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Challenge Dear Diary Challenge 2008 And the Winner is....?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Diary_Challenge_Sock, Dec 4, 2007.

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  1. Diary_Challenge_Sock

    Diary_Challenge_Sock Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 23, 2007
    This challenge was created last year by the_wandering_shadow. It was/is such great fun, that I think it should be done again. This time under a sock to ward of DRL, so if something happens to your current host (MsLanna) the thread will go on anyway.:D

    Teh Rulez:

    You have to keep the diary of a character for a whole year. It does not matter if it's canon cast or OC, AU, whatever. Write the diary of a droid, surprise us all. There was a diary of Yoda's Lightsabre last year. Nothing's impossible!:D

    You have to update a least twice a month. You can update as often as you want. Just remember you need to have enough story left for the rest of the year.;)

    The length of the updates does not matter. Write a paragraph, write pages, do what you want. Just do it.

    I'm the keeper of the documents, meaning the Indexer. If you fail to update for a month, I'll send you a reminder and give you another week to update. If you fail to do that, you're out. NO Exceptions! If you want to do NaNo next year, keep that in mind. Do some updates up in front, you'll be amazed how little time to write you might have.

    Make my life easy, will you? PM me when you update your diaries. [face_batting]

    No posting (and writing) until 1.1.2008[face_shame_on_you]
    Think and talk as much as you want though.

    There will be a mini-challenge each month. I will give you a theme or topic to integrate into the diary. It is NOT obligatory, just something to get your imagination running.

    If you failed to update for a month three times, the next time you don't update for a month, the diary will automatically drop out of the challenge. It does not matter if that three times are in a row or scattered across the year.

    About the Index.
    I'll update daily, and the index will be sorted by era and then alphabetically by title. I will also colour code it.
    green = well within updating schedule
    orange = no update for two weeks
    red = no update for a month

    If there's any questions left, tell me, or pm me.

    I hope we'll have a great time together. :D


    Previous Challenge Thread:
    Dear Diary Challenge 2007
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
  2. Diary_Challenge_Sock

    Diary_Challenge_Sock Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 23, 2007
    The Index

    The Winners:

    Freedom in Bondage by Alexis_Wingstar


    A Mother's Journal by BigFatty



    Freedom in Bondage by Alexis_Wingstar Last updated: 11/29

    COMPLETED The Secret Diary of a Padawan by moosemousse Last updated: 12/28

    Those Eyes! by Alexis_Wingstar Last updated: 11/29

    Trials of a Jedi Padawan by silverfighter Last updated: 12/6


    COMPLETED A chick on every planet by earlybird-obi-wan Last updated: 12/27

    A Child of My Own by VaderLVR64 Last updated: 12/17

    COMPLETED A Deserted Hope by RX_Sith Last updated: 12/28

    COMPLETED Diary of a Mentor by earlybird-obi-wan Last updated: 12/27

    COMPLETED Diary of a young healer by earlybird-obi-wan Last updated: 12/27

    Side by Side: The Angel & the Negotiator's Diaries by Alexis_Wingstar Last updated: 11/30

    A Scoundrel's Life by celine Last updated: 12/18


    A Mother's Journal by BigFatty Last updated: 12/22

    Grown and Still Growing by Alexis_Wingstar Last updated: 11/30

    Scribblings on a Datapad by Laine_Snowtrekker Last updated: 12/30

    COMPLETED Start Here by ardavenport Last updated: 12/31

    The Mini-Challenges

    January: Storms of any kind
    February: Giving Up
    March: Green
    April: Explosions
    May: Something New to worry about
    June: At long last
    July: Heat
    August: Vacation
    September: Lack thereof
    October: Flowers
    November: Double-edged Decision
    December: Slipping

    Out of Competition

    The Isolation Log: Diary of a Lost Rebel by Idrelle_Miocovani last updated: 12/20

    The reason I didn't update here... by MsLanna last updated: 12/26. Finished on

    Into Another Day by Jinngerbread Last updated: 11/15

    Whatever Tomorrow Brings by Ceillean Completed 12/16/09


    Dead Diaries :(

    The Great Today by saichen. Last updated: 1/8

    Book of Days by QuigonJecca. Last updated: 1/14

    Generation X by JediXManSerenaKenobi. Last updated: 1/14

    Prisoner of War by KrystalBlaze. Last updated: 1/19

    Stuffed Bantha Cubs by DarthJainaSolo. Last updated: 1/22

    Late Edition by karebear214. Last updated: 1/25

    Tayska's Trails by PadwanKayla. Last updated: 2/1

    My Republic Soldier by DarthJainaSolo. Last updated: 2/3

    Diary of a Space Pirate by C1-J2. Last updated: 2/9

    My Life of Adventure by C1-J2. Last updated: 2/9

    If These Walls Could Talk by mavjade. Last updated: 2/12

    A Life's Uncertainty by mavjade. Last updated: 2/25

    With Swoop and Stylus by Lilith Demodae. Last updated: 2/26

    Act of Contrition by katha. Last updated: 3/6

    Tuur de Tuur, or Day by Day by NiobeAsha. Last updated: 3/8

    Musings of a Jedi Wanderer by SabyneAmberle. Last updated: 3/17

    A Chameleon's Colors by Earwen_Lightrider. Last updated: 3/31

    Diary of a Stupid Cupid by NYCitygurl. Last updated: 4/4

    Arik's Antics by KELIA. Last updated: 5/17

    A Hunter's Journal by lazykbys. Last updated: 6/1

    Snowy, Snowy Night by Wedge_Antilles_Cmdr. Last updated: 6/29

    In absentia by DarthIshtar. Last updated: 7/7

    Diary of a Swamp Thing by DarthIshtar. Last Updated: 7/7

    A Pondering Princess by hyperspace_police. Last updated: 7/11

    The Ongoing Journal of the Great and Mighty Orto Lann of Ortolan by arthurweasley. Last updated: 10/12

    The Time Has Come by Myriad_Daydreams. Last updated: 11/23
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
  3. Diary_Challenge_Sock

    Diary_Challenge_Sock Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 23, 2007
    Dear Diary 2007

    Before the Saga

    Under Duress by VaderLVR64 Latest update: 12/03/2008


    COMPLETED Diary of an exile by earlybird-obi-wan Latest update: 12/28

    COMPLETED Diary of Yoda's lighsabre by earlybird-obi-wan Latest update: 12/28

    COMPLETED Diary of a Coruscant Firefighter by earlybird-obi-wan Latest update: 12/28

    COMPLETED Ramblings: The Diary of Jorya Lank by LilyHobbitJedi Latest update: 1/1/08

    COMPLETED Who I Am by MsLanna Latest update: 12/21

    Beyond the Saga

    COMPLETED Broken Promises by Jade_Pilot Latest update: 12/31

    Dear Qahsa - The Yuuzhan Vong Strike Back by Maggy Latest update: 12/4

    COMPLETED Growing in the Force by Alexis_Wingstar Latest update: 12/17

    Room for Me by VaderLVR64 Latest update: 12/27

    The Girl Who Would Be Queen by Jade_Max Latest update: 1/14

    COMPLETED The Keeper of Memories by Divapilot Latest update: 12/29

    Til human voices wake us: Journal of Leela Radian Kyp by iamobiwan1970 Latest update: 12/28


    Out of Competition

    COMPLETED Turning Point by NYCitygurl. Latest update: 11/13

    COMPLETED Fragile Things by Mira_Jade. Latest update: 4/16/2009

    Dead Diaries :(

    The Tainted One by the_wandering_shadow Latest update: 1/4

    "The Cries of Luskan" by Kelli_LB Latest update: 1/5

    The Narrow Path: Diary of a Defective Clonetrooper by Rhodna Latest update: 1/6

    Mend Two Broken, Make One Whole by Princess Cambria Latest update: 1/8

    Miscellaneous by Layren. Latest update: 1/9

    Dear Diary by Rebel_Radio. Latest update: 1/10

    Could We Be the Ones? by talkingbanana. Latest update: 1/14

    Sky Blue: The Diary of Seren Andurel by Star-Foozle. Latest update: 1/14

    I'm Worthless by GraySaberFreque. Latest update: 1/14

    Rain of Death by CT-13438. Latest update: 1/19

    Birds Eye View by Aiden_Sanic. Latest update: 1/20

    The Beneficent Utility of Illusion
    by oqidaun. Latest update: 1/20

    All the Emperors Men by Aiden_Sanic. Latest update: 1/20

    Diary of Early Alliance Member #23 - Jobin Mothma by April_Seven. Latest update: 1/20

    Acoustic Light: The Diary of Syfer Helis by KrystalBlaze. Latest update: 1/23

    Of Emotions and War by Alishu06. Latest update: 1/25

    The State Vs.--The Diary of Darth Vader's Prosecutor by DarthIshtar. Latest update: 1/24

    The Journal of Cera Terlon by InyriForge. Latest update: 1/31

    The Journal of Jessi Skywalker by Flowerlady. Latest update: 2/3

    Corellian Prodigal: The Diary of Kylan Sheffield by Commander_DWH. Latest update: 2/6

    Jump by karebear214. Latest update: 2/9

    My Witness to My Descent Into Madness
    , by corellian_ale. Latest update: 2/11

    To Myself by Neon Star Latest update: 2/11

    On Baby Watch by Daenarrah Latest update: 2/16

    A Holocron of No Account by RebelGrrl Latest update: 2/27

    Reporting Live by DarthIshtar Latest update: 3/1

    Unlikely Parenthood by Sith-I-5 Latest update: 3/5

    Capturing the Temple by padawanlost Latest update: 3/5

    The Refugee by PadwanKayla Latest update: 3/6

    The Diary of a Dead Man by Rogue_Pilot_2347 Latest update: 3/15

    Life in My Shell by bmwgurl17 Latest update: 3/17

    Between the Lines by Alley_Skywalker Latest update: 4/3

    Amongst the Overlooked by SilSolo Latest update: 4/3

    A Simpler Wish by VaderLVR64 Latest update: 5/2

    Living with Legends by DancesWithBlasters Latest update: 6/9

    The Emperor's Daughter by Star_Angel Latest update: 7/25

    Kasrit Noyas: To Whom it Doesn't Concern by SpiritofEowyn Latest update: 8/25

    Left Behind by Alexis_Wingstar Latest update: 9/22
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  4. Alexis_Wingstar

    Alexis_Wingstar Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2006
    I'm in! :D I'll do a timeleap for Kavin, and there will be another diary... that is if I'm allowed (PM comming to the sock).
  5. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    I will do Marhin Adin, the main character of my NaNoWriMo
  6. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Awesome!! I'm going to try this again. I managed to get the last one finished; maybe this year I'll get the time requirements too :p
  7. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    I'll participate but just keep my current cast of characters. I know that Ynna still has a lot to say. :p
  8. Ceillean

    Ceillean Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 13, 2001
    I'm in. I've been looking forward to this for a while already.
  9. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    I've enjoyed the diaries I've read this year so I'll bite the bullet and enter for next :D
  10. Jinngerbread

    Jinngerbread Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 2, 2007
    What about something like a current diary? I started a Qui-Gon diary back in October before NaNo started (I know I know, I should've waited) and I really would like to do more with it, so this might help me get jump started on it again. Does it have to be from scratch fresh, or can it be something different?
  11. LilyHobbitJedi

    LilyHobbitJedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 29, 2005
    I loved doing the diary challenge this year, but I honestly think I want a break next year. But I'm still going to be reading everyone elses. :D
  12. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Okay, this year, I'm going to finish doing it!
  13. moosemousse

    moosemousse CR Emeritus: FF-UK South star 6

    Oct 3, 2004
    Does there have to be a story, or can it just be a random thing?
  14. PadwanKayla

    PadwanKayla Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 2, 2005
    I'm going to give this another go even though I only lasted until March last year. I've gotten inspired to write again with nano even though it was an original fic. This time I think I'll go a little lighter. I seem to get pulled into the angst though.
  15. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Since my first attempt was such a disaster, I'll just read everyone else's next year.
  16. Diary_Challenge_Sock

    Diary_Challenge_Sock Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 23, 2007
    So many volunteers.[face_hypnotized]
    I'd say 'you don't know what you're getting yourselves into', but some have done this before so....

    Welcome all.[:D]

    Alexis I hope things are cleared up now.:)

    earlybird-obi-wan As long as you don't take your NaNo novel. ;) Just remember that you'' lave to work some in advance if you want to do next year's NaNo, too.

    NYCitygurl I hope so, too. 'twas sad to see so many drop-outs.:(

    Vadey More Ynna? I'd be very happy. Things just started to take off.:D

    Ceillean Let's hope the excitment will stay for the whole year.:D

    KELIA Readers to writers, just what I like.:D

    Jinngerbread That would depend. Could you pm me the details?[face_batting] From scratch would be preferred, though.

    LilyHobbitJedi I can so understand you. I won't be participating either. I think/hope.[face_worried]

    DarthIshtar I'll remind you of that. [face_mischief]

    moosemouse It shouold be clear that it's the diray of one person. Random is okay, but it would be nice if it made sense somehow.[face_batting]

    PadawanKayla Welcome back.:)

    leiamoody Just beware of rabid plot bunnies then.:)
  17. Wedge_Antilles_Cmdr

    Wedge_Antilles_Cmdr Jedi Master star 3

    May 22, 2002
    I'd like to give this a shot - The Diaries of Wedge Antilles - if that is ok. And I will come up with a better, ie more original, title.
  18. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    Since I'm feeling hopelessly optimistic right now, I'm going to participate this time.

    One question: is there a required time span within the diaries themselves? That is to say -

    Does time need to pass in the diary the same as in RL? E.g., can we post updates once every two RL weeks but with only one GFFA day in between? Or does one RL day equal one GFFA day?

    - lazy

    BTW: I wondered what Alos the Trees were until I read through the previous challenge thread. I fear I sense a plot bunny creeping up behind me . . .
  19. MsLanna

    MsLanna Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2005
    Wedge_Antilles_Cmdr That's fine. YOu can always change the title. And you still ahve some time before you post.:)

    lazykbys_left No time requirements. If your character remember to write in his diary only once a year, that's fine.:)

    I'll change that as soon as I'm back in my sock.[face_blush] I constantly mistype 'also'.
  20. moosemousse

    moosemousse CR Emeritus: FF-UK South star 6

    Oct 3, 2004
    That I can do. :)
  21. AnakinGirl05

    AnakinGirl05 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 1, 2005
    Oh man I am in wicked diary mode, I just finished NaNo with my fictional characters quirky diary....So I am totally jumping in for this one. Yay!
  22. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    I'll try this out and see what my muse dishes out.
  23. BigFatty

    BigFatty Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 9, 2005
    Nawra (my OC) has been bouncing around in my skull again, so I think she should be let out. I'll do my best to join in this year.
  24. Lilith Demodae

    Lilith Demodae Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 1, 1999
    I'll give it a shot. Still not sure who's diary it'll be, though I'm leaning toward Crash, right now.
  25. karebear214

    karebear214 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 7, 2002
    I may give it a go this year, even though last year I failed spectacularly. It can't hurt to try again.
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