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Challenge 2023 Fanfiction Summer Olympics

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by devilinthedetails , Mar 19, 2023.

  1. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    It's summer again, which means it is time for another edition of the Fanfiction Summer Olympics.


    This Fanfiction Summer Olympics will be very similar in schedule and structure to the ones I hosted in 2021 and 2020 respectively, which inspired some truly marvelous stories on a variety of characters across the Star Wars and non-Star Wars fandoms.

    The main difference is an increase in the number of events participants can choose from to create stories that will count toward their triathlons, pentathlons, or decathlons. These new events are designed to keep the Summer Olympics feeling fresh and to give the competition more of a choose-your-own-adventure type of vibe. So feel free to mix and match between old and new prompts for your triathlons, pentathlons, and decathlons.

    A special shoutout and thank you to my wonderful fellow mod @Mira_Jade for helping me come up with some of these exciting new events I am excited to debut this year[face_party]

    This Fanfiction Summer Olympics is a competition where authors attempt to complete their choice of a triathlon (three writing events), a pentathlon (five writing events), or a decathlon (ten events) for a character, couple, family, or friendship they have selected before the competition closes.

    Nota bene: if you pick a certain character, couple, family, or friendship, that character or those characters should be the main focus of your stories, but you are certainly welcome to include other characters as well. For example, if you are writing Han/Leia for the Star Wars Pentathlon, Luke is welcome to show up as well in your story or stories. When picking a couple, you may also write about a non-canon couple if you'd like, and when writing stories, you may write in an AU if you'd like as well.

    For the triathlon, pentathlon, and decathlon there will be Star Wars and non-Star Wars categories in which authors may enter. This means the available events are as follows: Star Wars Triathlon, non-Star Wars Triathlon, Star Wars Pentathlon, non-Star Wars Pentathlon, Star Wars Decathlon, and non-Star Wars Decathlon.

    To enter the competition, simply post in this thread with your intention to enroll in a particular event in the Star Wars or non-Star Wars category and list what character, couple, family or friendship you would like to use for each event. You may enter multiple events. For example, you could announce your intention to write about Luke Skywalker for the Star Wars Pentathlon and Lily/James in the Harry Potter fandom for the non-Star Wars Decathlon. You can also edit your post to add new events that you’d like to sign up for as the competition continues.

    In your post, you can provide a link to your story thread or threads. You should keep all the events for a particular competition that you are entered in confined to one thread for easy reference and include the events in separate posts. For instance, if you are writing for the Luke Skywalker Pentathlon, all your writings for that event should be in one thread, but you should have another thread for your Lily/James submissions for the non-Star Wars Decathlon in another thread in the non-Star Wars category. Likewise, if you were to decide to write a Star Wars Triathlon for Han Solo, you would create yet another thread for that. You should also update your post with information on the different events that you have completed as you go along so that everyone can see and celebrate your progress.

    Multiple people may choose to write about the same character, couple, family, or friendship for their category (for example, multiple people could write about Han/Leia for a Star Wars Pentathlon, or multiple people could write about Anakin Skywalker for a Star Wars Triathlon). The main point of having people choose the couple or character they wish to focus on is to provide an extra element of challenge to this competition.

    At the end of the competition, anyone who has finished an event in a particular category will be considered a champion and a virtual gold medalist in that particular category. Anyone who completed multiple parts of an event but did not completely finish the event will receive a virtual silver medal in that category. Anyone completing one event in a particular category will receive a virtual bronze medal.

    Important Dates:

    The competition opens: June 1st, 2023.

    The competition closes: July 31st, 2023.

    Medal Ceremony: August 2nd, 2023.


    Event Choices:

    The Star Wars or Non Star Wars Triathlon: Pick any three of the below listed events OR any two of the below listed events if one of your selections is Marathon Swimming.

    The Star Wars or Non Star Wars Pentathlon: Pick any five of the below listed events OR any four of the below listed events if one of your selections is Marathon Swimming.

    The Star Wars or Non Star Wars Decathlon: Pick any ten of the below listed events OR any nine of the below listed events if one of your selections is Marathon Swimming.

    400 Word Cross Country: Exactly 400 words about your character, couple, family or friendship with any theme.

    110 Word Hurdle: Exactly 110 word story. As an optional bonus challenge, don't mention the name or names of your character, family, friendship or couple aren’t mentioned.

    Prime Time Coverage: Minimum 500 words of action, adventure, or excitement with your chosen character, friendship, family or couple as the star.

    1500 Word Dash: An exactly1500 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with any theme.

    100 Word Sprint: A 100 word drabble about your character, family, friendship or couple using any theme.

    AU Archery: A story of at least 100 words set in an alternate universe with your character, family, friendship, or couple.

    Fantastical Fencing: A story of at least 100 words involving your character, family, friendship or couple in which something fantastical happens.

    4x100 Relay: 4x100 word drabbles of exactly 100 words each on the four types of love (affection, intimacy, friendship, and charity) as experienced by your character, family, friendship or couple in one post.

    200 Freestyle: An exactly 200 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with a free choice of any theme.

    Single Sentence Shot Put: A story told in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple.

    Water Polo Poetry: Water Polo Poetry has no word limit. The rules are that it must be a piece of poetry written about your character, couple, family, friendship, etc. The piece of poetry does not have to be in any set style, either. It can be a haiku, a limerick, a sonnet, or something written in free verse. As long as it is poetry, it counts. Remember poetry is a celebration of sound and imagery and sometimes but not always rhyme, so those are the kinds of things expected in Water Polo Poetry.

    Rhythmic Gymnastics Drabbles: Write 5x100 word drabbles each exactly 100 words for the prompts Ribbon, Rope, Hoop, Ball, and Rhythm.

    3x3 Basketball: Write 3x300 word stories. Use the prompts Synergy, Toil, and Dauntless for your triple drabbles. Each story should be exactly 300 words long.

    Marathon Swimming: Write a story of at least 10k words to honor the epic test of endurance that is a 10km swim! Remember if you choose this event, it counts for two events, not just one. For an optional bonus challenge, include the elements: a test or trial that requires endurance; the words oxbow, quiver, deluge, current, and adamant; and include or take inspiration from the line of dialogue, "Are you going to stand or are you going to crumble? In the face of everything, stand still." - Gabby Douglas, American gymnast and three-time gold medalist

    Equestrian Cross-Country: Jump the following hurdles by writing a story of 400 or more words. You must include the story element of a chasm to cross; the words Reined, Fence, Hunter; and include or take inspiration from the line of dialogue, "Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation."- Katie Taylor, Irish boxer and 2012 gold medalist

    Tennis Match: Write a story of 100 or more words that is dialogue-only to create a true volley of words.

    High Dive: Write a story of 500 or more words of dialogue-free introspection.

    Judo: In Japanese the word "ju-do" means "the way of suppleness", referring to the story of the tree branch "bending" under the weight of the snow and not breaking. Write a story of 100 or more words where your character shows "the way of suppleness."

    Rugby 7's: Write a story of 7x 7 sentences. As an optional bonus challenge, use these 7 images as inspiration for each of your seven sections of seven sentences:


    Synchronized Swimming: Write a story between 230-500 words in length inspired by a song of your choice.

    Competition Rules:
    1. All stories should comply with the fanfiction rules of this site, but I’m sure all you wonderful people knew that already.
    2. All word counts for stories should be followed as exactly as possible in order to ensure that the competition remains challenging.
    Q: Does a story have to be "new" and written specifically for the Summer Olympics to be used for the Summer Olympics?

    A: In a nutshell, yes, I would like all the stories posted for the Summer Olympics to be new, but don't be too intimidated. Remember that if you sign up for a particular triathlon, pentathlon, or decathlon, you can still become a bronze or silver medalist if you finish a story or two from that triathlon, pentathlon, or decathlon, so any progress you do make toward finishing your triathlon, pentathlon, or decathlon will be celebrated and acknowledged!

    Q: Can stories written for the Summer Olympics be combined with other challenges (e.g. 4x100 Relay also being written for the OTP Challenge)?

    From my end, I'm fine with someone "doubling dipping" with a particular story by making it work for this event and other challenges. I would still like anything written for this challenge to be put in its specially made thread for easy finding, though. For example, if someone were writing an Anakin/Padme Decathlon and the 4x100 Relay was also used for the OTP Challenge, I'd like for the 4X100 Relay to be in the thread the author made for the Anakin/Padme Decathlon. Also, since I don't want to step on any toes or violate the rules of any other challenge, I'd say to double-check with whoever is running the other challenge you plan on "double dipping" with just to make sure that they are fine with it. I'll put the responsibility of double-checking that with each individual competitor, however, and if a story that "double-dips" is posted for this Summer Olympics, I'll assume that they did get such approval from the person running the challenge.

    Q: For the 4x100 Relay, what are the definitions for affection and intimacy, and how do they differ? How intimate does intimacy have to be?

    I'd define affection as that sort of warm, fuzzy feeling of fondness. Affection could be for a family member, a friend, or a pet.

    I'd define intimacy as a deep feeling of closeness to someone; a sense that you know someone profoundly and that person knows you. It can be felt between people in a romantic relationship, but also between parents and children or between siblings or between friends. It doesn't necessarily have to be physical intimacy in my opinion.

    I'll also say that you can be quite open-ended and flexible with the definitions. Ultimately it is about what intimacy or affection means to your character, couple, family, or friendship if that makes sense.

    Q: Do signups close on June 1st when the competition begins?

    Since this is such a long competition, I will leave signups open after June 1st, and allow signups until the closing date, though, obviously, the nearer you signup to the closing date, the less time you have to work on your events. This also holds true for people who might have signed up already but want to add another event. For instance, if someone signed up to write a Luke Pentathlon but wants to write a Han Triathlon as well, that person can signup after June 1st for the Han Triathlon. I know it can be hard to predict in June what your August schedule will look like so I think having signups that go beyond June 1st will help with that.

    Q: Can we start planning before the competition officially opens?

    Absolutely. Everyone is welcome to plan and outline before the official start of the competition. Consider it training and warmups for the Olympics!

    Q: Do titles count toward word counts?

    I don't generally include titles in calculating a word count, but you may as long as you are consistent throughout the competition.

    Q: Can we start writing the actual stories before the official opening of the competition?

    You may begin writing your stories, but please wait to post them until the competition opens officially with a post in this thread on June 1st.

    Further Questions:

    If you have any further questions about this Fanfiction Summer Olympics, please feel free to post in this thread or send me a PM, and I will do my best to address any questions you might have.

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2023
  2. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Opening Ceremony and Parade of Athletes (a.k.a. Index of Competitors) :

    Star Wars Triathlon:
    @Chyntuck (Quinlan Vos): Song of Fate
    @JediMaster_Jen (Owen Lars, Beru Lars, and Luke Skywalker): On a Sea of Sand
    @Kahara (Indeera, Bell, Burryaga, and Ember):
    @Seldes_Katne (Lys Solay and friends from the Young Jedi Adventures TV series): Walks on the Wild Side
    @earlybird-obi-wan (Halycon, Horn, and Keana): Case 1
    @earlybird-obi-wan (Halcyon, Horn, and Keans): Case 2
    @Pandora (OC's Amilia and Florian): Night and Night
    @earlybird-obi-wan (Halcyon, Horn, and Keana): Case 3
    @earlybird-obi-wan (Halcyon, Horn, and Keana): Case 4

    Star Wars Pentathlon:

    @devilinthedetails (Jocasta Nu): Budding Archivist
    @Chyntuck (Focusing on a collage of artists and artworks): Song of Fate
    @Seldes_Katne (Melch and his relatives): Prepping for Flight
    @Thumper09 (Imperial troops):
    @Kahara (Rebels Space Family in a new AU):
    @Kahara (Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, and other Sequels characters):
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha (Luke/Mara and Han/Leia): Collage of Memorable Scenes
    @Mira_Jade (Song!Verse Clone Troopers):
    @Nehru_Amidala (Thrawn/Jaina): And Forever
    @earlybird-obi-wan (OC's of the Keana Family): Investigators
    @Thumper09 (Star Wars sports): Color Commentary
    @gizkaspice (Mando, Grogu, and various aliens): This IS the way
    @Raissa Baiard (Ezra Bridger): Spectre Six: More Tales of the Infinite Ezras
    @Chyntuck (Origin stories of Wookie Tribes): In the Shade of the Wroshyr-Tales of the People of the Trees
    @JediMaster_Jen (featuring Obi-Wan, Satine, Korkie, OC Jathan and Yoda): Reignite the Light
    @whiskers (Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors): The Dark Forces Saga
    @DarthIshtar (Bail/Breha): Heavy the Head

    Star Wars Decathlon:

    @devilinthedetails (Qui-Gon Jinn): A Meditation on Unconventionality
    @Chyntuck (Wookie Cosmogony): In the Shade of the Wroshyr-Tales of the People of the Trees
    @Seldes_Katne (Vestri Dain and her Gungan family): Career Exploration (with Gungans)
    @DarthIshtar (the Skywalker twins): We Shall All Hang Separately
    @Mira_Jade (Luthen Rael and Kleya Marki): The Man of Many Ways
    @ViariSkywalker (Skywalker/Solo Family and Friends): A Strange and Dazzling Array
    @earlybird-obi-wan (OC Tarhin Engaron): Special Ops
    @vader_incarnate (Luke/Mara):
    @vader_incarnate (Darth Vader):
    @UltramassiveUbersue (Qui-Gon Jinn): Ten Reasons Why Qui-Gon Jinn is Not On The Jedi Council
    @Chyntuck (Ayesha Eskari and Jesse): Song of Fate
    @Mira_Jade (Song!Verse Darth Maul and Mara Jade): Our Hearts Were Never Meant to Kneel
    @earlybird-obi-wan (Tarhin Engaron, Ivano Arvedai, Steve Magaron, Tarkan Er-Veridan): Holocron Trouble
    @earlybird-obi-wan (the holocron and various beings it meets): The holocron of ultimate power

    Non Star Wars Triathlon:
    @devilinthedetails (OC Henry Potter-Harry Potter): Henry from the Hollow
    @pronker (Marya Parmanova-Hogan's Heroes): Age of Reason
    @amidalachick (Stranger Things featuring Max Mayfield and Billy Hargrove): Let the Night Come and Do What It May

    Non Star Wars Pentathlon:
    @devilinthedetails (King Lune-Narnia): A King of Archenland
    @devilinthedetails (Caspian-Narnia): Tales of Majesty and Stardust
    @devilinthedetails (Zuko and Piandao-Avatar: The Last Airbender): The Way of the Sword
    @devilinthedetails (Pakku-Avatar: The Last Airbender): Son of Ocean and Snow

    Non-Star Wars Decathlon:

    @Mira_Jade (Ensemble Cast, the summer of 1798-Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility): The Best is Yet To Be
    @gizkaspice (Sauron and a cat-Lord of the Rings): Sauron: The Lord of the Cats
    @Mira_Jade (Queen Victoria/Lord Melbourne, Victoria): A Kingdom Where My Love Can Stand
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2023
  3. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Medal Ceremony

    Gold Medalists in the Star Wars Triathlon:

    @Chyntuck, Song of Fate
    @JediMaster_Jen, On a Sea of Sand
    @Seldes_Katne, Walks on the Wild Side
    @earlybird-obi-wan, Case 1
    @earlybird-obi-wan, Case 2
    @Pandora, Night and Night

    Gold Medalists in the Star Wars Pentathlon:
    @devilinthedetails, Budding Archivist
    @Chyntuck, Song of Fate
    @Seldes_Katne, Prepping for Flight
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, Collage of Memorable Moments
    @earlybird-obi-wan, Investigators
    @Thumper09, Color Commentary
    @gizkaspice, This IS the Way
    @Chyntuck, In the Shade of the Wroshyr-Tales of the People of the Trees
    @JediMaster_Jen, Reignite the Night
    @whiskers , The Dark Forces Saga
    @DarthIshtar, Heavy the Head

    Silver Medalist in the Star Wars Pentathlon:
    @Nehru_Amidala, And Forever

    Bronze Medalist in the Star Wars Pentathlon:
    @Raissa Baiard, Spectre Six More Tales of the Infinite Ezras

    Gold Medalists in the Star Wars Decathlon:
    @devilinthedetails, A Meditation on Unconventionality
    @Chyntuck, In the Shade of the Wroshyr-Tales of the People of the Trees
    @Seldes_Katne, Career Exploration
    @DarthIshtar, We Shall All Hang Separately
    @ViariSkywalker, A Strange and Dazzling Array
    @earlybird-obi-wan, Special Ops
    @UltramassiveUbersue, Ten Reasons Why Qui-Gon Is Not On the Jedi Council
    @earlybird-obi-wan, Holocron Trouble
    @earlybird-obi-wan, The holocron of ultimate power

    Silver Medalists in the Star Wars Decathlon:
    @Chyntuck tuck, Song of Fate
    @Mira_Jade, Our Hearts Were Never Mean to Kneel

    Bronze Medalist in the Star Wars Decathlon:
    @Mira_Jade, The Man of Many Ways

    Gold Medalists in the Non-Star Wars Triathlon:
    @devilinthedetails, Henry from the Hollow
    @pronker, Age of Reason
    @amidalachick, Let the Night Come and Do What It May

    Gold Medalists in the Non-Star Wars Pentathlon:
    @devilinthedetails, A King of Archenland
    @devilinthedetails, Tales of Majesty and Stardust
    @devilinthedetails, The Way of the Sword
    @devilinthedetails, Son of Ocean and Snow

    Gold Medalist in Non-Star Wars Decathlon:
    @gizkaspice, Lord of the Cats

    Silver Medalists in the Non-Star Wars Decathlon:
    @Mira_Jade, The Best is Yet to Be
    @Mira_Jade, A Kingdom Where My Love Can Stand
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2023
  4. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Woo-hoo! I've been waiting (impatiently) for this challenge to be announced. It was such a great experience for me back in 2021 and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

    And all these new prompt options? How can I hope to rein in the muse? *I'm doomed* *oh goody* *vade retro, DRL* *etc*

    Please sign me up for a SW decathlon of Wookiee myths and legends (or maybe even two of those :p ). If I must absolutely name a character to headline it, it would be a yet-unnamed Wookiee deity.

    And at long last, the Secret Project™ that I've been working on thanks to @Mira_Jade is going to see the light of day: it's an Ἀνάγκη/Song!verse crossover and it will include (all in SW, obviously):
    • a Quinlan Vos triathlon
    • a pentathlon featuring Ayesha Eskari and Mira's version of Jesse [face_party]
    • a pentathlon revolving around artists and artworks (which is likely to evolve into a decathlon, but let's start small and see where it goes). Again, if I must absolutely name a friendship to headline it, it would be the Ἀνάγκη/Song!verse artsy crowd.
    @devilinthedetails Just to confirm, in case you want to do things differently than in 2021:
    1. Is it still OK to combine two prompts for a story? e.g. a two-part vignette where the first paragraph is the 110-word hurdle and the 2nd the 100 word sprint, with a note about the prompt at the beginning of each paragraph.
    2. Is it OK if I post my three entries for the Ἀνάγκη/Song!verse crossover in a single thread? This won't be a single continuous story like I did in 2021, it's a series of interconnected vignettes, but since they all take place in the same 'verse, I'd just as well post them chronologically in-universe.
    Last edited: May 5, 2023
  5. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @Chyntuck So glad you are so excited to see this challenge return![face_dancing]

    The new prompts definitely have my muse working overtime to produce more ideas for fics than I will probably ever be able to write, but biting off more than I can chew just seems to be part of the fun of the Summer Olympics for me at this point[face_laugh]

    I've got you signed up for the Wookie myths and legends Star Wars decathlon in the index. I know people have done decathlons, pentathlons, and triathlons that were united by a single 'verse or theme, and I think that doing a decathlon focusing on Wookie myths and legends would fit within that precedent. I can't wait to see what you post with the Wookie myths and legends theme:chewie:

    I've also got you signed up for the Quinlan Vos triathlon, the pentathlon with Ayesha Eskari and Jesse, and the pentathlon featuring various artists and artworks. Again, I think that all these fall under the category of being united by a 'verse or theme and so don't really need to be more specific than that.

    To answer your questions:

    1. Yes, it's still okay to combine two prompts for a story. For example, to have a two part vignette where the first paragraph is the 110 Word Hurdle and the second is the 110 Word Sprint with the note about the prompt at the beginning of the paragraphs as you noted:)

    2. Yes, I think it would be fine if you posted your three entries for the crossover in a single thread. Maybe just include in each story post what event the story is counting for (triathlon, pentathlon, etc.) to hopefully make it easier for me to index properly. But, as always, if I do make an error in indexing, please feel free to let me know in this thread or by PM, and I will try to fix it as soon as possible;)
  6. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Ah! It is that time again, and this year I can participate with not one, but two teams! :D (Confession: I have been working on these since February, because real life has been less than stellar and writing is a kind of therapy right now....)

    Please sign me up for a Star Wars decathlon featuring Vestri Dain and her Gungan family, and a Star Wars pentathlon featuring Melch and his relatives (with occasional guest appearances by Hondo Ohnaka)

    I'm pleased to see some new events, as I've been having a problem choosing events for the decathlon in particular. Looking forward to this!
  7. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I would like to enter the Star Wars decathlon for the Skywalker twins if that’s allowed. Not romance, friendship and relationship before and after a bridge on Endor.
  8. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Very glad to see this again! :D

    Please sign me up for a SW pentathlon for Imperial troops.

    I'll probably end up trying another as well, but I'm not sure on the subject or length yet. Part of me wants to do a decathlon of sequels to my Kessel Run from this year, but I have some reservations about that so I'm still deciding what I'm going to do. I'll figure something out.
  9. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Oh, yay, three more signups!=D=

    @Seldes_Katne I'm so sorry to hear that real life has been rough for you lately, but I'm so glad that working on stories for this Olympics has been a comfort to you! Sometimes fanfic can be the best inspiration and refuge[:D]

    I've got you signed up for both the Star Wars decathlon featuring Vestri Dain and her Gungan family as well as the Star Wars pentathlon with Melch and his relatives.

    Yes, I think that the new events will do a great job keeping things fresh and giving people more options. Especially those who want to complete a decathlon! :D

    @DarthIshtar Writing a Star Wars decathlon featuring the Skywalker twins is totally allowed, and I'm excited to see what you will come up with for it! I've got you added to the index with a Star Wars decathlon for the Skywalker twins now:D

    @Thumper09 I am truly thrilled to host the Summer Olympics again this year and having you participate again will be awesome!:cool:

    I've got you added to the index with the Star Wars pentathlon for the Imperial troops.

    I can always add an extra events that you wish to sign up for later so no worries about that. Signups will remain open after June 1st until the closing date of July 31st so there is no rush:)
  10. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    So happy to see the Summer Olympics again!! :D I'm gonna start small. Sign me up for a triathlon featuring Owen and Beru Lars and Luke Skywalker.

    I will most likely be doing either a pentathlon or decathlon featuring my OC from the Kessel Run, but that depends on time. :D We'll see what happens.
  11. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    And these are going straight on the Watchlist!
  12. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I love GFFA deities. I’ve made Leia a grumpy prophetess for one series as queen of Alderaan because there’s a line in one novelization about her praying like she used to do on Alderaan and I had to figure out who she was praying to. Now it’s a whole thing. :)
  13. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    I sign up for the Star Wars pentathlon with my main OC character Tarhin Engaron
    and for the triathlon with my OC's of the Keana family
    Last edited: May 5, 2023
  14. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Okay, before I have time to think about it too much I'm going to sign up for three things:
    1) triathlon featuring Indeera, Bell, Burryaga, and Ember from the High Republic
    2) pentathlon with the Rebels Space Family in a new AU
    3) triathlon with the Sequels crew (Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, and company) in the Twin Suns B&B-verse

    No guarantees but I hope to complete at least one!
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    @devilinthedetails You had me at basketball! [face_laugh] [face_dancing]
    I'd love to write about 2 couples: Luke/Mara, Han/Leia.
    The following events:
    High Dive

    Water Polo Poetry

    3x3 Basketball

    Tennis Match

    Single Sentence Shot Put
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  16. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Right back at you! I can't wait to read more of Vestri's adventures, and I need to catch up with your Hondo story, because this promises to be a treat!

    Actually, every single item listed above promises to be a treat. Imperial troops? KR sequels and spinoffs? Classic canon character stories? New AUs? What more can a girl ask for? =P~

    I'm so excited for this challenge! Maybe even more than I was for the Kessel Run back in January, now that I got my writing groove back. Believe me, that's saying something :p 8-}

    New rule! New rule! I'm not signing up for extra events until I have those I already announced outlined in great detail. [/calvinball]
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Happy wriggles! When the KR wrapped, I thought, I was sad to see all those nummies come to an end and I didn't know when new stuff would be posted. All these look great and I am stoked to be participating as well. :cool:
  18. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004


    Ahem, if our fabulous hostess would be so kind as to sign me up for . . .
    • SW Pentathlon: Song!verse Darth Maul & Mara Jade
    • SW Pentathlon: Song!verse Clone Troopers
    • SW Decathlon: Luthen Rael & Kleya Marki
    • NSW Decathlon: [Sense & Sensibility] Ensemble Cast, the summer of 1798

    I have no idea how far I'm going to get, but I'm going to give it my best shot. :cool: [face_mischief]

    Thank you, as always, for all of the hard work you put into hosting what we can now call a boards classic, @devilinthedetails! Something tells me that the reading - and writing - is going to be particularly wonderful this year, and I can't wait. [face_dancing] [:D]
  19. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    @Mira_Jade ooh more Sense and Sensibility! I have been thinking that you've done such a marvelous job expanding on Austen's characters and their relationships by focusing in on the during and after the couples are established LOL Hmm. Who is Luthen and Cleya? Cool names. :D
  20. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Aw, thanks! S&S holds such a special place in my heart. I love playing in the sandbox Austen created, so I'm thrilled to hear that my stories have resonated with you too! [face_love] [:D]

    And Luthen and Kleya are Rebel operatives from Andor - which I 110% recommend watching! My decathlon will detail the years leading up to the series, however, so very little prior knowledge will be required for reading. [face_mischief]
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  21. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    I've been told that I need to do a happy decathlon to make up for the decathlon of death I did last time. [face_whistling] So... I guess sign me up for a decathlon for the Skywalker/Solo family and we'll see what happens. :p
  22. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    LET THE SQUEEING BEGIN! =D= The only thing that would make this more off the chain splentab is Gabri's Jade family adventures. [face_batting] ^:)^
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  23. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    *pterodactyl screech*


    I see that you were modest in only signing up for one thread this year. Let me order off the Enter!verse menu for any and all of the following: Tahiri/Ulin; Jaina/Jag; Festus/Allana & Festus and Ferrus 2.0; Ferrus/Iselle no really I need it; The Next Generation (or Davin and Dolan and Roan can all use their own threads [face_batting] - MAYBE THIS IS WHERE I CAN GET MY FESTUS PLUS CHILD STORY); Leia and Mara; pre-Sequel build up; MOAR REGENCY AU PLEASE AND THANK YOU; and if you absolutely need to rip our hearts out, you can flex your angstmonger-y muscles with a Jacen or Doctor Mezzon thread. [face_whistling] ALSO DON'T THINK I AM LETTING YOU OFF THE HOOK FOR A SWANFIRE TRIATHLON AT THE VERY LEAST THIS YEAR SO EASILY! [face_mischief] :*


    Speaking of Evil Authors whose characters deserve All of the Happiness, I am so, so excited about this project, too! I'm still awed and honored beyond words that you even wanted to imagine your characters in my 'verse, let alone write for them to this degree! I will be watching this thread with great interest - by which I obviously mean sheer, giddy joy! [face_love] [face_dancing]

  24. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Lovely to see so many signups[face_dancing]

    @JediMaster_Jen A triathlon featuring Owen, Beru, and Luke sounds absolutely perfect and precious! I can't wait to see what you will come up with:D And when you do decide either way about the pentathlon or decathlon featuring your Kessel Run OC, just let me know, and I'll update the index to reflect your choice!

    @earlybird-obi-wan So exciting to see you will be doing both a Star Wars triathlon and a Star Wars Pentathlon featuring your wonderful OC's! I've got you added to the index with your characters in both categories:)

    @Kahara Yay for you being ambitious and signing up for three different Star Wars Olympic events=D= I've got you in the index for all three, and I am super excited to see more High Republic content because we all know that is totally my jam! So I will definitely be checking out your triathlon featuring the High Republic characters!

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha I was super excited to add basketball to the sports represented at our Fanfic Summer Olympics this year, and I'm so pleased to see you so enthusiastic about basketball being part of our Summer Olympics this year[face_party] I've got you added to the index for a Star Wars pentathlon featuring Luke/Mara and Han/Leia (two of my favorite couples as well[face_love]) but if you would like me to change it to a pentathlon for each pairing just let me know, and I can edit the index:)

    @Mira_Jade Wonderful to see you signing up for so many different events![face_dancing] I've got everything added to the index, and I am eagerly anticipating what you will write with the Sense and Sensibility cast for your Non-Star Wars Decathlon. That reminds me I should listen to my audiobook version of Sense and Sensibility before the start of the Summer Olympics. It is read by Rosamund Pike and should be an absolute treat to listen to, and then I will be all prepared for your lovely Jane Austen content@};-

    @ViariSkywalker I've got you all signed up for a Skywalker/Solo family Decathlon, but I didn't commit you to making it a happy one in the index, so you are still free to make it a decathlon of death if you wish;)
  25. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    @devilinthedetails If I woke up this morning and decided I'd like to do a triathlon for Bail and Breha as well, can I add that to my plans?