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Index The Prolific Writers' Index | Updates on the 1st & 16th of every month

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by ProlificWritersSock, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Welcome to the revived PROLIFIC FAN FICTION WRITERS’ INDEX!

    The purpose of this thread is to enable SW fan fiction writers to keep all of their stories listed in a single place and to promote them to readers. There are specific rules for indexing and promotion--please read them carefully before you start posting in this thread. If in doubt about any of these rules, please PM the sock.

    The PWI is exclusively an index, not a place for discussion. To discuss specific stories, go to the story thread. If you're looking for a story and can't find it here, go to the Recommendations thread or the Looking for Fics thread. Please post only index posts in this thread.

    Despite the word "prolific" in the thread title, you're welcome to list your stories here even if you have only written one. :)


    1. One post per user. If you have a collaborative work, please use only your real username (not a collaborative sock) to post your work. Your one post can be edited to include new stories. Any other erroneous posts will be pointed out to our friendly neighborhood moderators.

    2. Only SW fics posted on the JCF are eligible for this thread. Stories posted on other websites will be deleted. For NSWFF, please contact the NSWFF mods.

    3. You may not use this thread to solicit new readers. To promote your fics, check out the promotion rules below.

    4. Please list your stories by era. So you'd have your Before stories listed, then Saga, then Beyond.

    5. Please, no colors or cover art. Let this just be an index. The exception is that you can color the era headings Before, Saga, and Beyond.

    6. Please use the following template for each story entry. If an item is not applicable, enter N/A instead of deleting it (or TBD if you haven't made up your mind about it yet).

    Title: (insert link)
    Co-Authors: (list co-authors and/or specify if round robin)
    Timeframe: (from date/event to date/event)
    Genre: (adventure/romance/drama, etc)
    Canonicity: (canon/Legends/AU)
    Type: (epic/short/series) *
    Characters: (list main canon characters and/or OCs)
    Summary: (maximum 100 words)
    Last updated: (year of last update)
    Status: (Complete/ WIP/ any sequels)
    Other relevant information: (whatever isn't covered above, e.g. if the story was written for a challenge, but don't use this to pimp your fic!)
    Download links: (specify format)

    * Epic = 30,000+ words / Short = less than 30,000 words / Series = connected one-shots or connected multi-chapter stories (e.g. a trilogy). A single story can be labeled as matching two of these categories (e.g. Fancy title: short, part of the Awesome Series)

    About download links for your fic

    A downloadable version of your fic can be useful for readers, especially if your fic is looooong and completed. If you choose to create a pdf/ebook of your fic and link to it here, please bear in mind the following:

    For writers:
    • Only fics that were posted on the JCF are eligible for this thread. Links to fics posted on other sites will be removed.
    • Please post download links only to a TOS-compliant version of your fic, i.e., a version identical to the version you posted on the boards (minor edits for typos etc are acceptable.) Breaches of the TOS will be handled by the mods as per the board rules.
    • You are responsible for creating the downloadable format(s) of your fic (pdf, epub, mobi, etc) and uploading it wherever you deem appropriate (dropbox, Google Drive, personal server, etc).
    For readers:
    • You commit not to transfer the downloadable document to another online storage service -- this is a "download and read for your personal enjoyment" thing, not a dissemination thing.
    • You download files at you own risk (for viruses etc.) -- the mods or the JCF as a whole are not responsible for any problems you may face.


    Authors who have an entry in this index may promote their fics only via the sock on a monthly basis. Authors are not allowed to post anything but their one-post list of fics in this thread. Any variation of "read my fic" will be deleted by the mods. To promote your fics, please do the following:

    1. Open a PM convo with the sock and specify clearly in the title "fic promotion for User in [month/year]". Please keep all your promotion PMs to this convo month after month. You can update the convo title every time you send a new PM using the "edit conversation" button at the top of the page.

    2. The sock will accept PMs for promoted fics from the 16th of each month through the last day of the month, and will publish the list of promoted fics on the 1st of the following month. Check out this thread's title bar to see if it's time to send in your fics.

    3. You may promote only ONE fic per month. This can be a fic that was started/updated/completed in the past month or an old fic that you want to bring back from the dead.

    4. You cannot promote the same fic two months in a row. This is just to avoid the promotion posts becoming awfully repetitive.

    5. You may only promote fics that you authored/co-authored, not other people's fics. (For that, check out Reader's Choice!)

    6. When PMing your promoted fic to the sock, please use the following template:

    Title: (no fancy formatting please)
    Co-author(s): (N/A if not applicable)
    Era: Before/Saga/Beyond
    Link: (no embedded links please)
    Why I'm promoting this fic (maximum 100 words): e.g. "I started a new story about..." or "my epic such and such is reaching a crucial point" or "I added a download link for my completed story," etc. This can include basic info of plot, characters and themes.

    • The old PWI thread can be found here (backup on the Wayback Machine here) and their common ancestor The Complete Collection Databank here.
    • The sock will maintain an index of writers in alphabetical order. The index will be updated at least once a month, so don't panic if you don't see your name in the index yet.
    • As of 03 February 2015, the sock is managed by Chyntuck. As of 22 April 2020, this sock is managed by @Findswoman.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
  2. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
  3. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
  4. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Promoted Fics

    June 2015
    July 2015
    August 2015
    September 2015—on hiatus
    October 2015—no submissions
    November 2015
    December 2015—no submissions
    January 2016
    February 2016
    March 2016
    April 2016
    May 2016
    June 2016—no submissions
    July 2016
    August 2016—no submissions
    September–December 2016—on hiatus
    January 2017—no submissions
    February 2017
    March 2017
    April 2017
    May 2017
    June 2017—no submissions
    July 2017
    August 2017—no submissions
    September 2017
    October 2017—no submissions
    November 2017—no submissions
    December 2017
    January 2018
    February 2018—no submissions
    March 2018
    April 2018—no submissions
    May 2018
    June 2018–April 2020—on hiatus
    May 2020
    June 2020
    July 2020
    August 2020
    September 2020
    October 2020
    November 2020
    December 2020
    January 2021
    February 2021
    March 2021
    April 2021
    May 2021—no submissions
    June 2021
    July–August 2021—no submissions
    September 2021
    October 2021–January 2022—no submissions
    February 2022
    March–December 2022—no submissions
    January–April 2023—no submissions
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2023
  5. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Note: Listed by era, in the order Saga (Multi-Chapter)Saga (One-Shot Stories)Saga and Others (Drabble and Vignette Series)BeforeBeyond.

    Saga (Multi-Chapter)

    Title: The Book of Gand, Parts 1–3
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately 10–15 years BBY (still working this out)
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: All OCs except one (it becomes clear who in the course of the story)
    Summary: The chronicle of a young Gand’s early years and apprenticeship in the ways of the Findsman, all (or mostly) taking place on his home planet.
    Last updated: July 22, 2023
    Status: Parts 1–4 complete; series will continue to five parts
    Other relevant information: A reworking and revision of a long, sprawling, still-unfinished story on which I’ve been working on and off since at least 2001, possibly earlier.

    Title: Sai-perimetry at Gleebaloola's, You Bet!
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Imperial era (somewhere between Episodes 3 and 4)
    Genre: Humor, slice of life
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short multichapter (three chapters)
    Characters: OCs; cameo by Quinlan Vos in chapters 2 and 3
    Summary: Two business neighbors on Coruscant, a Squib antique dealer and a Kiffar insurance agent, get more than they bargained for when the former asks the latter to use psychometry on artifacts to be sold in her shop.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Fanon Quote Challenge, using Chyntuck's fanon on the Kiffar and the quote “Judge me by my size, do you?”

    Title: Two Girls and a Man in Red
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era
    Genre: Slice of life, mixed humorous and serious
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short multichapter (three chapters)
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: While staying with a friend on Kuat, a girl meets the telbun entrusted with her friend's care.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Completed 5/18/2016
    Other relevant information: Fanon Roulette challenge entry involving the following two fanon elements: the Kuati system of telbuns by Pandora, and food and beverages of Varanko and Moniron by earlybird-obi-wan.

    Title: The Jewels of . . . WHAT?!
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Imperial era (somewhere between Episodes 3 and 4)
    Genre: Humor, adventure, culture, scholarship, with a little intrigue thrown in
    Canonicity: Mix of NuCanon and Legends elements
    Type: Short multichapter (four chapters)
    Characters: Taide Lambrin (OC borrowed from Ewok Poet), Mammon Hoole, plus a few other EC cameos
    Summary: An archaeologist with expertise in Force-sensitive gems has the opportunity to observe a modern-day ritual involving such gems—and when he does, unexpected things happen.
    Last updated: January 2017
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for Ewok Poet as part of the 10th Annual (2016) Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Title: Spectres' Aubade
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT; Rebels, season 3
    Genre: Humor, fluff, music
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter (three chapters)
    Characters: Crew of the Ghost, General Crix Madine, OCs borrowed from Raissa Baiard
    Summary: The crew of the Ghost is called on to pay a very special tribute to a fellow Rebel cell.
    Last updated: July 2017
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Fic-tribute to Raissa Baiard. Rated aurek-flat for copious music geekery, particularly of the choral kind! :p

    Title: The Sad, Sad Story of Porfozald Marballees!
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT; about 25 or 24 BBY
    Genre: Drama; unsympathetic protagonist; a certain amount of humor but also not really
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short multichapter (two chapters with adjunct stories; see below)
    Characters: Lasan Series OCs, Zeb Orrelios cameo
    Summary: The titular character, a Lasat shaman initiate, attempts very unsuccessfully to court one of his fellow initiates.
    Last updated: April 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Part of The Lasan Series.

    Title: Saadya's Pages
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Multi-timeframe: Saga—OT (Rebels, 4 BBY) and Before the Saga (3989 BBY and slightly after, about a generation before the KOTOR era)
    Genre: character study; introspection; drama; family
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter (four chapters)
    Characters: Ezra Bridger, various OC Bridgers, some borrowed; brief appearances of some Ghost crew members
    Summary: A Lothali book-artist from the time before the Jedi Civil War quite literally puts himself into his creations. Meanwhile, Ezra comes across a curious artifact in an antiquarian bookshop...
    Last updated: August 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Originally planned as an entry in the Introduce a New OC noncompetitive minichallenge, till it got too long. :D

    Title: Shaman, Traveler, Oracle: Journal of an Exile of Lasan
    Co-Authors: N/A (with the exception of chapter 22, coauthored by TheRynJedi)
    Timeframe: Saga—PT and Saga—OT; during the period between about 10 and 0 BBY
    Genre: Diary, drama, introspection, adventure
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Multichapter, epic
    Characters: OCs, mentions of Zeb Orrelios and Chava the Wise
    Summary: A chronicle of the exile, travels, trials, and adventures of a young Lasat shaman following the Imperial invasion of her homeworld and the near-genocide of her people.
    Last updated: April 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Part of the 2018 Dear Diary Challenge; also part of The Lasan Series.

    Title: From the Mountain's Heart
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT; somewhere between 19 and 32 BBY
    Genre: Action, military... mostly
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Multichapter
    Characters: Zeb, Gron, borrowed OCs
    Summary: A young Zeb, now a gifted Senior Lieutenant in the Lasan High Honor Guard, embarks on a side quest of his own during maneuvers.
    Last updated: September 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Part of The Lasan Series.

    Title: Romance among the Stones
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT; somewhere between 19 and 32 BBY
    Genre: Romance, drama, mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Very short multichapter (two chapters)
    Characters: Zeb Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha (OC), borrowed Lasan Series OCs
    Summary: A young Zeb, now a gifted lieutenant in the Lasan High Honor Guard, plans something elaborate for his ladylove—though it does not come off without setbacks.
    Last updated: September 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Part of The Lasan Series; a direct sequel to From the Mountain's Heart. Coopted for Monday Mush Madness challenge #1.

    Title: Light of Lasan
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT (about 18 BBY)
    Genre: Romance, drama, ritual, a certain amount of mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter
    Characters: Shulma Trilasha (OC), Zeb Orrelios, Chava the Wise, various other Lasan Series OCs
    Summary: Two young betrothed Lasat—a shaman and an Honor Guard officer—unexpectedly find themselves with important roles to perform at one of their homeworld’s most important ceremonies, and both encounter stresses and setbacks as they prepare.
    Last updated: September 25, 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Part of The Lasan Series.

    Title: Stand Together on the High Places
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT, ca. 0 ABY, not long after the Battle of Yavin
    Genre: Drama, romance
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC), other Rebels and Spectres, numerous OCs
    Summary: A reunion after long years of exile, loss, and separation.
    Last updated: July 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of The Lasan Series. Includes brief appearances by OCs borrowed from TheRynJedi.

    Title: Sparks
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT; ca. 31 BBY
    Genre: Drama, childhood origin story
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter
    Characters: Shulma Trilasha (OC), other OCs
    Summary: A shy kit from a mining town on Lasan discovers powers she did not know she had while working in the mines during school break.
    Last updated: December 5, 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of The Lasan Series; written for the OC Revolution Summer/Fall 2019 challenge.

    Title: Our Big Fat Lasat Wedding
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–PT, 19–18 BBY
    Genre: Romance, drama, humor, family
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter (verging on epic by virtue of its total word count… oof!)
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha (OC), other Lasan Series OCs, Chava the Wise
    Summary: Zeb and Shulma get married, though lots of things lead up to it, of course.
    Last updated: December 24, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of The Lasan Series; noncompetitive entry for OTP Challenge #16: Milestones.

    Title: The Captain, the H-Goater, and the Voorpak
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–OT (about 8–9 BBY)
    Genre: Humor, romance, family
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Gron, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC), other Lasan Series OCs (both my own and borrowed from Raissa Baiard)
    Summary: In honor of the Lasan High Honor Guard’s acquisition of a long-awaited new vehicle, Zeb, as captain, must perform a Guard tradition that brings to the surface some of his deepest fears. But with the help of his siblings and his wife, he will be able to surmount them—right?
    Last updated: June 7, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of The Lasan Series; noncompetitive entry for OTP Challenge #19: The Return of Romcom…In Space!

    Title: A Steamy Vengeance
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–OT (about 0–2 ABY)
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short multichapter
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC), Evie the Evoluo (OC borrowed from Raissa Baiard), other Spectres
    Summary: Domestic tranquility is on the line when unrequited love causes Zeb’s beloved Evoluo caf machine to go on the fritz…
    Last updated: August 31, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of The Lasan Series; much-belated sequel to Raissa's A Steamy Romance.

    Title: The Secret of the Water Gardens
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–OT (ca. 10 BBY)
    Genre: Drama, ceremony, ritual, slice of life, ghosts/supernatural
    Canonicity: NuCanon, some Legends elements
    Type: Short multichapter
    Characters: Telfien Viurraanvi (OC, Gand female), OC extras, surprise EC appearance
    Summary: A visitor to a summertime festival on Naboo goes exploring—and makes unexpected and startling discoveries.
    Last updated: November 23, 2022
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Something Borrowed, Something New Mod!Challenge. Based in part on lore created by Kahara.

    Title: The Book of Gand, Part the Fourth: The Findsman’s Secret
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately 10–15 years BBY (still working this out)
    Genre: Drama with elements of angst, romance, and action/adventure
    Canonicity: Mix of Legends, NuCanon, and fanon/fan-created lore
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Zuckuss, OCs
    Summary: The continued chronicle of Zuckuss’s and Telfien’s apprenticeships as a Gand Findsman and Findswoman. Both must face startling revelations and new dangers but find strength in their bond with each other.
    Last updated: December 12, 2023
    Status: Complete; series will continue to five parts
    Other relevant information: Continuation of the series/epic/longfic The Book of Gand, begun in The Book of Gand, Parts 1–3. Some individual chapters incorporate challenge prompts.

    Saga (One-Shot Stories)

    Title: Early Morning Thoughts of a Hutt’s Gardener
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: The title says it all. ;)
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Edited Challenge round 1 entry (9/2014). In Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea.

    Title: Pandemonium at a Hutt’s Garden Party
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: Again, the title says it all. ;)
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Continuation of “Early Morning Thoughts of a Hutt’s Gardener.” Edited Challenge round 2 entry (9/2014). In Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea.

    Title: Of Urgent Transmissions and Curious Dropped Objects
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: Intrigue is afoot at Great Bonvika’s garden party, and two visiting independent agents are determined to get to the bottom of it, though various silly things get in their way.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Continuation of “Pandemonium at a Hutt’s Garden Party.” Edited Challenge round 3 entry (9/2014). In Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea.

    Title: “Dearest Delphine!”
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era, maybe a little earlier
    Genre: Introspection, reminiscence, a little humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A letter from a young Human female independent agent to a distant non-Human friend.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Entry for Writer’s Block week 2 challenge (letter to an absent loved one; perfection, honesty, neglect) and OC Revolution noncompetitive challenge for January 2015 (“festivities”).

    Title: Box of Visions
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era, maybe a little earlier
    Genre: Introspection, drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A young Gand Findswoman ponders the psychic effects an ancient relic of her homeworld may have had on her Human partner.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Entry for Writer’s Block week 3 challenge (box image).

    Title: “There is no death!”
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Somewhere between Order 66 and the Battle of Yavin
    Genre: Introspection, drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs, Darth Vader
    Summary: A Jedi Purge survivor on an obscure planet reflects on his imminent end.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Entry for Movie Quote Challenge.

    Title: Opus Sixty-Six
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, somewhere around 15–10 BBY
    Genre: Drama, introspection
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs, Emperor Palpatine, assorted Imperial advisors and soldiers
    Summary: Two musicians are forced to perform before the Emperor—and offer protest.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift award for Chyntuck (2015 Fanfic Awards). Borrows her OC Namajib Eskari.

    Title: In Search of a Hutt's Dinner Music
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Κρεμμυδανθοί (Onion Blossoms): A Bouquet of Fic-Gifts for Chyntuck
    Characters: OCs at the court of Great Bonvika
    Summary: Members of Great Bonvika's staff scramble at the last minute to find food and musicians for the evening's gala dinner party.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Wedding fic-gift for Chyntuck.

    Title: The Spacer's Song
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era
    Genre: Vignette
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: An old spacer’s impromptu musical experience leads to an epiphany.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Dual challenge response: Autumn 2015 OC Challenge and First Sentence Challenge (French Literature Edition). In Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea.

    Title: Commence Orbital Bombardment!
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era
    Genre: Vignette, humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: Borrowed OCs (see below)
    Summary: An Imperial admiral prepares to launch an unorthodox and unprecedented assault. Just how unorthodox and unprecedented? You shall see.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for Admiral Volshe and Shira A'dola, borrowing OCs belonging to both of them (Jaye Tatsu, Capt. Drexel, and Kára Volshe). In Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea.

    Title: A Blaze of Blasé
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approximately OT-era, but pre-ROTJ
    Genre: Vignette, humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: Logray, Teebo, mentions of Latara and a few others from the Ewoks cartoon
    Summary: The blasé tree goats around Bright Tree Village have fallen ill, and Logray and Teebo concoct a tonic to heal them—or at least they try to.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Birthday fic-gift for Ewok Poet. In Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea.

    Title: Between the Porch and the Altar
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Early Imperial era
    Genre: Drama, introspection
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs, oblique mentions of others
    Summary: A Gand Findswoman struggles to carry on during the Imperial invasion of her homeworld.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Spring 2016 OC Revolution Challenge. Ties in to The Book of Gand. Rated PG-13 for for depictions of the aftereffects of violence.

    Title: Hoses, Masks, and Canisters
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Similar to The Book of Gand (see above)
    Genre: Vignette
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: A Gand Findsmaster and his two apprentices
    Summary: Two apprentice Gand Findsmen are briefed on how to use their respirator equipment for the first time.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Poetry Inspiration Challenge.

    Title: The White Stuff
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT, not long before ANH
    Genre: Vignette
    Canonicity: NuCanon (Saga—PT) with some Legends elements
    Type: Short, part of The Dear Dairy Challenge
    Characters: Luke Skywalker (teen years), Aunt Beru, Uncle Owen (mentioned), an OC or two
    Summary: A young Luke, while running errands for his aunt and uncle on Tatooine, comes across something he has never come across before: dairy products that are not blue but . . . white!
    Last updated: December 2016
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written as part of the Dear DAIRY Challenge: The Udderly Cheesy Adventures of Luke Skywalker, inspired by a plot bunny proposed by Gamiel in the Plot Bunny Donation and Index Thread: “Luke finding out that milk also comes in white.”

    Title: Therapy Time with Zarney Kylo and Friends
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—ST; TFA
    Genre: Humor, whimsy, crackfic, Dare Challenge
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Finn, Rey, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, General Armitage Hux, Captain Phasma, and an unfortunate OC
    Summary: A very unlikely group therapy session, and its very unlikely consequences.
    Last updated: March 2017
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2017 Mods' Dare Challenge on a dare provided by Lady_Misty.

    Title: Graceful as Water
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT or OT (though this could take place during any era on Tatooine)
    Genre: Vignette: romance (!), murder
    Canonicity: Essentially NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: various Tusken Raiders
    Summary: A young Tusken warrior declares his love for the chieftain’s daughter in an unexpected and horrific way.
    Last updated: March 2017
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Celtic Song Challenge. Rated PG-13 for violence, assault, murder, blood.

    Title: Insert Tab A into Slot B: A Story about Kanan's Lightsaber
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT; Rebels, season 2
    Genre: Humor, fluff
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Kanan and other Rebels cast members
    Summary: In which Kanan has trouble getting his lightsaber together.
    Last updated: June 2017
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: In Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea.

    Title: Turn Your Head and Cough; or, The Checkup
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT; Rebels, late season 2
    Genre: Humor, medical fluff
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Zeb Orrelios, OC medical personnel, cameo by Ezra Bridger
    Summary: Zeb goes in for his mandatory Rebel Alliance physical examination...
    Last updated: August 2017
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: In Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea.

    Title: Sleeping Honor
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, somewhere around 25 BBY
    Genre: Vignette, early romance, mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: OC, Zeb Orrelios (age 19), borrowed OC
    Summary: A young Zeb, recovering in the infirmary of the Lasan High Honor Guard base after the events of The Beginning of Honor, receives a visitor.
    Last updated: December 2017
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Part of The Lasan Series. Takes place directly after chapter 3 of Raissa Baiard ’s The Beginning of Honor; the borrowed OC is from that story.

    Title: Caleb Dume's Foofiest, Messiest, AWESOMEST LIFE DAY EVER!
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, about 23 BBY
    Genre: Holiday; humor
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter (two chapters)
    Characters: Caleb Dume (young Kanan Jarrus), Jocasta Nu, Yoda, Sammo Quid, Tai Uzuma, OCs
    Summary: Caleb Dume has the AWESOMEST LIFE DAY EVER! Sure, things get messy and chaotic, and on top of it all there are all these weird foofy birds from this Jedi Temple island, but it’s still THE BESTESTEST!
    Last updated: January 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Written for Raissa Baiard as part of the 11th Annual Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Title: Three Strands
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, somewhere around 10–15 BBY
    Genre: Experimental take on a fairy tale; drama?
    Canonicity: NuCanon with Legends elements
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs, oblique mentions of others
    Summary: A Naboo wigmaker, now living and working on an Outer Rim world, sees the heroine of her favorite childhood tale in every woman who comes to her shop.
    Last updated: February 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Belated, noncompetitive entry for the Fairy Tale… in Space! OTP Challenge. May be part of a series, too...

    Title: Calm after the Storm
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, about 25 or 24 BBY
    Genre: Drama; vignette
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Lasan Series OCs, mention of Zeb Orrelios
    Summary: Shulma receives comfort and support from her friends after Porfozald harasses her.
    Last updated: May 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Part of The Lasan Series; an adjunct or "outtake" scene from The Sad, Sad Story of Porfozald Marballees! (see above), in whose thread it is posted.

    Title: To Have Survived
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT, 0 BBY (during ANH)
    Genre: Angst, introspection; vignette
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Leia and various EC cameos
    Summary: Leia’s thoughts and experiences directly after she witnesses the destruction of her homeworld.
    Last updated: May 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Written for the Representing the Underrepresented mod!challenge; expands on a drabble from UDC VIII (“Helpless” in this post).

    Title: What She Saw
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, sometime before about 15 BBY
    Genre: Vignette; slice of life; introspection
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs from The Book of Gand and related stories
    Summary: A Gand child discovers she has a gift for seeing lost objects…
    Last updated: May 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Written for the OC Revolution Summer 2018 challenge (childhood event).

    Title: “I am my prayer to you”
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, about 22–23 BBY
    Genre: Romantic vignette, mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Zeb Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha (OC)
    Summary: Zeb accompanies Shulma on a pilgrimage to her favorite holy site.
    Last updated: June 2018
    Status: Completed
    Notes: Part of The Lasan Series; postscript to The Sad, Sad Story of Porfozald Marballees! (see above).

    Title: Somewhere Out There
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT; 3 BBY
    Genre: Drama, family
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A Squib shopkeeper hears news of her lost brother—and is faced with an important decision soon afterward.
    Last updated: August 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the OC Revolution Summer 2018 challenge.

    Title: Since that dear kiss...
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT and OT
    Genre: Introspection, romance
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: short
    Characters: Shulma Trilasha (OC, later Shulma Trilasha Orrelios), Zeb Orrelios
    Summary: Memories of shared tenderness before and after calamity and exile.
    Last updated: October 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of the Lasan Series. Sequel to Romance among the Stones; ties in to Three Strands and Shaman, Traveler, Oracle.

    Title: Feel Safe at Night
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT (ca. 18 BBY, pre-Siege of Lasan)
    Genre: Mush, romantic vignette
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: short
    Characters: Zeb Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC)
    Summary: A honeymoon/wedding night scene for Zeb and Shulma.
    Last updated: February 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of the Lasan Series. Coopted for MMM challenge #3.

    Title: Till the Shades Lengthen
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT, anywhere from 5 to about 0 BBY
    Genre: Vignette, reflection, introspection
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: short
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: While aboard the Rose Evergreen in hyperspace, Telfien reflects on what is to come for the Galaxy at a momentous time, and gives a blessing to each of her friends on board.
    Last updated: March 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Related to the Lasan Series and to other stories featuring Glockel and Telfien (see the list of stories in the note to this post).

    Title: The Rains of Scarif
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT, around 0 ABY
    Genre: Vignette, drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Tynnra Pamlo, Mon Mothma, mentions of other Rebels and Rebel officers from Rogue One
    Summary: Two senators' reminiscences shortly after the Rogue One expedition...
    Last updated: August 21, 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for tier two (five prompts, 48 hours) of the Mods’ Time Trials challenge.

    Title: Dinner with the Orrelioses
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT (pre-Siege of Lasan)
    Genre: Family humor, mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios (age about 20 or 21, as an Honor Guard cadet), Shulma Trilasha (OC), Herleva Orrelios (Zeb’s mother, OC borrowed from Raissa Baiard), Shai Orrelios (Zeb’s little brother, OC borrowed from Raissa Baiard), and Orrelios family members (OCs borrowed from Raissa Baiard)
    Summary: A young Zeb brings his girlfriend to dine with his family...
    Last updated: August 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for tier one (three prompts, 24 hours) of the Mods’ Time Trials challenge. Part of the Lasan Series.

    Such a funny little bag of dirt...
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–OT (ca. 4 BBY)
    Genre: One-sentence story
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short (very short!)
    Characters: Ezra Bridger, Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios
    Summary: Ezra finds a curious object potentially belonging to Zeb...
    Last updated: November 4, 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the One-Sentence Challenge.

    Title: Return Again
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT, somewhere during Rebels (between 4 and 0 BBY)
    Genre: Introspective vignette, drama
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, mentions of other Ghost crew members
    Summary: Zeb returns to Lasan for the first time since its destruction and the genocide of his people.
    Last updated: November 16, 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of the Lasan Series. Belated birthday gift for Tumblr user fuzzydemolitionsquad.

    Title: A Private Place
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–PT (pre-Siege of Lasan)
    Genre: Romantic vignette, mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, OC, cameo by Chava the Wise
    Summary: Zeb surprises Shulma with a visit to her private study chamber at the Royal Lasat Academy of Shamans.
    Last updated: February 10, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for MMM Challenge #8: KISS. Part of the Lasan Series.

    Title: Gem of My Beaches
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–OT (end of Rogue One)
    Genre: Vignette, prose poem
    Canonicity: in the interstices between NuCanon and AU...
    Type: Short
    Characters: The Force, Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor
    Summary: After Scarif, the Force laments, observes, and acts.
    Last updated: February 25, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Much-belated, noncompetitive entry for OTP Challenge #12: The Landscape of Love, on the prompt "beach."

    Title: You Must Be Garazeb; or, Dinner with the Trilashas
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–PT (pre-Siege of Lasan)
    Genre: One-shot, family humor, a little mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios (age 21 or 22, as a senior cadet in the Honor Guard), Shulma Trilasha (OC), and the rest of the Trilasha family: Ormgar, Yokheva, Chornogar, and Chornozod (OCs)
    Summary: A young Zeb meets his sweetheart's family for the first time... and everything goes wrong.
    Last updated: April 4, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of the Lasan Series. Companion piece to Dinner with the Orrelioses.

    Title: “I saw the wolf…”
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–PT (no later than 13 BBY)
    Genre: One-shot, songfic, childhood
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Ezra Bridger (6 or younger), his parents, some animals, some other Lothali citizens, maybe even the Force
    Summary: Little Ezra sees the wolf, the fox, the hare… and sets them dancing.
    Last updated: April 14, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Belated birthday gift for Raissa Baiard. Songfic based on the old French folk song “J’ai vu le loup” (I saw the wolf).

    Title: The Drabatan Lady Downstairs
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: late Saga—PT / early Saga—OT
    Genre: One-shot, vignette, drama, family
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Paodok’Draba’Takat “Pao,” his mother (OC), and an unnamed OC
    Summary: The tenant of the upstairs apartment has long learned to tune out her loud-voiced downstairs neighbor—and then overhears a conversation downstairs that is different from any that have come before it.
    Last updated: May 10, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: For the Memorable Melodies Roulette challenge.

    Title: Blumfruit and Queen's Heart
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, about 10 BBY (just before the Siege of Lasan)
    Genre: Dialogue, romance, mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC)
    Summary: What they said to each other that very last morning before the Siege of Lasan.
    Last updated: May 24, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Noncompetitive entry for OTP Challenge #15: Things You Said. Part of the Lasan Series.

    Title: Righteous Indignation of a Hutt Betrayed
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT (probably)
    Genre: Humor, mostly
    Canonicity: NuCanon with Legends elements, or Legends with NuCanon elements
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs: Bonvika the Hutt, Shorgo the Hutt
    Summary: No one, but no one, crosses Great Bonvika the Hutt...
    Last updated: October 18, 2020 (my birthday!)
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Noncompetitive entry for OC Revolution Fall 2020 Challenge: First Line Edition.

    Title: Long, Lonely Time
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT, Saga—OT (24–23 BBY, 3 BBY, 0 ABY)
    Genre: Romance, songfic
    Canonicity: NuCanon-ish
    Type: Short (three parts in same post)
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC), mentions of others
    Summary: At different points in his life and relationship with Shulma, Zeb ponders desire and waiting, and how they always seem to go together.
    Last updated: November 18, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of The Lasan Series; noncompetitive entry for OTP Challenge #17: Our Song; entry for Romantic Quotes Roulette (first part).

    Title: Jedi Is as Jedi Does
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—ST, Beyond the Saga
    Genre: Humor, fluff, Jedi philosophy
    Canonicity: NuCanon with a few Legends elements
    Type: Short
    Characters: Finn, Rey
    Summary: At some point after the events of The Rise of Skywalker, on Tatooine, Finn visits Rey with deep, serious questions about the nature of the Jedi. Will her answers be just as deep and serious?
    Last updated: December 24, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for TheRynJedi as part of the 14th Annual Non-Denominational Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Title: Sixth Time’s the Charm
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—PT (about 10 BBY)
    Genre: Fluff, 5+1, hints of romance
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Chopper
    Summary: Five gifts Kanan almost got Hera, and one he finally did.
    Last updated: December 26, 2020
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Ad-hoc holiday gift story for Raissa Baiard; noncompetitive entry for OTP Challenge #18: 5+1.

    Title: Sure Looks Strange to Me
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT (Rebels season 3)
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios and a large critter; mentions of other Spectres
    Summary: Zeb encounters a rare, large, strange, and dangerous creature in the wilderness of Atollon. (No, it’s not the Bendu!)
    Last updated: January 17, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the One-Hit Wonder Challenge.

    Title: Mending Things; or, The Seamstress of Massassi Base
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT (0 and 3 ABY)
    Genre: Vignette, drama, character study
    Canonicity: NuCanon (more or less)
    Type: Short
    Characters: Lualani’Draba’Takiil “Lua” (OC), mentions of assorted members of the Rebel Alliance, and an EC narrator whose identity you will probably be able to guess.
    Summary: A portrait of one of Massassi Base’s more unexpected denizens, through the eyes of one of its best-known denizens
    Last updated: February 8, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Secret of the Rune Challenge (part of the Mini-Games Challenges).

    Title: Dinner at the Hungry Hutt
    Co-Authors: Chyntuck
    Timeframe: Approximately mid- to late Saga–PT
    Genre: Humor, romantic comedy
    Canonicity: Legends (mostly)
    Type: Short
    Characters: Bonvika Deseradii Feolla (Finds’s OC), Eliskandro Fasolia Faké (Chyn’s OC), Grand Duchess Peascodd of Geonosis (Finds’s OC), Baroness Marial Antilles (Chyn’s OC)
    Summary: Two mahvelous Hutts go on a date in an equally mahvelous restaurant. Brace yourselves.
    Last updated: June 27, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written as a noncompetitive entry for OTP Challenge #20: It's a Date. For related stories about the two Hutt main characters, see list at beginning of story OP.

    Title: Child of Lasan—Child of Lira San (Triptych)
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeframe: Saga–OT (2–5 ABY)
    Genre: One-shot in three parts/vignettes; baby; family
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short (three vignettes in one post)
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC), Ghost crew, other OCs
    Summary: A momentous milestone for the reunited Zeb and Shulma, in three vignettes
    Last updated: October 8, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of the Lasan Series.

    Title: Bright Sadness
    Co-Authors: None
    Timeframe: Saga–OT (about 3 ABY)
    Genre: Vignette, introspection, start of a friendship
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs, Zeb Orrelios
    Summary: The first encounter between a Lira San mystic and one of the prophesied Returned Ones from the destroyed colony world of Lasan.
    Last updated: October 24, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Part of the Lasan Series. Written in response to three of the Mini-Games Challenges (see details in headers of story).

    Title: Nine Down, One to Go
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Era: Saga–OT (before or about 10–11 BBY)
    Genre: Mild action/adventure, friendship
    Canonicity: NuCanon with Legends elements
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs, unnamed canon character mention
    Summary: Glockel is almost done with a job when setbacks and frustrations ensue—and her Gand colleague, Telfien, is nowhere to be found…
    Last updated: December 7, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Tarot Trio Challenge.

    Title: Artoo, Myself, and the Little Shiny Blue Thing
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Era: Saga–OT (somewhere between ANH and ESB)
    Genre: Mild action/adventure, friendship
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: R2-D2, C-3PO, OCs
    Summary: Artoo and Threepio pull off a heist of a Force-sensitive artifact, and everything that possibly can goes awry.
    Last updated: December 24, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for Kahara, written as part of the 2021–22 Non-Denominational Winter (for Some) Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Title: The Song, the Sea, and the Mand’alor
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT (9–10 ABY)
    Genre: Mush/fluff, in-universe legend
    Canonicity: Canon (as far as I know)
    Type: Short
    Characters: Din Djarin, Grogu (the Child)
    Summary: A tired Man-Dad-Lorian tells his kiddo a bedtime story about a famous Mand’alor of yore.
    Last updated: August 8, 2022
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Story Cubes Challenge (part of the Mini-Games Challenges).

    Title: From a Flimsi Scrap Found on the Crystal Cliffs, Lira San
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT (sometime post-Rebels and post-Endor)
    Genre: Monologue, found document, angst, unsympathetic protagonist
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Established character identified only by initials; mentions of Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Chava the Wise
    Summary: A note of farewell found on the cliffs of Lira San.
    Last updated: October 30, 2022
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Gothic Literature Quote Roulette challenge in the Angstmongers Anonymous thread.

    Title: Follow Me Home
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT (sometime post-Rebels and post-Endor)
    Genre: Vignette, introspection, slice of life, potential AU
    Canonicity: NuCanon but possibly AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: an older Ezra Bridger, a black Loth-cat
    Summary: One of Lothal’s most famous sons, returning to his homeworld after a long time away, follows a black Loth-cat.
    Last updated: November 7, 2022
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2022 Autumn Bingo challenge, using bingo board row Graveyard—Gratitude—Black Cat—Pear—Bonfire.

    Title: Kittytalk
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Later Saga–OT, early teens ABY
    Genre: Humor, pets, family, fluff, vignette
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: Shai feeds the cat every morning. But this time, something is different...
    Last updated: April 11, 2023
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Birthday fic-gift for Raissa Baiard, on a prompt she provided.

    Title: The Bearer of This Pass
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT
    Genre: Humor with a dash of espionage, a splash of diplomacy, and a tinge of political intrigue
    Canonicity: NuCanon, more or less
    Type: Short
    Characters: OC Imperial bigwig, various other ECs and OCs
    Summary: A pompous Imperial diplomat encounters a slight setback on a mission to Mandalore...
    Last updated: April 17, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for Chyntuck’s Random Quote Lottery (one of the Mini-Games challenges), based on a quote from a short story by Dimitris Chatzis.

    Title: As with a Mantle
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT; Imperial era
    Genre: Drama, introspection
    Canonicity: NuCanon/Legends mix
    Type: Short
    Characters: Telfien Viurraanvi (Gand female OC); Zuckuss
    Summary: During a time of disaster and invasion, a Findswoman visits the Surface of Gand to gain help and counsel—and to do what she can to save her homeworld.
    Last updated: May 31, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for Pandora ’s (Surrealist) (Woman) Challenge (one of the Mini-Games challenges), based on a painting by Remedios Varo. One of my Gand stories.

    Title: Sighs of a Daughter of Lasan
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT; between the Siege of Lasan and the Battle of Yavin
    Genre: Angst, prose poem (kind of), Fifty Sentences
    Canonicity: NuCanon, more or less
    Type: Short
    Characters: Shulma Trilasha Orrelios (OC, speaker), Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios (oblique mentions only)
    Summary: Reflections and lamentations of a Lasat woman following the invasion of her homeworld.
    Last updated: June 16, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for Challenge #4: Fifty Sentences at Angstmongers Anonymous thread. Part of the Lasan Series.

    Title: Topatoes (My Heart Is Not Here)
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—OT: post-Siege of Lasan, pre-Rebels
    Genre: Introspection, slice of life, mild angst
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Hera Syndulla
    Summary: Zeb’s thoughts and feelings while helping his newfound Ghost family out with chores.
    Last updated: June 27, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written as an ad hoc entry to my own Arvo Pärt Roulette mini-game challenge. Part of the Lasan Series.

    Title: Some Pig
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: probably Saga—OT based on the one EC involved
    Genre: Humor, drama, fluff, mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: OC creatures (puffer pig, ice spider), Azmorigan
    Summary: A puffer pig forced to sniff out treasure for an unscrupulous treasure hunter makes a new friend and finds a better lease on life.
    Last updated: August 9, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written as a response to two challenges: the MMM Warm Fuzzies Roulette and Kahara's Monster Challenge.

    Title: The Dream Lady
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Ca. 9–8 BBY
    Genre: Drama, fluff/mush
    Canonicity: NuCanon with some Legends elements
    Type: Short
    Characters: Young Leia, Breha and Bail Organa, Padmé Amidala (in ghost form)
    Summary: A young Leia (about 10–11 years old) meets someone she will never forget while vacationing with her family on Naboo.
    Last updated: January 5, 2025
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for devilinthedetails written for the 18th Annual Non-Denominational Winter (for Some of Us) Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Saga and Others—Drabble and Vignette Series

    Florilegium galacticum
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga—Legends
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: Various, mostly Legends
    Type: Drabble series
    Characters: Various, mix of OCs and ECs
    Summary: My first attempt at a drabble series, showing glimpses of various characters from around the galaxy. No real unifying factor other than that!
    Last updated: April 13, 2017
    Status: The stories here are complete in themselves, though I didn't finish writing for all the prompts in the challenge.
    Other relevant information: Written for Ultimate Drabble Challenge VIII.

    Title: The Sisterhood of the Rose Evergreen
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Late Saga–PT through early Saga–OT
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: NuCanon, with some Legends elements
    Type: Drabble series
    Characters: OCs: Marya-Glocke "Glockel" Sternenkranz, Telfien Viurraanvi, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios, Lualani'Draba'Takiil "Lua," R1-K4 "Rika," plus occassional EC appearances
    Summary: Glimpses into the everyday life and not-so-everyday adventures of five very different women traveling and seeking together.
    Last updated: July 21, 2020
    Status: The stories here are complete in themselves, though I didn't finish writing for all the prompts in the challenge.
    Other relevant information: Written for Ultimate Drabble Challenge IX.

    Title: A Rose Has Five Petals
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Saga–OT (at various indeterminate points between ca. 10 and 0 BBY)
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: NuCanon, with some Legends elements
    Type: Vignette series
    Characters: OCs: Marya-Glocke "Glockel" Sternenkranz, Telfien Viurraanvi, Shulma Trilasha Orrelios, Lualani'Draba'Takiil "Lua," R1-K4 "Rika," plus other OCs
    Summary: Five vignettes, one for each of the five women who are the petals of the Rose Evergreen.
    Last updated: August 5, 2021
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Star Wars Pentathlon category of the 2021 Fanfic Summer Olympics.

    Title: Rose’s Eleven
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: At various points during Saga–PT and OT, with possible excursions to other eras
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: NuCanon, with some Legends elements
    Type: Vignette series
    Characters: OCs with potential occasional EC appearances
    Summary: Series of eleven stories written on prompts from the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge, featuring my Rose Evergreen OCs but also whatever other OCs and ECs may decide to show up.
    Last updated: April 2, 2022
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge. The eleventh and final story, "The Rose between the Worlds," doubles as an entry in the Douglas Adams Quote Challenge.

    Title: Rose Garden, Evergreen Forest
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: At various points during Saga–PT and OT, with possible excursions to other eras
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: Mix of NuCanon and Legends, some AU
    Type: Vignette series
    Summary: Series of stories written on prompts from the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge, featuring various characters and eras.
    Last updated: April 2, 2023
    Status: Completed (whew!)
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge.

    Title: Purple, Rose, and Gold
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Various Saga suberas, with possible excursions to other eras
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: Mix of NuCanon and Legends, some AU
    Type: Vignette series
    Summary: Series of stories written on prompts from the 2024 Kessel Run Challenge, featuring various characters and eras.
    Last updated: March 31, 2024
    Status: Completed (double whew!)
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2024 Kessel Run Challenge.

    Title: Minuscule: An Anzellanthology
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Various Saga
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: Mostly NuCanon
    Type: Vignette series
    Summary: A few tiny stories featuring the Galaxy’s smallest species.
    Last updated: August 26, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for the Star Wars Pentathlon category of the 2024 Fanfiction Summer Olympics.

    Title: Rosa × centifolia
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Various Saga
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: NuCanon and Legends mix
    Type: Drabble series
    Summary: Drabbles serious and humorous featuring various characters.
    Last updated: January 11, 2025
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for Ultimate Drabble Challenge XI. My first completed UDC thread! :D

    Title: Disjecta membra
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Various Saga, some Before
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: NuCanon and Legends mix, probably some AU
    Type: Vignette series
    Summary: Series of stories written on prompts from the 2025 Kessel Run Challenge, featuring various characters and eras.
    Last updated:
    January 15, 2025
    Status: In progress
    Other relevant information:
    Written for the 2025 Kessel Run Challenge.


    Title: Just Ask Dad; or, Talking Things Through on Taris
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Old Republic era; during the early stages of KOTOR
    Genre: Humor, crackfic
    Canonicity: Legends; AU by virtue of its characters
    Type: Short, part of Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: Female KOTOR protagonist, Bastila Shan, Carth Onasi, and an OC with a long and hard-to-pronounce name
    Summary: A humorous take on the KOTOR PC's first meeting with Bastila Shan on Taris, based on a dream I had.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Includes text from the KOTOR game (in dark blue).

    Title: A Lesson under the Arboray Trees?
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: pre-Episode I
    Genre: Vignette, a little humor, a little romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Siri Tachi, Qui-Gon Jinn, OCs
    Summary: Antics ensue as Obi-Wan and Siri receive an impromptu language lesson from a young Dunai girl.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Winter 2015 fic-gift for earlybird-obi-wan. Incorporates her fanon elements on the Dunai (her original species) and their language.

    Title: The Prodigal Knight and the Tragic Cupcake
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: KOTOR-era
    Genre: Romcom, humor
    Canonicity: Legends; AU
    Type: Short multichapter (three chapters)
    Characters: Female KOTOR protagonist, Carth Onasi, other Ebon Hawk crew members, and an OC with a long and hard-to-pronounce name
    Summary: The female Revan reflects on her feelings for A Certain Sad-Sack Republic Soldier In Her Party. Somewhere along the way, advice is sought . . .
    Last updated: December 2016
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Entry in the "Romcom... IN SPACE!" OTP challenge (elements received: “Death of a friend/family member” and “Word goes around”). 2016 award-fic for Raissa Baiard.

    Title: Beautiful, Inexactly
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Before the Saga
    Genre: Vignette; romance of sorts
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Shmi Skywalker and… ??? (brief appearances by Watto and Borvo the Hutt)
    Summary: A young Shmi Skywalker is called beautiful by… who or what?
    Last updated: May 2017
    Status: Completed
    Notes: Written for the Romance Quotes Challenge in the OTP and Pairing Thread.

    Title: In Your Vault, In Your Mists, In Your Song
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Before—Legends
    Genre: Vignette/prose poem: introspection, mourning, angst, reminiscence
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short; part of Findswoman's Fragments & Miscellanea
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: One of the great Findsmen of the past mourns and reflects on the untimely death of his wife—and on what the future might hold.
    Last updated: July 2017
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: An unofficial contribution to the Celtic Songs Challenge, inspired by the song “I am Stretched on Your Grave.” Makes numerous references to The Book of Gand.

    Title: Cupcakes for a Cupcake
    Co-Author: Ewok Poet
    Timeframe: Before—Legends; KOTOR-era
    Genre: Family, friendship, humor
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Mission Vao, OC, mentions of other Ebon Hawk crew members and OCs
    Summary: Mission Vao enlists the help of Fem!Revan's father, Stanislauff "Stann" Rzweanczkowski, to plan a birthday party for Carth Onasi.
    Last updated: April 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Birthday fic-gift for Raissa Baiard, in collaboration with Ewok Poet.

    Title: Learn From It (Fatherly Advice for a Sith)
    Co-Author: N/A
    Timeframe: Before—Legends; before the events of KOTOR (around 3956–57 BBY)
    Genre: Drama, family
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: OC, Female Darth Revan, Darth Malak, assorted Sith henchfolk, mention of Bastila Shan
    Summary: Darth Revan receives a visit from her father, who has advice, comfort, and encouragement to offer.
    Last updated: May 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Written for the Disney Animated Movie Quote Challenge.

    Title: Saadya's Pages
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Multi-timeframe: Saga—OT (Rebels, 4 BBY) and Before the Saga (3989 BBY and slightly after, about a generation before the KOTOR era)
    Genre: Character study; introspection; drama; family
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: Short multichapter (four chapters)
    Characters: Ezra Bridger, various OC Bridgers, some borrowed; brief appearances of some Ghost crew members
    Summary: A Lothali book-artist from the time before the Jedi Civil War quite literally puts himself into his creations. Meanwhile, Ezra comes across a curious artifact in an antiquarian bookshop...
    Last updated: August 2018
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Originally planned as an entry in the Introduce a New OC noncompetitive minichallenge, till it got too long. :D

    Title: Silver Flash on the Steppe
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Distant past
    Genre: Humor, friendship, fluff, animal viewpoint
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: OCs: Loth-wolf, Twi’lek Jedi padawans
    Summary: In the early days of Lothal’s Jedi temple, a young Loth-wolf with unusual abilities meets and befriends a young bipedal Jedi padawan with unusual abilities. Shenanigans ensue.
    Last updated: January 7, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Other Relevant Information: Written for Raissa Baiard as part of the 17th Annual Non-Denominational Winter (for Some) Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.


    Title: Outer Rim's Best Après-Snowball
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Beyond–Legends
    Genre: Family fun, fluff, humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short multichapter (two chapters)
    Characters: Han, Leia, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo
    Summary: Assorted hiemal highjinks with the Solo family in a location that will be familiar to us...
    Last updated: August 31, 2019
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for Mira_Jade as part of the 12th Annual Non-Denominational Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Title: So Long Lives This
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Beyond the Saga; ca. 60s ABY
    Genre: Family, mush/fluff, memories of romance
    Canonicity: NuCanon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Jacen Syndulla, Hera Syndulla, Chopper, Kanan Jarrus (in flashbacks)
    Summary: A grown-up Jacen, sorting through his elderly mother’s effects, finds love poems written by his mother to his father long ago, which spark his psychometric senses.
    Last updated: May 5, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Other relevant information: Written for OTP Challenge #34: Sonnets Roulette.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2025
    leiamoody, JadeLotus, Kahara and 2 others like this.
  6. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    The Prime!verse of Ἀνάγκη


    Title: Ἀνάγκη – Necessity beyond Sway
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: from 1 BBY to approx 9 ABY
    Genre: Drama, tragedy, romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Protagonists: Ayesha Eskari (OC), Thrawn; cast of thousands of ECs and OCs
    Summary: Ayesha is a talented artist with a complicated past. The fic follows her relationship with Thrawn and the impact of the various wars of the Galaxy on her life.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A
    Download link: Books 1 & 2 available here in pdf, epub and mobi formats.

    The following are all the stories taking place in this ‘verse, listed in chronological order IU. All take place in the Legends continuity.


    Title: The Child
    Timeframe: 29 BBY
    Genre: Meditation
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: The Force
    Summary: The Force becomes aware of a vergence
    Last updated: 2022
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: The Dancer and the Thief
    Timeframe: 21 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of the Outcast series
    Characters: Yet-unnamed OC (later to be Ayesha Eskari), Khaleen Hentz
    Summary: The first encounter between a street urchin and a galactic pickpocket
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Summer 2017 OC Revolution challenge

    Title: The Name of the Ancestor
    Timeframe: 21 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot, part of the Outcast series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari (OC), Khaleen Hentz, Quinlan Vos, Dexter Jettster
    Summary: How Ayesha acquired her name
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: The Bad Jedi
    Timeframe: 21 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Thirr Pr’ollerg (OC), Quinlan Vos
    Summary: A scout of the Zygerrian Slave Empire is confronted by an unusual Jedi
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: The Day of the Founders
    Timeframe: 20 BBY
    Genre: Drama, worldbuidling
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of the Outcast series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Manôl Vos, Fanees Vos (all OCs)
    Summary: Integrating in Kiffar society isn't easy, especially when you're not 100% Kiffar
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Spring Bingo

    Title: The Taking of the Firstborns
    Timeframe: 20 BBY
    Genre: Drama, worldbuidling
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of the Outcast series
    Characters: Fanees and Sawdé Vos, misc. Kiffar OCs (all OCs)
    Summary: The culmination of the Kiffar civil war after Tinté Vos's assassination
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 3rd Quarter 2023 OC Challenge: Negotiations

    Title: The Pilgrimage
    Timeframe: 19 BBY - 5 ABY
    Genre: Drama, angst(ish)
    Type: One-shot, part of the Outcast series
    Characters: Misc. Kiffar OCs (all OCs)
    Summary: The Kiffar revolt after the proclamation of the Empire
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Remember, Remember the 17th of November Challenge

    Title: Unexpected Parenthood
    Timeframe: 18 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot, part of the Family Holos series
    Characters: Quinlan Vos, Ayesha Eskari (OC), Yakooboo (OC)
    Summary: Ayesha’s adoption into a Wookiee family
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the OC Revolution Winter 2015 Challenge

    Title: Diversions
    Timeframe: 18 BBY
    Genre: Drama, adventure
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Quinlan Vos
    Summary: Quin during the Jedi Purge
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: The Crib
    Timeframe: 18-16 BBY
    Genre: Drama, family
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of the Family Holos series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Yakooboo, Messiri, Rabarruk, Rumpacharet (all OCs)
    Summary: Ayesha’s integration into a Wookiee family
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Spring 2015 OC Challenge

    Title: Life Day
    Timeframe: 15 BBY
    Genre: Family
    Type: One-shot, part of the Family Holos series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Yakooboo, Messiri, Rabarruk, Rumpacharet (all OCs)
    Summary: Ayesha’s first Life Day on Kashyyyk
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Fall 2015 OC Challenge and the 2023 Autumn Bingo

    Title: Siblings
    Timeframe: 15-7 BBY
    Genre: Introspection
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Rumpacharet, a.k.a. Rumpy (OC)
    Summary: Rumpy muses about his sister
    Last updated: 2022
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: The Sibling Day Singing Card
    Timeframe: 13 BBY
    Genre: Poetry (?), pastiche, humour
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Rumpacharet a.k.a. Rumpy (OC)
    Summary: Rumpy the Wookiee toddler makes a card for his sister
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: A Tree-Dweller in Imperial City
    Timeframe: 6 BBY
    Genre: Drama, friendship
    Type: One-shot, part of the La Bohème series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Tashi Marath, Lamtee Plohwell, Nazmat Koch (all OCs)
    Summary: The first day in the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts
    Last updated: 2014 (reposted in new thread in 2023)
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Fall 2014 OC Challenge

    Title: The Hairdo
    Timeframe: 6 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: One-shot, part of the La Bohème series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Eliskandro Fasolia Faké (OCs)
    Summary: Ayesha gets a new hairdo
    Last updated: 2015 (reposted in new thread in 2023)
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Belated entry for the 2015 Mods' April Fools Challenge

    Title: Onion
    Timeframe: 6 BBY
    Genre: Drama, friendship
    Type: One-shot, part of the La Bohème series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Tashi Marath, Lamtee Plohwell, Nazmat Koch, Mabalsa a.k.a. Onion (all OCs)
    Summary: A visit to an unconventional art gallery
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Belated response to the Winter 2020 OC Challenge

    Title: The Northern Lights
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 0 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Ceetoo (OC protocol droid)
    Summary: Ceetoo's misgivings about the creation of the Northern Lights room
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII

    Title: ‘She’
    Timeframe: 0 BBY - 1 ABY
    Genre: Romance, friendship
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Matthias Ruud, Valeria Dalissis, Ayesha Eskari (OCs), misc. background Legends characters
    Summary: How Matt met Valeria
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Belated response to the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge; entry for the March 2023 OTP Bingo

    Title: Overplayed Hands
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 0 BBY - 9 ABY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: Multi-post short story
    Characters: Mara Jade, Palpatine, Vader.
    Summary: A series of situations where the Empire overreached and failed.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Loosely connected to the first few chapters of Ἀνάγκη
    Download link: N/A

    Title: ‘Discarded’
    Timeframe: 0 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Makh Vrill (OC)
    Summary: The tale of a drunk, disgruntled ex-boyfriend
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: Throwing Down the Gauntlet
    Timeframe: 0 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Makh Vrill (OC)
    Summary: An angry letter to the editor of a Coruscanti newsflimsi
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Belated response to the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: 35:07:01 GrS
    Timeframe: 0 ABY
    Genre: Various
    Type: Ficlet collection, slices of life
    Characters: Various ECs and OCs
    Summary: Where were they on the morning after Life Day?
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: Nana
    Timeframe: 0-2 ABY
    Genre: Drama, family
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Tam Stramnig, Nazmat Koch (OCs)
    Summary: A toddler and his ageing great-grandmother
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: Defeat
    Timeframe: 0 ABY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Makh Vrill (OC), Thrawn
    Summary: Being released from prison isn't all it's touted to be
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Belated response to the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: A Draft Memo for Sate Pestage
    Timeframe: 1 ABY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Valeria Dalissis (OC)
    Summary: What it says on the tin!
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: The High Clouds of Palsaang
    Timeframe: 1 ABY
    Genre: Angst, introspection
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Chemayyano (OC)
    Summary: A Wookiee cub grieves for his dead mother
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Belated response to the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge; entry for the Winter 2023 OC Challenge

    Title: Transland Day
    Timeframe: 2 ABY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Dr. Cottle (OC), Daric LaRone, Saberan Marcross, Joak Quiller, Taxtro Grave, Korlo Brightwater, Voss Parck, minor OCs
    Summary: A gruff military doctor meets five mischievous stormtroopers
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: The Tables Turned
    Timeframe: 2 ABY
    Genre: Drama, introspection
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Emperor Palpatine
    Summary: When the Emperor's schemes go wrong
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge


    Title: Artistic Differences
    Timeframe: 6 ABY
    Genre: Friendship
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Tashi Marath, Mabalsa a.k.a. Onion (OC)
    Summary: Two alien artists have a disagreement about sculpture
    Last updated: 2022
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: Encounter with a Dianoga
    Timeframe: 7 ABY
    Genre: Drama, humour
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari (OC), Thrawn
    Summary: When your Mandalorian disguise needs a good scouring
    Last updated: 2022
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: Infiltration
    Timeframe: 7 ABY
    Genre: Action
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Kassta, Rhicos Mon (OCs), Thrawn, Rukh
    Summary: Mysterious intruders in a Black Sun warehouse
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: Against Oblivion
    Timeframe: 8-18 ABY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Wes Deplat (OC)
    Summary: The tale of a forgotten helmsman
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Belated response to the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: The Colonel’s Datapad
    Timeframe: 8 ABY
    Genre: Fluff
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Soontir Fel, assorted OCs and ECs
    Summary: How Soontir Fel lost and found his datapad
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: Awakenings
    Timeframe: 9-11 ABY
    Genre: Drama, romance, angst
    Type: Multi-post short story, direct sequel to Ἀνάγκη – Necessity beyond Sway.
    Characters: Thrawn, Ayesha Eskari (OC)
    Summary: After Ayesha became catatonic at the end of Ἀνάγκη – Necessity beyond Sway, Thrawn must find a way to bring her back.
    Last updated: 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Winter 2017-2018 OTP Challenge.

    Title: The Lost Artist
    Timeframe: Post-NJO, approx. 36-40 ABY
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Multi-post short story
    Characters: OCs, both mine and borrowed, cameos by Legends characters
    Summary: The daughter of Grand Admiral Thrawn returns to the known galaxy.
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written as an award-fic for divapilot and an entry for the December 2016 OC Revolution Challenge, taking place in the AU created by divapilot in True Blue and The God of Second Chances.

    Title: Flicker
    Timeframe: 40 ABY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Mitth'riy'eskari/Thriyé (OCs)
    Summary: A daughter has to leave her catatonic mother
    Last updated: 2022
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    The Sad!AU of the Ἀνάγκη-verse


    Title: The Modified Demahl
    Timeframe: 0 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari (OC), Thrawn
    Summary: An alternate version of the opening chapter of Ἀνάγκη where Ayesha has made different choices
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2022 Kessel Run Challenge

    Title: The Grand Admiral’s Wife
    Timeframe: 0 ABY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari-Zaarin, Matthias Ruud (OCs), Thrawn, Grand Admiral Zaarin
    Summary: An alternate version of part I, chapter 14 of Ἀνάγκη where Ayesha has made different choices
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge

    The Ἀνάγκη/Song!verse crossover
    This is a series of stories that brings the characters of the Ἀνάγκη-verse into Mira_Jade's AU Song!verse. You can read more about it in the opening post of this thread.


    Title: Encounter (I)
    Timeframe: 21 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari (OC), CT-5597/Jesse
    Summary: A nameless street urchin encounters a clone with artistic tendencies
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Rescue
    Timeframe: 18 BBY
    Genre: Drama, adventure
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Quinlan Vos, Tholme, Paraseel Malki (OC), a bunch of Vos family OCs
    Summary: Quin rescues Ayesha from the clutches of a Sith Acolyte
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Vision
    Timeframe: 16 BBY
    Genre: Meditation, introspection
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ahsoka Tano
    Summary: After a vision of the prime!verse, Ahsoka is inspired to commission a memorial for the fallen clones
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Recollection
    Timeframe: 16 BBY
    Genre: Drama, friendship
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, CT-5597/Jesse, Anakin Skywalker, other OCs
    Summary: Jesse can only stand by when Ayesha and Anakin share a vision of the prime!verse
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Conversation
    Timeframe: 15 BBY
    Genre: Friendship
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Anakin Skywalker, Ob Khaddor
    Summary: Ayesha and Anakin observe Ob Khaddor while he creates a grass painting
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Retribution
    Timeframe: 14 BBY
    Genre: Adventure, humour
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Quinlan Vos, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: Quin and Anakin go rogue to investigate the Zygerrian Slave Empire
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: The Feud
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 14 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Flotoo (an OC droid waitress created by Mira_Jade)
    Summary: A feud develops between a droid and a Jedi Master
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII

    Title: Acknowledgement
    Timeframe: 13 BBY
    Genre: Family, humour
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, Quinlan Vos, Khaleen Hentz, Korto Vos
    Summary: Quin & family at Bly and Aayla's wedding
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Confession
    Timeframe: 12 BBY
    Genre: Drama, friendship
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, CT-5597/Jesse, Noora Foteeou (OC), Ob Khaddor
    Summary: Ayesha visits Jesse's first solo exhibition
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Correspondence
    Timeframe: 11 BBY
    Genre: Drama, humour
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Nazmat Koch (OC), Danya Jayo (OC), Noora Foteeou (OC), Venthan Chassu
    Summary: The Galactic Academy of Fine Arts chooses the first recipient of the Chancellor Organa fellowship.
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Keynote
    Timeframe: 06 BBY
    Genre: Drama, friendship
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, CT-5597/Jesse
    Summary: The keynote speech at the Galactic Academy of Fine Arts when Ayesha enrols.
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Recognition
    Timeframe: 03 BBY
    Genre: Drama, friendship
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari (OC), Tashi Marath (OC), Shmiq Skywalker (Mira’s OC), Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, misc. others
    Summary: A posse of padawans interrupts Ayesha and Tashi as they work on their end-of-school projects.
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Bestowal
    Timeframe: 03 BBY
    Genre: Drama, friendship
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari, CT-5597/Jesse, Amily Gabrees (Mira’s OC), Nazmat Koch (OC), Ob Khaddor, Adrick Fel (Seldes_Katne’s OC)
    Summary: Jesse is now in charge of managing the selection of the next Chancellor Organa Fellow for the Arts
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics

    Title: Encounter (II)
    Timeframe: 0 BBY
    Genre: Friendship, romance
    Type: One-shot, part of the Song of Fate series
    Characters: Ayesha Eskari (OC), Padmé Amidala, Thrawn
    Summary: How Ayesha and Thrawn met in this 'verse.
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics


    The Detective Eliskandro Stories
    (Note: this character also appears briefly in Ἀνάγκη – Necessity beyond Sway and The Hairdo, listed above)


    Title: The Finalists
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 25 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: Foodie the personal chef droid
    Summary: How Foodie won the Golden Roasting Award at the 1515th Congress of the Pen-Galactic Kahve Society
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Seven
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: circa 15 BBY
    Genre: Mystery, humour
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of a series
    Characters: Eliskandra/o Fasolia Faké (OC) and his/her motley crew (will be listed here soon), Princess Xerola of House Psonia of the Falleen (OC)
    Summary: How Eliskandra the Hutt became Eliskandro, solved a murder mystery, adopted a flock of avians and opened a multi-species grooming salon on Coruscant.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Award-fic for Kahara.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Champion
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: circa 15 BBY
    Genre: Character study, humour
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One-shot, part of a series
    Characters: Mousey the cleaning bot (OC)
    Summary: Mousey has a secret hobby.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Spring 2016 OC Revolution Challenge.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Delusions of Grandeur
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ca. 15 BBY
    Genre: Character study (?)
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: Mousey the cleaning bot (OC)
    Summary: Mousey's backstory
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Datacracy
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: circa 15 BBY
    Genre: Heist, humour
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of a series
    Characters: Eliskandra/o Fasolia Faké (OC) and his/her motley crew (will be listed here soon), more OCs from the Imperial Aliens' Bureau.
    Summary: How Eliskandro the Hutt battled Imperial bureaucracy and acquired a license for his grooming salon on Coruscant.
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Started for the 2015 Fanfic Olympics.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Artemian's Eleven
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: circa 15 BBY
    Genre: Heist, humour
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of a series
    Characters: Same OCs as above, Prince Xizor
    Summary: How Eliskandro's crew rescued a group of Ellelumiwi from the clutches of Prince Xizor.
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Sequel to Seven and Datacracy.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Cinnamon Bun Earmuffs
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 13 BBY
    Genre: Family fluff, humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Eliskandra/o Fasolia Faké (OC), Bail, Breha and Leia Organa
    Summary: The story of how Leia came to sport her signature hairdo.
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written as a fic-gift for Briannakin (2016 fic-gift exchange)
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Dinner at the Hungry Hutt
    Co-Authors: Findswoman
    Timeframe: mid-to-late PT era
    Genre: Humour, romantic comedy
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Eliskandra/o Fasolia Faké (OC), Baroness Marial Antilles (OC), Bonvika Deseradii Feolla (Finds’s OC), Grand Duchess Peascodd of Geonosis (Finds’s OC)
    Summary: Two mahvelous Hutts go on a date in an equally mahvelous restaurant. Brace yourselves.
    Last updated: 2021
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Out-of-competition response to OTP Challenge #20 “It’s a Date!”
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Makeover
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 6 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Multi-post short story
    Characters: Eliskandro Fasolia Faké (OC), Cassian Andor, Bail and Leia Organa, Krennic, Tarkin
    Summary: Bail Organa helps Cassian escape the clutches of the Empire
    Last updated: 2019
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Written as a fic-gift for divapilot (2019 fic-gift exchange), sequel of sorts to Cinnamon Bun Earmuffs
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Spacer Slicer Sponger Spy
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ca. 3-2 BBY
    Genre: Espionage
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short multi-post
    Characters: Thrawn, OC, with a short but crucial appearance by Eliskandro
    Summary: The murder of an ISB agent causes Thrawn to be dishonourably discharged from the Imperial Navy. He and his wife Minerva launch their own private investigation to find out who is behind this scheme.
    Last updated: 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for Nehru_Amidala, from whom the OC Minerva Hektor is borrowed.
    Download link: N/A


    A Tuft of Stray Hair
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: from the end of TLC to Union
    Genre: Fluff
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Eliskandro the Hutt
    Summary: Mara's hairdos mirror the growth of her relationship with Luke
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2024 Fic-Gift Exchange
    Download link: N/A


    The Whispurr Omnibus

    SAGA - OT

    Title: Feline Trouble
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Just before the Battle of Hoth
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-shot, part of a series
    Characters: Captain Piett, Admiral Ozzel, Darth Vader, crewman Maneas (OC)
    Summary: Captain Piett has a bad day because of Admiral Ozzel's cat
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: written for the 2014 Mods' Dare Challenge.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Princess Seeks Scoundrel for Long-Term Relationship ♫
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Just before the Battle of Hoth
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Multi-post short story, part of a series
    Characters: Admiral Ozzel, General Draven, Leia Organa, various OC and EC cameos
    Summary: Ozzel and Draven are trying to spy on each other, and Whispurr the Cat finds herself playing a role of unexpected importance.
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: written for the 2017 Mods' Dare Challenge
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Sedition
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Just before the Battle of Hoth
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One-shot, part of a series
    Characters: Whispurr the Cat
    Summary: What was really going on in the mind of Whispurr the Cat during the beginning of TESB?
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: written for the Q4 2024 OC Challenge: OCs Inside Out
    Download link: N/A


    The Great Poldopalooza (collaborative series with Team Pentasweets)

    SAGA - ST

    Title: The Wooing of a Flyboy
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Just after TLJ
    Genre: Humour, crack!ship
    Canonicity: Canon AU
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Poe, Holdo, other passengers of the Millennium Falcon
    Summary: The Falcon rescues an unexpected survivor upon leaving Crait. A budding romance ensues.
    Last updated: 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for brodiew following the TLJ Betting Pool and the Sea Shanty Challenge
    Download link: N/A

    Title: <<Courtship>>
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Just after TLJ
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon AU
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: BB-8
    Summary: BB-8 tries to make sense of the new relationship between Poe and Holdo.
    Last updated: 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A
    Download link: N/A

    Title: <<Romance>>
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Between TLJ and TRoS
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon AU
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: BB-8
    Summary: Having mastered the concept of courtship, BB-8 moves on to trying to understand romance.
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A


    The Life and Times of the Dancing Gamorrean

    SAGA - OT

    Title: Bad Business
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Just before ANH
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Hondo Ohnaka, Melch, Greedo, OCs
    Summary: How Zane became a guard in Jabba's palace.
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the 2024 Dare Challenge.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Life Is a Tapcafé
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: From before TESB to the very beginning of TESB.
    Genre: Humour, character backstory
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: The Gamorrean clown from Preigo’s Travelling World of Wonder (TCW S05E08)
    Summary: How Zane became a Rebel.
    Last updated: 2017 (reposted in series thread in 2018)
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Tie-in to the Black Sheep Squadron RPG.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Making of a Hero
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: During and immediately after the Battle of Jakku
    Genre: Humour, character backstory
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Zane the Gamorrean, Carlist Rieekan, Thane Kyrell, Tracene Kane, Birt, OCs
    Summary: How Zane became a hero of the New Republic.
    Last updated: 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Tie-in to the Black Sheep Squadron RPG.
    Download link: N/A


    Standalone stories (listed chronologically in-universe)


    Title: The Conquest of the Catlaxy
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: None in particular
    Genre: Humour, meta
    Canonicity: N/A
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: The Force, two cats
    Summary: How cats conquered the galaxy
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Meow You're Talking Challenge
    Dowload link: N/A

    Title: Worlds beyond the Stars
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: All over the place
    Genre: Multiple
    Canonicity: Some Canon, some Legends
    Type: Drabble thread
    Characters: Mostly OCs
    Summary: A flashfic/drabble collection to flesh out the species of the Unknown Regions; some entries are loosely connected to Ἀνάγκη and Outsiders
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Written for the UDC XI
    Dowload link: N/A


    Title: In the Shade of the Wroshyr – Tales of the People of the Trees
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The stories in this series are Wookiee myths and legends; as such they are labeled "Before" but no precise date an be given.
    Genre: Myths and legends
    Canonicity: Canon & Legends mash-up
    Type: Series of one-shots
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: How did the world and the tribes of the Wookiees come about?
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fanfic Olympics and other challenges
    Dowload link: N/A

    Title: The Kyberkerk of Jedha
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The very, very distant past (before the establishment of the Jedi Order but after the discovery of interstellar travel)
    Genre: Drama, tragedy
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Epic
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame in the GFFA
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Written as a prize for divapilot for her multiple wins in the 2017 Fanfic Awards. Chapter IV is an entry for the December 2017 OC Revolution Challenge.
    Dowload link: N/A

    Title: If This is a Man
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The early days of the Old Republic (some 25,000 years before TPM)
    Genre: Drama, mystery
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short story
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: A medical genius is on the run after one of her experiments goes horribly wrong.
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Fifty Titles Challenge.
    Download link: N/A


    Title: The Tale of Noora and Seyf
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: From 45 BBY to the end of RotS
    Genre: Drama, tragedy
    Canonicity: Canon and/or Legends
    Type: Multi-post short story
    Characters: OC protagonists with a few established characters in secondary roles
    Summary: Two Force-sensitive children are brought to the Jedi Temple and form a strong bond, but they have different projects for their lives. Predictably, it does not end well.
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Written for the Celtic Song Challenge.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Galactic Correspondent
    Co-Authors: Round robin
    Timeframe: 32 BBY
    Genre: Humour (?)
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Epic
    Characters: All TPM characters
    Summary: The story of TPM told through newspaper clippings
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: N/A
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Pacifist
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: During TPM
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: OC B1-series battle droid
    Summary: A B1 battle droid experiences the most unusual malfuction during the invasion of Naboo.
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: A Typology of Customers
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: At some point between TPM and AotC
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: FLO the droid waitress at Dex's Diner
    Summary: FLO comments on the various types of customers that come through the diner.
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Professional
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: beginning of AotC
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: ASN-121 the courier droid and Zam Wesell
    Summary: What was on the courier droid's mind as he delivered the kouhuns to Padmé's apartment?
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Clippings from the Droid Daily
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 20 BBY - 3 ABY
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Mix of Canon and Legends
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: Misc. droid characters
    Summary: The foremost droid newsflimsi keeps its readers apprised of important developments in the galaxy.
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: A Visit from the Chief Inspector of the Jedi Temple
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 20 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: Huyang and a surprise visitor
    Summary: The Chief Inspector of the Jedi Temple isn't what he seems
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Amnesia
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: RotS-RotJ
    Genre: Drama, angst
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Darth Vader, Luke, Palpatine
    Summary: Events take a different turn as Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader results in complete memory loss.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for SatineNaberrie, written for the 9th Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Lola Was There
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 19- 0 BBY
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: LO-LA59 the toy droid
    Summary: Lola watches Leia grow up
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Making of K-2SO
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ca. 5 BBY
    Genre: Drama & humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: K-2SO
    Summary: K-2SO's reprogramming from Imperial to smart-mouthed Rebel
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Fermu Soldatu Tin
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 0 BBY (from the end of Rogue One to the beginning of ANH)
    Genre: Romance, tragedy
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: The Steadfast Tin Soldier in the GFFA.
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the OTP Fairy Tale Challenge.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: 140 Characters
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ANH
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: I don't even know :confused:
    Characters: Darth Vader
    Summary: The story of ANH, told through Darth Vader's Twitter feed
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Started for the Dear Diary Challenge 2016
    Download link: N/A

    Title: A Committed Relationship
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: During ANH
    Genre: Humour, romance
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: OC Gonk droid
    Summary: She fell for Artoo. That's all you need to know.
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: An Appointment from Beyond
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Empire Day in 1 ABY
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-post
    Characters: Katya Starstar (OC created by Viridian-Maiden)
    Summary: Katya rediscovers hope after receiving a mysterious message.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for Viridian-Maiden (2014 Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange)
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Hunt for Echo Base
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: beginning of TESB
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: The Executor and a few probe droids
    Summary: What happened to all the probe droids that didn't land on Hoth?
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Down and Out until Further Notice
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Beginning of TESB
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: 4-LOM
    Summary: Down-on-their-luck 4-LOM and Zuckuss wait for a new bounty
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Escape from Cloud City
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: End of TESB
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: C-3PO
    Summary: C-3PO's thoughts during the escape from Cloud City
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Interference
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: RotJ, when Luke arrives in Jabba's palace
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Ephant Mon, various canon and Legends characters from Jabba's court.
    Summary: Ephant Mon's mild Force-sensitivity plays a trick on him while he's asleep.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Fanfic Olympics.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: An Audit of Custodians
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: end of RotJ
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: R2-D2
    Summary: Artoo audits the Humans under whom he served. He's not impressed.
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: In Memoriam
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 4 ABY, just after RotJ
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Mas Amedda, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian
    Summary: Mas Amedda must deliver Palpatine's eulogy. Things do not go according to plan.
    Last updated: 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the February 2018 Word Race Mini-Game.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Outsiders
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Begins sometime between the battle of Endor and the battle of Jakku (4-5 ABY)
    Genre: Drama, adventure
    Canonicity: Canon AU
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Vah’nya, Eli Vanto, Ar’alani, Thrawn, Ezra Bridger, Al’ahae (OC), a smattering of other established and original characters
    Summary: The Chiss Ascendancy is in the throes of civil war when Thrawn returns from his purrgil-assisted trip. Things get worse before they get better.
    Last updated: 2021
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Started for the 2021 Fanfic Olympics
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Mists of Mehr
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Just after the battle of Jakku
    Genre: Horror
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Multi-post short story
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: The last Imperials on Marfa must conduct a final operation before evacuating the planet.
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Fanon Horror Challenge using divapilot's fanon about the city of Mehr.
    Download link: N/A

    Title: TFA Snapshots
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: TFA
    Genre: Introspection, character study
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic series
    Characters: Various TFA characters.
    Summary: Bits and pieces of character development that happened off-screen.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Abandoned
    Other relevant information: N/A
    Download link: N/A

    Title: The Malevolent One
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: During TLJ
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: BB-9E
    Summary: The tale of a snitch droid
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Forced Relocation
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Between TLJ and TRoS
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Chewbacca
    Summary: The presence of Porgs on the Millenium Falcon after she left Ahch-To had unexpected consequences
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Clash of Titans Challenge
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Vocabulary Updated
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: During TRoS
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: The Millenium Collective
    Summary: Lots of droids are aboard the Falcon. Its triple computer brain is getting pissed off.
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A


    Title: Unholy Matrimony
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: sometime after the Thrawn Trilogy
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: One-shot
    Characters: Lando Calrissian, Mara Jade
    Summary: There was this situation where Lando and Mara had to get married...
    Last updated: 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Fic-Gift Exchange
    Download link: N/A

    Title: Subterfuge
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ca. 20 ABY
    Genre: Humour
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Flash-fic
    Characters: 4EM (OC borrowed from WarmNyota_SweetAyesha)
    Summary: It's not easy being an entertainment maestro droid on the Millennium Falcon
    Last updated: 2024
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of The Secret Life of Droids, written for the UDC VIII
    Download link: N/A
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2024
  7. taramidala

    taramidala Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 18, 1999
    Title: The First Steps
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Immediately after the end of The Force Awakens
    Genre: Gen, Character Moment
    Canonicity: Canon (?)
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Rey, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: The first steps are not Rey's alone.
    Last updated: 12/21/15
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A

    Title: A Handmaid's Tale (link to first post only)
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Prequels to OT (pre-TPM to ROTJ)
    Genre: Gen
    Canonicity: Canon Compliant and AU (Legends?)
    Type: 6-Shot, Headcanon Dump
    Characters: Sabé, mentions of Padmé, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Bail, Leia, Luke, etc.
    Summary: Sabé's origins and adventures, large and small.
    Last updated: 5/18/15
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: Part of Ta-Dala Rambles.

    Title: Holiday Heritage
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Inter-trilogy (19BBY to Year Zero)
    Genre: Gen, Introspection
    Canonicity: Canon Compliant (Legends?)
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Sabé, mentions of Leia Organa, Winter Retrac
    Summary: The Naboo tradition of First Night is not one shared by Alderaan, but one Sabé carries with her anyway on the eve of every new year.
    Last updated: 12/28/14
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A

    Title: Life Among the Ashes
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Inter-trilogy (19BBY to Year Zero)
    Genre: Romance, Character Moments
    Canonicity: Alternate Universe, Legends
    Type: 9049 words
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sabé
    Summary: Obi-Wan finds a frightened and in-danger Sabé on the streets of Theed during Padmé's funeral parade, and a new adventure begins. Alternate Universe.
    Last updated: 2/20/16
    Status: Complete.
    Other Information: Allusions, inferences to "A Handmaid's Tale," and "Holiday Heritage." In the same universe as "The Best First Night."

    Title: My Father Has It
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: During The Force Awakens
    Genre: Gen, Character Moment
    Canonicity: Unknown. Probable AU. Possible Spoilers/Speculation
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Rey, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: **Extremely spoiler/speculation heavy for "The Force Awakens." Enter at your own risk.** Rey has been tasked to find Luke Skywalker. This is their first conversation.
    Last updated: 5/27/15
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A

    Title: Of Hollow Words and Hope
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: OT, immediately post ESB
    Genre: Gen, Introspection
    Canonicity: Canon Compliant
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Leia Organa, mentions of Luke Skywalker
    Summary: He's never hesitated to talk to her before. They're friends. They're confidantes. She's run to him as much as he to her; two halves of a whole, they've always shared every fear, every problem. But he hasn't told her about this.
    Last updated: 7/7/14
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A

    Title: Someday When This is Over
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Inter-trilogy, Rebellion (time fluid)
    Genre: Gen, Introspection
    Canonicity: Canon Compliant (Legends?)
    Type: Poem, One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Sabé, inference to Luke and Leia
    Summary: Sabé thinks about all that she knows.
    Last updated: 3/11/15
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: Part of Ta-Dala Rambles.

    Title: What He Sees
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Inter-trilogy (19BBY to Year Zero)
    Genre: Gen, Introspection
    Canonicity: Canon Compliant (Legends?)
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Bail Organa, mentions of Leia Organa, and Sabé
    Summary: Bail reflects on what it's like to raise his daughter, and if her mentor Sabé looks at Leia the same way he does.
    Last updated: 2/17/14
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A


    Title:The Best First Night
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 43 ABY
    Genre: Holiday, Family
    Canonicity: Alternate Universe
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, OC children, mentions of Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker
    Summary: When Luke's adult daughter comes home for the new year holiday, he takes a moment to reflect on life, love, and his family's happiness. Written as a response to the Skywalker-Jade Revival Society's holiday fic challenge.
    Last updated: 12/18/13
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A

    Title: A Letter from a Naboo Handmaiden to her Daughter
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 4-5 ABY (1-2 ABE)
    Genre: Family, Introspection
    Canonicity: Alternate Universe
    Type: Epistolary, One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Anonymous
    Summary: A former handmaiden from Naboo writes a letter to her distant child.
    Last updated: 1/19/15
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: Part of Ta-Dala Rambles.

    Title: Luke’s Little Experiment (The Scruffy Looking Jedi)
    Co-Authors: ginchy
    Timeframe: 35 years after Endor, Ep. VII timeframe
    Genre: Humor, Romance
    Canonicity: "Legends" / Non-Canon
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Mara Jade Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, Tionne, Han Solo
    Summary: Mara returns home to find that Luke has...let himself go a bit. Written as a response to the Skywalker-Jade Revival Society's "Beard" challenge.
    Last updated: 8/11/14
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A

    Title: My Father Has It
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: During The Force Awakens
    Genre: Gen, Character Moment
    Canonicity: Unknown. Probable AU. Possible Spoilers/Speculation
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Rey, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: **Extremely spoiler/speculation heavy for "The Force Awakens." Enter at your own risk.** Rey has been tasked to find Luke Skywalker. This is their first conversation.
    Last updated: 5/27/15
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A

    Title: The Will of the Force
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 35 years after Endor, Ep. VII timeframe
    Genre: Action
    Canonicity: Alternate Universe / Non-Canon
    Type: One-Shot, Short
    Characters: Mara Jade Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, Various Jedi, OCs
    Summary: The Opening Scene of Episode VII. Written as a response to the Skywalker-Jade Revival Society's "Write Luke's Opening Ep. VII Scene" challenge.
    Last updated: 5/6/14
    Status: Complete
    Other Information: N/A
  8. ThreadSketch

    ThreadSketch Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2013

    Title: Enough
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: during ESB
    Genre: Angst, Introspection
    Canonicity: Canon Compliant
    Type: Short
    Characters: (unnamed but implied) Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa
    Summary: One possible way that Luke manages to cope with his Heroic BSOD immediately following Papa Vader's bombshell.
    Last updated: 6/15/14
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A


    Title: Delusions of Grandeur
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Various, but majority post-Saga
    Genre: Various
    Canonicity: primarily Legends
    Type: Shorts (lol)
    Characters: Various - so far Luke/Mara Jade/Ben Skywalker and Leia Organa
    Summary: The dumping ground for my semi-flash fics.
    Last updated: 10/26/14
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: A Future Assured
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: NJO, during The Unifying Force
    Genre: Gen, Family, slight Angst
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, Ben Skywalker
    Summary: A short snippet of peace and love for the Skywalkers after the YV war.
    Last updated: 8/24/14
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Reposted from old truncated JCF thread

    Title: What Ails You
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: post-VotF/Union
    Genre: Introspection, slight Romance/Humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker
    Summary: Musings on frailties and humility, both humorous and serious.
    Last updated: 8/3/14
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: I'll Come With You
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: during and post-VotF
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Humor
    Canonicity: Legends, AU
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, ensemble
    Summary: When all does not go as planned after Luke and Mara's escape from the cloning chamber in the Hand of Thrawn fortress on Nirauan, they are both forced to reevaluate their priorities and relationship - no easy feat when it's essentially one-sided...
    Last updated: 2/1/15
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Currently my only fic with an ongoing multimedia soundtrack feature. Credit to Jedi_Lover for the original premise, and to JadeLotus and taramidala for their ideas and advice.
  9. JadeLotus

    JadeLotus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2005

    Title: Red Five
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 0ABY - 37 ABY
    Genre: Drama, romance
    Canonicity: New Canon AU
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, OC, others
    Summary: After the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker meets the only surviving member of the team to steal the Death Star plans.
    Last updated: 17 January 2016
    Status: WiP
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Various
    Genre: Character study, drama, humour
    Canonicity: Canon and Legends
    Type: Series
    Characters: Han Solo, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: A series of one-shots about moments in the friendship of Luke and Han.
    Last updated: 7 January 2015
    Status: WiP
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Turn Your Face to the Sun
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 19 BBY - 14 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Diary
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Beru Lars, Owen Lars
    Summary: Obi-Wan chronicles his exile on Tatooine
    Last updated: December 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the "Dear Diary" 2015 challenge


    Title: The Shadow of Fate
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 1-2 NRE (6-7 ABY) and 29 NRE (34 ABY)
    Genre: Action, adventure, romance, drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Leia Organa Solo, Han Solo, Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker, OCs
    Summary: Thirty years after the Battle of Endor, new foes arise to threaten the peace hard won by Alliance. Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo, along with their children and friends, must again fight for the fate of the galaxy.
    Last updated: 20 Feb 2015
    Status: WiP
    Other relevant information: Written as my take on "Episode VII" based on the casting announcement and some speculation and a background based on picking and choosing from the Legends universe. The first part of an intended trilogy.

    Title: My True Love Gave To Me
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Six months post-Union
    Genre: Romance, holiday fic
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
    Summary: Luke and Mara celebrate the holiday season.
    Last updated: 26 December 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the L/M "holiday" challenge

    Title: Celestial Love
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Eight months post-Union
    Genre: Romance, holiday fic
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo
    Summary: Luke and Mara celebrate the "Day of Celestial Love" on Corellia
    Last updated: February 2015
    Status: Complete - sequel to "My True Love Gave to Me"
    Other relevant information: Written for the L/M February challenge

    Title: Corellia Day
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: One year post-Union
    Genre: Romance, holiday fic
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Han Solo
    Summary: Luke and Han get drunk on Corellia Day. Mara gets a play by play via textcommo.
    Last updated: March 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Sequel to "My True Love Gave to Me" and "Celestial Love"

    Title: A Year in the Life
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: One year post-Union
    Genre: Romance, holiday fic
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Series
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, others
    Summary: Luke and Mara in the year following the marriage.
    Last updated: August 2015
    Status: WiP
    Other relevant information: Sequel yo "My True Love Gave to Me," "Celestial Love" and "Corellia Day"

    Title: Eurydice
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Approx 14 ABY
    Genre: Drama, romance
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda
    Summary: When Mara Jade is killed, she begins a journey towards unity with the Force. But Luke follows, determined to save her.
    Last updated: 20 November 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Chasing Dreams
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 2 years post-NJO
    Genre: Drama, romance
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, Callista Ming
    Summary: After the Vong war, the Skywalker's are yet again plagued by turmoil - this time from the ghosts of the past.
    Last updated: 10 December 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Insatiable
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Around 11-19 ABY
    Genre: Drama, angst, romance
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: Mara faces the horrors of addiction
    Last updated: 12 May 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Trickster
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 12 ABY
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: Luke Skywalker fails to blow up the Death Star and the Rebellion dies. Twelve years later, Darth Vader finally tracks down his son.
    Last updated: 5 September 2005
    Status: Complete - prequel to Chimera
    Other relevant information: Written for the Dare Challenge

    Title: Chimera
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 12 ABY
    Genre: Drama, romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Emperor Palpatine, Han Solo
    Summary: With his father dead, Luke is taken as the Emperor's new apprentice. Little does Palpatine know that Luke is aware of his heritage and has only one desire: revenge. That is until he enlists the help of Mara Jade.
    Last updated: 22 November 2006
    Status: Complete - sequel to Trickster
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Lift Not the Painted Veil
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 14 ABY
    Genre: Drama, romance
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
    Summary: Sometimes the greatest journey is the difference between two people. Three years after their divorce, Luke and Mara are thrown together in unlikely circumstances.
    Last updated: 22 August 2011
    Status: WiP
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Contractual Obligations
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 39 ABY
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Han Solo
    Summary: Luke grows a beard. Mara is not pleased.
    Last updated: 31 July 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the SJRS "Beard" challenge

    Title: By the Light of the Silvery Moon
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Post NJO
    Genre: Action, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mara Jade, Jaina Solo
    Summary: Mara and Jaina have a heart-to-heart in unlikely circumstances
    Last updated: 26 March 2006
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the "Mara as a Master" challenge

    Title: 3 a.m.
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 10 ABY (before Dark Empire)
    Genre: Drama, Humor
    Canonicity: Legenda
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
    Summary: Luke Skywalker. Mara Jade. Coruscant Holding Cell. 3 a.m.
    Last updated: 24 August 2011
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the SJRS "Late Nights" challenge

    Title: So we'll go no more a-roving
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Post-Sacrifice
    Genre: Drama, introspection
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Lando Calrissian, Talon Karrde, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: Three men who loved Mara Jade reflect on her death
    Last updated: 2 March 2008
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A
  10. Goodwood

    Goodwood Jedi Master star 5

    May 11, 2011

    Title: Star Wars: Death and Life
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3961-59 BBY
    Genre: Introspective, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Laera Reyolé, Carth Onasi, Vrook Lamar, a pair of Sith Lords
    Summary: A Marine officer's death and rebirth amid the culmination and aftermath of the Mandalorian Wars.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: First in the Tales from the Corps series

    Title: A Marine Went to Jedi Camp
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3959 BBY
    Genre: Adventure, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Laera Reyolé, Vandar Tokare, Dorak, Vrook Lamar, Zhar Lestin, various OCs
    Summary: After a long career in the service of the Republic Marines, a reborn officer learns to master the talents she possessed all along.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete; sequel to Star Wars: Death and Life
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Rapid Redeployment
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3959 BBY
    Genre: Intrigue, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Laera Reyolé, Reeka Chorizzo, Tuffass, Voskel Dun'vei, various OCs
    Summary: With the Jedi Civil War barely a day old, the Commandant of the Marine Corps convenes a meeting to determine the status of his forces.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete; sequel to A Marine Went to Jedi Camp; prequel to Saber Battalion
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Saber Battalion
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3958 BBY
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Laera Reyolé, Carth Onasi, Chak Ravartin, Thedus Bimm, Silas Dan'kre, various OCs
    Summary: Laera and her 3rd Marine Battalion, determined to find a way to strike back at the Sith, devise a battle plan to disrupt enemy supply lines.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete; sequel to A Marine Went to Jedi Camp and Rapid Redeployment
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Tales from the Corps, Vol. 1
    Co-Authors: Trak Nar
    Timeframe: 3982-61 BBY
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Anthology of short stories
    Characters: Laera Reyolé, Reeka Chorizzo, Tuffass, Miranda Cenchu, Thedus Bimm, Vima Sunrider, various OCs
    Summary: Some of the more noteworthy Marines of their day reflect upon past events, and journey into an uncertain future as the Mandalorians begin their invasion.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete; prequel to the Tales from the Corps series
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: The Last Full Measure
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3956 BBY
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Laera Reyolé, Thedus Bimm, Silas Dan'kre, Bastila Shan, Kavar, Forn Dodonna, various OCs
    Summary: Despite an impressive streak of victories two years prior, the Republic is no closer to defeating the Sith Empire under Darth Revan. A bold plan is put forth to hasten an end to the war, a plan that could just as easily backfire.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete; sequel to Saber Battalion
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Jaq in his Box
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3956 BBY
    Genre: Intrigue, Psychodrama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Atton "Jaq" Rand, Aewa
    Summary: In the last weeks of the Jedi Civil War, a young Jedi is brought to a secure Sith facility whose purpose is to convert its subjects to the dark any means necessary.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete; stand-alone prequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: The Cantina Revelation
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3951 BBY
    Genre: Psychodrama, Introspection
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: The Jedi Exile, a pair of Sith Lords, various OCs
    Summary: After wandering the spacelanes for ten years, moving from place to place and job after job, a refugee of the Mandalorian Wars comes to a critical realization.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete; stand-alone prequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Silver Swarms of Ships
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3958-56 BBY
    Genre: Military Action, Adventure, Drama, Introspection;
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic; diary format spanning two years in-universe
    Characters: Chak Ravartin, Teish'ala, Atton Juyode, Laera Reyolé, literally a battalion of OCs!
    Summary: A wet-behind-the-ears fighter pilot is deployed to the front lines of the Jedi Civil War not long after its beginning, where he must soon learn to master his craft and trade or die.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete; referenced to Saber Battalion
    Other relevant information: Response to the 2014 Dear Diary Challenge

    Title: Ghosts of Korriban
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3954 BBY
    Genre: Action/Aadventure, Psychodrama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Seela Dar, Revan, Bastila Shan, Yuthura Ban, Nor Melao, Kedlis Hetton, various OCs
    Summary: Two years on from the defeat of Darth Malak and the Sith Empire, a Republic flotilla is tasked with scouting Korriban for any signs of a lingering Sith presence. But not before taking a detour to the nearly-abandoned world of Dantooine.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Work-in-progress
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Goodwood Writes... (drabbles, vignettes, miscellaneous cruft...)
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: All over the place
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Pseudo-Nonfiction (heh)
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Mostly short, disconnected stuff
    Characters: Anyone and everyone!
    Summary: N/A
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: N/A
    Other relevant information: Usually a place to put challenge entries and other stuff, as well as pieces connected to larger works.


    Title: The Great Leap Forward
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 43.5 ABY
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Laera Reyolé, Silas Dan'kre, HK-47, Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, Bellinega T'Ledra, Pelenora T'Yelc, Iper T'Royc, Fua T'Ooro, various OCs
    Summary: After taking delivery of an ancient holocron, the Skywalkers are drawn to the undiscovered yet quite inhabited world of T'lessia, where they find more than they bargained for.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete but unfinished in posting; sequel to The Last Full Measure
    Other relevant information: N/A
    Chyntuck and Findswoman like this.
  11. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Most of my stories make use of my original characters - the list is here.

    Everything has been arranged in chronological order, by its in-universe timeline, using both Yavin and Endor date systems.

    As of April 17th 2018:
    - I have 2 sets of drabbles, not counted above.
    - I participated in 2 round-robins, not counted either.
    - I did two collabs.
    - I do not count the story that was not completed.
    - One fic is a chapter of another, not counted and not listed here.
    - I removed 2 fics from the board - Dear Father (2015, continuity issues) and What Is That Thing You Call You? (2015, personal reasons). Guess what, not counting those, either.



    Title: Family Is What You Make It
    Timeframe: 3956 BBY
    Genres: Family, friendship, humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mission Vao, Gadon Thek, Zaalbar, Carth Onasi, female Revan, Bastila Shan, Lyn Sekla, Dia. Mentions of Griff Vao, Lena, Davik Kang, Brejik and T3-M4
    Summary: Recalling her last party on Taris, Mission Vao realises that she has a lot in common with her mentors and friends and decides to embrace it.
    Last updated: January 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for Findswoman, as a part of the 10th Annual (2016) Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Title: Cupcakes for a Cupcake
    Co-Authors: Findswoman
    Timeframe: 3956 BBY
    Genres: Family, friendship, humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mission Vao, Stannislauf "Stann" Rzewanczkowski (OC)
    Summary: Mission Vao enlists help of Stann Rzewanckzowski in order to throw a surprise birthday party for Carth Onasi
    Last updated: April 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: A birthday fic for Raissa Baiard



    Title: The Way I Want to Remember Her
    Timeframe: 102 BBY
    Genres: Chronicle, drama
    Type: Short
    Characters: Ravyd Caraway, Prime Minister of Vagran, a spokeswoman, Sirold Yanik. Non-speaking appearances by Robinia and Largo Caraway. Mention of Karmenee Caraway
    Summary: Ravyd Caraway is presented with the keys to a new town of Anaslinea-Hoc on Vagran, built for refugees exiled from former town of Anaslinea on Jumus.
    Last updated: May 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of Forever Away from Home, as well as a standalone story.

    Title: Wait in the Fire...
    Timeframe: 102 BBY
    Genres: Chronicle, drama, action
    Type: Short
    Characters: Ravyd Caraway and more
    Summary: Ravyd Caraway tells the story of his people's exile from former town of Anaslinea on Jumus.
    Last updated: May 2016
    Other relevant information: Part of Forever Away from Home, as well as a standalone story.

    Titles: Midday Darkness // The Light is Me, I Am the Light
    Timeframe: 60 BBY-20 BBY
    Genres: Biography // Autobiography with elements of other genres, predominantly Political Thriller
    Type: Epic // Epic
    Characters: Dyeke (OC), many more
    Summary: Dyeke was a cult favourite of Sacorrian art miglieu, as well as many others. He died. Now, what was his life actually like? These two books take turns at exploring it...
    Last updated: April 2017
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: This piece will be Saga at some point, and I am not sure how to deal with that. >_<



    Title: The Galactic Correspondent
    Co-Authors: Round robin
    Timeframe: 32 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Epic
    Characters: All TPM characters
    Summary: The story of TPM told through newspaper clippings
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Other authors, so far, are Chyntuck, WarmNyota_SweetAyesha (the two of whom started it), Kahara, skygawker, Goodwood, Viridian-Maiden and SabyneAmberle.

    Title: In My Dreams
    Timeframe: 22 BBY
    Genre: Romance, Angst, Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Damaé Hoove (OC). Mentions of an OC named Broga, as well as Padmé Amidala, Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, Cordé, Versé and Nute Gunray
    Summary: A young Naboo woman rants about her crush in her personal journal. Or out loud.
    Last updated: February 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: First of two responses to the First Sentence Challenge (the French literature edition). Doubles as the 2016 Valentine's fic.

    Title: Chancellor & I
    Timeframe: 22 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anjie Mencuri, Aldo Mencuri (OCs), Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, Padmé Amidala and Jar Jar Binks
    Summary: Palpatine is stuck with a toddler.
    Last updated: November 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of the best series at 2017 awards.

    Title: The Force Has (No) Favourites
    Timeframe: 22 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Alternate Universe
    Type: Short
    Characters: Dormé, Nute Gunray, Maul, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Naberrie, Jar Jar Binks, Sebulba
    Summary: In a world where the invasion of Naboo succeeded, a young woman sees her chance...
    Last updated: January 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for Pandora, part of the 11th Annual Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Title: Letters Never Sent
    Timeframe: 20-14 BBY
    Genre: Diary, Political Thriller, Romance
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Lil, Ranni, Gwynda and Anjie Mencuri - for now. Cameos of Canon and Legends characters
    Summary: A 40-year-old bohemian travels the Corellian sector, occasionally writing letters and recording messages to the woman he abandoned without a notice.
    Last updated: December 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Dear Diary Challenge 2016. The winning DDC of 2016. Best epic at the 2017 awards.

    Title: Another Day to Live, Another Night to Die
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Horror
    Type: Short
    Characters: Padmé Amidala. Mentions of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2, the babies Luke and Leia, Bail Organa, Commodex Tahn, Ruwee Naberrie, Jobal Naberrie, Sola Naberrie, Pooja Naberrie, Boss Rugor Nass, Boss Lyonie, Jar Jar Binks, Yoda, Queen Apailana
    Summary: Padmé is alive for one more day, or so she thinks.
    Last updated: March 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: This is an unofficial response to the Celtic Song Challenge.

    Title: Raissa Baiard Loses Them All! Juicy Blabber Exclusive by Yilda Lami
    Timeframe: 17 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Yilda Lami (my OC), Raissa Baiard, Doran Blayne/Domnic Jade, Verraro the Hutt, Frugly, Ari Renau, Sascha, Haaz (all Raissa Baiard's OCs)
    Summary: Tabloids do what tabloids do.
    Last updated: October 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Award fic for Raissa Baiard, who won Best All-Around in Saga at the 2016 Golden Yoda Awards and she requested a slugdgenewsflimsi article written by my OC, Yilda Lami, as seen in the Galactic Correspondent round-robin.

    Title: She's Gone
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Romance, Angst, Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: R2-D2. Mentions of Anakin Skywalker, P4-D17, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3PO
    Summary: Everybody can love.
    Last updated: March 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Poetry Inspiration Challenge.

    Title: Quite a Handful
    Timeframe: 17 BBY
    Genre: Romance, Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Maris Inesedam (aka Maris Inesedam-Vorr), Taide Lambrin, Saride, Ordinus, Groyo Stager, Sladok Kusetzi, Veropapa "Vero" Mak, Larax Antilless, Denaro. All OCs
    Summary: Taide Lambrin, young custodian of the Archaeological Museum of Anaslinea-Hoc has just met the kind of a girl he could fall in love with. So did Maris Inesedam, an archaeology student and a part-time singer from Saccorata. But is any of them capable of showing affection?
    Last updated: April 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Joint response to the OTP & Pairing Thread! Challenge #3: Holiday Love and Bring Back the OC Revolution Spring Challenge. Won the latter.

    Title: MESA, JAR JAR!!
    Timeframe: 17 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short (3-5 chapters max)
    Characters: Jar Jar Binks, Pollo Dorks (OC), Darth Vader, Zonama Sekot, Darth Maul, Harry Potter, Conan Antonio Motti, random loser from Maya Kovel
    Summary: Jar Jar is on a roll, no self control.
    Last updated: June 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Don't eat or drink while reading this. I don't want to be responsible for your death.

    Title: Emerald Wine
    Timeframe: 9 BBY
    Genre: Slice of life with strong hints of humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Leia Organa, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Zizi Pao (OC)
    Summary: The Organas are taking a traditional surprise trip to celebrate Leia's good grades. But this is the one that breaks all the traditions.
    Last updated: January 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for leiamoody, as a part of the 2015/16 9th Annual Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange. Zizi Pao is one of her OCs.

    Title: The Brightest of the Stars (When Teebo Met Latara)
    Timeframe: 8-7 BBY, with prologue and epilogue set in 14 ABY
    Genre: Romance
    Type: Short
    Characters: Teebo, Latara, Batcheela, Bozzie, Chirpa, Kazak, Logray (ECs), Fashkaa (OC), cameos from Kneesaa, Wicket and more
    Summary: Adult Teebo recalls how he met Latara, but also how he first encountered his Master, Logray.
    Last updated: December 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the space! challenge. Part of the best series at 2017 awards.
    Download link: EPUB (whole story)

    Title: Radiophonic Heart
    Timeframe: 11 BBE
    Genre: General, OC Backstory
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anjie Mencuri, Antonio Nokaarbe, Wompy, Dale Pavan (all OCs)
    Summary: An awkward 18-year-old boy who lives and breathes music just got a chance for his big break. The world of show business is cruel, but he may have wandered into its darkest corner. Willingly.
    Last updated: January 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: A non-competitive response to Bring Back the OC Revolution -- challenge 'Music'. Part of the best series at 2017 awards.

    Title: Before the Fall
    Timeframe: 5 BBY, told ten years later
    Genre: General, OC backstory
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anjie Mencuri, undisclosed female listener, mentions of Antonio Nokaarbe, Wompy, Dale Pavan, Shaban Sapphyra and Ros Correll (all OCs)
    Summary: An older and wiser Anjie Mencuri is telling the story of his wasted youth.
    Last updated: June 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Second of two responses to the First Sentence Challenge (the French Literature edition). Part of the best series at 2017 awards.

    Title: Some Suave Dance Chop(per)s
    Timeframe: 4 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Ezra Bridger, Chopper, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios
    Summary: Ezra thinks he's having a trouble-free day. But Chopper's got a sinister trick up his dome...
    Last updated: November 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: /

    Title: Hell in His Head
    Timeframe: 4 BBY, sometime before the seventh episode of Rebels.
    Genres: Character study, torture (not much, don't worry!)
    Type: Short
    Characters: Tseebo, random younglings. An indirect mention of Hera Syndulla.
    Summary: The line between reality and fantasy is thin, but it's thinner when you're wearing cybernetic implants the way some would wear ear muffs...
    Last updated: March 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: /

    Title: Not Just Talking Body
    Timeframe: 4 BBY
    Genres: Romance, OC backstory
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anjie Mencuri, Madelle Griasmaa (OCs)
    Summary: Boy meets girl. But not quite.
    Last updated: August 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Chart Hits Challenge. Part of the best series at 2017 awards.

    Title: My Tooka
    Timeframe: 2 BBY
    Genre: Poetry
    Type: Poem
    Characters: An unnamed Bimm, a tooka
    Summary: An unnamed Bimm mourns the loss of their tooka.
    Last updated: November 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: A little gift for TrakNar.

    Title: much art such thrawn wow
    Timeframe: 2 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Thrawn, Eli Vanto, the crew of the Ghost
    Summary: Thrawn mentors Eli Vanto, again, and gives him a valuable lesson on an important topic!
    Last updated: January 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Award fic for Raissa Baiard, who won the Best Original Relationship for Mara Jade Blayne and Ezra Bridger at the 2017 Awards.

    Title: Eyes Like His
    Timeframe: 3BBY - During the Rebels episode Legends of the Lasat
    Genre: Songfic
    Type: Short
    Characters: Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios
    Summary: After the chance meeting with fellow Lasat refugees, Chava the Wise and Gron, Zeb regains hope and becomes a believer again.
    Last updated: February 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: /

    Title: Seeker
    Timeframe: 2 BBY
    Genre: Poetry
    Type: Poem
    Characters: Maul
    Summary: Maul is dead. An unnamed narrator reflects on his life.
    Last updated: March 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: /

    Title: Two Sides to Every Story
    Timeframe: 1 BBY
    Genre: Slice of life
    Type: Short
    Characters: Firmus Piett, Jaye Tatsu (OC), an unnamed mouse droid. Features mentions of two in-universe legendary characters ,both named Mondo
    Summary: Captains Firmus Piett and Jaye Tatsu cannot sleep...
    Last updated: January 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: A little gift for Admiral Volshe and Shira A'dola. One of the Mondos and Jaye Tatsu are the latter's OCs.

    Title: Procrastinating His Hair
    Timeframe: 1 BBY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Boss Whatever Tarkin, Captain Jar Jar Binks, Admiral Droopy McCool, Princess Firmus Piett, roba formerly known as Tiaan Jerjerrod
    Summary: This is exactly what will happen when a certain exhaust port vulnerability is exploited two decades earlier...
    Last updated: February 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Once upon a time, Admiral Volshe sort-of-challenged me...and this is the result. Doubles as my February 29th fic.

    Title: I've Got a Bad Feeling About This...
    Co-authors: Round robin
    Timeframe: 1 ABY
    Genre: Action/adventure
    Type: Short
    Characters: Faala Dis, Rayk, the Wyrm...
    Summary: Two Rebels are caught between a rock and a hard place.
    Last updated: December 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Other authors are Mistress_Renata (who started it), whiskers, Raissa Baiard, brodiew, Anedon and RX_Sith.

    Title: Death, Life and Other Goals
    Timeframe: 1 ABY, around the same time as the first chapter of Pets, Of Course!
    Genre: Drama, character study, philosophy
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anjie Mencuri, Ahyolu, Nebula Fawkes, Taggo Gallagho, Maggo Gallagho, mentions of Blobbo the Hutt, Code:Blue, Dani Glisse, Taì, Aarla and Jenik Shykrill Glisse, Code: Red, Antonio Nokaarbe. All OCs
    Summary: A young man on the brink of death receives some unexpected guidance.
    Last updated: November 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to Bring Back the OC Revolution -- Summer/Autumn/Winter challenge. Part of the best series at 2017 awards.

    Title: Pets, Of Course!
    Timeframe: 1 ABY, around the same time as the first chapter of Death, Life and Other Goals
    Genre: Fluff
    Type: Short
    Characters: Code:Blue, Sladok Kusetzi, Mungo Baobab (EC), Pollo Dorks, Yilda Lami Jr., Mayk, Dani Shykrill Glisse, Taì Shykrill Glisse, Aarla Shykrill Glisse, Jennik Shykrill Glisse.
    Summary: Code:Blue just became father for the third time and celebrated a goal that got his planet to the semi-finals of the Galactic Cup. His priorities are, however, skewed.
    Last updated: April 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information:This is an award fic for @Findswoman who won best author in Before and Saga, Best Epic in Saga and more at the 2016 awards.

    Title: Doaba Ke'demii - The Diary of a Young Comradette
    Timeframe: 2.5 ABY to 3.5 ABY
    Genre: Angst, family, friendship, romance
    Type: Epic, in a way a prequel to The Black Star
    Characters: Doria Vorr, Maris Inesedam-Vorr and more. All OCs, except for Tendra Risant
    Summary: Doria Vorr writes a diary during her last year at First Agricultural Institute of Saccorata.
    Last updated: December 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Dear Diary Challenge 2017.

    Title: Snowed In
    Timeframe: Late 2, early 3 ABY
    Genre: Angsty supernatural horroresque adventure with some G-rated romance.
    Type: Epic, prequel to The Other Moon
    Characters: Wicket, Kneesaa, Teebo, Latara, Paploo + many more
    Summary: Too complicated - read the first post.
    Last updated: August 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: This story started out of need to explain unexplained things in Zack Gialongo's Shadows of Endor comic which casually retcons some cartoon things to be ROTJ-ish, so I thought I'd create a connection that makes sense. Won Best Canon Relationship (Teebo/Latara) in the Saga Era at the 2016 Awards.
    Download link: EPUB (whole story)

    Title: Get It While It's Hoth!™
    Timeframe: 3 ABY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: OCs, references to canon characters
    Summary: Spin, the company behind the ANGRY MACE™ products, is using the Battle of Hoth to promote its new soup...
    Last updated: November 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Award fic for Mistress_Renata, who won Best Action/Adventure and tied for Best Canon Story at the 2017 Golden Yoda Awards.

    Title: My Worst Student, the Young Comradette Vorr
    Timeframe: 3 ABY
    Genre: Character Study
    Characters: Kaya Malokio. Mentions of Doria Vorr and others
    Timeframe: ~3 ABY
    Summary: Kaya Malokio, the Basic school teacher at First Agricultural Institute of Saccorata, states her case against a problematic student.
    Last updated: January 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the OC Revolutions Autumn/Winter challenge. Won the challenge.

    Title: The Other Moon
    Timeframe: 3.5 ABY to 4 ABY
    Genre: Horror, action, hints of romance
    Type: Epic, sequel to Snowed In
    Characters: Kneesaa, Teebo, Latara, Paploo + many more
    Summary: After the events of Snowed In (see above) and Shadows of Endor, the tribe of the Bright Tree Village has realised how dangerous their new enemies are; so Chief Chirpa comes up with radical defense tactics and events of the next couple of moons change the usual suspects' lives, forever.
    Last updated: February 2018
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: This story may contain references to the events seen in Caravan of Courage and Battle for Endor. It will most certainly contain some, mostly parody nods to known books and films. It will also contain elements of the comic I made when I was 10 in 1993.

    Title: The Black Star
    Timeframe: 3.5 to 4 ABY
    Genre: Political Thriller, dark comedy, action/adventure
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Doria Vorr, Gredda, Charon Valorum, Maris Inesedam-Vorr, Deeina Ferry and more. Cameos from Tendra Risant and more
    Summary:Too complicated - read the first post.
    Last updated: March 2018
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: All my other stories are more or less related to this one. Chapter 4 is a response to the Bring Back the OC Revolution Summer 2015 challenge.
    Download link: EPUB (Part one - twelve chapters)

    Title: It Burns!
    Timeframe: 4 ABY, the night before the Battle of Endor
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, R2-D2, Wicket W. Warrick (indirectly, no speaking role), Leia Organa (mentioned only), Chief Chirpa, Teebo, Latara, Princess Kneesaa A Jari Kintaka (indirectly, no speaking role)
    Summary: A story where Teebo is dealing with extreme butthurt. LITERALLY.
    Last updated: January 2015 [tidied up in February 2016]
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Block Breaker 1 from the Writer's Block Discussion and Challenge Thread.

    Title: Always With You, Always Within You
    Timeframe: 4 ABY
    Genres: Drama
    Type: Short
    Characters: Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, more
    Summary: Leia finds solace in an unexpected place
    Last updated: January 2017
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Written for leiamoody, as a part of the 2016/17 10th Annual Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange.

    Title: After the Climb
    Timeframe: 5 ABY
    Genres: General, OC backstory
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anjie Mencuri
    Summary: Anjie Mencuri is struggling to find inspiration when sober and...
    Last updated: July 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Bring Back the OC Revolution Spring 2016 Challenge. Part of the best series at 2017 awards.

    Title: The Blind Chart the Stars
    Timeframe: 5 ABY to 15 ABY (subject to change)
    Genre: Romance, drama, political thriller
    Type: Epic
    Characters: See the "dramatis personae" post in the thread itself.
    Summary: A bunch of misfits are trying to find their place, their true calling and their true love in a Galaxy fresh out of the civil war. They're, in a way, the blind charting the stars.
    Last updated: April 2018
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Sequel and prequel of many other stories, the one that binds them together. Please, see the notes.

    Title: A Stranger in Someone Else's Dream
    Timeframe: 5 ABY
    Genre: Romance, supernatural
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anjie Mencuri, Charape, Marea. Mentions of Antonio Nokaarbe, Wompy, Dandelion "Dale" Pavan and Madelle "Mady" Griasmaa - all OCs
    Summary: Anjie Mencuri is having second thoughts about women again. Or is he?
    Last updated: November 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: My response to the Sea Shanty/Ballad challenge, where I got the song My Jolly Sailor Bold.

    Title: Nolevorution, Of Course!
    Timeframe: 6 ABY
    Genre: Humour with hints of a Political Thriller
    Type: Short
    Characters: Code:Blue, the Sacorrian Triad, random droids
    Summary: A government employee from CESA needs to relay a message to Their Leaderships. It's urgent!
    Last updated: October 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Contribution to the group fic-gift for Chyntuck's wedding.

    Title: You See Me As A Bed of Nails
    Timeframe: 5 ABY
    Genre: Poetry, romance
    Type: Short
    Characters: Unnamed narrator, Anjie Mencuri (OCs)
    Summary: Somebody loves Anjie. And can't stand him. But loves him.
    Last updated: May 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the OTP Quotes challenge.

    Title: About a Boy
    Timeframe: 14 ABY
    Genre: Drama, Family
    Type: Short
    Characters: Yehan (OC), one-time Yuzzum OCs, Teebo, Latara, Malani, other Ewoks.
    Summary: How a nameless wokling became Yehan.
    Last updated: April 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Spring 2015 OC challenge -- Family. Won the challenge. Won Best Short Story in the Saga era at the 2016 Awards.

    Title: A Rough Trade
    Timeframe: 21 ABY
    Genre: Drama, Family, Supernatural
    Type: Not sure yet
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Ben Solo, R2-D2, OCs and more
    Summary: The warning signs were always there - that may have been the only thing young Ben Solo had in common with his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. But everybody chose to ignore them, even when his most prized possession came into play...
    Last updated: March 2017
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Won Best Post-Premiere Fic and Best Character (Luke Skywalker) in the Sequel Trilogy/Anthology era (ST/A) at the 2016 Awards.

    Title: Nuv
    Timeframe: 24 ABY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luufi (OC), Talthuk (OC), Malani, Teebo, Latara, most other known Ewoks.
    Summary: Luufi does not like Festival of Love. Talthuk is jealous of Luufi's early childhood. When they're forced to function as a team, strange things happen.
    Last updated: February 2015 [tidied up in February 2016]
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: This story serves to give a sneak preview of my new Ewok OCs. Response to the Bring Back the OC Revolution - Oh My Darling Valentine challenge (non-competitive). Doubles as the 2015 Valentine's Day fic.

    Title: Kylo vs. the Ghosts of SNARK!
    Timeframe: 35 ABY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Captain Phasma and the Force ghosts of Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn and Mace Windu
    Summary: On the big night of his small screen debut, Kylo Ren is haunted by his father and his grandfather's Force Ghosts.
    Last updated: February 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Mod's Dare Challenge.

    Title: A Change of Plan(et)s
    Timeframe: 35 ABY
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, special guest star
    Summary: Kylo has an idea, the kind of which should never-ever occur to the famous. Hux joins in...
    Last updated: December 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: /






    Title: Echo Bounces
    Timeframe: 9 ABY, right before the Thrawn Trilogy in the Legends continuity.
    Genre: Character study, hints of romance
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mara Jade. Indirect mentions of the Wild Karrde crew, Luke Skywalker and Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious.
    Summary: A look into Mara Jade's soul.
    Last updated: March 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: /

    Title: Convor's Song
    Timeframe: 138 ABY, near the end of the Second Imperial Civil War
    Genre: Horror, action
    Type: Short
    Characters: Darth Maladi, Darth Krayt, Ka Shiya (OC)
    Summary: Darth Maladi is tasked with a mission she does not want to undertake, for she believes her powers are of better use elsewhere.
    Last updated: October 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Response to the Celtic Song Challenge.



    Title:The Map of the Dead
    Timeframe: Some 10 000 years after the events of the Saga
    Genre: General
    Type: Short
    Characters: Oolteema Misura, Kaargo, Gleb Maradoona (OCs)
    Summary: In a dystopian far future, a young Twi'lek woman is intrigued about the past of the Galaxy. Over the time, she develops a strange obsession.
    Last updated: March 2017
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Response to the Fanon Quote Challenge. Won the challenge.

    Title: Drops of Mustafar
    Timeframe: Told 25 000 years after the Battle of Yavin, retelling the events of PT and OT
    Genre: Romance, tragedy
    Type: Short
    Characters: Unnamed narrator, unnamed listener, unnamed canon characters: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Padmé Amidala, Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious
    Summary: When real tragedies become legends...
    Last updated: February 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: This is an unofficial response to the Celtic Song Challenge.



    Title: Hyperactive Mouse Droid Strokes
    Timeframe: All over the place
    Genre: Character study, poetry, drabble, whatever may creep in...
    Type: Series of drabbles
    Characters: See individual drabbles
    Summary: Drabbles
    Last Updated: April 2018
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: These are my drabbles for Ultimate Drabble Challenge VIII.

    Title: Every Me, Every You
    Timeframe: All over the place
    Genre: Character study, poetry, drabble, whatever may creep in...
    Type: Series of shorts
    Characters: See individual drablems
    Summary: Some mix up between drabbles and poetry, in form of character studies.
    Last Updated: March 2018
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: They told me drabbles are limited by 100 words. So, I wrote some to test myself because I'm typically writing these 2K-5K story chapters. This is the result.

    Title: Growing Pains - A Doaba Ke’demii/Teenage Rebellion Mashup
    Co-Authors: Raissa Baiard
    Timeframe: Open to interpretation, as one of the stories happens in 1 ABY and the other in 2-3 ABY
    Genre: Humour, angst
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Doria Vorr (OC)
    Summary: Two extremely emotional teenagers who LOVE USING ALL CAPS and hitting the punctuation signs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 accidentally stumble into each other on HyperYak.
    Last Updated: March 2018
    Status: (Probably) complete
    Other relevant information: /

    Title: Bare
    Timeframe: 35 ABY, in both continuities
    Genre: Humour
    Type: Short
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Kanan Jarrus, Mara Jade
    Summary: After his exhausting projection from Ahch-To to Crait, Luke Skywalker vanishes into the Force.
    Last Updated: March 2018
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: /
    Last edited: May 10, 2018
  12. Pandora

    Pandora Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 13, 2005

    Title: Peace
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Many hundreds of years before the saga
    Genre: Mythic Prose Poem
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original Characters
    Summary: It is a time of war on a very different Naboo.
    Last updated: 2006
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Any resemblance to Legends canon on ancient Naboo is almost certainly a coincidence.

    Title: The Song of Experience
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Shortly before the Saga begins
    Genre: Beyond all Genre
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mostly Original
    Summary: "My innocence is but the mask I wear over my wayward thoughts."
    Last updated: February 20, 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for both the 2023 Kessel Run Week Six prompt, and for the OTP Bingo! Challenge.

    Title: Night and Night
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Shortly before the Saga begins
    Genre: "Ah, ah, one more kiss..."
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original
    Summary: One night in three (and a bit) parts.
    Last updated: July 31, 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the 2023 Summer Olympics in the triathlon category.

    Title: “Every star is a sun waiting for you to arrive”
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: A long, long time ago...
    Genre: Gonzo Fanfiction [but not Gonzo the Great]. Otherwise known as that THING here to see you.
    Canonicity: Irrelevant for now, but let's go with AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original
    Summary: A girl sets forth on a coming-of-age journey on her lone wandering world. Another girl leaves her solitary abode to risk the company of other people. Then there's this droid assigned to a scientific mission not far behind. They have never met, but their paths have begun to cross. And that is still only the beginning.
    Last updated: October 12, 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Putting the "Star" in "Star Wars" mini-challenge.



    Title: You don't own me: or, Why I don't like straw
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: “Sometime during the rebellion”
    Genre: Extreme drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Leia, Han, Wedge, Original Characters
    Summary: What Leia has to go through for the rebellion. Luckily, she has a little help from her boyfriend and their friends.
    Last updated: October 8, 2005
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the I Dare You! mod challenge in the autumn of 2005. It is not—to put it subtly—the sort of thing I usually write. So silly that Graham Chapman, dressed as one of his policemen and back from the dead, had to arrest it for that crime.

    Title: Courtly Love
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Some point between the prequel and original trilogies
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Queen Kylantha, Original Character
    Summary: The Queen of the Naboo cannot know love.
    Last updated: 2005
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Originally written for a Halloween Challenge in which the object was to write a 1000 word story with a terrible opening sentence. I’ve revised it quite a bit since then, but it remains exactly 1000 words--and the opening sentence remains just as terrible.

    Title: Grey
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Around the time of Revenge of the Sith
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Moteé, Senator Padmé Amidala
    Summary: A handmaiden is conflicted about the woman she serves.
    Last updated: February 9, 2006
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Originally written for bobilll’s colors challenge in August 2005.

    Title: Aerena, with her sun eyes
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: A year (or so) after The Phantom Menace
    Genre: Domestic surrealism
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short (well, since it's 20000ish words, not that short)
    Characters: Original Characters, with several special nods to Ben Quadinaros
    Summary: Aerena is going to the podraces with her family. Will this be the race where everything changes for them--or her?
    Last updated: May 26, 2006
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: None that I can think of.

    Title: Decoy
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The prequel trilogy
    Genre: "Grimdark"
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Original and Canon Handmaidens
    Summary: Padmé is surrounded by handmaidens who would do, and sacrifice, anything for her--and she has begun to take it for granted.
    Last updated: July 16, 2006
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Dark Padmé challenge.

    Title: The History of the Queen's Tears
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Three years into the Empire
    Genre: Coming of Age Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original Characters, Apailana
    Summary: A handmaiden learns that knowing history doesn't make it much easier when you find yourself living it.
    Last updated: September 1, 2006
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the OC Dueling Circle Challenge.

    Title: Objects in motion
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Most of the saga
    Genre: Dramatic prose poem
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Rabé
    Summary: After she leaves Amidala’s service, Rabé’s life is always in motion.
    Last updated: 2006
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Non Star Wars Movie Quote Roulette.

    Title: Lumina
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Three years after Revenge of the Sith
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original Characters
    Summary: A handmaiden has a choice to make.
    Last updated: Revised version posted January 20, 2015.
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for a challenge at the Essential Guide to Original Characters thread.

    Title: Nocturne
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Phantom Menace
    Genre: Missing Scene
    Canonicity: AU (though it ought to be canon)
    Type: Short
    Characters: Rabé, Eirtaé, Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Summary: A night meeting between a Naboo handmaiden and a Jedi padawan.
    Last updated: August 16, 2007
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Originally written for the Prequel Trilogy Write/Rewrite Contest.

    Title: The Queen
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Circa one year before Revenge of the Sith
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Jamillia, Apailana, Original Character
    Summary: As one queen fades, another one rises.
    Last updated: February 2008
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: None that I can think of.

    Title: Into Hell
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Revenge of the Sith
    Genre: Alternate Universe
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Moteé, Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: Moteé will do anything to protect the woman she serves.
    Last updated: 2008
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: See introductory note.

    Title: Or
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The original trilogy
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Short (but expected to change to epic)
    Characters: Original Characters
    Summary: The same day her brother is sold into service as a telbun, a young woman begins to spill her thoughts out in journal form. The rest is non-fiction.
    Last updated: June 27, 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: See introductory notes.

    Title: (The face that sees you from the mirror should not be your own)
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: All through the Saga
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Sabé
    Summary: The life of Sabé, chief handmaiden and decoy of Queen Amidala of Naboo, arranged in fragments from her infancy to her death.
    Last updated: 2013
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Inspired by prompts from the 7th Ultimate Drabble Challenge.

    Title: Triptych/this will hurt you more than it hurts me.
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Four years after Revenge of the Sith.
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original Characters
    Summary: One of Queen Apailana's handmaidens is caught up in the consequences of her actions.
    Last updated: January 20, 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written as a companion story to "Lumina."

    Title: Dear Pelly:
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Original Trilogy
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original Characters
    Summary: A Kuati aristocrat writes to his telbun.
    Last updated: February 1, 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Takes place in the same world as "Or."

    Title: Come to Dust
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Attack of the Clones
    Genre: Alternate Existential Tragedy
    Canonicity: Alternate Universe
    Type: Short
    Characters: Cordé, Dormé, Anakin Skywalker, Captain Typho
    Summary: Cordé survives the explosion on the landing pad--and the senator she serves does not.
    Last updated: Revised version posted May 11, 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: None.

    Title: Versé, transformed into a flower
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Attack of the Clones
    Genre: Vignette
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original and minor handmaidens
    Summary: "Handmaidens never leave. They only vanish inside their cloaks."
    Last Updated: June 1, 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: This is a revised version of a story I originally posted in 2005.

    Title: "Something is shining like gold, but better"
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The last few years of the intertrilogy period
    Genre: Space Western
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short (still approaching epic status)
    Characters: Original Characters
    Summary: A young woman leaves her beautiful, peaceful life on Naboo to teach school in the wilderness of a certain desert rock run by Hutt crime lords.
    Last Updated: January 21, 2017
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: See introductory notes.

    Title: "The end of all things"
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Intertrilogy
    Genre: Alternate Universe
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Dormé, Moteé, The Lady Vader
    Summary: The world might have come to an end, but Dormé remains with her lady--together, and forever.
    Last Updated: Revised version posted May 14, 2016.
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: See footnotes.

    Title: "Getting it on"
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Completely irrelevant
    Genre: Romantic Character Study
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original Jawas
    Summary: A female Jawa takes in the view on the leading male.
    Last Updated: Reposted November 30, 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: I originally wrote this for a writing exercise on the old OC Writers Anonymous thread in 2006, for which it won an imaginary prize. This is the original, unedited text and "footnotes," but the title (with thanks and apologies to Marvin Gaye) is new.

    Title: Dutiful
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The last days of the Imperial Senate/The year before the Battle of Yavin
    Genre: BTST (Barely Started Sexual Tension)
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original
    Summary: A Naboo handmaiden is fascinated with one of the Emperor's crimson guards.
    Last Updated: Rewritten version posted December 27, 2016.
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: See author's note.

    Title: Pale Iris
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: You'll see.
    Genre: It defies the concept.
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: All original comrades and comradettes
    Summary: An unimportant girl gets a view from the sidelines in a universe where the Galactic Empire decides to take the Sacorrian Triad very seriously.
    Last Updated: February 11, 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Fanon AU Challenge.

    Title: Fantastica
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: TBD
    Genre: Literary
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: All original
    Summary: "Everything feels the same, and yet everything's changed."
    Last Updated: April 11, 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Originally written for the 2008 lgbtfest on livejournal.

    "The Wrong Side of History"
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Original Trilogy
    Genre: Literary
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: (Short) Epic
    Characters: Original
    Summary: It wasn't what they had said, but they might as well have: This is your chance to atone for the sins your father committed. Don't you want to be on the right side of history?
    Last Updated: November 7, 2024
    Status: WIP
    Other Relevant Information: Originally written for the 2018 Dear Diary Challenge Second Half-Marathon.

    Title: "Water Flowing Underground"
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Prequel Trilogy
    Genre: When Alternate Universes combine, inspired by a Hans Christian Andersen story.
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Original Naboo Character, Assorted Others
    Summary: Jonna Eyre, the emissary of Queen Jamillia of Naboo, has come to Tatooine to treat with the leaders of the new Alliance of Free Worlds.
    Last Updated: November 4, 2023
    Status: WIP
    Other Relevant Information: See opening author's notes.

    Title: Heroes
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Original Trilogy
    Genre: Rebellious Dance Party
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mostly original
    Summary: "We can be heroes, just for one day."
    Last Update:
    September 30, 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: Written for the 2023 Kessel Run Week Twelve (long story) prompt, and doing double-duty for the OC Name Challenge.



    Title: Entropy
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: After the Battle of Coruscant, and the Empire.
    Genre: Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original and minor characters
    Summary: The Senate of the New Republic, following the example of its predecessors, goes about its work.
    Last updated: April 8, 2013
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: None.

    Title: The Winter Queen
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: "A long, long time after the saga."
    Genre: Gothic Romance in Winter Landscape.
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short (but approaching epic status)
    Characters: OCs
    Summary: "Welcome to Hoth City. If you behave, you can have a cookie."
    Last Updated: March 1, 2023
    Status: WIP
    Other Relevant Information: See introductory notes.

    Title: Death and the Maiden
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: A long, long, long time after the saga
    Genre: Gothic Awful
    Canonicity: Irrelevant, but let's go with AU to be safe
    Type: Short
    Characters: Original
    Summary: "La vierge est morte, vive la reine."
    Last Updated: November 27, 2022
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: See introductory notes.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024
  13. skygawker

    skygawker Jedi Knight star 3

    May 25, 2014
    Title: Into the Archives
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Begins partway through RotS
    Genre: Drama, action/adventure.
    Canonicity: AU from RotS.
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Palpatine, Mace Windu, others.
    Summary: After hearing the legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise from Palpatine, Anakin decides that his best chance to save Padme is to break into the restricted Holocron Vault of the Temple Archives to search for information about Plagueis. Predictably, all does not go according to plan.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Exile
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Begins two years after AotC
    Genre: Drama, action/adventure.
    Canonicity: AU (single point of divergence from canon).
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
    Summary: Two years into the Clone Wars, Padme Amidala and Chancellor Palpatine are dead, and Anakin Skywalker is sent into exile as punishment for actions he took in the heat of his grief and his anger.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Eventual Anakin/Obi-Wan pairing.

    Title: Gundark in the Room
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Set sometime during the Clone Wars.
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Bail Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala.
    Summary: In which Anakin overreacts, Padme wishes she had married someone with a sense of subtlety, Obi-Wan pretends to be oblivious, and Bail is torn between exasperation and amusement.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Hypothetically Speaking
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: TCW, immediately after "The Wrong Jedi"
    Genre: Friendship, angst
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
    Summary: Anakin poses a not-entirely-hypothetical question to his former master after Ahsoka chooses to leave the Order. Obi-Wan cannot quite understand why he asked it.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004

    Title: Crossing Enemy Lines
    Co-Authors: EmeraldJediFire
    Timeframe: Intersects with events in ESB & RoTJ
    Genre: Drama, Action, Romance
    Canonicity: AU Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Luke/ Mara, Vader, Palpatine, Han, Leia, etc.
    Summary: Luke is the Emperor's Hand and Mara the Rebel. Lots of edge-of-seatness & chemistry between L/M.
    Last Updated: 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Post-Mission Unburdening
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The PT
    Genre: Introspection, Friendship
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Obi-Wan & Anakin
    Summary: Anakin does some soul-searching & confides in Obi-Wan; a pivotal, eye-opening experience.
    Last Updated: Dec 05, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Gift-fic for jcgoble3.

    Title: A Thing Unlooked For
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Before the PT
    Genre: Friendship and Romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Siri/Obi-Wan and Anakin
    Summary: Siri and Obi-wan admit their feelings for one another & Anakin is part of their family of the heart.
    Last Updated: Dec 16, 2013
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: A Mission Gone Awry!
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Genre: Adventure/Action
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: In 2 parts, short
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Elias Kage, Clone Trooper 42, and Master Sha's (Esther's OCs.)
    Summary: A critical rescue mission!
    Last Updated: March 15, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Award gift for Esther Anderson. Her OCs were used. See above.


    Title: A Heart Full of Gratitude
    Co-authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Canonicity: Legends
    Characters: Luke/Mara
    Genre: Introspection & family sweetness
    Type: Short
    Summary: Luke is grateful for every moment with Mara and his family.
    Last Updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: Poetry Challenge response.

    Title: A New Perspective
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU- - after Vision of the Future
    Genre: Introspection, Challenge Response (poetry)
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: L/M
    Summary: Mara realizes she can be herself in a new special way via being in a relationship with Luke. [face_love]
    Last updated: March 24, 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: The poem was "Invictus".

    Title: Something Sweetly Recalled
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Humor/Mush
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Leia, Luke/Mara
    Summary: Luke finds out Mara sneaked into his apartment many years ago & recalls that he had a dream about her. ;)
    Last Updated: March 29, 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Award-prize for divapilot. @};- Inspired also by "Professional Pride" by Annia Piet.

    Title: Edited Challenge Entries
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Challenge entries, action, drama, humor, romance.
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short vigs
    Characters: Ensemble
    Summary: Responses to the "Edited Challenge" in Resource.
    Last Updated: Sept 15, 2014
    Status: TBD
    Other relevant information: This challenge consisted of word limits for each entry, consisting of 3 rounds.

    Title: A Pleasant Surprise
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Friendship on the brink
    Canonicity: Legends compliant
    Type: One shot
    Characters: L/M
    Summary: Luke and Mara meet at a dance and enjoy one another's company.
    Last Updated: Dec 27, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Circumventing Calamity
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Post NJO
    Genre: Introspection/character growth
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One shot
    Characters: Jacen & others
    Summary: Jacen attunes to the Force and stays on the correct path.
    Last Updated: Sept 21, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: A Dare challenge from TrakNar.

    Title: You... All Along
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Series of vigs
    Characters: L/M
    Summary: Discovering what each means to the other.
    Last Updated: Oct 5, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: I Knew I Loved You
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Multi-part
    Characters: L/M
    Summary: Admitting their feelings.
    Last Updated: Jul 26, 2013
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: I'm Too Close to Wanting
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: After The Last Command
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: L/M
    Summary: Crucial decision is made.
    Last Updated: Aug 12, 2013
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Has a sequel.

    Title: Finding Completion
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mara/Luke
    Summary: Continues what was begun in "I'm Too Close"
    Last Updated: Oct 6, 2013
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Wings of Love
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: After RoTJ
    Genre: Fun and romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Multi-part
    Characters: Han & Leia and Mara/Luke
    Summary: Events diverge from CoPL.
    Last Updated: March 13, 2015
    Status: TBD
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: An Early Morning Return
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One shot
    Characters: Luke/Mara
    Summary: A mushy reunion after coming back from a mission at the crack of dawn.
    Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
    Status: complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: A Wonderful Family
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: After RoTJ
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: One shot
    Characters: OCs, see below.
    Summary: Parents enjoy one another and their kids.
    Last Updated: Jan 22, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Borrowing Falcon's original characters: Jess and Fress.

    Title: Her Softer Side
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Post-VoTF
    Genre: Introspection
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One shot, Monday Mush Mania entry.
    Characters: Mara Jade-Skywalker
    Summary: Mara revels in the birth of her and Luke's daughter, Cerys.
    Last Updated: Jan 6, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Undivided Attention
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One shot
    Characters: L/M
    Summary: Mara and Luke get their priorities straight.
    Last Updated: Sept 22, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for Gemma

    Title: Unexpected & Liberated
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: After The Last Command
    Genre: Introspection
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Mara Jade
    Summary: Mara feels liberated after the events on Wayland.
    Last Updated: Oct 12, 2013
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Bachelor Party Aftereffects
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Humor and romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Multi-part
    Characters: Kyp and an OC, see below.
    Summary: Kyp marries the love of his life.
    Last Updated: Jan 6, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Fic-gift for Ceillean whose original character, Eliziya, was the one Kyp married.

    Title: Onward & Upward
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Introspection, drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Vignettes
    Characters: Kyp Durron and others
    Summary: Kyp's vital life lessons and choices.
    Last Updated: March 8, 2014
    Status: TBD
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Title: Swiftly Falling
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: EU
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: One shot
    Characters: Kyp with Octa (a legends/canon Jedi Knight)
    Summary: Kyp and Octa fall for each other.
    Last Updated: Feb 3, 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/A
  15. jcgoble3

    jcgoble3 Chosen One star 6

    Nov 7, 2010
    Downloading: eBook files can be downloaded from my Dropbox. Currently only Amazon Kindle (AZW3) format is available; Amazon’s “Send to Kindle” services/apps inexplicably do not support this format, so you will have to sideload it (i.e. transfer over USB from your computer). I hope to replace this with MOBI format to enable use with “Send to Kindle”, but fine-tuning MOBI files is far less efficient than tweaking AZW3 files, so it may take some time. EPUB files will be coming soon, probably before MOBI.


    Title: Diary of an Alleged Jedi
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Knights of the Old Republic comic book series
    Genre: Angst/drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Zayne Carrick, Marn Hierogryph, Jarael
    Summary: Zayne, a seemingly hopelessly inept Padawan, begins keeping a diary at the suggestion of his Master. Shortly thereafter, that same Master frames him for murders he didn't commit, and when Zayne is forced on the run, that diary becomes his closest confidant as he searches for a way to clear his name.
    Last updated: 2012
    Status: Incomplete and dead
    Other relevant information: Dear Diary Challenge 2012. My first attempt a fanfic, killed after six entries when The Move™ dragged out for five and a half months, destroying its momentum. I have many more entries written and saved to my hard drive (a total of 20) plus a few backups, but they are not likely to be posted even if requested; if I ever were to decide to revive this, it would probably be with fresh and better writing.
    Downloadables: None

    Title: One Planet, One People
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: End of Jedi Apprentice #6: The Uncertain Path
    Genre: Cringe-fic :p
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Nield
    Summary: After the peace treaty ending the hostilities on Melida/Daan is signed, Nield, Wehutti, and Gueni announce it to the public.
    Last updated: 2012
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: “We're Moving!” Guess the Author Challenge that spanned from before to after The Move™. Three years later, I hate this fic with a passion. :p
    Downloadables: None (you really think I’m going to bother converting this after I labeled the genre as “cringe-fic”?)

    Title: A Taste of Rootleaf Stew
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 42 BBY
    Genre: Humor
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Qui-Gon
    Summary: Yoda teaches Obi-Wan a lesson about respecting the differences between species, and that lesson turns into a prank for Qui-Gon's 50th birthday.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: 2014 fic-gift exchange for earlybird-obi-wan.
    Downloadables: AZW3 (link at top of post)


    Title: The Royal Mess of Aeos
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 28 BBY
    Genre: Drama with a dash of humor
    Canonicity: Compatible with both Legends and Canon
    Type: Short (four chapters)
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Quinlan Vos
    Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Quinlan Vos must resolve a dispute over who the rightful heir to the throne is on the planet of Aeos. Complicating things are the anger of the competing princes, the loss of critical computer files, and a depressed ten-year-old girl.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of the 2015 fic-gift exchange.
    Downloadables: None (yet).


    Title: The Corellian Roundabout
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 23 ABY
    Genre: Two parts slice-of-life, one part humor, and a dash of crack!fic
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Han and Jaina
    Summary: Han and a teenage Jaina, out for some quality father-daughter time, encounter something Han quickly discovers that he hates: Corellia's new traffic circle.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: The evil spawn of an autocorrect fail in the Writer's Desk. [face_laugh]
    Downloadables: AZW3 (link at top of post)
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
    Findswoman and Chyntuck like this.
  16. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Saga (Legends)

    Title: Long Gone
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Starts about 1 ABY (post-ANH, pre-ESB), epilogue picks up in 4 ABY right before the time of ROTJ in canon
    Genre: character interaction, drama, hard to categorize
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short (multi-chapter)
    Characters: Yoda, Padmé, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan
    epilogue chapters: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Mara Jade, Kajin Savaros, Kyp Durron, Quinlan Vos, Khaleen Hentz, Scout, other canon characters, OC's
    Summary: Yoda is used to receiving ghostly visitors, but this one is a little out of the ordinary. A difficult parent-teacher conference with the luminous brings challenges to the Jedi Master’s routine life.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete; basis of a series with Kaleidoscope Candles (prequel/midquel/sequel collection thread)
    Other relevant information: Beta read by Nyota's Heart.

    Title: Illumination
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 4 ABY (pre-ROTJ time frame; sequel to Long Gone)
    Genre: AU, character interaction, family
    Canonicity: AU; Legends-based
    Type: Short (oneshot)
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Breha Organa (mentioned)
    Summary: Leia grew up recalling just enough to yearn for more information about her biological mother. Now she and Luke have a chance, however brief, to meet Padmé.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete; part of the Long Gone AU-verse
    Other relevant information: Located in Kaleidoscope Candles collection thread which will eventually hold other stories from the same AU-verse. Beta read by Nyota's Heart.

    Title: Can't Look Away
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 3 ABY (pre-ROTJ time frame; mid-quel to Long Gone)
    Genre: AU, romance, character interaction, family, a bit of humor here and there
    Canonicity: AU; Legends-based
    Type: Short (3 chapters)
    Characters: Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker, Scout, Ahsoka Tano; mentions of Artoo and others. Parts 2 and 3 mention/feature more characters (Cilghal, Korto Vos, Runab Ehata (OC), Han Solo, Leia Organa, Dusque Mistflier, Andoorni Hui, Aurin Leith, Nyinahl (OC), Yoda, Corwin Shelvay, Fable Astin, Rachi Sitra, Wuwuhuul)
    Summary: Becoming Luke’s friend was supposed to be a self-imposed check against her conditioning. Mara just didn’t want to end up killing him – not literally – and that was all. Mostly all. But things didn’t stay that simple, and the string of confrontations with the Empire seems to be growing ever more dangerous. L/M ‘ship story set on Echo Base. Expect bad jokes, cavities, and more kissing and cuddling than usual in my stories.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete; part of the Long Gone AU-verse
    Other relevant information: Located in Kaleidoscope Candles collection thread. Beta read by Nyota's Heart.

    Title: The Galactic Correspondent
    (contributed entries -- 1)
    Co-Authors: Round robin
    Timeframe: the events of The Phantom Menace
    Genre: various
    Canonicity: Canon (Legends references)
    Type: TBD?
    Characters: TPM canon characters, various OC periodical writers
    Summary: "The Galactic Correspondent is a multi-author fanfic whose purpose is to retell the story of The Phantom Menace through newspaper clippings." (summary copied from official thread)
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: N/A

    Beyond (Legends)

    Title: Notes for When You Are Older
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Starts in 4 ABY, shortly after the events of ROTJ and runs further into the Beyond era (annotations and documents from as late as 22 ABY or later are included)
    Genre: family, angst, character study, humor, drama, other
    Canonicity: Sort-of canon for Legends (not written with strict fact-checking)
    Type: TBD; intended short-to-epic length multiple chapter story (currently short)
    Characters: Elena Shelvay (Legends), Lydia Shelvay (OC), Ahnjai Rahmma (Legends), Antinnis Tremayne (Legends), Corwin Shelvay (Legends), Amery Tancred (OC), Zain (OC), Meuric Chelii (OC), Ziisel Medarda (OC), other Legends and OC characters TBD
    Summary: Post-ROTJ Imperial fic. ISB agent Elena Shelvay is faced with a broken Empire, a revelation dropped on her psyche by an alien coral consciousness, and Objective One: to turn the squalling, hostile, prune-like humanoid she carried for nine months into a productive member of society. Any society. The Mandalorians adopt, don’t they?
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP; part of the Unquiet Waters series with Shark Kibble
    Other relevant information: Dear Diary challenge story for 2015. Prequel to Shark Kibble (Beyond era OC diary.)

    Title: Shark Kibble: The Datapad of Student ISBTECH 815761
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Starts in 22 ABY
    Genre: general, adventure, humor, angst, drama, mystery, other
    Canonicity: Legends; meant to follow the broad pattern of events in Legends canon but some details may be fudged or inaccurate
    Type: Epic
    Characters: OC’s (Lydia Shelvay, Inder Barrett, Xenon Bramer, Tamir Zelenus, Aika Lesedi, Jarl Ombyrne, various), minor Legends canon characters (Elena and Corwin Shelvay, Antinnis Tremayne, various)
    Summary: This is a diary told from the viewpoint of Lydia Shelvay, a young woman from one of the most obscure Outer Rim backwaters of the Imperial Remnant. She seeks to join the Second Imperium as a technician for their growing intelligence organization, but her journey to the last holdouts of the Empire leads to some uncomfortable discoveries.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP; part of the Unquiet Waters series with Notes for When You Are Older (see notes below)
    Other relevant information: Started as a diary challenge story. Still updating but no longer in the contest. Its prequel, Notes for When You Are Older is also a Diary Challenge story and is in the challenge for 2015.

    Title: Constellations
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 12 ABY
    Genre: AU, general, friendship, romance, character study
    Canonicity: AU; Legends-based
    Type: Short (2 chapters)
    Characters: Tionne, Kam Solusar, Kyp Durron, OC’s
    Summary: Tionne, Kam, and others working at the site of the Great Jedi Library on Ossus share a celebration with some of Tionne’s old friends.
    Mainly friendship fluff with a bit of romance.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Part of the Onion Blossoms (multi-author) collection thread. Beta read by Gemma and Ewok Poet. Unconnected to my other AU stories so far.

    Title: Our Situations Must Be Dire
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: Beyond the Saga (somewhere around 24/25 ABY); Legends
    Genre: adventure, romance, friendship, family, terrible efforts at humor (sorry! :p)
    Canonicity: AU; Legends-based
    Type: Short (3 chapters)
    Characters: Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Tenel Ka Djo reference to
    Skywalker/Solo family and OC’s
    Summary: Sometime after the YJK kids graduated from the Jedi Academy, Tenel Ka and Jaina visit Jacen at the site of his latest mission exploring the wonderful (if you like arthropods) continent of Koos on Yavin 4.
    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for Anedon for the 10th Annual (2016) Winter Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange


    Title: Twin Suns Bed & Breakfast and Other Stories
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe/Genre/Canonicity: various
    Type: Drabble thread (each post is a set)
    Characters: Rey, Corran, Mirax, Taj (OC), others (to be determined)
    Summary: Series of drabbles for the Ultimate Drabble Challenge IX. New and old AU’s, Legends, New Canon, movie characters, EU characters, OC’s.
    Last updated: 2020
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information:
    The Ultimate Drabble Challenge IX
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
  17. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    Sock update: I (Chyntuck) will be on a work trip for the next couple of weeks, so don't worry if don't see your name included in the index. I'll update the index again in the first week of March. In the meantime, keep posting :) (and please remember, story listings only, no discussion).
  18. Tarsier

    Tarsier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    The Saga

    Title: The Color of Her Eyes (scroll down to #6)
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: between the sagas
    Genre: angst, introspection
    Canonicity: canon
    Type: short (one-shot songfic)
    Characters: Ben Kenobi
    Summary: Ben Kenobi reflects.
    Last updated: 2012
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Based on the lyrics to "Savior" by Rise Against; for the Moving Challenge (Entry #6)

    Title: Sword & Saber (Final Fantasy VIII crossover)
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: SW – during Mara’s time as Emperor’s Hand; FFVIII – begins the day before the start of the game
    Genre: action, introspection
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (short story)
    Characters: Emperor’s Hand Mara Jade, Squall Leonhart
    Summary: Crossover with Final Fantasy VIII. Mara is sent to the FFVIII planet to recruit an elite soldier for the Emperor.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Work-in-progress
    Notes: This story is intended to be accessible to people who are not familiar with FFVIII. This story is primarily introspection and as far as character growth is generally more about Mara than Squall.

    Beyond the Saga

    Chasing Whisperkits Timeline

    Title: You Found Me
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: sometime between Vision of the Future and Sacrifice
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: short (one-shot)
    Characters:Platt, Callista, Dankin; mention of Mara and Luke
    Summary: Started off as a bit of background for the unnamed characters in Chasing Whisperkits....
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete
    Notes: N/A

    Title: Chasing Whisperkits
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: LOTF (sometime after Sacrifice)
    Genre: drama/angst
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (short story)
    Characters:Callista, Mara (ghost), Caedus/Jacen, Tahiri, Luke, Ben
    Summary: Jacen captures Callista to lure Luke and Ben to him. Callista and Force-ghost Mara race to save Jacen before he can corrupt Ben.
    Last updated: 2010
    Status: Complete

    Title: Not the Beginning
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ~41 ABY
    Genre: introspection
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (one-shot songfic)
    Characters: Ben, mention of (redeemed) Jacen and (deceased) Luke
    Summary: Ben Skywalker struggles to cope with the death of his father.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Based on the lyrics to "Waiting for the End" by Linkin Park.

    Worth Fighting For Timeline

    Title: Drabbles #67-100
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: New Republic era to NJO era
    Genre: multi
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: series (drabbles)
    Characters: Callista, Luke, Benji (OC), Mara, Dankin, Odonnl, others
    Summary: Drabbles that take place before Worth Fighting For.
    Last updated: 2010
    Status: Finished
    Notes: Written for Ultimate Drabble Challenge 5.

    Title: R.S.V.P.
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ~21ABY
    Genre: fluff/mush
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (two-shot)
    Characters: Luke, Callista, Dankin, Anakin, Ghent; mention of Mara
    Summary: A bit of fluff surrounding Mara's R.S.V.P. to Luke and Callista's wedding.
    Last updated: 2010
    Status: Complete
    Notes: N/A

    Title: Worth Fighting For
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Genre: drama/action
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: epic (novella)
    Characters: Mara, Luke, Dankin, Benji (OC), Odonnl, Callista (ghost), Mirax, Corran, Faughn, Aves, Ghent, H'sishi, Pormfil
    Summary: Mara reluctantly agrees to find Luke, who has disappeared after the death of his wife, Callista. Luke and his son Benji temporarily join Mara's crew as Luke tries to figure out what's gone wrong in the galaxy and in his life, and what's really worth fighting for.
    Last updated: 2013
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Winner for Best AU in the 2014 Fanfic Awards.
    Download links: PDF on DeviantArt

    Title: Can't Sleep
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: halfway through Worth Fighting For (~40ABY)
    Genre: missing scene, challenge response
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (vignette)
    Characters: Mara, Luke, mention of Benji (OC)
    Summary: Luke and Mara can't sleep.
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Response to the SJRJ Late Nights Challenge.

    Title: I'll Save a Seat for You
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: A year after Worth Fighting For
    Genre: family/friendship

    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (one-shot vignette)
    Characters: Dankin, Mara, Luke, Benji (OC); mention of Callista
    Summary: Reflections on Callista

    Last updated: 2017
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Sequel to R.S.V.P. and Worth Fighting For

    In the Shadow of the Force Timeline

    Title: New Resolve
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: about 3 years after Children of the Jedi
    Genre: introspection; challenge response
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (one-shot)
    Characters: Callista
    Summary: Callista visits Tatooine, searching for something.
    Last updated: 2009
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Written for the Callista one-shot competition in the Callista Fan Club.

    Title: Slave Crusades Drabbles #1-66
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: late New Republic era
    Genre: multi
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: series (drabbles)
    Characters: Callista, Hand of Judgement, Blue, Fenig Nabon, Ghitsa Dogder, Platt Okeefe, Tru'eb Cholakk, Jai Raventhorn, Dirk Harkness, OCs, Mara, Luke, Han
    Summary: Callista, and various others hired by her, try to free slaves on Tatooine.
    Last updated: 2010
    Status: Finished
    Notes: Written for Ultimate Drabble Challenge 5.

    Other Stories

    Title: ...For the Rest of Us
    Co-Authors: details provided by mavjade
    21 ABY
    Genre: mush, fluff, humor; challenge response; holidayfic
    Canonicity: Legends (slight) AU
    Type: short (one-shot)
    Characters: primarily Luke and Mara; appearances by Artoo, Aves, Ghent, Dankin, Faughn
    Summary: Festivus!
    Last updated: 2011
    Status: Complete
    Notes: For the SJRS Details Exchange Challenge.

    Title: We Can't Move On, We Can't Stay Here
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: New Republic era
    Genre: angst, romance
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (three-shot songfic)
    Characters: Major - Mara, Corran; Minor - Luke, Aves, Mirax
    Summary: Mara and Corran as a couple. It doesn't end well.
    Last updated: 2012
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Based on the lyrics to "Mockingbird" by Rob Thomas.

    Title: Tell Luke
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: late New Republic era
    Genre: angst
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short (short story)
    Characters: Mara, mostly; also Callista, Luke, Dankin , Aves, Odonnl, Karrde
    Summary: Who would you call with your last goodbye?
    Last updated: 2012
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Warning: character death

    Title: Overjoyed
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: New Republic era
    Genre: angst, mush
    Canonicity: Legends (slight) AU
    Type: short (three-shot songfic)
    Characters: Mara, Luke, Dankin
    Summary: Luke and Dankin: Each would be overjoyed to be closer to Mara.
    Last updated: 2013
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Based on the lyrics to "Overjoyed" by Matchbox Twenty.

    Title: Drabbles and Such
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: New Republic era
    Genre: fluff, silliness, humor
    Canonicity: Legends (some AU)
    Type: series (unrelated drabbles and vignettes)
    Characters: Various, including Luke, Mara, Callista, Dankin, and Odonnl. Crossovers with Stargate: Atlantis.
    Summary: Assorted (non-challenge) drabbles and slightly longer pieces that don't warrant their own thread.
    Last updated: 2013
    Status: Ongoing
    Notes: N/A
    Title: Captain and Pilot (a Mara Jade diary)
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ~12 ABY
    Genre: introspection, snark, humor, fluff
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: series (diary)
    Characters: Primary: Mara, Dankin; Secondary: Karrde, Luke, Callista
    Summary: Under Karrde's guidance, Mara starts her own two-person company.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete, but continued in Part 2 (see next entry)
    Notes: For the Dear Diary Challenge 2014.

    Title: Captain and Pilot - Part 2 (a Mara Jade diary)
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: ~12 ABY
    Genre: introspection, snark, humor, fluff
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: series (diary)
    Characters: Primary: Mara, Dankin; Secondary: Karrde, Luke, Callista, Lando
    Summary: Under Karrde's guidance, Mara continues with her own two-person company.
    Last updated: 2016
    Status: Work-in-progress
    Notes: A continuation of Captain and Pilot (see entry above). For the Dear Diary Challenge 2016.
    Title: Close Your Eyes
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: NJO - the end
    Genre: tragedy/hope
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: short (one-shot songfic)
    Characters: Jaina, Jag, Anakin Solo, Mara, Jacen
    Summary: If you close your eyes… (How am I gonna be an optimist about this?)
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Notes: Based on the lyrics to “Pompeii” by Bastille. A reaction to both the sad state of affairs during NJO/LOTF and the decanonization of most of the EU.

    **Note: Currently there are not download links for most of my stories. If you are interested in a downloadable version, please PM me and I will set something up.**
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
    Ewok Poet and Chyntuck like this.
  19. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001

    Title: Fear
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: ESB
    Genre: Introspective
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Darth Vader, Palpatine, Luke Skywalker
    Summary: "The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi."
    Last updated: 2015 - a few minor edits
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a

    Title: Final Reckoning
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: RotS
    Genre: Angst, tragedy
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Darth Vader, Senna Eberle (OFC), Asha Salis (OFC)
    Summary: In the midst of the burning Jedi Temple, a Jedi Master meets her fate.
    Last updated: 02/17/15 - just fixing a few things left from the truncating, and a few other minor edits
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the Tales of Order 66 Challenge.

    Title: Lie to Me
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: Rebels
    Genre: Angst, post-ep
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Bail Organa
    Summary: He’d known this day would come. He didn’t have to be a Jedi to know that the Force would eventually lead her to this point.
    Last Updated: 06/21/15
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: SPOILERS for Rebels Season 2 The Siege of Lothal.

    Title: Rebel Choice
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Time Frame: ANH through post-ROTJ
    Genre: Adventure, drama, politics
    Canonicity: Made AU by the EU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Pooja Naberrie, Leia Organa, Palpatine, Kylantha, Panaka, Original Characters
    Summary: What happened on Imperial Center that led Palpatine to dissolve the Imperial Senate?
    Last updated: 02/17/15 - fixing what was truncated
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a

    Title: Song of Rest
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Time Frame: six months post-AOTC
    Genre: Friendship, romance (slight)
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Short
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sabé, Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: A trip to an ancient temple on Naboo provides Obi-Wan a chance to rest from the labors of war.
    Last updated: 02/17/15 - fixing what was truncated, edited content
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a

    Title: Varykino's Jewel
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: pre-AOTC
    Genre: Fluff, family
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Pooja Naberrie
    Summary: During a visit to Varykino, Padmé spends some time with her newborn niece.
    Last updated: 2015 - edited for content, fixing what was truncated
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a

    Title: Waiting for Spring
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: ROTS with hints of ANH
    Genre: Angst
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: short
    Characters: Sabé, Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Summary: Her grief knew no bounds, but he had no answers to give her. Not then.
    Last updated: 2015 - edited content, fixed truncation
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a

    Title: What History Will Say of Us
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: three years post-ROTS
    Genre: Alternate Universe, angst
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: short
    Characters: Padmé Amidala, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Summary: She can easily imagine what people would see if they were to look at her now. A symbol of oppression, of betrayal, a tyrant who acts without remorse. There is nothing for it.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a

    Title: Where Jedi Go to Die
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: Inter-trilogy, post-Fire Across the Galaxy
    Genre: Angst
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: short
    Characters: Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus
    Summary: "He said Mustafar is the place where Jedi go to die."
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a


    Title: Creative Differences
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: 100+ years post-ROTJ
    Genre: humor
    Canonicity: canon-ish
    Type: short
    Characters: R2-D2, Shaman of the Whills
    Summary: Not everyone agrees on the finer points of writing a story.
    Last updated: 02/17/15 (just fixed a few things left by the switch-over)
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a

    Title: Gifts Unknown
    Co-Authors: N/a
    Timeframe: circa Swarm War
    Genre: Angst, introspective
    Canonicity: canon
    Type: Short
    Characters: Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, Padmé Amidala
    Summary: Leia recalls something new from her faint recollections of her mother.
    Last updated: 2005
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: N/a
    Chyntuck likes this.
  20. SabyneAmberle

    SabyneAmberle Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 16, 2004

    Title: Love's Final Redemption
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3900 years BBY
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, AU
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Sabyne Amberle, Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Basila Shan, Carth Onasi, Canderous Ordo, Jolee Bindo, Juhani, Zaalbar, Mission Vao, HK-47, T3-M4
    Summary: In a shocking twist, Revan renounces his companions and reunites with Bastila on the dark side of the Force. Even more shocking is Sabyne's abrupt decision to join them. Now, it will take all the strength of the remaining Republic heroes to destroy the Star Forge and defeat the Sith once and for all...but at what cost?
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information:

    Title: Family Commitment
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3900 BBY
    Genre: Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Torian Cadera, Kybrina (Ky/Kybri) Gammon-Sevrelle (Female Bounty Hunter)
    Summary: Some questions are harder and more nerve-wracking than others to ask. But the reward often outweighs the risk.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information:

    Title: Hunter's Log, Tales of a Champion
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3943 - 3940 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Romance, AU, Introspection, Diary
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Series
    Characters: Kybrina (Ky) Gammon-Sevrelle, Mako, Torian Cadera, Gault Rennow, Blizz, Skadge
    Summary: The unwritten rule is to always keep things well secured when one has a roaming Jawa as a crew member. When Ky is out of commission after challenging a Sith Lord, her crew members uncover a record of her most personal thoughts. Some more...surprising than others.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Diary 1 of 2 I'm keeping for the Dear Diary Challenge for 2015

    Title: An Officer and a Gentleman: The Private Journal of Malavai Quinn
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3943 - 3940 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Romance, AU, Introspection, Diary
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Series
    Characters: Malavai Quinn, Darth Baras, Moff Broysc, Lord Lycuneae (Lady Ceska Terzas-Gammon), Vette, Lieutenant Pierce, Jaesa Wilsaam, Broonmark
    Summary: What is really on the mind of the austere, formal Imperial officer Lycuneae picks up in her journeys? Now you'll know!
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Diary 2 of 2 I'm keeping for the Dear Diary Challenge for 2015.

    Title: Betrayal's Fire
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3743 - 3740 BBY
    Genre: Angst, Drama, hints of romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short (Possibly Epic, depending on how much more I add)
    Characters: Malavai Quinn, Lord Lycuneae (Lady Ceska Terzas-Gammon), Jaesa Wilsaam
    Summary: After everything they had endured together, Quinn appears to show his true colors...and will pay dearly for it.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information: Fic I'm writing for the Movie Quote Challenge.

    Title: If You Give Me the Chance
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: KotOR, approx. 3,956 BBY
    Genre: Romance, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Carth Onasi, Sabyne Amberle
    Summary: As they near the end of their mission, Carth and Sabyne spend some quiet time together. They talk about recent events, and come to terms with feelings they've each held since the start of their journey...
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information: Written for the January OC Revolution Challenge.

    Title: Best Served Ice Cold
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3743 - 3740 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Action
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short (Possibly Epic, depending on how much more I write)
    Characters: Kybrina (Sevrelle) Gammon, Mako, Tarro Blood
    Summary: Her brother's death had been a mystery that had haunted Ky since she was 14. When on the Aurora for her final challenge in the Great Hunt, she comes face-to-face with her most hated rival. Although willing to walk away and let him go down with the ship, when he mocks her with knowledge of her brother's death, she chooses to take matters -and justice- into her own hands.
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information:

    Title: Star-Crossed Kinship
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3743 - 3740 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short (Possibly Epic, depending on future updates)
    Characters: Ky (Kybrina) Sevrelle-Gammon, Torian Cadera, Mako, Gault, Blizz
    Summary: After a number of missteps and side-adventures, Ky is confronted not only with her own actions, but also her own feelings. And she learns she is not alone in those feelings...
    Last updated: 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information:

    Title: Duty and Devotion
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3743 - 3740 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short (Possibly Epic, depending on future updates)
    Characters: Malavai Quinn, Lord Lycuneae Terzas (Gammon), Lt. Pierce, Vette, Jaesa Wilsaam
    Summary: In a war-torn galaxy, anyone finding affection is a miracle in and of itself. But what about for a Sith Lord? And how about when the other party tries his best to sabotage things along the way?
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information:

    Title: Infected
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3743 - 3740 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Angst, Horror(ish)
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Short
    Characters: Corso Riggs, Mirarre Darcen-Gammon
    Summary: It was supposed to be an easy job, tackle the plague outbreak on Corellia, collect a reward, go home. However, nothing is ever quite as simple as it seems when dealing with a virus...
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information:

    Title: A Reunion on Taris
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3743 - 3740 BBY
    Genre: Adventure, Angst, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Torian Cadera, Kybrina (Ky) Sevrelle-Gammon, Gault Rennow, Mako, Jicoln Cadera
    Summary: As he works on Taris to restore his family's honor, Torian once again encounters Gammon, the champion of the Great Hunt. However, not everything with this mysterious individual is as he thought it to be...
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information:

    Title: Always Thought I'd See You Again
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3743 - 3740 BBY
    Genre: Angst, Drama
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Kybrina Sevrelle-Gammon (Female Bounty Hunter), Torian Cadera, Gault, Mako, Blizz, Endro Magnilde
    Summary: She had been avoiding this for a very long time, burying her feelings on matters surrounding her brother. Now, Ky decides she doesn't want to run away anymore...but can she stick to that choice?
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant information:

    Title: Letting Their Armor Down
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: The Old Republic, approx. 3743 - 3740 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Romance
    Canonicity: Legends
    Type: Epic
    Characters: Torian Cadera, Ky (Kybrina) Sevrelle-Gammon, Gault, Mako
    Summary: Ever since he had joined their crew back on Taris, Torian and Ky had been gradually growing closer. Now comes an unexpected invitation...and two crew members who decide to help out by playing Matchmaker.
    Last updated: 2014
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant information:
  21. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Thread: Leiamoody’s Wordy WordsAuthor: leiamoodyDisclaimer: Disney/Lucasfilm own the Empire, I’m just wandering around in it making stuff up. Notes: This is a response thread to the Writer’s Block Challenge. Most of the entries in here occur in the Saga era, although some might slip into Before and Beyond. All of the responses will occur in my GFFA AU, which primarily relies on movie canon with some minor details borrowed from Legends canon.

    Title: Lost Saints
    Author: leiamoody
    Genre: Drama
    Characters: Leia, Luke (offscreen yet onscreen), Han (brief mention)
    Timeframe: One year after the massacre at Luke’s Jedi Temple, a few years prior to TFA
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Leia reflects upon the absence of her brother and the presence of her past.
    Author’s Notes: This story was written for the Disney Animated Movie Quote Challenge.

    Quote used: "I'll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves." - Lilo and Stitch

    Title: Another Reality
    Author: leiamoody
    Timeframe: 480 BBY
    Characters: Aduman Nical, Chevor Mikayzd, Nellith Kaido (OC's)
    Summary: Two Jedi go in search of knowledge about life after death.
    Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, that belongs to Disney. I'm not making any money off this fic either, so if you feel like your time was wasted by reading it, THAT. AIN'T. MY. PROBLEM.

    Title: Epiphany
    Author: leiamoody
    Timeframe: 480.3 BBY/Flashbacks to 500 BBY
    Canoncity: AU
    Characters: OC’s (Chevor Mikayzd, Zia Amopharis)
    Summary: A padawan on the verge of his Trials of Knighthood receives some advice from a waitress.
    Notes: Originally written for Poetry Inspiration Challenge at TFN in 2015, (Inspiration poem was "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes). Winner of Best All-Around Story (Before the Saga) and Best Character [Zia Amopharis] (Before the Saga) in TFN 2016 Fan Fic Awards.

    Title: My Holodrama Is Like Life
    Author: leiamoody
    Timeframe: 1 BBY
    Canoncity: AU
    Characters: OC’s (Nalieza Fejier, Meaithe Akam, Koury Vita, and others)
    Summary: An actress writes about her life and the desire for something greater.
    Notes: Originally written for the DDC 2016 Challenge.

    Title: Prisoner
    Author: leiamoody
    Timeframe: Between post-ROTS and post-ROTJ
    Characters: Anakin, OC's (The Mistress, The Keeper)
    Author's Notes: This is my vision of what Anakin's time in the Netherworld might be like, with the understanding for the first half of the story that he is physically alive but spiritually dead. Basically, his soul split into two halves right after he became Darth Vader. One half doesn't remember who or what he was, the other remembers all too well.
    metophlus, pronker, Ewok Poet and 2 others like this.
  22. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The "thread not loading" issue that prevented access to this thread these last few days has been solved. You can start indexing your fics again, but please keep a backup, just in case :)
  23. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002

    Title: Giver of Light-Book I: Finding a Father in a Memory
    Timeframe: 42 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Angst
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Epic, Series
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Xanatos Renashaii, Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda, Garen Muln, Siri Tachi, OC’s
    Summary: Separated from his son when the child was a newborn, a father has come to reclaim the boy from the Jedi
    Last Updated: December 2004
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: Prequel to Giver of Light-Book II: Sons in Shadow
    Download Link(s):
    Coming by end of 2023


    Title: On a Sea of Sand
    Co-Author(s): N/A
    Timeframe: 19 BBY-9 BBY
    Genre: Fluff, Angst, Drama, Family, Slight Humor
    Canonicity: Canon-compliant
    Type: Multiple One-shots
    Character(s): Owen Lars, Beru Lars, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan ‘Ben’ Kenobi (briefly)
    Summary: Owen and Beru take on the task of raising Luke
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: These stories were written for the 2023 Fanfiction Summer Olympics, hosted by the always amazing @devilinthedetails
    Download Link(s): Coming by end of 2023

    Title: Reignite the Light
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Multiple One-shots
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Korkie Kryze, Jathan Kenobi (OC), Yoda, assorted others (briefly)
    Summary: Her escape from Mandalore and his survival of Order 66 and its aftermath are just the beginning of the story for Satine, Obi-Wan and their family
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: These stories were written for one of my favorite events, the 2023 Fanfiction Summer Olympics, hosted by the always amazing @devilinthedetails. These stories are also prequels to a longer fic I wrote for the 2023 Spring Bingo Challenge entitled The Light Will Burn Again, which can be read as a stand-alone story
    Download Link(s): Coming by end of 2023

    Title: She Didn’t Begrudge Them…Not Really
    Timeframe: 19 BBY-2 BBY
    Genre: Fluff, Humor, Drama, Angst, Romance
    Canonicity: AU; PT-era mostly
    Type: Multiple One-shots, Epic
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Korkie Kryze, Jathan Kenobi (OC), Anakin Skywalker, Padme Naberrie, Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, Darth Maul, Caleb Dume, Depa Billaba, Ahsoka Tano, Xanatos Renashaii
    Summary: The lives of Obi-Wan, Anakin and their families after the end of the Clone Wars
    Last Updated: May 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: These stories were written forthe fabulous @Chyntuck's 2023 Spring Bingo Challenge
    Download Link(s):
    Coming by end of 2023

    Title: She Said the Word
    Timeframe: 39 BBY-19 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Multiple One-shots
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Korkie Kryze, Anakin Skywalker
    Summary: Satine survives Maul’s attack and finally says the word to Obi-Wan
    Last Updated:
    March 2022
    Other Relevant Information: These stories were written for the awesome 2022 Fanfiction Winter Olympics, hosted by the always amazing @devilinthedetails
    Download Link(s): Coming by end of 2023

    Title: What Dreams May Come
    Timeframe: 5 BBY-10 ABY
    Genre: Humor, Fluff, Romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Multiple One-shots
    Character(s): Leia Organa, Ezra Bridger, Xanatos Renashaii, Bail Organa, Breha Organa
    Summary: There’s something brewing between Leia and Ezra from their very first meeting
    Last Updated: August 2021
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: These stories were written for the 2021 Fanfiction Summer Olympics, hosted by the incomparable @devilinthedetails
    Download Link(s): Coming by end of 2023

    Title: Winds of Change
    Timeframe: 46 BBY-21 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Angst, Slight Romance, Slight Humor, Action
    Canonicity: AU, some of the stories could be considered canon-compliant
    Type: Multiple One-shots, Shorts, Series
    Character(s): Dr. Erek Nikana (OC), Dr. Dr. Naila Morshen (OC), Nurse Beka Onari (OC), Other minor OC’s, Obi-Wan Kenobi (briefly), Anakin Skywalker (briefly), Luminara Unduli (briefly), Jedi Healer Bant (briefly)
    Summary: Events from the life of Erek Nikana, from his childhood to his death
    Last Updated: April 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: These stories were written for the 2023 Kessel Run Challenge, hosted by the wonderful @ViariSkywalker
    Download Link(s): Coming by end of 2023


    **List is undergoing updates and changes and will (hopefully) be completed by end of 2023
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
  24. Annia Piet

    Annia Piet Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 7, 2015

    Title: Another Other
    Co-Authors: NA
    Timeframe:/ Saga – set between 12 BBY to end of RotJ
    Genre: drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: series
    Characters: Mara, Yoda, snippets of Luke, Leia and Obi-Wan
    Summary: Mara Jade is rescued from the Emperor at a young age, and is taken to Yoda to be trained.
    Last updated: 11th August 2015
    Status: WIP
    Other relevant info: This is a set up piece for a longer post-RotJ AU I hope to write in future. Updating approximately every two weeks.

    Title: Ownership
    Co-Authors: NA
    Timeframe: The morning after the Battle of Yavin
    Genre: drama
    Canonicity: Canon
    Type: short
    Characters: Luke, Han, Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO, Chewie
    Summary:set the day after the Battle of Yavin, untangling the muddle of the Droid's ownership. Prompted by a comment someone made about the vague nature of the Droid's ownership, something that's always made me curious.
    Last updated: 12th Feb 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant info: My first fanfic in a very long time!


    Title: A Frivolous Holiday
    Co-Authors: N/A
    Timeframe: 10 BBY, roughly 17 years ABY
    Genre: Family drama?
    Canonicity: Legends AU
    Type: short
    Characters: Owen Lars, Beru Lars, Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, Finn
    Summary: Owen Lars didn't like holidays, particularly frivolous ones... Father's Day in two different eras in the GFFA
    Last updated: 8th June 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant info:Written for the LM June/July challenge which had a Father's Day theme.


    Title: Professional Pride
    Co-Authors: NA
    Timeframe: Immediately after The Last Command
    Genre: drama, adventure
    Canonicity: Legends canon
    Type: short
    Characters: Mara Jade, Han, Luke, R2-D2
    Summary:Mara Jade is shocked to discover who the original owner of her new lightsaber was. After mulling it over, she decides to go on an impromptu late night mission.
    Last updated: 25th March 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant info: There’s also a short and silly ‘epilogue’ to the story, which is very take-it-or-leave-it

    Title: Play your Hand
    Co-Authors: NA
    Timeframe: Beyond (Immediately after The Last Command)
    Genre: romance
    Canonicity: Legends canon
    Type: short
    Characters: Mara Jade, Luke, Leia, Han, Talon Karrde
    Summary: Immediately after The Last Command, Mara sets to work trying to put together an agreement between the Smugglers Alliance and the New Republic. Luke, meanwhile, is getting a bit ahead of himself in terms of exactly what Mara has committed to…
    Last updated: 5th November 2015
    Status: In progress (the story is completed off line and I'll be posting it every few days during December)
    Other relevant info: My first time trying to write a romance specific story, and it covers very well trod ground, so you have been warned!

    Title: Like Stone
    Co-Authors: NA
    Timeframe: Union
    Genre: drama
    Canonicity: Legends canon
    Type: short
    Characters: Lando and Karrde, talking about Mara
    Summary:Set at the end of Union, Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde chat about Mara, and about friendship.
    Last updated: 30th March 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant info: Written for the Poetry Challenge, I got ‘The soul selects it’s own society…’ by Emily Dickinson

    Title: Counselling
    Co-Authors: NA
    Timeframe: Sometime after Union
    Genre: drama, romance
    Canonicity: Legends, possibly vaguely AU
    Type: short
    Characters: Luke, Mara
    Summary: Luke and Mara in marriage counselling
    Last updated: 10th February 2015
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant info: Written for the February L/M Challenge, I was given the phrase “My husband and I have never considered divorce… murder sometimes, but never divorce.”

    Title: Whilst you Slumber
    Co-Authors: NA
    Timeframe: Two time frames: approx. 15 after RotJ in TFA canon and 45 years ABY in Legends canon
    Genre: drama,
    Canonicity: Legends canon, some TFA canon speculation I guess?
    Type: not sure yet
    Characters: Mara Jade, Luke, plus a variety of other characters from Legends and new canon
    Summary: Mara Jade is in pursuit of Kylo Ren, who has snatched her young daughter Rey, when she accidentally falls through a reality rift to an alternate time line…
    Last updated: 20th April 2016
    Status: In progress
    Other relevant info: Response to the Luke and Mara Index ‘Bring back the dead’ challenge to somehow bring Mara back into Legends after Crucible without changing the events of Legends Canon. I haven’t read further than New Jedi Order in Legends, so I know about as much about what’s gone on as my TFA version of Mara does! So please forgive any straying off canon.

    Title: No Interruptions
    Co-Authors: NA
    Timeframe: Legends AU sometime between the Thrawn Trilogy and Spectre of the Past
    Genre: romance, comedy
    Canonicity: AU to Legends canon
    Type: short
    Characters: Han, Leia, Luke, Mara Jade, C-3PO, R2D2
    Summary: Han is planning a romantic getaway for him and Leia, no interruptions, when Luke hitches a ride with an unhappy Mara on tow
    Last updated: 1st January 2016
    Status: Complete
    Other relevant info: This was a Christmas gift-fic for Nyota’s Heart, who requested a trip on the Falcon or Jade Sabre – for vacation purposes, a decadent dessert, Flashback for the couple to their early courting days – can be in dialogue or actuality and the phrase: “That droid needs a memory wipe”
  25. ProlificWritersSock

    ProlificWritersSock Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 3, 2015
    The rules of this thread have been amended to allow for download links and promotion of your fics.

    In a nutshell:

    You may include a link to a downlodable format of your fics in your index posts. This can be useful for readers if your fic is loooong and completed, but the downlodable versions you post must be TOS-compliant.

    This thread will run a monthly fic promotion service. Authors should PM the details of the fic they want to promote to the sock, who will then post a list of all promoted fics at the beginning of each month.

    *** Please check the opening post for details before you jump in and start promoting and downloading. ***
    This is an index-only thread, not a discussion thread. If you have any questions about the rules, please PM the sock.