seven years less than her biological age.
    Agent Nifesta, her Uncle Mitch, assisted in providing a mental block to her earlier jedi life.

    Irisa stayed there for several years, completing high school, working summers in the planet's thriving tourist industry, but always harboured ambitions of being a starfighter pilot.

    She has not revealed her jedi heritage since she was fifteen.

    Her Uncle Mitch (top), has known her Mum since thirty years prior to The Phantom Menace, when they were both SGIS.

    Ship: The Detective Wyms, a Firespray-31, stolen by her as a padawan in 16BBY, and kept on ice till she came of age about 1BBY.
    Her old lightsabre is secreted on the ship. If she ever discovers it, a hypnotic trigger will release some of her memory and knowledge of the Force.

    Stories, or material in Fan Fic, featuring Irisa
    Sith-I-5's RP post rescue, and eventual fic - Lt. Baille Harte

    Rolelaying Games where Samantha, featured, or starred
    STAR WARS: INTERVENTION (A story-telling style OT starfighter game)---Always taking new players!
    Star Wars: Final Resurrection - AU post-ROTJ, as well as AU her own timeline.
    Creatures of the Dark - Samantha teams up with her cousin Baille Harte, on a rescue mission for the New Republic.

    Baille Harte and Samantha Irisa
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2019
    Kahara likes this.
  20. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005

    Character Name:
    Alexis Wentlas
    Era: Legends Continuiy: Original Trilogy, New Jedi Order.
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Born in 17 BBY
    Short Bio: The daughter of Galen Wentlas and Anya Reiher, Alexis--named after a friend killed in the attack on the Resurgence--spent the entirety of her life learning about the horrors of the Empire and how the Old Republic was before its takeover. The child of two rebels, Alexis took up the fight quickly. At the age of 19, she was a newly commissioned junior officer in the Alliance and stationed at Echo Base. When a call to volunteers to help cover the evacuation came, she readily volunteered. Shot down during the battle, she was captured by the Empire. Now free, she struggles with the trauma she's gone through.
    Works With Character:
    * Flight of Destiny -- OC, Battle of Hoth
    * Survival Instinct (OC, Battle of Hoth, Completed 04/08)
    * Breakout - Post Hoth (Alexis Wentlas OC)
    * The Long Road to Recovery
    * New Jedi Order-Beyond The Lines
    ** Part Two

    Character Name:
    Amana Wentlas/Larena
    Era: The Old Republic
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Born in 3,665 BBY, Forged documents state birthdate in 3,668 BBY.
    Short Bio: Amana Wentlas is a smuggler turned Republic privateer famous for her exploits at the beginning of the Galactic War. Not much is publicly known about her before her ill-fated job on Ord Mantell, running guns for Republic-aligned forces. By the end of the war, however, she had amassed a smuggler fleet that helped turn the tide against the Sith and Imperial forces during the Battle of Corellia. By the time of the Zakuul invasion of the galaxy, her fleet has been reduced to shambles and he's taken a job working with the Eternal Alliance, where she is rumored to be increasingly close to the commander.
    Works With Character:
    * The Old Republic - The Void of Nal Hutta (Fem!Smuggler, OCs) Author's Notes added (Mostly as Larena)
    * The Old Republic - What Love Is (Memorable Melodies Roulette entry) (Semi-OCs)

    * The Old Republic: The Edge Between Failure and Success

    Character Name:
    Anya Reiher/Wentlas
    Era: Rise of the Empire, Original Trilogy
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Born in 46 BBY
    Short Bio: Born on Alderaan to civilian parents, Anya joined the resistance against the Empire before the Empire even officially began. Disgusted with the eroding civil liberties and the ever-increasing emergency powers given over to the office of the Chancellor, she and several other Alderaanian Civil Fleet members joined Prince Bail Organa's small resistance cell soon after the Declaration of a New Order. A month after, she was part of a team that boarded the Imperial frigate Imperial Dawn at Marott. Not a combatant, she was part of the second wave of troops and tasked with quickly repairing any vital consoles that may have been damaged in the fighting.

    Survived the Imperial attack on the frigate Resurgance two years after the rise of the Empire and soon after married fellow rebel Galen Wentlas and had a daughter named Alexis. Currently, as of 3 ABY, heads the maintenance department of the assault frigate Resurgent Dawn.
    Works With Character:
    * From Ruins to Rebellion -- Alderaanian OCs, Concurrent-post ROTS.
    * The Death of Resurgence (Post ROTS, OCs)
    * Recovering Home (OC Revolution Challenge, Post-ROTS)
    * Surviving Hope (OCs, Completed 5/16, Author's Notes Up)

    Character Name:
    Ceth Mascor
    Era: Tales of the Jedi
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Born in 5,022 BBY
    Short Bio: A Jedi Shadow, Ceth has been sent on several missions throughout the past year after the Great Sith War, hunting down escaped Sith pupils of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma. In a recent mission, he has picked up the unfortunate company of a pair of smugglers: Nimax and Jermatt Jarbuck. The trio has recently been spotted on Nar Shaddaa, looking to get back to their impounded ship after a mission to recover a stolen Jedi holocron from a Hutt crimelord.
    Works With Character:
    * Bright Light, Dark Shadow (Tales of the Jedi, OCs, Post-Sith War)
    * Another Typical Evening on Nar Shaddaa


    Character Name:
    Cipher Nine/
    Era: The Old Republic
    Species: Chiss
    Gender: Male
    Age: Born in 3,670 BBY
    Short Bio: A member of the mysterious Chiss race, Doloshur was assigned to Imperial Intelligence when the Ascendancy officially allied with the Empire. Rising through the ranks quickly, he thwarted a Sith's attempt at using terrorism to stage a power play and infiltrated the Republic before putting an end to the Star Cabal.
    Works With Character:
    * The Old Republic: The Edge Between Failure and Success


    Character Name:
    Galen Wentlas
    Era: Rise of the Empire, Original Trilogy
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Born in 47 BBY
    Short Bio: Born to a lieutenant in the Republic Judicial Fleet who was killed in the Stark Hyperspace War and the stepson of a captain in said force, Galen's future as a member of what would become the Republic and then Imperial Navy was mostly decided for him. He loved the work, however, and graduated from the Republic Naval Academy on Prefsbelt IV with decent grades. Three years after graduation, Galen served proudly during the Clone Wars, participating in battles over Jabiim, Coruscant and Selvernos. It was during this time that Galen's already strained relationship with his stepfather worsened. The war ended after Selvernos, and Galen could not believe the news that the Jedi had attempted a coup against the Chancellor. He was further aghast that the Republic would be transitioned into a dictatorship. Months after the foundation of the Empire, Galen found a way to escape from Imperial service and eventually found a group of Alderaanian dissidents under Senator Bail Organa and joined. On board the captured Nebulon B frigate Resurgence, he met Lieutenant Anya Reiher, and the two quickly formed a relationship. Over a year passed and Galen was assigned by the ship's captain to join a strike force tasked with the destruction of a Project Sarlacc. As primarily a pilot, Galen is somewhat out of his element in the strike team that badly needed new bodies after a disastrous previous mission.

    Barely survived the final mission of the Sarlacc Project, but returned back to Alderaan to his wife, Anya and unborn daughter Alexis. He was finally placed back into his element of spacecraft after a few years of laying low. Currently an admiral in the Rebel Alliance, aboard his flagship Resurgent Dawn.
    Works With Character:
    * Chasing Ghosts
    * Empire Day - OCs, Death of the Republic
    * The Dawn of Defection (Post ROTS, OCs) Completed 1/21
    * The Death of Resurgence (Post ROTS, OCs)

    * Recovering Home (OC Revolution Challenge, Post-ROTS)
    * Surviving Hope (OCs, Completed 5/16, Author's Notes Up)

    Character Name:
    Gavin Merridon
    Era: New Republic, New Jedi Order
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Born in 8 BBY
    Short Bio: The son of a Jedi that escaped the Purge, Gavin spent the majority of his early life on the run with his family. Moving from rebel cell to rebel cell, it all ended when he was eight years old. Found out by Imperial agents, the family was cornered by Darth Vader. Gavin's father sacrificed himself so his wife and children could escape, an event that heavily scarred the young child's mind. Joining Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum in the year following its founding, he learned a very uncomfortable truth about the master of the Order...
    Works With Character:
    * Haunted by the Past (Jedi Praxeum, OC, Mara Jade)
    * Sidelined (Jedi Academy-era, OCs)
    * New Jedi Order-Beyond The Lines
    ** Part Two


    Character Name:
    Hondo Mereel
    Era: The Old Republic
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Born in 3,662
    Short Bio: A Mandalorian mercenary, Hondo became briefly infamous towards the end of the Galactic War when he became the Republic's most wanted fugitive after his supposed murder of a well connected Jedi Master. Cleared of this crime after the personal testimony of the Supreme Chancellor, Hondo faded into obscurity shortly before the Zakuul invasion.
    Works With Character:
    * The Old Republic: The Edge Between Failure and Success

    Character Name: Jorren Vor-Lonn
    Era: The Old Republic
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Born in 3,667 BBY
    Short Bio: A Jedi Knight that rose to prominence during the Galactic War, Jorren spent the first portion of it working on classified missions for the Republic army, rumored to be dismantling superweapons stolen by the Sith Lord Darth Angral. To the happiness of several Republic citizens, Jorren avenged the Sacking of Coruscant by later killing Angral, its architect. After defeating the Sith Emperor Vitiate's first physical body, Jorren did odd missions on Makeb, Rishi, joined the Jedi and Sith to defeat the dark-side enfused body of Darth Revan on Yavin 4, and barely escaped Ziost's purge with his life. He disappeared for for five years soon afterwards, missing the majority of the Zakuul invasion. Later resurfaced and has lead an uneasy alliance of Jedi, Sith, Republic, and Empire against the invaders.
    Works With Character:
    * * The Old Republic - What Love Is (Memorable Melodies Roulette entry) (Semi-OCs)
    * The Old Republic: The Edge Between Failure and Success


    Character Name:
    Utan Rho
    Era: The Old Republic
    Species: Cathar
    Gender: Male
    Age: Born in 3,664 BBY
    Short Bio: A sergeant in the Republic Army, Utan quickly joined the Eternal Alliance for a better chance to destroy the Zakuul invaders.
    Works With Character:
    * The Old Republic: The Edge Between Failure and Success
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
  21. Ink.Knight

    Ink.Knight Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 2, 2013
    • Character name: Darra Kallos
    • Fandom: Star Wars
    • Era: New Jedi Order and after
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: varies by story, usually late teens to early twenties
    • Short bio: Born and raised in a small rural community, half a planet away from the nearest 'civilized' outpost, Darra grew up in a life much simpler than those of children in the central planets. Her parents and the community they lived in believed in limiting the use of high technology to only the necessary, leading to a peaceful and calm environment. But when she was about seventeen the Vong attacked their planet and destroyed the community while she and her best friend were on a hunting trip, after that they had to survive by their wits and skills alone with only each other.
    • Stories where the character appears: In chronological order of when in their life the story takes place; Festival of the Long Night - They're about fifteen or sixteen here, Ashes to Ashes - seventeen or eighteen, Reintegration - twenty or twenty-one.

    • Character name: Jakov 'Jake' Lerann
    • Fandom: Star Wars
    • Era: New Jedi Order and after
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: Varies by story, usually late teens to early twenties
    • Short bio:
      Born and raised in a small rural community, half a planet away from the nearest 'civilized' outpost, Jake grew up in a life much simpler than those of children in the central planets. His parents and the community they lived in believed in limiting the use of high technology to only the necessary, leading to a peaceful and calm environment. But when he was about seventeen the Vong attacked their planet and destroyed the community while he and his best friend were on a hunting trip, after that they had to survive by their wits and skills alone with only each other.
    • Stories where the character appears: In chronological order of when in their life the story takes place; Festival of the Long Night - They're about fifteen or sixteen here, Ashes to Ashes - seventeen or eighteen, Reintegration - twenty or twenty-one.
    Sith-I-5, Kahara, Ewok Poet and 2 others like this.
  22. Pandora

    Pandora Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    Character Name: Unnamed Narrator
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Empire
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Kuat
    Gender: Female
    Age: Twenty-four
    Short Bio: The narrator works in the archives at a library in a (never named) university town on Kuat. When she wants to sort out her thoughts on recent events that affect her family, she takes up the writing hobby she had abandoned at university and begins writing a journal. The rest is non-fiction.
    Stories where the character appears: Or


    Character Name: Caité
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Intertrilogy
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Naboo
    Gender: Female
    Age: Eighteen
    Short Bio: Caité left her complicated family situation when she was fourteen to serve as a handmaiden to Queen Apailana. While several of her sister maidens changed their names as part of their service, she continues to go by her birthname. She is (obviously) extremely loyal to her queen--but she is also pragmatic, sometimes brutally so, when she feels it is necessary.
    Stories where the character appears: Lumina, Triptych/this will hurt you more than it hurts me.


    Character Name: Mathilda Taafe
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Intertrilogy
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Naboo
    Gender: Female
    Age: Twenty-nine/Thirty
    Short Bio: Miss Taafe is a visual artist and teacher who, when looking for more in her life, takes a teaching position in the Northwest Territories of Tatooine. She has kept a journal since she was in her early teens, and she continues to do so in her new (and strange) life. Her first name is revealed in this biographical note for the first time.
    Stories where the character appears: "Something is shining like gold, but better"

    Character Name: Jewel Fardreamer (the Bantha Kid)
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: Intertrilogy
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Tatooine
    Gender: Male
    Age: Thirty-two
    Short Bio: He is a wanderer, and a child of the desert, and he has actually done some of the things they say he did in all those stories. It is also quite possible that he likes Miss Taafe.
    Stories where the character appears: "Something is shining like gold, but better"
    Findswoman , Sith-I-5 and Ewok Poet like this.
  23. Snokers

    Snokers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 8, 2015
    Character Name: Reiko Nix
    Fandom: Star Wars
    Era: PT
    Species: Nautolan
    Homeworld: Glee Anselm
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Short Bio: Reiko Nix is a Nautolan who has always felt the need for adventure his whole life, he has left his wife and son behind on their home planet to fulfill this yearning for a great crusade but finds himself imprisoned after being drawn in to the deadly bounty hunter profession. He harbors many skills, one of which is apparently an amazing ability to escape heavily guarded prisons. He will become notorious for his signature weapons being two long chains that still hang from his wrists from the time of his incarceration. He is now caught up in a battle for his life in a world of bounty hunters who do not appreciate him taking the life of a high profile (high payout) target.

    Stories where the character appears: 'Unchained: Part One' (more to come)
    Chyntuck and Ewok Poet like this.
  24. Overboard4aFel

    Overboard4aFel Jedi Knight star 2

    Aug 16, 2010
    • Character name: Tori Gend
    • Fandom: SW
    • Era: Beyond (~ 49 ABY)
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
    • Age:~25
    • Short bio: A young woman who works as an Archaeologist Assistant on Roon. Grandfather dies and in the aftermath, she comes across something that changes her view of him. Recently out of a long relationship. A typically overlooked person, with a surprising strength.
    • Stories where the character appears : To My Love
    Ewok Poet and whiskers like this.
  25. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Name - Laa'vé Vendara, also goes by Lavender
    Race - Twi'lek
    Appearance - About 5'6", slender, muscular, lavender skin
    Weapon of choice - Blaster
    Age range - Young adult
    Backstory/Personality - Laa'vé is generally polite and friendly, but also strong, determined, and won't take any poodoo from anybody.
    She is a self-taught Force user with moderate abilities. She usually uses the Force to enhance her natural skills, (run faster/longer, jump higher/farther, punch/kick harder, shoot straighter) but also to shield her thoughts and as a tool for persuasion. She is also able to hide her presence in the Force. She is very skilled at martial arts and fistfighting in general.
    Though she is highly skilled as a bounty hunter, she views it as something of a sideline. Her real passion is music, and in addition to being a skilled bounty hunter, she is also a very popular entertainer, known to the masses as Lavender. Though she claims to be neutral in regards to the ongoing conflict, privately, she hopes the rebels will win. Her music reflects this, but as the pro Rebellion messages are so heavily couched in metaphor, the Imperials are clueless. They think it's just good music.
    When bounty hunting, she often keeps her blaster on a stun setting, or if not, shoots to disable, preferring not to kill if she can avoid it. She is, however, capable of killing quite quickly and efficiently, should it be absolutely necessary. She habitually refuses bounties that she believes to be morally questionable. And that actually means something, since she has far more moral scruples than certain other bounty hunters that I could name. (*Cough! Boba Fett! Cough, cough!*)
    Stories she's in - Revolution (UDC 8)

    Name - Aayla Vendara
    Species - Twi'lek
    Appearance - 5'9", Similar build to Laa'vé, Blue skin
    Weapon of choice - A katana with a Mascadus (GFFA "Damascus steel") blade, forged in Mandolorian Iron, blaster
    Age - 21
    Backstory/Personality - Aayla is usually fairly polite to others, but tends to be a bit more brash than Laa'vé. She is confident, resourceful and very self-reliant, but even though she isn't afraid to ask for help if she needs it, she still gets in a little over her head sometimes. She possesses the same Force abilities as her sister.
    She's an ace pilot who can fly just about anything, and a terrific mechanic who can fix just about anything. She maintains their ship and equipment, and does a lot of the heavy work of setting up stage shows.
    Her name, "Aayla", is also the Twi'leki word for peace (my fanon), but she was also named after her mother's second cousin.
    Stories she's in - Rebellion (UDC 8), Martyr (UDC 8)

    Name - Chaa'va Vendara
    Species - Twi'lek
    Appearance - 5'3", a bit thinner than her sisters but otherwise similar build, pink skin
    Age - 19
    Weapon of choice - Chakram, nunchuk, blaster
    Backstory/Personality - Chaa'va is very positive, upbeat, and enthusiastic, almost bubbly. Because of this, she sometimes appears to be a bit of an airhead, but that is far from the truth.
    She is frequently underestimated because she is the youngest and smallest of the trio, but she is equally as strong as her sisters, both physically and in the Force. She is the tech guru and business manager, and a very skilled computer slicer. She does a lot of the planning, and most of the cooking. Her name means "hope". (My fanon)
    Stories she's in - Rebellion (UDC 8)

    Name: Idris Vendara
    Species: Twi'lek
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: 5'11", slender, muscular, dark blue skin
    Age: Early 40s
    Occupation: Podracer
    Personality/Backstory: Laa'vé, Aayla, and Chaa'va's father. He is ridiculed and scoffed at by his family because of his highly radical idea that women are intelligent, that they are capable of doing nearly anything men can, and that their feelings and opinions matter. However, Idris and his best friend Bard are the rock stars of Ryloth's podracing scene, and for that, his family is proud of him. His daughters, naturally, agree with his ideas about women.
    Stories he's in - None yet.

    Name: Aa’sha Vendara
    Species: Twi’lek
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: 5’5”, lightly built, sage green skin
    Age: 40ish
    Occupation: Housewife
    Personality/Backstory: Laa’vé, Aayla and Chaa’va’s mother. Warm, loving, and compassionate. Doesn’t back down from her beliefs. Unfortunately, her physical strength is not as great as her mental fortitude.

    Stories she’s in: Rebellion (UDC 8)
    jcgoble3, Kahara, Ewok Poet and 2 others like this.