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Challenge 2020 Reading Challenge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Kit', Jan 16, 2020.

  1. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Welcome to the 2020 Reader’s challenge! This year’s challenge is about upping your 2020 reading game in a big way. Below you will find 20 prompts (for 2020) to challenge you to get outside of your comfort zone when it comes to reading fanfic! Hopefully it will broaden your horizons and push you to read something you never would have clicked on.

    Who knows, you may uncover a new favourite genre or author, get a fresh perspective on a character or see an event in a whole new light! Part of the challenge is also leaving feedback for the author which is great for growing our community and sharing the love around.

    How it works:

    1. This is a yearlong challenge that runs from now until the 1st of January 2021
    2. There are 20 fic prompts to this reading challenge. You may read any fic that fits the prompt
    3. To be eligible for this challenge you need to sign up by stating your intent below. In your post you will need to copy the list of the challenges
    4. Once you’ve read a fic that meets the challenge, edit your original post with the title of the work next to the prompt. Also leave a short review of the fic next to the prompt, This will help keep track of your progress and let others know about the great fics you've found
    5. Make sure that you also share the love in the fic itself and let the author know on their fic what you loved about their work.

    Prompts -

    1. A fic by your favourite* author

    2. A fic with two or more authors

    3. A short story/one shot

    4. An old favourite*

    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character

    6. A challenge winner

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided

    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters

    11. A fic by a new^ author

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show

    14. A fic with a great first line

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title

    * - Favourite = something that you really enjoy reading, or would absolutely recommend to other people. The one you used to check for updates all the time (or still do).

    ^ New author = someone who has joined in the last year.

    Good luck and happy reading!

    Bibliophile (those who finished):


    Bookworms (those who took part):

    @Raissa Baiard

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
  2. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Ooh, this is very cool indeed! Kind of a treasure hunt for reading and reviewing! I'm game to give it a go; I've copied in the list below. :D

    Just to check: this only counts for fics that we read and review in 2020, but the fics themselves can be ones from before 2020, right? And I guess you'd like us to link to the fics we read when we add them to our list? (Or to the reviews we leave on them?) Again, just want to make sure I understand how this is supposed to go. :)

    1. A fic by your favourite* author—I may have to abstain from this one; I have more than one favorite author. Update: My original plan was to abstain from this category entirely, because I really and truly have more than one favorite author here and picking one just isn’t possible. So I’ve decided to use this slot to celebrate a particular one of those favorite authors who is returning to writing after a period of hiatus, and that is @Kahara, with her sparkling drabble series Twin Suns Bed and Breakfast and Other Stories. Such joy to see you back, old friend! @};-

    2. A fic with two or more authors—From Slavery to Aristocracy by @Adalia-Durron and @Anedon . Navigating the ins and outs of a culture not your own can be scary, even deadly—but with someone you love by your side, you'll make it through!

    3. A short story/one shot—Devil on My Shoulder by @Eryndil. A one-shot in a different and unusual format: the voices Anakin hears from his two very different mentors throughout the Prequel Trilogy.

    4. An old favourite*—The Beginning of Honor by @Raissa Baiard. Wonderful origin story for Zeb Orrelios, taking place during his youth on Lasan—and the story that jumpstarted my own fanfic engagement with this remarkable character! :zeb:

    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character—The Dark Jedi by @Oddly_Salacious. Part of the ongoing and very intriguing Mardo and Bess series. Bess is the eponymous dark Jedi of this story (who isn't really that dark in the strict sense), this time on a solo mission, and she is a Gotal. (Oddly's stories are some of the few I've come across with a protagonist of this species!)

    6. A challenge winner—Don't Be Afraid of the Dark by @divapilot , well-deserved winner of the OC Revolution 2016 Summer/Autumn/Winter Challenge, which responds to not just one but two (2) challenge prompts with flying colors.

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else—Written in Sand by @CaraJinn, her excellent and far-reaching Obi-Wan diary from last year, which came very highly recommended to me by @Kahara .

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title—If It Takes Years by @Jâd Sphera for snarky, spicy L/M on Myrkr by a real L/M maven!

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided—two in this category: Now You’re a Home by @Mira_Jade, a radiantly bittersweet and richly detailed Rex/Ahsoka slow burn; and Still, You Give, also by @Mira_Jade, in which Zeb and Kallus, while babysitting Jacen Syndulla and Nehru’s OC Rhiannon Hektor after crash-landing the Ghost on a winterlocked planet, bond over reminiscences of seasonal holidays past and find common ground in those reminiscences. See this post.

    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters—Dr. Vertti, I Presume? by @Gamiel. A group of university professors is about to go in search of a colleague lost in the Unknown Regions. All the characters are OCs (and one, the title character, is borrowed from @Raissa Baiard), and all, as far as I can tell, are female.

    11. A fic by a new^ author—Nobody Loves a Smuggler, by @Minimilk. This author joined last Saturday, Feb. 22, and has just begun posting quite an interesting looking tale of a Nar Shaddaa smuggler. Curious to see where it will go!

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try—Du Doompa by @rktho. Been curious about this one for a long time, and now that I’ve caught up with it my curiosity has more than paid off! “Du Doompa” means “the lowly” in Huttese, and this epic goes in-depth into the gritty everyday of members of the Galaxy’s lower income bracket—and those who are hunting them down. Features a vibrant and diverse cast of characters (including lots of aliens, yay!) who are drawn together by fate and circumstance.

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show—Even Ground by @brodiew. It features Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai and is in a part of the Beyond era I don't know well, but brodie's trademark combination of tender sincerity and witty banter is a pleasure to read in any era!

    14. A fic with a great first line—Color Me Pink by @Mira_Jade. The attention-grabbing first line of this funny, sweet AU tale (SongVerse, woohoo!) is “Yeah, that’s really pink!”—borrowed from @Raissa Baiard’s Anything but Boring as per the rules of the 2020 April Fool’s Challenge.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC—Outrage by @Cowgirl Jedi 1701, a delightful moment of emotion (title says it all) starring a new (to me) OC with a very long name!

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention—Terrarium Takeover, a hilarious one-shot by @devilinthedetails, in which a young Qui-Gon, much to his master's dismay, brings the outdoors indoors... :D

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday—An Unexpected Jawa by @wicket1138 , begun in October 2019. The beginning of an epic adventure with a Jawa protagonist—can't believe I missed it the first time!

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019—The Winter Queen, by @Pandora , a fairly-far-future story of a cultured young schoolteacher about to begin a new job in a rarefied, hierarchical society that’s been set up on—Hoth!

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title—One Love, One Lifetime by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha . NSWFF (Star Trek), featuring Amanda's thoughts and feelings as she's on her way to become Sarek's life mate—and inspired by a beautiful song!

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title—Meaning and Purpose by @Jedi Master Kenobiwan, in which Obi-Wan finds himself in a Galaxy Not Far Away! Marked “Obi-Wan/OC” in the thread title, which of course caught my attention as an aficionado of EC/OC ships. ;)
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2020
  3. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Ooh, I think a fan fic treasure hunt is the best way to put it! What a wonderful idea for a challenge, and a rich opportunity for the entire community! I am definitely game to try this for myself as much as I can't wait to see everyone else's progress, too! :D [face_dancing]

    So, here I go with:

    1. A fic by your favourite author

    2. A fic with two or more authors

    3. A short story/one shot

    4. An old favourite

    5. A fic starring a non-human character

    6. A challenge winner

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided -- I finally took the plunge with @ViariSkywalker's The Lands of the Dead. In this case, I mean intimidating as the highest possible compliment. This story is a psychological horror of the first degree, and not an easy subject to write - or read! - about. Delving into this story was like tip-toeing into icy cold water. It took me a couple tries, but once I was in, I was in hook, line, and sinker. This is a visceral, savage story about the lengths human beings can be pushed to in the name of survival, and the unbreakable bond between brothers, for better or worse. It's a Legends AU, which is right up my alley in a wonderfully nostalgic way, and it's opened the door to me reading Viari's time travel AU next! There, I am intrigued to see what ultimately becomes of Darth Festus and Darth Ferrus, and the entire Sith Order who created them. Haunting and powerful, this is a fic that's definitely going to stay with me. =D=

    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters

    11. A fic by a new author

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show

    14. A fic with a great first line

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2020
  4. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    This sounds like fun! I’ve been meaning to do better at commenting and reading, so sign me up, too!
    1. A fic by your favourite* author: A Private Place (MMM #8; Zeb/OC romance; pre-Rebels)

    2. A fic with two or more authors
    3. A short story/one shot : Great Minds and Sweet Plans! H/L One-shot for MMM
    4. An old favourite*
    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character
    6. A challenge winner
    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else
    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title Hanging by a Thread
    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided
    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters
    11. A fic by a new^ author
    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try
    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show
    14. A fic with a great first line
    15. A fic whose main character is an OC
    16. A fic whose title catches your attention
    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday
    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019
    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title: Stolen Moments and Balcony Kisses
    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  5. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Questions! Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Normally the boards notify me for everything but not this thread :confused:

    • You can read fics from any year (including the Classics board if you want to go back that far) but they have to be ones you've read this year.
    • If you could link the fics when you review them that'd be great (or even just link them for yourself pre-review so you know that you've done that category).
    I like treasure hunt! Wish I'd thought of that for the title now! Although you could see it a bit like Pokemon too - gotta read them all! [face_laugh]
    Kahara, Mira_Jade and Findswoman like this.
  6. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Realised I hadn't done my own list too so here it is

    Prompts -

    1. A fic by your favourite* author

    2. A fic with two or more authors

    3. A short story/one shot - Happy to be Us by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha which is also outside of my time period. It's short, snappy, sappy and really cute.

    4. An old favourite* - I've gone back and read You can run but you can't hide by @HaiGan who is an author that I miss dearly. The thread it on the classic boards and so the posts are truncated but HaiGan was an exceptional writer and her stories were always amazing

    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character - The Sisterhood of the Rose Evergreen by @Findswoman which is an amazing collection of drabbles about four strong and independent women travelling the universe. Findswoman does an amazing job at revealing their stories through the drabbles.

    6. A challenge winner - An Imperial Parody by @devilinthedetails. This one is hard to review because I don't want to spoil any of it. Go read it. You'll definitely see why it won the Dare Challenge.

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided

    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters

    11. A fic by a new^ author - SW Triathlon by @Da'niel. New author to the board whose work is well worth checking out. There is only one story so far but it's really good. I'm definitely looking forward to reading the rest.

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show - Erosion by @Thumper09. I'm a prequels girl at heart so any time I venture into anything past the first two movies is different for me. I really love this story, it's great.

    14. A fic with a great first line

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Prompts --

    1. A fic by your favourite author

    2. A fic with two or more authors

    Power versus Passions

    This is by @Anedon & @Adalia-Durron. It's a wonderful diary entry featuring two amazing original characters.

    3. A short story/one shot

    4. An old favourite

    OMG, it will be until my last breath too!

    Perfect - An L/M AU

    By the unparalleled @Irish_Jedi_Jade

    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character

    6. A challenge winner

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title

    Romance Among the Stones

    by @Findswoman -- because ... Garashul :* :D

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided

    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters
    This is by @The1stJediPrincess & the OC stars are Skylar & Thoran.

    11. A fic by a new^ author

    This is a brand-spanking new author:

    In Another World

    By @the-505th

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show

    14. A fic with a great first line

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC
    "Dis Dress" by @Kit'
    Main character is Kithera. Jedi in disguise at a wedding. [face_rofl]

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention

    Too Many Cats

    by @JediMaster_Jen

    The title says it all! [face_rofl] [face_mischief]

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title

    Silly Love Songs
    by @amidalachick
    A sweet ficlet collection! [face_love] :*

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  8. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Prompts -

    1. A fic by your favourite* author
    2. A fic with two or more authors
    3. A short story/one shot
    4. An old favourite*
    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character Seven Seconds by @Thumper09 . In addition to being a bang-up exciting story, the protagonist, Lt. Kutoka, is a Duros pilot.
    6. A challenge winner
    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else
    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title Hanging by a Thread by @brodiew. This is a wonderfully layered introspective look at what it took for Ben Solo to climb that cliff wall in TROS.
    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided
    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters
    11. A fic by a new^ author
    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try
    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show
    14. A fic with a great first line
    15. A fic whose main character is an OC
    16. A fic whose title catches your attention
    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday Redemption by @Anedon is a OC-centric great adventure story that involves a redeemed Jacen Solo.
    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019
    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title Love in the Country by @Cowgirl Jedi 1701 . A sweet, romantic moment between two lovers (but I won't tell you who!)
    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title

    * - Favourite = something that you really enjoy reading, or would absolutely recommend to other people. The one you used to check for updates all the time (or still do).

    ^ New author = someone who has joined in the last year.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
    Anedon, Kit', Oddly_Salacious and 3 others like this.
  9. Pandora

    Pandora Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    Prompts -

    1. A fic by your favourite* author
    2. A fic with two or more authors
    3. A short story/one shot
    4. An old favourite*
    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character
    6. A challenge winner
    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else
    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title
    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided
    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters
    11. A fic by a new^ author
    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try
    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show
    14. A fic with a great first line
    15. A fic whose main character is an OC
    16. A fic whose title catches your attention
    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday
    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019
    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title
    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title

    * - Favourite = something that you really enjoy reading, or would absolutely recommend to other people. The one you used to check for updates all the time (or still do).

    ^ New author = someone who has joined in the last year.
  10. Oddly_Salacious

    Oddly_Salacious Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Dec 5, 2005
    Let's hyper this drive and kick mynock tail. Punch it, Chewie!

    1. A fic by your favourite* author
    02/07/2020 (reviewed): Shot in the Dark (AU ROTJ: H/L, Luke, Anakin, OCs) 2/3 by @Ridley Solo --while it's difficult to name a single favorite author (like Wodehouse, Milne, Allende, Burroughs, Doyle,...), this was the thread I most watched and will recommend to others for its what-if character study.
    2. A fic with two or more authors
    3. A short story/one shot
    4. An old favourite*
    01/30/2020 (reread): Two Girls and a Man in Red (OCs, Fanon Roulette challenge)—author's (very belated) thanks by @Findswoman --rich character development. A good study on how to write characters, dialog, and interpersonal relationships.
    02/07/2020 (reread): The General's Wife (AU): Hux, OC (drama) by @divapilot --this has influenced some of my tones/ moods. Pretty grounding stuff.
    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character
    6. A challenge winner
    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else
    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title
    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided
    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters
    11. A fic by a new^ author
    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try
    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show
    14. A fic with a great first line
    02/19/2020: Lord Vader's Limpet (AU, humor/fluff; Vader/Ben Skywalker) by @frodogenic --a 2008 piece that is truncated, but it has a memorable opener.
    15. A fic whose main character is an OC
    16. A fic whose title catches your attention
    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday
    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019
    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title
    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title
    02/07/2020: Something in Kylo Ren's shoe--A Millicent the Cat story--Complete by @gizkaspice --sure, it's a stretch on relationship the traditional sense (i.e., "something is in shoe"), but this story is simply too hysterical to not have in this list.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2020
    gizkaspice, Kit', divapilot and 2 others like this.
  11. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Alright, this sounds like a great way to get back to reading more widely. :)

    1. A fic by your favourite* author
    Okay, so I CANNOT pick just one favorite writer on these boards! But here's a story by a favorite author who I haven't reviewed in much too long. :)
    Erosion by @Thumper09
    A team of OC characters try to bring vital information back to the New Republic and the Resistance, but all their plans begin to unravel quickly. Great suspenseful mood and action throughout. Warning:
    It seems to end badly for them!

    2. A fic with two or more authors
    The continuing, continuing, continuing saga of the Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students by @Kit', @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @Cowgirl Jedi 1701, @K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku ... possibly and counting if more writers join. This round robin style story is set in a pre-TPM Jedi Temple where various students from the outside are living among the Jedi. Features OC's front and center, with lots of fun development of characters and their friendships and rivalries.

    3. A short story/one shot
    "Tricks of the light" by @AzureAngel2
    A humorous yet unsettling Halloween tale where Orson Krennic is confronted by a ghost from his past. Not a metaphorical one either! Very fun use of horror tropes through the eyes of a character who is Not Here for This Ghost Nonsense. The story also fills in a missing moment in Azure's ongoing series set in the Saga era.

    4. An old favourite*
    This is Not Our Fate by @iceaffinity (also Queen on, where you can find the untruncated story:
    The final installment in a whole series that is an old favorite of mine. Character-focused story that follows a group of renegade clones, escaped Jedi, and rescued Force-sensitive kids through the Empire and Rebellion era. This Is Not Our Fate especially follows Barriss Offee (this is AU, so that thing from towards the end of TCW did not happen) and Cody as they integrate into this group and slowly -- and with a lot of stops and starts along the way -- start to fall in love with each other. There are also chapters following other characters, including Ahsoka, Ventress, and some of the kids. Anyway, a great story and it was well worth the re-read. @};- (Possible content note for current times that a lot of these chapters can be pretty somber, though the story as a whole is hopeful.)

    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character
    Dr. Nema and the Assassin in Yellow by @Mechalich
    An inventive sci fi thriller about a Jedi Healer investigating murders in the Coruscant Underworld. It's told from the point of view of Rig Nema (, a minor canon character of unknown species. The story doesn't really go into her own species as much, but includes a lot of fascinating worldbuilding of Coruscant's grittier side and the many alien species to be found there. [face_alien]

    6. A challenge winner
    The Princess of Renatasia by @Sith-I-5
    Missed reading this hilarious story before when it won the OTP challenge. Snoke takes a teenage Kylo Ren and Unamo/"One" (minor character from TFA, who I didn't remember until her very fun inclusion in this story) on a space road trip to discover the truth behind an old fairy tale. Things go off the rails quickly. [face_laugh] More of a cracky friendTP than romantic so far, but that's not a minus!

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else
    An Evening Out, a Night In by @TheRynJedi
    Recommended by @Findswoman (along with the Itanno Clan series that it's a part of). A wonderful romantic OTP story with TheRynJedi's characters Danyal and Sennah having a night out (and in, as the title says) where nothing goes as expected but the result is a very special time anyway. @};- (I didn't put this one in the "alien character" slot, but have to note that there's some really lovely worldbuilding of the Ryn species, because I always enjoy that.)

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title
    Finish what was begun by @Jedi_Lover
    Leia explains some things to Rey about the Luke Skywalker that she met in TLJ. As it turns out, he wasn't quite who Rey thought he was... Also, Luke and Mara are having a great life, somewhere. A very fun and funny theory-fic!

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided
    A Matter of Time by @Ridley Solo
    This series is about three long fics in at this point, so yes -- a bit of an undertaking to go back and start from the first one. But so very worth it! :) This is an AU that spins off from the idea that Luke arrives later and gets captured by Vader at Bespin instead of escaping. Very insightful characterization of those two and the rest of the OT cast, and lots of AU twists and turns!

    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters
    Awakenings by @Mistress_Renata (from the thread collection Swan Songs)
    A tale of nascent Rebellion featuring two very intriguing Corellian OC's and a great blending of new and old canon.

    11. A fic by a new^ author
    Comeback Kid by @mysterycultist
    An AU where a teenage Luke Skywalker finds Ahsoka injured in the Tatooine desert and rescues her. There are some really nifty details of Tatooine in general and the Lars family in particular. :)

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try
    All Our Yesterdays by @Raissa Baiard
    This character-driven story of an amnesiac named Dev Morgan (and if that sounds familiar, then yes it does) has loads of world-building and a cast of fantastic OC supporting characters. Very glad that I finally got around to reading it!

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show
    The Order of Eternity by @Vivid_Scripts
    While I enjoy the Sequel Trilogy, it usually isn't where I end up reading. (The OT and early Legends New Republic are more my comfort zone.) So this creative AU of The Last Jedi is a change of pace. I like how the plot does appear to move along the same track as TLJ, except for in all the ways that it REALLY doesn't. :)

    14. A fic with a great first line
    Gem of My Beaches by @Findswoman
    One of my favorite opening lines in recent memory! A transcendent AU-maybe story that examines the end of Rogue One from a very unique point of view.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC
    Sorrow by @Anedon
    Ethan Malek (OC point of view character) reflects on his wife Tanja and their life together as he says his final goodbyes at her grave. A very sweet and sad story that shows not just the grief of the moment, but the deep and enduring love story that leads up to it. @};-

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention
    "The Winter Queen" by @Pandora
    Myths and fairytales are fun to see in fanfic, so of course this title's resemblance to "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen was Kahara bait. :p The OC teacher protagonist of this far-future Hoth story is an interesting narrator who definitely sees the more shadowy edges of the fairytale paradise that has been built on the icy world.

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday
    "The Genus of Pulchritudinous Mora" by @Mira_Jade
    A very strongly EU/Legends-based story with Mara and Luke setting out on a quest to find a rare plant and thwart (or delight ;) ) some very well-meaning matchmakers. The characterization of L/M feels so spot on for how they were in the books!

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019
    The General's Wife by @divapilot
    This suspenseful AU tale follows Breha Solo (an OC child of Han and Leia) in a version of the ST era where she escapes from her abusive husband and begins a new life with Blue (another OC of diva's). Really wonderful characterization of the OC's and Leia, and just an all-around devastating but hopeful story. @};-

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title
    Messages from a Mos Espa Love Story by @devilinthedetails
    The love story of Shmi and Cliegg, told through their letters to each other. Just wonderful characterization that really captures Shmi and makes Cliegg just as likable so you really root for them! [face_love]

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title
    A Bundle of Joy by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    This is an L/M story, as mentioned in part of the title line that I didn't copy here. It's all about Mara and Luke finding out that they're going to be parents and the feelings and thoughts (and temporary misunderstanding) that that brings. Lighthearted and full of warm L/M fuzzies! [face_love]
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
  12. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    @Briannakin, @mavjade, and @Mira_Jade: I just was wondering, would it be possible for this thread to be stickied? Since it's updated by people editing their own posts rather than adding new posts, I'm concerned it's going to fall back from the front page fairly quickly and become hard to find for those who wish to update their lists. Thanks much! :)
  13. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    You're right - this post should stay on the first page! For that, we were actually thinking that people could post their progress as they go, along with updating their OPs. That will keep the thread up where everyone can see, and as an added bonus we can commend each other on our progress and give some wonderful stories a little further exposure and attention! [face_thinking]

    Then, of course, if we see this thread sinking too low during the year we will come in and nudge it up. :D
  14. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    OK, thanks, Mira! :) Sounds like a good idea, so here goes:

    For no. 5, "A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character," I have just reviewed The Dark Jedi by @Oddly_Salacious, whose main character, Bess Heiger, is a Gotal.

    Also, for no. 10, "A fic with OCs as the main characters," I reviewed @Gamiel 's Dr. Vertti, I Presume?, in which a group of university professors is about to go in search of a colleague lost in the Unknown Regions. All OCs (one of whom, the title character, is borrowed from @Raissa Baiard ) and all (as far as I can tell) female.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
  15. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Here's my entry for #17, a work started during the month of my birthday. This fic was started on my actual birthday!

    Redemption by @Anedon is a great story that looks at the aftermath of Jacen Solo's redemption from the dark side. The story is full of great OCs and lots of adventure.
  16. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    For no. 11, "A fic by a new author," I just reviewed the first chapter of Nobody Loves a Smuggler, by @Minimilk—an OC tale taking place on Nar Shaddaa that seems off to a very interesting start! :)
    Kahara likes this.
  17. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Okay, I've kind of been on a spree so this will be quite a few. :p

    2. A fic with two or more authors
    The continuing, continuing, continuing saga of the Ultra-Stressed Jedi Students by @Kit', @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @Cowgirl Jedi 1701, @K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku ... possibly and counting if more writers join. This round robin style story is set in a pre-TPM Jedi Temple where various students from the outside are living among the Jedi. Features OC's front and center, with lots of fun development of characters and their friendships and rivalries.

    3. A short story/one shot
    "Tricks of the light" by @AzureAngel2
    A humorous yet unsettling Halloween tale where Orson Krennic is confronted by a ghost from his past. Not a metaphorical one either! Very fun use of horror tropes through the eyes of a character who is Not Here for This Ghost Nonsense. The story also fills in a missing moment in Azure's ongoing series set in the Saga era.

    6. A challenge winner
    The Princess of Renatasia by @Sith-I-5
    Missed reading this hilarious story before when it won the OTP challenge. Snoke takes a teenage Kylo Ren and Unamo/"One" (minor character from TFA, who I didn't remember until her very fun inclusion in this story) on a space road trip to discover the truth behind an old fairy tale. Things go off the rails quickly. [face_laugh] More of a cracky friendTP than romantic so far, but that's not a minus!

    8. A fic with exactly four words in the title
    Finish what was begun by @Jedi_Lover
    Leia explains some things to Rey about the Luke Skywalker that she met in TLJ. As it turns out, he wasn't quite who Rey thought he was... Also, Luke and Mara are having a great life, somewhere. A very fun and funny theory-fic!

    12. A fic you’ve been meaning to try
    All Our Yesterdays by @Raissa Baiard
    This character-driven story of an amnesiac named Dev Morgan (and if that sounds familiar, then yes it does) has loads of world-building and a cast of fantastic OC supporting characters. Very glad that I finally got around to reading it!

    14. A fic with a great first line
    Gem of My Beaches by @Findswoman
    One of my favorite opening lines in recent memory! A transcendent AU-maybe story that examines the end of Rogue One from a very unique point of view.

    16. A fic whose title catches your attention
    "The Winter Queen" by @Pandora
    Myths and fairytales are fun to see in fanfic, so of course this title's resemblance to "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen was Kahara bait. :p The OC teacher protagonist of this far-future Hoth story is an interesting narrator who definitely sees the more shadowy edges of the fairytale paradise that has been built on the icy world.

    17. A fic that started in the month of your birthday
    "The Genus of Pulchritudinous Mora" by @Mira_Jade
    A very strongly EU/Legends-based story with Mara and Luke setting out on a quest to find a rare plant and thwart (or delight ;) ) some very well-meaning matchmakers. The characterization of L/M feels so spot on for how they were in the books!

    20. A fic that states a relationship in the title
    A Bundle of Joy by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    This is an L/M story, as mentioned in part of the title line that I didn't copy here. It's all about Mara and Luke finding out that they're going to be parents and the feelings and thoughts (and temporary misunderstanding) that that brings. Lighthearted and full of warm L/M fuzzies! [face_love]
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    Kit', AzureAngel2, Tarsier and 2 others like this.
  18. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Shortened the summaries here, but there are longer ones in my reading list post. :)

    7. A fic recommended to you by someone else
    An Evening Out, a Night In by @TheRynJedi
    Recommended by @Findswoman (along with the Itanno Clan series that it's a part of)

    9. An intimidating fic you have avoided
    A Matter of Time by @Ridley Solo
    Very insightful characterization of the OT cast, and lots of AU twists and turns!

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show
    The Order of Eternity by @Vivid_Scripts
    I like how the plot does appear to move along the same track as TLJ, except for in all the ways that it REALLY doesn't.

    15. A fic whose main character is an OC
    Sorrow by @Anedon
    A very sweet and sad story that shows not just the grief of the moment, but the deep and enduring love story that leads up to it.

    To be read/reviewed: #1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18, 19
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  19. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Some more updates to my list. :D

    1. A fic by your favourite* author
    Okay, so I CANNOT pick just one favorite writer on these boards! But here's a story by a favorite author who I haven't reviewed in much too long. :)
    Erosion by @Thumper09
    A team of OC characters try to bring vital information back to the New Republic and the Resistance, but all their plans begin to unravel quickly. Great suspenseful mood and action throughout. Warning:
    It seems to end badly for them!

    10. A fic with OCs as the main characters
    Awakenings by @Mistress_Renata (from the thread collection Swan Songs)
    A tale of nascent Rebellion featuring two very intriguing Corellian OC's and a great blending of new and old canon.

    11. A fic by a new^ author
    Comeback Kid by @mysterycultist
    An AU where a teenage Luke Skywalker finds Ahsoka injured in the Tatooine desert and rescues her. There are some really nifty details of Tatooine in general and the Lars family in particular.

    18. A fic you meant to read in 2019
    The General's Wife by @divapilot
    This suspenseful AU tale follows Breha Solo (an OC child of Han and Leia) in a version of the ST era where she escapes from her abusive husband and begins a new life with Blue (another OC of diva's). Really wonderful characterization of the OC's and Leia, and just an all-around devastating but hopeful story.

    19. A fic with love, kiss or hug in the title
    Messages from a Mos Espa Love Story by @devilinthedetails
    The love story of Shmi and Cliegg, told through their letters to each other. Just wonderful characterization that really captures Shmi and makes Cliegg just as likable so you really root for them!

    Just #4 and 5 left to go! :)
  20. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Kit', Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
  22. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    I went and put everyone whose participating in the top post. I've been so remiss that I haven't even updated my list!

    3. A short story/one shot - Happy to be Us by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha which is also outside of my time period. It's short, snappy, sappy and really cute.

    4. An old favourite* - I've gone back and read You can run but you can't hide by @HaiGan who is an author that I miss dearly. The thread it on the classic boards and so the posts are truncated but HaiGan was an exceptional writer and her stories were always amazing

    13. A fic that is outside your favourite time period/show - Erosion by @Thumper09. I'm a prequels girl at heart so any time I venture into anything past the first two movies is different for me. I really love this story, it's great.
  23. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
    Kit', divapilot and Kahara like this.
  24. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Unless I've missed something, these are the final ones. :D

    4. An old favourite*
    This is Not Our Fate by @iceaffinity (also Queen on, where you can find the untruncated story:
    The final installment in a whole series that is an old favorite of mine. Character-focused story that follows a group of renegade clones, escaped Jedi, and rescued Force-sensitive kids through the Empire and Rebellion era. This Is Not Our Fate especially follows Barriss Offee (this is AU, so that thing from towards the end of TCW did not happen) and Cody as they integrate into this group and slowly -- and with a lot of stops and starts along the way -- start to fall in love with each other. There are also chapters following other characters, including Ahsoka, Ventress, and some of the kids. Anyway, a great story and it was well worth the re-read. @};- (Possible content note for current times that a lot of these chapters can be pretty somber, though the story as a whole is hopeful.)

    5. A fic starring a Twi'lek or non-human character
    Dr. Nema and the Assassin in Yellow by @Mechalich
    An inventive sci fi thriller about a Jedi Healer investigating murders in the Coruscant Underworld. It's told from the point of view of Rig Nema (, a minor canon character of unknown species. The story doesn't really go into her own species as much, but includes a lot of fascinating worldbuilding of Coruscant's grittier side and the many alien species to be found there. [face_alien]
    Kit' and Findswoman like this.
  25. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Question: If we're reading a thread of author's ficlets and drabbles, would each story count separately? I'm currently looking at the thread Our Love of Constellations: each ficlet has a separate title and post (and the author has kindly included an index in the first post). All the stories seem to be stand-alones. There are a couple of ficlets I particularly enjoyed. Would it be fair to use one ficlet/drabble for the "Short Story or One Shot" prompt, or for the "Non-Human Main Character" prompt, for examples?
    Kit', Kahara and Findswoman like this.