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Challenge 2024 Reading Challenge -- Just Keep Reading!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Mira_Jade , Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Hello, Fellow Readers of Fan Fic!

    It's January 1st, which means it's time to restart a boards classic once more! That's right: it's time for the 2024 Reading Challenge - but this time, with a twist! [face_mischief]

    First, as mods, we want to start by giving a huge shout-out and round of applause to @Kit' for coming up with this challenge and hosting it in its previous iterations. It has been a major success over the years, recognizing some truly awesome fan fic, and we hope to keep that tradition going into the future!

    So, without further ado, let's dive right in!

    The 2024 Reading Challenge!

    What is a Reading Challenge, you ask?

    The same as in years past, the Reading Challenge is a year long challenge to read and review a fixed number of stories, based on the categories found below. It's just that simple.

    That sounds like fun - but what's different about the Reading Challenge this year?

    This year - besides there being different prompts - we are happy to be awarding c o l o r s for those intrepid readers who complete the challenge!
    • Readers who complete all 40 prompts of the Reading Challenge will be awarded 2 weeks of colors.
    • Readers who complete 30+ prompts of the Reading Challenge will be awarded 10 days of colors.
    • Readers who complete 20+ prompts will be awarded 7 days of colors.

    Forty prompts, you say? What are they?

    We're so glad you asked! They are, as follows:
    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    40. A story that defies all categorization

    That's only one story every nine to ten days - I can do that!

    That's exactly what we thought! [face_mischief]

    Awesome! Is there anything else I should know?

    There are just a few things to keep in mind!

    1. Please state your intention to participate in the challenge here in-thread. Copy and paste the prompt list into your post, and then fill out that list over the year with a link to your review, tag of the author, and a short summarization of your review for other readers to see!

    2. We encourage you to post whenever you update your list! That way we can applaud your progress, and maybe even find new stories to read ourselves!

    3. When you update your list, and post to inform us about your progress, please, once again, include a link to your review - this will make indexing that much easier for your hosts!

    4. Any story on the boards is eligible, from past or present, just so long as it meets the criteria of the prompt! When it comes to story collections that feature more than one story in the same thread - such as for the Kessel Run, for example - you may include separate reviews for individual stories across various categories. However, an encompassing review for an entire collection may only be used once for a single category. We trust you to use your best judgement, and, of course, it you have any questions about the suitability of a review for any category, please don't hesitate to ask!

    5. As always, have fun! [:D]

    Where can I find the previous Reading Challenges? Oh wait, there they are!

    2020 Reading Challenge
    2023 Reading Challenge

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
  2. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
  3. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Index of Champions
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
  4. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    FIRST. (Seriously, you mods are crazy to be up so early on New Year's Day 8-} At least over here it's already past lunchtime.)

    And yes, please sign me up!

    1. A story that breaks your heart: Good Boi by @Kit', featuring OC Zallie and her dog Blu. It's really just the tale of a girl and her dog. The girl grows up, the dog grows old. I cried at the end. (link to review)

    2. A story that makes you laugh: The Diary of a Very Whiny Darksider by @gizkaspice. I mean, it's your favourite man-child's diaryand it's written by gizkaspice; how could it not make me laugh? Highly recommended for those days when you need a pick-me-up (link to review). Also, shout-out to Dexter’s Dabbles with Idiosyncratic Imperials, also by gizkaspice – it made me start 2024 with howls of laughter, but I read and reviewed it before this challenge began, so it's just getting a honourable mention here.

    3. A story that makes you smile

    4. A story that surprises you: Interregnum III by @Bel505 and @SnubJockey. This wasn't at all what I expected, with the beginning focusing on the turmoil in the Imperial Remnant, the Imperials actually being the underdogs, a new political hierarchy and a completely unexpected death in the prologue itself. This promises to be just as epic as Interregnum and Interregnum II! (link to review)

    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship

    11. A story featuring a villain: I Conquer Ba Sing Se and Other Earth Kingdom Adventures by @devilinthedetails – in which Princess Azula of the Fire Nation expresses her thoughts freely, and my my, it is a sight to behold!

    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character

    14. A story featuring an original character: Masters of the Game by @LLL – where Sereine, a savvy political operator from Naboo, is a young Palpatine's mistress but also his campaign manager for his run for the Senate in 48 BBY. She's smart and she's a real pro, but she also fell for the wrong guy, and you can't help that ominous feeling when the story is over.

    15. An AU story

    16. A Legends Story: An Artist at Heart by @MissKitsune08, a post-TLC AU in which the Moff Council tries to create a clone of Thrawn from his corpse after Bilbringi, with entirely unexpected effects. Pellaeon and then Parck are left picking up the pieces. (link to review)

    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story: The Claws of Father Cold, in which @gaarastar58 imagines the background of Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe and how they came to meet each other and become friends. It's an unexpected take on these two characters, but their key personality traits are already there, and the worldbuilding is amazing.

    18. A Non-Star Wars Story: : Unravelling the Secret of the Missing Breeches by @devilinthedetails (in her Even Odder Ends Kessel Run thread). This is the story that introduced me to American Girl (the Felicity series), which is a fandom I had absolutely never heard about, but now that I've looked it up I think I want to get some of those books for my daughter – so this wonderful little ficlet deserves its place here both for being wonderful and for making me want to know more! (link to review)

    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way

    21. A story told in any other POV than third person: A Daimyo's Diary: The Book of Boba Fett by @Happy Sando. This diary (and its narrative framing device, which promises to be priceless) picks up just after the end of the TV series. It's still early days as I type this, but methinks that Boba is going to face several challenges both as daimyo of Mos Espa and as protector of the Tusken raiders...

    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again

    25. A WIP you wish would start again: Tale as Old as Time by @aleja2. The Beauty and the Beast retold as an old-school L/M story – or should I say an old school L/M story told as The Beauty and the Beast? At any rate, it's a magnificent piece of fanfic that merges seamlessly the traditional tale with the SW universe. The last update is from 2019, but as aleja2 has disappeared for years in the past and returned to update, I'm not giving up hope. (link to review)

    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review

    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review: Hearts of the Children by @DarthIshtar, an OT-era Skywalker family AU that's part Rebellion adventure, part political thriller, with a cast of thousands that includes not only the usual suspects but also all your favourite secondary characters from the old and the new EU. This includes many, many unexpected twists on the story of the OT and I'm extremely eager to find out how Ish will ultimately resolve the various plots and sub-plots she has put in motion.

    28. A story written prior to 2024

    29. A fic by an author you love: Rocks and Hard Places by @Thumper09, a one-shot about a Rebel pilot who is downed on a planet inhabited by the most peculiar species. This takes the alienness up to eleven in a wonderful tale about two very different beings who somehow manage to communicate. (link to review)

    30. A story collection: Notes from the Field by Seldes_Katne, a collection written for the 2021 Fanfic Olympics starring Vestri Dain and her found family of sentientologists. What can I say, it's alien nirvana. (link to review)

    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention

    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention: Take a Memo by DarthIshtar, who took head-on the challenge of making the story of Leia's personal assistant interesting and is doing an amazing job at it. Alole may spend most of her time doing filing, but her POV about the inner workings of the fledgling New Republic is fascinating, and she doesn't even realise how important her role and position are. (link to review)

    40. A story that defies all categorization: Ghosts of Ulug Beg by @GregMcP. It combines myth, hallucination, worldbuilding, science and fantastical elements through the eyes of two exceedingly unusual (or indeed improbable) characters, and it's one of the most creative interpretations of a challenge prompt I've read in a long time. (link to review)
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
  5. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Me too, please! :)

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    40. A story that defies all categorization
  6. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    I’m in as well. Love this challenge! It’s just like a fic treasure hunt! :D

    1. A story that breaks your heart

    2. A story that makes you laugh—A Little Help, Here? by @vader_incarnate. Just as Han has to bail Luke out of a traffic violation ticket, Ghost!Anakin, as dorky and dad-jokey as he was when alive, shows up to offer his son driving advice. How could this setup not make one laugh? :D

    3. A story that makes me smile—Resolve for Keeping Peace by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha. This story was a response to my Arvo Pärt mini-game challenge, and it made me smile for several reasons. First, it was the first response I received in a challenge that has a lot of personal significance to me. Second, Nyota really captured the serenity and beauty of the piece she received in the roulette—Pärt’s atmospheric “Da pacem, Domine,” a prayer for peace needed as much in our favorite universe of star wars as much as in our own world. Beautifully done!

    4. A story that surprises you— @ardavenport ’s hilarious Workplace Survey of Qui-Gon Jinn came as a delightful surprise given that I haven’t seen ardavenport around in so long! Seeing our favorite off-the-beaten-path Jedi butting heads with temple bureaucracy (complete with “strongly disagree” through “strongly agree” rankings) plastered a big fat smile on my face, and it was just the out-of-the-blue gift I needed.

    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone: That makes it sound like the story made me uncomfortable or bothered me in some way, and that wasn’t the case at all in the story I’m about to name! It was more that it dealt with themes unfamiliar to me and outside my usual reading wheelhouse, but that didn’t keep me from enjoying it very much! @Mira Grau ’s Bonnie and Bonnie is the very compelling “how they met" of one of the central couples in her wide-ranging universe of Beyond-era stories, Ulrika Grau and Elena Kyr. Elena is not only somewhat of a shy type but also trans and grappling with the coming-out process, and the caring and cheerful Ulrika is just the person for her to have at her side not only as she deals with that but also during the crazy adventures the two of them end up geting into! A very enjoyable mix of romance, drama, adventure, and humor.

    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast—Not one but two classic sci-fi ensemble casts encounter each other in Where No Han Has Gone Before by @DarthIshtar : Mara, Luke, Leia, and Han team up with the crew of the Enterprise-D to take on not one but two interdimensional Qs. Ish does an amazing job getting all the characters’ voices spot on, no easy task especially in a crossover; I totally believe that this is just how it would go if these two crews met!

    7. A story featuring a familial relationship—Putting Your Best Out There by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha. In which a young Luke learns values of both strict discipline and patient compassion from his beloved foster parents, Owen and Beru, and then puts both into balanced practice when he goes on to found the Jedi Academy. Always love me a good Beru-Owen-Luke tale!

    8. A story featuring a friendship—Little Fish by @Kit'. In the wake of a disasterous shp crash, Quin, youngest child of the D’ladame Family of Scoundrels, makes new and perhaps somewhat unexpected friends (and maybe more?) in a group of Mandalorian bounty hunters who come to her rescue. It’s so wonderful to see the D’ladame “baby” all grown up and coming into her own as a character with her own story, navigating pathways between her family and what's beyond.

    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship—From The Forest Ranger's Handbook by @Pandora . Our favorite couple from Space!Minnesota Taanab, Antares and Karellen, are back! They're a long-term item now, living and working at a forest ranger station. In this story, Antares is having a rainy, painful, frustrating day in the middle of the woods, but a visit from friends, tenderness from her beau, and—once she sees it—the beauty of nature make it a little easier to bear.

    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship: For this category, you know @ViariSkywalker is my go-to gal! :D I could name so many of her stories that are amazing examples of this category, but I will settle for now on Crash (from her series Fire in Our Bones). Festus is after Allana—and along the way has to rescue her from a shipwreck—and she’s not even sure she wants him to—but it’s him, all the same—and his good side is coming out, too… yes, very twisty indeed, in the best of ways, and there is nothing like a maritime setting to really bring out the angst and viscerality that Vi is such an ace with.

    11. A story featuring a villain—Kylo’s Metaphysical Life Day Journey by @devilinthedetails. A GFFA retelling of Charles Dickens’s Christmas Carol with Kylo Ren Ben Solo fitting perfectly into the role of Ebenezer Scrooge. Visited on Life Day Eve by the ghost of his revered grandfather and visions of past Life Days with his parents, I can tell Ben will come out of this not just with a better understanding of Life Day but of his grandfather’s sacrifice and his family’s true legacy.

    12. A story featuring a minor canon character

    13. A story featuring a non-human character—In @Raissa Baiard ’s hilarious and endearing The Nan-dalorian, a Mando we know well takes on a stint as a temp at a daycare center—but one could say the real stars of the show are his own little Grogu (whose goofy, mischievous side comes out in absolute spades) and a colorful array of alien playmates, including a chatty and inquisitive Gungan toddler, a rocklike Vintian with fire-starting tendencies, a Shawda-Ubb whom Grogu attempts to eat, and a few-inches-tall Anzellan tot who takes refuge in Din’s helmet. A truly impressive choice of species and escapades!

    14. A story featuring an original character—Ghosts of Ulug Beg by @GregMcP. I am always here for this gent’s stories and characters! The main character of this story, inspired by the magnificent real-life Ulugh Beg Madrasa in Samarkand, is a drug-addicted explorer with a troubled past, who goes with his trusty modified interrogation droid in search of the legendary Ulug Beg Observatory and its celebrated Emir. Although he reaches the observatory, with its beautiful mosaics depicting Samarqi life of ages past, he is slowly finding out that the world for which he is searching is long lost.

    15. An AU story—Ricochet by @Mira_Jade, which takes place in a universe where Leia, Han, Luke, Mara, and Anakin are all alive together, all work together, and all go on missions together—and where Leia, with the help of training from Padmé, can "overhear" Luke and Mara talking about their marriage plans! What could be a better combination?

    16. A Legends story—An Acquired Taste by @UltramassiveUbersue. Stars Corran and Mirax, and Wedge and Iella, characters I have not seen in a long time, a long time! Here they are stranded together on a planet, with a broken-down ship, but manage to have fun and engage in witty repartee all the same, which of course Ubersue writes like a pro!

    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story—Walks on the Wild Side by @Seldes_Katne. This was an Olympics series featuring characters from the Young Jedi Adventures, which take place during the High Republic era: the wildlife-loving Lys Solay and her fellow Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar and Nubs. They were all new to me, but I enjoyed Seldes’s delightful stories about the ways the three younglings and their friends help the wildlife and natural environments of their world.

    18. A non-Star Wars story—I Swallow the Day by @Mira_Jade. What a thrill to be back in Mira’s radiant Phantom of the Opera-verse! These fifty sentences perfectly sum up the spirit of that classic ghost/horror/action/adventure/love story/tragedy, while putting Mira’s own beautiful and angsty spin on the characters and their motivations, and doing beautiful things with both the 50 Sentences Format and the OTP sonnet prompt she received. I reread the Leroux novel because of this story—really!

    19. A story that is rich in world-building

    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way—The Walls We Hide Behind by @Gabri_Jade gave me a completely new perspective on the Force bond between Luke and Mara. I always knew it was a bond like no other, but this story shows us just how deep it goes—so deep that two really do become, sharing and becoming each other’s trauma in a profoundly visceral way. The fourth-person perspective of the story’s last section really hammers that home—the bond itself becomes a character that speaks. (And yay, Sor Juana quote! :D )

    21. A story told in any other POV than third person—Tipoca City Blues by @Raissa Baiard. First person, from the viewpoint of a character that I haven’t seen anyone, much less Raissa, write about for a long time: dad!Jango Fett, “an ordinary man trying to make his way” with a certain headstrong ten-year-old. Complete with keen insights on the particular challenges of parenting your own clone! (Hint—you can’t blame Mom! :p )

    22. A fic with a great first line

    23. A fic with a great last line—Unholy Matrimony by @Chyntuck. The line in question is, “‘Wipe that expression off your face, General,’ Mara retorted acidly. ‘And get me a divorce.’” Really sums up everything that came before—and could there be a more perfect, more Mara Jade reaction to the sham marriage that was the story’s premise? :p

    24. A WIP that started again—Our Hearts Were Never Meant to Kneel by @Mira_Jade ! Zaed’s back, baby! Mira’s series is a Remix of her Olympics thread from last year set in her Song!Verse and focusing on her very unique and engaging take on a reformed/reforming Maul (Zaed), his friendship and learning partnership (aubrettship) with Mara Jade, and his newfound hobby of gardening—yes, you read that right! This right here is the only Maul I need and one I am always stoked to read.

    25. A WIP you wish would start again—The Claws of Father Cold by @gaarastar58. Begun in December 2017, and so far consisting of two chapters, this is the origin story of a young Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe on the dirty, dark streets and catacombs of NiJedha, full of keenly detailed descriptions of the grim, gritty life these boys and their fellow urchins lead. This author has a wonderful handle on the voices and personalities of both characters, and I would love to see the story continue if the author so chooses!

    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review: I could have named this one for #24 as well, because it too is one I was especially delighted to see restarting after some time: The Wrong Side of History by @Pandora. This is the journal of Imogen Tarkin, daughter of the infamous grand moff, as she deals with the fallout of her father’s actions, wrestles with her family’s legacy, and even gets mixed up with a Rebel cell in a way that promises to change her life. All, of course, told with the characteristic Pandora combination of biting wit, keen introspection, and flat-out stylistic grogeousness.

    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review—A Shattered Mind’s Eye by @ConservativeJedi321. This is a detailed and poignant origin story of a very young Depa Billaba: her early family life as a refugee, how she meets her future teacher Mace Windu, joins the Jedi, and adjusts to that life.

    28. A story written prior to 2024—Loss by @Vek Talis (we miss you!). It was written just last year in 2023, but it’s one of those that I feel I should have gotten to back when it was written, because it is a pivotal episode in this author’s very rich pre-KOTOR-era story universe, giving much insight into Vek Talis the character, aspects of his origins, and his status as a FrAG (a person From Another Galaxy).

    29. A fic by an author you love—Just Dance by @Raissa Baiard. Once again I can’t resist giving this category to her for the gift exchange story she wrote me that helped me start off my fanfic reading year with multiple huge smiles! Written with her usual keen understanding of character, it’s got Zeb, his fellow Spectres, music, dancing, crazy clothes, references galore to our shared fanon, and Space!Madonna—what more could this girl possibly want! :D

    30. A story collection—The Scrap Yard by @Kit' . This collection of ficlets is tied not to any of this forum’s usual collection- or anthology-generating challenges like the Kessel Run or Olympics, but rather to writing prompts and challenges that Kit’ has collected from various Discord servers and Reddit forums. She comes up with some very keen and witty responses to these prompts and challenges that feature her own fantastic OCs but also some EC cameos (case in point: what do the Temple’s seamstresses think about the fact that Obi-Wan keeps losing all those robes?). There are three stories in the collection at the time of current writing, and I’m most definitely there if she adds more!

    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words

    33. A story with more than 10,000 words—Change by @Vek Talis. In this epic tale, the author’s eponymous time- and universe traveling OC comes to the epic culmination of his career, coming up against no less than Palpatine himself—but the bigger battle, in some ways, may be with the Force ghosts from his past and FrAGhood. It wa a thrill to be along for the ride as this intriguing and complex character comes full circle in so many ways!

    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title—Nestling by @Kit' , with a one-word, two-syllable title, in which Kit's loveable padawan Tara Tarindae finds out—from both poking around on her master Davin Dor's computer and overhearing his conversation with his previous padawan, Saelyra—that she'll be doing her Trials soon! So titled because, as Saelyra notes in the story, "sometimes nestlings need a push before they know they can fly."

    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title—And Dances with the Lilliadils by @Mira_Jade, featuring an OC belonging to the also awesome @Chyntuck: artist Nazmat Koch. In this beautifully touching and story she meets and bonds with clone trooper-turned-artist Jesse while both of them are doing a spot of plein-air artwork at a botanical garden. The very poetic title is borrowed/remixed/GFFAified from the last line of William Wordsworth’s famous daffodil poem.

    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention

    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention—The Wordsmith by @ViariSkywalker . It started with a very simple author's note that describes exactly what the story does: "The following takes place in a brand new AU. I won’t spoil anything more than that." And I won't spoil anything more, either, because this is one of those brand new AUs that truly headsplodes the head! (Perhaps it gives just a teeny tiny bit of a hint to say I was considering this one for "dark, twisty relationship" too, because it almost is, from a certain point of view! :p )

    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention—Reginald Tha Slug by @GregMcP. Greg did an awesome job with an unexpected and unique viewpoint character—a brightly colored slug living in the swamps of Dagobah who encounters two very familiar ARGHHs (one Human, one a member of a diminutive green species) and lives to tell the tale!

    40. A story that defies all categorization—Dexter’s Dabbles with Idiosyncratic Imperials by @gizkaspice. Birthday party for Millicent the Cat at Dex’s Diner with a multi-foot-tall orange cake, cat-shaped sprinkles and confetti, Palps, Blackie-of-indeterminate-gender, imperials shouting “Millicent Rules!,” and bewildered Rebels listening in from the back room—need I say more? :p
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2024
  7. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Aw yeah, that's the spirit! [face_dancing] And, of course, I am in myself with . . .

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    The Pilgrimage (from Outcast) by @Chyntuck is a haunting, poignant look at the evils of tyranny in both immediate and long-lasting ways. Yet, the true victory here is how those innocent lives that were lost are remembered, and will continued to be honored in a memorial for future generations to come. I had to sit on this story a bit before writing my review, it struck me so - and I bet that you'll feel the same way after reading it too.

    I also have to include In That Big Somewhere & Knight and Survivor by @Findswoman. I've had the pleasure to read more than a few Finds!fics over the years, and have enjoyed every single one. Yet, even amongst such an impressive repertoire, these two particular KR entries hit me, and hit me hard. One is a bittersweet look at life and death through the traditions of a Squib family (with Finds' classic Squib voice on brilliant display!), and the other is an intense, visceral look at Kanan and Zeb's first meeting after the Destruction of Lasan. I need say no more as to why that qualifies as a story that breaks your heart.

    2. A story that makes you laugh
    I couldn't pick just one, so I have to list three stories for this category with: Bad Business by @Chyntuck,
    The Nan-dalorian by @Raissa Baiard, and Uncle Hondo & What to Expect When You're Expropriating (from Stardust and Steel) by @ViariSkywalker. I dare you not to laugh at any of these stories - I sure couldn't!

    3. A story that makes you smile
    Just Dance by @Raissa Baiard put all sorts of smiles on my face - in humor, in sympathy, through tears, and then in pure, hopeful joy. This was a beautiful character study for Zeb, but also an A+ exploration of the connections between Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra as they each deal with the trauma of their pasts. The finale in particular really touched me, but I'll not spoil it but to say that you need to treat yourself and read this now, if you haven't already!

    4. A story that surprises you
    In Ruminations of a Saucepan and The Alternate Chronicles of a Sauce Pan (from Goes On and On), @Gabri_Jade knocked it out of the park by taking the prompt of writing from the POV of an inanimate object to a whole new level! This would have been the last idea to come to me, but Gabri not only succeeds in getting the voice of Saucy spot-on (Romance, in particular, wins the internet, all of the Romantics of their time agree), but in turning this into yet another beautiful character study for Mara Jade in the Renewal!verse.

    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone

    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    The crew of the Steadfast is a new ensemble for me, but, now that I've been introduced to them through The Hero of Both Sides by @Happy Sando, I can't wait to get to know them more! This story is about the worst the galaxy has to offer, but also the best - and how close bonds with others can help us endure and fight back for the better. Plus, this story knocked out every prompt for the 2024 Spring Bingo in an impressively organic fashion, including transhumance. That deserves a gold star all its own.

    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    When you say familial relationships, the Renewal!verse instantly comes to mind. Seeing Light and Better Together (from Goes on and On) by @Gabri_Jade both explore the familial bonds within the Jade family (and the SkySolos family) to stunning success, and I cannot recommend these - and this entire 'verse - highly enough!

    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship

    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    Dark and Twisty, thy name is @ViariSkywalker. I could have picked so many of Vi's stories for this category, but, in the end, I have to go with A Gentle Rage Becoming Wild (from Lover, Hunter, Friend, and Enemy) for being especially dArk and TwIStY. Here you have Sith Queen!Allana, devoted knight!Darth Festus, and a forbidden romance that ups the ante (and the bittersweet, delicious angst) for this particular AU in every way you could imagine and then some.

    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character

    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    Can there be a better story for this category than @GregMcP's Reginald tha Slug? This was such a creative, unexpected POV to read from, exploring a very familiar scene from TEsB - AARRGHs and all.

    14. A story featuring an original character
    There are so many awesome OCs to celebrate on the boards, but, for this category, I was happy to read @Kit's Little Fish - which explores a No Good, Very Bad Day for Quin D'ladame as she's shot down, stranded, and left barely holding on through a literal storm - all before she gets swept up by a band Mandalorian Bounty Hunters. But, ultimately, that Bad Day may not be so very bad at all . . .

    15. An AU story

    16. A Legends Story
    I Discover Great Deceptions and Truths by @devilinthedetails brought back so many memories from my childhood as a wee Star Wars fan, when I gobbled up the JA books faster than they could be published. devil has succeeded in giving Siri such a rich voice and complex character, and I can't wait to see where she takes the story next!

    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    If I have to accept Kanan's death in Nu!canon without a fix-it fic AU, So Long Lives This by @Findswoman
    is the way to go. This is a poignant, heartfelt look at how Hera and Kanan's love has lived on over the decades - and a very unique way that Jacen has to connect with his parents' memories.

    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    [Felicity] Unravelling the Secret of the Missing Breeches (from Even Odder Ends) by @devilinthedetails was such a delight to find that I still don't have the words! Felicity was a favorite heroine from my childhood, and I adored, not only this return to the AG books, but for how it set a foundation for Ben/Felicity in one of devil's upcoming Olympics collections! (Or so I assume, ignore me, devil, if I'm wrong.) It goes without saying that they were one of bebeh!Mira's OTPs before she even understood what shipping was, and I am now all aboard and full steam ahead for any and all stories that are yet to come of this 'verse!

    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person

    22. A fic with a great first line
    "Hi! My name’s Strebri, and I’m a personwarden!" With that, I fell in love with this Loth-wolf - Ancient Keeper - from the very first word. In Silver Flash on the Steppe, @Findswoman tackled a very unique POV to explore a very unique bond between personwarden and beastwarden - all the while inspiring laughs, happy adorable sighs, a dash of Force mysticism, and truly top tier world-building for the win. Which you just may call a Findswoman special in and of itself!

    23. A fic with a great last line
    Hands down, the best last line I have yet to read this year to date is: “Wipe that expression off your face, General,” Mara retorted acidly. “And get me a divorce.” You can find this line, and the zany Lando & Mara misadventures that preceded it, in @Chyntuck's Unholy Matrimony.

    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again

    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    Both for being a true epic of a WIP in depth and scope, and because it's my solemn duty to *pester, pester, pester* All These Broken Pieces by @ViariSkywalker is not a story to be missed. A psychological thriller with a dark romance and equal possibilities for further tragedy or redemption (I suppose Vi will keep us guessing until the very end), this fic hits every emotion as it explores the question of choice . . . and who we'd be if we had the ability to choose. A most worthy sequel to Enter the Foreign, in every way!

    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    For this, I have to applaud @Findswoman's amazing epic The Book of Gand (Parts 1-3). I have been steadily catching up since late 2023, and I'm currently in the process of drafting my next round of feedback with the utmost pleasure. This story absolutely has it all: immersive world-building, gorgeous prose, a transfixing mystery, and - most importantly, as all the aforementioned would be empty otherwise - a wonderful cast of deeply intricate characters who tie it all together and make this series truly something special.

    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)

    31. A one-shot/vignette
    [Stranger Things] Open Every Door by @amidalachick is yet another gem from her post-S3 Happy!AU series. (Canon, what canon?) One of my favorite things about the 'verse is the bond amidalachick has developed between El and Billy, and this story is no exception, set right before the Party go off to college . . .

    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    [Virgin Queen] Regal Moves by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha really did something special in telling the story of Queen Elizabeth I (from one of my favorite fictional depictions of her, at that) through brief, but intimate glimpses of her life and reign. All together, these pieces wove a rich and brilliant tapestry that was a pleasure to read!

    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    I could recommend The Gallows Tree (from Stardust and Steel) by @ViariSkywalker for so many of these categories, but, for this one, I have to applaud this utter genius of a madwoman for responding to a relatively simple KR prompt with a 17k+ word one-shot. Yes: that's no typo. This is a brilliantly nuanced, immersive character study for her entire cast of Hondo's Sithlings - all with a good dose of Indiana Jones style action/adventure, a huge helping of phycological thriller, no small amount of riveting SW mysticism, and a cameo by a character at the end that I will not spoil. You'll just have to read it for yourself.

    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title

    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    @gizkaspice's Dexter's Dabbles With Idiosyncratic Imperials definitely caught my eye with the title - so much so that I gave in and finally submitted to the cat culture on the boards in order to try this story. Ultimately, I'm glad I did, as this fic provided me with more than a few laughs as a reader - no matter how the Rebellion was undoubtedly just as flummoxed by that same degree by the story's end!

    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention

    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    Watery Eyes by @Vek Talis took the zaniest Dare prompt in a challenge full of zany Dare prompts - my jaw dropped, reading his dare in the author's note, and I was instantly fascinated for how he'd mange to pull it off. Somehow, he did - and so seamlessly so that, ultimately, I wouldn't have been able to tell what was prompt, and what was Vek's own creativity!

    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention

    I can sum up [The Longest Day] Il pleut toujours en Angleterre by @Chyntuck in a single word: SQUEE! For me, this was an utterly indulgent fic, featuring OCs Alec Burton and Mina Lamb (the future Queen Victoria IV, whom I'm honored that Chyn has transformed from a vague idea in the future of my Kingdom AU to an actual, fully realized character in her own right). This story is very much a princess and the pauper fic - and utterly enjoyable as such - but, what's more than that, it's a story about courage and perseverance and duty and hope through the horrific days of WWII. I was rivetted from start to finish, and can't wait to read more in this 'verse whenever Chyn is so inspired!

    40. A story that defies all categorization
    As With a Mantle by @Findswoman is an absolute gem of a fic that does indeed defy all categorization. The setting and the plot and the dialogue and the prose and the SW mysticism are all so abstract (as befits a surrealist challenge), but yet still recognizable and easy to connect with because the depth of purpose and emotion (love) that ties the story together. This vignette rather smacked into me when I first read it, and it's since lingered with me - where I welcome it to stay for as long as it would like!
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2024
  8. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I'm going to sign up as well. I had such fun with the 2023 Reading Challenge, and know this will be a joy for me to take part in as well[face_dancing]


    1. A story that breaks your heart: I Only Play by @Findswoman broke my heart with its very poignant portrayal of a mystical music box and a grieving mother. And it is from the point of view of the music box no less!
    2. A story that makes you laugh: Medley of Unforgettable Happenings by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha made me laugh for the depiction of Obi-Wan and Anakin on a mission in which Obi-Wan attracts some romantic interest from a very attractive female Twi'lek.
    3. A story that makes you smile: Just Dance by @Raissa Baiard had me smiling from ear to ear from beginning to end with its descriptions of the garish outfits various characters were wearing.
    4. A story that surprises you: The Wordsmith by @ViariSkywalker pulls off a most impressive and unexpected tonal shift that caught me entirely by surprise but I won't say any more for fear of spoiling the surprise for others.
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone: I don't often read stories focusing on characters from the Rebel TV series, so it was a charming change of pace to read the poignant and poetic So Long Lives This by @Findswoman that focused on an adult Jacen and elder Hera and was inspired by one of my all-time favorite Shakespearean sonnets.
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast: An Acquired Taste by @UltramassiveUbersue features an ensemble cast of Wedge, Iella, Corran, Mirax, Han, and Leia in a story with lots of fun banter.
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship: Tipoca City Blues by @Raissa Baiard offers a relatable, honest, and humorous look at the father and son relationship between Jango and Boba, including insights into how it is impacted by both nature and nurture.
    8. A story featuring a friendship: Knight and Survivor by @Findswoman offers a moving look at a friendship that literally arises out of the ashes of disaster and tragedy.
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship: The Coming of Spring by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha focuses on the budding romantic relationship between Eowyn and Faramir, depicting how the two of them met and fell in love in a very sweet fashion.
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain: In her sestina (yes, you read that right, sestina) In Answer to the Aubrett, @Mira_Jade makes me sympathize with Darth Maul and his "not quite" redemption arc.
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character: The witty and well-written Bad Business by @Chyntuck features minor canon character Greedo.
    13. A story featuring a non-human character: Silver Flash on the Steppe by @Findswoman is an endearing, humorous account of the budding friendship between a young Loth-wolf and a Twi'lek Jedi Padawan when the Jedi Temple is first being established on Lothal. It is from the point of view of a precocious little Loth-wolf.
    14. A story featuring an original character: Archive adventures with Hessy Teack by @earlybird-obi-wan features the adventures of the endearing titular character as well as an assortment of other original characters, including mischievous cats and Hessy's master.
    15. An AU story: In Higher and Drier on the Ender Spire, @Findswoman delivers us a fascinating AU in which Revan is a female, her dad is involved in her adventures, and finding Bastila has less urgency.
    16. A Legends Story: Mission Gone Wrong by @JediMaster_Jen is set in a Legends AU and features well known Legends character Xanatos as well as some tense action scenes and a gut punch of a finale.
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story: The Nan-dalorian by @Raissa Baiard is a hilarious and wholesome story featuring the Disney New Canon characters of Din and Grogu in prominent roles.
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story : My Indescribably Rewarding Journey by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is Arwen's diary written with a distinct tone of contentment and deep reflection on the past.
    19. A story that is rich in world-building: Artifact or Fiction by @Thumper09 features very detailed world building of a rainy day in the jungle of Yavin IV and perfectly captures the scientific mindset of the original character who is observing those world building details while exploring that jungle. Very cleverly done.
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way: The Mirror of Erised provides the perfect narrative tool for prompting me to reconsider the grief, loss, and tragedy of Severus Snape with more depth and nuance than before in The Door Slightly Ajar by @Book-Geek.
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person: Take a Memo by @DarthIshtar is the diary of Leia's very relatable personal assistant, and like many diaries, it is written in the first person point of view.
    22. A fic with a great first line: Ricochet by @Mira_Jade has a first line that immediately lets you know who is speaking because it is so perfectly in Han's voice, and Han's voice remains completely on point throughout the whole fic.
    23. A fic with a great last line: Anakin Skywalker and the Peril in the Deep by @Mira_Jade has the last line "After all: to the hero went the spoils" which is like the whipped cream on top of a hot chocolate of a story where Anakin tells a bedtime story to his twin grandchildren when you realize what the spoils in question are.
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review: A Kingdom Where My Love Can Stand by @Mira_Jade is a WIP I regularly review for its politics, its romance, its wit, and its moments that can break your heart or warm your heart in equal measure.
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review: I left reviews on every chapter of Averting Disaster, a beautiful tribute to taking on challenges by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha.
    28. A story written prior to 2024: Written last year for the Comfy Reads Challenge, "and Shake the Rising Soul" by @Mira_Jade provides a heartwarming characterization of Marianne Dashwood and all the wit and charm beloved by fans of Jane Austen.
    29. A fic by an author you love: Useless Bay by one of my favorite authors, @Findswoman, poignantly captures the voice of Jyn Erso as she wrestles with feelings of futility and uselessness.
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette: Valentine's Day This Year is a humorous Good Omens oneshot by @DarthIshtar featuring a medley of Latin and Roman references to delight my inner high school Latin scholar. Any fans of Crowley or Aziraphale should definitely check this story out.
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words: In less than 800 words, @Findswoman manages to introduce us to her OC narrator of In That Big Somewhere and to get us to care deeply about the very heartbreaking and poignant dilemma that OC narrator confronts in this family drama that is angsty and humorous by turns.
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title: Sabaac Faces by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha is a delightful vignette written for the Sassy Obi-Wan Quote Mini-Game Challenge depicting Luke's gradual mastery of the sabaac face.
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title: As The Periwinkles Bloom is a well-written AU set in @Mira_Jade's Kingdomverse featuring some wonderful original characters and sibling dynamics.
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention: Wherever the River Flows by @Seldes_Katne has a very poetic, evocative title that caught my eye right away. It is a compilation of stories written for the Kessel Run Challenge, and I found the lore and world building details in the first story about Ric Olie scavenging aiwhas on Kamino fascinating.
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention: Short mission by @earlybird-obi-wan caught my eye with its summary making it clear the story manages to combine the sassy Obi-Wan quote Mini-Game challenge quote with the wonderful Spring Bingo challenge using some endearing OC's.
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention: The Diary of a Very Whiny Darksider by @gizkaspice features an author's note stating she was inspired by me. I am always so happy to be an inspiration to my fellow fanfic writers, and I had such a delightful time reading Kylo's hilariously over-the-top reaction to daily trials and travails such as Spacebucks misspelling his name on his coffee mug.
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention: Regal Moves by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha perfectly captures the voice of one of my favorite historical figures, Queen Elizabeth I, in her diary.
    40. A story that defies all categorization: Unholy Matrimony by @Chyntuck deftly defies all categorization. It is part AU, part humor, part drama, and part romance, and all-around excellent.
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  9. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Ah, what the heck? I'm in! :D

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line: Good Business by @ViariSkywalker ~ the second entry in the author's 2024 Kessel Run collection. The challenge was to write an internal monologue between 400 and 800 words which leads to an epiphany on the part of the monologuing character.

    The story features Hondo Ohnaka explaining how he came into possession of eight young children. link to review

    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  10. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    I'm new to this area of the forums but that just means I've got a lot to explore.
    Lets hope the coming year gives me time to do so.

    1. A story that breaks your heart: The Fair and the First Flame by @devilinthedetails. A story following a character you know will die young will always have a mournful edge to it, but when it involves a family losing a mother and a wife at such a critical stage it is devastating. There is a redemption in the fact that Cliegg finds love again in Shmi, but given how that goes....

    2. A story that makes you laugh
      Unholy Matrimony by @Chyntuck
      Honestly the moment I read the title, specifically the characters that found themselves in said "Unholy Matrimony" I was sputtering with laughter at the very idea.
      You just have to wonder how long she would be able to put up with it before he ends up five feet under.

    3. A story that makes you smile: (In this case Stories) I reviewed multiple of @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha;s short stories in Tasty Tidbits..." Kessel Challenge. Each one offered the feels in a slightly different way, and I was never left disappointed.
    4. A story that Suprises You: Sure Looks Strange to Me by @Findswoman, the authors note and the song that inspired it gives me an initial expectation that is delightfully subverted. The presence of a Joopa by itself was completely out of the blue, that Joopa's actual agenda leaves me simply stunned.

    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone: Data Meets C-3PO, a round-robin that has to date only been updated by @study888 (Anyone else with a greater knowledge of Star Trek than I, are invited to partake!). This could have just as easily been for #36 because I was drawn in by the title. I watched a handful of episodes of Star Trek TNG as a Kid/Teenager, but never jumped in the deep end as I did Star Wars. I recognized characters like Picard, Worf, and Data relatively easily and the prospect of one Android meeting one of the Star Wars droids was enough get me to give it a shot, so far, I've been able to follow with relative ease but don't feel comfortable adding to the story myself. All I can say is I've enjoyed what was published so far.
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a Familial Relationship: "Tipoca City Blues" by @Raissa Baiard.
      The first story of this upcoming Kessel collection is about Jango's relationship with his clone "son" Boba and offers a fun dive into the softer side of the ruthless bounty hunter. Particularly humorous as he observes do to the absence of a mother, he has nobody to blame for his son's troublesome behavior but himself. It does have a somber note as it leads directly into the events of Episode II and we all know how that goes for the Fetts.
    8. A story featuring a friendship: Silver Flash on the Steppe by @Findswoman, a young wolf finds her way with a young Jedi on Lothal in an era time has forgotten. A very sweet tale with a happy ending.
    9. A story featuring a Romantic Relationship: Lunch with Tahl by @earlybird-obi-wan
      Ok "romantic" might be over doing it, but we all know Qui-gon and Tahl have feelings right? That combined with the last line really highlights the tension between the two, and Dooku naturally playing mood killer makes the scene all the much more entertaining.
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship: Wicked by @Vek Talis I go into a story about Sheev and his family thinking I know how dark it can reasonably get and am quickly proven wrong. Should have heeded the warnings.
    11. A story featuring a villain: Dangerous holocrons and artifacts, by @earlybird-obi-wan. This is a weird one in that the crux of the story takes place while Dooku is still a Jedi, the flashforward definitely offers some perspective into his mind as Darth Tyranus. The fact that it follows the curious (But Semi-Canon?) pairing of Jocasta Nu and Dooku makes it all the more interesting. Though having his name be Vlad will always feel off to me. :p
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character: Salvage Mission by @Seldes_Katne is yet another week one Kessel Run story and while it's protagonist Ric Olié originates from the films he plays a relatively small role, and I am always thrilled to see such a creative use for prequel centric characters, worlds and concepts in any context. A particularly clever use here as he and his team try to rescue some Aiwah's after the destruction of Kamino by the Empire.
    13. A story featuring a non-human character: Just Dance by @Raissa Baiard, told from the POV of the Lasat Garazeb Orellios, as he finds himself on the most ridiculous mission of his life. His task, is as the title says, to Just Dance. Oh, and get a code cylinder from a "sultry", giant, hairy, Balinaka who gets her groove on as a way to remember her people enslaved by the Empire. Well worth a read.
    14. A story featuring an original character: A Slick One With a Smile By @ViariSkywalker
      A serial killer finds himself in the clutches of Darth Festus, manages to get him to fight fair, but gets a little cocky along the way. An all-around entertaining story with a captivating narrative.
    15. An AU story: Useless Bay by @Findswoman
      The first entry is a powerful AU introspect on what it might have been like if Jyn Erso survived the Death Stars super laser destroying Scariff. Left alone and driven to the point of madness, one can't help but sympathize with her as she contemplates her lonely existence.
    16. A Legends Story: What they Grow Beyond. by @Kadar Ordo, a deep and character driven story of Master Yoda counseling Dooku and Qui-gon after Galidraan. Offers an emotional story that gives insight into how that event effected multiple people, including the return of the rather obscure Feemor! I like what was done to give the event personal significance, and Yoda's way of breaking through Qui-gon and Dooku's personal trouble. It worked very well.
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story: A Daimyo's Diary: The Book of Boba Fett (DDC 2024) by @Happy Sando. It's Boba's Diary! With some editing from a torture droid. How can you go wrong? Haven't seen the series it describes but have heard enough to follow along with the essentials, and it's always a pleasure to get inside the head of the best bounty hunter in the galaxy!

    18. A Non-Star Wars Story: The Door Slightly Ajar, by @Book-Geek
      Yes, I dug up an old one, but to be fair the non-Star Wars section is relatively sparsely populated and most of the stories are from the same five franchises. :p
      This story called out to me having recently read the books for the first time, it does a good job exploring Snapes character and offering some emotional depth in a relatively brief scene. The premise caught my eye, and I liked it. Nobody who has seen the last movie or read the final book should be surprised what he finds, but there is still a powerful sense of melancholy about it.
    19. A story that is rich in world-building: I Discover Great Deceptions and Truths by @devilinthedetails, offers an interesting insight into the day-to-day life of Siri Tachi, from her relationship with Master Adi Gallia, to her interesting conversations/description of her Datapad, and even something as simple as a haircut. I expect more great details down the line!
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way: Medley of Unforgettable Happenings (Week #1), by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha. Obi-Wan Kenobi the flirt? Maybe not the first person many would choose to be eying up a cute Twi'lek but he's definitely got the ladies chasing after him. Siri, Satine and now Ms. Ranald. Maybe it's just Anakin's reading of the situation but man, the poor guy just can't catch a break. :p

    21. A story told in any other POV than third person: Daybreak by @ViariSkywalker is an absolutely amazing look at Old Bens final moments from a second person POV. (Not many of those around these parts! Difficult to do, and all the more impressive because of the effort.)
    22. A fic with a great first line: A Little Help, Here? by @vader_incarnate
      Luke asks for help, and Han is ready to bury a body. What better setup for this laugh outload rollercoaster that includes a fun analysis of how driving is different on Coruscant and Tatooine plus a positively perfect cameo from our very own Anakin Skywalker all too ready to rib Han to shreds for marrying his daughter. Need I say more? [face_rofl]
    23. A fic with a great last line: An Exercise in Precise Terminology by @rktho, maybe not all that surprising but a delightfully amusing demonstration on why you shouldn't test Jabba's patience while standing on the trap door you just installed.

    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP You wish would start again: Take Me Home by @Raissa Baiard
      A pair of story posts made last year that offer a small window into her very own concept of an Ezra and Sabine reunion, it is a very well-done tale that offers great emotional depth and growth from both characters that have gone to hell and back across a decade. Definitely worth a read, and worth a continuation of the author ever feels inspired by it again.
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review: Tales from the One Canon, thread by @Sinrebirth, parts of the story written by @HMTE. I honestly love the deep dive into the obscure, I always feel like I'm learning something about Star Wars while reading these tales, and it's endlessly interesting how they manage to reconcile canon with legends. I've never had an issue with the reboot, but these intellectual exercises are genuinely a lot of fun and add 30+ years of depth to canon stories that are just now getting their legs. Even when writing in an era I'm not big on personally exploring I can't help but be captivated in how they weave the narrative.
    27. 27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review: Enter the Foreign by @ViariSkywalker
      This was always a prompt that intimidated me the most because multi chapter fanfiction stories can be a gruel to get through at times. The fact that this is an AU, and a time travel one at that should have left me at the door, but the premise vaguely intrigued me, and Anakin Skywalker is one of my favorite characters too, so I thought I'd give it a chance and man do I not regret it. A story written over the course of a decade, it has all the feels and then some, twists and turns, shocks and awe (Sometime litterally), and an emotionally satisfying ending that made the whole journey eternally worth it! If you haven't read it yet give it a shot, I promise you won't regret it!
    28. A story written prior to 2024: A Promise Kept by @Cowgirl Jedi 1701 is a few years old now but a fortunate bump gave me the chance to read it and contemplate a very interesting AU that effectively condenses three films worth of character development into a single relatively short post.
    29. A fic by an author you love The Doqvic Method by @rktho, I'm seeing him pop up a fair few times in my reviews and have yet to be disappointed by a story. Each one is very readable, short, and easy to understand, even when dealing with Oc's who are usually very hard to visualize! In this case a plainclothes police officer had the criminal drug dealer on the ropes but takes a surprising turn by inviting him to dinner instead of putting him behind bars. The scene is set nicely, and while not a lot happens it gives an excellent introduction to the OC title character, his personality and unorthodox methods.
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection): In the Floods
      A clever use of the first prompt, a fun dip into Leia's character, and an accidental slip into Latin that one can't help but enjoy. I'm not participating in the Kessel Run Challenge this year since I want to prioritize my existing fic, but I do really enjoy seeing so many authors adopt the prompt each in their own unique way. Definitely something I will be keeping tabs on.
    31. A one-shot/vignette: Coruscant Sunset by @devilinthedetails a very sweet if brief scene of Obi and Ani looking out at the (You guessed it!) Coruscant Sunset. It's lovely in its use of both characters so early in their Master and Apprentice relationship, you can sense just how uncomfortable Obi is in being a teacher still, but Anakin is endlessly curious and always comparing his new world to his old one! I love it. :D
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words: The Rains of Scariff by @Findswoman, by my count it has a little of 950 words, but it was a must read after finishing Usless Bay, that which was a prequel to this story published in 2019. This could just as well have gone under the "A Story that surprised you" prompt, but I elected to keep that one open for the future. The most interesting aspect personally was the POV character: Mon Mothma, even as I knew the premise before opening the thread, I was shocked by the fact that the leader of the Rebel Alliance was visiting this fallen world, and the perspective on her is interesting. Particularly considering how candid she can be in such a private setting with only her friend's ear, she doesn't need to worry about optics and can truly speak her mind, which paves the way for a surprisingly sentimental reunion at the end.
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words: Cold Harvest by @devilinthedetails, a fascinating and deep story following one of Qui gons and Obi-Wan's many missions, this one specifically to !Space!Russia, where they encounter corruption, a friendly innkeeper and curious customs they need to understand in hopes of bringing a force sensitive youngling to the Jedi. By my count it's a little over 13,000 words.... so far. (Personally, I'm hoping for a continuation for what its worth).
    34. 34. A story with Less than five syllables in the title: Agwe by @rktho, it is a story of slavers, weird aliens and Jedi. Short and easily read it brings some interesting lore related to cloning into the Star Wars universe, and it's ending vaguely reminded me of one of my own stories. That is to say nothing of its beginning which involves a certain hooded banker with an attitude.—-short-story.50060216/#post-58823657
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title: We are One But We Are Many, By @GregMcP, a poetic deep dive into the Aki-Aki festival, with a particularly poetic and poignant story from the perspective of Nambi Ghima and her Mumma, it's got a curious Rythm to it that it took me a second to get use to, sometimes the story fades into casual conversation in a way that surprises me, but it's a very sweat tale and a deep look into an extremely alien culture.
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention: He is a doctor or? Underrated Gems of the Early 2000’s Challenge by @earlybird-obi-wan, yes big wonder how this title got my attention. :p
      Beyond being my own challenge, it is an investigative story where an old Corellian Jedi is looking into a toy line that has been made into a secret weapons cache, resulting in the injuries/death of civilians and Clones alike. I look forward to tracking its further development!’s-challenge.50060338/#post-58860218
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention: Namesake by @rktho, despite the pun, it manages to communicate a lot with a little. Even before I know who the protagonist is I can imagine she will have to face some truly horrific obstacles as she grows up. The species + neglected childhoods add a lot to the imagination even before you add the term 'grievously' in there. :p—-a-short-story-446-words.50055621/#post-58762373

    38. A Story With an Authors Note that Caught your Attention: To Shake the Stars--ANH Fan Novelization: @DarthIshtar has got a fair point that a lot of the novelizations have some rather Awkard bits that chaffed with alter lore, and I appreciate her effort to tidy them up a bit.
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention: Word Smith by @Kit', Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine, the former proves completely incapable of carrying proper conversation with her and even less so articulating his feelings. It's delightfully Awkard and curiously adorable, with a satisfying conclusion that offers me some deep thought as to the balance between a Jedi's duty and his humanity. Also, I totally didn't intend to read two stories in a row about Obi-Wan Kenobi's primary love interests.
    40. A story that defies all categorization: Season of Sharing By @Seldes_Katne, a very deep story with a foundation in academia but a fascinating deep dive into religious and cultural aspect of the GFFA, many unique aliens and characters that stretch the imagination. Very vivid imagery, based in real life traditions and peoples of all sorts that give the story much more depth and resonance, as well as respect for the great variety of characters and histories represented. Plus, a fair bit of humor, flying Aleena never fail to give a chuckle. It feels simultaneously more casual but also deeper than a lot of other stories I've read.
    Last edited: May 5, 2024
  11. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Just sign me up for this again

    1. A story that breaks your heart. by @Findswoman First prompt: A poor girl alone and lost on a planet with the rain making everything useless. Second prompt having to deliver a package from AHC to your beloved old mother. Third a series of drabbles with Kanan and Zeb beginning on a devastated world. 4. A music-box with the song to remember a childhood. And a great way to include the remember challenge. 5 An AU with Revan being a woman and not ready for action at all. 6 A pool reflecting Zeb and Shulma before and in the war. 7. Zuckuss as he is portrayed by her and the nonsense of the other writers. 8 Chirrut save and escaping after killing Krennic and Hux, who tried to protect him. 9 Onassi and the scout in one bed. 10 Galen sending a letter to Krennic. All in purple rose and gold 2024 kessel run anthology
    2. A story that makes you laugh. Hilarious cat fun with @gizkaspice in the story dexters dabbles with idiosyncratic imperials
    3. A story that makes you smile. by @Raissa Baiard Writing a fic gift with for Zeb a ridiculous outfit but has him having fun at the dance just dance
    4. A story that surprises you. by @Raissa Baiard She begins her Kessel run 2024 with a surprising view into the personal life of Jango and his young 'clone'son Boba. Her second entry is with Ezra and a Loth-cat revealing secrets. My favorite Mando Canderous Ordo in the third and a Mandalorian beskar helmet in the fourth. 7 HK-47 has a hliarious dream. In who writes remains
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone. by @JediMaster_Jen Her Kessel-run where we see familiar characters in a very different view. Dark and twisty in the first posts. Obi-Wan descended from the Mandalorians and receiving a ring in the inanimate object challenge. Obi-Wan fighting Darth Hala/Satine. 7 Obi-Wan with a happy dream and waking up to see the graves of his family and vowing to kill Qui-Gon. 8 Hala recscuing Obi-Wan and getting away with him. 9 Fun with Teeg and Xanatos on a mission and having that hotel and one bed. Exploring toes. 10 Obi-Wan meeting Anakin. All in black knights legend of the sith hunters
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast. by @UltramassiveUbersue Writing about the couples Corran/Mirax, Wedge/Iella, Han/Leia with great snark and banter in an acquired taste
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship. By @Kit' Her story written for the IQ OC challenge with the siblings Estra D'ladame, F'kisi Plum, Nicco D'ladame, Zalllie Jinn, Bryer D'ladame (née Ducat), Del D'ladame, Kithera (Rin) Rinani in lost in the everywhere
    8. A story featuring a friendship. by @amidalachick She has started her Kessel run with Steve and Billy busy during a rainy night. The second prompt is how Steve can play the guitar and reveals this to Billy in a delightful piece of writing. The third is relax and fun with the five drabbles. 4 A camera is a perfect inanimate object to observe 5 Hopper with only memories of a cat and Sara is a great AU. 6 Steve and Billy playing Basketball and being friends in the future. 7 A dream beginning with a famous SW quote. 8 a hilarious one bed to share story. 9 Hopper plays amnesia when he sees Karen and not when he sees Joyce giving them a second chance. 10. sweet with Steve's mother meeting Billy and her grandchildren. All in. Stranger things sleep beneath peaceful skies
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship. by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha . The Coming of Spring is telling how Eowyn fell in love with Faramir after meeting him for the first time and for him it is the same. Eowyn (in love with Aragorn) loved to become a queen but became the wife of Faramir
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship. By @Starith Her ongoing graphic novel where Darth Vader and Luke in an AU are getting to know more about each other. It is dark but beautifully drawn and with sometimes hilarious conversations. dark chasm
    11. A story featuring a villain. by @Happy Sando the diary of Boba Fett with comments from 8D8 a daimyos diary the book of Boba Fett
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character. by @DarthIshtar She has started a diary with Leia's PA as the writer and reveals more about her work with the highnesses take a memo
    13. A story featuring a non-human character. by @gizkaspice tales told by Maz Kanata from lovely to dark to hilarious with of course cats the pirate queens peculiar treasure tales
    14. A story featuring an original character. by @Findswoman her story told by a young Loth-wolf from her POV silver flash on the steppe
    15. An AU story. By @Chyntuck Where Mara and Lando get married in a hilarious story unholy matrimony
    16. A Legends Story. By @ConservativeJedi321 The story of Depa a shattered minds eye
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story by @gizkaspice the hilarious diary written by KYLO Ren with of course cats in it the diary of a very whiny darksider
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha She started a diary written by Elizabeth 1 virgin queen regal moves
    19. A story that is rich in world-building. By @Mechalich the story the pipecleaner describes the world of the underworld in Coruscant's aquarium in great detail.
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way. by @Mira_Jade Her AU songverse where Anakin is happy, married and is a grandfather caring for his family. The second post continues with lighthearted banter of the families and rescuing Luke and Anakin. The next one is a sestina about Darth Maul on his way to redemption. The memory of a tree is beautiful. Her AU ends happy for Bly and Aayla. 6 Jaina and Jag at a meeting, happy and still alive in the future and back dancing. 8 Barriss the healer in this dark piece. 10.The artworks of war viewed by Thrawn. Ending with the piece of hope done by Ayesha and her/his daughter. All in a brighter sun a bigger sky song verse AU Kessel run
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person. by @devilinthedetails She has started a diary with Siri Tachi as the narator. Siri, one of my favorite characters discover great deceptions and truths Siri Tachis diary
    22. A fic with a great first line. by @DarthIshtar . Her fic about Han and Luke/Leia begins with 'Han hated strategy sessions. It is benefit of the doubt
    23. A fic with a great last line. by @Thumper09 A Kessel run 2024 series starting with a Duros family and droid searching for artifacts and a great last line in the first entry. The second is sweet with a toy found by Erkki after clues are left where to find it. In the drabbles Chad, a disaster world is described in details by the family looking for artifacts and their meeting with the inhabitants. The remains of a dwelling give shelter to a biped and its companion and muse about who had been there in the past. A Duros searching for Jedi-artifacts for the Empire is a great AU. 6 Niilo and Kertu and their dinner on the ship interrupted by their kids with TiRi as the toy. 7. Wedge dreaming about Kettch replacing him and the runts multiplying. 8. Niilo telling a story with Rozzgoth, a varactyl and Violetti. 9 A rewrite where you can make your own middle part and ending. 10 Niilo doing research on the Katana fleet and being interrupted. It is in artifact or fiction
    24. A WIP that started again. by @AzureAngel2 She had lovely stories about her OC Cassandra , some unfinished and is now continuing with telling about her in appointment with death short stories around my oc Cassandra
    25. A WIP you wish would start again. by @devilinthedetails . She is writing a delightful story with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in cold harvest and has to finish it.
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review. by @Sinrebirth Getting legends and canon together in one flowing timeline is what attracts me to these tales tales from one canon
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review. by @Mira Grau her great and continuing storyline about her Next generation the spark is lit
    28. A story written prior to 2024. by @Theodore Hawkwood It has a great ensemble of canon and original characters and a rivetting storyline tides of darkness
    29. A fic by an author you love. by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha She has written great romantic stories and has begun the Kessel run with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin and some great reflections by Anakin. Her second entry is fun with Luke and Mara. Her third entry are drabbles with Sabrina. A wedding ring is the inanimate object. For the fifth week she uses the ending up in one bed with Luke and Mara expressing their love. Six. A great tale about Qui-Gon and Tahl and their apprentices about New Absolom. 7. Mara dreaming about the future? Lovely with her husband Luke teasing her and inviting her for dinner. 8 Excellent view into Lando's thoughts and handling of the situation. 9. Obi-Wan honing his negotiating skills under the tutelage of Qui-Gon. 10. Mara and Leia discussing Fey'lya as the windbag he sure is. It is in medley of unforgettable happenings
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection) by @DarthIshtar The first prompt was perfect for the first story. The second features a pivotal moment fleeing from Bespin with Lando knowing about the love of Leia for Luke and Han. The third has pivotal moments in five drabbles. A X-wing targetting computer is the inanimate object. Leia in the AU with amnesia. 30 persons sleeping in the Falcon with only one in the bed. 7 Leia dreaming about Luke and Vader during ESB 8 the scene where Anakin begins to fight Luke and the revealing thoughts of him leading to his redemption. 9 Perfect for Han and Leia to share a bed for the first time after that harrowing wake up and fight to get away. 10 Leia and Rieekan about entertainment and education on Hoth. All in traitors and other terms of endearment
    31. A one-shot/vignette. By @Mira_JadeAnd Dances with the Lilliadils by @Mira_Jade, featuring an OC belonging to @Chyntuck: artist Nazmat Koch and his friend and fellow artist Jesse with a very sweet ending for both. Reviewed in 2023 but put to attention in this reading challenge. Another is by @Mechalich writing about a minor character and the perils of the Coruscant underworld in the pipecleaner
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words. by @Seldes_Katne The first story in the Kessel run beginning with how Gungans and retired Olié rescue Aiwhas on Kamino showing great love and care for them. The second has Vestri using a Gungan tale to get a coded message to TBB. The third are drabbles showing how the Gungans are searching for a planet to colonize. A journal is the inanimate object, remembering all that has happened. in the AU Vestri becomes a storyteller trying to recover her memories. Vestri gives good advise to Draff about his beloved. 7 D-O and his dreams, learning even something from those stressful dreams. 8 Maz the hero meeting Hux the villain and bribing him with cookies. 9 A jerk as a director but Vestri and Adrik could make all very comfortable with more Gungans coming. 10. A great introduction to the long vignette with Vestri giving the datarod to Maz. All in wherever the river flows Kessel run
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words by @Vek Talis Change with Vek in and exciting adventure
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title. by @ViariSkywalker She has started her Kessel-run 2024 with a story in her verse with a discussion between the wordsmith and a student. In her second she has Hondo getting Sithlings and shows that he can be compassionate when he discovers the horrors that Dorian and Veeran went through. Beautiful poems in the villanette and sestina followed and now a feline's perspective on the pirates. Dorian and Allana are together with funny comments from the other pirates. Ben Skywalker meeting Hondo telling him about all his adventures and rescuing him. Uncle Hondo meeting Mara and Luke. Sithlings and their past discussing around a campfire. Hondo and his pirates, interrupting him when he is telling them what is important. They are in stardust and steel
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title. By @Theodore Hawkwood A Kessel run with the very likeable rebel characters Troka and Ben Cozine. In the second entry Ben has a secret he doesn't want to share with Madine. The third is a set of drabbles told from first POV by Ben and Ashliea. 4 is from the POV of the house of the Delstees. 5 Ben looses his memory but it will return. 6 Ben and Ashliea in a sweet beautiful setting on Mon Cala. 7 Ken the Jedi prince dreaming about fighting Palpatine. 8 Ashliea interrogated by Dunlapp and surviving because she is sent to another interrogator. Dunlapp killed by Cozine and Corran examining the homicide. 9 Ashliea and Ben quarreling and agreeing to sleep in the same bed. Nice touches about the shirts. 10 Ashliea and Ben loving and together. All in 2024 kessel run and assorted tales thereof
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention. by @Kit' She is again writing in her enjoyable Kit verse beginning in the Kessel run 2024 with a delightful prequel to one of her stories in the first entry and Tara about master Dor is the second entry. The third are drabbles with paramours of her master counted by Kithera. The fourth is the ship. 5 is AU with a padawan lost in the snow and without memories. 6 The future scene hiding rebels and back to Nicco and Bryer tasting the whiskey. 7 Scary dream for Qui-Gon. A Sith dragon turning into a Sith. 8.Nyx and Vulius not killing but waiting for the next question. 9 A romance for Kirsh and Kithera. 10 Nyx visiting the Jedi-temple with Tara. They are in journeys through the kitverse 2024 kessel run
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention. by @Chyntuck It is the longest day radio londres A start with the Kessel run about a period in history that has my attention namely WW2 because my mother had been a teenager during that period and is now telling all her stories. And I have joined a group in Wijk aan Zee that keeps the memories and the pieces of the Atlantic wall to be seen for all. The second prompt is revealing a secret to a girl that her brother and uncle are safe in London. The third mentions seven sabotage acts in seven drabbles. The fourth is a rifle observing the resistance listening to the radio. Listening was done by my uncles too. 5 A famous philosopher survives and isn't executed but has amnesia. 6 Women in the resistance meet a cruel fate before D-day. 7 The iconic scene in Ste Mere Eglise. 8 Dark and realistic with Lucet the villain still alive when Cyla leaves him. 9. Alec able to escape with Anne-Marie guiding him in that one bed story. 10 Julien in London and listening to the funny broadcast
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention by @Kit' She is again writing about her beloved characters in Snips and tales and bantha tails with this collection the scrap yard
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention. by @Gabri_Jade Her verse where Luke and Mara have kids. She started her Kessel Run 2024 with a delightful piece with Mara and her daughter Kaela. The second is with the Jade family where Corissa knows about Nico's love. A saucepan gives hilarious comments about Mara's cooking. A great AU where Mara as Emperors hand has to kill her family and finds help in the rebellion with Luke Skywalker. Mara and Luke in scenes flashing forward with them not knowing in the end that they are married and Mara pregnant. 7 a weird dream for Mara with Vader, Palpatine, Karrde, Leia, Fey'la and more. 8. Nico saved by Mara and going to meet his family. 9. The Alternate Universe Chronicles of a Saucepan. 10.Fun piece with the Jade family discussing Fey'lya and ballet. It is in goes on and on
    40. A story that defies all categorization. by @gizkaspice the continuing fanfiction summer olymics 2023 with the hilarious Cat sauron and now with Halbrand and his cats and Galadriel and Dr Tana commenting on him sauron the lord of the cats
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
  12. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Sign me up, please.

    1. A story that breaks your heart

    2. A story that makes you laugh

    3. A story that makes you smile

    4. A story that surprises you

    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone

    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast

    7. A story featuring a familial relationship

    8. A story featuring a friendship

    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship

    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship

    11. A story featuring a villain

    12. A story featuring a minor canon character

    13. A story featuring a non-human character

    14. A story featuring an original character

    15. An AU story

    16. A Legends Story

    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story

    18. A Non- Star Wars Story

    19. A story that is rich in world-building

    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way

    21. A story told in any other POV than third person

    22. A fic with a great first line

    23. A fic with a great last line

    24. A WIP that started again

    25. A WIP you wish would start again

    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review

    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review

    28. A story written prior to 2024

    29. A fic by an author you love

    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)

    31. A one-shot/vignette

    32. A story with less than 10,000 words

    33. A story with more than 10,000 words

    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title

    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title

    36. A story with a title that caught your attention

    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention

    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention

    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention

    40. A story that defies all categorization
  13. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    The index has been updated!

    This is shaping up to be a wonderful year of reviewing already! [face_dancing]
  14. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    I'm in! :D

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review

    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review: [Poster Girl] Who are you when nobody is watching you? by @Mira Grau is a story about two women finding love and healing from traumatic pasts. There are some really heavy moments, some really sweet moments, and it's just an all-round great read! As a bonus, reading this fic and @Mira Grau's recommendation has me wanting to check out the source material. Book recs are always a fun thing! :D

    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2024
  15. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    I'm in as well! [face_batting]

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    40. A story that defies all categorization
  16. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    off to a great start when I couldn’t even copy and paste this in correctly. Anyway. I have read stories off and on here for well nearly a decade now. I am approaching the end of my canon readthrough of all original works. Well at least the book side of it. Still need to read the comics. But why let the fun stop with official content. So sign me up.

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Already got a couple reviews. :)

    1. A story that breaks your heart

    2. A story that makes you laugh
    "Dex's Dabbles with Ideosyncratic Imperials"
    by @gizkaspice
    Link to Review:
    Just the title had me chuckling and it got more hilarious from there. The Imps book Dex's diner for a large birthday bash. Whose birthday is it? Read and find out! [face_mischief]

    3. A story that makes you smile

    4. A story that surprises you

    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone

    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast

    7. A story featuring a familial relationship

    8. A story featuring a friendship

    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship

    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship

    11. A story featuring a villain

    12. A story featuring a minor canon character

    13. A story featuring a non-human character

    14. A story featuring an original character

    15. An AU story

    16. A Legends Story

    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story

    18. A Non- Star Wars Story

    19. A story that is rich in world-building

    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way

    21. A story told in any other POV than third person

    22. A fic with a great first line

    23. A fic with a great last line

    24. A WIP that started again

    25. A WIP you wish would start again

    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review

    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review

    28. A story written prior to 2024
    "Kylo's Metaphysical Lifeday Journey"
    by @devilinthedetails
    Link to review:
    This is a great blend of humor, Kylo's imperiousness and self-unawareness ... :p and the wisdom imparted by various 'visitors'. =D=

    29. A fic by an author you love

    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)

    31. A one-shot/vignette

    32. A story with less than 10,000 words

    33. A story with more than 10,000 words

    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title

    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title

    36. A story with a title that caught your attention

    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention

    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention

    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention

    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2024
  18. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I want to suck less at reviewing this year, so I am here and committed.

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    40. A story that defies all categorization
  19. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Sign me up, too! :)

    Edit: Please excuse my mess while I'm going through and adding things to this index; making the numbered list formatting turn out neat and tidy is not my strong suit. :p At the end, everything should have the correct number by it but for now no promises!
    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile - Anakin's Baby Book by @pronker is what it says on the tin -- Obi-Wan receives a Jedi-issued "baby book" to fill out during Anakin's apprenticeship. This one also made me giggle, but there is such heartwarming fluff in between the chuckles here that it felt like it needed the smile category. [face_love]
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship -- A Tale of Two Siblings by @Mira Grau centers on siblings Kay and Tia Vandel, who are meeting in the visitor center of a prison that holds some very dangerous beings -- of whom Tia may be the most dangerous. It's an intriguing look into what has obviously been a pretty long and difficult road for both of these characters, and the painful division that is left between them after Kay led the revolution that ousted his sister from her warlord status.

    8. A story featuring a friendship -- The Beginning of a New Life by @Hopefulwriter is an ongoing Han Solo epic set between the OT and ST films, and starts with his decision to leave Leia and Ben and go back to smuggling. (Well, sort of... it's complicated, and IMO Hopefulwriter does a better job of explaining what happened there than the ST did.) One of the aspects of the story that I've really enjoyed so far is the depiction of Han and Chewie's friendship, which of course plays a big role in the story of their adventures. :han::chewie:
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character -- Rain, Rain, Go Away by @Theodore Hawkwood features two OC's. Ben Cozine, the viewpoint character, is a sniper for the Rebellion and has been assigned to complete a mission that is very personal for him. The weather forecast is not on his side, however. Special mention also for Troka, also an OC and a great, snarky foil to Ben's more impulsive nature. Snark without translated dialogue is an art and the way Troka is written manages it very well! ;)

    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story -- Les Français parlent aux Français by @Chyntuck is the first story in the collection Radio Londres, which is set in the film The Longest Day (a film set in WWII shortly before and during the events of D-Day). Like the rest of the collection, this tale fleshes out the background events surrounding messages that the movie shows being sent to the French Resistance via French-language broadcasts from London (aka Radio Londres). Told from the POV of an officer given the job of bringing messages from the English government to the broadcasters, it's a really engaging little slice of life set in the world of the people who would have made these communications possible.
    19. A story that is rich in world-building -- Moon Station - A Star Wars Short Story by @TheChorlianCorner has a fantastic contained setting within the workings of a mining station on a nameless moon, somewhere and sometime in the GFFA. I don't want to give away too much, but there are so many intriguing pieces to the worldbuilding in this tale. Suffice it to say that I enjoyed the balance of gritty, practical details that feel entirely realistic for an isolated station full of destitute residents, along with a few really interesting bits of more fantastical lore that we get a few peeks at throughout the story. =D=
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way

    21. A story told in any other POV than third person -- Dark Chasm by @Starith is told in a webcomic format with no third-person narrator, and it blends a gripping plot with great visuals! :cool:

    A fic with a great first line
    A fic with a great last line
    A WIP that started again
    A WIP you wish would start again
    An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    A story written prior to 2024
    A fic by an author you love
    A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    A one-shot/vignetteA story with less than 10,000 words
    A story with more than 10,000 words
    A story with less than five syllables in the title
    A story with more than five syllables in the title
    A story with a title that caught your attention
    A story with a summary that caught your attention
    A story with an author’s note that caught your attention

    A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention -- From The Forest Ranger’s Field Handbook by @Pandora brings back the characters Antares and Karellen from Pandora’s 2023 Kessel Run story “Heroes” in all of their multifaceted and sharp-edged yet endearing glory. [face_dancing] In this one, we get to see them a while after that tale and sharing a bit of mush (not that Antares would call it that :p ) on a gloomy day. It was really nice to see these two again, and we even get Antares in one of her script-monologues, which are not to be missed.

    A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: May 2, 2024
  20. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh a quick read but I am always a sucker for a Leia and Han story and a funny one at that
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any other POV than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A WIP that started again
    25. A WIP you wish would start again
    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review
    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review
    28. A story written prior to 2024
    29. A fic by an author you love
    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    31. A one-shot/vignette
    32. A story with less than 10,000 words
    33. A story with more than 10,000 words
    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    36. A story with a title that caught your attention
    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    40. A story that defies all categorization
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    1. A story that breaks your heart

    2. A story that makes you laugh
    "Dex's Dabbles with Ideosyncratic Imperials"
    by @gizkaspice
    Link to Review:
    Just the title had me chuckling and it got more hilarious from there. The Imps book Dex's diner for a large birthday bash. Whose birthday is it? Read and find out! [face_mischief]

    3. A story that makes you smile

    4. A story that surprises you

    5. A story that pushes you outside your comfort zone

    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast

    7. A story featuring a familial relationship

    8. A story featuring a friendship

    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship

    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship

    11. A story featuring a villain

    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    "Take a Memo--the Life and Times of Princess Leia's Aide"
    by @DarthIshtar
    Review Link:
    Seeing Leia and the burgeoning reestablished New Republic through the eyes of Alole, her aide, is going to be fun and interesting.

    13. A story featuring a non-human character

    14. A story featuring an original character

    15. An AU story

    16. A Legends Story

    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    "Diary of Ruthie Wegley"
    by @study888
    Review Link:
    This is fascinating in its context as to why the diary is being kept and opens the way for many adventures. The diarist is a Wayseeker, which is not a 'category' of force sensitive I have encountered often so I am intrigued.


    18. A Non- Star Wars Story

    19. A story that is rich in world-building

    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way

    21. A story told in any other POV than third person

    22. A fic with a great first line

    23. A fic with a great last line

    24. A WIP that started again

    25. A WIP you wish would start again

    26. An ongoing WIP that you regularly review

    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review

    28. A story written prior to 2024
    "Kylo's Metaphysical Lifeday Journey"
    by @devilinthedetails
    Link to review:
    This is a great blend of humor, Kylo's imperiousness and self-unawareness ... :p and the wisdom imparted by various 'visitors'. =D=

    29. A fic by an author you love

    30. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)

    31. A one-shot/vignette

    32. A story with less than 10,000 words

    33. A story with more than 10,000 words

    34. A story with less than five syllables in the title

    35. A story with more than five syllables in the title

    36. A story with a title that caught your attention

    37. A story with a summary that caught your attention

    38. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention

    39. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention

    40. A story that defies all categorization
  22. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Kahara, Mira Grau, Chyntuck and 6 others like this.
  23. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
  24. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    1. A story that breaks your heart: Good Boi by @Kit', featuring OC Zallie and her dog Blu. It's really just the tale of a girl and her dog. The girl grows up, the dog grows old. I cried at the end. (link to review)
  25. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Updated my list!

    21. A story told in any other POV than third person: Take a Memo by @DarthIshtar is the diary of Leia's very relatable personal assistant, and like many diaries, it is written in the first person point of view.

    27. A multi-chapter story where you have left more than one review: I left reviews on every chapter of Averting Disaster, a beautiful tribute to taking on challenges by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha.