  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

~*~ The 2022 Favorites of FanFic Festival ~*~ Thanks for a great Festival! We welcome your feedback!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by The Golden Yoda, Feb 12, 2023.

  1. The Golden Yoda

    The Golden Yoda Game Host star 1 VIP - Game Host

    Feb 23, 2017
    Hello JCF FanFic!

    It’s that time of year again! We are excited to welcome you to the Jedi Council Forums’ fifth annual Favorites of FanFic Festival! [face_party]

    Since 2018, the Festival has been an opportunity for us to recognize and celebrate the great fanfic written by members of our community, and we can’t wait to get the festivities underway. We have several exciting changes to announce this year, so whether or not this is your first time participating, we strongly encourage you to read through all of the rules and categories listed below… and have fun! ;)

    A couple of notes before we get started:

    Your Festival hosts this year are: @amidalachick, @Kahara, @UltramassiveUbersue, and @ViariSkywalker. Feel free to write to any of us with questions or comments about what you see here!

    Unlike previous festivals, this year we’re going to hit the ground running. That’s right, the FoF Festival begins TODAY, which means once you’ve read through the rules, you can start posting your nominations! :eek: [face_dancing]

    Did we blow your minds a little? Is this all happening kind of fast? Don’t worry; just read the rules carefully, take a deep breath, and dive in. It’s going to be great. :D

    Many thanks, and enjoy the celebration!
    @amidalachick, @Kahara, @UltramassiveUbersue, and @ViariSkywalker

    A great big thank you to @Raissa Baiard for lending her artistic talent to the Festival, and to our lovely mod team (@devilinthedetails, @Findswoman, and @Mira_Jade) for being awesome and paving the way for us! [face_love] [:D]

    How the Festival Works

    Below you will find a list of all the categories included in the Favorites of FanFic Festival. Starting today, we will post one group of categories every Sunday. You can then either post the stories that were your favorites for the given categories that week, or if you’d like to remain anonymous, you may PM us (@The Golden Yoda) with your story nominations and we will post a batch of them at the end of the week. The next week we will post the next group of categories, and so on until we reach the end. We will then create a master index of the 2022 Favorites of FanFic, which will remain stickied at the top of Resource for the rest of 2023.

    The Rules
    1. No submitting your own stories. Any funny business with socks will result in a ban.

    2. Stories must have been STARTED or UPDATED at least once between January 1st, 2022 (PST) and December 31st, 2022 (PST), for both SWFF and NSWFF.
      • Please note, this is a change from past festivals. Stories that were started before and continued in 2022 are indeed eligible for all applicable categories.

    3. You may submit (up to) TWO STAR WARS stories per category and TWO NON-STAR WARS stories per applicable category. Most categories work for both SWFF and NSWFF, but there are a few dedicated to their respective subforums (in the Character and Author categories).

    4. When you post for the categories, please post the category, the story title, author, and a link to the story. If it’s NSWFF, please include the fandom as well. You may post two stories under each category heading.

    5. Make-ups will run a little differently than they did last year. We will still have a make-up week at the end of the festival (Week 6), but due to our quick start this year, we will also allow people to post their make-ups throughout the festival. For the sake of keeping things relatively manageable, we ask that you try to post your make-ups as soon as possible after the week that you missed. This won’t be a hard and fast rule; use your best judgment, and try not to clutter the thread with excessive make-up posts. If you need to make-up several weeks, please consider waiting until Week 6, at the end of the festival.

    6. If you know in advance that you are not going to have time to post your favorites, you are more than welcome to PM us with your selections in advance, and we will be happy to post them with the PM submissions for the appropriate week.

    7. If you see a mistake in someone else's submitted stories – be it your own story or someone else's – please just let it go unless you strongly feel it's an attempt to circumvent the rules (e.g. you know for a fact it's a sock). We'll take care of any clear mistakes (e.g. blatantly wrong category, story not eligible) when we make the master list.

    Tips for finding eligible stories
    • If you are looking at the boards sorted by "last message" (which is the default), stories posted or updated in 2022 go back as far as page 13 as of February 12th. For NSWFF, stories posted or updated in 2022 go back to around page 3.
    • If you click on "start date" that is at the top of the story boards (in the list that says "Title, Start Date, Replies, Views, Last Message") it will sort the stories by newest start date to oldest. Stories posted in 2022 go back to around page 9 as of February 12th. For NSWFF, stories posted in 2022 go back to around page 3.
    • You can also filter by prefix by clicking directly on the prefix you want to see (Saga-PT, Saga-OT, Beyond, etc.). You can also search for specific authors in the search function. If you need any help with how to do any of these things, please contact us. We'll be more than happy to help.

    Important Note, Everyone Read This!

    Another change we’re testing out this year is combining the usual Festival Social & Question thread with the main Festival thread. What that means is that you will be allowed to socialize and ask questions right here in this thread, in addition to posting your nominations. And look, it’s very possible that this entire thread will descend into anarchy, but if it helps keep the festival fires burning for the whole six weeks, we’re willing to try it!

    Past Favorites of FanFic Festivals
    2021 Festival Thread | 2021 Favorites Index
    2020 Festival Thread
    2019 Festival Thread | 2019 Favorites Index
    2018 Festival Thread | 2018 Favorites Index
  2. The Golden Yoda

    The Golden Yoda Game Host star 1 VIP - Game Host

    Feb 23, 2017
    2022 Favorites of FanFic Festival
    Categories & Schedule

    Week 1: Style & Length (February 12-18)
    Week 2: Characters & Relationships (February 19-25)
    Week 3: Genre & Canonicity (February 26-March 4)
    Week 4: Fun Categories That Don’t Have a Catchy Group Name (March 5-11)
    Week 5: Reviewer & Author (March 12-18)
    Week 6: Make-up Week (March 19-25)

    The Categories

    Week 1: Style & Length

    Favorite One-shot – A short story posted to the boards as a single entry (as a guideline, less than 5,000 words). This includes, but is not limited to, individual drabbles, poems, flash-fics, song-fics and vignettes.

    Favorite Short Story – A short story that can generally be read in one sitting but has been broken up into multiple parts (as a guideline, between 5,000 and 15,000 words).

    Favorite Multi-Chapter or Epic – A longer story that takes more than a few minutes to read (as a guideline, more than 15,000 words).

    Favorite Part of a Series – A story that was posted or updated in 2022 but that also was part of a larger body of a continual storyline (other parts of the story can be posted before 2021).

    Favorite WIP – A story that was started or continued, but not completed in 2022, and which may have been overlooked in favor of complete stories. (Note that a story may still be eligible for above categories if not completed as well, but this is specifically for ongoing stories). Must be a WIP as of February 12, 2023.

    Week 2: Characters & Relationships

    Favorite Interpretation of a Movie Character – The best/most faithful/most relevant portrayal in fanfic of any character that appears, however briefly, in any of the 11 SW movies (TPM, AotC, RotS, ANH, TESB, RotJ, TFA, TLJ, TRoS, Rogue One, and Solo).

    Favorite Interpretation of an EU Character or Game Character – The best/most faithful/most relevant portrayal in fanfic of any character that appears only in Expanded Universe material (New Canon or Legends, including the TV series) or any SW board or video game, or an RPG character. No movie characters are eligible under this category, however brief their appearance in the movies.

    Favorite NSWFF Canon Character – The best/most faithful/most relevant portrayal in fanfic of any character that appears, however briefly, in their respective media.

    Favorite Original Character – Your favorite portrayal of a character created by a fanfic author.

    Favorite Villain – A character that you love to hate, hate to love – or better yet, both! An antagonist character who just has that extra something.

    Most Wholesome Character – The character that you want to hug and feed cookies to. This can be a traditional epic hero or the star of a much smaller-scale fluff story, but they are a perfect cinnamon roll too good for this world/Galaxy and just seeing them "on screen" in the story brings you joy.

    Favorite Established Relationship – Any relationship (familial, friendship, romantic, rivalry, etc) between two Canon or Legends characters that is established or strongly implied in New Canon or Legends material.

    Favorite Original Relationship – Any relationship (familial, friendship, romantic, rivalry, etc) between OCs or between an established (from either New Canon or Legends) character and an OC. This also includes a relationship between two established characters that does not appear or is not strongly implied in Canon or Legends.

    Week 3: Genre & Canonicity

    Favorite Humor – A story which is comedic in nature by virtue of its characters, situations or dialogue, and whose intention is to provoke a reaction that may range from chuckles to ROFLs.

    Favorite Drama – A story that centers around a conflict that is neither physical nor romantic in nature. It may include the protagonist(s) addressing serious issues that impact them on a personal level, or it may be broader issues like a political-drama.

    Favorite Angst – A story dealing with sad or tragic topics meant to evoke melancholy emotions in it’s readers.

    Favorite Fluff
    – A story with little to no conflict or antagonistic intent, usually written to give the readers “warm fuzzy feelings” in their hearts.

    Favorite Romance – A story that centers around the protagonist discovering, exploring and/or developing a strong romantic emotional bond with another character.

    Favorite Action/Adventure – A story in which the characters overcome challenges by means of fast-paced, usually physical, adventurous activity.

    Favorite Genfic – A story where non-romantic, non-sexual relationships are central to the plot and there is little if any romance featured. For example, stories where a friendship, sibling relationship, mentorship, bitter lifelong enmity, etc., is the main focus would all count. Any romantic pairings featured are not the focus of the major characters’ development throughout the story and anything that happens on screen between said pairings is G-rated.

    Favorite World-Building – A story that adds to and/or explores some aspect of the world/universe it is set in with more depth than canon ever had the chance to explain. For example, a Star Wars story that fleshes out an existing planet, culture, or technology – or that introduces a new one in detail.

    Favorite Continuity Compliant – A story that does not diverge from or contradict the established storyline (New Canon or Legends) in which it is written. Stories that aren’t blatantly AU and aren’t defined as AU by the author in the opening post or the title bar can be assumed to be canon-compliant. (Note: this is the category that used to be called ‘Best Canon’ in previous years.)

    Favorite Alternate Universe – A story that diverges from or contradicts the established storyline (New Canon or Legends) in which it is written. This is usually, but not always, indicated by the author in the opening post or the title bar.

    Week 4: Fun Categories That Don’t Have a Catchy Group Name

    Story You Just Can't Stop Thinking About – A story that really stuck with you. Something so memorable that it needs no re-reading to bring back the impressions you had when first reading it.

    Unclassifiable Classic – A story that really doesn’t fit anywhere else, but that you think should have a moment of glory.

    Head-Canon Accepted! – Part of a story that is now part of the personal Star Wars (or NSWFF) universe in your mind. This can be a detail or storyline that is neither confirmed nor denied by official canon, or it can be an alternate universe “fix-it” that you prefer to what happened in canon. (Any canon – Disney, Legends, and all the plot holes in between.) Either way, a fact or event in a fic that is now canon in your heart.

    Favorite Title – It's the title that first caught your eye. You saw it and thought "I want to read that fic!" It's like a great cover on a book that draws you in!

    Favorite Line in a Fic – A sentence or two that were just perfectly phrased.

    Favorite Headsplode Moment – A moment that really and truly surprised you! To keep these moments a surprise for readers who haven't read them yet, please put your description of the moment itself in spoiler-quotes after the story and author, like this but with the spaces before and after both instances of the word "spoiler" removed:

    Story by Author
    [ spoiler ]Your description of that cool Headsplode Moment [/ spoiler ]

    So that you end up with:
    Story by Author
    Your description of that cool Headsplode Moment

    Favorite Action Scene – The action scene that you enjoyed the most: space battles, sparring matches, duels to the death, food fights – the works! The scene does not have to be from an adventure-focused story so long as the scene itself meets the requirements.

    Favorite “Finally” Moment – The moment between characters that you have been waiting for through the whole story. This can be romantic, fluffy, sad, humorous, or otherwise, but you were waiting for it and it was delivered with all the trimmings. So we don't break the suspense for first-time readers, please put your description of the moment itself in spoiler-quotes after the story and author, like this but with the spaces before and after both instances of the word "spoiler" removed:

    Story by Author
    [ spoiler ] Your description of that long-awaited Finally Moment [ /spoiler ]

    So that you end up with:
    Story by Author
    Your description of that long-awaited Finally Moment

    Crushed That Challenge – The most enjoyable, unexpected, and/or creative response to a challenge. The challenge itself can be from a previous year, as long as the response story itself was posted/updated in 2022.

    Week 5: Reviewer & Author

    Favorite Reviewers (choose up to 4) – Your favorite reviewers who leave the most thoughtful/in depth reviews on stories in any era of the Star Wars FanFic forums and/or in the Non-Star Wars FanFic sub-forum. *Though it isn’t at all required, including a little blurb about the reviewer is a welcome addition. (Ex: “Reviewer leaves wonderfully detailed comments/is a supportive regular/has great humor in their comments//has fantastic enthusiasm for the characters and era that I write or read in/whatever is especially awesome about their reviews here.”)

    Favorite Author in Before – The author whose work in Before (either Canon or Legends) consistently demonstrates a high degree of skill and creativity in their creation of memorable characters and settings, original plots, interesting themes, and overall depiction of the GFFA.

    Favorite Author in Saga – The author whose work in the PT and/or OT and/or ST (either Canon or Legends) consistently demonstrates a high degree of skill and creativity in their creation of memorable characters and settings, original plots, interesting themes, and overall depiction of the GFFA.

    Favorite Author in Beyond – The author whose work in Beyond (either Canon or Legends) consistently demonstrates a high degree of skill and creativity in their creation of memorable characters and settings, original plots, interesting themes, and overall depiction of the GFFA.

    Favorite Author in NSWFF – The author whose work in Non-Star Wars FanFic consistently demonstrates a high degree of skill and creativity in their creation of memorable characters and settings, original plots, interesting themes, and overall depiction of their chosen fandom(s).

    Favorite New Author– Your favorite author who posted his or her first story on the boards within the eligibility dates. This category is not era-specific.

    Most Versatile Author– The author whose work, in your opinion, tackles the widest range of aspects of writing fanfic (e.g. multiple eras, multiple genres, multiple writing techniques, etc.) This category is not era-specific.

    Favorite Story YOU Wrote- This is an exception to the rules. For this category, tell us YOUR favorite story that YOU wrote! To be eligible to submit in this category, you must have submitted at least one story or author nomination for one of the previous categories.

    Week 6: Make-ups

    If you missed nominating at some point, you can post make-ups for those categories at this time.

  3. The Golden Yoda

    The Golden Yoda Game Host star 1 VIP - Game Host

    Feb 23, 2017

    2022 Favorites of FanFic Festival
    Week 1: Style & Length

    The red curtain rises on a brightly lit stage, overlooking an amphitheater filled with countless people of various species. ViariSkywalker emerges from backstage, wearing black leggings and boots and an oversized white shirt with a picture of the Millennium Falcon and the words “Cloud City” emblazoned in shades of purple on the back. She looks out at the crowd and takes a steadying breath…

    Hello, everyone! It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the 2022 Favorites of FanFic Festival! Thank you for joining us as we celebrate our favorite stories, authors, and reviewers of 2022! We’re starting off the first week of our Festival with the Style and Length categories. Let us know your favorites in each category by posting the category name, the story title, the author, and a link to the story. (For NSWFF, please also include the name of the fandom.) You may post two stories for Star Wars FanFic and two stories for Non-Star Wars FanFic under each category. If you prefer to submit your nominations anonymously, please send them via PM to @The Golden Yoda. The categories for this week are:

    Week 1: Style & Length
    • Favorite One-shot
    • Favorite Short Story
    • Favorite Multi-Chapter or Epic
    • Favorite Part of a Series
    • Favorite WIP

    After you’ve posted your favorites, feel free to hang around, grab some refreshments, and socialize with your fellow fanficcers! I hear we were lucky enough to get the Max Rebo Band for your entertainment—

    There’s a noise offstage; Vi glances over at a pair of dark-haired young men waiting impatiently in the wings. The shorter of the two can be seen gesturing toward the stage and mouthing something indecipherable. Vi frowns and whisper-shouts back at them

    What do you mean, “mishap”? No, Characters and Relationships is next week; I told you two to stop hanging around here and go back with the other OCs… Well, if Darth Maul dared you to jump off a moving hovertrain, would you do that, too? …Yeah, you’re right, that is a bad example…

    Vi clears her throat and smiles as she faces the crowd again.

    Sorry about that! We might have to wait a bit on Max, but in the meantime, please join me in saying thank you to our hardworking mods, @Mira_Jade, @Findswoman, and @devilinthedetails, as well as to my fellow volunteers, @amidalachick, @Kahara, and @UltramassiveUbersue, for making this event possible!

    And now, without any further ado…

    Let the Festival begin!


  4. UltramassiveUbersue

    UltramassiveUbersue Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 7, 2022
  5. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Ooh, yay! The Favorites of Fanfic Festival is back for another year[face_party]

    As a mod, I would like to give a big thank you to @ViariSkywalker, @Kahara, @amidalachick, and @UltramassiveUbersue for hosting the Festival this year as well as a big thank you to @Raissa Baiard for providing the beautiful Festival art for us all to enjoy! You're all awesome[:D]

    Now taking off my "mod" hat and transitioning into "regular user" mode, I would like to nominate some stories in the Style and Length categories. To be clear, whenever I nominate stories, authors, or reviewers in any categories throughout this Festival I am doing so in an unofficial capacity as a "regular user" rather than in a formal role as "mod." So please interpret all my nominations throughout this Festival in that light:)

    With that caveat out of the way, I will get on with my nominations for the first Week[face_dancing]

    Favorite Oneshot:

    From a Flimsi Scrap Found on the Crystal Cliffs, Lira San by @Findswoman
    Mourning by @vader_incarnate
    Non Star Wars [Lord of the Rings/Rings of Power]: Table Talk by @brodiew
    Non Star Wars [Lord of the Rings/Rings of Power]: You don't know me, nor do I by @brodiew

    Favorite Short Story:

    Detours by @Thumper09
    Two Twins by @earlybird-obi-wan

    I look forward to seeing everyone else's nominations for this week:cool:
  6. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    The ushers at the entrance of the festival are a little nonplussed when a little girl turns up and addresses them in rapid-fire Greek, but thankfully her parents catch up with her soon enough. A few minutes later, the family have been issued badges that read 'Chyntuck', 'Chyntuquita' and 'Mr Chyntuckopoulos' and are allowed inside.

    "Aaaaah," Chyntuck lets out a long breath, "it's good to be back."

    Her husband gives her a wry look. "You know, I think they upgraded this shindig since your time. They don't need the sponsorship of Uncle Sheev's Hutt Smut Emporium anymore."

    Chyntuck waves her hand dismissively. "Times were hard. It was the financial crisis."

    Chyntuquita looks up at her father. She really has to crane her neck for that, because he's very tall and she's very tiny. "Papa, what's Hutt smut?"

    "Never mind," Mr Chyntuckopoulos answers hastily. "Look at all these people! You see the three ladies over there? One in pink, one with a cape and one who looks fantastically fiendish? That's the fanfic mods!"

    "And those four on the other side?" Chyntuck adds.

    The little girl pouts. She can't see a thing, the place is too crowded. Mr Chyntuckopoulos lifts her to sit on his shoulders. "Now I see them!" she squeaks excitedly. "There's one who looks like a painting, one who's carrying really strange things, one who has a winter landscape following her and... I dunno, the fourth one just left, she's chasing two boys who look a bit chaotic and evil. Who are they?"

    "They're the festival hostesses," Chyntuck explains. "And we should go and thank them all, because they and the mods are putting a lot of effort to –"

    "Papa, Papa, look!" Chyntuquita suddenly yelps. "There's Clone Force 99 over there! And Omega is with them!" She tugs at her father's ears to make him turn in the right direction. "Can we go and see her, Papa? Please, Papa? Please?"

    Being very attached to his ears, which his daughter is now threatening to tear off, Mr Chyntuckopoulos can only give his wife an apologetic look and get moving. Chyntuck remains alone in the middle of the crowd. She gives a one-shoulder shrug and pulls a scrap of paper from her bag.

    "Well, I didn't spend a lot of time on the boards in 2022, so I didn't read much," she tells no one in particular. "But of what little I've read, here are a few favourites."

    Favourite One-Shot: The Pawful Truth by @Seldes_Katne
    Favourite Epic: Interregnum II by @Bel505
    Favourite Part of a Series: The Funeral by @Gabri_Jade

    She turns around the scrap of paper to realise that it's blank on the other side and looks a bit disappointed with herself. "Yeah, it really isn't much," she mumbles. But then, she suddenly brightens up. "But hey! This is the Favourites of Fanfic Festival. Here's my chance to catch up on all my reading!"
  7. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hooray, festival time has come around once again! [face_dancing] And I have to say, you gals have done an amazing job getting everything organized and coming up with some really cool new categories! Thank you so much—this is going to be fun, for sure. :D

    Now I too am going to put on my “regular user” hat and echo @devilinthedetails ’s disclaimer: everything I post during this Festival of Favorites is just me speaking as a regular reader sharing stories and authors that I happened to particularly enjoy, and none of it is meant as any sort of official endorsement of any writer at the expense of any other writer. @};- (Also, if anyone’s curious, whenever I have two stories in a category—which I hope I’ll manage for most of them—I’ll always list them alphabetically by author’s name, so the order does not necessarily imply preference.)

    And here goes for week 1! :) EDITED to remove one story that turned out to not be eligible.

    Favorite One-Shot
    I Ship It! by @Raissa Baiard
    Fathom by @Thumper09

    Favorite Short Story

    Detours by @Thumper09
    Beneath the Gods of the Bright Sky by @ViariSkywalker

    Favorite Multichapter or Epic

    Snips and Snails and Bantha Tails by @Kit'
    Now You’re a Home by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Part of a Series

    In the Flames by @Raissa Baiard (from Under Twelve Parsecs)
    Unavailable by @Seldes_Katne (from To Every Thing There Is a Season)

    Favorite WIP
    Enantiodromia by @arkham618
    The Winter Queen by @Pandora

    EDITED to replace two ineligible choices.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2023
  8. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2023
    Kit', AzureAngel2, Chyntuck and 7 others like this.
  9. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Mira - wearing a black cape over a sparkling purple evening gown - waves at the adorable little girl speaking excitedly in Greek, and keeps the smile plastered to her face as she says from the side of her mouth: "Maul, what were the conditions for you being allowed to attend the festival this week?"

    "I was not to be chaotic or evil," Maul returns with a bored shrug of indifference. "However, seeing as those rules don't apply to everyone in attendance, I chose to alter our deal."

    Mira narrows her eyes, and sighs. "You're on a redemption arc; that means you should be setting an example for other potentially redeemable characters to follow."

    "Redemption? Only in your AU," Maul sniffs. "Even if I were to abide by your ridiculous rules, it is hardly my fault that the weak minded are so easily persuaded to -"

    Mira has to stand on her tiptoes in order to clap her hand over Maul's mouth, but she does so with as fierce a glower as she can muster and loudly speaks over him: "What's that? I quite agree with you! Our hosts - and their assistants - couldn't be doing a finer job with this year's Favorites of Fanfic! Let's give a round of applause to @amidalachick, @Kahara, @Raissa Baiard, @UltramassiveUbersue, and @ViariSkywalker!"

    "That is most certainly not what I said -"

    "Obi-Wan?" Mira calls, still ignoring Maul, "Would you like to help me share my favorites for this week? You too, Anakin - yes, you, Song!verse Anakin - not the other one," she shakes her head at Enter!verse Anakin, "and, um, definitely not you," she shudders for every version of Elli's Anakin and/or Vader lurking in the wings. "Sorry," she adds sheepishly, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings.

    "You know," Anakin mutters as he comes onto the stage, "if you need us to, we can help you take out the trash - and I do mean all of the trash." He narrows his eyes at the two dark-haired young men still being scolded by that week's hostess.

    "You could try, Skywalker," Maul sneers. "Yet you would not succeed."

    "Not in this timeline, I'm afraid," Obi-Wan places a hand on Anakin's shoulder and turns him towards the crowd. "Come now, my friend. We have favorites to share."

    "Fine," Anakin rolls his eyes, but still hisses at Maul: "I'm watching you," before smiling out at the audience.

    Obi-Wan loudly starts reading from the card in his hand. "This year, Mira_Jade's favorites are as follows:

    Favorite One-shot
    Mourning, by @vader_incarnate
    The Tale of Canderous Ordo and How It Is Past Wren's Bedtime, by @Kahara
    [1923: Yellowstone] Grey: A Poem of Spencer Dutton, by @brodiew
    [A:TLA] The Source of Happiness, by @devilinthedetails

    Favorite Short Story
    Detours, by @Thumper09
    Between the Moon and the Stars, from There Is Nothing Lost, by @ViariSkywalker
    [Stranger Things] Through These Tangled Threads of Light, by @amidalachick
    [L&O: OC] Things You Said, by @Tarsier

    Favorite Multi-Chapter or Epic
    Reclamation, by @Gabri_Jade
    Enter the Foreign, by @ViariSkywalker
    [Stranger Things] Take One Moment Into My Hands, by @amidalachick
    [A:TLA] I Conquer Ba Sing Se and Other Earth Kingdom Adventures, by @devilinthedetails

    Favorite Part of a Series
    Restoration, from Fragment's of Jade, by @Gabri_Jade
    I Go Seeking, from Rose's Eleven, by @Findswoman
    [Stranger Things] Salt and Water, from Take One Moment Into My Hands, by @amidalachick
    [Top Gun] Fragmentary, by @DaenaBenjen42 (Seeing a Trailer backstory)

    Favorite WIP
    Reclamation, by @Gabri_Jade
    Beneath the Gods of the Bright Sky, by @ViariSkywalker

    Anakin finishes reading the last category and smirks at Maul. "See? That's how a redeemed AU iteration of a character does it."

    Maul bares his teeth, but before he can fire back a retort, Mira exclaims, "I know: let's get cake! Everyone loves cake, right? It's time to let the next festival-goer have a turn while we check out the dessert table."

    Determinedly, Mira tugs on Maul and Anakin and drags them away - muttering about telling Mara on them all the while.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2023
  10. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    “I mean seriously, guys—” Vi stands with her arms crossed loosely in front of her, torn between exasperation and amusement. “—I think you can chill for one night.”

    Darth Festus quirks an eyebrow at her, a smirk poised on his lips. “One night? Isn’t this thing like five weeks long?”

    Six weeks, actually. And unless I say otherwise, you’re going to behave for all of them.”

    Darth Ferrus rolls his eyes and groans loudly. “Fine.” He grabs his brother by the arm and begins to pull him away. “Let’s go, idiot.”

    Vi heaves a small sigh of relief as she watches the Chaos Twins trudge off. There’s a cushy sofa backstage that she’s had her eye on since before the festivities began, and now that she has a break, it’d be nice to sit down and relax for a bit…

    The sofa, as it turns out, is already occupied. A middle-aged gentleman with a neatly-trimmed beard is sitting at one end, a saucer in one hand and a teacup in the other. Vi is a bit hesitant as she approaches him.

    “Hello,” she says, gesturing toward the open seat next to him. “Mind if I sit here?”

    “Not at all.” The man smiles back at her. “I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi.”

    “I’m Vi.” She catches a glimpse of Song!verse Obi-Wan returning from the stage. “Um… which Obi-Wan are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

    “I believe I am what you would call ‘canon’.”

    “Like, New Canon or Legends?”

    He takes a sip of his tea, then answers serenely, “I suppose that all depends on your point of view.”

    “Yeah, that’s fair.” She takes a seat next to him and winces a little. “By the way, sorry about all the AUs where you’re… you know…”

    “Dead?” he answers with a wry smile. “Think nothing of it. I died in the first movie; I could hardly expect you to do any less.”

    Vi winces again. “Sorry.”

    Obi-Wan raises his teacup ever so slightly. “Would you care for a cup? It’s freshly brewed.”

    Vi sinks back into the cushions and pulls a notebook and pen out of her purse. “Thanks, I’d love some – but first I have to finish something up.” She begins to scribble in her notebook.

    “Are those your nominations?”

    “Hm?” Vi glances up from her notebook. “Oh no, this is my entry for the Kessel Run; I’m on a roll. My nominations are right here.”

    She hands Obi-Wan her cell phone, which he examines thoughtfully. “Am I alive in any of these?”

    “Um… yeah, you’re in two of these actually. Well, versions of you anyway…”

    Favorite One-shot
    Let Every Little Fracture Shatter by @Mira_Jade
    Mourning by @vader_incarnate
    [Sense & Sensibility] A Dram of Sweet; A Pound of Sorrow by @Mira_Jade
    [Sense & Sensibility] The Mistress of Norland by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Short Story
    Black Pawn by @vader_incarnate
    Fractured by @Gabri_Jade
    [The Phantom of the Opera] My Spirit Longs With Thee to Rest by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Multi-Chapter or Epic
    Reclamation by @Gabri_Jade
    Black Knight by @vader_incarnate
    [Sense & Sensibility] We Few, We Happy Few by @Mira_Jade (plus Parts Two and Three)

    Favorite Part of a Series
    Transformation by @Gabri_Jade (from Fragments of Jade in Gabri’s Renewal!verse)
    Black Knight by @vader_incarnate (from Elli’s King's Gambit series)
    [Sense & Sensibility] A Dram of Sweet; A Pound of Sorrow by @Mira_Jade (from Love Betters What is Best)

    Favorite WIP
    Reclamation by @Gabri_Jade
    On the Creation of Monsters by @vader_incarnate

    Obi-Wan hands the phone back to Vi. “I suppose it would be an exercise in futility to ask you which of these stories I feature in?”

    She shrugs at him and smiles. “Guess you’ll just have to read them all.”
  11. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    Gabri steps to the edge of the stage, clad in a gown of emerald green velvet, and peeks around the edge of the curtain, eyeing the audience. “I am absolutely not doing this every week, I can tell you that much,” she mutters.

    To her side, Mara Jade raises an eyebrow. “Have nominations, or get dressed up?”

    “No, no,” Gabri says, waving vaguely. “I’m fine with both of those. But being in front of a crowd makes me twitchy, and I’m sure not writing an extra sketch every time.”

    “Excuse me?” Corissa Jade pipes up indignantly. “I, and by extension my entire family, am an unmitigated joy to write—”

    Nico Jade snorts. Corissa doesn’t even turn. “You be quiet. I’m making a point here.”

    “Make all the points you like,” Gabri tells her. “I’m already writing you guys every week for the Kessel Run. That’s plenty.”

    “That does seem fair, dear,” Nadira Jade says soothingly.

    Corissa huffs, then eyes the rest of the OCs. “Those two are kind of cute, I gotta say.”

    Ronan Jade glances over at the Chaos Twins, then back to his daughter. “Look, I hate to sound like a tired overprotective father cliché here, but no.”

    Nico rolls his eyes. “She’s got better taste than that, Dad. She’s just being obnoxious.”

    You’re being obnoxious,” Corissa retorts.

    Mara glares at Ferrus, who is now glancing Corissa’s way, and hisses, “You go ahead and try it. We’ll see who walks away.”

    Gabri looks heavenward and sighs. “See, this is why I’m not doing this every week. It always spirals. Vi’s got him under control, Mara, I promise you. Maybe you could just read the nominations?”

    Mara narrows her eyes at Ferrus and fingers her lightsaber. “Fine. But so much as one step toward my baby sister and I’ll take him to pieces.”

    “Wrong twin,” Gabri says. “But I’m sure he gets the idea.” She hands Mara the list of nominations and shoos the rest of the family fully behind the curtain again. “Come on, let’s go join Mira. She said there was cake.”

    Mara lifts the list, still side-eyeing Ferrus, and begins to read:

    Favorite One-shot

    Sacrifice by @ViariSkywalker
    Found You by @ViariSkywalker
    [Sense and Sensibility] The Reflections of a Gentleman In His Glebe by @Mira_Jade
    [Sense and Sensibility] Keep Thy Armor Bright by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Short Story

    Black Pawn by @vader_incarnate
    The Steel In Our Hearts Will Be Monuments by @ViariSkywalker

    Favorite Multi-Chapter or Epic

    Interregnum II by @Bel505 and DrMcKay
    Enter the Foreign by @ViariSkywalker
    [Sense and Sensibility] We Few, We Happy Few @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Part of a Series

    Let Every Little Fracture Shatter by @Mira_Jade (from The Courage of Stars and part of the Song!verse)
    Guardian by @ViariSkywalker (part of the Enter!verse)
    [Sense and Sensibility] The Mistress of Norland by @Mira_Jade (from Love Betters What Is Best)
    [Sense and Sensibility] ‘Ode to a Brook’ and Other Selections by @Mira_Jade (from Love Betters What Is Best)

    Favorite WIP

    Now You’re a Home by @Mira_Jade
    Beneath the Gods of the Bright Sky by @ViariSkywalker
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2023
  12. The Golden Yoda

    The Golden Yoda Game Host star 1 VIP - Game Host

    Feb 23, 2017
    Hello, everyone! Just a reminder that today is the last day to post your favorites for the Style & Length categories. Tomorrow will begin the Character & Relationship categories. If you prefer to submit your favorites anonymously, feel free to PM them to @The Golden Yoda . If you do miss the deadline, remember that we are allowing make-ups to be posted throughout the festival, as well as during a dedicated make-up week at the end of the festival. Thank you, and have an excellent day!
  13. Starith

    Starith Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 5, 2020
  14. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    PARTY TIME! [face_party][face_dancing][face_party]

    In Kahara's case, this means she is sitting in an exceptionally comfy chair with a laser pointer (lightsaber-shaped of course) held in each hand, and watching three astromechs chase the glowing dots across the room.

    "Got 'em again, Artoo!"

    "Aww no, sorry BB! But better luck next time!"


    "Wow. You talk to the Ghost with that processor?"


    "No, I'm not cheating -- hey, whoa!"

    Whilst climbing an artificial potted Ch'hala tree to get away from an irritable Chopper, Kahara drops her nominations for Week 1.

    "By the way, I'm also just adding these as a forum member. Oh and, could someone please tell Hera she's right and could she save me from her droid? Thanks, I appreciate it!"


    Week 1: Style and Length

    Favorite One-shot
    “A life of darkness and light" by @AzureAngel2
    Hope Has a Place by @Nehru_Amidala
    [A:TLA] A Black Cat at Autumn Festival by @devilinthedetails
    [Tolkien] A Legacy of Choices by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    Favorite Short Story
    The Secret of the Water Gardens by @Findswoman
    “Death and the Maiden” by @Pandora
    [Penguins of Madagascar] Aries Parries Queries by @pronker
    [The Phantom of the Opera] “My Spirit Longs With Thee to Rest” by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Multi-Chapter or Epic
    The Beast and the Beauty by @Mira Grau
    Now You’re a Home by @Mira_Jade
    [Top Gun] Fragmentary by @DaenaBenjen42
    [L&O: OC] 2022 Drabble Challenge Response by @Tarsier

    Favorite Part of a Series
    Black Knight by @vader_incarnate – from the King’s Gambit series
    Beneath the Gods of the Bright Sky by @ViariSkywalker – from the Enter!verse series
    [Star Trek] “Tide” - from Week 8 of [Multifandom] Keepsake Bouquets by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    [Stranger Things] 5 Times Billy Woke Up + 1 Time He Didn't - from Take One Moment Into My Hands by @amidalachick

    Favorite WIP
    Snips and Snails and Bantha’s Tails by @Kit'
    Dark Chasm by @Starith
    [A:TLA] I Conquer Ba Sing Se and Other Earth Kingdom Adventures by @devilinthedetails
    [Star Trek:Voyager] A Complication of Kes’s by @fardell24
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2023
    Kit', Pandora, Tarsier and 8 others like this.
  15. vader_incarnate

    vader_incarnate Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 29, 2002
    Elli, in a festive pantsuit, scampers in at the last moment and glances quickly over at the other attendees and their characters before glaring at her own entourage. She huffs a sigh, raising a hand to her forehead and massaging it gently. "I really brought this upon myself," she muses.

    "It's your own fault," a Luke Skywalker agrees. He's the most solid of the half dozen or so Luke Skywalkers in the group - and the only one without the golden Sith eyes. The others keep flickering in and out of existence: one who wears a bloody crown, one clad all in gold, one who keeps Vader's saber at his belt. "You keep returning to the same themes, and most of them happen to involve turning me -"

    He's interrupted by an insistent meow, and pausing, bends down to pick up a small black domestic house cat, who glares at Elli from his new perch. "Not all of them, though," he admits.

    Elli winces. "Yeah, I could probably find another character to work out my issues with."

    "Not to mention all the canon typical child murder," Luke says. "It's a little much."

    "Lucas started that! And -"

    "- and Andor continued it, but that doesn't mean you have to keep it going!"

    The cat doesn't say anything, but his continued glare speaks volumes, and Elli winces again. "Fair," she concedes.

    Luke grins winningly. "That doesn't mean I don't want to see how you write me out of all these fine messes you've put me in, of course. I think even Father will agree with that," he adds, and runs a hand through the cat's soft fur.

    The cat preens, settling himself more comfortably in Luke's arms.

    Elli stares hesitantly at the cat a little longer, debating whether or not to reach out a hand to pet him - before deciding not to chance it and whipping out a phone instead. "We better wrap this up before the cat changes his mind about murdering me by twitching a brain cell."

    Luke shrugs. "Maybe he can go hang out with the happy AU Anakins from Song!verse and Enter!verse. They have a lot in common. They can process their childhood traumas together."

    "You can't just ask your happy AU dads to catsit your AU cat dad, Luke. And more importantly, you can't just casually drop off a Sith cat on some unwitting Jedi catsitters without causing chaos that would utterly wreck the festival vibe."

    "It wouldn't be cat sitting! It'd be more like ... a playdate! And he's an ex-Sith cat!"

    The cat hisses menacingly towards one of the other, flickering Lukes and lashes out a clawed paw almost faster than the eye can track.


    Favorite One-shot
    Broken by @Gabri_Jade
    Found You by @ViariSkywalker

    Favorite Short Story
    Beneath the Gods of the Bright Sky by @ViariSkywalker
    The Story So Far by @Gabri_Jade
    [The Phantom of the Opera] My Spirit Longs With Thee to Rest by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Multi-Chapter or Epic
    Now You’re a Home by @Mira_Jade
    Enter the Foreign by @ViariSkywalker

    Favorite Part of a Series
    Sacrifice by @ViariSkywalker (from the Enter!verse)
    Let Every Little Fracture Shatter by @Mira_Jade (from The Courage of Stars and part of the Song!verse)
    [Narnia] The Traumas and Times of Susan the Gentle by @devilinthedetails

    Favorite WIP
    Reclamation by @Gabri_Jade
    Dark Chasm by @Starith
  16. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
  18. The Golden Yoda

    The Golden Yoda Game Host star 1 VIP - Game Host

    Feb 23, 2017
  19. The Golden Yoda

    The Golden Yoda Game Host star 1 VIP - Game Host

    Feb 23, 2017

    2022 Favorites of FanFic Festival
    Week 2: Characters & Relationships

    There has been a kerfuffle to the side of the stage. An astromech blatts irritably, followed by the crash of an unfortunate host tripping over them.

    Just a minute!

    After a brief wait, Kahara walks
    very carefully to the podium in her fluffy lavender-and-gold winter outfit with comfy boots and smiles.

    It's phenomenal to see so many of you here; we're so glad you could make it from across the Galaxy. Since this week is all about the characters and relationships from the last year's stories, it only made sense to give the presentation of categories to everyone's favorite couple from Legends --

    The curtain draws back to reveal Lando and Mara embracing passionately.

    "Hey." Mara waves, and goes back to kissing Lando.

    Kahara looks baffled.

    This is.. huh?

    "This is totally canon," Lando informs her.

    "But Mara said..."

    Mara shrugs at Kahara's beseeching look.

    "I say a lot of things to keep the publishers happy."

    The host nods sympathetically, then looks very uncomfortable as a thought occurs to her. She turns to look for the very kind fellow who helped her with a Force-healing of her turned ankle.

    Umm. Luke, are you seeing this? Where--

    The stage-lighting droids focus in on Luke in the back row of the amphitheater necking with an OC.

    Kahara clutches the mike (and her Calamarian sea pearls).

    ... And who are you exactly?

    "I'm his rebound, but I'm cool with that." The OC waves cheerily at the host and crowd.

    "Rebound from Callista, right?" The host blinks a few times, but everything fails to go away.

    "You guessed it," Luke confirms. "I still can't believe she ran off with Han!"

    Leia pipes up from the audience, where she is holding hands with Thrawn.

    "The signs were there."

    "Oh, oooookay, erm, let's just bring that light back to the stage, shall we?" Kahara has given up on tracking the threads of canonicity and AU-versity by now and just waves to all the couples with a smile.

    "You know what, I have to feed my tookas -- gotta run!" The host leaves Mara and Lando holding the envelope of categories and makes good on her escape.

    As with last week, your nominations just need the category name, the story title, the author, and a link to the story*. (For NSWFF, please also include the name of the fandom.) You may post two stories for Star Wars FanFic and two stories for Non-Star Wars FanFic under each category. If you prefer to submit your nominations anonymously, please send them via PM to @The Golden Yoda.

    *If you are in a hurry, remember that links do not have to be fancily formatted -- the URL is just fine! For example, the plain URL link to this page would be:

    Week 2: Characters and Relationships
    • Favorite Interpretation of a Movie Character
    • Favorite Interpretation of an EU Character or Game Character
    • Favorite NSWFF Canon Character
    • Favorite Original Character
    • Favorite Villain
    • Most Wholesome Character
    • Favorite Established Relationship
    • Favorite Original Relationship
    * Credit and blame for most of the dialogue and all of the featured characters and pairings, plus the whole entire plot and structure of this skit, goes to @UltramassiveUbersue . @};-
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2023
  20. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    *Whatever exorcist rites were attempted to banish devilinthedetails to the dark depths of the Internet have failed and she has returned for another week to offer her long list of favorites in the Characters and Relationships categories. Readers should be advised that this list took up an entire page on Google Docs when she typed it up in preparation last night. So, proceed with caution into another lengthy devilinthedetails post. Because forewarned is forearmed and all that good stuff. Now, on with the list of favorites before people go full medieval and come after devilinthedetails with pikes and flaming torches*

    *So, with a ringing trumpet fanfare, devilinthedetails unrolls her scroll and begins to read from her long list*

    Favorite Interpretation of a Movie Character:
    Obi-Wan in She Said the Word by @JediMaster_Jen
    Boba Fett in Book of Boba’s Cat by @gizkaspice

    Favorite Interpretation of an EU or Game Character:
    Siri Tachi in Beach Fun by @earlybird-obi-wan
    Ezra in Follow Me Home by @Findswoman

    Favorite NSWFF Canon Character:
    [Rings of Power/Lord of the Rings] Disa in Table Talk by @brodiew
    [Rings of Power/Lord of the Rings] Durin in Table Talk by @brodiew

    Favorite Original Character:
    Darth Ferrus in The Steel in Our Hearts Will Be Monuments by @ViariSkywalker
    Corissa in And They Danced by @Gabri_Jade

    Favorite Villain:
    Vader in Mourning by @vader_incarnate
    Vader in Inheritance by @vader_incarnate

    Favorite Established Relationship:
    Obi-Wan Kenobi/Siri Tachi in Beach Fun by @earlybird-obi-wan
    [Rings of Power/Lord of the Rings] Durin/Disa in Table Talk by @brodiew

    Favorite Original Relationship:
    Corissa/Julian Vasseron in And They Danced by @Gabri_Jade
  21. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Favorite Interpretation of a Movie Character
    Maul in Let Every Little Fracture Shatter by @Mira_Jade
    Bodhi Rook in Cargo Hauler by @Thumper09

    Favorite Interpretation of an EU Character or Game Character
    Hera Syndulla in Taungsday Night at Okadiah’s by @Raissa Baiard
    Orla Jareni in A World of Strange Wonders by @devilinthedetails

    Favorite NSWFF Canon Character
    Pete Mitchell in [Top Gun] Fragmentary by @DaenaBenjen42
    Margaret Dashwood in [Sense & Sensibility] "Keep Thy Armor Bright" by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Original Character
    Bissl in Fathom by @Thumper09
    Adé in “The Winter Queen” by @Pandora
    Henry Potter in [Harry Potter] Godric’s Squire by @devilinthedetails
    Alan Jenkins in [Top Gun] Fragmentary by @DaenaBenjen42

    Favorite Villain
    Qymaen jai Sheelal (General Grievous) in Even Without The Ray Shield, You're Still Imprisoned by @rktho
    Luke Skywalker in Black Knight by @vader_incarnate
    Fanny Dashwood in [Sense & Sensibility] The Mistress of Norland by @Mira_Jade
    Azula in [A:TLA] I Conquer Ba Sing Se and Other Earth Kingdom Adventures by @devilinthedetails

    Most Wholesome Character
    Din Djarin in The Song, the Sea, and the Mand’alor by @Findswoman
    Zallie in Snips and Snails and Bantha’s Tails by @Kit'
    Aang in [A:TLA] Love Sifus and Ice Sculptures by @devilinthedetails
    Marianne Dashwood in [Sense & Sensibility] "'Ode to a Brook' and Other Selections" by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Established Relationship
    Siri Tachi & Obi-Wan Kenobi in Above a Sea of Clouds by @Valiowk
    Revan & HK-47 in HK-47 and the Power of Nonviolent Resistance by @Findswoman
    Durin/Disa in [LOTR: Rings of Power] Table Talk by @brodiew
    Colonel Brandon/Mrs. Marianne Brandon in [Sense & Sensibility] "We Few, We Happy Few" by @Mira_Jade

    Favorite Original Relationship
    Ronan Jade/Nadira Jade in The Story So Far by @Gabri_Jade
    Bilga/Mesh in Ki Murangen by @rktho
    Mrs. Marianne Brandon & Mrs. Anne Wentworth in [Sense & Sensibility] "We Few, We Happy Few" by @Mira_Jade
    Nyota Uhura & Akilah Uhura in [Star Trek] Halcyon Dawn by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2023
    Chyntuck, Kit', Pandora and 9 others like this.
  22. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    And here are mine for week 2! :)

    Favorite Interpretation of a Movie Character
    Bodhi Rook in Cargo Hauler by @Thumper09
    Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader in Mourning by @vader_incarnate

    Favorite Interpretation of an EU Character or Game Character
    Revan in The Tale of Canderous Ordo and How It Is Past Wren’s Bedtime by @Kahara
    Dok-Ondar in In Which All Roads Lead to Dok-Ondar by @Seldes_Katne

    Favorite Original Character
    Wren Ordo in Ta’raysholan Nayc by @Raissa Baiard
    Lt. Tictintco “Slurry” Tnis in Lieutenant Tictintco “Slurry” Tnis, Corona Seven by @Thumper09

    Favorite Villain
    Maul in Finding Direction by @Seldes_Katne (because this is what should happen to a villain like him!)
    The kidnapper in The Steel in Our Hearts Will Be Monuments by @ViariSkywalker

    Most Wholesome Character
    Caelum in Snips and Snails and Bantha Tails by @Kit'
    The little Twi’lek girl in Open Mic Night at Anthon’s Restaurant by @Seldes_Katne

    Favorite Established Relationship
    Shmi Skywalker Lars and Cliegg Lars in A Year in Birthdays by @devilinthedetails
    Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla in Week 2 of “We Have Drabbles” by @Raissa Baiard

    Favorite Original Relationship
    Corissa Jade and Julian Vasseron in And They Danced by @Gabri_Jade
    Kazuda “Kaz” Xiono and Wren Ordo in Comfort Food by @Raissa Baiard

    Edit: Replaced one ineligible choice.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
    amidalachick, Kit', Chyntuck and 11 others like this.
  23. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    Favorite Interpretation of a Movie Character
    Han Solo in A Little Help Here? by @vader_incarnate
    Zuckuss in In the Name of the Mists by @Findswoman

    Favorite Interpretation of an EU Character or Game Character

    Canderous Ordo in The Tale of Canderous Ordo and How It Is Past Wren’s Bedtime by @Kahara
    HK-47 in HK-47 and the Power of Nonviolent Resistance by @Findswoman

    Favorite Original Character
    Bissl in Fathom by @Thumper09
    Telfien Viurraanvi in Mistless by @Findswoman

    Favorite Villain
    Darth Vader in Dark Chasm by @Starith
    Sidious in On the Creation of Monsters, week 1 by @vader_incarnate

    Most Wholesome Character

    Cat!Vader in Skyclawer by @vader_incarnate
    Ezrashai Orrelios in What's New, Tooka-Kit? by @Findswoman

    Favorite Established Relationship

    Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in Dark Chasm by @Starith
    Canderous Ordo and Revan in The Tale of Canderous Ordo and How It Is Past Wren’s Bedtime by @Kahara

    Favorite Original Relationship

    Zeb and Ezrashai Orrellios in What's New, Tooka-Kit? by @Findswoman
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2023
  24. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Mira walks back out on stage, this time sans her Song!verse characters.

    "Who knew that cake was the way to go?" She shrugs, bemused. "That was quite the feat for peace, even in my AU."

    Next to her, Ahsoka - who was unfortunately too Torgutan to enjoy cake with her fellow characters - smiles a sharp smile. "Wait until they get to the beverage table - I hear that the Mod Medley Sangria packs quite the punch this year."

    Mira waves a hand. "It's an old secret boards recipe that has brokered peace at many a forum gathering." She blinks. "Erm, peace and hijinks, now that I think of it." She looks at Ahsoka with growing alarm. "You don't think that we should be concerned about - "

    " - don't worry," Ahsoka assures her. "Rex is keeping Fives away from the sangria - and Jar Jar, too."

    "Oh thank goodness," Mira sighs with relief. "Ah well, what's done is done. I suppose that all I can do is read my favorites for this week, and trust in the will of the Force for the rest." She pushes her glasses up her nose, and shares the card with Ahsoka. "For Week 2, I'm pleased to share my . . ."

    Favorite Interpretation of a Movie Character
    Leia Organa in Reclamation, by @Gabri_Jade
    DJ in 'Cause I Don't, by @Findswoman

    Favorite Interpretation of an EU Character or Game Character
    Borsk Fey'lya in The Ballet, by @Gabri_Jade
    Ben Skywalker in Guardian, by @ViariSkywalker

    Favorite NSWFF Canon Character
    Pakku in [A:TLA] The Source of Happiness, by @devilinthedetails
    Spencer Dutton in [1923: Yellowstone] Grey: A Poem of Spencer Dutton, by @brodiew

    Favorite Original Character
    Dorian Starskip in There is Nothing Lost, by @ViariSkywalker
    Ronan Jade in The Story So Far, by @Gabri_Jade

    Most Wholesome Character
    Corissa Jade in The Funeral, by @Gabri_Jade
    Veeran Starskip in A Private Conversation, by @ViariSkywalker (yes, you read that right!)
    Izumi in [A:TLA] Her Father's Scar, by @devilinthedetails
    Lu Ten in [A:TLA] Most Underhanded Tactic, by @devilinthedetails

    Favorite Established Relationship
    Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker in Reclamation, by @Gabri_Jade
    Jaina Solo and Jacen Solo in Sacrifice, by @ViariSkywalker
    Max and Billy in Week Two of [Stranger Things] Through These Tangled Threads of Light, by @amidalachick
    Lu Ten and Iroh in [A:TLA] Absolution, by @devilinthedetails

    Favorite Original Relationship
    Darth Festus/Allana Djo Solo in Life Raft (and its follow-up Symbiotic), by @ViariSkywalker
    Mara Jade and the Jade family in Fragments of Jade, by @Gabri_Jade
    El and Billy in [Stranger Things] just whisper the word 'tomorrow' in my ear, by @amidalachick
    The Ocean and Billy in [Stranger Things] Salt and Water, by @amidalachick
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
  25. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Week 2: Characters and Relationships

    Favorite Interpretation of a Movie Character

    DJ in "'Cause I Don't" / Rose's Eleven by @Findswoman
    Darth Vader in Out of the Shadows by @BaconHeadIthorian

    Favorite Interpretation of an EU Character or Game Character
    HK-47 in "HK-47 and the Power of Nonviolent Resistence" / Rose's Eleven by @Findswoman (Note: this is an AU, so I'm not entirely sure if it's eligible for this category. I apologize if it's not.)

    Favorite Original Character

    Tara Tarindae in The Archivist's Shadow by @Kit'
    Osso Harch in "Open Mic Night at Anthon's Restaurant" / To Every Thing There is a Season by @Seldes_Katne

    Favorite Villain

    Ludmyla Gorbunov in Out of the Shadows by @BaconHeadIthorian